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Green Project to Tackle Sewage Overspill canal nonprofit '60rklng to combat antiquated se\Wge system Ytlth Innovative, environmentally friendly sidewalk plots. ByNa!arH Whb Email ttw aythpr December 5. 2010

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Related Toplca: Environmental Ptotectlon and Gowanus canal

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What do you think of the many attempts to "green• the canal? Ttl! ya In the commtntt.

Rainy days rarely bode auccees for real estate agents keen to show a neighbothood at ita best. But brokers handling stylish lofts or renovated apartments around Gowanus night be even more inclined to sleep in on the day after a storm.

The already notoriously polluted Gowanus Canal shares drainage pipes wth the area's S8'Mige system, creating pungent post-storm overspill. Mer Ytlnnlng funding from the New York Department of Environmental Protection this sunmer, the nonprofit Gowin us canal Conu ryaney haa been developing an environmentally friendly method to redirect the runoff.

The Conservancy \\On more than half a nillion dollars to develop its 6th Street Green Corridor Project, Wlioh wll build seven "biOSVoeles• along 8th street and 2nd Avenue fD soak up storm oversplll, said Andy Simons, chairman of the board for the nonprofit. A grant of about $300,000 from the federal Environmental Protection Agency will boost that funding, Simons said, bringing the total for the project to about $800,000.

The awalea, similar to sidewalk tree pita but larger and set lcnwr than ground level to intercept flowing water, will capture about 40 percent of the runoff Ytlthln the seven-swale area, according to a .J:!!uu. from the Department of Environmental Protection. That area oovers about 45,000 square feet of sidewalk and street aurfacea around the Go\Wnua. Hawaver, after only light-to-moderate atorma, Simona hopes the awalea wll absorb 100 percent of the overspill.

Following heavy dOWipours at the end of summer, Simons said water llOUrsing into the canal "sounded like a freight train.•

After big storms, "the Mter is rushing out of the pipes, • he said. "It smells like polluted sewage. •

Hans Hesselaln, a 29-year-old Park Slope resident W.o has been volunteering for the Conservancy for the last few years, said the effect of storm runoff on the canalis "amezlng. •

"The sewage overflow points discharge below the surface of the river, so you never see the pipes, but if you look at the surface of the canal near the discharge points, there is a really violent upswalling of black sewage from underneath, • he said. "It's like a submarine rising up. •

The accompanying stench is "unbelievable, • he added.

Since wnnlng funding for the swales, the Conservancy has been negotiating Its contract Ytfth environmental engineering c:orrpany eDeslgn Dynamics to design them. Simona eald he ellpecta to sign the contmct Ytlthln the nut few weeks and have the awalea Installed by Fall2011.

Some sv.alea could be as large as four feet wide by 20 or 30 feet long, he said. They wll be planted with salt-friendly vegetation because of the amount of rock salt spread around the streets during winter, Wlich gets picked up by rainwater. Conservancy volunteers "Will naintain the green plots.

The cofd)ined storm Mter and sewage system is not unique to the Gowanus. Blyprlcpepar a Naw York advocacy group, estimates that Wlen S8W8rs

c:arrollgardena.patch.comlarllclee/graen-project-to-tackl...wage-oversplll 113

11/18111 (),_-. Projecl to Tackle SewaQe Ownplll· Carroll Oardelll, NY Patch

are owl"'lllhelrned, such pll*l dllcharge 520 rram gel lone ol-ge Into rivera and .trearne each -k.

Conmaling auch antiqli8Wd •-r ~ wilh innowlive, green infraslruelllra projeclll- tha mandate fDr the Nlw Yorll DEPa .,.rei, Wlich this eurrrn~r aarnnerkad a tolal af $2.8 n-Ain for fMI groupe around the city. The Gowanua Canal Con.rvancy won $683,470 forb -lea project.

Although not rrany people livw ~ ht along the edge af the GOlMUIUS. raaidenlllara far from immur. to the oonaeq ~oee af the neighbortlood'a oorrilined a81118r syablm.

Simona Aid OYal"'lllhelmed pil*l oould diecl&'ge not only into 1Miiiii"M)'S and llreebl, but into ho~ too - through ~ 1111d dreina.

The small alone is aul!lcientty rapugr1ant for .._lain.

"llalowthera .,. a couple af ho--.~~Mta on top af the canal and I don't knOw how they deal with it. • he said. "For olh• people around thenl, I QUU11 th.y Jlllt open the wlnclowland mr a b-.·

IEmlil me updltea about t11• etory.

________________ , _____ _ llMDmnlnd 4 D ______ , ____ _

fQI!pw C011!1JWDtl Submit Up Md pbQiu &yldeo ICommonla

G!IWI!Dua Flag sa Inappropriate 11;111111 • Mgr!*x DlctmMrf 2010

The lilllllllr that 111o0uld reach t'- ._lea Ia rDI'Miter that doean't enter Jhe a81118r plpaa. By the Uma the IIIDrm Nttar readies theaea drainage 8'MIIea. Jhe anage ia alneady bRig ftuahed out altha - overflow pointB from tha rain entaring the 8p18m 'Mil uphil from the B'MIIe location&.

Swales need to be localed uphill from the w-t drU!s if they ana to help alleviate -r owrflow in any way. Rain needs to be c:aplured 'Mil up hill from the edge al the 011r.l.

The 8'Miles at the edge af the 011n.l will help green tha area and provide filtration that walllr, but they won't haw any etred on -o• overflowing into the canal.

Melenje 'WI!ile aapemear,"'*y nwmtwz IQ1A


Elallent polntB - thank you,

The -lea are plllnned fDr eth street and 2nd awnue, so they will be set back from the edge of the 01111111.

.......... Fll; aa inappropriate

I the -Ia• aoak up aome ralnMIIr, that w.ter'WIII not proceed to owl"'lllhelm the -r 'Y'fjem. rr.anlng MW~Ue eh~ld not 'PI! owr Into the c:enal.

I don't lrraglnetha project 111.t1 ao!IM the problam, but I does aound .. It will help!

cheera, Millenia ......... O!IWI!nua Flag as inappropriate 1z!IIID pn]\111nR, DlctmberZ. 2010

To help evan e bit, the -• needs to oolleci'IWiter that would otherwise hiiYI run into the -r llyltem. llte 6th at and 2nd ave location is a good dlllanca doWnhill from the NMr nln that runt along 3rd awnue. llte swale will oollecl ral.-18r that would olheiWII haw b.., surface runcrll into the c.nal. l will help filler IMt -ter of ~lion partidesthat llloOUid hiiW run into the canal otherwise. Bul H 01111nolalleviale the problem aii"'IW -~~·flowing into the DIIAII, -n • tiny bn, bec:auee it doeen't diredly reii"'I\'88 rain -volume that d1'8inl inlo 11'11 3rd ave-mein. Containing surflloe rain runotr that woulcJ typically nun diredly inlo the canal i& sii'I'C)Jy outaide the loop af the plurming infrulrudura that i& causes the CSO problem. A ~Mia located on 4th, 5th, lllh, 71h, or 8th Avenue oould catch IMIIar that gala Into the _. plpaa and therelon 111'111 the amount ar-g• that 11 ft111hed ~~at the CSO looallon&. The greening al the edge of the C41nlllln thll 'Mil' II a 'IMlll"'darlul end helpful Idee. But lhl• allow ourae'- to believe that thll II the •Y Jo solving lhe s-r owrflow problell\. • are eadlng ~--up fDr 1 big dlsappolntmanl. To aoMI tha CSO problem,-. need dltlona that keep the rain that adually get Into the piping .-m from ~ • 'MY ~the...,. plpea. And • need to broaden our approet:h on how lo do thltlf'W8 don't 'W8Dl to b8 'W8IX:Nng the oondoma tloetlng do- the canal aa. the Superfund flnlthea lt'8 work. ...... ,..

11/18111 Green ProJect to Tackle Sewage OVeraplll- C&rroll Gardena, NY Patch

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