Download - CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

Page 1: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the


Saint Gerard Majella and Saint John the Evangelist Parishes

Canton, Massachusetts

December 2, 2018


Saint Gerard Majella Saint John the Evangelist

1 860 Washington St. 700 Washington St. 781-828-3420 781-828-0090

December 16, 2018

Page 2: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

Canton Catholic Community Twenty fourth Sunday


Canton Catholic Community



St. Gerard

Weekend: Saturday 4pm, Sunday 8:30am, 10:30am, 6:00pm

*Weekday: Monday–Wednesday 9am

Rosary: Daily 8:30am before Mass & Monday 7:30pmSt. John

Weekend: Saturday 4pm, Sunday 7:30am, 9am, 11:30am

*Weekday: Wednesday—Saturday 9am

Rosary: Daily before 9am Mass


St. Gerard Saturdays: 3:15 3:45pm

St. John Saturdays: 3:00 3:45pm

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made six months in

advance. Contact the Parish Office.


St. Gerard 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 1pm

St. John 1st Sunday of the month at 2pm


St. Gerard

Tuesday from 9:30am until noonSt. John

Wednesday from 9:30am until noon

*Deacon Dan Nelson is a certified Spiritual Director. If you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the Administrative Offices on 781-828-3420.

Welcome To the Canton Catholic Community Whether you were baptized Catholic as a child, or have recently decided to see what the Catholic Church is about, we are glad you are here.

Please let us know if there is any way our parishes may be of service to you, or any way in which you would

like to participate in our parish life.We look forward to getting to know you!

Administrative Offices 1860 Washington St. St. Gerard 781-828-3420

St. John 781-828-0090 Reverend Thomas S. Rafferty, Pastor

[email protected] Rodney J. Copp, J.C.L., Senior Vicar

[email protected]*Deacon Daniel C. Nelson, THM, D. Min.

[email protected]

St. John School 781-828-2130 Dr. Chris Flieger—Principal

Homebound Ministry Deacon Dan and Eucharistic Ministers bring the Holy Eu-charist to many of our fellow parishioners who are una-ble to leave their home. Within this very important minis-try, we as a parish community are able to extend our-selves in a real and important way to many of our parish-ioners who are permanently disabled or physically una-ble to make the trip from their home to church. We would like to expand this program to other parishioners who may be temporarily disabled due to a recent medical pro-cedure or who may simply be unable to find transporta-tion to church. If you are aware of any person who is una-ble to make their way to church for whatever reason, please contact the parish office and we will make sure they are included on our homebound list.

John Mariani, Emily Lewis, Kay Smith, Anita Steele, Sherri, Chris, Dan DelSignore, Lawrence, James, Matthew, Maxine, Marissa, Joan Meissner, Amber Joy, Pam P., Dan H., Tracy Harrington, Regina Cuddy, Msgt. James Lovett, Michael Fran-cis, Rosie & Avertanio, Ed, Tim, Dick F., Steve, Kate, Bud, Ken & Barbara Stevens, Nancy & Bill Miller, Michael Trunfio, Mary M., Deirdre, John P. Donovan, Bridget D., Gerard C., Debi S., Pat F. Elaine Pimentel, Paul Malboeuf, Gina Cuddy, Lynne Bean, Catherine Luvisi, Caroline Klaus, Joe and Barbara Tetrault, Venicios Balayo, Patricia Conlon, Amy Doris, Barbara Kaelin Doyle, Addie Sullivan, Julia Lundrigan, Mary Cook, Carol McKenna, Barbara Sparrow, Andrew Starr, Julianne Starr, Joseph T. Amhrein, Catherine Amhrein Starr, Joe Dolan, William Schulkes, Sr., Do Thi Nguye n, Virginia Shea

Page 3: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

Canton Catholic Community Twenty-fourth Sunday


Canton Catholic Community

Canton Catholic Women's Club members enjoyed the

annual Christmas program, book sale and lunch. Due to the generosity of members we were able to donate money during the Christmas season to two charities, Arbor Hospi-tal in Quincy, and St. Vincent de Paul heating fund. We wish all our members, parish-ioners, families, and friends from St. John and St. Gerard Parishes a very Merry Christ-mas and a Happy New Year. We will resume pro-grams in March. Thank you, CCWC officers and chairpersons.

St. Gerard Majella

Christmas Eve 4pm Youth and Junior Choirs

6pm Chamber Choir Midnight Teen Mass

Christmas Day 8:30am and 10:30am

St. John the Evangelist

Christmas Eve 4pm Youth and Junior Choirs

6:30pm Canton Catholic Adult Choir

Christmas Day 9am and 11am

Canton Catholic Community Wednesday, December 26

Feastday St. Stephen, The First Martyr The 9am Daily Mass will be held at

St. Gerard Majella Church

Dear Friends, This Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, is also known as Gaudete Sunday. The name is derived from a Latin word for Rejoice. As the Advent focus shifts from anticipation of Jesus’ Second Coming to the Nativity we are reminded that we wait with joy. Signs of that joyful expectation are the lighting of the rose colored candle on the Advent Wreath and rose vestments. Sister Catherine Gilmore, CSJ died last week and her funeral was held Thursday. May Almighty God reward her for having so lovingly and faithfully responded to His call to serve His people as a Sister of St. Joseph. Please take time to note the Christmas Mass sched-ules at St. Gerard’s & St. John’s. The collection at all Christmas Masses in our Archdiocese is taken up for the support of our retired clergy. They have offered us a life-time of faithful service, this is our opportunity to ensure that they receive care and support in their last years. Thank you for your generosity. Yours in Christ,

Father Tom

Atlantic Canada June 30-July 6, 2019 Visit Canada’s Atlantic Coast (CAT fast ferry) Portland to Yarmouth NS. Tour the Provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, red sand beaches, pic-turesque fishing villages, rich maritime history. Hotels, 11 meals, (PEI lobsterbake) transportation & sightsee-ing are provided. $1799/ppdo. $150 deposit due 2/22/19, final due 5/9/2019. 781-575-1491 reserva-tions & information.

Canton Catholic Community Installation Mass The installation of Rev. Thomas S. Rafferty as Pastor of The Canton Catholic Parishes of St. Gerard Majella and St. John the Evangelist will take place on Saturday, January 12, 2019 at the 4pm Mass at St. Gerard Majella Church. Very Reverend Brian Flatley, Episcopal Vicar of the South Region, will preside.

Page 4: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

Canton Catholic Community Twenty fourth Sunday


Saint Gerard Majella Parish

WELCOME TO SAINT GERARD MAJELLA If you have recently moved into our parish and would like to register as a parishioner, please fill out the form below. You may return it in the collection basket or drop it off at the Rectory. If you have any questions about our parish, please call the Administrative Offices at 781 828 3420.Name:___________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________

PRAYER MEETING Tuesday, 7:30pm

A.A. MEETING Saturday, 10:30am, Church Hall

December 9, 2018 $5,262 Attendance 940

Thank you for your continued support of St. Gerard’s Parish!

Mass Intentions Saturday, December 15th 4:00PM Cecelia Trykowski (1st Anniversary) Sunday, December 16th 8:30AM Margarete McNeice (1st Anniversary) 10:30AM Dr. Renato Mendoza (Special Intention) 6:00PM For the People of the Parish Monday, December 17th 9:00AM Fr. Bernard McLaughlin (Memorial) Tuesday. December 18th 9:00AM Joseph Gesiak (Memorial) Wednesday, December 19th 9:00AM Marlene Ingemi, Gene & Bernice Garwitz (Memorial) Saturday, December 22nd 4:00PM Richard Dawson (Memorial) Sunday, December 23rd 8:30AM Mary V. Browne (24th Anniversary) 10:30AM D’Amico Family (Memorial) 6:00PM For the People of the Parish Your prayers are requested for Joanne Joyce who was buried from St. Gerard’s last week.

Christmas Flowers

If you would like to donate a Christmas Poinsettia plant in memory of a loved one, there are envelopes for your dona-tion on the tables at the entrances of the Church. We will display their names in

Fill A Flower Pot

We soon will be decorating the outside pots for winter. If you would like to make a dona-tion in memory of a loved one, we will fill the pot and place the name in the pot for you. You may call the Parish Office to place your order. A suggested donation of $20.00 is appreciated.

Saint Gerard’s Christmas Pageant The Parish Christmas Pageant will be held on Sunday, December 16th, fol-lowing the 10:30am Youth Mass. We invite all parishioners to join us in this beautiful recitation of our Lord’s birth.

Upcoming Religious Education Schedule

There are no Religious Education Classes until after the Christmas Break. Classes will resume as follows:

Grade 1: Sunday, January 6, 2019 Grade 2: Thursday, January 3, 2019

Grades 3-8 Monday: January 7, 2019 Grades 3-5 Tuesday: January 8, 2019

Grades 3-8 Wednesday: January 2, 2019

We would like to wish all families a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and

Happy New Year!

Mainspring Just a reminder that next Saturday, December 22nd St. Gerard will be serving dinner at the Brockton Homeless Shelter. Donations of uncooked meat loaves, frozen veg-etables, mashed potatoes, desserts, and salad ingredi-ents are greatly appreciated. Please drop off at the Church Hall kitchen before 5:00PM on Friday, Decem-ber 21st and between 12:00 2:15PM on Saturday, De-cember 22nd. Thank you to everyone for their dona-tions last month.

Page 5: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

Canton Catholic Community Twenty fourth Sunday


Saint John the Evangelist Parish

Please keep our Military in your prayers. Edward McCarthy III, 1st Lt. Army Korea

St. John’s Grand Annual Appeal

Thank you to those that have already donated to our Grand Annual! Did you know that you may donate to St. John’s Grand Annual Appeal via

WeShare our online giving, it is safe, secure, and an easy way to make your donation. Thank you!

PARISHIONER REGISTRATION INFO Our priests, staff, & parish family warmly welcome and invite you to our parish! To register, please fill out this form & dropoff at the rectory or return in the collection basket. Thanks!

You may register at click on new parishioner, or at the Administrative Office.


Tel. #________________________________________________________


Additional Members:______________________________________

Offertory envelopes: yes/no______________________________

Saturday, December 15, 2018 9:00am Deceased Members of St. Vincent de Paul4:00pm Mary & John Graham, Esther Ward MemorialSunday, Sunday, December 16, 2018 7:30am Rene and Teresa Kadi Wedding Anniversary9:00am James C. Sherlock Memorial11:30am Ann Arico 2nd Anniversary Wednesday, December 19, 2018 9:00am For the People of Our ParishThursday, December 20, 2018 9:00am Smith and Doyle Families MemorialFriday, December 21, 2018 9:00am John and Loretta Feeney MemorialSaturday, December 22, 2018 9:00am Cornelius Keohane Memorial4:00pm Gerard Sykes MemorialSunday, Sunday, December 23, 2018 7:30am Special Intention9:00am John O’Brien Memorial11:30am James R. Bickerton Memorial

Please remember our Military Men and Women

Sister Catherine Gilmore, Marilyn Foley

St. John the Evangelist Parish Presents Night of the Father’s Love ~

A Christmas Cantata

Saturday, December 15 at 7:00pm

Let us gather to reflect on the coming of the Lord, as we prepare to welcome Him with open hearts!

The performance features scenes from the Nativity with parish children, choirs, and orchestra. We in-vite you, your family, and friends to a very magical presentation of the Nativity Story followed by the blessing of the parish cre che and lighting of the tree. Light refreshments will be served in the lower church hall and a surprise visitor will join us for this wonderful parish celebration! For more information, please contact Nancy Cunniff at [email protected].

December 9, 2018 $6,559 Special Parish Winter Fund $3,089 Thank you for your continued

support of St. John’s Parish!

IN MEMORIAM St. John the Evangelist School, parish, and greater community mourns the passing of Sr. Catherine Gilmore CSJ, who was principal from 1985 2001. Her impact on this school community and parish is felt even today.

Throughout her life, Sr. Catherine em-bodied the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Her heart was enflamed with the compassion of God, she served the

dear neighbor without distinction, and she shared this pas-sion with others through her everyday actions. Sr. Catherine was no “ordinary woman.”

Page 6: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

Canton Catholic Community Twenty fourth Sunday


Saint John School Following Jesus and Striving for Excellence Since 1883! Buy a number & support Catholic education!

The St John School $1000 Club is a great deal all around. Purchase a number in our monthly raffle. Every month a $1000 grand prize and several smaller prizes ranging from $500 to $50 are given away. Tickets are $10 per month and can be purchased in 1, 3, 6 or 12 month increments. Purchase each month for $10 per month or one year for $110, that’s one free month! For more information or to purchase please go to

Schedule a visit to St. John School.

We are enrolling for next year today! Email [email protected]

Call - 781-828-2130 *Our robust early education program for three and four year olds enables our youngest students to grow and learn in a caring, creative environment. *Our nurturing elementary grades educate the whole child through a strong academic program and an array of enrichment activities. *Our rigorous middle school en-courages students to grow and flourish as they prepare to enter the high school of their choice. *Our graduates move on to the finest high schools and colleges, becoming active citizens in their communities. NOTICE: The large paper recycling bins located outside of the St. John School will be removed in the next few weeks. The company that used to service them has gone out of business. They are currently full to capacity.

My Brother’s Keeper Christmas Giving My Brothers’ Keeper is asking for your support in helping to purchase gro-ceries for Christmas dinner for local families in need who would otherwise go without. My Brothers’ Keeper, based in Easton, will serve over 3,000 families in December. Forms and envelopes for Christmas dinner dona-

tions can be found at the entrances to the Church. Thank you for supporting our mission “to bring the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ to those we serve.”

Saint John Parish (continued)

Bethlehem Stars - Advent Giving Tree Project for My Brother’s Keeper

The Advent Giving Tree is in the narthex of the church. The project is a joint effort between St. John’s and My Brother’s Keeper. It is called Bethlehem Stars and it begins this weekend. The tree is filled with stars pointing to spe-cific needs that can be addressed in gratitude to God for our blessings, and in recognition of how God comes to us in so many ways. During the Advent Season, the tree is decorated with purple lights and simple star ornaments lovingly created and decorated by the Religious Education students, which contain the gift requests. Parishioners are invited to take a gift request and return the gift to the church either unwrapped or in a gift bag any time by December 16. Please include the star gift tag with your gift. Once all the gift requests have been fulfilled the tree will be transformed with white lights and stars, which will reflect the generosity of the parish to the people served by My Brother’s Keeper. During the Christmas Season, the tree lights will shine brightly as a beautiful reminder of our parish giving. WATCH THE MIRACLE HAPPEN!If you have any questions about this project please contact Nancy Cunniff at [email protected] or Barbara McKenney at [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Page 7: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Evangelist, Canton, MA 4478

From the time that we were young kids growing up in Dorchester receiving First Communion, through our marriage, as we brought up our own four boys, and now as grandparents, Boston priests have been a guiding light that we reach out to in di�erent situations that have come up in our lives.As parents, our faith life has helped us to guide our family. We are an ordinary family, and, like all families, things don’t always go smoothly. The priests we have known through the years, like Fr. Peter Martocchio, have helped us to learn to take things in stride and put our faith in God, and that there is always hope.While not perfect, ours has been a wonderful life, which has been enriched by many Boston priests who have helped us along the way.

Kevin and Trisha MuldoonImmaculate Conception Parish, Weymouth, with Fr. Peter Martocchio, now living at Regina Cleri, a residence for retired priests in good standing in Boston.

Priests have been a constant presence throughout our lives. Boston Priests. Here for us.

Please give to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust through the special Christmas collection or visit

Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-being of our Priests

We hope you enjoy your new bulletin, which is now available online as well as in print.

To receive this bulletin in your inbox each week, please signup at

We want to thank the advertisers on the back page without whom

this bulletin would not be possible.

We are pleased and honored to provide this bulletin for St. John the Evangelist in Canton


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Page 8: CANTON CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Canton, Massachusetts Saint … · *eacon an Nelson is a certified Spiritual irector. f you are in need of spiritual direction, please contact him at the

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint John the Evangelist, Canton, MA 4478

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