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Carly’s Collection of Poems


Page 2: Carly's Collection of Poems

Table of ContentsBallad Poem………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 3

My Baby……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..Page 4

Elegance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 5

Trapped in a Box……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 6

The Last Night…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 7

Behind Closed Doors………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 8-9

People Fear the Reaper…………………………………………………………………………………………...Page 10

Scar…………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..Page 11

Shooting Star…………………………………….……………………………………………………………….…….Page 12

I’m Sorry………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 13

Reflection…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….Page 14-15


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I remember what you wore on the first dayYou came into my life and I thought"Hey, you know, this could be something"'Cause everything you do and words you sayYou know that it all takes my breath awayAnd now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's trueThat I can't live without youAnd maybe two is better than oneThere's so much timeTo figure out the rest of my lifeAnd you've already got me coming undoneAnd I'm thinking two is better than one


Remember what you wore that day

You came and my heart burst

My heart beats fast and I’m breathless

Without you is the worst

It’s true, I can’t live without you

Two is better than one

There’s time to figure out my life

You’ve got me coming undone


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Title of Work: Hon. Mary Milles

Artist: Charlotte Milles

My Baby

My baby’s unaware of harm

She knows a world of joy

Ignorance is bliss for my girl

No heartbreak from a boy

My baby sleeps here safe and sound

She dreams nothing but bliss

I’ll protect her from pain and fear

Keep her safe with my kiss


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Title of work: Interior at Nice

Artist: Henri Matisse


She sits outside on the terrace

The breeze whips through her hair.

The drapes are drawn the way he likes,

He helps her float on air.

All feels right as she waits for him.

She stares as people walk

But she only wants him to come.

He comes, they start to talk.


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Title of Work: English Drawing Room of the Early Georgian Period, 1730

Artist: Rice Foundation

Trapped in a Box

The room is meant for leisure and rest

But she always wants out

She’s caught up in the outside world

Inside, she only pouts

She’s not fazed by the elegance

Fancy, is not her taste

Captivated by the outside

To her, wealth is a waste


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Title of work: The Death of the Poet Walter Rheiner

Artist: Conrad Felixmuller

The Last Night

What a lovely night, the stars shine bright

Lights shine through the city

The streets are bright as people walk

All I feel is pity

The roads come to an end for me

I look out my window

The music plays, the people chat

Relax, deep breath, just go


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“Behind Closed Doors”

I sat at the kitchen table,

My parents on each side

He beams at me, proud of my determination.

She tries to contribute to the conversation

I tell her to stop.

There’s no point in her pretending

She didn’t take the time

To care.

I wanted her to read it.

The sound of her chair

Being pushed back

Tells me that she’s been


As she walks away she mumbles sarcastic comments,

Trying to jab me

With each word

I fight back

My dad tells me to stop

But the words pour out

The disappointment

The anger

It’s becoming too much

I want to tell her how I feel

But she won’t understand


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I wish people could see what happens

Behind closed doors

I want people to see the woman

Behind the pretty smile

I’m not the monster

She is


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“People Fear the Reaper”

The reaper stares everyone in the eye.

Some people fear it,

Others embrace it.

You wear the reaper on your back

Showing all the power you have

And the respect you deserve

It’s bony fingers are curled around the globe:

The future,

The past


You go after what you want

Without an ounce of hesitation.

The hooded figure gives you the strength

To do what needs to be done.

Whatever it takes to be the best

You keep the past in the past

And you look ahead to the future.

You do what you need to do

To protect the ones you love,

Always putting them first.

You own the cut.

You’re an outlaw and you want it that way.

You wear the reaper

And you wear it well.


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I’m sorry but it had to happen.

You needed to know

How I felt.

My anger couldn’t be held back

Any longer.

The truth,

Had to come out.

Hurting you was the only way.

I’m sorry but

It had to happen.


Page 14: Carly's Collection of Poems

When we first started our poetry unit I wasn’t sure how good I was going to be. I had

never really written poetry before and I thought it was much more complicated then it actually

is. Throughout the unit I discovered that not only do I like writing poetry but it’s a great way to

get some anger and aggression out. Most of the poems that I wrote had been from the heart.

They were focused on people that play a big part in my life and the feelings that I have towards

them. Being able to use all of those emotions and turn them into a special kind of writing made

me feel good, special.

Poetry really grew on me and even though our poetry unit’s over I think I’m going to

keep going with it. Some of the ideas for writing my poems popped into my head in just a

second and the ideas started flowing. When we wrote our concrete poems I thought of using a

shooting star right away. Once I had figured out my object it was easy to write about my

dreams in the poem. I realized that emotions and goals in your life can be turned into beautiful

poems and stories.

As much as I loved this unit, I’m still having trouble recognizing alliteration,

onomatopoeia’s, assonance, and consonance when I read or write poems. Because I have

trouble recognizing these forms of poetry I avoided using them in my writing. I’m hoping to

have a better understanding of them so I’ll be able to use them more. Even though I had

trouble with that, I really took to using conjunction in my poetry. I loved it. Creating shorter

sentences made my poems more dramatic which were exactly what I wanted. Having a cliff

hanger in the poems makes everything more interesting.


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I’m very pleased with all of my poems that I wrote but I chose three to be graded. The

first one I chose is my extended metaphor poem. It’s my favorite. I like the darkness and the

power in the poem. It’s very dramatic and I think it’s perfect for describing my dad. The second

poem that I chose is my narrative poem. It’s very angry and full of emotions that I don’t let to

many people see. I think I did a good job creating an image for people to picture as they read

my poem. The last poem that I would like to be graded is my concrete poem. I was pleased with

myself with how quick I thought of the idea. My dream to become a screenwriter means a lot to

me and I have no problem sharing my goal with other people. I’m very proud of the way that

poem turned out. The shooting star looked great. Each of these three poems shows how

heartfelt and creative I can be as a poet. I put my best effort and all of my emotions into my
