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CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 1 Basic Cookery Topic : Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, traits, etc. In basic cookery. Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning and power clusters. Essential Understanding(s): Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in the business cooking, continuously develop and improve their PECs. Learners will know: Personal Competencies (PECs) Characteristics/Attributes/Traits Lifestyles Skills Cluster of PECs Achievement/Planning / Power Performance Standard: The learner prepares, based on Pecs, a plan of action that address his/her areas of development and areas of strength in basic cookery. Time Frame : 2 Days

Essential Question(s): How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career like cooking? Learners will be able to: Analyze the competencies of PECs Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievements, planning and power Prepare a plan of action Improve areas of strength

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Plan of action, based on PECs, addressing ones areas of development and areas of strength. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Performance Learners should be able to demonstrate Assessment of the plan of action based on the understanding by covering the six (6) following criteria: facets of understanding: Explanation: Describe their PECs focusing on strengths and development areas. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise Interpretation: Compare their PECs with those of a successful practitioner. Criteria: a. Objective b. Focused c. Conclusive Application: Apply their PECs in pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial activity. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Effective c. Practical 1. Comprehensiveness 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms of addressing personal areas of development and improving ones areas of strength. 3. Doability

Perspective: Express their thoughts on the importance of PECs from the viewpoint of a

seasoned entrepreneur. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Plausible d. Sensitive Empathy: Express the feelings of an entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping with the PECs of a chosen career. Criteria: a. Open-minded b. Objective c. Sensitive Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the results of PECs, their level of confidence as a prospective entrepreneur in cooking. Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Assess the prior knowledge on environment and market in Foods and Food Service as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Assess the immediate environment and market for Foods and Food Service to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with use of the following: Survey the questionnaire; Interview guide; Checklist, etc. SWOT analysis Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate municipality? EQ How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? EQ How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity? EQ Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section


Survey Questionnaire; Interview guided; Checklist, etc. SWOT Analysis


Interview guide or Resource person

Analyze the assessment conducted on the


environment and market of Foods and Food Service in the immediate municipality/ city. Explanation: explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in indentifying business opportunities in Foods and Food Service. Town Map Assist learners in conducting a business to indentify business establishments or industries related to Foods and Food Service in immediate municipality/ city. Make a graph presentation on the information on Foods and Foods Service as a result of dategathering activity such as: interview, survey, town/city mapping, etc. Present the result of the date gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for Foods and Food Service. Consumer needs and wants. Existing industry related to Foods and Food Service. Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of the target consumer. SWOT analysis Formulation of the business idea. Opportunity seeking and seizing



Interpretation: interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in Foods and Foods Service. Application: Generate business ideas from analyze data of Foods and Foods Service. Do the supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information



presented. Assist the learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather the salient information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity related to Foods and Food Service. Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas in Foods and Foods Service. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2)

Interview Guide

Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas in Foods and Food Service. Prepare SWOT Analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis



Formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market Foods and Foods Service . Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a municipality. Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. Assess the learners business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 ( Assessment at the



level of Performance) Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed Textbooks KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

Total ----------- ___ days

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 1 Basic Cookery Topic : Environment and Market STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment and market for cooking as an entrepreneurial career. Key Ideas - Consumer needs and wants - Existing industry related to cooking meal products - Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target customers Key Processes - SWOT analysis - Formulation of business ideas - Opportunity seeking and seizing Essential Understanding(s): The needs and wants of the target market and industry help determine the product to be produced and/or service to be offered. Ones choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the needs and wants of consumers. Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful business venture. Learners will know: Consumer needs and wants Existing industry related to embroidery Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target consumers Performance Standard: The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market for basic cookery. Time Frame : 6 days

Essential Question(s): How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate community? How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?

Learners will be able to: Prepare SWOT analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis

SWOT analysis Formulation of business idea Opportunity seeking and seizing

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Formulation of a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Performance Learners should be able to demonstrate Assessment of formulated business idea understanding by covering the six (6) on the following criteria: facets of understanding: Explanation: Explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in basic cookery. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise d. Coherent Profitable Feasible Practical Responsive to consumer needs and wants Innovative

Interpretation: Interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in basic cookery. Criteria: a. Reliable b. Accurate c. Objective d. Relevant

e. Valid Application: Generate business ideas from data analysis of existing industry related to basic cookery. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Innovative c. Practical Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas for existing industries. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Insightful Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a community. Criteria: a. Objective b. Persuasive c. Sensitive d. Open-minded Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to basic cookery.

Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience


Proposed No. Of Days

Year and Section

Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Hence, the learners shall: Guide the learner in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for basic cookery as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Have the learner assess his/her immediate environment and market for basic cookery to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with the use of the following: Survey questionnaire; Interview guide; Check-list, etc. Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related to basic cookery.

Survey forms Questionnaire


Interview guide



Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market for the existing basic cookery business in the immediate locality. Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to basic cookery in the immediate locality. Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on basic cookery as a result of the data-gathering activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc., Help learners in presenting the result of the datagathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for basic cookery. Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented. Assist learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity relative to basic cookery. Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2). Ask learner to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market. Assess the learners business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Interview guide


Community mapping

Textbook Modules Interview guide



Plan of Action

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed:

Textbooks KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 1 Basic Cookery Topic : Methods of Cooking STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking: flow in the various methods of cooking such as frying, steaming, boiling, baking, stewing, sauting, frosting, etc. Performance Standard: The learner produces marketable original/new meal products following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking. Time Frame : 35 days

in cooking n

Essential Understanding(s): Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking is essential in producing marketable meal products. Learners will know:

Essential Question(s): Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking?

Learners will be able to:

cooking utensils, tools and equipment baking, grilling, roasting

Frying fried chicken

hicken, broiled fish, meat loaf, embutido, grilled liempo/barbecue, roasted Broiling broiled fish Baking meat loaf Steaming embutido Grilling grilled liempo/barbecue Roasting roasted chicken Boiling tinola, sinigang, pochero ation of cooked meal products

chicken, tinola, sinigang, pochero, etc.

and marketing strategies

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Marketable original/new meal products, following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: Performance Assessment of meal products based on marketability (quality, appearance, price) and originality (value-added uniqueness).

Demonstration of the process in the preparation of marketable meal products.

Explanation: Explain the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking. Criteria: a. Clear

Assessment of performance: Compliance to standards (tools, equipment, materials) Application of procedure Observance of work habits Speed/Time

b. Comprehensive c. Scientific basis Interpretation: Show the significance of the process and delivery of cooking in producing new products. Criteria: a. Original b. Creative Application: Exhibit marketable meal products following the process and delivery in cooking. Criteria: a. Original b. Creative c. Nutritive Value d. Cost-beneficial Perspective: Compare and contrast various methods and techniques in cooking. Criteria: a. Clear b. Concise c. Appropriate Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it feels to have gainful returns in cooking meal products. Criteria: a. Profitable b. Quality

Self-knowledge: Self-assess their knowledge in producing marketable meal products. Criteria: a. Clear b. Self-confidence

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge and understanding in cooking meal products through paper and pencil, performance test and other diagnostic assessment tools. Orient learners in understanding the curriculum framework CP-TLE- Foods and Food Service I, learning standards (content and performance standards), assessment tools and criteria. Guide learners survey a nearby eatery, food stalls, and the like. Let learners prepare survey questionnaire/checklist which will focus on: - types of meal products - presentation of meal products - ingredients used ingredients available in the community/locality - demands for a particular product age, occupation, likes and dislikes, etc. Provide learners pictures/video clips on basic cookery. Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section

Survey form




Guide learners understanding of the pictures and video presentation by asking leading questions focusing on the process of cooking meal products. Guide learners in gaining initial understanding of the concepts and principles in cooking different meal products. Draw learners initial understanding on the need to understand the basic concepts and principles underlying the process of delivery in cooking meal products. Guide learners research on the 4 Ms (materials, machine, method, and manpower) of production needed in producing quality meal products. Have learners gather essential information related to the basic cookery of meal products. Learners can use any of the following: - interview with successful cook - web-based resources - reading materials (books, bulletins and others) Guide learners in preparing a project plan in cooking different meal products. Have learners familiarize themselves with the different processes/methods of cooking involved in producing meal products. Encourage learners to reflect, revise, and rethink their understanding in consideration of the processes, information/learning in cooking different meal products. Have learners assess themselves on their understanding of the concepts in cooking different meal products. Check this against the content standard.

Pictures and Order __________

Interview guides Reading Materials (books , bulletin, Webb ____ resources)


Guide learners translate the project plan into a quality meal products based on the given standard procedure. Have learners compute for the cost of production and selling price of meal products. Engage learners into a guided discussion on the factors that may affect various practices in cooking different meal products. Application: Exhibits marketable meal products and delivery in cooking. Encourage learners to reflect and revise their project plan. Have learners express their understanding on the different methods of cooking meal products. Check this against the Essential Understanding (EU) and content standard. Have learners assess their Level of Understanding. (Refer to Stage 2) Interpretation: Show the significance of the process and delivery of cooking in producing new products. Have learners produce original/new marketable meal products applying the basic concepts and principles in basic cooking. 4. TRANSFER Perspective: Compare and contrast of various methods and technologies in cooking. Encourage learners to exhibit the finished meal products (bazaar, food fair, etc.) Have learners assess their Level of Performance. (Refer to Stage 2)

Project plan Sheet



Recipes Ingredients in cooking meal products

Recipes Ingredients in basic cooking

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed: Textbooks Magazines/Journals KAB Modules Cooking utensils, tools and equipment Ingredients

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 2 Native Delicacies Cookery Topic : Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, attributes , life styles, skills, traits, etc. in native delicacies cookery. Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning and power clusters. Essential Understanding(s): Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in the business cooking, continuously develop and improve their PECs. Learners will know: Personal competencies - Characteristics - Attributes - Lifestyles - Skills - Traits Cluster of PECs - Achievement - Planning - Power Performance Standard: The learner prepares, based on PECs, a plan of action that addresses his/her areas of development and areas of strength in native delicacies cookery. Time Frame : 2 days

Essential Question(s): How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career like cooking? Learners will be able to: Analyze the competencies of PECs Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievement, planning and power Prepare a plan of action Improve areas of strength

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Plan of action, based on PECs, addressing ones areas of development and areas of strength. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Performance Learners should be able to demonstrate Assessment of the plan of action based understanding by covering the six (6) on the following criteria: facets of understanding: Explanation: Describe their PECs focusing on strengths and development areas. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise Interpretation: Compare their PECs with those of a successful practitioner. Criteria: a. Objective b. Focused c. Conclusive Application: Apply their PECs in pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial activity. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Effective c. Practical Perspective: Express their thoughts on the importance of PECs from the viewpoint of a seasoned 1. Comprehensiveness 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms of addressing personal areas of development and improving ones areas of strength 3. Doability

entrepreneur. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Plausible d. Sensitive Empathy: Express the feelings of an entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping with the PECs of a chosen career. Criteria: a. Open-minded b. Objective c. Sensitive Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the results of PECs, their level of confidence as a prospective entrepreneur in cooking. Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Assess the prior knowledge on environment and market in Foods and Food Service as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section



idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Assess the immediate environment and market for Foods and Food Service to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with use of the following: Survey the questionnaire; Interview guide; Checklist, etc. SWOT analysis Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate municipality? EQ How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? EQ How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity? EQ

Survey Questionnaire; Interview guided; Checklist, etc. SWOT Analysis

Interview guide or Resource person

Analyze the assessment conducted on the environment and market of Foods and Food Service in the immediate municipality/ city.



Explanation: explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in indentifying business opportunities in Foods and Food Service. Town Map

Assist learners in conducting a business to indentify business establishments or industries related to Foods and Food Service in immediate municipality/ city. Make a graph presentation on the information on Foods and Foods Service as a result of dategathering activity such as: interview, survey, town/city mapping, etc. Present the result of the date gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for Foods and Food Service. Consumer needs and wants. Existing industry related to Foods and Food Service. Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of the target consumer. SWOT analysis Formulation of the business idea. Opportunity seeking and seizing



Interpretation: interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in Foods and Foods Service. Application: Generate business ideas from analyze data of Foods and Foods Service. Do the supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented. Assist the learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather the salient information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity related to Foods and Food Service. Compare whether the information derived from


Interview Guide

the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas in Foods and Foods Service. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2) Rubrics

Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas in Foods and Food Service. Prepare SWOT Analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis

Formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market Foods and Foods Service . Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a municipality. 4. TRANSFER Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. Assess the learners business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 ( Assessment at the level of Performance) Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed Textbooks KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry



Total ----------- ___ days

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 2 Native Delicacies Cookery Topic Environment and Market STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment and market for cooking as an entrepreneurial career. Key Ideas - Consumer needs and wants - Existing industry related to cooking meal products - Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target customers Key Processes - SWOT analysis - Formulation of business ideas - Opportunity seeking and seizing Essential Understanding(s): The needs and wants of the target market and industry help determine the product to be produced and/or service to be offered. Ones choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the needs and wants of consumers. Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful business venture. Learners will know: Consumer needs and wants Existing industry related to embroidery Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target consumers Performance Standard: The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market native delicacies cookery. Time Frame : 6 days

Essential Question(s): How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate community? How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?

Learners will be able to: Prepare SWOT analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis

SWOT analysis Formulation of business idea Opportunity seeking and seizing

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Formulation of a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Performance Learners should be able to demonstrate Assessment of formulated business idea on understanding by covering the six (6) facets of the following criteria: understanding: Explanation: Explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in native delicacies cookery. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise d. Coherent Interpretation: Interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in native delicacies cookery. Criteria: a. Reliable b. Accurate c. Objective d. Relevant Profitable Feasible Practical Responsive to consumer needs and wants Innovative

e. Valid Application: Generate business ideas from data analysis of existing industry related to native delicacies cookery. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Innovative c. Practical Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas for existing industries. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Insightful Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a community. Criteria: a. Objective b. Persuasive c. Sensitive d. Open-minded Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to native

delicacies cookery. Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Guide the learner in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for native delicacies cookery as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Have the learner assess his/her immediate environment and market for native delicacies cookery to determine the existing industries, needs 1. EXPLORE and wants of target market with the use of the following: Survey questionnaire; Interview guide; Check-list, etc. Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related to native delicacies cookery. Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section


Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market from the existing native delicacies cookery business in the immediate locality. Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to native delicacies cookery in the immediate locality. Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on native delicacies cookery as a result of the data gathering activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc., Help learners in presenting the result of the datagathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for native delicacies cookery. Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented. Assist learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient Information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity relative to native delicacies cookery. Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas. Assess the learners level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2). Ask learners to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market for native delicacies cookery. Assess learners business idea based on the criteria



provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance). Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed: Textbooks KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 2 Native Delicacies Cookery Topic : Production of Native Delicacies STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking native delicacies. butchi, maja, tupig, biko, bibingka, sapinsapin,etc Performance Standard: The learner produces marketable original/new products, following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking native delicacies. Time Frame : 35 days

Essential Understanding(s): Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking is essential in producing marketable native delicacies. Learners will know: in basic cooking native delicacies

Essential Question(s): Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking native delicacies?

Learners will be able to:

delicacies the 4Ms of production

Palitaw Puto Butchi Maja Others

Biko Tupig Sapin-sapin Bibingka

Palitaw Puto Maja Bibingka Others

Tupig Butchi Biko Sapin-sapin

ropriate packaging and marketing strategies

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Marketable original/new products, following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking native delicacies. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Performance Learners should be able to demonstrate Assessment of native delicacies based on understanding by covering the six (6) facets of marketability (quality, appearance, understanding: price) and originality (value-added, uniqueness)

Demonstration of the process in the preparation of marketable native delicacies.

Explanation: Explain the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in cooking native delicacies. Criteria: Clear Comprehensive Scientific basis Interpretation: Show the significance of the process and delivery of cooking in producing new products. Criteria Original Creative Application: Exhibit marketable native delicacies products following the process and delivery in cooking. Criteria Original Creative Nutritive Value Cost-beneficial Perspective: Compare and contrast the different techniques in cooking native delicacies. Criteria: Clear Concise Appropriate

Assessment of performance: Compliance with standards (tools, equipment, materials) Application of procedure Observance of work habits Speed/Time

Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it feels to have gainful returns in cooking native delicacies. Criteria: Profitable Quality Self-Knowledge: Self-assess their knowledge in producing marketable native delicacies. Criteria: Clear Self-Confidence

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge in cooking native delicacies through paper and pencil, performance test and other diagnostic assessment tools. Orient learners on the learning standards (content and performance standards), assessment tools and criteria. Have learners survey a nearby eatery, food stalls, and the like. Let learners prepare survey questionnaire/checklist which will focus on: - types of native delicacies Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section


- presentation of native delicacies - ingredients used - demands for a particular product Provide learners pictures/video clips presentation on native delicacies cookery. Process the picture/video clip presentation by asking probing questions. Draw learners initial understanding on the need to understand the basic concepts and principles in cooking native delicacies. Have learners research on the 4 Ms (materials, machine, method, and manpower) of production needed in producing quality native delicacies. Encourage learners gather essential information related to native delicacies cookery. Learners can use any of the following: - interview with successful cook - web-based resources - reading materials (books, bulletins and others) Assist learners in preparing a project plan on native delicacies cookery. Have learners familiarize themselves with the different processes involved in cooking native delicacies. Encourage learners to reflect, revise, and rethink their understanding in consideration of the processes, information/learning in cooking native delicacies. Have learners assess themselves their understanding of the concepts in cooking native delicacies. Check this against the content standard.



Guide learners to translate the project plan into quality products based on the given standard procedure. Assist learners in computing for the cost of production and selling price of native delicacies. Engage learners into a guided discussion on the factors that may affect the different practices in native delicacies. Encourage learners to reflect on and revise their project plan. Have learners express their understanding on native delicacies cookery and check them against the Essential Understanding (EU) and content standard. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Understanding) Have learners produce original/new marketable products applying the basic concepts and principles in cooking native delicacies. Encourage learners to exhibit their finished products (bazaar, food fair, etc.) Assess learners level of performance. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Performance)


Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed: Textbooks Magazines/Journals KAB Modules Cooking utensils, tools and equipment Ingredients

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 3 Baking Pies, Pastries and Breads Topic Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, traits, etc. in baking pies, pastries and breads. Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning and power clusters. Essential Understanding(s): Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in the business cooking, continuously develop and improve their PECs. Learners will know: Personal competencies - Characteristics - Attributes - Lifestyles - Skills - Traits Cluster of PECs - Achievement - Planning - Power Performance Standard: The learner prepares, based on PECs, a plan of action that addresses his/her areas of development and areas of strength in baking pies, cookies and pastries. Time Frame : 2 days

Essential Question(s): How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career like cooking? Learners will be able to: Analyze the competencies of PECs Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievement, planning and power Prepare a plan of action Improve areas of strength

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Plan of action, based on PECs, addressing ones areas of development and areas of strength. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: Explanation: Describe their PECs focusing on strengths and development areas. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise Interpretation: Compare their PECs with those of a successful practitioner. Criteria: a. Objective b. Focused c. Conclusive Application: Apply their PECs in pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial activity. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Effective c. Practical Performance Assessment of the plan of action based on the following criteria:

1. Comprehensiveness 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms of addressing personal areas of development and improving ones areas of strength 3. Doability

Perspective: Express their thoughts on the importance of PECs from the viewpoint of a seasoned entrepreneur. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Plausible d. Sensitive Empathy: Express the feelings of an entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping with the PECs of a chosen career. Criteria: a. Open-minded b. Objective c. Sensitive Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the results of PECs, their level of confidence as a prospective entrepreneur in cooking. Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Assess the prior knowledge on environment and market in Foods and Food Service as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Assess the immediate environment and market for Foods and Food Service to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with use of the following: Survey the questionnaire; Interview guide; Checklist, etc. SWOT analysis Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate municipality? EQ How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? EQ How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity? EQ Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section


Survey Questionnaire; Interview guided; Checklist, etc. SWOT Analysis


Interview guide or Resource person

Analyze the assessment conducted on the environment and market of Foods and Food


Service in the immediate municipality/ city. Explanation: explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in indentifying business opportunities in Foods and Food Service. Town Map Assist learners in conducting a business to indentify business establishments or industries related to Foods and Food Service in immediate municipality/ city. Make a graph presentation on the information on Foods and Foods Service as a result of dategathering activity such as: interview, survey, town/city mapping, etc. Present the result of the date gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for Foods and Food Service. Consumer needs and wants. Existing industry related to Foods and Food Service. Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of the target consumer. SWOT analysis Formulation of the business idea. Opportunity seeking and seizing



Interpretation: interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in Foods and Foods Service. Application: Generate business ideas from analyze data of Foods and Foods Service. Do the supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented.



Assist the learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather the salient information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity related to Foods and Food Service. Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas in Foods and Foods Service. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2)

Interview Guide

Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas in Foods and Food Service. Prepare SWOT Analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis


Formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market Foods and Foods Service . Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a municipality. 4. TRANSFER Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. Assess the learners business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 ( Assessment at the level of Performance)



Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed Textbooks KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

Total ----------- ___ days

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 3 Baking Pies, Pastries and Breads Topic Environment and Market Time Frame STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment and market for cooking as an entrepreneurial career. Key Ideas - Consumer needs and wants - Existing industry related to cooking meal products - Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target customers Key Processes - SWOT analysis - Formulation of business ideas - Opportunity seeking and seizing Essential Understanding(s): The needs and wants of the target market and industry help determine the product to be produced and/or service to be offered. Ones choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the needs and wants of consumers. Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful business venture. Learners will know: Consumer needs and wants Existing industry related to embroidery Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target consumers Performance Standard: The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market for target customers in baked pies, pastries and breads. Time Frame : 6 days

Essential Question(s): How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate community? How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?

Learners will be able to: Prepare SWOT analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis SWOT analysis

Formulation of business idea Opportunity seeking and seizing

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Formulation of a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: Explanation: Explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in baking pies, pastries and breads. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise d. Coherent Interpretation: Interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment opportunities in baked pies, pastries and breads. Criteria: a. Reliable b. Accurate c. Objective d. Relevant e. Valid Performance Assessment of formulated business idea on the following criteria:

Profitable Feasible Practical Responsive to consumer needs and wants Innovative

Application: Generate business ideas from data analysis of industries related to baking pies, pastries and breads. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Innovative c. Practical Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas for target clientele. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Insightful Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a community. Criteria: a. Objective b. Persuasive c. Sensitive d. Open-minded Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to baking pies, pastries and breads. Criteria:

a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for baked pies, pastries and breads as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Have learners assess their immediate environment and market for business opportunities to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target 1. EXPLORE market with the use of the following: Survey questionnaire; Interview guide; Check-list, etc. Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related to baked pies, pastries and breads. 2. FIRM UP Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market for baked Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section

pies, pastries and breads in the immediate locality. Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to baking pies, pastries and breads in the immediate locality. Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on the needs and wants of target market as a result of the data-gathering activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc., Help learners in presenting the result of the datagathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market. Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented. Assist the learner in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity. Compare whether the information arrived at during the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas. Assess the learners level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2). Ask learners to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market for baked pies, pastries and breads. Assess learners business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).



Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed: Textbooks

KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 3 Baking Pies, Pastries and Breads Topic : Production of Pies, Pastries and Breads STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking: raisin bread, mango/buko pies, tarts, etc. Performance Standard: The learner produces marketable original/new baked products, following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking. Time Frame : 35 days

pricing of products

Essential Understanding(s): Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking is essential in producing marketable baked products.

Essential Question(s): Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking?

Learners will know: Pies and Pastries

Learners will be able to:

crusts double crust pies.

Pineapple pie Buko pie Peanut tarts Fruit tarts Others

Strategies Advertisement Breads

and marketing of baked breads

Pineapple pie Buko pie Peanut tarts Fruit tarts Others

packaging and marketing strategies

he 4 Ms of production

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Marketable original/new baked products, following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Performance Learners should be able to demonstrate Assessment of breads, pastries and pies understanding by covering the six (6) facets of based on marketability (quality, appearance, understanding: price) and originality (value-added, uniqueness) Explanation: Explain the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking breads, pastries and pies. Criteria: Clear Comprehensive Scientific basis Assessment of performance Compliance with standards (tools, equipment, materials) Application of procedure Observance of work habits Speed/Time

Demonstration of the process in the preparation of marketable baked products.

Interpretation: Show the significance of the process and delivery of baking in producing new products. Criteria Original Creative Application: Exhibit marketable meal products following the process and delivery in baking. Criteria Original Creative Nutritive Value Cost-beneficial Perspective: Compare and contrast the different techniques in baking pies, pastries and breads. Criteria: Clear Concise Appropriate Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it feels to have gainful returns in baking pies, pastries and breads. Criteria: Profitable Quality

Self-Knowledge: Self-assess their knowledge in producing marketable pies, pastries and breads. Criteria: Clear Self-Confidence

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge and understanding in the production of baked pies, pastries and breads through paper and pencil, performance test and other assessment tools. Orient learners in understanding the learning standards (content and performance standards), assessment tools and criteria. Have learners survey a nearby eatery, food stalls, and the like. Let learners prepare survey questionnaire checklist which will focus on: - types of baked pies, pastries and breads - presentation of baked products - ingredients used indigenous ingredients found in the community/locality. - demands for a particular product age, occupation, likes and dislikes Provide learners with pictures/ video clip presentation on the production of baked pies, pastries and breads. Process learners understanding on the pictures and video clip presentation by asking leading questions Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section


focusing on the production process of baked pies, pastries and breads. Guide learners in gaining initial understanding of the concepts and principles of baked pies, pastries and bread production. Draw learners Essential Questions (EQ) from their initial understanding on the need to understand the basic concepts and principles underlying the process of delivery in the production of baked pies, pastries and breads. Have learners research on the 4 Ms (materials, machine, method, and manpower) of production needed in producing quality baked products. Encourage learners gather essential information related to pies, pastries and bread production. Learners can use any of the following: - interview with successful baker - web-based resources - reading materials (books, bulletins and others) Guide learners in preparing a project plan on the production of baked pies, pastries and breads. Have learners familiarize themselves with the different processes involved in producing pies, pastries and breads. Encourage learners to reflect, revise, and rethink their understanding in consideration of the processes, information/learning in the production of pies, pastries and breads. Have learners assess themselves on their understanding of the concepts of production of pies, pastries and breads. Check this against the content standard.


Have learners translate the project plan into a quality baked products based on the given standard procedure. Application: Exhibit marketable meal products and following the process and delivery in baking. Assists learners in computing for the cost of production and selling price of pies, pastries and breads. Engage learners into a guided discussion on the factors that may affect the different practices in baking pies, pastries and breads. Encourage learners to reflect on and revise their project plan. Have learners express their understanding and check against the Essential Understanding (EU) and content standard in baking pies, pastries and breads. Have learners assess their understanding. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Understanding) Interpretation: Show the significance of the process and delivery of baking in producing new products. Perspective: Compare and contrast the different techniques in baking pies, pastries and breads. Have learners produce original/new marketable pies, pastries and breads applying the concepts and principles in baking. Encourage learners to exhibit their finished products (bazaar, food fair, etc.). Assess learners level of performance. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Performance)



Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed: Textbooks Magazines/Journals KAB Modules Cooking utensils/ tools and equipment Ingredients

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 4 Baking Cookies and Cakes Topic : Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) such as characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, traits, etc. in baking cookies and cakes. Analysis and interpretation of PECs by achievement, planning and power clusters. Essential Understanding(s): Successful entrepreneurs like those engaged in the business cooking, continuously develop and improve their PECs. Performance Standard: The learner prepares, based on PECs, a plan of action that addresses his/her areas of development and areas of strength in baked cookies and cakes business. Time Frame : 2 days

Essential Question(s): How does one ensure success in a chosen entrepreneurial career like baking?

Learners will know: Personal competencies - Characteristics - Attributes - Lifestyles - Skills - Traits Cluster of PECs - Achievement - Planning - Power

Learners will be able to: Analyze the competencies of PECs Interpret the clusters of PECs such as achievement, planning and power Prepare a plan of action Improve areas of strength

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Plan of action, based on PECs, addressing ones areas of development and areas of strength. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: Explanation: Describe their PECs focusing on strengths and development areas. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise Interpretation: Compare their PECs with those of a successful practitioner. Criteria: a. Objective b. Focused c. Conclusive Application: Apply their PECs in pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial activity. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Effective c. Practical Performance Assessment of the plan of action based on the following criteria:

1. Comprehensiveness 2. Appropriateness of strategies in terms of addressing personal areas of development and improving ones areas of strength 3. Doability

Perspective: Express their thoughts on the importance of PECs from the viewpoint of a seasoned entrepreneur. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Plausible d. Sensitive Empathy: Express the feelings of an entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping with the PECs of a chosen career. Criteria: a. Open-minded b. Objective c. Sensitive Self-knowledge: Assess, based on the results of PECs, their level of confidence as a prospective entrepreneur in baking. Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Assess the prior knowledge on environment and market in Foods and Food Service as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Assess the immediate environment and market for Foods and Food Service to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with use of the following: Survey the questionnaire; Interview guide; Checklist, etc. SWOT analysis Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate municipality? EQ How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? EQ How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity? EQ Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section


Survey Questionnaire; Interview guided; Checklist, etc. SWOT Analysis


Interview guide or Resource person

Analyze the assessment conducted on the environment and market of Foods and Food


Service in the immediate municipality/ city. Explanation: explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in indentifying business opportunities in Foods and Food Service. Town Map Assist learners in conducting a business to indentify business establishments or industries related to Foods and Food Service in immediate municipality/ city. Make a graph presentation on the information on Foods and Foods Service as a result of dategathering activity such as: interview, survey, town/city mapping, etc. Present the result of the date gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for Foods and Food Service. Consumer needs and wants. Existing industry related to Foods and Food Service. Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of the target consumer. SWOT analysis Formulation of the business idea. Opportunity seeking and seizing



Interpretation: interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in Foods and Foods Service. Application: Generate business ideas from analyze data of Foods and Foods Service. Do the supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented.



Assist the learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather the salient information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity related to Foods and Food Service. Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas in Foods and Foods Service. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2)

Interview Guide

Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas in Foods and Food Service. Prepare SWOT Analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis


Formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market Foods and Foods Service . Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a municipality. 4. TRANSFER Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to Foods and Food Service. Assess the learners business idea based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 ( Assessment at the level of Performance)



Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed Textbooks KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

Total ----------- ___ days

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 4 Baking Cookies and Cakes Topic : Environment and Market STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the environment and market for baking cookies and cakes as an entrepreneurial career. Key Ideas - Consumer needs and wants - Existing industry related to cooking meal products - Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target customers Key Processes - SWOT analysis - Formulation of business ideas - Opportunity seeking and seizing Essential Understanding(s): The needs and wants of the target market and industry help determine the product to be produced and/or service to be offered. Ones choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the needs and wants of consumers. Seeking and responding effectively to a business opportunity are the bases for starting and maintaining a successful business venture. Learners will know: Consumer needs and wants Existing industry related to embroidery Products/services that satisfy the needs and wants of target consumers Performance Standard: The learner formulates a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market for baked cookies and cakes. Time Frame : 6 days

Essential Question(s): How does one determine the needs and wants of the target market and industry in the immediate community? How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?

Learners will be able to: Prepare SWOT analysis Formulate an action plan on business opportunity Formulate a business idea from data analysis Opportunity seeking and seizing Stage 2

SWOT analysis Formulation of business idea

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Formulation of a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: Explanation: Explain the importance of the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in baked cookies and cakes. Criteria: a. Clear b. Comprehensive c. Concise d. Coherent Interpretation: Interpret the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunities in baked cookies and cakes. Criteria: a. Reliable b. Accurate c. Objective d. Relevant e. Valid Performance Assessment of formulated business idea on the following criteria:

Profitable Feasible Practical Responsive to consumer needs and wants Innovative

Application: Generate business ideas from data analysis of industries related on baked cookies and cakes. Criteria: a. Appropriate b. Innovative c. Practical Perspective: Express from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas for industries related to baked cookies and cakes. Criteria: a. Valid b. Relevant c. Insightful Empathy: Express their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a community. Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective a. Objective b. Persuasive c. Sensitive d. Open-minded

Self-knowledge: Self-assess their level of confidence in formulating business ideas related to baking cookies and cakes. Criteria: a. Reflective b. Insightful c. Objective

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Entrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market for baked cookies and cakes as an entrepreneurial lens in generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools. Have learners assess their immediate environment 1. EXPLORE and market for baked cookies and cakes to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with the use of the following: Survey questionnaire; Interview guide; Check-list, etc. Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section

Ask EQs to draw out learners understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas to baked cookies and cakes. Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market for baked cookies and cakes products in the immediate locality. Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries related to baked cookies and cakes in the immediate locality. Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information on the needs and wants of target market as a result of the data-gathering activity such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc., Help learners in presenting the result of the datagathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target market for baked cookies and cakes. Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented. Assist learners in conducting an interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner he/she was able to seize a business opportunity relative to baking cookies and cakes. Compare whether the information derived from the interview will complement/harmonize with their skills in formulating business ideas. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to the Assessment in Stage 2).




Ask learners to formulate a business idea as a result of the SWOT analysis of the environment and market for baked cookies and cakes. Assess the learners business idea based on the interview provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance).

Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed: Textbooks KAB Modules Magazines/Journals/Articles on supply and demand and existing industry

CAREER PATHWAY TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION I Area: FOODS and FOOD SERVICE I Quarter 4 Baking Cookies and Cakes Topic : Production of Cookies and Cakes STAGE I Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking: pinwheel, macaroons, oatmeal cookies and sponge, butter, chiffon, upside down cakes, etc. our (4) Ms (manpower, materials, machine, methods) of production Performance Standard: The learner produces marketable original/new baked products, following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking. Time Frame : 35 days

Essential Understanding(s): Applying the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking is essential in producing marketable baked products. Learners will know: Cookies

Essential Question(s): Why do we need to understand the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking?

Learners will be able to:

stics of quality cookies the 4Ms of production Brownies

Dream Heart Wafers Oatmeal Cookies Chocolate Pinwheel Sand Tarts Peanut Butter Thumbprints

marketing of baked products




appropriate packaging and marketing strategies

Make project plan

STAGE 2 ASSESSMENT Product of Performance Task Marketable original/new baked products, following the basic concepts and principles underlying the process and delivery in baking. Evidence at the Level Of Understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by covering the six (6) facets of understanding: Performance Assessment of cookies and cakes based on marketability (quality, appearance, price) and originality (value-added, uniqueness).

Demonstration of the process in the preparation of marketable baked products.

Explanation: Explain the basic concepts and principles

underlying the process and delivery in baking cookies and cakes. Criteria: Clear Comprehensive Scientific basis Interpretation: Show the significance of the process and delivery of baking in producing new products. Criteria Original Creative Application: Exhibit marketable meal products following the process and delivery in baking. Criteria Original Creative Nutritive Value Cost-beneficial Perspective: Compare and contrast the different techniques in baking cookies and cakes. Criteria: Concise Appropriate

Assessment of performance Compliance with standards (tools, equipment, materials) Application of procedure Observance of work habits Speed/Time

Empathy: Share their thoughts on how it feels to have gainful returns in baking cookies and

cakes. Criteria: Profitable Quality Self-Knowledge: Self-assess their knowledge in producing marketable cookies and cakes. Criteria: Clear Self-Confidence

Stage 3 Learning Plan Teaching / Learning Experience Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge and understanding in the production of baked cookies and cakes through paper and pencil, performance test and other assessment tools. Orient learners in understanding the learning standards (content and performance standards), assessment tools and criteria. Have learners survey a nearby eatery, food stalls, and the like. Let learners prepare survey questionnaire checklist which will focus on: - types of baked cookies and cakes - presentation of baked products - ingredients used indigenous ingredients in the community/locality - demands for a particular product age, occupation, likes and dislikes Resources Proposed No. Of Days Year and Section


Provide learners with pictures/ video clip presentation on the production of cookies and cakes. Process learners understanding of the pictures and video presentation by asking leading questions focusing on the production process of baked cookies and cakes. Draw learners Essential Questions (EQ) from their initial understanding on the need to understand the basic concepts and principles underlying the process of delivery in the production of baked cookies and cakes. Have learners research on the 4 Ms (materials, machine, method, and manpower) of production needed in producing quality baked products. Encourage learners gather essential information related to cookies and cakes. Learners can use any of the following: - interview with successful baker - web-based resources - reading materials (books, bulletins and others) Assist learners in preparing a project plan on the production of baked cookies and cakes. Have learners familiarize themselves with the different processes involved in producing cookies and cakes. Encourage learners to reflect, revise, and rethink their understanding in consideration of the processes, information/learning in the production of cookies and cakes. Have learners assess themselves on their understanding of the concepts of production of cookies and cakes. Check this against the content standard.


Have learners translate the project plan into a quality baked products based on the given standard procedure. Application: Exhibit marketable meal products and following the process and delivery in baking. Assist learners in computing for the cost of production and selling price of cookies and cakes. Engage learners into a guided discussion on the factors that may affect the different practices in baking cookies and cakes. Encourage learners to reflect on and revise their project plan. Have learners express their understanding and check against the essential understanding (EU) and content standard in baking cookies and cakes. Assess learners level of understanding. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Understanding) Interpretation: Show the significance of the process and delivery of baking in producing new products. Perspective: Compare and contrast of different techniques in baking of cakes. Have learners produce original/new marketable cookies and cakes applying the concepts and principles in baking. Encourage learners to exhibit their finished products (bazaar, food fair, etc.). Have learners assess their level of performance. (Refer to Stage 2, Assessment at the Level of Performance)



Resources/Materials/Equipment Needed: Textbooks Magazines/Journals KAB Modules Cooking utensils, tools and equipment Ingredients