Download - Carriots Product Sheet

  • 7/27/2019 Carriots Product Sheet


    Carriots is an application hosting and development p latform speciallydesigned for pr ojects r elated to the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine toMachine (M2M). We make i t very easy t o collect data from your connectedobjects, store it, and build powerful applications w ith few lines of G roovycode. Developers kno w that time-to-market and low development costs ar ecritical to success. Carriots provides a simple development envi ronment ,robust APIs an d worry-free hosting, you can accelerate your ap plicationdevelopment and take advantage o f simple scal ability a s the a pplication andthe number of your devices g rows. Dont re-invent the Wheel, use CarriotsApp Engine.

    You can easily integrate your application with external IT systems t hrough

    our powerful APIs, web services, and a completely hands-free hostingenvironment that automatically scales t o meet any demand , whether yo ureservi ng several devices o r several million.

    Benefts o using Carriots:

    Ready to start developing : Our development platform andapplication hosting are o n the cloud with FREE account able t omanage u p to 10 devices. You dont have t o buy o r maintain anyinfrastructure. You can start prototyping and deploying

    applications t o your users i n a m atter o f hours. Reduce time of development to the minimum : Our p latform

    provides lots of modules that are co mmon to any M2M project,like D ata C ollection, Data St orage, Security, Device Managementand many more. Just focus on programming you app byscripting actions, rules and integration with external IT Systems.

    Multiple projects management made si mple: Carriots includes a7 level ar chitecture to build innite projects for dierentcustomers and building as many M2M apps as you need.

    Rich set of APIsand powerful SDK. Build feature-rich servi ces

    faster w ith Carriots easy-to-use APIs and an SDK where yo u canwrite y our scripts in Groovy l anguage.

    Immediate scalability: Theres almost no limit to how high orhow quickly your app can scale. Our platform can scale up tohundreds of millions of devices an d c ustomers.

    It is Fr ee to start then pay for what you use: Get started withoutany upfront costs an d build and app for up to 10 devices. If youneed to serve m ore d evices pay only for the resources yo u useas yo ur application grows.

    Worry-free a pplication hosting : Carriots is pl atform on the cloud

    with global infrastructure delivering seamless sca lability. We careabout m aintaining and monitoring the system for you understrict SLAs.

  • 7/27/2019 Carriots Product Sheet


    Carriots makes it fast and easy t o convert your M2M app ideas into realproducts by u sing these m odules:

    Data C ollection

    Whether it is data from your sensors or status information from thedevice y ou can store all that d ata in Carriots . Connect you r devices t o theInternet and use o ur HTTP RESTful API to push XML or JSON encoded datafrom your devi ces t o Carriots platform. Your devices can send any type ofdata. You can secure your da ta u sing HTTPS. You can have further s ecuritymeasures l ike data encryption and checksums. Its ver y simple, secure andextremely fast!

    Data St orage

    Carriots has a built-in huge NoSQL database that can store hundreds ofterabytes o f data with at l east two independent replication sites, with hightransactional capabilities. Access yo ur da ta with PUSH and PULL strategiesthrough our APIs. Take control of your dev ice data and use t o script actionsor s et al arms. You choose t o keep all that dat a private for yo ur ap ps o r t opublish it.

    Simple d evelopment in Groovy and our SDK

    A great and powerful feature i n Carriots is t he capability to write and executeyour code, your arbitrary code, in our App Engine. Write Groovy scripts an dcombine them with our complete SDK to execute an y kind o f action in yourapp. Run it in the cloud, forget scalability and complexity issues, just keep itsimple an d p owerful.

    Rule Management and SDK

    Carriots let you dene your rules in your apps. Choose between straightforward if-then-else expressions, simple rules or a full complex businesslogic scr ipting in Groovy language.

    Device Management

    Using Carriots device m anagement module and the 2 way communicationprotocols y ou will take full control of you r m achines. You will be able toremotely m aintain, control and interact with your devices regardless of theirlocation. Use Carriots to:

    Check st atus of your devices Change co ngurations on yo ur devices Upgrade rmware sof tware o f your devices

  • 7/27/2019 Carriots Product Sheet


    Project Management

    Are you involved in multiple M2M/IoT adventures? Carriots can managethem. You can isolate them in a w ay that users an d devices w ill only see i tsown project un iverse. You can let projects i nteract with each other. It is u p toyou, Carriots hierarchy let you manage it and you can associate custombusiness l ogic a nd data a t each level:

    Customer with one or m ore projects (eg: Metropoli mayor, Bigtruck l ogistics, etc.)

    Projects with one more services to provide (eg: Sm art city

    garba ge collection, Environmental alerts, Logistic tracking, Traveltime, etc.)

    Services with one or more g roups o f devices ( eg: Environmentalmonitoring, Trac, Garbage collection, Truck livegeopositioning, Cool chain control, etc.)

    Groups of devices (eg: West side environmental center, Coolingvans, etc.)

    Devices , the Things t hat talk to Carriots (eg: Thermometer,parking sensor, GPS, etc.)

    Integration with other IT Systems

    Interact with other s ystems through standard API REST and web services.Even create your ow n control panel for com plete management of all yourCarriots entities by using our APIs.

    Debugging Tools

    Build an M2M/IoT app can be quite simple and fast, but it can always besome details t hat can be out of your control, foreign devices, new features t obe tested, etc. Carriots brings t ools for m aking debug easier: a log systemwith durable logging, a terminal console to test Groovy code andprogrammatic raise an d access to custom and system alarms.