
Words fail one in attempting to describe the appearance of this extraordinary place …

W.J. Hamilton, (English geologist, July 1837)

Andrei Alexandra

n the heart of modern Turkey lies patch of land seems detached from another world: strange

geological formations similar to those monthly, galleries, fortresses, cities built below ground

… elements which, taken together, offer an unique flavor of this area located to the

attention of most of the time history. Cappadocia is not just layers of lava and volcanic rocks

deposited over time, but overlapping strands of history to give birth to magical story about the

conquest, lost crops and holly wars.

Cappadocia (Cappadocia) in Turkey is a region which has an area of 800 square km. Small

region located in the heart of Turkey, dominated by Mount Argaeus (today Erciyes Dagi - 3916 m)

is famous for its fantastic scenery, mysterious, strange even though the nature of the volcanic lava

of the mountain. The few European travelers who ventured into this realm centuries ago forgotten

by the world, were fascinated by the extraordinary landscape. It was the picture that needed to be

invented for this region to enter the world heritage tourism.

For Christians, Cappadocia is

the region where some of the

most important theologians of

the parents and the Church of

St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory

of Nyssa, Gregory Nazianzen


The isolation of Cappadocia

has attracted here in the first

centuries of our era the

Romans who persecuted

Christians, and X-XV centuries

was a place of solitude for many monks. So they founded the first monasteries that St. Basil's Rules

for large and small monks who strictly observe today, in all Orthodox monasteries in the world.

Currently an estimated 3,000 churches in Cappadocia carved in stone, of which the best

known are those of Goreme, Zelve, Ihlara.


Cappadocia landscape was formed due to

eruption of two volcanoes, Hasan Ercyes east and

west, thousands of years ago. An area of about

20,000 square miles was covered with lava, which

sometimes reached over 150 m thick. Over time,

the top layer remained strong, with a higher

content of basalt, and in depth, volcanic tufa of

different hardness’s . This porous stone, easily

carved, taking the advantage to absorb moisture

and retain heat, could be a suitable environment

for the later cave dwellings. Cappadocia is a

volcanic plateau situated in the central-southern

territory of Turkey. In 1200 BC, the Hittite

kingdom was in the area, with its capital at

Hattusa. After the disappearance of the Hittites, Phrygians reach this region, renowned horse

breeders. Later, passing under the dominion of the Medes Cappadocia, which in turn, in the sixth

century BC, coming under Persian rule. Persian administration was in the area, according to

documents kept, more than 20 satraps (governors), who had to pay annual fees in gold, silver and

horses. From this period (585-382 BC) dates and etymology of the name Cappadocia which in

Persian, Katpatuka, means "land of beautiful horses. "

Most important archaeological sit in Cappadocia on Christian best-preserved remains

Göreme. This term means "we can see here. " According to tradition and name of the place, about

two millennia, Christians have fled south to hide from Roman persecution, the Christian churches

in Göreme and that Urgup, the neighboring city, are among the oldest in the world. Taken in a

broader context, these villages are located in Nevşehir Province in Central Anatolia, a monastic

complex carved into the rock many churches and chapels covered with frescoes, which is one of

the most famous tourist attraction places in Turkey. Göreme National Park, located in the city with

the same name, was put on UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985. Access to this area may be by

plane or bus to Istanbul or Ankara, and from here by bus in the city of Nevşehir, the old town of St.

Gregory of Nyssa.

The main objectives of this region are Goreme, Avanos, Uchisar, Urgup.

GOREME - is an old village located in

Cappadocia, a region with a strong history, located

in Turkey, which in translation means "we can see

here. " According to tradition and the place’s

name, two millennia ago, Christians have fled south

to hide from Roman persecution, so Christian

churches in Goreme and Urgup, nearby city, are

among the oldest in the world. Seen in a broader

context, it is located in central Anatolian province of Nevsehir. Goreme National Park, located in

the village with the same name, was placed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985. National

Museum of Goreme open air, a monastic complex carved into the stone more churches and

chapels covered with frescoes, is one of the most famous tourist attraction places in Turkey.

Hunchbacked gnomes or fearsome giants, the rocks in the village of Goreme, in the heart

of Cappadocia, to let imagination run wild visitors. Behind the story is the erosion phenomenon:

because it has a soft volcanic rock, the water and the wind have carved a hassle.

Troglodyte dwellings, homes, cave, caves, church, or stone columns and Kaymakli underground

cities where Christians were hiding communities in times of persecution, are some of the wonders

of Cappadocia.

AVANOS - is particularly famous for pottery

workshops and weaving school. Here the tourist is invited to

watch and understand the crafts but at the same time, in a kind of

tacit consent, he is invited to buy the work of craftsmen. There is

no need to feel offended or manipulated. After all, why would you

buy in a store and not directly from the hand of one who did?

The workshop is situated on the river, in Avanos .

Workshop - huge have a tradition of 11 generations and was

included in a joint program of the Ministries of Culture and

Tourism of Turkey.

Anatolian carpets weaving school made known worldwide, and the authorities seem

determined not to let the craft to lose or industrialize. Here, the village women come to learn how

to weave a carpet. You can see how to extract the silk from cocoons, which makes you think how

many mulberry leaves are required, you can also see what is extracted from natural paints and

stains like wires.

It is not known when Uchisar

was first inhabited, but is located in the

highest point in the region. Uchisar is a

town in Central Anatolia region of Turkey

and part of the biblical Cappadocia region.

The city is known for its many hotels that

are built in caves. One of the best known

sights the city that offers a magnificent

panorama of the surrounding area. Many

rooms carved into the rock are connected with stairs, tunnels and passageways. At the entrances

of rooms, there are millstone doors, just like those in the underground settlements, used to

control access to these places. Because of erosion in many places of this multi-leveled castle, it is

not possible to reach, unfortunately.

ÜRGÜP - located approx. 7 km

from Goreme, 20 km from Nevşehir,

is a city situated at the edge of the

hill called the Hill of desires, based

on 20 km north of Nevsehir

province, the first settlement in

Cappadocia region. Ürgüp is a very

beautiful city with a long history. In

ancient times was known as

"Ossianna" later in the sovereignty

of the Seljuks was named as "Başhisar" and then "Kalesi Borough (Borough Fortress) by the

Ottomans and finally the" Ürgüp "the at the beginning of the Republic of Turkey.

Urgup, is a bustling tourist center, which once again can see how people lived in houses,

cut into rocks.


REFERENCES: - Cappadocia, a shining testimony of Christian civilization - Augustin PĂUNOIU - `` light `` Source-newspaper -
