Download - Cannon Organic Horticulture Project


The Cannon Horticulture Plots...

...were certified organic... the Oklahoma Department of

Agriculture... June 2011.

George Kuepper is manager of the

center's horticulture projects.

Kuepper's report, "Small Scale Organics: A Guidebook for the Non-certified Organic Grower," is available free online.

The center has converted bermudagrass pasture to organic horticulture production.

Controlling bermudagrass is a challenge...

...but sorghum-sudangrass shades it out. For more detail, see

"How We Converted Bermuda Pasture toOrganic Vegetable Production.”

Sorghum-sudangrass is one of several cover crops, both warm- and cool-season, that are

used in the rotation on the Cannon plots.

Cover crops, both winter and summer, are an important element of the evolving organic

system design. For more information, read Rotations, Cover Crops, and Green Fallow

on the Cannon Horticulture Project: A 2010 Status Report

The system features a 4-field rotation. Each year, half of the land is in a "green fallow" of

full-season cover crops.

We grow grain rye as a winter cover crop.

George Kuepper mowing a rye/vetch cover crop

with a BCS walk-behind tractor with sickle-bar

mower attachment

The mowed material can be tilled in, or left on the surface as mulch.

A 2011 organic no-till demonstration used this approach to grow heirloom pumpkins and

squash. Results: 2011 Organic No-Till Pumpkin Demonstration

The project is experimenting with

using a roller-crimper as another way to kill

cover crops.

In addition to suppressing weeds, cover crops add fertility. Vetch, a winter cover crop, adds

nitrogen to the soil.

Purple hull peas, a warm-season cover crop, fix nitrogen, too. (The peas also make tasty


When flowering, purple hull peas also provide

habitat for beneficial insects.

Additional fertility comes from compost...

...made with on-farm materials...

...such as hay...

...and manure.

Compost tea...

...boosts populations of

beneficial microbes... the soil.

...can increase soil moisture capacity and increase fertilizer efficiency... well as improving habitat for beneficial soil microbes.

2010 was the first of three years of our heirloom sweet potato variety trials...

...funded by a specialty crop block grant...

...from the USDA-AMS through the state of


Small-scale production techniques were

trialed... well as varieties.

Reports on all three years' trials are available online.

Heirloom tomato varieties were also trialed... 2009...

...and 2010...

...including an additional trial of grafted tomatoes in 2010.

Earlier years' heirloom variety trials included summer squash (2009)...

...okra (2008)...

...and sorghum (2008).

Reports with results from all heirloom variety trials

are available free online.

One demonstration trial in 2011 focused on flour and meal corn.

A "Three Sisters" demonstration in 2012 attempted to adapt the Native American

crop blend of beans...


...and squash... the organic system in the Cannon plots. Read the results.

Beneficial insects help control insect pests.

Beneficial insects also include native pollinators. Learn more about the center's

work with native pollinators.

To support our work, join Friends of the

Kerr Center!