Download - Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey

Page 1: Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey

Career Profiling Report

Name : Example A

Date of Birth : 05 Mar 1986, 1:15 pm


Page 2: Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey

The key difference between those who are successful and happy, and those who are successful but not happy is the alignment of their work, belief and



Page 3: Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey


Day Element/ Master :Yang Earth (Wu)

Key Characteristics : Stable, Trustworthy, Perseverant

Yang Earth is similar to the earth of mighty mountains, solid rocks and massive boulders. Yang Earth personalities exhibit sheer stability thus offering those around them a sense of security and reliability. Just like the dam that mitigates flooding from a swollen river, the Yang Earth type is able to withstand a tremendous amount of emotional and psychological pressure. However, they may also hold back their own inner thoughts and feelings (similar to the treasures within the mountain) and have difficulty expressing themselves and may be perceived to procrastinate and have an unwillingness to change once their minds are made up.

Your Structures - Your Two Main Approaches When Working with Others

Structure Job/Career Roles (Functions that best suits the individual)

Process Oriented Progress/ Coaching/ Facilitating

People Oriented Working with People/ Bringing people together/ Teamwork

The process-oriented person will be like the pillar of strength in any situation. They are good at organizing, bringing people together, extremely amiable but may lack initiative and drive.

A people-oriented person is someone who is good at engaging others, is persuasive and inspiring. They have strong social skills and are always eager to please others. However, when the elements are not unbalanced, this person may be perceived to be manipulative and crafty.


Page 4: Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey

The Janet Yung Profile Quadrants™ System (JYPQ System)

As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending on the day, month, year, and hour that we are born in, we are influenced by different elements and profiles. This creates different facets of ourselves, some obvious to others while others are not. When we understand these perspectives we can better manage ourselves and the perception of us to be more successful and at the same time achieve better communication and relationship with others.

You will notice that in the Janet Yung Profile Quadrants™ (JYPQ) below, there are Profiles listed in the various quadrants. The horizontal axis represents the Profiles: intrinsic (inborn) talents that are naturally present in our character. This axis is divided into a high and a low segment. The vertical axis represents whether the Profiles Characteristics are Obvious or Not Obvious.

The Four Quadrants :

A. Focus Quadrant (FQ)Profiles with Higher Influence in Your Bazi Chart (High Intrinsic Talent) and Obvious to Others. Usually your Main* and Sub* profiles mentioned in the "Being Happy and Successful" series of books will appear in this quadrant.B. Potential Quadrant (PQ)Profiles with Higher Influence in Your Bazi Chart (High Intrinsic Talent) but Not Obvious to Others.C. "When You Have Time" Quadrant (WQ)Profiles with Lower Influence in Your Bazi Chart (High Intrinsic Talent) and Obvious to Others.D. "When Needed" Quadrant (WNQ)Profiles with Lower Influence in Your Bazi Chart (High Intrinsic Talent) and Not Obvious to Others.

*Terms utilized in Joey Yap’s Bazi Profiling System


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From a career and work perspective, it is important that what we are naturally endowed with, our Intrinsic Talent, is obvious to others. Thus the Focus Quadrant’s (FQ) Obvious Profiles play more important roles and our focus will be the top one or two Obvious Profiles when understanding what will make you successful in career.

Every profile will exhibit positive and negative characteristics. At times, the profile’s influence may be too strong in our chart causing the perception that we are behaving towards the negative characteristics. These profiles are highlighted in red in the JYPQ. It is important for us to be aware and constantly check and manage these "unhealthy" behaviours, improve on our skills and talents and make them our competencies rather than let these negative traits become a liability to us. Included in the last section of this report are some exercises that one can utilize to monitor and track one’s progress so as to make these skills or talents one’s competencies. However, if you find it too cumbersome to get others to give you feedback, we have created a new tool to help you identify the areas that you need to manage and improve. If needed, you can do this on a regular basis to monitor and adjust the key characteristic to improve and manage. Please visit to find out more.

Base Profile - In the Red Box in JYPQProfile that you are most comfortable with and most times the characteristics of this Profile can only be seen by those close to you and who understand you well if your Base profile is not in the Focus Quadrant (FQ).

Blind-Spot - Profiles that are not Naturally within your Bazi Chart These profiles located in the box at the bottom right hand corner of the JYPQ do not occur naturally within your Bazi chart at birth.

Your Janet Yung Profile Quadrants™ (JYPQ)







Page 6: Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey

Your JYPQ Explanation - Table 1

Obvious Profiles in the Focus Quadrant (FQ)FriendPhilosopher

Base Profile Warrior

Other Profiles that you have skill sets


Profiles that are not within your natural skill set (Blind-spot)PerformerDirector

Profile Defination :

Profile Defination

Obvious Profiles Most prominent profiles which are obvious to others especially from a career perspective. The characteristics of these profiles usually give you the most recognition and success.

Base Profile Profile that you are most comfortable with, and most times the characteristics of this Profile would only be seen by those close to the person and who understand him or her well if the Base Profile is not in the Focus Quadrant. Best if Base Profile is in the Focus Quadrant (FQ).

Other Profile That you have skill sets

Characteristics of profiles that you exhibit as well

Profile that are not within your natural skill set

Characteristics of relevant profiles that are not part of your natural make-up (alternatively known as "Blind-spot").

For individual career development, it is key to focus on one’s most Obvious Profile(s) (refer to Table 1). This will allow you to maximize your innate talent, build them into your strengths and fast track your career growth path. It would be best if your base profile is part of these profile(s) in the Focus Quadrant (FQ). In the process you will also be more engaged in achieving your company’s objectives; be happier, with increased productivity whilst enjoying more personal success. Once you know your intrinsic talent and motivations, you can focus more on the actions that can be taken through right goal settings to achieve the desired results. Please note that if your profile is highlighted in red, you will need to manage your behaviour and be aware of feedback such that you do not exhibit the negative characteristics of your profile.


Page 7: Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey

The following describes the characteristics, suitable work environment and job roles for the Obvious Profiles.

Obvious Profile 1 : Friend

A person who belongs to the Friend Profile, is someone who is honourable, brave, confident and reliable. As a healthy Friend profile, one loves to connect with others and support a good cause. However, when pressured or behaving at an unhealthy level, the Friend profile can become self-centred, egoistic and manipulative.

Listed below are the positive and negative characteristics of the Friend Profile. It is thus important for one to understand and maximize the profile’s positive characteristics whilst restraining oneself and ensure that one do not become blindsided and thus exhibit the negative characteristics of the profile.

Positive Characteristics Negative Characteristics

Comfortable with who they are Poor Social Skills

Do-It-Yourself types Interfering/ Play the blame game

Strong Will Power- able to self motivate Fair weather friend

Competitive (but with themselves) Stubborn – my way or the highway

Positive Outlook or Self-worth Constantly feel inferior, deeply insecure

Independent Obsessed to be accepted by others

Self-assured/ Confident Scatter brain

Reliable Disorganized

The following table describes the work style, most suitable work environment, job roles and career for the Friend Profile to be performing at maximum effectiveness, thus achieving success at work:

Work Style

- Good at delegating and supporting other’s work- Hardworking, takes initiative, hands-on and a good team player.- Good at counselling others and enjoy being asked for advice or help.- Good at negotiating a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Most suitable work environment

- Work better in a team-oriented environment.- Best to Work in an environment that has proper reward and appreciation systems.- Would perform better if their job role allows them to contribute ideas, advice and have these implemented.

Suitable CareersPublic Relations, Events Management, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Team Sports, Entrepreneurship (joint ventures, deal-making)

Suitable Job RolesNegotiators, Consultants (loves to meet people and give advice), Customer Service, Front-line positions, Top level management (excellent delegator)


Page 8: Career Profiling Report - Happy and · PDF fileCareer Profiling Report ... As explained in my two books in the Being Happy and Successful series, depending ... *Terms utilized in Joey

Obvious Profile 2 : Philosopher

The Philosopher Profile is someone who prefers his/her own company and has a tendency to keep his/her thoughts, opinions and ideas to himself/herself. At a healthy level, this profile is street smart, is interested in unconventional forms of knowledge, studies (eg. Feng shui, Bazi), is intuitive and is able to think "out of the box". Under duress, the Philosopher becomes excessively introverted, moody, unpredictable and temperamental.

Listed below are the positive and negative characteristics of the Philosopher profile. It is thus important for one to understand and maximize the profile’s positive characteristics whilst restraining oneself and ensure that one do not become blindsided and thus exhibit the negative characteristics of the profile.

Positive Characteristics Negative Characteristics

Good Intuition Impractical, Prone to taking short cuts

Laid Back Paranoid/ Worry wart

Dreamers/ Creative Excessively introverted, live in their own world

Unconventional interests Jack of All Trades but master of none

Inventive/ Highly innovative Makes decisions without basing on facts or research

Resourceful Hyper Sensitive, Overly Sentimental

Love new or unique experiences Secretive, Superstitious

Creative Planners, Strategic Thinkers Focus on trivial matters, instead of the big picture

The following table describes the work style, most suitable work environment, job roles and career for the Philosopher profile to be performing at maximum effectiveness, thus achieving success at work:

Work Style

- Strives to understand data, information and knowledge, how things work within the work environment.- Prefer to analyze information and situation first before taking action.- Good at working with complex information and make it easily digestible for others.

Most suitable work environment

- Thrive in work environment that allows them to invest in research and understanding information, and come up with trends.- Prefers to analyze and research rather than physical hard work.- Prefers to be in a job role that allows them to work independently to come up with solutions without having to depend too much on others or work with too many other people.

Suitable Careers Academics, Education (high learning ability), Finance, Economics, Science, Metaphysics, Arts

Suitable Job RolesResearchers, Analysts, Consultants, Writers, Artists, Financial Advisors, Investors (Financial Data)


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Base Profile : Warrior

The Warrior profile is someone who is authoritative, commanding and is charismatic as a leader. They are adventurous, loves a good challenge and thrives in situations of chaos. As a good and healthy Warrior profile, one is able to become a top CEO of a large organization, with a "must win" attitude and great at executing strategies, though they may not enjoy what they are doing. However, when under pressure, they may become demanding, forceful in getting others to listen to them. It is also important that the Diplomat (Direct Officer) elements influencing a Warrior profile are not too strong.

Listed below are the positive and negative characteristics of the Warrior profile. It is thus important for one to understand and maximize the profile’s positive characteristics whilst restraining oneself and ensure that one do not become blindsided and thus exhibit the negative characteristics of the profile.

Positive Characteristics Negative Characteristics

Never-say-die attitude Impulsive

Commanding Presence Spiteful

Ambitious Small-minded

Charismatic/ Strong Leadership Trouble-maker

Over-achievers (likes to win) Abuse Power

Edgy- Thrive in pressure situations (able to see potential dangers) Reckless

Courageous Suspicious-minded

Swift Thinkers/ Quick Witted Seek to win at all costs

The following table describes the work style, most suitable work environment, job roles and career for the Warrior profile to be performing at maximum effectiveness, thus achieving success at work:

Work Style

- Strategic, able to see potential dangers and prioritize resources to execute strategies or manage projects.- Hardworking, hands-on and will expect others to work with them to resolve problem.- Do not like conflicts and work hard at having a harmonious working environment.- Good at trouble shooting, loves a good challenge and bringing order to chaos.

Most suitable work environment

- Work better in a challenging and unpredictable environment, that utilizes their trouble shooting and strategic or tactical mindset.- Best not to work in too mundane an environment with not much changes.- Would perform better if their job role allows them to be Strategic, identify trouble spots and trouble shoot.

Suitable Careers Corporate (large organizations), Government, Law, Military, Business, Sports

Suitable Job RolesSolution Providers, Project Management, Leaders, Managers, Strategists (Business Warfare)


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It is important to note that you will be more successful in your career pursuits if you focus and build the skill sets or competencies for the Obvious Profile(s). It will be even better if your Base Profile is the same as one of these Obvious Profile(s) as you will enjoy and be comfortable performing the relevant job roles in the longer term. However, if your Base Profile is not in the High & Obvious Focus Quadrant (FQ), to be successful and happy in the long run, you will have to voice out your interest areas (job roles) so that others are aware of your passion and motivations, and you will have to put in more effort, work harder to achieve success.

Please read the following articles from to have a better understanding of the various profiles, their individual strengths and working styles:

1) Different Strokes for Different Folks : How Does Your Bazi Personality Affect Your Motivations : What Is Your Leadership Style and How Does It Impact The Way You Lead :

The following books from the "Being Happy and Successful" series by Janet Yung explore profiles, their individual strengths and working styles based on the Asian Personality Profiling System:

Book 1 : Being Happy and Successful at Work and in Your CareerBook 2 : Being Happy and Successful : Managing Yourself and OthersE-Book 3 : Being Happy and Successful : The Entrepreneur in You


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Bazi Profile Identification Process

(From "Being Happy & Successful at Work and in your Career")


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Example of Application Charts for Achieving Your Goals


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"Janet’s book and the Bazi profiling offered new insights to understanding self and the various elements that influence one’s ability to achieve success at work and personal life. If you have ever wondered why some people achieve success easily compared to others who have put in an equal amount of effort, this is the book to read. It offers a new dimension to those who are keen to learn and transform their lives."

Ms Melissa Kee Asia Pacific Talent Management Director, Global MNC

"I consulted Janet in a period when I was looking for direction and answers to my next steps in life and work. By only giving my date and time of birth, she was able to provide a full profile on my characteristics. Not only was it clear for me where the challenges were but I also got the answers on why things are what they are for me. Based on my elements, I was able to draw conclusions that allowed me to decide on my next move. In the meantime, I have left Singapore to pursue a new job in Germany. My doubts were taken away based on my conversations with her and the underlying explanations based on a methodology and not pure luck. Thank you, Janet all the best for you!"

Mr Hein van Gastel Vice President, Logistics for fashion retailer, Germany

"The Bazi profile analysis helped to open my mind to look at things in life at another angle. It also provides pretty accurate hidden qualities, strengths, weaknesses of oneself, which I was unaware in the past. From my personal experience, it has been extremely accurate and therefore makes me think twice before making a final decision and to put concentration on what is needed (weaknesses). Bazi analysis can also give a good indication at what is going to come so that I can be both mentally and physically prepared for.I am motivated and am looking forward to my next 40 years in life after the bazi analysis reading, where important milestones were depicted, as well as crucial phases in my life stage being mapped out. And as such I would be able to help myself carve a successful path for myself and my family. It has in fact instilled my interest in taking a holistic approach towards living life meaningfully."

Mr Max Wong. Principal n education consultant, one of Singapore‘s largest education chain

"For many years, I struggled to be the model employee that my employer/ industry asked for. I often feel disgruntled and often ask myself if I was doing the right thing, and if I was doing the things that I really want to do. For example, I often had to get involve in mediation and conflict management which was not of second nature to me and deep down inside, I really don’t want to do it. I was really one who just wants to "go about minding my own business.I have been consulting Janet for my home fengshui audit for many years and was introduced to the Bazi Profiling system in 2013 which was covered in "Being happy and successful at work and in your career". I strongly believe that our 8 characters (Bazi) define who we are and the analysis by Janet also confirms so. After reading the book, I was able to accept that I truly can be happy and successful at the time without having to live up to the expectations of the other people around me. As such, I try to tweak the scope of responsibility at work and never felt more balanced. Although I had quit my job a year ago and am currently working part-time (to care for my son), I know for a fact that the day when I am ready to go back to full time employment, I will ensure that the job scope and responsibility complements my personality traits so as to minimise the flaws and weakness that might manifest.I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to get an in-depth understanding of their career traits, which will enable them to focus and work on their strengths to become competencies."

Helen Ong, Ex-Sales Director UK MNC