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Joanny O. Zongo

• A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Department of Entomology

McGill University

Montréal, Québec

Canada August 1992

~ cJoanny O. Zongo

Page 3: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

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ISBN 0-315-87849-5


Page 4: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

Short title

Integrated pest management approach for the sorghum shoot fly

Joanny O. Zongo

Page 5: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

• i i


Ph.D. Joanny O. Zongo Entomology

A four-year (1988 to 1991 inclusive) field and laboratory study

was undertaken to determine and select the components that could be

integrated to control the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in 8urkina Faso, West Africa. Nine approaches

were investigated: 1) monitoring adult shoot fl ies: 2) sequential

sampling based on egg and dead heart counting: 3) cultural practices

(sowing dates and plant densities, intercropping sorghum-cowpea): 4)

use of resistant cultivars: 5) use of natural insecticide from the neem

tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae): 6) effects of

intercropping sorghum-cowpea on the natural enemi~~ of the shoot fly:

7) spider fauna in pure sorghum and intercropped sorghum-cowpea: 8)

parasitism of the shoot fly by a larval parasitoid, Neotrichoporoides

nyemitawus Rohwer; and 9) the biology of an egg parasitoid,

Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja. These nine approaches were

divided into four main components: 1) monitoring populations, 2)

cultural practices, 3) natural and chemical pesticides, and 4)

biological control that could be integrated to control the shoot fly.

Among these components, monitoring populations (egg sampling), cultural

practices, and use of natural pesticides could be util ised at the

farmer level •

Page 6: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Joanny O. Zongo Entomologie



Approche de Lutte Intégrée Pour la Mouche des Pousses du Sorgho,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptère: Muscidae), au Burkina Faso.

Quatre années d'études au champ et au l aboratoi re (1988-1991

inclus) ont été effectuées en vue de déterminer et de sélectionn~r des

composantes de lutte intégrée pour la mouche des pousses du sorgho,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptère: Muscidae), dans les conditions du

Burkina Faso. Neuf approches ont été examinées: 1) dépistage des

mouches adultes, 2) échantillonnage séquentiel basé sur le comptage des

oeufs et des coeurs morts, 3) les pratiques culturales (dates et

densités de semis, culture associée sorgho-niébé), 4) utilisation de

cultivars résistants, 5) utilisation des extraits naturels du neem,

Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae), 6) effets de la culture

associée sorgho-niébé sur les ennemis naturels de la mouche, 7) la

faune aranéologique en culture pure du sorgho et en culture associée

sorgho-niébé, 8) parasitisme de la mouche par un endoparasitoïde

larvaire, Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer, et 9) la biologie d'un

parasitoïde des oeufs, Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja. Ces neuf

approches ont été divisées en quatre principales composantes: 1)

dépistage des populations, 2) pratiques culturales, 3) pesticides

naturels et chimiques, et 4) lutte biologique. Parmi ces composantes,

le dépistage des populations (échantillonnage des oeufs), les pratiques

culturales et l'utilisation des extraits du neem pourraient être

utilisés en milieu paysan.

Page 7: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Suggested short t; t le: Integrated pest management approach for the

sorghum shoot fly.

Joanny O. Zongo

Page 8: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



My wife Rasmata Minoungou~

my sons, Jean-Eudes Wendintoin,

and Héribert Guétawendé,

for their great patience.


Page 9: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Project Supervision

l wish to express my great admiration and gratitude to my two

supervisors: 1) Dr. R.K. Stewart, whose help, support, knowledge, and

hospitality have been invaluable. His whole being inspires confidence.

2) Dr. C. Vincent, for his creative ideas, active participation in

field work and his kind hospitality. l appreciated his attention in

the preparation of the project and his dil igence in reviewing the


Staff Members

l express my gratitude to Dr. J.E. McFarlane, Chairman of the

Department of Entomology, who allowed me to transfer from the M.Sc. to

the Ph.D. program; Dr. S.B. Hill, Dr. W.N. Yule, Dr. P.M. Sanborne, Dr .

D.J. Lewis and Dr. 6.B. Dunphy for their constructive guidance during

my training. Special thanks to Dr. S.B. Hill who commented on chapter

6. Special thanks to Alan Godfrey for his help in teaching me English

and Dr. Shahrokh Khanizadeh for statistical advices.

l also thank Pierre Langlois for advice on computer programs and

other technical aspects; Monique Verrette, Marie J. Kubecki and Diane

King for their excellent guidance en administrative policies. Special

thanks to Marie J. Kubecki for her diligence in typing the thesis.

External Scientists

l am particularly indebted to Mr. J.C. Deeming, National Museum

of Wales, Cardiff, U.K., who taught me the art and science of shoot

fly identification at Cardiff. He described and named a new species of

shoot fly that l identified. l also appreciated his kind hospitality.

Dr. B. Pintureau, INRA-INSA, Villeurbanne, Lyon, France, who

taught me how to identify and rear Trichwgrammatidae species and for

Page 10: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


his great hospitality. l also appreciated the kind hospitality of Dr.

B. Delobel at Lyon.

In Paris, l had helpful discussions with Dr. A. Delobel, ORSTOM,

who gave me reprints of his publ ished papers and his thesis in

microfilm format on the sorghum shoot fly.

Dr. R.A. Humber, from USDA Plant Protection Research, US Plant,

Soil & Nutrition Lab., Ithaca, New York, USA, for fungal


Dr. K.F. Nwanze formerly at ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India, furnished

t:1e model for the ICRISAT trap.

Dr. C. Dondale Biosystematic Research Center, Ottawa, Canada, and

Dr. R. Jocqué, Musée Royal de L'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium,

for their help in spider identification.

Dr. L. Pedigo, Dept. Entomology, Iowa State University, USA,

commented on the second chapter.

Dr. M.B. Isman, Dept. of Plant Science, University of British

Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, for assessing azadirachtin content.

Colleagues and Friends

1) Canada

Special thanks are expressed to the following (in no particular


Marie-Claude Larivière for advice on my transfer to the Ph.D.

level and teaching me WordPerfect on the IBM microcomputer.

Graham Thurston for his help and advice on my Comprehensive Exam,

and teaching me SAS,

Dr. Gérald Lafleur for general advice before my studies.

Mr. François Fournier for commenting on chapter 4.

Ed Zaborski for advice on SAS.

Page 11: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Christine Noronha for her advice on my Comprehensive Exam,

Dr, Mohammad Javahery and Sue Johnson for advice and assistance

on my first English seminar,

Georges-Marie Momplaisir, Tarik Kassay, Mrs, Wanga. Jean-Piel're

Delond and Maria, François Genier, Alexander Yaku, Getano. Yacine and

Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant


2) Burkina Faso

Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on my first

field work,

Dr. Da Sansan, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for providi ng l ocal sorghum


Blaise K. Kaboré for providing local sorghum cultivars and


Napon Marcellin, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for allowing trap installation

in a sorghum field in 1988,

Dr. M. Muleba, IITA/SAFGRAD, Ouagadougou, for his help in

assessing yields of intercropped sorghum-cowpea,

Mr. Jérémy Ouédroago, IITA/SAFGRAD, Ouagadougou, furnished seeds

of cowpea,

Dr. Luc Couture and Célestin Kaboré for fungi and bacteria


My technician Tou Fadoua Malick and the field workers Ouattara

Salif, Ouédraogo Boukary, Yabré Seydou, Tiemtoré Marcel, longo

François, and longo Oumarou for their help in collecting data,

Da Angèle and Solange Dabiré for typing my project,

My family-in-law, particularly my mother-in-law; Noelie Yerbanga,

Hubert R. longo, Mathieu and Adrienne Ramdé, Seydou loma, Blaise K.

Page 12: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Kaboré, Joanny B. Ouattara, Dominique Compaoré, Adama Sanou, Pierre

Yaméogo, Aimé Zongo, Pascal Zongo and Apollinaire Zongo for their

constant attention to my family,

Zongo Tanga, and all my bothers, sisters, parents, and friends in

Koudougou, Ouagadougou, and Bobo-Dioulasso, for their attention.


This research is part of a Plant Protection Project funded by the

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA 960325) managed by

Agriculture Canada Research Station at Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,

Québec, Canada.

l would like to express my gratitude to the personnel of Saint­

Jean-sur-Richel ieu Research Station and in particular to its former

Director, Dr. Claude B. Aubé, the current Director Dr. Denis Demars,

Dr. Pierre Martel, formerly Directeur of CIDA Plant Protection Project

in Burkina Faso, G. Benharrosh, senior administrator of the project in

Burkina Faso, Dr. Guy Boivin, Jacques Daneau, Ian Wallace, L-G. Simard

and Benoit Rancourt for their various assistance. Special thanks to

Dr. Pierre Martel who, as interim Director of the project, accepted

with sound judgment my transfer to the Ph.D. level.

The International Institute of Entomology, London, U.K.

identified insect specimens.

Biosystematic Research Center, Ottawa, Canada, and Musée Royal de

L'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, for accepting voucher specimens.

INRA-INSA, Villeurbanne, Lyon, France, for allowing me to use

their laboratory facilities. '

Thanks are also extended to the personnel of the Plant Protection

Laboratory in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, for the facilities,

Page 13: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Special thanks to Burkina Faso government through Blaise Kaboré,

Amidou Ouédraogo, (Chiefs of Plant Protection Laboratory, Bobo­

Dioulasso), Combari Abdoulaye and Blaise T. Ouédraogo (Directors of

Plant Protection and Conditioning, Ouagadougou), for allowing the time

to complete this study.

Finally, l wish to express my great gratitude and love to my

wife, Rasmata Minoungou, my sons, Jean-Eudes Wendintoin, and Héribert

Guétawendé, to whom l dedicate this work. Without Rasmata's support,

understanding and love, this work could not have been completed .

Page 14: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



1. A new species of shoot fly, Atherigona zongoi Deeming, was

discovered and described.

2. Thirteen shoot fly species were found new to Burkina Faso.

3. First record of Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja, an egg

parasitoid of shoot fly.

4. First record of a new predator of shoot fly eggs, Tapinoma sp.

(Hymenoptera: Formicidae).

5. First record of fungus, Fusarium sp., attacking the shoot fly eggs.

6. First record of bacterium, Corynebacterium sp., attacking the shoot

fly eggs.

7. First record of Bracon sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) attacking the

shoot fly larvae.

B. First record of Hockeria sp. (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) attacking

the shoot fly larvae.

9. A complex of spiders (families, genera and species) associated with

shoot flies was found and listed for the first time.

10. This is the first study on the effects of the neem seed extracts,

a natural pesticide on shoot fly egg and larval mortality.

Il. A sequential sampli ng based on dead heart and egg counti ng was


12. This is the first study on the behavior of Neotrichoporoides

nyemitawus Rohwer, a parasitoid of shoot fly larvae.

13. Amethod was developed to rear Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer

for the first time.

14. First demonstration tiGt Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer cannot

prevent dead heart formation.

Page 15: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


15. First demonstration that second instar of the shoot fly is more

parasitized than first and third instars by Neotrichoporoides

nyemitawus Rohwer.

16. First demonstration that shoot fly eggs less than 24 h old are more

parasitized than > 24 old eggs by Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi


17. A simple method was developed to rear Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi

Nagaraja for the first time.

18. Thi sis the fi rst study on the biology of Trichogrammatoidea

simmondsi Nagaraja, an egg parasitoid of shoot fly.

19. First record of superparasitism on shoot fly eggs by

Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja.

20. First demonstration of the beneficial effect of intercropped

sorghum-cowpea on Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus.

21. First demonstration of the" beneficial effect of intercropped

sorghum-cowpea on Meioneta prosectes Locket, and Steatoda badia Roewer.

22. A new trap (Multi-Pher) was found to be effective in catching the

shoot flies for the first time.

23. Local sorghum cultivars in the Province of Houet (Bobo-Dioulas~o,

Burkina Faso) were found to be susceptible to the shoot fly for the

first time.

24. Overall, this is the first practical IPM approach for ~ontrol of

the shoot fly in Burkina Faso .

Page 16: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Résumé .

Suggested Short Title

Dedication ..


Claims to Originality

List of Figures

List of Tables

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

2.1. "Importance of Sorghum in Burkina Faso

2.2. Constraints to Sorghum Production

2.3. Insect Pests of Sorghum

2.4. The Sorghum Shoot Fly .

2.4.1. Origin and Distribution

2.4.2. Taxonomy ..... Nomenclature Classification Identification

2.4.3. Biology and Ecology Egg. Larva Pupa Adult

l Papers published or submitted to Journals are indicated.



i i

i i i


• v





















Page 17: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

• Life cycle and voltinism ..


16 Population growth regulators 17 Cultural control 19 Planting time 19 Sanitation and plant density 20 Crop diversity 20 Abiotic factors Biotics factors

2.4.4. Host-Plants . Food-Plants Damage

2.4.5. Rearing

2.4.6. Control Fertilization








20 Host-plant resistance 21 Mechanisms of resistance 21 Bases of resistance 21 Biological control Chemical control


Monitoring and surveying





3. Monitoring Adult Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherjgona soccata

Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), and Related Species in Burkina Faso 26

3.1. Abstract .. 27

3.2. Introduction 28

3.3. Materials and Methods 29

• 3.4. Resul ts . 30

3.5. Discussion 32

Page 18: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

4. Time-sequential Sampling of Sorghum Shoot Fly,

Atherigana saccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso 45

4.1. Abstract . . 46

4.2. Introduction 47

4.3. Materials and Methods 48

4.4. Results . 51

4.5. Discussion 52

4.6. References 55

4.7. Tables. . 58


3.6. References

3.7. Tables ..


5. Influence of Cultural Practices on Sorghum Yields

and Incidence of Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigana saccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso

5.1. Abstract ..

5.2. Introduction

5.3. Materials and Methods

5.3.1. Experimental Series A

5.3.2. Experimental Series B

5.4. Results ....

5.4.1. Series A

5.4.1. Series B

5.5. Discussion

5.6. References

5.7. Tables and Figure 1.



















Page 19: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

6. Screening of Local Cultivars for Resistance to Sorghum

Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae)

6.1. Abstract .

6.2. Introduction

6.3. Materials and Methods

6.4. Results

6.5. Discussion

6.6. References

6.7. Tables ..


7. Effects of Neem Seed Kernel Extracts on Egg and Larval

Survival of the Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae)

7.1. Abstract

7.2. Introduction

7.3. Materials and Methods

7.3.1. Field experiments

7.3.2. Laboratoryexperiments

7.4. Results .

7.4.1. Field experiments

7.4.2. Laboratoryexperiments

7.5. Discussion

7.6. References

7.7. Tables and Figure 2

























Page 20: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

8. Effects of Intercropping Sorghum-Cowpea on Natural

Enemies of the Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso

8.1. Abstract ..

8.2. Introduction

8.3. Materials and Methods

8.3.1. Egg parasitoid sampling

8.3.2. Larval and pupal parasitoids sampling

8.3.3. Fungi and bacteria sampling

8.4. Results .

8.4.1. Shoot fly complex

8.4.2. Egg natural enemies

8.4.3. Larval and pupal parasitoids

8.5. Discussion

8.6. References

8.7. Tables and Figure 3


9. Spider Fauna in Pure Sorghum and Intercropped

Sorghum-Cowpea in Burkina Faso

9.1. Abstract ..

9.2. Introduction

9.3. Materials and Methods

9.4. Results .

9.5. Discussion

9.6. References

9.7. Tables and Figure 4


xvi i

























Page 21: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

10. Parasitism of the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata

Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), by Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus

Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)

10.1. Abstract

10.2. Introduction

10.3. Materials and Methods

10.4. Results .

10.5. Discussion

10.6. References

10.7. Tables


Il. Biology of Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja

(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on sorghum shoot fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) eggs

11.1. Abstract

11. 2. Introduction

11.3. Materials and Methods

11. 4. Results .

11. 5. Discussion

11. 6. References

11. 7. Tables



















Page 22: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


12. General Discussion and Conclusion 191

13. References .... . . . . . 198

Appendix 1. Manuscripts and Presentations Based on this Thesis 227

Appendix 2. Atherigona zongoi: trifoliate process

and hypopygial prominence; morphological characters

used for identification 230

Appendix 3. Sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata: adult,

immature stages and damage........•.•...... 231

Appendix 4. Copyright waiver of "Monitoring Adult Sorghum

Shoot Fly Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae)

and Related Species in Burkina Faso"

by Zongo et a7. (1991) 233

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• xx



l. Spatial arrangement of sorghum and cowpea rows

in five cropping systems . . . . . . . · . 85

2. Shoot fly eggs decomposed 24 h after treatment

with neem aqueous extracts . . . . . . · . 121

3. Percentages of egg and larval parasitism due to

Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus and Trichogrammatoidea

simmondsi in two cropping systems in Burkina Faso ..... 143

4. Total spider numbers (spiderlings and adults) per five

rows in three cropping systems in Burkina Faso

5. Approaches to sorghum shoot fly 1PM investigated

in this thesis ...•.•.........

· . . . 162


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• xxi



l. Major insect pests of sorghum of economic importance

in the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2. Atherigona spp. catches in four trap models in Burkina Faso

1988 and 1989 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3. Sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata (male + female)

catches in four trap models in Burkina Faso 1988, 1989 .. 40

4. Relative abundance of Atherigona and Acritochaeta males

captured in Burkina Faso, 1988, 1989

5. Time required to collect and count shoot flies from

four trap models in the field, Burkina Faso, 1988

6. Adult shoot flies (Atherigona spp.) monthly captures,

rainfall and relative humidity in southwestern

Burkina Faso




7. Endemie (m,) and (m,) outbreak population

configurations of Atherigona spp. eggs. (n= 30)

and dead hearts (n= 100), Burkina Faso ... ••...• 59

8. Sorghum shoot fly egg distribution on leavesin

three localities, Burkina Faso, (1988 and 1989 data pooled) 60

9. Mean (n= 30), variance, and dispersion characteristics

of Atherigona spp. eggs on sorghum in three localities,


Burkina Faso

10. Mean (n= 100), variance, and dispersion characteristics

of dead hearts caused on sorghum by Ahterigona spp.

in three localities, Burkina Faso ..••.••

Il. Time-sequential sampling plan based on egg counts of

sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata . . . .

. . 61



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12. Time-sequential sampling plan based on dead heart counts

caused by the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata . 64

13. Yields and Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) for intercropped

sorghum-cowpea, in 1988 at Matourkou, Burkina Faso . . . . 81

14. Yields and Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) for intercropped

sorghum-cowpea, in 1989 at Matourkou, Burkina Faso .. , 82

15. Average number of eggs laid, percentage of plants

with eggs and percentage of dead hearts due to

A. soccata in four cropping systems in Burkina Faso . . . . 83

16. Effect of sowing dates on yield and % head hearts caused

by the sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata at

Matourkou, Burkina Faso, in 1988 and 1989 . . . . . . . . . 84

17. Mean number of shoot fly eggs/ 10 plants and mean

percentage of dead hearts observed in 54 cultivars

of sorghum at Matourkou, Burkina Faso . . . . 98

18. Mean number of eggs and mean percentage of dead hearts

observed in 9 cultivars of sorghum, Matourkou, 1990, 1991 99

19. Effect of neem se~J kernel extracts on egg survival and

dead heart formation due to A. soccata at Matourkou,

Burkina Faso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . , . 118

20. Effect of neem seed kernel extracts on the egg

mortality of A. soccata in laboratory conditions,

Burkina Faso . • . .. .. .. . 119

21. Effect of aqueous neem seed kernel extracts on larval

mortality of A. soccata in 1991, Burkina Faso.. . ... 120

22. Abundance of shoot flies species (male and female)

emerging from larvae collected from sorghum shoots

at Matourkou, Burkina Faso .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

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23. Average percent parasitism due to Neotrichoporoides

nyemitawus and Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi on sorghum

shoot fly eggs and larvae in intercropped

sorghum-cowpea in Burkina Faso .. . 141

24. Total number of shoot fly parasitoid species

collected in Burkina Faso . • • . . ..•... 142

?5. Mean number of spiders (spiderlings and adults,

all species confounded) per five rows collected

in two cropping systems in Burkina Faso . . . . 159

26. Total number of spider species (spiderlings and adults)

collected in two cropping systems in Burkina Faso

in 1990 and 1991 (n = 156, identified to at least genus) . 160

27. Relative abundance of spider families and species

collected in three cropping system in Burkina Faso

in 1990 and 1991 ••..•..... ' .... 161

28. Mean percentage of larval parasitism in relation to

period of exposure to Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus 177

29. Ouration of l ife-cycle parameters of Neotrichoporoides

nyemitawus in the laboratory {26 (± 1) 0 C,

75% R.H, (± 2) and 12:12 (LlO) ..•. • 178

30. Percentage of A. soccata eggs parasitized by

T. simmondsi and number of exit holes per egg •.•••.. 189

31. Relative size of T. simmondsi immature stages

(2~ C, 60-65% R.H.) • • • • . • . • 190

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The sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soeeata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae), is a key pest of sorghum, Sorghum bieo7or L. (Moench) in

Burkina Faso (Bonzi 19B1, Nwanze 1988). In 1986, the National Sorghum

- Millet - Maize Board (SOMIMA) recommended that more studies be

undertaken on the shoot fly, particularly in areas where sorghum

production is important. The Province of Houet, whose Bobo-Dioulasso

is the administrative center, produces over 9% of the national sorghum

production (Ministère de l'Agriculture et l'Elevage 1988).

It has been well established that a single method approach to

control any agricultural insect pest is usually inadequate and leads to

fail ures. Integrated Pest Management (IPM), defined in a practi cal

context as "The farmer's best mix of control tactics in comparison with

yields, profits and safety of alternatives" (Iles and Sweetmore 1991),

is the ideal approach to control the shoot fly (Jotwani 1981). To

apply IPM, various tactics have to be investigated and sel ected

according to local conditions.

The hypothesis examined here was that it is possible to develop

an Integrated Pest Management program for the shoot fly in Burki na

Faso. The present work, based on a four-year (1988 to 1991 inclusive)

field and laboratory study, was done to determine the components that

may be integrated to control the shoot fly in Burkina Faso conditions.

Nine chapters presented here, deal with (in order of appearance)

monitoring adult shoot flies; time-sequential sampling based on egg and

dead heart counting; influence of cultural practices; use of resistant

cultivars; use of natural insecticide from the neem tree Azadirachta

il'/die~ A. Juss. (Mel iaceae); effccts of intc:-croppin; sorghum-cowpea en

the natural enemies of the shoot fly; spider fauna in pure sorghum and

intercropped sorghum-cowpea; parasitism of the shoot fly by

Page 29: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer; and the biology of

Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja.

The present thesis format, accepted by the Faculty of Graduate

Studies and Research and the Department of Entomology, Macdonald Campus

of McGill University, requires a full citation of a section B, 2

(Manuscri pts and Authorshi p), of the Guidel ines Concerni ng Thesi s

Preparation of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. "The

candidate has the option, subject to the approval of their Department,

of including as part of the thesis the text, or duplicated published

text, of an original paper or papers.

- Manuscript-style theses must still conform to all other requirements

explained in the Guidelines Concerning Thesis Preparation.

- Additional material (procedural and design data as well as

descriptions of equipment) must be provided in sufficient detail (eg.

in appendices) to allow clear and precise judgement to be made of the

important and originality of the research report.

- The thesis should be more tllan a mere collection of manuscripts

published or to be published. It must include a general abstracto a

full introduction and literature review and a final overall conclusion.

Connecting texts which provide logical bridges between different

manuscripts are usually desirable in the interest of cohesion.

It is acceptable for theses to include, as chapters, authentic copies

of papers already published, provided these are duplicated clearly and

bound as an integral part of the thesis. In such instances. connecting

texts are mandatory and supplementary explanatory material is al ways


- Photographs or other materials which do not duplicate well must be

included in their original form.

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While the inclusion of manuscripts co-authored by the candidate and

others is acceptable, the candidate is reguired ta make an explicit

statement in the thesis of who contributed ta such work and ta what

extent, and supervisors must attest ta the accuracy of the claims at

the Ph.D. Oral Defense. Since the task of the Examiners is made more

difficult in these cases, it is in the candidate's interest ta make the

responsibil ities of authors perfectly clear".

l followed the rules of scientific writing given in the CBE Style

Manual (1983) and the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers

(Gibaldi and Achtert 1988). l wrote each chapter ta be presented ta a

specific scientific journal according ta the requirements of that

journal. The first chapter (Monitoring Adult Sorghum Shoot Fly

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) and Related Species in

Burkina Faso) was published in Tropical Pest Management (Vol. 37: 235­

239) whose copyright waiver is enclosed (appendix 4). Chapter 4 (Ti me­

sequential Sampl ing of Sorghum Shoot Fly Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae) in Burkina Faso) is In Press in Insect Science and

its Application (Kenya), chapter 7 (Effects of Neem Seed Kernel

Extracts on Egg and Larval Survival of the Sorghum Shoot Fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae)) is In Press in Journal

of Applied Entomology (Germany), chapter 8 (Effects of Intercropping

Sorghum-Cowpea on Natural Enemies of the Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona

soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) in Burkina Faso) is In Press in

Biological Agriculture &Horticulture (U.K.), while chapters ID and Il

have already been submitted ta Insect Science and its Application

(Kenya), and Entomophaga (France) respectively. All chapters were

reviewed by my supervisors, Dr. R.K. Stewart and Dr. C. Vincent, and by

the editorial committee of Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Saint-

Page 31: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Jean-sur-Richelieu. Sorne chapters were cowmented on by certain

scientists when available. All papers were coauthored by my


1 used SuperANOVA (version 1.1 for the Macintosh Computer)

(Abacus Concepts Inc., 1989), and SAS (version 6.03 for IBM PC) (SAS

Institute Inc., 1988) for the statistical analysis of the data.

The acknowledgement sections were pooled at the beginning of the

thesis whereas references were also pooled at the end of the thesis.

1 deposited voucher specimens in the following institutions:

point mounted specimens and wet collections in the Lyman Museum,

Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne de Bellevue, Québec,

Canada, the Biosystematic Research Center, Ottawa, Canada, Musée Royal

de L'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium, and in the Plant Protection

Laboratory, Bobo-Dioul asso, Burkina Faso. The exi stence of voucher

specimens was mentioned in each chapter whenever appropriate.

This study constitutes the first practical investigation on IPM

components that could be applied to control the shoot fly in Burkina

Faso .

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2.1. Importance of 50rghum in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, sorghum is the most importance cereal crop. Its

production represents 51.31% of total cereal production (FAD, 1991).

Sorghum production in Burkina Faso represents 7.17% of the total

cereals produced in Africa, putting Burkina Faso as the first producer

in the Sahelian regions (FAD, 1991).

Sorghum is grown mainly in central and southern regions and has

a wide range of uses: human food (the main dish being locally called

"To"), beer (locally called "Dolo"), fuel for cooking and, to a lesser

extent fences, baskets and livestock feeding.

2.2. Constraints ta 50rghum Production

Constraints on sorghum production are numerous in Burkina Faso.

They range from cl imatic constraints (poor water resources) ta low soil

fertility, poor sail management, lack of infrastructures, diseases and

insect pests which often cause very severe damage. Overall,

constraints may be summarized into technical, economic and


Technicàl constraints are insufficiency of research, and low

level of education of farmers (illiteracy).

Economic constraints range from lack of local organized markets,

low income, to lack of a world market.

Sociological constraints are that peasant farmers are in general

traditional and conservative, sa sorghum production technology shows a

low rate of adoption. Other social constraints include the lack of

united action from farmers and the insufficiency of cooperation between

researchers .

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2.3. Insect Pests of Sorghum

Although over 100 insect species are known to be pests of

sorghum, only some of these are presently of economic importance and

belong to the Orders Di ptera, Lepidoptera, and Hemi ptera (Nwanze,

1985). In an International Sorghum Entomology workshop, sorghum insect

pests from Eastern Africa (Seshu Reddy and Omolo, 1985), West Africa

(Nwanze, 1985), India (Srivastava, 1985), South East Asia (Meksongsee

and Chawanapong, 1985), Australia (Passlow et al., 1985), U.S.A.

(Pitre, 1985), Mexico (Castro, 1985), Central America (Reyes, 1985) and

8razil (Viana, 1985) were reviewed. From these reviews, it appears

that shoot flies, grain midges, stored grain weevils, stem borers, head

bugs, aphids, mites are the major pests. The economic importance of

each key pest varies with the region .

Young and Teetes (1977) and Doggett (1988) reviewed sorghum

insects pests while Teetes et al. (1983) furnished practical

identification handbook with excellent coloured photographs. Major

widespread pests of economic importance are given in Table 1•

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• 9

Table 1. Major insect pests of sorghum of economic importance in the world.

Sorghum Latin namepart attacked (common name) Damage Lasses (%)

Seedling Atherigona soccata Dead heart 60-90'(Sorghum shoot fly)

Stem Busseola fusca Fuller Dead heart, NilChi10 spp. perfored stems

10' , 83'(Stem borers)

Earhead Contarinia sorghicola Tiny 25"45'Coq. shrunken Seeds(Sorghum midge)

Grain Sitophilus oryzae L. Seed and 61.3'(Rice weevil) grain destruction

Tribolium castaneum NAHerbst(Red flour beetle)

•Rhyzopertha dominica

Fab•(Lesser grain borer)

Sitotroga cereallelaOlivier(Angoumois math)

Ephestia cautellaWal k.(Almond math)




= Rai et al. (1978); 'a Harris (1985); , a Jotwani et al. (1971); •• Youngand Teetes (1977); '. Leuschner and Sharma (1983); '. Venkatarao et al.(1958), NA = Not available .

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. '


2.4. The Sorghum Shoot Fly

2.4.1. Origin and Distribution

Atherigona soccata Rondani was first reported from Italy and

named by Rondani in 1871. About 43 years later, its injury to sorghum

seedl i ngs was fi rst reported by Fl etcher (1914) and by Ba11 ard and

Ramachandra Rao (1924) in India.

The outbreak areas of A. soccata are widespread in Africa, South

and South East Asia. However, it may also be found in Mediterranean

Europe and in the Middle East. The present regions of shoot fly

distribution in Africa and Asia contain three fourth of the sorghum

cultivated area and produce only one third of the sorghum grain crop

(FAO, 1975).

2.4.2. Taxonomy

There are excellent revi ews of the taxonomy of the Afri can

(Deeming 1971, 1972; Dike 1989a, 1989b) and Oriental (Pont 1972)

species of Atherigona. The genus Atherigona comprises 168 known

species, five subspecies and one variety (Deeming 1971, 1978). Nomenclature

The sorghum shoot fly has been described under different names.

This is probably due to its wide distribution. The following names have

been reported.

Atherigona soccata Rondani 1871

A. indica Malloch 1923

A. indica ssp. infuscata Emden 1940

A. varia ssp. soccata Rondani, Hennig 1961

A. excisa Thomson, Avidov 1961

A. varia Meigen, Yathom 1967•

A survey of the literature shows that there still remains some

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difference of opinion as to whether soccata is a subspecies of varia,

or a distinct species. However, it is quite definite that A. soccata

remains the most predominant species attacking the plants of the genus

sorghum. Classification

The systematic position of the sorghum shootfly A. soccata

is as follow:

Super order Mecopteroid

Order Diptera

Suborder________________________ Brachycera

Superfamily MuscoideaFamily Muscidae

Subfamily Atherigoninae

Genus Atherigona

Species soccata Identification

The female has head and thorax pale grey, abdomen yellowish with

paired brown patches. The male is blacker than the female. The main

morphological characters used to identify A. soccata may be divided in

two groups : those used for the mal e, and those for the female. The

shape of the trifoliate process and the hypopygial prominence is useful

in identifying male species (Deeming 1971, Pont 1972).

The characters used to identify females are the terminalia and

especially the form of the eighth tergite (Deemimg 1971, Clearwater


To identify both sexes, the relative position of the three

sterno-pleural bristles and the position of anterior cross vein on the

discal cell are valuable. Clearwater (1981) found that the sixth and

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seventh ovipositon tergites are val uabl e taxonomic characters, and

therefore May be added to those descri bed by Deemi ng (1971). The

markings on seventh tergite are particularly valuable for identifying

female A. soccata (Clearwater 1981).

A key for the identification of male species in the Afrotropical

Region was first constructed by van Emden (1940). Further keys to the

species of this region were constructed by Deeming (1971) and Dike

(l989a). Since 1971, several new species of Atherigona have been

described by Deeming (1971, 1972, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1987) and

Dike (1989a, 1989b).

2.4.3. Biology and Ecology

Ramachandra Rao and Ballard (1924) were the first

entomologists to work on the biology of A. soccata. Their research was

the first step, and a bench mark in a long series of investigations

that have continued until the present time on the biology and control

of this important pest (Young 1981). f9.9i

The eggs are usually laid singly on the underside of the leaves

of sorghum seedling, or on young tillers (Kundu and Kishore 1970, Barry

1972). The eggs are white, elongate with a raised flattened,

longitudinal ridge (Barry 1972). The following sizes have been


1.3 mm long and 0.33 mm wide (Kundu and Kishore 1970)

1.3 mm n n 0.6 mm n (Barry 1972)

1.5 mm " "0.30 mm n (Rao and Rao 1956)

Ogwaro and Kokwaro (1981) using l ight and scanning el ectron

microscopy found that the egg measured 1.3 mm and its ventral surface

had longitudinal ridges allowing the eggs to be attached to its

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substrate. Incubation periods vary from 2-3 days (Raina, 1981a) to 2-5

days (Barry 1972). Before hatching, the anterior end of the egg becomes

yellowish. Eclosion takes place by a rupturing of the dorsal side first

below the tip of the egg shell and its duration is 2-3 minutes (Kundu

and Kishore 1970). The number of eggs laid per female depends on the

diet used to feed females (Meksongsee et al., 1978, Unnithan and

Mathenge, 1983). Meksongsee et al., (1978) reported 440 eggs using dry

yeast, sugar, and water to feed females. A maximum of 715 eggs were

laid by a female shootfly when fed on Baker's yeast, sugar and water

and kept at 3~ C (Unnithan and Delobel, unpubl. cited in Unnithan and

Mathenge 1983).

Temperature and humidity influence the development of the eggs

(Swaine and Wyatt 1954, Nye 1960, Barry 1972, Delobel 1983a, 1983b,

Doharey et al. 1977). The optimal temperature for the egg lies between

20 and 3~C (Del obel 1983a, Doharey et al. 1977). Del obel (l983a)

pointed out that the mortality of eggs is high at 1~ C and 3~ C, and no

hatching occurs at 1~ C, while embryomic development is inhibited at

37.5" C.

Low humidity (30%) increases the duration of egg development

(Del obel , 1983b) and decreases egg survival (Doharey et al., 1977,

Delobel, 1983b).

The distribution of the eggs in field is random (Del obel 1981,

Zongo et al. 1991). In field and laboratory, Delobel (1981) found that

eggs among sorghum stems were randomly distributed or slightly

aggregated. Raina (1981b) found that the female shoot fly uses a marker

pheromone to deter repeated oviposition on one sorghum plant .

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14 Larva

The larva represents the hazardous stage for sorghum plants. It

measures about 10 mm long and 1.3 mm wide. At hatching, it is white

and then becomes light yellow and gradually turns yellowish-brown

(Barry 1972).

Swaine and Wyatt (1954), Nye (1960) and Rao and Rao (1956)

recorded three larval instars, whereas Kundu and Kishore (1970)

reported 4 larval instars. Ogwaro and Kokwaro (1980) using a scanning

electron microscope described three instars. The three larval instars

are similar in general appearance but can be distinguished by the size

and shape of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton, spiracular process and

general coloration (Ogwaro and Kokwaro 1980).

Total' larval period ranges between 8-10 days and there is

generally one larva per stem (Swaine and Wyatt, 1954, Nye, 1960, Kundu

and Kishore, 1970, 8arry, 1972, Raina, 1981a).

Temperature and relative humidity affect the duration of larval

development (Del obel 1983a, Delobel and Unnithan 1983, Doharey et al.

1977). The optimal temperature for a rapid development of the shoot fly

preimaginal stages (egg, larval and pupal) is 30 0 C (Del obel 1983,

Doharey et al. 1977). Pupa

The shoot fly pupa is initially light brown, but it becomes dark

with age (Barry, 1972). It measures 3.38 to 4.03 mm in length and 1.17

to 1.3 mm in width (Kundu and Kishore, 1970); 3.6 mm long and 1.2 mm

diameter (Barry, 1972); 4.8 mm x 1.53 mm (Ogwaro and Kokwaro, 1980).

The puparium is barrel shaped. Its posterior end is tapered

while the anterior is concave bearing two anterior spiracles (Kundu and

Kishore, 1970). Ten segments (Kundu and Kishore, 1970) or nine (Ogwaro

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and Kokwaro, 1981) remain visible. Pupation takes place inside the

stem or rarely in the soil. The pupal period takes an average of 10.4

days (Barry, 1972), eight to ten days (Kundu and Kishore, 1970).

Temperature influences pupal development (Kundu and Kishore 1970,

Delobel 1983a) whereas the R.H. has little effect (Kundy and Kishore

1970). Pupal weight decreases with increasing temperature (Del obel

1983a). The optimal temperature is 30 • C (Kundu and Kishore 1970,

Del obe1 1983a). Adult

The adult shoot fly appears simil ar to the house fly Musca

domestica Linné, but it is smaller (Barry 1972). The shoot fly

measures 4.42 mm to 5.2 mm in length. It is generally diurnal (Raina

(1982). Studying the daily rhythms of oviposition, egg hatching and

adult eclosion, Raina (1982) found no eggs laid during the scotophase.

However, Swaine and Wyatt (1954) and Barry (1972) found that eggs were

laid at night as well as during the day.

In Burkina Faso, the sex ratio male:female was 1:2.84-1:4 (Bonzi,

1981), 1:2.66; 1:4.45 (Zongo et a7., 1991). In Sénégal, Gahukar (1987)

collected 80-97% of females using fish meal traps. However, when shoot

flies were reared from sorghum plants with dead hearts, the sex ratio

was one male for three females (Gahukar, 1985). Clearwater (1981)

collected 90% females in Kenya whereas Seshu Reddy and Davies (1978)

collected 90-99% females in India.

The longevity of both male and female depends on environmental

conditions (Barry 1972, Kundu and Kishore 1970) and particularly the

diet (Meksongsee et a7.1978, Ogwaro 1978a, Unnithan and Mathenge 1983).

Adult flies survived for 32.6 days on brewer's yeast, glucose and water

(Ogwaro 1978a), 33.0 days on sorghum aphid honeydew (Unnithan and

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Mathenge 1983). Male and female survived 39 and 26 days respectively on

ordinary sugar and water (Meksongsee et al. 1978).

The flies are attracted by fish meal (Starks 1970). As already

mentioned, the temperature and humidity have an effect on the

development of A. soccata.

At 15·C there is no mating or ovipositon (Del obel 1983a). The

combination of 30·C and 90% R.H. is the most favourable condition for

the rapid development and multipl ication of the sorghum shoot fly

(Doharey et al. 1977).

Shoot fly adult females usually do not mate more than once, but

males mate several times with virgin females (Unnithan 1981). Unnithan

(1981) also found that enough sperm is transferred and stored by the

female at the first mating and thus multiple mating is not required for

egg fertilization. Life-cycle and voltinism

The literature shows little variation on the biological cycle of

A. soccata. The life-cycle ranges between three and four weeks.

The foll owing development times from egg to adult have been

reported : 16.8 days at 27.22 Oc and unknown relative humidity (Swaine

and Wyatt 1954), 17 to 21 days at 32.6 Oc and 50% relative humidity

(Kundu and Kishore 1970), 26.7 days at 28.1 Oc and unknown relative

humidity (Barry 1972), 21 to 34 days at unknown temperature and

relati~"'~iiÛmidity (Ogwaro and Kogwaro 1981).

A. soccata is multivoltine. Three generations have been recorded

in a three month period by Soto and Laximarayan (1971). Gahukar (1987)

found that a l ife-cycle of 3 - 4 weeks allowed A. soccata to produce up

to ten generations per year. In China, seven (Shiang-Lin 1977) and ten

to Il (SHiand-Lin et al. 1981) generations per year have been recorded.

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• Population growth regulators

17 Abiotic factors

Density independent factors influencing the mortality, longevity,

fertility of A. soccata are temperature, R.H., and rainfall patterns

(Doharey et a7. 1977, Dubey and Yadad 1980, Jotwani et a7. 1970,

Delobel 1983a). Jotwani et a7. 1970, pointed out that temperatures >

3~ C and < 1& C, and continuous rainfall are fatal to the shoot fly. Biotic factors

Little is known about exact effects of biotic factors on A.

soccata. Several natural enemies of eggs (Deeming 1971, Pont 1972,

Taley and Takhare 1979, Jotwani 1978, Reddy and Davies 1978) have been

reported. Other natural enemies such as birds and spiders (Del obel and

Lubega 1983) playon important part in the reduction of adult flies .

2.4.4. Host-Plants Food - Plants

The shoot fly has many food-plants. In addition to

sorghum, it also attacks other crop plants such as maize and millet

(Nye, 1960) and several wild graminaceaous plants in various parts of

Africa (Deeming, 1971), India (Davies and Seshu Reddy, 1980 a) and

China (Shiamp-Lin et a7. 1981). For instance in India, Davies and Seshu

Reddy (1980a) reared the shoot fly from 21 species of Gramineae.

Delobel and Unnithan (1981) and Singh and Raina (1986) found that the

wild sorghum and grasses act as reservoir particularly during the dry

season .

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18 Damage

Damage done by the shoot fly is very apparent on sorghum

seedlings. After hatching, the maggot slowly moves downwards, enters

the central shoot and feeds on the growing point causing a typical

damage named 'dead heart' (Barry, 1972, Kundu and Prem Kishore, 1970).

Raina (1981a) found that the 'dead heart' is caused by cutting the base

of the central shoot and that very little damage is done to the growing

point by the first instar. The first and the second instars are mainly

involved in cutting leaf tissues, whereas the third instar feeds on

dead and decaying tissues (Raina 1981a).

Dead heart formation is evident within two to three days of pest

attack (Barry 1972, Gahukar 1987). The most suceptible stage of the

sorghum for infestation was found to be within 21 days after

germination (Kundu et al. 1971 and Jotwani et al. 1970). After shoot

fly attack, small seedlings may be killed outright whereas larger

seedlings may continue to produce tillers that in turn are attacked

(Young 1981). Sometimes plants tiller excessively and produce less

grain. Losses in yield result from a reduced stand and a reduction in

tiller size (Jotwani et al. 1970).

Little is known about economic thresholds (E. T.) or economic

injury levels (E.I.L.). Rai et al. (1978a, 1978b) estimated the EIL of

shoot fly infestation on the basis of the cost of protection with

carbofuran seed treatment and disulfoton granules as soil application.

These two insecticides implied economic grain threshold values of 133

Kg and 337 Kg respectively. The EIL ranged from 3.8 to 15 dead hearts

on three sorghum cultivars (CSHl, CSH5 and Swarma).

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2.4.5. Rearing

A. soccata may be reared using sorghum seedl ings as wel1 as

artificial diet, the main food requirements being protein and

carbohydrate. Unnithan (1981) found that free amino acids were more

important than proteins in stimulating vitellogenesis in the shoot fly.

Seedlings of a susceptible cultivar have been used to rear A.

soccata (Soto 1972, Soto and Laxminarayana 1971, Gahukar 1985).

Several artificial diets have been developed to rear the shoot

fly (Dang et al. 1971, Soto and Laxminarayana 1971, Soto 1972, Moorty

and Soto 1978, Meksongsee et al. 1978, Unnithan 1981, Unnithan and

Mathenge 1983, Singh et al. 1983). From these diets it has been

revealed that sugar is indispensable for female survival and also for

the maturation of the eggs •

2.4.6. Control

A survey of l iterature shows that the more promising control

measures that received the greatest research emphasis include cultural

control, chemical control (use of systemic insecticides) and the

development of high yielding resistant cultivars. Cultural control Planting time

Many workers (i.e. Brenière 1972, Shri Ram et al. 1976, Gandhale

et al. 1983, Gahukar 1987) found that shoot fly damage was lower with

early planting times than later ones. However, in China, damage

caused by the first generation of the shoot fly was the heaviest and

early sown sorghum suffered from serious damage (Shiang-Lin et al.

1981). Synchronous planting times are recommended to avoid or to reduce

A. soccata damage. Young (1981) pointed out that continuous cropping

over several months favors population build-up and fly injury.

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20 Sanitation and plant density

In Kenya, A. soccata survives the off season by living in sorghum

stubble and wild sorghum. Removal and destruction of these plants after

harvest would disrupt the carry-over of the pest (Unnithan et al.

1985). Removal and destruction of dead heart injured plants from

infested fields are effective practices to reduce the population of the

sorghum shoot fly (Ponnaiya 1951, Delobel 1982). The use of high

seedling rates (40 Kg/ha) and thinning of infested plants is also an

effective control practice (Ponnaiya 1951, Young 1981). This method is

based on the fact that A. soccata laids its eggs randomly (Delobel,

1981, Zongo et al., 1992) and that a sorghum shoot can sustain only a

single instar larva (Meksongsee et al., 1981). Delobel (1982) found

that in low density plots (22 plants/m2), plants received 3.35 times

more eggs than plants in higher density plots (704 plants/m2). Crop diversity

Little work has been done on crop diversity and reseach results

seem to be not useful in field conditions. Raina and Kibuka (1983)

studied the effect of intercropped maize and sorghum on the oviposition

and survival of the sorghum shoot fly and found that no more than 6% of

the maize plants received eggs compared with 61% of the sorghum plants.

Venugopal and Palanippan (1976) reported that A. soccata damage was

more severe when sorghum was intercropped with groundnut. Fertilization

Phosphorus fertilization reduced shootfly incidence in rainfed

sorghum (Bangar 1985). He also found that the incidence of dead hearts

was inversely proportional to the application of graded levels of

Phosphorus. The lowest incidence of dead hearts was observed where

Phosphorus was placed 50 Kg P20s/ha in the vicinity of available soil

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Appl ication of nitrogenous fertil izers at 50 kg No/ha, reduced the

incidence of the shoot fly (Reddy and Rao 1975, Mote and Kadam 1983). Host-plant resistance Mechanisms of resistance

First screening of a sizable world sorghum collection for A.

soccata resistance was made by Ponnaiya in October 1944 (Young 1981).

In South India, Ponnaiya (1951) screened 214 sorghum cultivars and

found that only 15 cultivars were tolerant to the shoot fly attack and

that the percentage of healthy seedlings ranged from la to 84. In 1951,

he noted the presence of silica bodies in the third and fourth leaf

sheaths of tolerant cultivars and concluded that these silica bodies

were the mechanism of resistance. After this work, a long series of

research has been undertaken. Today, i t i s we11 known that the main

mechanisms of resistance are non-preference for oviposition (Jain and

Bhatnagar, 1962, Blum, 1967, Jotwani et al. 1971, Singh and Jotwani

1980a), antibiosis (Soto, 1972, 1974, Singh and Jotwani 1980b, Raina et

al., 1981), and tolerance or recovery resistance (Doggett and Majisu,

1965, 1966 , Doggett et al., 1970, Singh and Jotwani 1980c, Doggett

1988). Bases of resistance

The main bases of resistance are physico-morphological, and

biochemical factors.

- Physico-morphological factors

These factors deter penetration of the young l arvae or egg

laying. The main physico-morphological factors are silica bodies

(Ponnaiya 1951), small prickly hairs on the abaxial epidermis (Blum

1967, 1968), glossy appearance (shining leaves) in the seedling stage

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(Jotwani et al. 1971, Maiti et al. 1980, Singh and Jotwani 1980d), long

and narrow leaves and fast seedling growth, seedling weight and

toughness of leaf sheaths (Singh and Jotwani 1980c, 1980d), col our,

texture and shape of leaves (Raina 1982), and presence of trichomes on

the abaxial surface of leaves (Maiti and Bidinger 1979).

- Biochemical factors

Very little is known about the biochemical basis of resistance.

Singh and Rana (1986) found that the presence of certain compounds such

as hordenine, an alkaloid, and dhurrin, a cyanogenic glucoside in the

sorghum plants may act as toxins, feeding stimulants or deterrents in

the recognition of the host by the female shoot fly. High nitrogen

content (Singh and Narayana 1978) phosphorus (Khurana and Verma 1983)

in sorghum plants, and lysine content in leaf sheath (Singh and Jotwani

1980c) is correlated with shoot fly susceptibility. Biological control

Biological control of A. soccata remains the most unexplored

control strategy. However, the shoot fly has,a wide range of natural

enemi es incl udi ng egg paras i toi ds [Tri chogramma evanescens Westwood

(Trichogrammatidae), Trichogramma spp.] (Pont 1972, Taley and Thakare

1979, Deeming 1971, Delobel 1983c), larval parasitoids [Tetrastichus

nyemitawus Rohwer (Eulophidae), Aprostocetus sp. (Eulophidae),

Cal1itula sp. (Chalcididae), Trichosteresis sp., (Ceraphrontidae)]

(Kundu and Kishore 1972, Pont 1972, Taley and Thakare 1979, Del obel

1983c), pupal parasitoids, [Alysia sp. (Braconidae), Pachyneuron sp.

(Pteromalidae) Exoristobia deemingi Subba Rao (Encyrtidae) and

Syrphophilus bizonarius Gravenhorst (Ichneumonidae)] (Deeming 1971,

Taley and Thakare 1979), and unidentifiedbirds and spiders species

(Del obel and Lubega 1984). Deeming (1983) found that the most common

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prey of the wasp Dasyproctus bipunctatus Lepeletier and Brullé

(Sphecidae), are Atherigona spp. adults. Delobel and Lubega (1984)

mentioned that unidentified birds and spiders are an important group of

natural enemies of the sorghum shoot fly. Reddy and Davies (1978) found

a predacious mite, Abro7ophus sp. feeding on A. soccata eggs in 1ndia.

ln India, parasitism due to Aprostocetus sp. reached 15% in

September 1975 and 35% in August 1977 (Jotwani 1978). - Chemical control

Earlier workers (Swaine and Wyatt 1954, Rao and Rao 1956, Davies

and Jowett 1966, Vedamoorthy et a7. 1965) obtained unsatisfactory

results using D.D.T. and BHC sprayed on the foliage of seedlings at

weekly intervals. Application of systemic insecticides such as phorate,

disyston and carbofuran granules in the furrow of seed at planting time

gave effective effects in reducing dead-hearts (Young 1981).

Many others insecticides such as chlorfenvinphos, oncol,

dicrotophos, dimethoate, isofenphos, phosalone also gave a positive

effect for the control of the sorghum shoot fly (Jadhaw and Jotwani

1982, Shivpuje and Thombare 1983, Mote an Kadam 1984).

Carbofuran seed treatment proved to be the most practical

effective and economic chemical method to control A. soccata compared

to any other insecticides and insecticidal applications (Jotwani et a7.

1972, Shivpuje and Thombare 1983, Mote and Kadam 1984). However this

insecticide is more hazardous to handle and the treatment has to be

done under strict technical supervision, which limits its use on large

scale (Mote and Kadam 1984).

The literature reveals no report of A. soccata resistance to any

of the insecticides evaluated and recommended for the control of this


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24 - Monitoring and surveying

Fish meal attracted shoot flies (Starks 1970) and was first used

in traps to monitor A. soccata (Seshu Reddy and Davies 1978). The trap

consisted of a square pan galvanized metal ( 60 x 60 x 7,5 cm) with a

lid; fishmeal was placed in a dispenser kept at the center of the trap.

The trap was then filled with water (201) to which a small quantity of

detergent (100 g) is added. Fishmeal and water are periodically


The square pan metal trap has been replaced by a plastic traps

which is simple and easy to handle (Taneja and Leuschner 1986). It

consisted of one liter plastic jar with fly entry holes on the sides.

The top of the jar contained a fish meal dispenser and a vial

containing a volatile insecticide. The bottom was filled with a plastic

funnel whose outlet is attached to a collecting jar. The fermented fish

meal may remain attractive for a week .

Zongo et a7. (1991) compared the previous traps with two others

(Multi-Pher and Conical) and concluded that the ICRISAT (Taneja and

Leuschner 1986) and Multi-Pher are more appropriate. Mohan and Prasad

(1991) developed a fish meal powder formulated with three insecticides

(fenthion 80 EC, quinalphos 40 EC and propoxur 1%) and found that

propoxur formulation reduced si9nificantly shoot fly damage.

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Modern pest management cannot operate without estimates of pest

population densities (Ruesink and Kogan 1982). To estimate pest

population densities, three main methods are used, namely absolute

methods, relative methods and population indices (Ruesink and Kogan

1982). Shoot fly population densities are usually estimated using

relative methods (Bonzi 1981, Bonzi and Gahukar 1983, Gahukar 1987) as

these techniques are easier than absolute ones (Ruesink and Kogan

1982). Monitoring shoot fly adults may generate useful information for

improving control strategies. For example, knowing the outbreak periods

during a cropping season may help to schedule planting times and

screening programs. Chapter 3 deals with how to monitor shoot fly

populations using different traps. The main goal of this chapter iS,to

determine the shoot fly species array and to investigate the

possibility of using more efficient traps than those previously

recommended to monitor shoot flies .

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.. 26

3 Monitoring Adult Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), and Related Speices in Burkina Faso•

Published in Tropical Pest Management, 37: 321-235 [1991]

Authors: J.O. ZONGO, C. VINCENT, and R.K. STEWART.

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Fish meal was used as attractant in four trap types for assessing the

rel ati ve abundance and speci es composi ti on of sorghum shoot fl i es.

which are major pests in the wetter southern zones of Burkina Faso.

Trapping was carried out in 1988 and 1989 during the rainy season in

Bobo-Dioulasso. Three trap models were effective in catching Atherigona

soccata: 1) water trap, 2) Multi-Pher and 3) ICRISAT (International

Crops Research Institute for 5emi-Arid Tropics) traps. Multi-Pher and

water traps were the most efficient. The advantages and disadvantages

of each trap model are discussed. Identification of male shoot flies

demonstrated the presence of 34 species of the subgenus Atherigona and

two species of the subgenus Acritochaeta, with Atherigona soccata, A.

occidenta7is Deeming and A. tomentigera van Emden being predominant .

Thirteen species were new records to Burkina Faso: A. aberrans Malloch,

A. africana Deeming, A. fi7i7oba Deeming, A. gabonensis Deeming, A.

gi7vifo7ia van Emden, A. griseiventris van Emden, A. hya7inipennis van

Emden, A. med7eri Deeming, A. nigrapica7is Deeming, A. pu77a Wiedemann,

A. ruficornis Stein, Acritochaeta yorki Deeming. A new species

Atherigona (s.s.) sp. n. will be described elsewere' .

1 The species was described and named as Atherigona zongoi, see appendix 2.

Page 54: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

• '



The sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae), is one of the most destructive and widely distributed pest

of sorghum in Africa and Asia (Young, 1981). In Burkina Faso it is a

key limiting factor of Sorghum bicolor (Linné, Moench) production in

the wetter southern zones, particularly when rainfall dictates delayed

planting (Brenière, 1972; Bonzi, 1981; Nwanze, 1988).

Several shoot fly species are injurious to sorghum seedlings the

most destructive being A. soccata (Deeming, 1971; Baliddawa and Lyon,

1974; Davies et al., 1980; Gahukar, 1985). In Burkina Faso, high shoot

fly damage (15-46% of head hearts) has been recorded in farmers' fields

(Nwanze, 1988). Bonzi (1981) Bonzi and Gahukar (1983), respectively,

found 22 and 24 species of Atherigona, including the subgenus

Acritochaeta. Among the species so far collected in Burkina Faso, A.

soccata accounted for 14% of the seasonal captures and A. marginifolia,

36% (Bonzi and Gahukar, 1983).

To monitor shoot fly adults, two types of trap have been

recommended: the water trap (Seshu Reddy and Davies, 1978) and the

ICRIS~~~(lnternatinal Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics)

trap (Taneja a:'d Leuschner, 1986). Both traps use fi sh meal as an

attractant (Starks, 1970). _

The present investigations were undertaken to study the relative

proportion of sorghum shoot fly species in Burkina Faso and ta test

whether another effective trap could be used to monitor adult sorghum

shoot fly .

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The experiments were conducted in 1988 at Farako-Bâ and in 1989

at Matourkou, both located ca. la km south of Bobo-Dioulasso (11· ll'N,

4· lS'W). Four types of traps were used during the rainy season: (l)

Multi-Pher (Jobin, 1985); (2) ICRISAT insecticide trap (Taneja and

Leuschner, 1986); (3) conical (Eckenrode and Arn, 1972): and (4) water

trap . The traps were placed 20 m apart in a sorghum fields (3 ha in

1988, 0.5 ha in 1989) in a Latin-square design at 50 cm above ground

level. The local cultivar 'Gnofing', known to be susceptible to sorghum

shoot fly (Brenière, 1972; Zongo, 1987), was used in both fields. The

Multi-Pher ICRISAT and conical traps were held with an iron stake. The

water trap consisted of a plate (26 cm diameter) containing 500 ml

water and detergent and placed in a circular hole in a 50 cm high

table. The ICRISAT trap was made with rubber tubing and a plastic


Apl ast i c bag was fill ed wi th 25 9 fi sh me..1 saturated wi·th

water. The bait was placed in the traps 24 h later. The plastic bag was

perforated around the upper part so that the fish meal odour could

escape. A rubber band was used to hold the fish meal in the Multi-Pher

trap whereas paper clips were used in the ICRISAT and conical· traps.

One gram of a (18,6% Vapona'") dichlorvos strip was placed in the

Multi-Pher, ICRISAT and conical traps to kill trapped insects. The

dichlorvos strip was taped to the Hulti-Pher and conical traps, and was

held in a plastic capsule in the ICRISAT trap. Water and fish meal

were replaced in the water trap twice a week, whereas in the Multi~

Pher, ICRISAT and conical traps, fish meal was changed weekly and the

insecticide fortnightly •

The traps were placed la days after sowing. The trapping

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experiment lasted from 21 July to 17 November 1988 at Farako-Bâ and

from 1 August to 17 November 1989 at Matourkou. Flies were collected

every 3-4 days for each trap model. Flies were then placed in vials

containing 70% alcohol until identification in the laboratory.

In 1988 we calculated the time required to empty the traps on two

occasions. On the first occasion the time (in minutes) required to

collect all insects captured, including Atherigona spp. was recorded

twice for each trap model. On the second occasion the time required

for collecting only Atherigona spp. from each trap model was recorded

four times. These data also allowed estimation of the selectivity of

each trap model.

At each date of trapping, and for each trap model, a maximum of

100 flies (males and females) were randomly retained for

identification. The specimens were kept in 3% potassium hydroxide

overnight before idenfication with Deeming's (1971, 1972, 1978, 1981)

and Clearwater's (1981) keys. Data were analysed using LSD test (Steel

and Torrie, 1980). Voucher specimens of most species were deposited at

the Biosystematics Reseal'ch Center (Agriculture Canada), Ottawa.


In 1988 the number of Atherigona spp. caught in the water, Multi­

Pher, ICRISAT and conical traps was 32 161, 25 336, 14 978, and 4459

respectively (Table 2). The number of A. soccata (males + females) was

1214, 891, 740, and 386 in Multi-Pher trap, water trap, ICRISAT trap.

and conical trap respectively (Table 3). In 1989, similar results were

found but captures of both Atherigona spp. and A. soccata were fewer.

Of the total number of Atherigona spp. (76 934, all trap models pooled)

captured in 1988, 17 190 specimens were identified representing 22.34%

of the total specimens captured. The sex ratio was one male for five

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females. In 1989 the number of keyed specimens was 6139, representin9

49.76% of the total number 12 337. The sex ratio (male:female) was 1:4.

In 1988, A. soccata was the predominant species, representin9 32%

of males captured followed by A. occidenta7is (14.85%), A. budongoana

(7.51%), A. tomentigera (5.63%), A. 7ineata (4.75%), A. truncata

(4.03%), A. marginifo7ia (3.59%), A. secrecauda (3.23%), A. peduncu7ata

(3.16%), A. mirabi7is (2.65%) and other species. In 1989, A.

occidenta7is was the most numerous species (29.97%), followed by A.

soccata (19.63%), A. tomentigera (18.22%) and A. 7ineata (4.74%) (Table


Thirteen species are new records to Burkina Faso. Anew species,

Atherigona (s.s) sp. n., has been found and will be described elsewhere

by J.C. Deeming (National Museum of Wales, Cardiff U.K.) from material

in our collection and that of R.J. Gahukar (J.C. Deeming, personal


In 1988 and 1989 the sex ratio (male:female) of A. soccata were

1:2.66 and 1:4.45, respectively. Of the total number of species

examined in 1988 and 1989 for all trap models pooled, A. soccata (males

and females) represented 18.79% and 19.90% respectively.

The time required for collecting only Atherigona spp. in conical,

ICRISAT, Multi-Pher and water traps was respectively 4, 9, 28 and 32

min (Table 5). The time required to count both Atherigona spp. and

other insects caught was 5, 13, 43 and 80 min for conical, ICRISAT,

Multi-Pher and water traps respectively (Table 5) .

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The fish meal proved to be an effective bait for monitoring shoot

fl ies. Simil ar resul ts have been found by Bonzi (1981), Bonzi and

Gahukar (1983), Taneja and Leuschner (1986), Doumbia and Gahukar

(1986), Gahukar (1987). However, fish meal was not a specific

attractant, hence increasing the time of collection. The four trap

models captured six times more shoot flies in 1988 than in 1989. This

might be due to factors such as climatic conditions, as Doharey et a7.

(1977) observed that high relative humidity is an important factor for

sorghum shoot fly development. Rainfall and relative humidity were

higher in 1988 than in 1989 (Table 6). Heavy rainfall at the onset and

during the cropping period may enhance the growth of grasses and wild

sorghum, which are known to be important hosts of shoot flies (Deeming,

1971; Bonzi and Gahukar, 1983; Gahukar, 1985, 1987).

The advantages of the ICRISAT trap have been listed by Taneja and

Leuschner (1986) as simplicity, handiness, light weight, low

operational costs, and the ability to capture live flies for various

purposes. High selectivity by calibration of holes may also be added

(Table 5). In the course of our experiment, ants climbed up the iron

stake, ate the fish meal or damaged the flies caught. In both Multi­

Pher, ICRISAT and conical traps, a ring of insect adhesive

(Tangletrap~) applied to the iron stake solved the problem.

The Multi-Pher trap showed similar advantages to those of the

ICRISAT. However, its efficacy in catching live flies is reduced

because its openings are large and may let the flies e~cape. Although

Multi-Pher trap showed the highest selectivity (82.04%), it also

captured many other fl ies such as Ca77iphoridae, Sarcophagidae and

Ch7oropidae. Unlike the ICRISAT trap it cannot be made of local

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The water trap was the most efficient model for capturing

Atherigona spp., but it required more time to empty the trap, largely

due to wet conditions in which the flies are collected. Water traps

also captured many other insects including Ca77iphoridae,

Sarcophagidae, Ch7oropidae, and Scarabaeidae. As Taneja and Leuschner

(1986) pointed out, the fish meal and water must be replaced frequently

in water traps. During collection, more precautions were required to

keep the specimens intact. Furthermore, the specimens started to rot

after a few days.

The conical trap was the least efficient model. Destruction of

fish meal by rodents and ants occurred frequently. The trap needs to be

refined concerning the location of fish meal. However, it allowed the

collector to work in dry conditions and to obtain good material for


Atherigona is a large genus: 168 known species, five subgenera

and one variety have been described (Deeming 1971, 1978). The subgenus

Atherigona is the largest and contains all the species destructive to

graminaceous crops (Deeming, 1978). In Burkina Faso 41 species (39

species of the subgenus Atherigona, two species of the subgenus

Acritochaeta) including the species here reported have been collected

so far from sorghum and millet fields. The present study revealed 13

species new to Burkina Faso (Table 4). Among the most predominant

species captured both in 1988 and 1989, A. soccata, A. tomentigera and

A. 7ineata are known to be found in sorghum seedlings (Deeming, 1971).

Other species have also bee~found in sorghum shoots. Seshu Reddy and

Davies (1978) listed 13 species in India, while Deeming (1971) and

Gahukar (1985) listed nine and seven in Nigeria and Sénégal,

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A. occidenta7is was predominantly captured in 1989 and second in

importance in 1988, but larvae have not bean found in sorghum shoots.

Females, that were more attracted than males to fish meal bait,

represented 73% and 82% of A. soccata captured respectively in 1988 and

1989. Similar results have been found by Bonzi (1981) in Burkina Faso,

Clearwater (1981) in Kenya, Gahukar (1987) in Sénégal. The greatest

(90-99%) proportion of females has been recorded in India by Seshu

Reddy and Davies (1978) using fish meal-baited water traps.

Peak captures of both Atherigona spp. and A. soccata were

recorded in August and September, confirming the results of Bonzi and

Gahukar (1983). In general, these months coincide with heavy rainfall

in Burkina Faso. Gahukar (1987) pointed out that the shoot flies abound

when rainfall is abundant, while Delobel and Unnithan (1983) stressed

the negative effect of heavy rainfall.

In conclusion the water trap, Multi-Pher and ICRISAT types might

be useful in monitoring and assessing sorghum shoot fly populations.

However, for systematic and hi stol ogical studies that require high

quality of specimens, ICRISAT and Multi-Pher traps are more

appropriate. Although Natarajan and Chelliah (1983) recommended the

ICRISAT type at a rate of 12-15 traps per ha, Gahukar (1987) found that

the efficiency of fish meal traps in timing control methods for sorghum

shoot fly is questionable. Further work is needed to clarify these

conflicting statements.

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• '



BALI DDAWA , C.W. and LYON, W.F., 1974. Sorghum shoot fly species and

their control in Uganda. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural

Sciences, 20, 20-22.

BONZI, S.M., 1981. Fl uctuati ons sai sonnières des popul ations de la

mouche des pousses de sorgho en Haute-Volta. Insect Science and

its Application, 2, 59-62.

BONZI, S.M. and GAHUKAR, R.T., 1983. Répartition de la population

d'Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptère: Muscidae) et des espèces

alliées pendant la saison pluvieuse en Haute-Volta. Agronomie

Tropicale, 38, 331-334.

BRENIERE, J., 1972. Sorghum shoot fly in West Africa. In Control of

Sorghum Shoot Fly, (M.G. Jotwani. and W.L. Young, Eds). (Oxford

and I.B.M., New Delhi), pp. 129-135.

CLEARWATER, J.R., 1981. Practical identification of the female of five

species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) in Kenya.

Tropical Pest Management, 27, 303-312.'

DAVIES, J.C., SESHU REDDY, K.V. and REDDY, Y.V., 1980. Species of shoot

flies reared from sorghum in Andhra Pradesh, India. Tropical Pest

Management, 26, 258-261.

DEEMING, J.C., 1971. Some species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) from northern Nigeria, with special reference ta those

injurious ta cereal crops. Bulletin of Entomological Research,

61, 133-190.

DEEMING, J.C., 1972. Two remarkable new species of Atherigona Rondani

(Dipt., Muscidae) from Nigeria and Cameroun. Entomologist's

Monthly Magazine, 108, 3-6 •

DEEMING, J.C., 1978. New and l ittle known species of Atherigona

Page 62: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Rondani (Dipt., Muscidae) from Nigeria and Cameroun.

Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 114, 31-52.

DEEMING, J.C., 198!. New and little known African species of

Atherigona Rondani (Dipt., Muscidae). Entomologist's Monthly

Magazine, 117, 99-113.

DELOBEL, A.G.L. and UNNITHAN, G., 1983. Influence des températures

constantes sur les caractéristiques des populations d'Atherigona

soccata (Diptères, Muscidae). Acta Oecologia and Applicata, 4,



Effect of temperature and humidity on the development of

Atherigona soccata Rondani. Indian Journal of Entomology;39,


DOUMBIA, Y.O. and GAHUKAR, R.T., 1986. Atherigona soccata Rondani et

autres mouches nuisibles au sorgho au Mali. Agronomie Tropicale,

41, 170-172.

ECKENRDDE, C.J. and ARN, H., 1972. Trapping cabbage maggots with plant

bait and allyl'isothiocyanate. Journal of 'Economie Entomology,

65, 1343-13~5.

GAHUKAR, R.T., 1985. Some species of Atherigona (Diptera: Muscidae)

reared from Gramineae in Sénégal. Annals of Applied Biology, 106,


GAHUKAR, R.T., 1987. Population dynamics of sorghum shoot fly,

Atherigona soccata (Diptera: Muscidae) in Sénégal. Environmental

Entomology, 16, 910-916

JOBIN, L.J., 1985. Development of a large capacity Pheromone trap for

Monitoring forest insect pest populations. In Proceeding of the

CANUSA Spruce Budworm Research Symposium, (C.J. Sanders, R.W.

Page 63: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Stark, E.J. Mullins and J. Murphy, (Eds.), Bangor, Maine,

September 16-20, 1984, pp. 243-245.

NATARAJAN, K. and S. CHELLIAH, 1983. A new method to control sorghum

shoot fly. Pesticides, 17, 37.

NWANZE, K.F., 1988. Distribution and seasonal incidence of some major

insect pests of sorghum in Burkina Faso. Insect Science and its

Application, 9, 313-321.

SESHU REDDY, K. V. and DAVIES, J .C., 1978. Attractant traps for the

assessment of sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

populations. Bulletin of Entomology, 19, 48-51

STARKS, K.J., 1970. Increasing infestation of the sorghum shoot fly in

experimental plots. Journal of Economie Entomology, 63, 1715·

1716 .

STEEL, R.G.D. and TORRIE, J.H. 1980. Principles and procedures of

statistics, A biometrical approach, McGrall-Hill Book Company,

New York, 633 pp.

TANEJA, S.L. and LEUSCHNER, K., 1986. A simple trap for monitoring

sorghum shoot fly. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 14, 83­


YOUNG, W.R., 1981. Fifty-five years of research on the sorghum shoot

fly. Insect Science and its Application, 2, 3-9.

ZONGO, O.J., 1987. Entomologie du sorgho et mil. In Rapport de

synthèse de la campagne 1986. M.A.E., D.A. Service Protection

des Végétaux, (Burkina Faso: Laboratoire de Recherches Bobo­

Dioulasso), pp. 1-3 .

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• 39

Table 2. Atherigona spp. catches in four trap models in Burkina Faso, 1988 and1989

Trap Farako-Bâ, 1988 Matourkou, 1989model

No. shoot flies Mean' No. shoot fl ies Mean'

Water trap 32161 8040' 10028 2507'

Multi-Pher 25336 6334' 1511 377'

• ICRISAT 14978 3745' 449 112'

Conical 4459 1115' 349 87'

1 L.S.O ~1547; , L.S.O- 178; P ~ 0.05.; means with the same letter are not

significantly different .

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.. 40

Table 3. Sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata (male + female) catches in four

trap models in Burkina Faso 19BB, 19B9

Trap Farako-Bâ 1988 Matourkou 1989


No. A. soccata Mean' No. A. soccata Mean'

• Water trap 891 223' 718 180'

Multi-Pher 1214 304' 340 85'

ICRISAT 740 185' 113 28'

Conical 386 97' 51 13'

1 L.S.O .74; 'L.S.O • 43; p. 0.05; means with the sameletter are not

significantly different .

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• 41

Table 4. Relative abundance of Atherigona and Acritochaeta males captured inBurkina Faso 1988, 1989

Percentage of total seasonal captures

Sor9hum shootfly species

Farako-Bâ 1988New

Matourkou 1989 Mention inBurkina Faso

Atherigona aberrans Malloch 2.10 1.24 yesAtherigona africana Deeming 0.36 l.rsAtherigona albistyla Deeming 2.28 2.36Atherigona bimaculata Stein 0.98 1

Atherigona budongoana van Emden 7.51 1.58 1.:

Atherigona fililoba Deemin~ 0.76 0.18 yesAtherigona gabonensis Deemlng 0.08 yesAtherigona gilvifolia van Emden 0.03 yesAtherigona hriseiventris van Emâ&n 0.03 yesAtherigona ancocki van Emden 0.32 0.70 ..'Atherigona hyalinipennis van Emden 0.47 0.52 yesAtherigona insignis Deeming 1.19 1.84 •Atherigona lineata Adams 4.75 4.74 1.'Atherigona longifolia van Emden 0.65 2.12 1Atherigona marrinifolia van Emden 3.59 2.80 1.'Atherigona med eri Deeming 0.08 r.~s• Atherigona mirabilis Deeming 2.65 1.32Atherigona naqvii Steyskal 0.69 0.70 1

Atherigona nigeriensis Deeming 0.03 •Atherigona nigr~iCalis Deeming 0.52 yesAtherigona occi entalis Deeming 14.85 29.97 1

Atherigona pallidipleura Deeming 2.79 0.62 1.'Atherigona pedunculata van Emden 3.16 0.08 1.'Atherigona ponti Deeming 0..03 0.78Atherigona pulla Wiedemann 0.39 0.26 r.~sAtherigona rubricornis Stein 0.29 0.18Atherigona ruficornis Stein 0.03 r.~sAtherigona samaruensis Deeming 1.77 0.36Atherigona secrecauda Séguy 3.23 7.02 1.'Atherigona soccata Rondani 32.0 19.63 1.'Atherigona tomentigera van Emden 5.63 18.22 1.-Atherigona truncata van Emden 4.03 0.62 1.'Atherigona valida Adams 0.07 1.'Atherigona (s.s.) sp. n. 0.76 0.08 r.~sAcritochaeta orientalis Schiner 2.10 1.24Acritochaeta yorki Deeming 0.03 yes

Total 2753 1141

l Mentioned in Bonzi and Gahukar (1983) •• Mentioned in Bonzi (1981)


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• 42

Table 5. Time required to collect and count shoot flies from four trap modelsin the field, Burkina Faso, 1988

Ti me (min.) for counting

Trap Without1 Counting' Total insects Atherigonamodel counting all insects captured spp.

Atherigona spp. includingAtherigona spp.

Water trap 32 80 1315 40.22• Multi-Pher 28 43 606 82.04

1CR15AT 9 13 221 80.54

Coni cal 4 5 48 56.25

Mean of four counts.

Mean of two counts .

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• 43

Table 6. Adult shoot f1 ies (Atherigona spp.) monthly captures, rainfall and

relative humidity in southwestern Burkina Faso.

Farako-Bâ 1988 Matourkou 1989

Month Rainfail R.H. No. Rainfall R.H. No.

(mm) (%) shoot- (mm) (%) shoot-

flies flies

captured captured

January 25.2 29.2

February 18.9 15.3

March 3.8 31.5 25.1 27.1

April 56 48.4 10 46.6

May 83 56 59.4 51.0• June 98.5 69 126.3 63.9

July 193.8 77.4 840' 155.1 73.7

August 195.8 80.43 22218 365.6 90.3 3951

September 305.3 78.3 40745 144.2 77 .1 6824

Octaber 62.5 64.8 12446 40.8 65.6 1449

November 50 685' n.a. n.a. 124'

,Catches of 1 week.

Catches of 2 weeks

n.a. E Not available .

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Appropriate sampl ing techniques are essential to IPM programs

because they provide informati en on the crop. and insect pest under

study and allowing recommendations for intervention (Boivin and Vincent

1983). In chapter 3, adult shoot fly population densities were

evaluated by trapping with defined peak captures. It is well

established that damage caused by the shoot fly is a function of its

population densities (Gahukar 1987). Knowing the fluctuation of adult

shoot fly populations, it becomes necessary to assess eggs by sampling

in order to improve recommendations in controll ing the pest before-~

damage. Sequential sampling is an important technique in IPM prograll)s,

allowing time and money saving (Krebs 1989). Time-sequential sampling,

a new use of sequential sampling, allows timely decisions and reduces

trips to the field (Pedigo and van Schaik 1984). This chapter deals

,with time-sequential sampling for the sorghum'shoot fly based on egg

and dead heart counting •


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In press in Insect Science and its Application

Authors: Joanny O. ZONGO. Charles VINCENT. and Robin K. STEWART

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Field experiments were conducted in 1988 and 1989 in sorghum

fields at three localities near 80bo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), West

Africa. Eggs and dead hearts were sampled every fifth day starting 10

days after sowing. The second and third leaves of sorghum plants were

preferred for oviposition. The maximum number of eggs laid per plant

and per leaf were three and two, respectively. The distribution of

eggs was random in most (38 out of 39) sampling dates. Pooling data by

year (n = 16), the coefficients of correlation between average egg

number and average dead hearts were r = 0.89, 0.87, and 0.80 at

Matourkou, Sogossagasso, and Darsalamy, respectively. A time­

sequential sampling plan based on the POISSON distribution was

establ ished for the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae) using eggs and dead hearts.

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The sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae), is a key limiting factor of sorghum, Sorghum bic%r (Linné,

Moench), production in the wetter southern zones of Burkina Faso,

particularly when rainfall dictates delay planting (Brenière 19ï2;

Bonzi 1981). In southern Burkina Faso, high shoot fly damage (15-46%

dead hearts) has been recorded in farmers' fields (Nwanze, 1988).

Sorghum shoot fly research focused on various management

practices, including the use of systemic insecticides, cultural

control, and the release of high yielding resistant varieties (Young

1981). However, a complete Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program

is yet to be developped.

Sequential sampling is an important step forward in the

development of IPM programs (Boivin and Vincent 1983). In sequential

sampling schemes, sample size is not fixed in advance, resulting in

considerable savings in time and money (Krebs 1989). The number of

samples required may thus be reduced by 47-63% (Wald 1947) or, in sorne

cases, up to 79% (Pieters and Sterl ing 1974). Sequential sampl ing

plans have been published for many pests (Pieters 1978). Pedigo and van

Schaik (1984), developed and used a time-sequential sampling plan based

on the fact that number of insects have characteristic distributions in

time, as well as in space. This approach is valuable in studying

populations which may be sporadic, or build up rapidly, and decl ine

before the end of the season. It allows decisions to be made as to

when to sample in the season,' and when to el iminate entire sampl ing

periods. Compared to a fixed program of nine sampling periods, Pedigo

and van Schaik (1984) found savings of 44 to 67% of resources for the

green cloverworm, P7athypena scabra (F.), whose outbreaks occur

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sporadically in Iowa, U.S.A..

Sorghum shoot fly populations and damage vary with environmental

factors, plant varieties, and plant phenological stage (Bonzi 1981,

Brenière 1972, Gahukar 1987, Jotwani et al. 1970, Nwanze 1988, Rai et

al. 1978, Zongo et al. 1991). Shoot fly damage is usually low « 10%)

for early sowings in Burkina Faso (Nwanze 1988) making A. soccata a

sporadic pest at this time. Therefore, time-sequential sampling is

appropriate for this pest. Delobel (1981) worked on the distribution

of sorghum shoot fly eggs in the laboratory and in field conditions

using small plots at Nairobi and Mbita, Kenya. He found, on 21 sample

occasions, that the distribution of eggs within the field was

consistentlya POISSON, although about half of these distributions also

agreed with the Negative Binomial.

No sequent i al sampli ng plans have been yet publ i shed for the

sorghum shoot fly, and the present investigations were undertaken to

establish a time-sequential sampling plan for this pest.


Experiments were conducted in 1988 and 1989 at Matourkou,

Darsalamy and Sogossagasso in sorghum fields (60 x 40 m) located ca. 10

, 15 and 35 km from Bobo-Dioul asso (11°11 'N, 4°18'W), respectively.

At Darsalamy and Sogossagasso farmers' fields were used while the

field at Matourkou was located in a research station. The local.

sorghum variety "Gnofing" was sown on 12, 13 and 14 July, one month

after normal planting dates-respectively, at Matourkou, Sogossagasso

and Darsalamy. Inter-row and intra-row were 0.80 m and 0.40 m,

respectively. Fields were fertilized with 200 kg/ha of NPK (15-15-15)

appl ied in two occasions, (namely 100 kg/ha at sowing time, '-...-.1""

100kg/ha 30 days after sowing). Fifty kg/ha of urea (46%) were applied

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45 days after sowing.

In each field, samples were taken on eight occasions, every fifth

day, starting 10 days after planting. On each occasion, sorghum shoot

fly eggs were counted on 30 randomly selected plants. Each plant was

carefully inspected; the position of each egg and the number of leaves

were noted from top to bottom. The number of eggs per leaf was also

recorded. Dead hearts were counted on 100 randomly selected plants.

Departure from a random dispersion was tested for each local ity and

year by using the following method:

ID= S2 (n-1)/X,

where ID is the index of dispersion,

where S2 = variance, n is the number of samples, and X= mean number of

eggs or dead hearts (Krebs 1989). The Chi-square x2 (with n-1 df) was

used to test the observed dispersion. There were 29 df for eggs and 99

for dead hearts. If a data set followed the 'POISSON distribution, the

value of ID lied within the limits /0.975 and /0.D25.The standardized

Morisita index of dispersion (Ip ) (Smith-Gill 1975) ranging from -1.0

to +1.0, with 95% confidence limits was used to calculate the

di spersi on when a val ue of ID l ay outside the l imits defined previ ously.

Arandom pattern gave Ip of zero. Aggregated and regul ar pattern occured

when Ip was above and below zero respectively (Krebs 1989).

To calculate the time-sequential sampling parameters, data of all

local ities were pooled. The main parameters required for POISSON

distribution were:

hl = log [ B1(1 - a) ]

h2 = log [(1 - BI) a];

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where h, and h2 are intercepts, llIoi = mean number of the eggs or dead

hearts expected in the i th sample of an endemic population, m'i= mean

number of the eggs or dead hearts expected in the i th sampl e of an

outbreak population, bt is a slopelike parameter, Wi is a weighting

coefficient, dt is a weighted cumulative number of eggs or dead hearts

observed, ri is the number of eggs or dead hearts in the i~ sample, Q

is probability of calling a population endemic when it is outbreak, and

B is probability of calling a population outbreak when it is endemic.

The boundaries of the decision zones after the t~sample are calculated

as follows:

d't= h,+ bt (lower limit)

d2t = h2+ bt (upper limit)

The class limits (m., m,) on each sampling data describing endemic and

outbreak populations were determined using pooled data from the three

localities and the two years. Because economic injury levels vary from

one cultivar to another (Rai et a7. 1978), and that no formal economic

injury level has yet been published for sorghum growing in West African

conditions, we used a nominal threshold based on unpublished work that

we conducted at Matourkou, Bobo-Dioulasso from 1988 to 1990 (Table 7).

The level of acceptable error was set at 0.1 for both Q and B, as

recommended by Waters (1955).

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Sorghum shoot fly females laid their eggs mostly on the second

(40.48%) and third (50.28%) leaves (Table 8). The maximum number of

eggs laid per plant and per leaf were three and two, respectively.

Seasonal average number of eggs per plant and percent of dead

hearts were greater in 1988 than in 1989 at Matourkou and Sogossagasso

(Table 9, 10). Four times out of S, the peak number of eggs and the

average peak of dead hearts coincided on the same sampling date. In

1989, peak number of eggs and dead hearts occurred on the 7th sampling

date in all localities (Table 9, 10).

The distribution pattern of eggs was random in most (38 times

over 39) sampling dates. An aggregated pattern occurred at Matourkou

on August 6th, 1989 (Table 9). The dispersion patterns of dead hearts

were random (38 times over 42), and regular (4 times over 42) (Table

10). In Sogossagasso, the dispersion pattern of both eggs and dead

hearts was consistently random in 1988 and in 1989 (Table 9, 10). In

Darsalamy, the dispersion pattern of eggs was random, whereas dead

hearts were randomly distributed on six sampling dates and regularly

distributed on one occasion (Table 9, 10). Using pooled data (by date)

of the two years, the distribution of eggs was random in the three

localities, whereas dead hearts were randomly distributed in

Sogossagasso and Darsalamy; and randomly and regularly distributed in


A positive significant ~ ~ 0.05) correlation (r • 0.87, n- 48,

all years and localities pooled) has been found between egg abundance

and dead hearts, the regression equation being Y • -1.34S7e-2 +

0.9420Sx. The coefficient of correlation and regression equation (n •

IS, all years pooled for each locality) were: r = 0.89, Y= -3.170Se-2

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• 52

+ 1.0487x for Matourkou; r = 0.87, Y = -6.1350e-3 + 0.87603x for

Sogossagasso, and r = 0.80 , Y= 6.9524e-3 + 0.76155x for Darsalamy.

We chose a tabular presentation (Table 11, 12) for the time­

sequential sampling plan as Pedigo and van Schaik (1984) found this

format most convenient.


The second and third leaves were preferred for oviposition. Our

results agree with Ogwaro (1978), who found that 28.5 and 54.1% of

total eggs were deposited on the second and thir~ leaves, respectively.

After hatching, the first instar larva takes one to six hours to reach

the base of the leaf sheath (Doggett 1988). Because eggs are

preferentially laid on second and third leaves, first instar larvae are

near the site of penetration in the main shoot; this reduces exposure

to natural enemies and adverse climatic conditions. Although Ogwaro

(1978) recorded a few eggs on the sixth and the seventh leaves, we

found no eggs when the sorghum plants had more than five leaves.

Ogwaro (1978) pointed out that the lower leaf surfaces were preferred

for oviposition, which we also observed.

Our results on egg distribution confirm Delobel's (1981) finding

that the distribution of sorghum shoot fly eggs is random or slightly

aggregated. Aggregated distribution occurred occasiorally when many

plants bore more than one egg. The biological consequence of such a

distribution is that many larvae hatching from these eggs will perish

as usually only one larva develops in a single shoot (Delobel, 1981).

Dead hearts caused by the sorghum shoot fly were frequently

randomly distributed and, on few occasions, regularly. In 1988, average

dead hearts were higher in Matourkou (research station) than in

Sogossagasso and in Darsalamy. ICRISAT (1983, 1984) and Nwanze (1988)

Page 79: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



found similar differences in infestation level and pointed out that

this is due to different varieties and sowing dates. However, in 1989

the percentage of dead hearts was higher in Darsalamy (31%) than in

Matourkou (14%). We observed 22% dead hearts in Sogossagasso on August

17th, 1988 whereas Nwanzc (1988) found 26% in the same locality

(unknown sampling date). However, the percentage of dead hearts were

much lower (6%) in 1989 at Sogossagasso.

Rainfall and relative humidity are important factors for sorghum

shoot fly population outbreaks (Naitam and Sukhani 1985, Gahukar 1987).

Zongo et al. (1991) noted that rainfall and relative humidity were

higher in 1988 than in 1989 with, as a consequence, a higher shoot fly

infestation level in 1988. The seasonal variation in oviposition and

dead heart prevalence observed in our study is thus partly due to

climatic conditions. Similar seasonal variation in oviposition and

dead heart have been reported by Gahukar (1987), and Jotwani et al.


Time-sequential sampling is intended to address the problem of

when samples should be taken in the season (Pedigo and van Schaik

1984). For the sorghum shoot fly, sampl ing efforts should coyer the

early stage of sorghum seedlings, as Rai et al. (1978) found that early

attack leads to complete destruction of the plar.ts. In addition,

Jotwani et al., (1970) found that the most susceptible stage for

infestation is within 21 days after germination.

Sampling dead hearts as an early detection method does not allow. -

enough time to plan and implementcontrol actions in due time. However,

our sequential sampling plan may prove to be useful for rapid survey of

shoot fly damage. In general, control measures should be taken before

dead hearts formation. Therefore, egg sampling is most appropriate in

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an IPM context. This approach allows sufficient time to undertake

controi actions as Barry (1972) found that eggs hatch within 2-5 days

after oviposition and dead heart formation occurs 2-3 days after

hatchi ng. An effect ive management program of the sorghum shoot fly

should be adapted to local conditions. Whatever the agronomie

conditions, egg sampling should be used as a monitoring technique to

alert farmers of threatening population levels.

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Barry, D. 1972. Notes on life history of a sorghum shoot fly,

Atherigona varia soccata. Ann. Entomo7. Soc. Am. 65, 586-589.

Boivin, G. and Vincent, C. 1983. Sequential samplin9 for pest control

programs. Agriculture Canada, Technical Bulletin 1983-14Ei

Agriculture Canada, Research station, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,

Québec, Canada. 29 p.

Bonzi, S.M. 1981 Fluctuations saisonnières des populations de la

mouche des pousses de sorgho en Haute-Volta. Insect Sei. App7ic.

2, 59-62.

Brenière, J. 1972. Sorghum shoot fly in West Africa, pp. 129-135, In

Contro7 of sorghum shoot f7y, (Jotwani, M.G. and W.L. Young

Eds). Oxford and I.B.M., New Delhi .

Delobel, A.G.L. 1981. The distribution of the eggs of the sorghum

shootfly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). Insect

Sei. App7ic. 2, 63-66.

Doggett, H. 1988. Sorghum. Longman Scientific &Technical, Harlow U.K.

pp. 301-306.

Gahukar R.T. 1987. Population dynamics of sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona

soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), in Senegal. Environ.

Entomo7. 16, 910-916.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT) 1983. Annua7 Report 1982, International Cooperation,

Patancheru, India, pp. 363-365.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT) 1984. Sahe7ian Center Annua7 Report 1983, Entomo7ogy,

ICRISAT Niamey, Niger, pp. 31-37 .

Jotwani, M.G., Marwaha, K.K., Srivastava, K.M. and Young, W.R. 1970.

Page 82: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Seasonal incidence of shootfly (Atherjgona varja soccata Rond.)

in jowar hybrids at Delhi. Indjan. J. Ent. 32, 7-15

Krebs, C.J. 1989. Ecological methodology. Harper &Row Publishers, New

York. 654 p.

Nait"m, N.R. and Sukhani, T.R. 1985. Ovipisition behavior of the

sorghum shootfly Atherjgona soccata Rondani under different soil,

plant and weather parameters. Indjan J. Ent. 47, 195-200

Nwanze, K.F. 1988. Distribution and seasonal incidence of sorne major

insect pests of sorghum in Burkina Faso. Insect Scj. App7jc. 9,


Ogwaro, K. 1978. Ovipositional behaviour and host-plants preference of

the sorghum shootfly, Atherjgona soccata (Diptera: Anthomyiidae).

Entom07. exp. app7. 23, 189-199 .

Pedigo, L.P. and van Schaik, J.W. 1984. Time-sequential sampling: Anew

use of the sequential probability ratio test for pest management

decisions. Bu77. Ent. Soc. Am. 3D, 32-36.

Piet<;lrs, E. P. 1978. Bibliography of sequential sampling plans for

insects. Bu77. Ent. Soc. Am. 24, 372-374.

Pieters, E. P. and Sterling, W.L. 1974. Asequential sampling plan ~or

the cotton leafhopper, Pseudatomosce7js' serjatus. Envjron.

Entom07. 3, 102-106.

Rai, S., Jotwani, M.G. and Jha, D. 1978. Economic injury level of

shootfly, Atherjgona soccata (Rondani) on sorghum. Indjan J.

Ent. 40, 126-133.

Smith-Gill, S.J. 1975. Cytophysiolog~ca1 basis of disruptive pigmentary

patterns in the leopard frog Rana pjpjens II. Wild type and

mutant cell specific patterns. J. Morph. 146, 35-54 •

Wald, A. 1947. Sequential analysis. Dover Publications, INC. New York.

Page 83: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


212 p.

Waters, W.E. 1955. Sequential sampling in forest insect surveys. For.

Sci. l, 68-79.

Young, W.R. 1981. Flfty-five years of research on the sorghum shoot

fly. Inseet Sei. App7ie. 2, 3-9.

Z.:Jngo, J.O., Vincent, C. and Stewart, R.K. 1991. Monitoring adult

sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soeeata (Rondani) (Di ptera:

Muscidae), and related species in Burkina Faso. Trop. Pest

Manag. 37, 231-235 .

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• 59

Table 7. Endemie (~) and (m,) outbreak population configurations of Atherigona

spp. eggs (n=30) and dead hearts (n=100), Burkina Faso.

Sample Days Eggs Dead heartsdate after

sowingm• m, m. m,

• 1 10 2 6 4 102 15 3 8 7 123 20 5 10 10 144 25 7 13 12 175 30 9 15 13 196 35 12 17 15 207 40 13 19 16 21B 45 5 7 B 15


Page 86: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

Table 8. Sorghum shoot fly egg distribution on leaves in three 10ca1ities,

1 Number of times eggs were deposited on the leaf •


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• 62

Tabl e 10. Mean (n= 100), vari ances , and di spersi on characteri st i cs of deadhearts caused on sorghum by Atherigona spp. in three localities, BurkinaFaso.





10 x



July 22 0.00July 27 0.00August 1 0.03August 6 0.15August Il 0.45August 16 0.58August 21 0.37August 26 0.07


July 23 0.01July 2B 0.00August 2 0.01August 8 0.12August 12 0.18August 17 0.22August 22 0.08August 27 0.02





. 0.05



99'94. os"95.04'94. os"87.12'75.24'85.14'94.05'

July 24July 29AU9ust 3AU9ust 8August 13August 18August 23August 28


94. OS'89.10'94. OS'85.14'82.17'84.5'81.18'87.12'



•, POISSON distribution as 10 lies within the limits 73.46 (/0.915) and 128.31(/o.m)for 99 df.

" Tests with 10 indicated that these data were not a Poisson distribution; Iptests suggested a regular pattern as Ip wa$ -1 in ~latourkou and ·-0.25 inDarsalamy.

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a. ab








































































































































































































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In Chapter 3, the relative abundance and species composition of

shoot flies in the field were assessed while chapter 4 provided

information on the emergence pattern of shoot fly eggs and damage with

a subsequent time-sequential sampling scheme. It is essential to

investigate whether changes in shoot fly abundance can be linked with

particular cultural practices. Cultural controls, the oldest methods

for managing insect pest populations are preventive rather than

curative (Knipling 1979, Hill 1989). They are important in IPM

programs, particularly in developing countries where the technical and

educational level of farmers is low. Cultural practices such as

manipulating sowing dates or intercropping could help to escape attack

by the shoot fly. The goal of this chapter is to answer questions on

when to sow sorghum to escape heavy shoot fly damage. Another

hypothesis investigated was whether intercropping sorghum-cowpea could

reduce shoot fly damage •

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5 Influence of Cultural Practices on Sorghum Yields and

Incidence of Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata

Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso•

To be submitted to Sahel Phytoprotection, August 1992.



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Field experiments were conducted in 1988, 1989 and 1991 in a

sorghum field at Matourkou, Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), to determine

plant spacing arrangements for intercropping sorghum-cowpea, Sorghum

bicolor [L.] (Moench)-Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp., and the most

suitable sowing dates and plant densities for avoidance and reduction

of yield 10~ses caused by the shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Ml!~cidae). Observations were recorded on eggs and dead hearts

17 and 28 days after plant emergence respectively. In both 1988 and

1989, intercropping systems gave a LER (Land Equivalent Ratio) higher

than one. In 1988 and 1991, no significant differences were observed

with respect to the number of eggs laid, the percentage of plants

bearing eggs and the percentage of dead hearts. In 1989, significant

differences were only observed with respect to dead heart incidence.

Sowi ng dates between June 20 and 30 were acceptable whereas sowi ng

dates after June 30 should be avoided. Plant densities were not

significant with respect to damage. Significant negative correlation

existed between the percentage of dead hearts and the yi~ld in all the

five sowing dates, between the yield and the sowing dates, and between

the yield and the numbers of tillers .

Page 94: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



The shoot fly, Atherigona soeeata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae),

is an important pest of sorghum, Sorghum bieo7or (Linné, Moench), in

West Africa (Nwanze 1985, Gahukar 1990), including Burkina Faso (Bonzi

1981, Nwanze 1988).

Several species of shoot fly are injurious to sorghum (Deeming,

1971) but in Burkina Faso, A. soeeata accounted for over 96% of the

flies reared from sorghum shoots (Nwanze, 1988). Several control

strategies have been suggested including insecticide applications, the

use of resistant varieties, cultural practices (Young, 1981) and

sequential sampiing (Zongo et a7. 1992).

Mixed cropping represents 80% of the cultivated area in West

Africa (Steiner, 1984). This practice may decrease insect pest

populations (Vandermeer, 1989). Compiling the results from 150

publ i shed studi es on the effect of di versi fying agroecosystems on

insect pest populations, Risch et a7. (1983) found that 53% of insect

pest species (n = 198) were less abundant in the more diversified

system, 18% were more abundant in the diversified system, 9% showed no

difference, and 20% showed a variable response. Intercropping sorgh~m­

cowpea, Vigna unguieu7ata [L.] Walp. is widely practiced by Burkina

Faso farmers, the main advantages being the rational use of land,

labour saving and diversified food supply. Cowpea is usually harvested

before sorghum and serves as a food supply before regul ar harvest


In India, sorghum shoot fly damage was severe when sorghum was

intercropped with ground nuts (Venugopal and Palanippan, 1976). In

Kenya, Raina and Kibuka (1983) found that intercropping sorghum-maize

in different planting holes or in the same hole did not significantly

Page 95: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


affect shoot fly oviposition on either crop.

Modifying planting dates is also one of the most widely used

methods to cause asynchrony between crops and insect pests. In Burkina

Faso, Brenière (1972) evaluated shoot fly damage for three different

sowing dates in the west central region (i.e. 5aria, Koudougou) and

found that sorghum seedlings were less damaged with early sowing dates.

In India, several authors from different localities have studied the

effects of sowing dates and seed rates on the incidence of the shoot

fly and found that early sowing helped to avoid and reduce damage (Ram

et al. 1976, Gandhale et al. 1982, Mote, 1983).

To implement sound IPM programs, various tactics have to be

investigated. The present investigations were undertaken to determine

plant spatial arrangements and the most suitable sowing date and

optimum seed rate to avoid losses caused by the shoot fly and to obtain

good yields under Burkinabè conditions.


The st~dy was carried out in 1988 and 1989 at Matourkou, located

ca. 10 km from Bobo-Dioulasso (l1°lI'N, 4°18'W), Burkina Faso, West


5.3.1. Experimental Series A: Intercropping

Five cropping systems we'"e appl ied in a randomized complete

block design with four replicates: 1) 5" pure sorghum; 2) 52' one row

of sorghum + one row of cowpea; 3) 53' two rows of sorghum + two rows

of cowpea; 4) 5., two rows of cowpea + three rows of sorghum; 5) 55'

pure cowpea (Fig. 1). Each plot measured 7.5 x 5 m and contained 10

rows. Row spaci ngs were 0.75 min all plots whereas i ntra-row spaC'ings

were 0.25 and 0.20 mfor sorghum and cowpea respectively. One and two

seedlings were maintained per hill for cowpea and sorghum respectively.

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Ten tons/ha of cow dung were applied at plowing time. Plots were

fertilized with 200 kg/ha of NPK (15 15 15) applied on two occasions,

i.e. 100 kg/ha at sowing time, and 100kg/ha 30 days after sowing. Fifty

kg/ha of urea (46%) were applied 45 days after sowing.

Cowpea plants were treated with Decise (Procida/Roussel Uclaf,

Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire), deltamethrin EC, 12 9 a.i/ha at 30 and 40 days

after sowing to control thrips and pod sucking bugs. The treatment was

done with a hand operated sprayer.

Weeding was done as required, and earthing-up was carried out at

30 and 45 days after sowing on cowpea and sorghum respectively.

Numbers of eggs and dead hearts were recorded at 17 and 28 days

after plant emergence respectively. In pure sorghum, observed rows

were the fifth and sixth rows. In intercropped sorghum cowpea, they

were the second and third rows for 52 and 53' and the third and fourth

for 5. (Fig. 1). On these rows, the total number of plants, plants

bearing eggs, eggs, and dead hearts were recorded.

At harvest, the first and the last hills on a row of sorghum were

discarded. In cowpea rows, 50 cm of row were left on each extremity.

Harvesting was do ne on observed rows only. The weight of grain from

each plot was recorded.

To assess yields from intercropping, the Land-Equivalent-Ratio

(LER) (Mead, 1980, 1986) was used.

The experiments were repeated in 1991 to augment 1988 and 1989

results on sorghum shoot fly incidence. Both crops were sown on July

26th. No cow dung was applied. The parameters observed were: the

number of plants bearing eggs, the number of eggs laid at 17 days after

pl ant emergenceand the percentage of dead hearts at 28 days after

plant emergence.

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. '


5.3.2. Experimental Series B: Sowing dates and plant densities

Each year (1988, 1989) the local sorghum variety "Gnofing" was

sown on five dates at la day intervals, on 20, 30 June and on la, 20,

30 July. The experimental design was a split-plot with four replicates,

the main plots being sowing dates and the sub-plots, plant densities.

The seeds had been treated with K-Othrine~ (Deltamethrin, 50 g/100 kg

of seed) to prevent damage by stored grain pests. Each plot measured

3.20 x 4m and contained four rows. Row spacings were 0.80 m in all

densities whereas intra-row spacings were 0.50 m (25,000 hills /ha),

0.40 m (31,250 hills /ha, the recommended density in Burkina Faso),

0.30 m (41,666 hills/ha), 0.20 m (62,500 nills/ha), and 0.10 m (125,000

hills/ha) for densities l, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Two seedlings

were maintained per hill in all plots. Plots were fertilized with 200

kg/ha of NPK (15 15 15) appl ied on two occasions, i.e. 100 kg/ha at

sowing time, and 100kg/ha 30 days after sowing. Fifty kg/ha of urea

(46%) were applied 45 days after sowing.

Observations were recorded on the plants of the two central rows

twenty eight days after seedling emergence. The number of plants, dead

hearts, tillers, dead hearts on tillers were counted. At harvest time,

the number of plants, main earheads, earheads on tillers and weight of

grain were recorded from each plot.

Data of both experiments were transformed to arcsin values and

analysed using Scheffe's test, SuperAnova (version 1.1 for the

Macintosh computer) Abacus Concepts Inc. (1989) .

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5.4.1. Series A

In both 1988 and 1989, intercropping systems gave a LER higher

than 1.00 (Table 13, 14). A value of > 1.00 indicates an agronomic

advantage for intercropping. In 1988, the LER was 1.48, 1.30 and 1.28

in 52, 53, S. respectively (Table 13). In 1989, the LER was 1.42, 1.23

and 1.06 in 52, 53, S. respectively (Table 14).

In 1988, no significant differences were observed with respect to

the number of eggs laid, the percentage of plants bearing eggs and the

percentage of dead hearts (Table 15). In 1989, significant differences

were only observed with respect to dead heart incidence (F = 4.37, df=

3,12, P < 0.026) (Table 15). In 1991, no significant differences were

observed with respect to all measured parameters (Table 15) .

5.4.2. Series B

Shoot fly damage ranged from 6.47 to 66.89% dead hearts in 1988,

and from 10.20 to 45.38% in 1989 (Table 16). Si9nificant differences

were observed among sowin9 dates. No signifi cant di fferences were

observed for plant density and for the interaction of sowing dates­

plant density. In 1988 the percentage of dead hearts was higher than in

1989 (Table 16). There were significant negative correlations between

the yield and the percentage of dead hearts in all the five sowin9

dates, the yield and the sowing dates, and between the yield and the

numbers of tillers. The regression equations for yields (y) versus

dead hearts (x) were (n = 100, all sowing dates pooled) y = - 0.033x +

2.83 (r = 0.78), and y = - 0.019x + 1.40 (r = 0.72) in 1988 and in 1989

respectively. The regression equations for yields (y) and sowing

dates (x, expressed in Julian calendar) were y = - 0.99x + 1 (r =0.89)

in 1988 and y = - 0.87x + 1 (r = 0.69) in 1989 respectively. The

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regression equations for yield (y) and tillers (x) were y : - 0.71x +

1 (r : 0.69), y : - 0.74x + 1 (r : 0.71), in 1988 and in 1989


Few plants (32 of 3730 plants in 1988 and Il of 2236 plants in

1989) bore more than one earhead and no earheads were recorded on



Our results on the LER values suggest an agronomic compatibility

between the local sorghum cultivar "Gnofing" and the cowpea cultivar

TVx 3236. At Farako-Bâ (c~ 2 km from Matourkou), Muleba (1984, 1985)

reported a LER value of 0.95 and 1.02 in 1984 and 1985 respectively in

the intercropping sorghum (cultivar "Framida") and cowpea (Cultivar TVx

3236). He found that the LER varied according ta cowpea cultivars and

that yields of bath sorghum and cowpea were significantly reduced in

certain cultivars. He also noted that cowpea was more competitive than

sorghum in using sail nutrients.

Our 1988 and 1991 results on shoot fly incidence are similar ta

those of Dissemond and Hindorf (1990) who did not find significant

differences between pure sorghum and intercropped sorghum-cowpea sown

in intra-row spacings. Shoot fly infestation was higher in 1988 than in

1989. This may be due ta more favorable climatic conditions for the

shoot fly in 1988 (Zongo et al. 1991).

Our results suggest that intercropping sorghum-cowpea has no

significant effect in reducing shoot fly damage. This confirms Raina

and Kibuka's (1983) conclusion that crops such as cowpea which sustain

high aphid populations constitute a poor choice for intercropping with

sorghum. However, intercropping systems.should not only be based on

pest. control objectives but should also focus on obtaining good yields.

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Steiner (1984) described typical traditional cropping systems and

reviewed the agronomic and socio-economic aspects of intercropping in

West Africa. He concluded that intercropping has a positive impact in

small holder farming systems, but recommendations cannot be formulated

as easily as for single crops because of the complexity of


Our results on the incidence of the shoot fly, indicated an

increased infestation with later sowing dates. Our observations are

similar to those of Brenière (1972), Gandhale et a7. (1982), and Mote

(1983). Brenière (1972) pointed out that the earliest sown plants

escaped severe damage but this would change according to the year.

The significant negative correlation between grain yields and

dead hearts here reported are in agreement with those of Rai et a7 .

(1978) and Mote (1988). Mote (1983) observed that for each per cent

increase in dead hearts, a reduction in grain yield of 32.28, 65.56,

62.06 kg/ha is obtained in early, normal and delayed sowing

respectively. Rai et a7. (1978) and Mote (1988) found that the

reduction in grain yield is dependent on the sorghum varieties.

Our results on the effects of plant density (seed rates) on the

incidence of the shoot fly are similar to those of Sukhani and Jotwani

(1980), and Mote (1983). However, they are in strong contradiction to

those of Ayyar (1932) and Ponnaiya (1951) who recommended control of

the shoot fly by using high seed rates and then removing and destroying

damaged plants. Brenière (1972) also recommended this method in west

Africa. In Burkina Faso, this technique of removing and destroying

damaged plants may entail much labor particularly at the beginning of

the rainy season. Although it may be practiced, it is unsuitable

because farmers have a time c~mmitment to other crops (such as cash

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crops) at that period.

Delobel (1984) and Blum (1972) indicated that some sorghum

varil:ties such as CSH-1 produce ti11ers that may bear earheads and so

compensate for the shoot fly attack . Our results on the local cultivar

"Gnofing" are not in agreement with these observations as no tillers

bearing earheads were produced and there was a negative correlation

between yield and number of tillers. This confirms Panchabhavi et al.

(1989) finding that tiller formation does not compensate for grain and

fodder yield losses.

In Burkina Faso, the economic situation dictates that pest

control approaches be based on practices easily understood and carried

out by farmers. Sowing sorghum at the beginning of the rainy season

results in. reduced shoot fly damage. Sowing dates prior to June 20

could be preferable. Sowing dates between 20- 30 June may also be

practiced. To be more effective, this simple cultural practice requires .

united.acti on by a11 farmers from the same l ocal ity. Young (1981)

recommended that the sorghum crop should be sown within a period of 2-3

weeks in any defined area.

Page 102: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Abacus Concepts Inc. 1989. SuperANOVA, Accessible General Linear

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Ayyar, T.V.R. 1932. Entomology of the sorghum plant in south India.

Madras Agricultural Journal, 20: 50.

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180-191. In Control of sorghum shoot fly, Jotwani, M.G and Young,~

W.R. (eds.). Proceeding of International Symposium 1-3 November

1971, Hyderabad. Oxford &IBH Publ. India, New Delhi.

Bonzi, S.M. 1981. Fluctuations saisonnières des populations de la

mouche des pousses de sorgho en Haute-Volta. Insect Science and

its Application, 2: 59-62.

8renière, J. 1972. Sorghum shoot fly in West Africa. pp. 129-135, In

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Deeming, J. C. 1971. Some species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) from Northern Nigeria, with special reference to those

injurious to cereal crops. Bulletin of Entomological Research,

61: 133-190.

Delobel, A. 1984. Une méthode d'estimation des pertes de récolte

attribuables à la mouche du sorgho, Atherigona soccata Rondani.

Agronomie Tropicale, 39: 350-354.

Dissemond A., Hindorf H., 1990. Influence of sorghum/maize/cowpea

intercropping on the insect situation at Mbita/Kenya. J. Appl.

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Gandhale,D.N., G.N. Salunkhe and L.M. Naik 1982. Indian Journal of

Plant Protection, 10: 67-69 •

Jotwani, M.G. 1981. Integrated approach to the control of the sorghum

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shootfly. Insect Science and its Application, 2: 123-127.

Mead R., 1980. The concept of a 'Land Equivalent Ratio' and advantages

in yields from intercropping. Exp. Agric., 16: 217-228.

Mead R., 1986. Statistical Methods for multiple cropping. In Multiple

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Mi ni stère de l' Agri cul ture et de l' Ei evage du Burkina Faso 1988.

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Mote, U.N. 1983. Relation between the shootfly damage and sorghum

yields during rainy season. Indian Journal of Plant Protection,

11: 145-147.

Mote, U.N. 1988. Correlation between the dead hearts caused by shootfly

Atherigona soccata Rondani and the yield of sorghum hybrids .

Indian Journal of Entomology, 48: 356-357.

Muleba N., 1984. Agronomie du niébé. In SAFGRAD (Semi-Arid Food Grain

Research and Development), Rapport annuel, Ouagadougou, Burkina

Faso, p. EI-E68.

Muleba N., 1985. Agronomie du niébé. In SAFGRAD (Semi-Arid Food Grain

Research and Development), Rapport annuel, Ouagadougou, Burkina

Faso, p. EI-E73.

Nwanze, K.F. 1985. Sorghum insect pesis in West africa pp. 37-43, In

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT). Proceedings of the International Sorghum Entomology

Workshop, 15-21 July 1984. Texas A & M University, College

Station, TX, USA. Patancheru, A.P. 502324 India: ICRISAT.

Nwanze, K.F. 1988. Distribution and seasonal incidence of sorne major

insect pests of sorghum in Burkina Faso. Insect Science and its

Application, 9: 313-321.

Page 104: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Nwanze K.F., 1988. Distribution and seasonal incidence of sorne major

insect pests of sorghum in Burkina Faso. Ins. Sci. Appl ic., 9:


Panchabhavi, K.S., K.A. Ku1karni, P.C. Hieremath and R.K. Hegde 1989.

A study on the yield compensation by tillers caused by shootfly

in sor~hum. Karnataka Journa7 of Agricu7tura7 Science, 2: 338­


Ponnaiya, B.W.X. 1951. Studies on the genus sorghum. 1. Field

observations on sorghum resistance to the insect pest.

Atherigona indica M., Madras University Journa7, 21: 203-217.

Raina A.K., Kibuka J.G., 1983. Dviposition and survival of the sorghum

shootfly on intcrcropped maize and sorghum. Ento. exp. appl. 34:

107-110 .

Ram, S., D.P. Handa and M.P. Gupta 1976. Effects of planting dates of

fodder sorghum on the incidence of shootfly, Atherigona soccata

Rond. Indian Journa7 of Entomo7ogy, 38: 290-293.

Risch S. J., Andow D., Altieri M.A., 1983. Agroecosystem diversity and

pest control: data, tentative conclusions and new research

directions. Environ. Entomol., 12: 625-626.

Sukhani, T.R. and M.G. Jotwani 1980. Comparison of cultural and

chemical methods for the control of sorghum shoot fly.

Entomo7ogy, 5: 291-294.

Vandermeer J. H., 1989. The ecology of intercropping. Cambridge

University Press, New York, 237 p.

Venugopal M.S., Pal anippan S., 1976. Infl uence of intercropping sorghum

on the incidence of sorghum shoot fly. Madras Agric. J., 83:

572-573 .

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Young, W.R. 1981. Fifty-five years of research on the sorghum shootfly.

Insect Science and its Application, 2: 3-9.

Zongo J.O., Vincent C., Stewart R. K. 1991. Monitoring adult sorghum

shoot fly Atheri gona soccata Rondani (Di ptera: Muscidae) and

related species in Burkina Faso. Tropical Pest Management, 37:


Zongo, J.O., Vincent, C. and Stewart, R.K. 1992. Time-sequential

sampl ing of the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. Insect Science and its

Application. (In press).

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Figure 1. Spatial arrangement of sorghum and cowpea rows in five

cropping systems.

Page 112: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

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In chapter 5, appropriate sorghum sowing dates have been proposed

to avoid and reduce yield losses caused by the shoot fly. These sowing

dates would be more effective if attention is paid to the choice of a

suitable sorghum cultivar. In IPM, the choice of plant cultivar is

important as growi ng pl ant cul tivars resi stant to insects attack

confers na~ural control. The use of resistant cultivars is one of the

most desirable and compatible control method in IPM programs for many

agricultural insect pests (Kogan 1982). To choose an appropriate

cultivar, effective screening techniques should be applied. Artificial

and natural screening methods have been used to select sorghum

cultivars resistant to the shoot fly (Singh and Rana 1986). In Chapter

6, l use natural methods to determine which local cultivars of sorghum

are resistant to the shoot fly in Burkina Faso.

Page 114: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

6 Screening of Local Cultivars for Resistance to Sorghum Shoot Fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso

To be submitted to Sahel Phytoprotection, August 1992.



Page 115: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


6.1. Abstract

Experiments were conducted at Matourkou, Burkina Faso, using

natural screening techniques to screen 52 local sorghum cultivars for

resistance to sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae). The 52 local cultivars were compared to one resistant

cultivar (15 2123) and one susceptible cultivar (C5H-l) introduced from

India. Experiments were conducted in 19B8 and 1989 for 52 local

cultivars and in 1990 and 1991 for eight local cultivars. Criteria used

to assess the cultivars were the number of shoot fly eggs per 10 plants

and the percentage of dead hearts per cultivar. Using t tests (Least

5ignificant Difference), significant differences were observed with

respect to the number of eggs per 10 plants and to dead heart

incidence. In all years, none of local cultivars received 'significantly

fewer eggs and dead hearts than the resistant cultivar 15 2123. The

results indicated that damage to cultivars varied with the shoot fly

population levels. Overall, none of the 52 Burkinabè sorghum cultivars

was resistant ta shoot fly attack.

Page 116: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


6.2. Introduction

Sorghum, Sorghum bico 7or (L. Moench), i s the most important

cereal crop in Burkina Faso. Traditionally the crop is used as human

food, beverages, animal feed and for fence construction.

Among the factors reducing sorghum yields are insect pests, the

important groups being those attacking stored grain, seedling foliage,

and the head and stem of growing plants (Nwanze 1985). The shoot fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), is one of the most

important seedling pests in Burkina Faso (Bonzi 1981, Nwanze 1988).

One of the strategies for reducing shoot fly damage is to use

resi stant cul ti vars. Sorghum cul ti vars resi stant to shoot fly were

first reported in India by Ponnaiya (1951), who screened 212 genotypes

and found 15 to be less damaged. Taneja and Leuschner (1985) listed 42

cultivars as less susceptible over five seasons with five germplasm

lines which were quite stable at different locations. The main factors

associ ated with shoot fly resi stance are physi co-morphol ogi cal

(seedling vigor, glossiness, silica bodies, presence of hairs on the

epidermi s) and bi ochemi cal factors (presence of compounds such as

hordenine, alkaloid, dhurrin, cyanogenic glucoside, lysine, nitrogen

and phosphorous content) (Singh and Rana 1986). The mechanisms of

resistance found to interfere with the shoot fly are non-preference or

antixenosis, antibiosis, and tolerance or recovery resistance (Singh.

and Rana 1986).

In Burkina Faso, Brenière (1972) screened eight and six cultivars

at Sari a (Koudougou) and Boni respectively and foundsuscepti bi li ty

differences between cultivars.

Local cultivars are adapted to each environmental site in Burkina

Faso as differences between rainfall are well pronounced. Therefore,

Page 117: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


the choice of a given cultivar should take into account these rainfall

di fferences. The present study was carri ed out to screen 52 l ocal

sorghum cultivars commonly used in the western region based on the

number of eggs laid and the percentage dead hearts per cultivar.

6.3. Materials and Methods

Experiments were conducted at Matourkou located about 10 km from

Bobo-Dioulasso (11 0 Il'N, 40 18'W), Burkina Faso, West Africa.

In 1988 and 1989, 52 local cultivars from the National

Agricultural Research Institute (INERA), one resistant (IS 2123 from

the USA) and one susceptible (CSH-l) cultivar from the International

Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) India were


In 1990 and 1991, eight local cultivars selected from 1988 and

1989 screening and the resistant cultivar IS 2123 were used. These

cultivars were retained because they received less than 50% dead hearts

and fewer dead hearts than the susceptible CSH-l in 1988. The local

cultivar "Gnofing" was used as a check.

The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four

repl icates. Each year, sowing was done on 20 July, one month after

normal sowing dates to increase the l ikel ihood of high shoot fly

infestation. Each cultivar was sown in a 4 m row. Row and intra-row

spacings were 0.80 mand 0.10 mrespectively. One plant was maintained


Natural screening techniques (Singh and Rana 1986) were used.

The cultivar "Gnofing" was sown in two border rows between the blocks

and on each side of each block to act as reservoir of shoot fly

populations. These border rows were 1 m away from cultivars being

scre.ened. Row and intra-row spacings were 0.80 and 0.20 ni

Page 118: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


respectively. Two plants were maintained per hill in these border rows.

The distance between blocks was 2.80 m.

One week after border row plant emergence, 100 g/4 mrow of fish

meal, purchased in a local market, was spread by hand to attract shoot

flies. In 1990 and 1991, border rows were not used. One week after

experimental cultivar emergence, 100 9 of fish meal was used per row

for each cultivar. Fish meal was spread between 8.00 and 9.00 h

adjacent to plants on both sides of each row. Thinning was done 15 days

after sowing.

Visual observations were made between 7.00 and 10.00 h, 13 and 28

days after plant emergence for egg and dead heart numbers respectively.

Egg counting was done on ten randomly selected plants per row for each

cultivar. Dead heart counting was done per row for each cultivar. The

total numbers of plants, and plants bearing dead hearts were recorded.

Data were analyzed using t tests (LSD) of the software SAS

(version 6.03 for the IBM PC) (SAS Institute Inc. 19BB).

6.4. Results

Significant differences w~re observed with respect to the number

of eggs per 10 plants and to dead heart incidence in all years (Ta~le

17, 18).

In 1988, the mean number of eggs varied from 0.25 (IS 2123) to

7.75 (CVS 606) (Table 17). None of local cultivars received

significantly fewer eggs than the susceptible CSH-l. Mean percentage

of dead hearts ranged from 0.80% (IS 2123) to 78.8% (CVS.631) (Table

17). Ten local cultivars (CVS 578, CVS 586, CVS 606, CVS 611, CVS 617,

CVS 628, CVS 633, CVS 638, CVS 643, CVS 644) showed significantly fewer

dead hearts than CSH-l. None of the 54 cultivars was immune to shoot

fly attack.

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In 1989, shoot fly infestation was low. The mean number of e9gs

and percentage of dead hearts ranged from zero (IS 2123) to 2.75 (CVS

600) and from 1.49 (IS 2123) to 27.49% (CVS 641) respectively. The

cult i vars IS 2123 and CVS 625 showed absol ute non-preference for

oviposition by the shoot fly (Table 17).

In 1990, the mean number of eggs per 10 plants varied from 0.00

(IS 2123) to 3.5 (Gnofing and CVS 586), whereas dead heart incidence

ranged from 0.00 (IS 2123) to 33.59% (CVS 611) (Table 18). IS 2123

showed absolute resistance to the shoot fly.

Although less shoot fly damage was recorded in 1991, egg numbers

were higher than in 1990. The mean number of eggs varied from 0.00 (IS

2123) to 14.67 (Gnofing) and percentage of dead hearts ranged from 0.20

(IS 2123) to 10.55% (CVS 643).

6.5. Discussion

Our results on shoot fly incidence indicated that damage to

cultivars varied with years and degree of infestation. These findings

have also been found by many authors i.e. Ponnaiya (1951), Singh et al.

(1978), Sharma and Rana (1583), Taneja and Leuschner (1985), and Singh

and Rana (1986). Highers number of eggs and percentage dead hearts were

recorded in 1988 than in 1989. This may be due to more favorable

climatic conditions for the shoot fly in 1988 (Zongo et al. 1991)

None of the local cultivars was resistant to shoot fly attack.

Brenière (1972), using six cultivars in 1964 in Boni (western part of

Burkina Faso), also observed that hybrid cultivars (originating from

crosses between American and Burkina Faso cultivars) were less

susceptible to the shoot fly attack than their local parents although

he concluded that this observation needs to be confirmed. Our results

strongly support his observation.

Page 120: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Although no local sorghum cultivars showed resistance to shoot

fly in Burkina Faso, resistant cultivars have been found from various

countri es. Taneja and Leuschner (1985) li sted 42 l ess suscept ibl e

sorghum cultivars among which 32 originated from 1ndia, 5 from Sudan,

3 from the USA, and one each from Ni geri a and South Afri ca, whereas

Singh and Rana (1986) reported 73 resistant cultivars from various

screening programmes. Singh and Rana (1986) mentioned that resistant

sorghum cultivars found in various screening programmes are not

generally good agronomic types because they are susceptible to lodging,

photosensitive, late maturing, and low yielding. Singh et al. (1978)

found that dead heart incidence in resistant cultivars changed over the

seasons but never beyond 42.64% in 1ndia. Jotwani and Srivastava (1970)

reported that under artificial screening conditions, some moderately

resistant cultivars showed from 26.3% to 64.2% dead hearts, whereas

susceptible ones recorded up to 91.6% dead heart. Our results on local

cultivars indicated a maximum percentage dead heart of 78.80% in 1988.

The cultivar IS 2123, originating from the USA, showed high

resistance and stability compared with the local cultivars. Taneja and

Leuschner (1986) also found that IS 2123 showed moderate stability and

has been used as a source of resistance in 1ndia. The resistance of IS

2123 tG shoot fly attack observed in our study was due to the non­

preference for oviposition, as less than 1.00 egg per ten plants were

recorded during the four-year screening. This confirms Blum's (1967)

and Jotwani et al. 's (1971) results that under field conditions,

resistance -is primarily due to non-preference for oviposition. IS 2123

also showed antibiosis against the shoot fly (Singh and Narayana 1978).

Although no resistant Burkinabè cultivars to shoot fly were found

in our study, screening of other local cultivars should be pursued.

Page 121: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

. '


The cultivar 15 2123 might be a good source of resistance in developing

local sorghum cultivars resistant to shoot fly. This suggests that a

close liaison should be established between entomologist and breeder.

The recommendation that may be made at the present time concerning the

use of local cultivars is to practice early sowing dates, as Zongo et

a7. (unpublished data) found that sowing sorghum at the beginning of

the rainy season resulted in reduced shoot fly damage .

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6.6. References

Blum, A. 1967. Varietal resistance of sorghum to the sorghum shootfly

(Atherigona varia var. soccata). Crop Sei. 7: 461-462.

Bonzi, S.M. 1981. Fluctuations saisonnières des populations de la

mouche des pousses de sorgho en Haute-Volta. Insect Sei. Applic.

2: 59-62.

Brenière, J. 1972. Sorghum shoot fly in West Africa, pp. 129-135, In

Control of sorghum shoot fly, (Jotwani, M.G. &W.L. Young Eds).

Oxford and I.B.M., New Delhi.

Jotwani, M.G., Sharma, G.C., Srivastava, B.G. and Marwaha, K.K. 1971.

Oviposi tional response of shootfly. Atherigona varia soccata

(Rondani) on sorne promising resistant lines of sorghum. In

Pradhan, S. (ed.) Investigations on Insect Pests of Sorghum and

Millets (1965-70), pp. 119-122. Final Technical Report,

Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi.

Jotwani, M.G. and Srivastava, K.P. 1970. Studies on sorghum lines

resistant against shootfly, Atherigona varia soccata (Rondani).

Indian J. Entomol. 32: 1-3.

Nwanze, K.F. 1985. Sorghum insect pests in West Africa, pp. 37-43, In

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT). Proceedings of the International Sorghum Entomology

Workshop, 15-21 July 1984. Texas A & M University, College

Station, TX, USA. Patancheru, A.P. 502324 India: ICRISAT.

Nwanze, K.F. 1988. Distribution and seasonal incidence of sorne major

insect pests of sorghum in Burkina Faso. Insect Sei. Applic. 9:

313-321 .

Page 123: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on




. '

Ponnaiya, B.W.X. 1951. Studies on the genus Sorghum 1.

observati ons on sorghum res i stance to the insect

Atherigona indiea M. Madras Univ. J. (B) 21: 96-117.

SAS Institute Inc. 1988. SAS Language Guide for Personal Computers:

Release 6.03 Edition. Cary, NC, USA. 558 pp.

Sharma, G.C. and Rana, B.S. 1983. Resistance to the shoot fly,

Atherigona soeeata (Rond.) and selection for antibiosis. J.

Entomol. Res. 7: 133-138.

Singh, R. and Narayana, K.L. 1978. Influence of different varieties of

sorghum on the biology of the sorghum shootfly. Indian J. Agrie.

Sei. 48: 8-12.

Singh, B.U. and Rana, B.S. 1986. Resistance in sorghum to the shootfly,

Atherigona soceata Rondani. Inseet Sei. App7ie. 5: 577-587 .

Singh, S.P., Jotwani, M.G., Rana, B.S. and Rao, N.G.P. 1978. Stability

of host-plant resistance to sorghum shootfly, Atherigona soeeata

(Rondani). Indian J. Entomo7. 40: 376-383.

Taneja, S.L. and Leuschner, K. 1985. Resistance screening and

mechanisms of resistance in sorghum to shoot fly, pp. 115-129. In

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT). Proceedings of the International Sorghum Entomology

Workshop, 15-21 July 1984. Texas A & M University, College

Station, TX, USA. Patancheru, A.P. 502324 India: ICRISAT.

Zongo, J.O., Vincent, C. and Stewart, R.K. 1991. Monitoring adult

sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soeeata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae),

and related species in Burkina Faso. Trop. Pest Manag. 37: 231­

235 •

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Table 17. Mean number of shoot fly eggs/ 10 plants and mean percentage of deadhearts observed in 54 cultivars of sorghum at Matourkou, Burkina Faso .

• Cultivar 1988 1989

No. Eggs % dead hearts No. Eggs %dead hearts

15 2123 0.25 0.8 0 1.49CVS-608 3.00 60.8 1.75 15.55CVS-625 3.00 63.8 0 18.21CVS-626 3.25 58.8 1.25 16.65Frikan 3.25 60.3 0.5 20.89CVS-574 3.50 57.8 2.25 23.57CVS-587 3.50 60.5 1 16.18CVS-624 3.50 66.0 1.25 22.88CVS-631 3.50 78.8 0.5 25.39CVS-578 3.75 50.3 0.25 16.99CVS-619 3.75 64.5 1.5 12.97CVS-634 3.75 71.5 1.25 19.56CVS-635 3.75 71.5 1.75 14.40CVS-639 3.75 60.3 0.75 18.56CVS-641 3.75 67.3 0.75 27.49Gnofing 3.75 58.8 0.5 21.48CSH-l 4.00 70.5 1.25 17.63CVS-586 4.00 48.8 0.75 5.68CVS-600 4.00 61.0 2.75 22.08CVS-601 4.00 68.5 0.75 20.15CVS-610 4.00 73.0 0.25 17 .84CVS-644 4.00 46.8 2.25 21.50CVS-654 4.00 60.5 0.75 22.60

• CVS-5BO 4.25 57.0 0.75 14.74CVS-589 4.25 65.8 2 14.92CVS-596 4.25 57.5 0.75 12.23CVS-638 4.25 52.3 1.25 13.81CVS-652 4.25 62.0 0.75 22.B3CVS-655 4.25 55.3 1.5 20.85CVS-659 4.25 69.0 1.25 26.53CVS-660 4.25 54.0 1.25 17.44Ouédézouré 4.25 65.3 ·0.75 25.19CVS-576 4.50 72.0 0.25 24.95CVS-6Il 4.50 48.0 0.5 13.82CVS-633 4.50 45.8 1.5 13.50CVS-643 4.50 49.0 0.75 13.87CVS-653 4.50 58.0 0.75 17 .81CVS-602 4.75 60.5 0.5 12.99CVS-620 4.75 56.3 1.25 9.31CVS-646 4.75 54.8 2 18.09CVS-617 5.00 47.0 2 11.90CVS-582 5.25 55.5 0.5 17 .67CVS-618 5.25 58.3 0.75 17.88CVS-613 5.50 55.8 0.25 18.04CVS-630 5.50 . 74.0 1 20.50CVS-575 5.75 65.3 0.75 Il.51CVS-584 5.75 60.3 1.75 21.49CVS-623 5.75 64.3 0.75 15.31CVS-594 6.00 66.0 1.25 9.36CVS-614 6.25 64.5 1 14.82CVS-593 6.50 53.5 1 11.15CVS-629 6.50 57.3 1 16.88CVS-628 7.00 48.3 0.75 19.4B• CVS-606 7.75 52.0 1.25 20.34LSO' 3.19 17.81 1.43 12.95

Least Slgnlflcant Olfference at 5% level

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Tabl e 18. Mean nurnber of eggs and rnean percentage of dead hearts observed in 9

cultivars of sorghurn, Matourkou, 1990, 1991.

Cultivar 1990 1991

No. Eggs %dead hearts No. Eggs %dead hearts

rs 2123 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20

CVS6Il 2.75 33.59 5.33 4.28

CVS643 3.00 25.08 4.67 rO.55

CVS644 3.00 15.43 6.33 7.49

• CVS628 3.25 24.35 8.00 4.02

CVS617 3.25 27.90 5.67 5.31

CVS633 3.25 24.09 8.33 4.12

CVS586 3.50 24.99 3.00 2.45

Gnofing 3.50 25.04 14.67 5.51

LSD' 2.39 13.21 4.32 7.16

• Least Significant Difference at 5% level •

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Insect pest control has generally been obtained through the use

of chemicals. As a result of the problems (e.g. toxicity to non target

organisms, high prices, environmental contamination) associated with

the use of synthetici nsect icides, l ocally obtainable products and

socioeconomically sustainable plant protection tactics are being sought

in developing countries. Among these is the use of natural pl ant

extracts such as those from the neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss.

(Meliaceae)". Neem pesticidal properties have been discussed at three

international conferences held in Germany and Africa (Kenya)

(Schmutterer et a7. 1981, Schmutterer and Ascher 1984, 1987). In

Burkina Faso, the tree grows well in any part of the country and is

widely used for building materials (fence posts), and traditional

medicine. Neem tree products could be an alternative insect control

material for peasant farmers. Chapter 7 deals with the use of neem tree

extracts as techni cally acceptabl e components of an IPM program to

control the shoot fly.

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7 Effects of Neem Seed Kernel Extracts on Egg and Larval Survival of

the Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) .

In press in Journal of Applied Entomology


Page 129: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on




A two-year study was conducted to evaluate the effects of neem

extracts on egg and larval mortality of the sorghum shoot fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). Field experiments were

conducted in 1990 and 1991 in a sorghum field at Matourkou (Burkina

Faso, West Africa). The following treatments were applied: 1)

carbofuran S G, 2) 20 kg/ha neem seeds/SOO L water, 3) 20 kg/ha neem

seeds/SOO L water + 2. S L/ha adhesol, 4) 30 kg/ha neem seeds/SOO L

water + 2.S L/ha adhesol, S) 2.S l/ha adhesol, 6) control (untreated

plots). Significant differences among treatments were observed in the

number of eggs laid, and the percentage of dead hearts. Significantly

fewer eggs and dead hearts were observed in plots treated with neem

extracts compared with adhesol and the control. In the laboratory, the

treatments were: 1) commercial neem oil containing 0.63% azadirachtin,

2) local neem oil, 3) 40 9 seed kernels/L water, 4) 40 9 seed kernels/L

water + 5 ml adhesol, S) 60 9 seed kernels/L water + S ml adhesol, 6)

S ml adhesol/L water, 7) control (untreated eggs). All neem seed

extracts gave a significant lower percentage of egg hatching than the

adhesol and control treatments. In larval survival experiments,

commercial and local neem oil were not used. All treatments showed a

significantly higher larval mortality compared with the controls .

Page 130: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (Linné, Moench), ranks first among the

staple-crops in Burkina Faso. Its production is limited by a complex

of insect pests among which the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata

Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), is an important one in the wetter southern

zones (Nwanze, 1988). Shoot fly larvae feed on the central shoot of

sorghum seedlings, causing a typical symptom called "dead heart". To

control the shoot fly, systemic insecticides such as carbofuran are

used to treat seeds (Mote, 1985). In practice however, the peasants of

Burkina Faso do not have the capital and training to use chemical


Neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae), products are

known to have strong insecticidal properties (Schmutterer et al. 1981,

Schmutterer and Ascher 1984, 1987, Jacobson, 1986) and could be

alternative pest control strategies for the farmers of Sahelian

countries. The tree grows well in the Sahel and produces fruit, wood

and leaves, all of which are used for a variety of purposes by peasant

farmers. About 57 different chemical substances have been isolated from

various parts of the neem tree (Jones et al. 1989). The most important

active ingredient, azadirachtin (C"H"O.., see Jones et al. 1989), is

mostly concentrated in the seeds (Saxena 1981, cited in Stoll 1986).

In Burkina Faso, a survey done in 1986 and 1987 revealed that th~

leaves were traditionally used in warehouses to control stored grain

pests (Zongo, unpubl ished data). Ahmed and Graigne (1985) reported

that neem extracts can control up to 100 species of insects, mites and

nematodes. Today, more than 200 insect species are reported to be

control1ed by the pesticides derived from the neem tree (Hamilton,

1992). Although neem products are effective against many insect

Page 131: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


species, few papers have been published on their effect on the sorghum

shoot fly. Abdul Kareen et al. (1974) pointed out that neem kernel

extracts caused 27% and 20% l ess shoot fly damage than an unsprayed

control at a rate of 10 and 5 kg kernel s/ha (unknown azadi racht in

content) respectively. Chundurwar and Karanjkar (Parbhani) (19S0)

concluded that neem oil decreased the percentage of plants bearing dead

hearts compared with unsprayed plots (data not presented). No work has

been yet published on the effects of neem extracts on egg and larval

mortality of the sorghum shoot fly. This paper reports the results of

a two-year study conducted in the laboratory and in the field on the

effects of neem extracts on egg and larval mortality.


7.3.1. Field experiments

The experiments were conducted in 1990 and in 1991 at Matourkou,

located 10 km from Bobo-Dioulasso (11° lI'N, 4° lS'W), Burkina Faso.

Each year, the local sorghum variety "Gnofing" was sown on 30 June in

a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The seeds

were treated with benomyl (Benlate 50% WP, Du Pont De Nemours,

Switzerland) at a rate of 5 g/kg to prevent fungus attack.

Each plot measured 3.20 x 4 m and contained four rows. Row and

intra-row spacings were O.SO and 0.40 m respectively. Two seedlings

were maintained per hill in all plots. The plots were fertilized with

200 kg/ha of NPK (15-15-15) applied on two occasions, 100 kg/ha at

sowing_ time and 100 kg/ha 15 days after sowing. Fifty kg/ha of urea

(46%) were applied 45 days after sowing.

Neem seed kernels originated from Koudougou (120 43'N, 4°40'W),

a city located in the central western part ,of Burkina Faso. In June and

JulY,1990, and in May and June 1991, fallen fruits were collected

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underneath neem trees. The flesh was removed from the seed and any

remaining shreds were washed away with water. The seeds were then

she11ed and dried one week in the sun. After drying, the good seed

kernels were sorted and then stored at room temperature.

In July of each year, a sample of dried seed kernels was shipped

to Canada for azadi rachtin content analysi s. To assess azadi racht in

content, one 9 of ground seed kernels or seed oil was mixed with 10 ml

of distilled water (i.e. 10% aqueous solutions). These were allowed to

sit at room temperature for 24 h, then stored at S' C for a further 48

h before analysis. The azadirachtin content was determined using

reverse phase gradient HPLC as described in Isman et al. (1990).

Seeds were ground with a blender at high speed. The required

adhesol quantity (5 ml/L water) was added to the seeds at grinding

time. After grinding, 5 L of water was added to the ground seeds which

were then a11 owed to stand 24 h. The sol ut ion was then si eved and

filtered through fine muslin.

Six treatments were applied: 1) at sowing time, carbofuran 5 G

(Procida/Roussel Uclaf, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire) was applied by hand at

a rate of 1.5 g/m of row adjacent to the hills, 2) 20 kg/ha of neem

seed kernels diluted in 500 L of water/ha, 3) 20 kg/ha of neem seed

kernels in 500 L of water and mixed with 2.5 L/ha of adhesol EC

(SOFACO/Roussel Uclaf, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire), 4) 30 kg/ha of neem

seed kernels diluted with 500 L of water and mixed with 2.5 L/ha of

adhesol EC, 5) adhesol EC, 2.5 L/ha diluted with 500 L/ha of water

(adhesol is an emulsifiable concentrate containing condensate ethylene

oxyde and non ionic terpene) and 6) the control plots (untreated).

Neem seed kernel extracts were appl ied weekly starting after

plant emergence for five weeks. One hand operated sprayer was used per

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plot with the preloaded appropriate treatment of neem seed kernel

extracts and adhesol. Spraying was done between 8.00 - 10.00 h on whole

plants and individual leaves for 40 sec per plot (i.e. 10 sec per row).

This procedure allowed about 16 ml of spray/second.

Observations were made on eight occasions every fifth day,

starting 10 days after sowing. Egg counting was done on the two

central rows of each plot. The number of eggs and dead hearts was

recorded and the number of plants per plot noted. On each sampli ng

occasion, the plants showing dead heart symptoms were flagged with a

piece of red cloth to avoid repeated counting.

7.3.2. Laboratoryexperiments

In 1990 and in 1991, shoot fly eggs were collected between 8.00­

10.00 h from untreated field plots sown at weekly intervals. The eggs

were detached from the leaves using small scissors and were transferred

to Petri dishes containing wet filter paper. The eggs were examined

under a bi nocul ar mi croscope and parasit ized or damaged eggs were

discarded. Eggs showing black-head formation before hatching were

also discarded. Thirty eggs per treatment were used in a randomized

compl ete bl ock desi gn repli cated four t imes. Seven treatments were

applied: 1) control (untreated eggs), 2) commercial neem oil (Safer

LTD, Victoria, B.C., Canada) containing 0.63% azadirachtin, 3) local

neem oil, traditionally extracted by pressing seed kernels, 4) 40 9

seed kernels/L water, 5) 40 9 seed kernels/L water + 5 ml adhesol, 6)

60 9 seed kernels/L water + 5 ml adhesol, 7) 5 ml adhesol/L water.

Five pl of each neem seed kernel extracts and adhesol were topically

applied with a micro-pipette (Micromane Model M50). Five pl of 0.63%

azadirachtin and local neem oil were spread on fil ter papers. A few

seconds later, the eggs were removed from the pieces of leaf and placed

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on the treated part of the filter paper. All eggs were then

transferred into a rearing room at 26 Oc (± 1), 68-75% R.H., and a

photoperiod of 12:12 (L/D). Observations were made daily on the number

of eggs hatched until one week after treatments.

To study the effects of neem extracts on larval survival, five

first-instar larvae obtained from mass rearing were used per treatment

in a randomized complete block design replicated four times. A. soccata

adults were obtained from third instar larvae identified using

Deeming's (1971), and Raina's (1981) description. Five treatments were

applied including 1) control (treated with distilled water), 2) 40 9

seed kernels/L water, 3) 40 9 seed kernels/L water + 5 ml adhesol, 4)

60 9 seed kernels/L water + 5 ml adhesol, 5) 5 ml adhesol/L water.

The analytical methods previously described were used to assess

azadirachtin content.

About 500 ml of solution of each treatment was used in a small

operated hand sprayer (8erthoud F2) that allowed a flow of 30 ml during

15 sec of spraying on five plants. Care was taken to ensure that the

solution reached the central shoot of the plants. Fifteen minutes after

treatment, a fine camel brush was used to transfer each larva into the

central shoot of a 14 day-old plant from sowing, grown in a plastic

pot. After transferring the larvae, each pot was put in a cage (40 x 40

x 40 cm) placed in an insectarium. One week after treatment, all plants

were dissected to count living larvae.

Data on the percentage of dead hearts and egg hatch ing was

transformed to arcsin values. All data were analyzed using Scheffé's

test of the software SuperANOVA (version 1.1 for the Macintosh

Computer) (Abacus Concepts Inc. 1989) .

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In 1990, seed kernels and seed oil contained 447 ppm and 93 ppm of

azadirachtin in solution respectively, whereas in 1991 they yielded 508

ppm and 100 ppm respectively.

7.4.1. Field experiments

In both 1990 and 1991, significant differences among treatments

were observed in the number of eggs laid (F= 55.22, df= 5,15 p= 0.0001

in 1990 ; F= 31.06, df= 5, 15; p= 0.0001 in 1991) and the percentage of

dead hearts (F= 101.03, df= 5,15; p= 0.0001 in 1990; F= 74.96, df=

5,15; p= 0.0001 in 1991) (Table 19). In both 1990 and 1991, fewer eggs

were laid in plots treated with neem extracts compared with carbofuran,

adhesol and control plots. The average number of eggs and dead hearts

(all data pooled per year) was higher in 1990 (31.91 eggs, 23.45% dead

hearts) than in 1991 (17.66 eggs, 22.78% dead hearts) (Table 19)

In 1990, there were no significant differences between neem seed

extracts (20 kg seed kernels/ha + 2.5 L adhesol/ha, 30 kg seed

kernels/ha + 2.5 L adhesol/ha, and carbofuran in reducing dead heart

formation. In 1991, the carbofuran treatment was significantly superior

to all neem seed extracts in reducing dead heart formation. In 1990 and

in 1991, all neem extracts gave a lower percentage of dead hearts than

adhesol and controls.

7.4.2. Laboratory experiments

Significant differences were obtained on the rate of hatching (F=

71.87; df= 6,18; p= 0.0001 in 1990; F= 60.48, df= 6,18, p= 0.0001 in

1991) (Table 20). All neem seed extracts gave a higher percentage of

egg mortality than the adhesol and control treatments (Table 20). The

treatment with adhesol had an egg mortality significantly higher than

that observed in the control. There were no significant differences

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between neem extracts and neem oil ( 0.63% azadirachtin, and local neem

oil) in causing egg mortal ity. Most of the unhatched eggs were

compl etely decomposed 24 h after the treatment wi th neem aqueous

extracts (Fig. 2) while they collapsed with neem oil .

All treatments showed significantly higher larval mortality

compared with the controls (F= 8.95, df= 4,12; p= 0.0007) (Table 21).


The di fferent concentrat ions of azadi rachti n found in our samples

confirm Ermel et al. (1984) and Isman et al. (1990) results who found

that azadirachtin content may vary according to the tree From which

seeds were collected, the environmental conàitions, the year and the

geographical area. In studying the azadirachtin content of 12 neem oil

samples, Isman et al. (1990) reported a variation of azadirachtin From

50 to 4000 ppm with a subsequent variation in bioactivity From 72 to

90%. The variations of the number of eggs laid, the percentage of egg

hatching and dead hearts between 1990 and 1991 (Table 19, 20) could be

due to the qualitative difference recorded in azadirachtin content.

The neem seed extracts proved to be effective in reducing egg

numbers in the field. This might be due to either an antiovipositional

action or an ovicidal effect. The antiovipositional action of neem

extracts has been observed on various insect pests by several authors

including Das (1986), Hellpap and Mercado (1986), Bowry et al. (1986),.

Rice et al. (1985), Saxena et al. (1981). For instance, AZT -VR-K, an

enriched formulated neem seed kernel extract, gave 100% repellence at

a concentration of 0.02% against the sheep blowfly, Lucilia sericata

(Rice et al. 1985).

Although little data are available on the ovicidal effect of neem

extracts, our results indicated a strong effect on the shoot Fly eggs.

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Mong and Sudderuddin (1978) found that high concentrations of ethanolic

and aqueous neem extracts reduced the hatching rate of the diamondback

moth, P7ute77a xy7oste77a L., eggs. Saxena et a7. (1981) obtained

similar results by dipping the eggs of the rice leaffolder,

Cnapha7ocrocis medina7is (Guenée), into neem oil at different

concentrations (12, 25, 50%). But Schmutterer (1990) pointed out that

these results were probab1y due to the choking effect of the neem oi1,

as other vegetable oi1s (such as groundnut) will do, rather than the

growth regu1ating properties of the neem ingredients. A partial

suffocating effect cou1d have a1so occurred in our experiment as eggs

were deposited on the fil ter paper parts treated with neem oil.

Rovesti and Deseo (1991) reported inconsistent effects of neem extracts

on egg morta1ity of the 1eafminer Leucoptera ma7ifo7ie77a Costa and

suggested that this was probab1y due to qua1 itative differences

between the kerne1s stored for different times.

The decomposition of eggs observed in laboratory conditions,

mi9ht a1so have occurred in field conditions. But this wou1d not have

happened without a uniform spraying of the neem extracts on the

underside of the sorghum 1eaves where eggs are laid. Neem application

shou1d be done in the morning after dew disappearance. Applications

shou1d be done at least one hour after the rain. Schmutterer (1990)

discussed the practica1 prob1ems of neem app1 ication and mentioned that

the residua1 effect of neem products f~~g~ most1y from five to seven

days. Consequently, he recommended that extensi on personnel exp1 ain

we11 the de1ayed effect of neem products to farmers in order to avoid

disapointments or premature wrong conclusions.

The carbofuran treatment did not reduce egg 1aying. However, it .

a110wed plants to deve10p well and to escape from heavy shoot f1y

Page 138: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


damage. Sukhani and Jotwani (1982) found simil ar results and noted

that the maximum number of eggs (31.75 eggs per 25 plants) were laid in

plots treated with carbofuran (3G at a rate of 1.5 g/m row) compared

with untreated checks (18.25 eggs per 25 plants).

In the laboratory, adhesol caused 61.5% and 51.5% egg mortality

in 1990 and in 1991 respectively. However, in field conditions, it

neither prevented egg laying nor dead heart formation. In 1990 field

experiments, it increased the potency of the solution in reducing dead

heart formation when added to neem extracts.

The reduct i on of dead heart format ion here reported, confi rms

Abdul-Kareem et a7. ' s (1974) results that were 27% and 20% of

reduction of dead heart using 10 and 5 Kg kernels/ha respectively.

Using neem oil at 0.6%, Chundurwar and Karanjkar (Parbhani) (1980) also

noted a reduction in dead heart formation compared with the control.

Our results on the effect of neem extracts on the shoot fly

l arvae suggested that there was an antifeedant effect. Raina (1981)

suggested that the movement of the first-instar larvae to the base of

the sorghum plant shoot could be due to a chemical attractant present

in or around the growing point of the central shoot. The neem aqueo~s

extracts and adhesol spread so that the solution could reach the

sorghum central shoot, might alter this chemical attractant and cause

a deterrent effect on shoot fly larvae. Many authors (e.g. Olâifa and

Akingbohungbe 1987, Raffa 1987, Jacobson 1986, Saxena and Khan. 1986)

have showed outstanding antifeedant properties of neem extract products

against several pests. Gill and Lewis (1971) pointed out that an

effective antifeedant.must be persistent, absorbed and translocated to

the growing point of the treated plants. Otherwise selective attack by

insect pests will occur on the new growths of the plants while the

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older treated parts remain distasteful. More investigations are

required in the case of the sorghum shoot fly larvae.

In view of the low education level of Burkina Faso farmers and

Sahelian farmers in general, their low agricultural income, the cost of

pesticides and the local availability of the neem tree, neem products

coul d be a techni cally acceptabl e component of an Integrated Pest

Management approach to control the shoot fly.

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Abacus Concepts Inc. 1989. SuperANOVA, Accessible General Linear

Modeling, Berkeley, California, 316 p.

Abdul Kareen, A., Sadakathulla, S., Venugopal, M.S. and Subramaniam,

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Admed, S. and Grainge, M. 1985. The use of indigenous plant resources

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Bowry, S.K., Pandey, N.D. and Tripathi, R.A. 1986. Evaluation of

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Chundurwar, R.D. and Karanjkar (Parbhani), R.R. 1980. Control of

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Das, G.P. 1986. Effect of different concentrations of neemoil on the

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(Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Indian J. Agri. Sc. 56, 743-744.

Deeming, J. C. 1971. Sorne species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera:

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Ermel, K., Pahlich, E. and Schmutterer, H. 1984. Comparison of the

azadirachtin content of neem seeds from ecotypes of Asian and

African origin, pp. 91-93. In Schmutterer, H. and Ascher,

K.R.S. eds. Proc. 2nd Int. Neem Conf. Rauischholzhausen 1983.

Gill, J.S. and Lewis, C.T. 1971. Systemic action of an insect feeding

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Hamilton, D.P. 1992. The wonders of the neem tree - Revealed! Science

255, 275.

Hellpap, C. and Mercado, J.C. 1986. Effects of neem on the

oviposition behaviour of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda

Smith. J. Appl. Entomol. 105, 463-467.

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lnsecticidal and antifeedant bioactivities of neem oil and their

realationship to azadirachtin content. J. Agric. Food Chem. 38,


Jacobson, M. 1986. The neem tree: Natural resistance par excellence,

pp. 220-232. In Green, M.B. and Hedin, P.A., eds. Natural

resistance of plants to pests. Roles of allechemicals. American

Chemical Society Symposium Series No. 296. Washington, D.C. 243


Jones, R.S., Ley, S.V., Morgan, LD. and Santafianos, 0.1989. The

chemistry of the neem tree, pp. 19-45. In Jacobson, M. (ed.),

1988 Focus on Phytochemical Pesticides, Vol. 1, the Neem tree.

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Mong, T.T. and Sudderuddin, K.I. 1978. Effects of a neem tree

(Azadirachta indica) extract on diamondback moth (P7ute77a

xy770ste77a L.). Mal. Appl. Biol. 7, 1-6.

Mote, U.N. 1985. Efficacy of mixtures of carbofuran treated and

untreated sorghum seed for the control of shootfly. J.

Maharashtra agric. Univ. 10, 36-38.

Nwanze, K.F. 1988. Distribution and seasonal incidence of some major

insect pests of sorghum in Burkina Faso. lnsect Sei. Applic. 9,

313-321 .

Olaifa, J.l. and Akingbohungbe, A.E. 1987. Antifeedant and

Page 142: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


insecticidal effects of extracts of Azadirachta indica, Petiveria

a77iacea and Piper quineense on the variegated grasshopper,

Zonocerus variegatus, pp. 405-418. In Schmutterer, H. and

Ascher, K.R.S. eds. Proc. 3rd Int. Neem Conf. Nairobi, Kenya


Raffa, K.F. 1987. Influence of host plant on deterrence by

azadirachtin of feeding by fa" armyworm larvae (Lepidoptera:

Noctuidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 80, 384-387.

Raina, A.K. 1981. Movement, feeding behaviour and growth of larvae of

the sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata. Insect Sci. Applic. 2,


Rice, M., Sexton, S. and Esmail, A.M. 1985. Antifeedant phytochemical

blocks oviposition by sheep blowfly. J. Aust. Entomol. Soc. 24,


Rovesti, L., and Deseo, K.V. 1991. Effectiveness of neem seed kernel

extract against Leucoptera ma7ifo7ie77a Costa (Lep.,

Lysnetiidae). J. Appl. Entomol. Ill, 231-236.

Saxena, R.C. 1981. Neem seed ail for leaf folder control. Plant Prat.

News (Philippines) 10, 48-50

Saxena, R.C., Waldbauer, G.P., Liquida, N.J. and Puma, B.C.. 1981.

Effects of neem seed ail on the rice leaffolder Cnapha7ocrocis

medina7is, pp. 189-204. In Schmutterer, H., Aschter, K.R.S. and

Rembold, H. (eds.). Natural pesticides from the neem tree

Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Proc. lst Int. Neem Conf.

Rottachegrern, 16-18, June 1980. GTZ 6236 Eschborn 1. 297 pp.

Saxena, R.C. and Khan, Z.R. 1986. Aberrations caused by neem ail

odour in green leafhopper feeding on rice plants. Entomol. Exp .

Appl. 42, 279-284.

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Schmutterer, H. 1990. Properties and potential of natural pesticides

from the neem tree, Azadirachta indica. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 35,


Schmutterer, H. and Ascher, K.R.S. 1984. Natural pesticides from the

neem trees Azadirachta indica A. Juss, and other tropical

plants. Proc. 2nd Int. Neem Conf. Rauischholzhausen, 25-28 May,

1983. GTZ, Eschborn 1., 587 pp.

______ . 1987. Natural pesticides from the neem tree Azadirachta indica

A. Juss, and other tropical plants. Proc. 3rd Int. Neem Conf.

Nairobi, Kenya 10-15 July, 1986. GTZ, Eschborn 1. 703 pp.

Schmutterer, H., Aschter, K.R.S. and Rembold, H. 1981. Natural

pesticides from the neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Proc.

Ist Int. Neem Conf. Rottachegrern, 16-18, June 1980. GTZ,

Eschborn 1., 297 pp.

Stoll, G. 1986. Natural crop protection, based on local resources in

the tropics and subtropics. Josef Margraf, Publisher. Aichtal,

Federal Republic of Germany. 186 pp.

Sukhani, T.R. and Jotwani, M.G. 1982. Spot treatment of granular

insecticides for the control of sorghum shootfly, Atherigona

soccata Rondani. Indian. J. Entomol. 44, 117-120 .

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• 119

Table 20. Effect of neem seed kernel extracts on the eg9 mortality of

A. soccata in laboratory conditions, Burkina Faso.

Treatment%Mortality (n- 30)

1990 1991

Neem oil0.63% azadirachtin 87.5a" 88.3a

40 9 of seed kernel/ 87.5a 91.7aL water + adhesol

• 60 9 of seed kernel/ 85.0a 90.8aL water + adhesol

Local neem oil 83.3a 88.3a

40 9 of seed kernel/ 81. Sa 85.84aL water

5 ml of adhesol/ 61.5b 51.5bL water

Control 29.0c 23.4c

" Means within a column with the same letter are not significantly different,P • 0.05, Scheffé's test .

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• 120

Table 21. Effect of aqueous neem seed kernel extracts on larval mortality of

A. soccata in 1991, Burkina Faso.

Treatment % Mortality of larvae

40 9 of seed kernel/l 55.0b"water + adhesol

60 9 of seed kernel/l 55.0bwater + adhesol

40 9 of seed kernel/l 50.0b

• water

Adhesol 50.0b5 mll l water

Control O.Oa(Distilled water)

• Mean percentages with the same letter are not significantly different,P • 0.05, Scheffé's test •

. '

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Figure 2. Shoot fly eggs decomposed 24 h after treatment with neem

aqueous extracts.

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In the previous chapters, l investigated five shoot fly control

tactics including monitoring, time-sequential sampling, cultural

practices, host plant resistance, and the use of a biopesticide from

the neem tree. An IPM program requires the use of several combined

tacti cs that will signi fi cantly reduce pest damage wi thout harmful

impact on the environment. The use of natural enemies against a given

insect pest should be considered as an important component in IPM

programs (Surn et al. 1987). This tactic, known as biological control,

is a harmless component to human beings and the environment. It implies

research on which natural enemies will provide control, and how to

conserve or augment the number of these natural enemies. In chapters

8 and 9, l will investigate the impact of cultural activies using

intercropping of sorghum and cowpea on biocontrol agents. The main

goal is to identify candidate species which are likely to enhance shoot

fly suppression .

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8 Effects of Intercropping Sorghum-Cowpea on

Natural Enemies of the Sorghum Shoot FlY,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Huscidae). in

Burkina Faso

In press in Biological Agriculture &Horticulture



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Experiments were conducted in 1990 and 1991 at Matourkou near

Bobo-Di oul asso, Burki na Faso (West Afri ca), to study the effect of

intercroppin9 sor9hum-cowpea, Sorghum bico7or L. (Moench)- Vigna

ingucu7ata (Walp.), on the natural enemies of the sor9hum shoot fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). Sampl ing was done

weekly, on six occasions starting 10 days after sowing. Natural enemies

of eggs were Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja (Hymenoptera:

Trichogrammatidae), Tapinoma sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Fusarium

sp. and a bacterium, Corynebacterium sp. Other insect species included

a thysanopteran (Phlaeothripidae, Haplothripinae) and Dicrodiphosis sp.

(Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) which were also associated with the sorghum

shoot fly eggs. No significant differences were observed between the

pure sorghum and the intercropped sorghum-cowpea with rl~spect to T.

simmondsi parasitism. Larval parasitoids were Neotrichoporoides

nyemitawus Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), (6 to 17.50% of

parasitism), Bracon sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and Hockeria sp.

(Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). One pupal parasitoid was recorded, A7ysia

sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Significant differences were observed in

the percentage of larval parasitism in 1990 and in 1991 betwee: the

pure sorghum and intercropped sorghum-cowpea. There was about two-fold

and 1.4-fold increased larval parasitism in intercropped sorghum-cowpea

in 1990 and 1991 respectively. Morisita's index of similarity (0.94.

in 1990, 0.98 in 1991) between pure sorghum and intercropped sorghum·~

cowpea (0.9B between 1990 and 1991), indicated that the parasitoid

species composition was independent of both the cropping system and the

year .

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Intercropping has been defined as growing two or more crops

simultaneously in the same field (Vandermeer 1989). This practice may

increase (Risch et al. 1983, Vandermeer 1989) or decrease (Pimentel

1961, Risch et al. 1983) the abundance of natural enemies of a given

pest. Intercropping sorghum-cowpea is a common practice in Burkina

Faso, the former crop being attacked by the shoot fly, Atherigona

soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae).

A. soccata has a wide range of natural enemies including egg

parasitoids (Pont 1972, Taley and Thakare 1979, Deeming 1971, Delobel

1983, Delobel and Lubega 1984), larval parasitoids (Kundu and Kishore

1972, Pont 1972, Taley and Thakare 1979, Del obel 1983), pupal

parasitoids (Deeming 1971, Taley and Thakare 1979), spiders and birds

(Del obel and Lubega 1984). Deeming (1983) found that the most common

prey of the wasp Dasyproctus bipunctatus Lepeletier and Brullé

(Sphecidae), are adult Atherigona spp. Delobel and Lubega (1984)

stated that unidentified species of spiders and birds are important

natural enemies of the sorghum shoot fly.

Young (1981) noted that research on biological control of the

shoot fly has been neglected. No work has been published so far on the

effect of intercropping on the natural enemies of the sorghum shoot

fly. The hypothesis examined here was that the population density of

egg, larval and pupal parasitoids would be less abundant in a

monoculture than in an intercropped system. We al so recorded other

potential biocontrol agents of the shoot fly.


The study was carried out in 1990 and 1991 at Matourkou, located

approximately 10 km from Bobo-Dioulasso (11 0 Il', 40 18'W), Burkina

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Faso, West Africa. Each year, the local sorghum cultivar "Gnofing" and

the cowpea cultivar TVx 3236 were sown on 15 July in a randomized

complete block design with four replicates. Each plot measured 13.5 x

9 m and contained 18 rows. Three cropping systems were established:

pure sorghum, 50% sorghum/50% cowpea sown in alternate rows, and pure

cowpea. Row spacings were 0.75 m in all plots and intra-row spacings

were 0.25 and 0.20 mfor sorghum and cowpea respectively. One and two

seedlings were maintained per hill for cowpea and sorghum respectively.

Plots were fertilized with 200 kg/ha of NPK (15 15 15) applied on

two occasions: 100 kg/ha at sowing, and 100 kg/ha 30 days after sowing.

Fifty kg/ha of urea (46% N) were applied 45 days after sowing.

No pesticides were applied during the study. Sampling was done

weekly, on six occasions starting 10 days after sowing .

8.3.1. Egg parasitoid sampling

In each plot, five rows of sorghum were randomly selected.

Twenty shoot fly eggs were collected between 8.00 and 10.00 h from

randomly selected plants within these rows. ·Pieces of sorghum leaves

with eggs were removed using small scissors. The eggs were then

transferred to Petri dishes containing wet filter paper and brought to

the laboratory. They were examined with a binocular microscope and

damaged eggs were discarded. Undamaged eggs were placed on filter

paper (10 x 80 mm) and transferred to small vials (25 x 95 mm). The

vials were closed with a wet cotton plug and kept under observation for

two weeks in a rearing room set at 26 (± 1) ·C, 75% R.H.(± 2) and 12:12

(L/D) photoperiod.

To feed emerging adults, a diet comprising 1/3 honey and 2/3

distilled water v/v was streaked inside the vial using a fine camel

brush. Observations were recorded daily, and emerging adult parasitoids

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were counted and removed from the vials. Fourteen days after field

collection, all remaining eggs were dissected in Ringer's solution

using two fine pins to detect the presence of unemerged parasitoids.

8.3.2. Larval and pupal parasitoid samplinq

Twenty pl ants showing dead hearts were randomly sel ected and

removed from each plot. In the laboratory, these plants were

dissected. The larvae were removed and transferred individually to

plastic cups (30 ml; from Priee Daxxion, Saint-Laurent, Québec,

Canada). Four holes (2 dia. mm) were eut in the lids. Each larva was

provided with 1 9 of artificial diet (Singh et a7. 1983), which was

repl aced every second day. Pupae were transferred i ndi vidually to

similar plastic cups containing sterilized sand (6 g), which was wetted

every second day with 10 droplets of distilled water. Parasitoid

emergence was recorded daily. Emerged shoot fl ies were kept in 70%

alcohol for identification.

8.3.3. Funqi and bacteria samplinq

All dark eggs collected from the field were retained. These eggs were

disinfected by dipping them in 1% sodium hypochlorite (NaOC1) for one

minute and then rinsing them with distilled water. Isolation was done

on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), (DIFCO Inc.) medium. The microorganisms

were then subcultured in legume juice (V8 medium, 200 ml legume juice,

3 9 MgC03 , 15 9 Agar).

Insect species were identified by the International Institute of

Entomology, London, U.K •. Voucher specimens were deposited in the Lyman

Museum, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, Sainte-Anne'de Bellevue,

Québec, and at the Biosystematic Research Center, Ottawa, Canada.

Fungi were identified by USDA Plant Protection Research, US

Plant, Soil &Nutrition Lab., Ithaca, New York, USA. The fungi here

Page 156: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


isolated has been deposited into the USDA-ARS Collection of

Entomopathogenic Fungal Cultures (ARSEF), Boyce Thompson Institute,

Ithaca, New York, USA (Humber, personal ccmmunicat~~n). Bacteria were

identified by MDS Laboratories, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Data on percentage of parasitism was analyzed using ANOVA

followed by Scheffé's test of the software SuperANOVA (version 1.1 for

the Macintosh Computer) (Abacus Concepts Inc., 1989). Morisita's index

of similarity (MI) (Morisita 1959) was used to compare species

composition between the two crops, and among the two years. The x2 (chi­

square) test (Steel and Torrie, 1980) was used to compare total number

of egg, larval and pupal parasitoid individuals between the two crops.


8.4.1. Shoot fly complex

Species of shoot fly collected from sorghum shoots included A.

soccata, Sco7iophtha7mus micantipennis Duba (Diptera: Chloropidae),

Si7ba pectita J.F. McAlpine (Diptera: Chloropidae) and Diopsis apica7is

Dalman (Diptera: Diopsidae) (Table 22). All specimens of the genus

Atherigona, were A. soccata. A. soccata were significantly (P = 0.05)

more abundant in pure sorghum than in intercropped sorghum-cowpea

(Table 22). Larvae of Sco7iophtha7mus micantipennis were commonly

associated (6 to 9 larvae per sorghum shoot) with the A. soccata larva.

The former were usually smaller in size than the A. soccata larvae and

were found in the upper part of the damaged shoots. They were most

frequent when the damage on the central shoot was well developed.

8.4.2. Egg natural enemies

In both 1990 and 1991, shoot fly eggs were commonly parasitized

by Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja .. Parasitism was recorded from

17 to 38 days after sowing in both cropping systems. Based on pooled

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data each year, rate of parasitism was highest 24 days after sowing in

both cropping systems (Fig. 3). Although the highest rate of egg

parasitism was recorded in intercropped sorghum-cowpea (8.75% in 1990;

12.3% in 1991), no significant differences were observed between the

levels in pure sorghum and the intercropped sorghum-cowpea (Table 23).

The male:female sex ratio of T. simmondsi was 1:1.28 and 1:1.37 in 1990

and 1991, respectively. Among the 305 A. soccata eggs examined, the

numbers of T. simmondsi exit holes per egg were: one (44.92%), two

(53.45%) and three (1.63%).

In the course of laboratory experiments, Tapinoma sp. Forster

(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was found preying on shoot fly eggs. One

individual was found to destroy up to 18 eggs per day.

Mites such as Suidasia pontifica Oudemans (Astigmata:

Saproglyphidae) and sorne species of the family Histiotomatidae, were

found in association with shoot fly eggs in great numbers (7 to 13 per

sampling date).

A fungus, Fusarium sp. Link ex Fr., and a bacterium,

Corynebacterium sp. Lehmann and Neuman, were isolated from shoot fly

eggs. Technically it was difficult to quantify parasitism by these

microorganisms owing to lack of facilities.

A thysanopteran (Phlaeothripidae, Haplothripinae) and

Dicrodiphosis sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) were also found associated

with eggs.

8.4.3. larval and pupal parasitoids

Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) was

the most, important endo-larval parasitoid. Significant differences

were found on the percentage of larval parasitism in 1990 (F = 66, df

= 1,3, P < 0.0001) and in 1991 (F = 30, df = 1,3, P = 0.0015) between

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the pure sorghum and intercropped sorghum-cowpea (Table 23). There was

about two-fold and 1.4-fold increase in larval parasitism in

intercropped sorghum-cowpea in 1990 and 1991 respectively. The highest

percentage of larval parasitism was II.75 and 17.50% in 1990 and 1991

respectively. Parasitism was detected from 17 to 45 days after sowing.

In 1990, using pooled data, percentage larval parasitism was found to

be highest 31 days after sowing in both cropping systems (Fig. 3). In

1991, percentages of parasitism were highest 31 and 38 days after

sowing in pure sorghum and intercropped sorghum-cowpea respectively

(Fig. 3). The larval parasitoids Bracon sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

and Hockeria sp. (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) were also found emerging

from field collected shoot fly larvae. One pupal parasitoid, A7ysia sp.

(Hymenoptera: Braconidae), was recorded .

Total number of shoot fly parasitoid species collected in 1990

and 1991 is given in Table 24. All shoot fly parasitoids were present

in both years and both cropping systems. Morisita's index of similarity

(MI) between pure sorghum and intercropped sorghum-cowpea was 0.94 and

0.98 in 1990 and 1991 respectively. Using pooled data, MI was found to

be 0.98 between 1990 and 1991.


In both years, A. soccata was the species of the genus Atherigona

attacking sorghum. This confirms the results of Nwanze (1988) who

found up to 96% of A. soccata in sorghum shoots collected both from

farmers and research station fields. A. soccata larva was found in the

same sorghum shoot with larvae of the species Sco7iophtha7mus

micantipennis and Si7ba pectita. We did not find solitary larvae of

these species in the sorghum shoots. However, Deeming (1971) recorded

sol itary l arvae of S. micantipennis destroyi ng young sorghum seedl ings.

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Our observations confirm his more common finding that of about a dozen

S. micantipennis larvae associated with A. soccata larva in the same

shoot. Damage by A. soccata may make sorghum shoots more attractive to

S. micantipennis, which may be considered as an opportunistic pest.

Although sorne species of Diopsis attack undamaged rice plants, those

which attack other grasses, such as Diopsis apica7is, are known to only

attack already damaged plant tissues (I.M. White, personal


Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja was an important shoot fly

egg parasitoid. This is a first record on A. soccata eggs.

Trichogrammatoidea spp. are mainly egg-parasites of Lepidcptera, and to .

a lesser extent, of few other insect orders (Nagaraja;. 1978). T.

simmondsi has been recorded on rice· pests, such as Chi70 sp.

(Pyralidae), Chi70 parte77us Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Sepedon

angu7aris (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), and Diopsis thoracica Westwood

(Diopsidae) (Na9araja, 1978). Feijen and Schulten (1981) recorded T.

simmondsi on the rice stalk-eyed fly Diopsis macrçphtha7ma Dalm (=

thoracica Westwood) in Malawi and concluded that its importance as a

parasitoid was secondary or marginal.

Another species, Trichogrammoidea bactrae Nagaraja, has been

recorded on A. soccata eggs in India (Rao et a7. 1987). Other species

of the genus Trichogramma are also egg parasitoids of the shoot fly.

Deeming (1971) recorded Trichogramma evanescens Westwood in Nigeria,

whereas Taley and Thakare (1979) reported T. austra7icum Girault (=

chi70nis Ishii) in India. Delobel (1983) recorded T. ka7kae in Kenya.

So far, two species (Trichogrammatoidea bactrae and T. simmondsi) of

the genus Trichogrammatoidea and three speci es (Tri chogramma

evanescens, T. ka7kae and T. austra7icum) of the genus Trichogramma are

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known to be egg parasitoids of the sorghum shoot fly.

Our results on the number of exit holes of T. simmondsi indicate

that one (44.92%) or two (53.45%) individuals emerged per host egg.

Nagaraja (1978) found an average of 2 and 2.1 exit holes on O.

macrophtha7ma eggs in fi eld and l aboratory respect ively.

Superparasitism occurred as there were 1.63% eggs with three exit holes

per egg.

Tapinoma sp. was a voraci ous egg predator in the 1aboratory.

Many speci es of the genus Tapinoma are opportuni st i c nesters often

found in tufts of dead grass, plant stems, urban environments and other

local sites (Hôlldobler and Wilson, 1990). Forel (1920) mentioned that

Tapinoma is a large widely distributed and common genus. This suggests

that the Tapinoma sp. here recorded may be a potential shoot fly egg

predator to look for. Tapinoma sp. constitutes a first record on A.

soccata eggs.

Suidisia pontifica individuals were associated in great number

(from 7 to 13 per sampling date) with sorghum shoot fly eggs. These

mites are mycophagous and show various degrees of selectivity in

choosing fungi (Sinha, 1966). Our observations were not conclusive in

fi ndi ng mites as predators of shoot fly eggs. However, Reddy and

Davies (1978) found a predacious mite, Abro7ophus sp. (Acari:

Erythraeidae) feeding on A. soccata eggs in India.

The genus Fusarium has a wide range of insect hosts. Species such

as F. avenaceum (Fries) Saccardo, and F. merismoides Corola, are found

on Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) egg mass (Humber and

Soper 1986).

Corynebacterium sp. is a bacterium widely distributed in nature

in the animal kingdom, sorne species being found in birds and insects

Page 161: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


(Buchanan and Gibbons, 1974).

So far, no microbial control agent has been found on shoot fly

e9gs. Therefore, Fusarium sp. and Corynebacterium sp. are the first

'record on the sorghum shoot fly e99s. They could be potential microbial

control agents.

Other suspected predators such as Dicrodiphosis sp. and

Haplothipinae (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) were associated with

shoot fly eggs. Larvae of Dicrodiplosis species are usually predators

on mealy bugs (K.M. Harris, personal communication). More

investigation are needed to confirm the real status of these insects on

the sorghum shoot fly eggs.

The most important endo-larval parasitoid was N. nyemitawus. In

our study, the percentage parasitization ranged from 6.00 to 17.50%.

Taley and Thakare (1979) recorded 1.59 to 8.33% parasitism due to N.

nyemitawus, whereas Rawat and Sahul (1968) reported 22 to 30% in India.

Our highest numbers (11.75 in 1990, 17.50% in 1991) of parasitized

shoot fly l arvae was recorded in intercropped sorghum-cowpea. This

shows that i ntercroppi ng sorghum-cowpea had a benefi ci al effect in

increasing N. nyemitawus populations.

Bracon sp. and Hockeria sp. were present in sma11 numbers'. They

constitute a first record on A. soccata larvae. Hockeria Walker is a

worldwide genus and contains about thirty described species (Halstead,.


Although other larval-pupal parasitoids such as Spalangia endius

Wal ker, Trichopria sp., Opius sp., and pupal parasitoids such as

Monelata sp., and Rhoptromeris sp. have been recorded in India (Taley

and Thakara, 1979), Alysia sp. was the only pupal parasitoid in our

study. Deeming (1971) also recorded Alysia sp. in Nigeria.

Page 162: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


No parasitism due to T. simmondsi and N. nyemitawus occured on

the 10 th day after sowing. This was due to the lack of shoot fly eggs

and larvae at that period. In 1988 and 1989, longo et al. (1992) also

recorded no shoot fly eggs ten days after sowing at Matourkou. The

most susceptible stage of sorghum for shoot fly attack is within 21

days after germination (Jotwani et al., 1970). The fluctuation of

parasitism suggests that T. simmondsi could reduce shoot fly

populations better than N. nyemitawus within the susceptible stage of


Our results on the shoot fly parasitoid species composition

indicated that there was a high similarity between the two cropping

systems and between the years. High Morisita similarity index values

(0.94 in 1990 and 0.98 in 1991 between pure sorghum and intercropped

sorghum-cowpea, 0.98 between 1990 and 1991) here reported indicated

that the parasitoid species composition was independent of the cropping

system and of the year.

Although the intercropped sorghum-cowpea did not show significant

differences compared with pure sorghum with respect to egg parasitism,

it could increase N. nyemitawus populations and also give ;: good

combined yield of sorghum and cowpea as longo et al. (unpubl ished

data) found an agronomie advantage of practicing this cropping system.

longo et al. (1992) recommended that control measures be taken against

the shoot fly before dead heart formation. Further to this

recommendation, egg natural enemies such as Trichogrammatoidea

simmondsi, T. bactrae, Trichogramma spp., Tapinoma sp., Abrolophus sp.,

Fusarium sp., Corynebacterium sp., may be the appropriate biological or

microbial control agents to look for inimplementing any biological

control strategy.

Page 163: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Abacus Concepts Inc. (1989) SuperANOVA, accessib7e genera7 7inear

mode7ing, Berkeley, CA., 316 p.

Buchanan, R.E. &Gibbons, N.E. (1974) Bergey's manua7 of determinative

bacterio7ogy, pp. 599-617. The Williams & Wilkins Company


Deeming, J. C. (1971) Sorne species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) from Northern Nigeria, with special reference to those

injurious to cereal crops. Bu77etin of Entomo7ogica7 Research,

61, 133-190.

(1983) Atherigona spp. (Dipt., Muscidae) as prey of Dasyproctus

bipunctatus Lepeletier and Brullé (Hum., Sphecidae) in Uganda.

Entomo7ogist's Month7y Magazine. 119, 83 .

Delobel, A. (1983) Etude des facteurs déterminant l'abondance des

populations de la mouche du sor9ho, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptères, Muscidae). Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat, Université de

Paris Sud, Centre d'Orsay. ORSTOM, Paris. 127 pp.

Delobel, A.G.L., &Lubega, M.C. (1984) Rainfall as a mortality factor

in the sorghum shootfly, Atherigona soccata Rond. (Dipte!"a,

Muscidae). Zeitschrift Fûr Angewandte Entomo7ogie (Journa7 of

App7ied Entomology) 97, 510-516.

Feijen, H.R., &Schulten, G.G.M. (1981) Egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera;

Trichogrammatidae) of Dicpsis macrophtha7ma (Diptera; Diopsidae)

in Malawi. Nether7ands Journal of Zoo7ogy, 31, 381-417.

Forel, A. (1920) Les fourmis de 7a Suisse, La Chaux-de-Fonds,

Imprimerie Coopérative, 333 p.

Halstead, J.A. (1990) Revision of Hockeria Walker in the nearctic

region with descriptions of males and five new species

Page 164: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


(Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). Proceedings of the Entomo7ogica7

Society of Washington, 92, 619-640.

Hëlldobler, B. &Wilson, E.O. (1990) The ants, The Belknap Press of

Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 732 p.

Humber, R.A., & Soper, R.S. (1986) USDA-ARS Co77ection of

entomopathogenic funga7 cu7tures, Catalog of Strains USDA-ARS

Plant Protection Research Unit Boyce Thompson Inst., Cornell

Univ. New York, pp. 25.

Jotwani, M.G., Marwaha, K.K., Srivrstava, K.M., &Young, W.R. (1970)

Seasonal incidence of shootfly (Atherigona varia soccata Rond.)

in jowar hybrids at Delhi. Indian Journa7 of Entomo7ogy, 32, 7­


Kundu, G.G:, &Kishore, P. (1972) New record of parasites of Sesamia

inferens (Walker) and Atherigona nudiseta Rondani infesting minor

millets. Indian Journa7 of Entomo7ogy, 33, 466-467.

Morisita, M. (1959) Measuring of interspecific association and

similarity between communities. Memoirs of the Facu7ty of

Science, Kyushu University. Ser. E (Bio7.) 3, 65-80

Nagaraja, H. (1978) Studies on Trichogrammatoidea (Hymenoptera:

Trichogrammatidae). Orienta7 Insects 12, 489-350.

Nwanze, K.F. (1988) Distribution and seasonal incidence of sorne major

insect pests of sorghum in Burkina Faso. Insect Science and its

App7ication, 9, 313-321.

Pimentel, D. (1961) The influence of plant special patterns on insect

populations. Anna7s of Entomo7ogica7 Society of America, 54, 61­


Pont, A.C. (1972) The oriental species of Atherigona Rondani. In

Contro7 of sorghum shoot f7y, (Jotwani, M.G. &Young, W.R. eds.),

Page 165: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


pp. 27-104. Oxford &IBH, New Delhi.

Rao, K.J., Thontadarya, 1.S. & Suhas, Y. (1987) Trichogrammatoidea

bactrae Najaraja - A new egg parasitoid of sorghum shoot fly

Atherigona soccata Rondani. Current Science 56, 283.

Rawat, R.R. & Sahul, H.R. (1968) New record of Tetrastichus nyemitawus

Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) as a parasite of Atherigona sp.,

the wheat stem fly in Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journa7 of

Entomo7ogy, 3D, 319.

Reddy, K.V.S. &Davies, J.C. (1978) A predacious mite on the eggs of

sorghum shoot fly Atherigona soccata (Diptera: Muscidae) at

Hyderabad. Acara70gy News7etter 6, 9.

Risch, S.J., Andow, D. & Altieri, M.A. (1983) Agroecosystem diversity

and pest control: Data, tentative conclusions, and new research

directions. Environmenta7 Entomo7ogy, 12, 625-629.

Sinha, R.N. (1966) Aerog7yphus robustus, a pest of stored grain.

Journa7 of Economie Entomo7ogy, E9, 686-688.

Singh, P., Unnithan, G.C. &Delobel, A.G.L. (1983) An artificial diet

for sorghum shoot fly larlla'e. Entomo7ogia Experimenta7is et

App7icata, 33, 122-124.

Steel, R.G.D. & Torrie, J.H. (1980) Princip7es and procedures of

statistics, A biometrica7 approach, McGrall-Hill Book Company,

New York, 633 pp .

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. '


Taley, Y.H. &Thakare, K.R. (1979) Biology of seven new hymenopterous

parasitoids of Atherigona soccata Rondani. Indian Journal of

agricultural Sciences, 49, 344-354.

Vandermeer, J. (1989) The ecology of intercropping, Cambridge

University Press, New York, 237 pp.

Young, W.R. (1981) Fifty-five years of research on the sorghum

shootfly. Insect Science and its Application, 2. 3-9.

Zongo, J.O., Vincent, C. and Stewart, P..K. 1992. Time-sequential

sampl ing of the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona SGccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. Insect Science and its

Application, (In press) .

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35 55 4 94

13 43 6 62

















41 63 7 111

17 56 5 SS




























































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\ U
































































































































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• ..S













































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Figure 3. Percentages of egg and larval parasitism due to

Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus and Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi in

two cropping systems in Burkina Faso.

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III .- ....












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91eu 0-




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In an agroecosystem, all potential natural enemies of a given

insect pest should be investigated to identify appropriate candidates

for a biocontrol program. In chapter 8, sorne biocontrol agents

including egg natural enemies (Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi, Tapinoma

sp., Fusarium sp. and Corynebacterium sp.), and the larval parasitoid

(Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus) were identified as potential candidates

against the shoot fly. Baily and Chada (1968) found that spiders are

an important group of predators of sorghum insect pests in Oklahoma

(USA). In Kenya, Delobel and Lubega (1984) pointed out that several

unidentified spider genera and species reduced shoot fly eggs ·in

sorghum fields. Therefore, l decided to investigate spider populations

in Burkina Faso. Because spiders are a complex group of predators with

respect to their numbers, species, ecology, and behaviour, l decided to

separate chapter 9 from the previous one. The main questions asked in

this chapter are: "Which spider species are associated with the shoot

fly, and could intercropping sorghum-cowpea increase spider


Page 174: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


9 Spi der Fauna in Pure Sorghurn and Intercropped Sorghurn-Cowpea in

Burkina Faso .

In press in Journal of Applied Entomology.


Page 175: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Atwo-year study was conducted at Matourkou near Bobo-Dioulasso,

Burkina Faso (West Africa), to study spider fauna in pure sorghum and

intercropped sorghum-cowpea, Sorghum bico7or L. (Moench)- Vigna

ingucu7ata (Walp.), associated with the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona

soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). Sampling was done weekly, on six

occasions starting 10 days after sowing. Significant differences were

observed with respect to the number of individu1ls in the specific

composition of spider fauna from different cropping systems. Juvenile

spiders represented 84 and 75% of the total number of spiders in 1990

and 1991 respectively. Twelve families and 24 genera were recorded. In

pure sorghum, the most important families were Thomisidae (7.73%) and

Salticidae (4.12%) whereas Araneidae (15.15%), Theridiidae (8.77%)

Thomisidae (8.76%) and Linyphiidae (7.22%) were predominant in sorghum­

cowpea. In pure cowpea, Linyphiidae (6.69%), Pisauridae (6.18%), and

Theridiidae (4.63%) were predominant. Four species were identified:

Latrodectus geometricus C.L. Koch, Meioneta prosectes Locket, Pardosa

injucunda O.P. Cbr, and Steatoda badia Roewer. Latrodectus geometricus

and P. injucunda were only recorded in sorghum-cowpea whereas M.

prosectes and S. badia were common to the three cropping systems. Five

species namely Araneus sp., M. prosectes, Misumenops sp., Neoscona

sp. ,and S. badia showed preference for the intercroppfld sorghum­

cowpea. The Sorenson's index of similarity between sorghum and sorghum­

cowpea, and between cowpea and sorghum-cowpea was 0.75 and 0.66

respectively suggesting that spider species composition was relatively

independent of the cropping system.

Page 176: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Spiders are an important group of terrestrial predators widely

distributed in the world (Nentwig 1987, Nyffeler et al. 1990, Riechert

and Lockley 1984, Nyffeler and Benz 1987). There are about 35,000

described species, belonging to about one hundred families (Platnick

1989). Most of the studies of spiders in agroecosystems have been done

in North America, Europe, Asia and, to a lesser extent Africa and

Australia (Nyffeler and Benz, 1987).

Bailey and Chada (1968) studied spider populations in sorghum

fields at Oklahoma (USA) and concluded that spiders played an important

part in controlling sorghum insect pests.

Information on West African spiders is very limited. For

instance, reviewing 300 papers on the role of spiders in natural pest

control, Nyffeler and Benz (1987) cited only three papers from Egypt

and three from South Africa. Likewise, among the 48 D~pers cited in

Nyffeler et al. 's (1990) review concerning spiders as predators of

insect eggs, none was African. Millot (1941) studied crab spiders

(Thomisidae) in six West African countries including Burkina Faso, Côte

d'Ivoire, Guinée, Mali, Niger and Sénégal. In Côte d'Ivoire, Blandin

(1971, 1972) stud~ed the spider communities in a savanna grassland and

found that peak numbers of both adult and juvenile spiders occurred

during the long rainy season.

In Kenya, Del obel and Lubega (1984) mentioned that several

unidentifieo-'spider genera and species are important predators of the

sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) eggs.

A. soccata is a key pest of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench), in

West Africa (Nwanze, 1985), including Burkina Faso (Bonzi, 1981,

Nwanze, 1988).

Page 177: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Intercropping sorghum-cowpea, Vigna unguicu7ata [L.] Walp. is a

commor. practice in Burkina Faso, and it has been suggested that it may

increase or decrease natural enemies of some insect pests (Vandermeer,


No work has been published on the effects of intercropping

sorghum-cowpea on spider populations. The present experiments were

undertaken to study the spider fauna associ ated with sorghum duri ng

shoot fly activity and det~rmine if sorghum-cowpea intercropping

increases spider populations.


The study was carried out in 1990 and 1991 at Matourkou, located

approximately 10 km from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, West Africa (Il'

11' S, 4' 18'W). Each year, the local sorghum variety "Gnofing" and

the cowpea cultivar TVx 3236 were sown on 15 July in a randomized

complete block design with four replicates. Each plot measured 13.5 x

9 m and contained 18 rows. Three cropping systems were established:

pure sorghum, 50% sorghum/50% cowpea sown in alternate rows, and pure

cowpea. Row spacings were 0.75 m in all plots, whereas intra-row

spacings were 0.25 and 0.20 m for sorghum and cowpea, respectively.

One and two seedlings were maintained per hill for cowpea and sorghum,


Plots were fertilized with 200 Kg/ha of NPK (1515 15) applied on

two occasions, namely 100 Kg/ha at sowing time, and 100 Kg/ha 30 days

after sowing. Fifty Kg/ha of urea (46%) were applied 45 days after

sowing. Weeding was done on two occasions, 15 and 30 days after sowing.

No pesticides were applied during the study.

Spider populations were determined by direct observation weekly

on six occasions starting 10 days after sowing. In each plot, five rows

Page 178: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



of each crop were randomly selected. The spiders found on these rows

were collected by hand using camel brushes and small vials. They were

transferred to vials containing 70% alcohol until they were sorted and


Data were analyzed using Scheffé's test of the software

SuperANOVA (version 1.1 for the Macintosh Computer) (Abacus Concepts

Inc., 1989). Sorenson's index of similarity (Sorenson 1948, cited in

Krebs 1989) was used to compare species composition between the two

crops. The x2 (chi-square) test (Steel and Torrie, 1980) was used to

compare the total number of individuals of each species between two


Voucher specimens of most spider species were deposited at the

Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium.


No significant differences of the total number of spiders were

observed between cropping system, and per individual crop in 1990 and

1991 (Table 25). However, significant differences of the number of

individuals per species were observed between cropping systems (Table


The total number of spiders collected (all data pooled) was 221

and 367 in 1990 and 1991, respectively. Several spiders were not

identified to species level because the number of spiderl ings was

higher (84 and 75% in 1990 and 1991 respectively) than adults (16 and

25% in 1990 and 1991 respectively). Consequently, 194 individual s

belonging to 12 families and 24'genera were identified (Table 27). They

represented 33% of the total number of spiders collected in 1990 and

1991. In pure sorghum, the most important families were Thomisidae

(7.73%) and Salticidae (4.12%) whereas Araneidae (15.15%), Theridiidae

Page 179: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


(8.77%) Thomisidae (8.76%) and Linyphiidae (7.22%) were predominant in

sorghum-cowpea. In pure cowpea, Linyphiidae (6.69%), Pisauridae

(6.18%), and Theridiidae (4.63) were predominant (Table 27). Eleven

genera were common to cowpea versus sorghum-cowpea whereas la were

common to all cropping systems and 12 to sorghum versus sorghum-cowpea

(Table 26). Four species were identified: Latrodectus geometricus C.L.

Koch, Meioneta prosectes Locket, Pardosa injucunda a.p. Cbr, and

Steatoda badia Roewer. Latrodectus geometricus and P. injucunda were

only recorded in sorghum-cowpea whereas M. prosectes and S. badia were

common to the three cropping systems. Araneus sp., M. prosectes,

Misumenops sp., Neoscona sp., and S. badia showed marked preference

for the intercropped sorghum-cowpea (Table 26).

The Sorenson's index of similarity between sorghum and sorghum­

cowpea, and between cowpea and sorghum-cowpea was 0.75 and 0.66

respectively. This indicated that species composition of spider

communities was more similar when sorghum was compared with

intercropped sorghum-cowpea than cowpea compared with sorghum-cowpea.

Few spiders were recorded in both cropping systems on the first

sampling occasion (ten days after sowing) (Fig. 4). The spiders started

to substantially colonize each cropping system from 17 to 45 days'after

sowing. In 1990, the peak number of spiders in both cropping systems

was recorded 31 days after sowing (Fig. 4). In 1991, the peak number of,

spiders in pure sorghum èind in sorghum-cowpea was recorded 31 days

after sowing, whereas it was on 38 days aftpr sowing in pure cowpea.

Page 180: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Thomisidae were common to both cropping systems. We found five

genera namely Misumenops, Runcinia, Thomisus, Tmarus, and Xysticus.

Millot (1941) described 50 species belonging to 22 genera from six West

African countries (Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinée, Mali, Niger,

and Sénégal). He found that the genera Thomisus and Tmar'us contained

over 30 and 12 African species respectively. The species Misumenops

rubro-decorata Millot, Runcinia depressa Simon, Runcinia proxima

voltaensis Millot, Thomisus bidentatus Kulczynski and, Thomisus

spinifer Cambridge were collected in Burkina Faso (Millot, 1941).

Little information exists on the biology of the four species here

reported. A survey of the literature from the scientific database

Agricola and Biological Abstracts from 1970 to April 1992 revealed no

paper published on these spider species.

In pure sorghum, we found that Salticidae, Thomisidae, and

Araneidae were predominant. Studying spider populations in grain

sorghum, Bailey and Chada (1968) also found that Lycosidae, Thomisidae,

and Salticidae were the most commonly collected families. In Côte

d'Ivoire, Blandin (1971, 1972) found that Thomisidae populations were

most abundant in a savanna grassland at the beginning of the long rainy

season and also in the short rainy season.

Prey compos i t ion was not q!lanti fi ed. However, i t i s we11 known

that the prey composition varies with the group of spiders (web

builders or hunting) (Bishop and Riechert 1990, Culin and Yeargan 1983,

Nentwig 1988), the agroecosystem (Agnew and Smith 1989, Bishop and

Riechert 1990, Culin and Yeargan 1983, Doane and Dondale 1979, Nyffeler

et al. 1989, Young and Lockley 1985), the geographical zones (Nentwig

1985) and the cultural practices (Buschman et al. 1984). The

Page 181: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


intercropped sorghum-cowpea might have influenced prey composition as

different spider species were collected per cropping system.

Del obel and Lubega (1984) found that spiders sucked the shoot fly

egg contents and left conspicuous remman~s of the chorion attached to

the sorghum leaves. Nyffeler et al. (1990) also found examples of

spiders preying upon the eggs of Araneae and Insecta from North and

South America, and Austral ia, largely in agroecosystems and forest

ecosystems. They pointed out that spider species found to be predacious

on insect eggs belonged principally to the families Salticidae,

Oxyopidae, Lycosidae, and Clubionidae which were important families in

our studies.

ln all cropping systems, spider populations increased until 31

days after sowing. This period corresponded to the susceptible stage of

sorghum for shoot fly attack and therefore to high shoot fly activity.

The spider populations at that period might have played an important

part in reducing shoot fly populations.

Although no statistical differences were observed with respect to

the total number of spiders, the intercropped sorghum-cowpea increased

the number of fi ve speci es namely Araneus sp., M. prosectes, Misumen.ops

sp., Neoscona sp.,and S. badia. Studying the bionomics of these species

could help to understand their real impact in intercropping sorghum­

cowpea during shoot fly activity.

Conservation and augmentation of predators in a given area is an

important step in biological control as a maximum control effect is

always expected from them (Huffaker and Messenger 1976). Spiders being

important predators, great attention must be paid to measures that

might be taken to conserve and to increase their numbers. In general,

agricultural practices causing high mortal ity to spiders are

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insecticide applications (Dondale et al. 1979, Pfrimmer 1964, Riechert

and Lockley 1984), annual harvesting and tilling of the vegetation­

ground layer (Riechert and Lockley 1984, Nentwig 1988), and mechanical

disturbance (Bultman and Vetz 1982, Riechert and Lockley 1984).

Although more research should be done to understand the effect of

spiders in reducing shoot fly populations, intercropping sorghum-cowpea

could be practiced to increase the number of certain spider species

namely Araneus sp., Meioneta prosectes, Misumenops sp., Neoscona sp.,

and Steatoda badia .

Page 183: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Abacus Concepts Inc. 1989. SuperANOVA, accessible general linear

modeling. Berkeley, CA., 316 p.

Agnew, C.W. and Smith, Jr. J.W. 1989. Ecology of spiders (Araneae) in

a peanut agroecosystem. Environ. Entomo7. 18: 30-42.

Bailey, C.L. and Chada, H.L. 1968. Spider populations in grain sorghum.

Ann. Entomo7. Soc. Am. 61: 567-571.

Bishop, L. and Riechert, S.E. 1990. Spider colonization of

agroecosystems: mode and source. Environ. Entomo7. 19: 1738-1745

Blandin, P. 1971. Recherches ëcologiques dans la savane de Lamto (Côte

d'Ivoire): observations prëliminaires sur le peuplement

aranëologique. Terre Vie 118: 218-239.

Blandin, P. 1972. Recherches ëcologiques sur les araignëes de la savane

de Lamto (Côte d'Ivoire): premières donnëes sur les cycles des

Thomisidae de la st~ate herbacëe. Ann7s Univ. Abidjan (E) 5: 241­


Bonzi, S.M. 1981 Fl uctuations sai sonni ères des popul ati ons de la

mouche des pousses de sorgho en Haute-Volta. Insect Sci. Applic.

2: 59-62.

Bultman, T.L.and Vetz, G.W. 1982. Abundance and community structure of

forest floor spi ders fa11 owi ng l itter man i pul at ion. Oeco7ogia 55:


Buschman, L.L.; Pitre, H.N. and Hodges, H.F. 1984. Soybean cultural

practices: effects on populations of Geocorids, Nabids, and other

soybean arthropods. Environ. Entomo7. 13: 305-317.

Culin,J.D. and Yeargan, K.V. 1983. Comparative study of spider

communities in alfalfa and soybean ecosystems: foliage-dwelling

spiders. Ann. Entomo7. Soc. Am. 76: 825-831.

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• '


Delobel, A.G.L. and Lubega, M.C. 1984. Rainfall as a mortality factor

in th!! sorghum shootfly, Atherigona soccata Rond. (Diptera,

Muscidae). Z. ang. Entomol. (J. Appl. Entomol.) 97: 510-516.

Doane, J.F. and Condale, C.D. 1979. Seasonal captures of spiders

(Araneae) in a wheat field and its grassy borders in central

Saskatchewan. Cano Ent. 111: 439-445.

Dondale, C.D.; Parent, B. and Pitre, D. 1979. A6-year study of spiders

(Araneae) in a Quebec apple orchard. Cano Ent. 111: 377-380.

Huffaker, C.B. and Messenger, P.S. 1976. Theory and practice of

biological control. Academic Press, New York, 788 p.

Krebs, C.J. 1989. Ecological methodology. Harper &Row Publishers, New

York, 654 p.

Millot, M.J. 1941. Les araignées de l'Afrique Occidentale Française:

Thomisides. Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France.

Mémoires, T. 65, 82 pp.

Nentwig, W. 1985. Prey analysis of four species of tropical orb-weavi~g

spiders (Aranea: Araneidae) and a comparaison with araneids of

the temperate zone. Oeco7ogia 66: 580-594.

Nentwig, W. 1987. Ecophysiology of spiders. Springer-Verlag. Berlin,

448 p.

Nentwig, W. 1988. Augmentation of beneficial arthropods by strip­

management. 1 succession of predacious arthropods and long-term

change in the ratio of phytophagous and predacious arthropods in

a meadow. Oeco7ogia 76: 597-606•

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Nwanze, K.F. 1985. Sorghum insect pests in West Africa pp. 37-43, In

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT). Proceeding of the International Sorghum Entomology

Workshop, 15-21 July 1984. Texas A & M University, College

Station, TX, USA. Patancheru, A.P. 502324 India: ICRISAT.

Nwanze, K.F. 1988. Distribution and seasonal incidence of some major

insect pests of sorghum in 8urkina Faso. Insect Science and its

App7ication, 9: 313-321.

Nyffeler, M. and Benz. G. 1987. Spiders in natural pest control: A

review. J. App7. Ent. 103: 321-339.

Nyffeler, M., Dean, D.A. and Sterling, W.L. 1989. Prey selection and

predatory importance of orb-weaving spiders (Aranae: Araneidae,

Uloboridae) in Texas cotton. Environ. Entomo7. ~8: 373-380•

Nyffeler, M., Breene, R.G.; Dean, D.A. and Sterling, W.L. 1990. Spiders

as predators of arthropod eggs. J. App7. Ent. 109: 490-501

Pfrimmer, T.R. 1964. Populations of certain insects and spiders on

cotton plants following insecticide application. J. Econ.

Entomo7. 57: 640-644.

Platnick, N.I. 1989. Advances in spider taxonomy 1981-1989: A

suppl ement to Bri gnoli 1 s A catalogue of the Araneae descri bed

between 1940 and 1981. Manchester University Press, New York. 673


Riechert,S.E. and Lockley, T. 1984. Spiders as biological control

agents. Annu. Rev. Entomo7. 29: 299-320.

Sorenson, T. 1948. A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude

in plant sociology base~ on similarity of species centent. Kong.

Dan. Vidensk. Se7sk. Bio7. Skr. 5: 1-34.

Page 186: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Steel, R.G.D. & Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and procedures of

statistics, Abiometrical approach, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New

York, 633 pp.

Vandermeer J. H., 1989. The ecology of intercroppi ng. Cambridge

University F~"':,s, New York, 237 p.

Young, a.p. and Lockley, T.C. 1985. The striped lynx spider, Oxyopes

sa lticus (Araneae: axyopidae) in agroecosystems. Entomophaga 30:

329-346 .

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• 159

Table 25. Mean number of spiders (spiderlings and adults, all species

confounded) per five rows collected in two cropping systems in

Burkina Faso.

Crop 1990 1991

Pure Intercropped Pure Intercropped

• •Sorghum 13.50 a 14.00a 23.75 a 24.00a

Cowpea 15.75 a 12.00a 24.00 a 26.00a

* Horizontally (pure vs intercropped), mean percentages with same letterswithin the same year are not significantly different, Scheffé's test, P =0.05 .

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• 161

Table 27. Relative abundance of spider families and species collected in threecropping systems in Burkina Faso in 1990 and 1991.

Percenta~e of total capturesfamily)(n- 194, ldentified to at least

Family Pure sorghum Sorghum-cowpea Pure cowpeaSpecies

Araneidae (Orb weavers) 3.09 15.45 2.08Araneus sp. 2.06 6.70 0.52AranieH ~ sp. 0.52Cyrtophora sp. 0.52Leucauge sp. 2.57Neoscona sp. 1.03 6.18 0.52

Clubionidae (foliage spiders) 1.54 3.09 1.03Chiracanthium sp. 0.52C7ubiona sp. 1.54 2.57 1.03

Corinnidae 0.52Merennius sp. 0.52

Gnaphosidae (Ground spiders) 0.52 0.52 0.52Unidentified species 0.52 0.52 0.52

Linyphiidae (Line weaversk 1.03 7.22 6.69Meioneta prosectes Loc et 1.03 5.67 5.15

• Tybaertie77a sp. 1.54Lycodidae (Wolf spiders) 1.55

Hippasa sp. 1.03Pardosa injucunda (O.P. Cbr. ) 0.52

Oxyopidae (Lynx spiders) 0.52 1.54 0.52Oxyopes sp. 0.52 1.54 0.52

Philodomidae (Running crab spiders) 1.04 1.55 1.03Phil odromus sp. 0.52 0.52 1.03Thanatus sp. 0.52 1.03

Pisauridae }NUrsery-web spiders) 1.03 2.57 6.18Unidenti ied species 1.03 2.57 6.18

Salticidae }JUmping spiders) 4.12 1.03 2.57Unidenti ied species 4.12 1.03 2.57

Theridiidae (Comb-footed spiders) 1.55 8.77 4.63Euryopis sp. - 0.52Latrodectus geomitricus C.L.Koch 0.52Steatoda badia Roewer 0.52 6.70 3.60Theridion sp. 1.03 1.03 1.03

Thomisidae (Crab spiders) 7.73 8.76 1.56Misumenops sp. 5.67 4.64 0.52Runcinia sp. 0.52Thomisus sp. 0.52 1.03Tmarus sp. 1.54 0.52Xysticus sp. 1.54 1.03 0.52

% of total captures (n -194) 22.69 50.50 26.81

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Figure 4. Total spider numbers (spiderlings and adults) per five rows

in three cropping systems in Burkina Faso

Page 192: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

• 0 Pure sorghum

Sorghum-cowpea~ Pure co ea


A) 199050

40en:::0 30:l0-

G)>:;:: 20:l0-G)C.


"C 0.-c.

• en-0 60:l0-G)..c B) 1991E 50~

l::- 40ca-01-




0 "10 17 24 31 3B 45


• Days after sowing

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In biological control, no natural enemy can be used without sorne

knowledge of its biology. Answering important questions such as which

instar of the host is preferred, as well as other aspects of parasitism

may help to implement control tactics. In chapter 8, l suggested that

Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus could reduce shoot fly larval populations.

l also concluded that intercropping sorghum-cowpea would increase N.

nyemitawus populations. Taley and Thakare (1979) studied the life­

history of N. nyemitawus in India, but no informati~n exists on how to

rear this par~sitoid and which instar of the shoot fly is preferred.

Therefore, this chapter deals with how to rear N. nyemitawus, with an

emphasis on host stage preference and searching behaviour .

Page 194: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


10 Parasitism of sorghum shoot fly larvae, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), by Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer

(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) •

Submitted to Insect Science and its Application, July 1992.


Page 195: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



Larval parasitism of the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata

Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), by Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer

(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) was studied in the laboratory. Ten shoot fly

larvae of each instar (3) and two periods of exposure (24, 48 h) were

used in a factorial design with four replicates. Significant

differences of parasitism were observed with respect to instars,

periods of exposure, and the interaction instar - period of exposure.

The second larval instar was most parasitized (68.75 and 85% of

parasitism after 24 and 48 h respectively) fcllowed by the first instar

(46.25% of parasitism) exposed after 48 h to adult parasitoids. N.

nyemitawus was an effective shoot fly endo-larval parasitoid.

Observations on N. nyemitawus searching sorghum seedlings for shoot fly

larvae are summarized .

Page 196: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on



The sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae), is an important pest of sorghum, Sorghum bico7or (Linne,

Moench), in West African countries (Nwanze 1985, Gahukar 1990) and in

Asia (Young 1981).

Although much work has been done on control strategies for the

shoot fly (Young 1981), biological control remains a relatively

unexplored strategy. The shoot fly has a wide range of natural enemies

including Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)

which is a widespread endo-larval parasitoid. N. nyemitawus was first

described by Rohwer (1921) as Tetrastichus nyemitawus. Under this

name, the parasitoid has been recorded on Atherigona spp. in India

(Rawat and Sahu 1968, Kundu and Kishore 1972, Taley and Thakare 1979)

and in Kenya (Delobel, 1983). In a revision of the European

Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), De V. Graham (1987) replaced

the genus Tetrastichus by Neotrichoporoides Girault. Although Taley

and Thakare (1979) studied the life-history of N. nyemitawus, little

information exists on host stage preference and the parasitoid's

searching behavior.

The present work was undertaken to determine which instar of A.

soccata is preferred for attack and how long the parasitoid takes to

parasitize shoot fly larvae. The searching behavior of N. nyemitawus is

also summarized. Such information could be important for implementing

a biological control program based on N. nyemitawus.

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• '



The study was carried out in a rearing room set at 26 (± 1) ·C,

75% R.H. (± 2) and 12:12 (L/D). Fourteen day-old sorghum plants from

sowing were grown in 18 cm diameter plastic pots. 8efore transferring

shoot fly larvae and parasitoids to the plants, the pots were covered

with a transparent plastic sheet (40 x 40 cm) held in three places

(upper part of the pot; middle and upper parts of the plastic sheet),

by clamp collars to form a cylindrical cage. The upper part of the

cage was capped with fine muslin. A square hole (10 x 10 cm) was made

on the basal part of the cage to allow diet replacement. Ten shoot fly

larvae of each instar were used in a factorial design with four

replicates. The three instars were defined according to Deeming (1971)

and Raina (1981) descriptions. Larvae of each instar were exposed to

N. nyemitawus adults for two periods of exposure: 24 and 48 h. They

were transferred into the central shoot of the plants with a fine camel

brush. After transferring the larvae, a two day-old mated female adult

N. nyemitawus was placed in each cage. To obtain two day-old female

parasitoids, newly emerged females on the same day were kept in a

separate cage with two > 24 h old males. Adult parasitoids were fed on

a medium consisting of 1/3 honey and 2/3 distilled water. A 5 cm

diameter Petri dish containing cotton with distilled water was also put

in the cage. The diet was replaced every second day. After each

treatment, the sorghum plants were removed and dissected. Each shoot

fly larva was then removed and transferred to 30 ml plastic cups with

perforated lids (model Priee Daxxion, Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada)

containing 1 9 of Singh's et al. (1983) diet. The diet was replaced

every second day .

Observations were made daily untn the parasitoids emerged.

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Larvae dyi ng in the course of the experiments were di ssected in

Ringer's solution to detect the presence of eggs, larvae or pupac of

the parasitoids.

To study the searching behavior of female N. nyemHawus, one

parasitoid female was placed in a cage containing five sorghum plants

and one to two day-old second instar of shoot fly as follow: 1) five

larvae on each sorghum plant, 2) five larvae placed on the soil

adjacent to the sorghum plants, and 3) five larvae placed on the soil

near a 10 x 20 mm piece of sorghum leaf. Treatments were repeated nine

times. Observations were made for one hour on how the adult female

explored the plant, inserted its ovipositor as well as the time

required to move From one plant to another.

A cage containing up to two day-old N. nyemitawus adults (males

and females) was used to provide material for dissection. Second and

third intars shoot fly larvae were placed on the sorghum plant. After

exposure to adult parasitoid females, larvae were dissected daily ln

Ringer's solution to observe the number of eggs laid, larvae and pupae.

The number of days from 1) the date of infestation to the death of A.

soccata larvae, 2) the date of infestation to the emergence of adult

parasitoids, 3) the time from death of A. soccata larvae to· adult

parasitoid emergence, and 4) the longevity of adult parasitoids were

recorded .

Specimens were identified by Dr. J. Lasalle from the

International Institute of Entomology, London. Voucher specimens were

deposited in the Lyman Museum, Macdonald Campus of McGill University,

Sa inte-Anne de Bellevue, Québec, Canada, and at the Bi osystemat ic

Research Center, Ottawa, Canada.

Data were analyzed using ANOVA two factors and Scheffé's test of

Page 199: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


the software SuperANOVA (version 1.1 for the Macintosh Computer)

(Abacus Concepts Inc. 1989).


Significant differences of parasitism were observed with respect

to instars (F = 217; df = 2, 18; P < 0.0001), period of exposure (F =

44.37; df = l, 18; p < 0.0001) and the interaction instars - period of

exposure (F = 34.94; df = 2, 18; P < 0.0001) (Table 28). The second

instar was most heavily parasitized, followed by the first instar

exposed 48 h (Table 28). Table 29 gives the mean number of days from

oviposition to adult emergence; from egg to A. soccata larval death;

from time of A. soccata parasitized larvae dying to adult emergence;

from egg to adult mortality and the life span of adults.

The parasitoid female used its antennae to explore the sorghum

plant. She started to inspect leaves adjacent to the point of exit of

the central shoot. She sometimes entered the central shoot to detect

the presence of a shoot fly l arva. When a l arva was l ocated, the

parasitoid started probing for a host by applying its ovipositor tip to

the plant tissues. She then bent her abdomen and stroked the plant

several times (8 to 13) with her ovipositor. If there was a resistance

to penetration, the female moved the ovipositor around the sorghum

plant stem until she found a suitable penetration site. She then

inserted her ovipositor into the plant tissues. Exploring and

oviposition after plant penetration usually took about 10 minutes and

then the female would relocate. During oviposition, the female held

the plant ~lith all six legs, the fore and middle legs being less mobile'

than the hind legs. Although we did not quantify the time spent by the

female parasitoid on each sorghum plant part, sorghum stems received time than leaves. Upper leaves were used for resting when

Page 200: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


the parasitoid fini shed laying an egg. In general, foraging on the

sorghum plant started from top to bottom, the larva being found usually

in the base of the plant. The behavior of N. nyemitawus was

characterized by continuous movements, turning, and exploring the whole

plant from top to bottom with its antennae. This behavior may be

divided in four phases: 1) exploring, 2) ovipositor insertion, 3)

oviposition, and 4) resting.

There was neither attraction nor attack when larvae were exposed

on the soil. When a piece of leaf was put adjacent to a larva, the

female parasitoid flew around but never touched the larvae. Wh en

larvae crawled and entered into the central shoot, the female started

to examine the sorghum plant.

Usually one egg was laid per larva, but two eggs per larva were

observed once in 30 observations. The egg was deposited between the

7th and 8th abdominal segments of the shoot fly larva. No A. soccata

adult emerged from parasitized larvae. Parasitoid pupa occupied the

whole body of the shoot fly larva, leaving about 0.3 to 0.5 mm in each



The first and second instars of the shoot fly last 1- 3 days at

30° C (Raina, 1981). This suggests that at 26 ·C, the first and second

instars parasitized would still remain in their instar by the time they

were parasitized. The high rate of parasitism of second and, to a

lesser extent, third instars indicated that the female parasitoid can

distinguish the size ·of its hosto The first-instars are smaller and

more slender than second and third instars (Raina, 1981), and size is

a physical cue used by insect parasitoids in host selection and

location (Vinson, 1985). The lack of attraction to the first instar and

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the low percentage of parasitism on third instar, suggested that the

size of shoot fly larva is used as a physical cue. Richerson and

DeLoach (1972) also found that different sized beetles influenced the

choice of Peri7itus coccine77ae Schrank (Braconidae). Other physical

cues used by insect paras i toi ds inc1ude sound, vi brat ion, shape,

texture and electromagnetic radiation (Vinson, 19B5). Movements of the

shoot fly larva in the sorghum stem might stimulate the parasitoid in

host attack. Another physical cue might be the sorghum plant itself, as

no larva moving outside the sorghum stem was examined or attacked by N.

nyemitawus. Insects often use environmental cues (abiotic and biotic

factors) to direct their searching when cues from resources cannot be

detected (Bell 1991). For instance, females of Diaeretie77a rapae

Mclntosh (Braconidae), parasitoids of cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne

brassicae L. are attracted by plant odour, and col our, of the leaves

(Bell, 1991). The pieces of leaves here put adjacent to A. soccata

larvae might have stimulated N. nyemitawus searching.

Chemical cues play the greatest role in host location by

parasitoids (Vinson 1985, Vet and Dicke 1992), physical factors being

more important at host examination level (Vinson, 1985). Vet and Dicke

(1992) reviewed the ecology of infochemical used by natural enemies and

stated that herbivores have to feed and defecate, resulting in emission

of volatiles that may attract parasitoids. Although these mechanisms

have not been investigated in this study, a characteristic odor

escaping from the dead heart was noted. More detailed a:ld critical

experimentation is required to determine the nature of both physical

and ehemieal eues in the case of N. nyemitawus. The eharaeteristic odor

from the dead heart might be an important eue to investigate .

The duration of life-eyele. parameters of N. nyemitawus sueh as

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the mean number of days from oviposition to adult emergence, from egg

to adult mortality and the life span of adults here reported may help

to implement the use of programmed releases i.e. timing of releases.

After the parasitoid laid its eggs, the A. soccata larva took 5

to 12 days (average = 8, n = 30) to die. Taley and Thakare (1979)

reported that the shoot fly larvae became inactive when the parasitoid

larva was in its third or fourth instar. This clearly indicates that

dead heart formation cannot be avoided before or after shoot fly larva

parasitization, as damage is still done by the parasitized larvae.

The cage and the medium were effective in rearing N. nyemitawus

adults as the average life span was 21.65 days. The maximum life span

of an adult female parasitoid was 51 days.

Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus was an effective shoot fly endo­

larval parasitoid as no adult shoot flies emerged from parasitized

larvae. Zongo et al. (1992) concluded that shoot fly control methods

should be implemented before dead heart formation. Although N.

nyemitawus cannat prevent dead heart formation, it may be of potential

use in reducing shoot fly populations during a cropping season.

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Abacus Concepts Inc. (1989) SuperANOVA, Accessible General Linear

Modelin9, Berkeley, California, 316 p.

Bell, W.J. (1991) Searchin9 behaviour. The behavioural ecology of

finding resources. Chapman and Hall, London, 358 pp.

Deeming, J. C. (1971) Sorne species of Atherigana Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) from Northern Nigeria, with special reference to those

injurious to cereal crops. B~77. Entama7. Res., 61, 133-190.

Del obel , A. (1983) Etude des facteurs déterminant l'abondance des

populations de la mouche du sorgho, Atherigana saccata Rondani

(Diptères, Muscidae). Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat, Université de

Paris Sud, Centre d'Orsay. ORSTOM, Paris, 127 pp.

De V. Graham, M.W.R. (1987) A reclassification of the European

Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), with a revision of

certain genera. Bu 77 • Brit. Mus. (Natura7 Histary), EntamaI.

Series 55, 55-69.

Gahukar, R.T. (1990) Overview of insect pest management in cereals

crops in sub-Saharan West Africa. Indian J. Entama7. 52, 125­


Kundu, G.G. and Kishore, P. (1972) New host record of Atherigana

naqvii Steyskal (Anthomyiidae: Diptera) from India t0gether with

new record of i ts three Hymenopterous paras i tes. l ndi an J.

Entama7. 34, 80-81.

Nwanze, K.F. (1985) Sorghum insect pests in West africa pp. 37-43, In

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics

(ICRISAT). Proceedings of the International Sorghum Entomology

Workshop, 15-21 July 1984. Texas A & M University, College'

Station, TX, USA. Patancheru, India.

Page 204: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Raina, A.K. (1981) Movement, feeding behaviour and growth of larvae of

the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigana saeeata. Inseet. Sei. Applie.

2, 77-8l.

Rawat, R.R. and Sahu, H.R. (1968) New records of Tetrastiehus

nyemitawus Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) as a parasite of

Atherigona sp., the wheat stem fly in Madhya Pradesh. Indian J.

Entamai. 3D, 319.

Richerson, J.V. and DeLoach, C.J. (1972) Sorne aspects of hast selection

by Perilitus eaeeinellae. Ann. Entamai. Sac. Am. 65, 834-839.

Rohwer, S.A. (1921) Descriptions of new chalcidid flies from

Coimbatore (S. India). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist 7, 123-135 [Rev.

Appl. Ent. (A): 136].

Singh, P., Unnithan, G.C. and Delobel, A.G.L. (1983) An artificial

diet for sorghum shoot fly larvae. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 33, 122­


Taley, Y.M. and Thakare, K.R. (1979) Biology of seven new

hymenopterous parasitoids of Atherigana soeeata Rondani. Indian

J. agrie. Sei. 49, 344-354.

Vet, L.E.M. and Dicke, M. (1992) Ecology of i nfochemi cal use by

natural enemies in a tritrophic context. Annu. Rev. Entamai. 37,


Vinson, S.B. (1985) The behavior of parasitoids, pp. 417-469. III

Kerkut, G.A. and Gilbert, L.I. (eds.). Comprehensive Insect

Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Vol. 9, Behaviour.

Pergamon Press, New York.

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Young, W.R. (1981) Fifty-five years 0; research on the sorghum

shootfly. Inseet Sei. App7ie., 2, 3-9.

Zon90, J.O., Vincent, C. and Stewart, R.K. (1992) Time-sequential

sampl ing of the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soeeata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. Inseet Sei. App7ie. (ln

press) .

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10.7. TABLES


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• 177

Table 28. Mean percentages of larval parasitism in relation to period

of exposure to Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus.

First instar24 0.00 0.0048 46.25 5.15

Second instar24 68.75 4.2748 85.00 2.04

Third instar24 17 .50 3.2248 8.75 2.39

A. soccata larval stage/time of exposure (h)

% parasitism'(n • 10 larvaeper replicate)


, Mean of 4 replicates; F-value of the interaction larval instar-timeof exposure being 34.94; df = 2, 18; and p < 0.0001 .

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• 178

Table 29. Ouration of l ife-cycle parameters of Neotrichoporoidesnyemitawus in the l aboratory (26 (± 1) 0 C, 75% R.H. (± 2) and12:12 (llO).

Mean duration Standardlife-cycle stage in days (n z 30) error

Egg to adult emergence 20.33 4.77

• Egg to A. soccata parasitized 8.06 2.37larva dying

A. soccata parasitized larval 11.43 0.66mortality to adult emergence

Egg to adult mortality 41.50 12.42

Adult l ife span 21.56 10.41

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. '



In chapter 4, l concluded that sorghum shoot fly control measures

should be taken before dead heart formation. In Chapter 8, l found that

Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae),

an egg parasitoid, could reduce shoot fly eggs during the susceptible

stage of sorghum.

Seven to 12% of the sorghum shoot fly eggs were parasitized by

Tri chogrammatoidea simmondsi. It has been postul ated that thi s egg

parasitoid could be a potential biocontrol agent against the shoot fly.

When a potential biological control agent is identified, research on

its biology is essential to understand how. to establish a control

program. Chapter Il deals with the first study on the biology of T.

simmondsi. The objective is to determine the number of instars, adult

life span and host preference .

Page 210: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

Il Biology of Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja

(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on sorghum shoot fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Huscidae) eggs

Submitted to Entomophaga, July 1992.



Page 211: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


11.1. Abstract

Experiments were conducted in a rearing room to study the biology

of Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja (Hymenoptera:

Tri chogrammatidae) on sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondan i

(Diptera: Muscidae) eggs. Shoot fly eggs were divided in two groups:

1) eggs < 24 h old and, 2) > 24 h old eggs. Thirty eggs of each group

were used in a randomized complete block design with four replicates.

Shoot fly eggs less than 24 h old were preferred (73% of parasitism)

over 24 h old eggs (7.25%). Three larval instars of T. simmondsi were

observed. Few eggs with two T. simmondsi exi t holes (1. 87%) were

recorded in > 24 h old eggs compared with < 24 h ones (3.74%). The sex

ratio male:female was 1:1.47. The development from oviposition to adult

emergence ranged from 7 to 12 days (average = 9.8 ± 1.31, n = 40), and

the average life span of male and female T. simmondsi was 25 ± 1.46 h,

(range 22 - 26 h, n = 12) and 35.17 ± 10.9 (range 25 - 50 h, n = 28)

respectively at 26' C, 60-65% R.H. and 12:12 (LlO) photoperiod. This

paper constitutes the first published information on the biology of T.

simmondsi on the sorghum shoot fly .

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Il.2. Introduction

The Trichogrammatidae, whose species attack eggs of various

insects, i s a large Family of economi c importance (Nagarkatt i and

Nagaraja, 1977). The genus Trichogrammatoidea contains about 18

species recorded from different countries (Nagarkatti and Nagaraja,

1977) . Pi ntureau and Babault (1988) li sted six Afri can speci es

including Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi Nagaraja which has been recorded

in Ghana and Malawi. Feijen and Schulten (1981) recorded T. simmondsi

on eggs of Diopsis macrophtha7ma Dalm. (= thoracica Westwood) (Diptera:

Diopsidae), an insect pest of rice in Malawi. They also found that

other rice insect pests such as Chi70 parte77us Swinhoe (Lepidoptera:

Pyralidae) and Sepedon angu7aris (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) were

alternative hosts of T. simmondsi. T. simmondsi was also recorded on

sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) eggs

in Burkina Faso (Zongo et a7. unpublished data). Establishing a time­

sequential sampling plan for the sorghum shoot fly, Zongo et a7. (1992)

concluded that control measures against A. socci!ta should be taken

before dead heart formation. Studying the effect of intercropping

sorghum-cowpea on natural enemies of A. soccata, (Zongo et aJ.

unpublished data) found that egg natural enemies such as

Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi, T. bactrae, Trichogramma spp., Tapinoma

sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Abro7ophus sp. (Acari: Erythraeidae),

Fusarium sp., and Corynebacterium sp., could be appropriate candidates

as they prevent the eclosion of shoot fly larvae, which are responsible

for dead heart formation. They found 7 to 12.30% of eggs parasitism

caused by T. simmondsi in the field and postulate that T. simmondsi

could be a potential biological control agent against A. soccata.

No work has been published on the biology of this parasitoid on

Page 213: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


A. soccata. Therefore, the present study was carried out to provide

basic information for use in a biological control program against the

sorghum shoot fly.

Il.3. Materials and Methods

Experiments were conducted in an incubator set at 26° C, 60-65%

R.H. and 12:12 (L/D) photoperiod. Parasitoids were obtained at

Matourkou from shoot fly eggs collected from sorghum fields SONn at

weekly intervals. The eggs were placed on a piece (1.5 x 8 cm) of

filter paper wetted with 10 droplets of distilled wa'~r, inserted in

vials (5 x 10 cm) and kept in the incubator.

To feed emerging adults, a diet comprising 1/3 honey and 2/3

distilled water was streaked inside the vials using a fine camel brush.

Adult parasitoids emerging on the same day were transferred to a common

vial using a fine camel brush.

A. soccata adults were obtained by rearing third instar larvae

using Singh et a7.'s (1983) diet. Third instar larvae from the field

were identified using Deeming's (1971) and Raina's (1981) descriptions.

A. soccata adults were maintained using Soto's (1972) methods. Sorghum

plants were grown in 18 cm diameter plastic pots. To obtain shoot fly

eggs, a plastic pot containing five to ten 14-day old sorghum plants

was kept in 40 x 40 x 40 cm screened cage in an insectarium. Five to

ten A. soccata females were then released between 7:00 and 8:00 h in

each cage for egg laying. After laying, the eggs were divided in two

groups: 1) eggs < 24 h old and, 2) > 24 h old eggs. To obtain > 24 h

old eggs, the sorghum plants were removed from the cage after egg

laying and transferred in another cage without A. soccata females for

24 h. Thirty eggs of each group were used in a randomized complete

black design with four replicates. Each group of eggs was kept in 5 x

Page 214: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


la cm vials. The eggs were exposed to two couples of T. simmondsi

adults of the same age until the parasitoids died.

Shoot fly larvae and parasitoids emerging from eggs were

recorded. Two weeks after egg exposure to the parasitoids, all

remaining eggs were dissected in Ringer's solution using two fine pins

under a binocular microscope to detect unemerged parasitoids.

To study the development of the parasitoid, 40 parasitized shoot

fly eggs were kept each in a 2.5 x 9.5 cm vial. The number of days

from egg to adult emergence and from adult emergence to adult mortality

was recorded per hour from 7 to 12 h and from 15 to 17 h.

To distinguish instars, parasitized eggs of the same age were

dissected daily; larvae were removed and larval instars identified

using the length, col our and form. Pupae were removed and described.

Specimens were identified by Dr. B. Pintureau, INSA,

Vi 11 eurbanne, Lyon, France. Voucher specimens were deposited at the

Lyman Museum, Macdonald College of McGill University, Sainte-Anne de

Bell evue, Québec, and at the Bi osystematic Research Center, Ottawa,


Data were analyzed using Scheffé's test of the software

SuperANOVA (version 1.1 for the Macintosh Computer) (Abacus Concepts

Inc. 1989).

11.4. Results

The T. simmondsi egg is white and fusiform. The larva is white

with the posterior end bulged and becomes more opaque with age. Three

instars were observed. The first instar is more slender than the

second. The second instar is shorter and thicker than the third instar.

The third instar can be distinguished from the second by the dark color

well developed in the posterior part and by the size. In first and

Page 215: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

• '


second instars, the segmentation is not clear. The third instar has a

distinct head.

The pupa is exarate ar,d distinct. The eyes and ocell i are red.

Wh en there were two individuals per A. soccata egg, the pupal heads

were orientated to each pole of the egg or opposed to other.

Significant differences were observed with respect to egg age (F

= 344; df = 1,3; P < 0.0001). Eggs less than 24 h old were more

successfully parasitized (73%) than those > 24 h old (7.25%) (Table

30). Two days after parasitization, A. soccata eggs became more opaque.

Table 31 shows the size of T. simmondsi immature stages.

Fewer eggs with two exit holes were recorded in > 24 h old eggs

compared with < 24 h old eggs (Table 30). The averall sex ratio

male:female was 1:1.47 .

The duration of each stadium was not measured, but the

development time from egg to adult emergence ranged from 7 to 12 days

(avel'age = 9.8 ± 1.31, n = 40). The average life span of male and

female T. simmondsi was 25 ± 1.46 h, (range' 22 - 26 h, n = 12) and

35.17 ± 10.9 (range 25 - 50 h, n = 28) respectively.

Il.5. Discussion

Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi successfully parasitized shoot fly

eggs aged less than 24 h old. Specifie colors are included in

electromagnetic radiation and are used as physical eues by parasitoids

(Vinson, 1985). A. soccata eggs aged less than 24 h old were whiter

than older ones. This difference could be a physical cue used by the

parasitoid to distinguish its hosts. Takahashi and Pimentel (1967) also

reported that Nasonia vitripennis Walker preferred black housefly pupae

over brown ones •

We observed at most two exit holes of T. simmondsi per egg.

Page 216: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


However, longe et al. (unpublished data) recorded up to three holes

(1.63%, n = 305) from eggs collected in the field. This suggests that

superparasitism may be more prevalent in the field than in laboratory


The sex ratio (40.5% males, 59.5% females) recorded in this study

is similar to that observed by longe et al. (unpublished data) from

eggs collected in the field at Matourkou (44 %males, 56% females in

1990, and 42% males, 58% females in 1991). Feijen and Schulten (1981)

found that laboratory eggs of D. macrophtha7ma contained 81.4% females

compared with field eggs (69.6%). Based on data obtained from one

single host egg, they pointed out that T. simmondsi was probably


T. simmondsi took an average 9.8 days to develop from egg to

adult emergence. In D. macrophtha7ma eggs, T. simmondsi took Il days to

develop at 25° C (Feijen and Schulten, 1981). We found that the

average life span of an adult male and female was 25 h (range 22 - 26

h) and 35.17 h (range 25 - 50 h) respectively. Studying T. simmondsi

females at 25° C, Feijen and Schulter: (1981) reported a average l ife

span of 57.6 h.

T. simmondsi adults have a short life span. As a consequence,

shoot fly eggs shoul d be l ess than 24 h 01 d when exposed to adul t

parasitoids in a mass rearing programs. longe et al. (unpublished·

data) concluded that egg parasitoids and predators are the most

appropriate natural enemies of the sorghum shoot fly. Therefore, more

laboratory and field studies should be focused on L simmondsi to

determine its potential in controlling the sorghum shoot fly.

Page 217: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


11.6. ReferencesAbacus Concepts Inc.- 1989. SuperANOVA, accessible general linear

modeling.- Berkeley, CA., 316 p.Deeming, J. C. - 1971. Some species of Atherigona Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) from Northern Nigeria, with special reference to thoseinjurious to cereal crops. - Bull. Entomol. Res., 61, 133-190.

Feijen, H.R., &Schulten, G.G.M. - 1981. Egg parasitoids (Hymenoptera;Trichogrammatidae) of Oiopsis macrophthalma (Diptera; Diopsidae)in Malawi. - Netherlands J. Zool., 31, 381-417.

Nagarkatti, S. & Nagaraja, H. 1977. Biosystematics ofTrichogrammatidae.- Annu. Rev. Entomol., 22, 157-176.

Pintureau, B., & Babault, M. - 1988. Systématique des espècesafricaines des genres Trichogramma Westwood et TrichogrammatoideaGirault (Hym. Trichogrammatidae). - Les colloques de l'INRA, 43,97-120.

Raina, A.K. - 1981. Movement, feeding behaviour and growth of larvaeof the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata.- Insect Sci .Applic., 2, 77-81.

Singh, P., Unnithan, G.C. &Del obel , A.G.L. - 1983. An artificial dietfor sorghum shoot fly larvae. - Entomol. Exp. Appl. 33, 122-124.

Soto, P.E.- 1972. Mass rearing of the sorghum shoot fly and screeningfor host plant resistance under greenhouse conditions. In:Control of sorghum shoot fly (Jotwani, M.G. &Young W.R., eds.).- Oxford &IBH, New Delhi, 137-146.

Takahashi, F. &Pimentel, D.- 1967. Wasp preference for black-brownand hybrid-type pupae of the house fly.- Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.,60, 623-625.

Vinson, S.B. - 1985. The behavior of parasitoids. In: ComprehensiveInsect Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol. 9,Behaviour (Kerkut, G.A. &Gilbert, L.I. eds.).- Pergamon Press,New York, 417-469

Zongo, J.O., Vincent, C. & Stewart, R.K. - 1992. Time-sequentialsampl ing of the sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. Insect Sci. Applic. (Inpress) .

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11.7. TABLES


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••2 Xte





*2 Xte























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Table 31. Relative size of T. simmondsi immature stages(28' C, 60-65% R.H.).


Immature stage Length (mm) n

Mean Range

Egg 0.15 0.10 - 0.20 23

• Larval '; nstarFirst 0.22 0.20 - 0.25 13Second 0.35 0.30 - 0.40 11Third 0.55 0.40 - 0.60 19

Pupa 0.45 0.40 - 0.50 21

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In February 1986, the National Sorghum-Millet-Maize Board

(SOMIMA) during a meeting held at Kamboinsé, (near Ouagadougou, Burkina

Faso) was concerned about the lack of research on the sorghum shoot

fly. At that time, only three papers (Brenière 1972, Bonzi 1981, Bonzi

and Gahukar 1983) were published on the sorghum shoot fly in Burkina

Faso. Bonzi's (1981), and Bonzi and Gahukar's (1983) studies a110wed

identification of 28 shoot fly species, knowledge of the proportion of

two species (Atherigona soccata (14%) and A. marginifolia (36%) in a

unknown sample size in 1980, and understanding of fluctuations of shoot

fly adults during dry and rainy seasons. Brenière (1972) evaluated

shoot fly damage in the west central region and found that sorghum

seedlings were less damaged with early sowing dates. Considering the

lack of research noted by SOMIMA, this work was consequently initiated

to contribute in filling this gap.

Specifie conclusions have been drawn in each chapter of this thesis.

In considering the whole study, the main approaches investigated may be

di vi ded into four components represent ing an overa11 1PM program to

control the sorghum shoot fly: 1) monitoring populations, 2) cultural

practices, 3) natural and chemical pesticides, and 4) biological

control (Fig. 5). They constitute available techniques that may be

practiced to reduce shoot fly incidence under Burkina Faso conditions.

Monitoring shoot fly populations is an important way to'

understand the emergence pattern during the rainy season. Knowing that

shoot fly populations built up rapidly after May (Bonzi 1981), that

adult peak captures occur in August and September (Bonzi ·1981, Zongo et

al. 1991), and that peak numbers of eggs and dead hearts occur in July

and August (chapter 4, 5), sowing dates prior to June may be practiced

to avoid and reduce great losses caused by the pest. Screening dates

Page 223: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


may also be practiced in August or September to select appropriate

cultivar resistant to the shoot fly. Monitoring programs could

preferably cover regional levels including many countries. For example,

in West Africa, monitoring shoot fly populations could cover Burkina

Faso, Mali, Niger, the North of Ghana, and Togo. This could allow

coordinated action to implement shoot fly control. For example, sorghum

could be sown within a period of 2-3 weeks. The monitoring here

investigated the relative proportion of 36 species of shoot flies over

two years. This also showed that the Multi-Pher trap is effective in

monitoring the shoot fly. Thirteen species were new reports in Burkina

Faso, including a new species Atherigona zongoi Deeming (appendix 2)

that increased the total number of shoot fly species to 41. A Time­

sequential sampling program based on egg sampling, and first

establ ished for the sorghum shoot fly, is a valuable technique in

controlling this pest. This tactic allows decision to be made on

whether or not an outbreak popul ation exi sts. Consequently, control

action is made before dead heart formation. However, the field worker

must keep in mind the most susceptible stage of sorghum to shoot fly

attack, which ranged from 10 to 40 days after sowing in this study.

Cultural practices here examined demonstrated that among the 52

local sorghum cultivars, none was resistant to shoot fly compared with

the resistant cultivar IS 2123 from the USA. This indicated that work

should be done on breeding sorghum against the shoot fly using the

cultivar IS 2123 or other appropriate resistant cultivar as source of

resistance. Although intercropping sorghum-cowpea was not conclusive in

reducing shoot fly damage at all times, it gave an agronomic advantage

in obtaining good yields of both crops. (chapter 5). Intercropping

sorghum-cowpea increased the number of Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus, a

Page 224: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


shoot fly larval parasitoid, and five species of spider (Araneus sp.

Meioneta prosectes, Misumenops sp., Neoscona sp., and Steatcda badia).

Therefore, this practice could be done to augment or conserve these

natural enemies (chapters 8, 9).

The cultural practices are the least expensive tactics for

farmers based on their present knowledge and agricultural income.

However, they require careful timing and unified action by farmers. In

chapter 5, l found that shoot fly damage was lower (6.47% and 10.20%

~espectively in 1988 and 1989) when sorghum was sown on June 20 than

sowing dates after June 20. Therefore, l recommended that sorghum be

sown prior to June 20 in an unified action to avoid great losses caused

by the shoot fly. My recommendation could be more effective if farmers

from the same locality in cooperation with extension service applied

it. It is well known that staggering sowing dates of sorghum during the

cropping season favors shoot fly population outbreaks (Nwange 1988,

ICRISAT 1983). This supports the previous recommendation that sorghum

be sown at the same time for the same locality or when possible on a

regional basis. Hill (1989) pointed out that cultural practices are

valuable"control tactics but need implementation by governmental poliçy

and legislation, more research, training and publ ic education. In

Burkina Faso, the government could take measures favoring the

application of the classic system Research-Demonstration-Training.

This system would provide a secure knowledge base and access to

appropriate technologies. For example, broadcasting the results here

found on a large scale through the extension service could improve the

transfer of shoot fly technology to the farmer level.

The cultural practices discussed in this thesis could be

particularly useful when integrated with monitoring shoot fly

Page 225: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


popul at ions, sequenti al sampli ng, and the use of natural insect ici de

such as neem seed kernel extracts found to be effective in reducing egg

numbers and dead heart incidence (chapter 7). As stated in chapter 7,

neem tree grows well in all parts of Burkina Faso and thus could be an

appropriate component of an IPM program for farmers who have generally

low sorghum income and capital. For instance, 1 kg of neem would cost

50 F CFA comparing with 1 kg of carbofuran, which currently costs 1600

F CFA. Cultural practices may also be integrated with the use of

carbofuran, an effective chemical pesticide against the shoot fly.

However, this integration should be done when delayed planting entails

outbreak populations of eggs on a large scale during the cropping

season. The carbofuran treatment could be applied particularly in

larger scale farming where intensification of agriculture is better

than in smallholder farming.

Biological control, the fourth component investigated in this

study, offers a potential for implementing a sorghum shoot fly control

program. Important biocontrol agents such as egg natural enemies

(Fusarium sp. , Corynebacterium sp. , Tapinona sp. , and

Trichogrammatoidea simmondsi), larval parasitoids (Bracon sp., and

Hockeria sp.) were first recorded (chapter B). Other natural enemies

namely Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus, a larval parasitoid, and various

spider groups were also recorded (chapters 8, 9). These natural

enemies add to the existing wide range of shoot fly natural enemies.

Although these findings could not be directly applied to the farmer

level at the present time, they constitute an important step forward in

the implementation of biological control of the shoot fly. Potential

biocontrol agents such as T. simmondsi (7 to 12% of parasistism) and N.

nyemitawus (6 to 17% of parasistism) were identified with subsequent

Page 226: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


studies on their biology. The studies revealed for the first time that

these parasitoids could be easily reared with low inputs (chapters 10,

11). Important quest ions such as wh i ch instar of the shoot fl y i s

susceptible, and how long are the parasitic stages have been answered

(chapters 10, Il). More research should be pursued in the laboratory

as well as in field conditions to improve possible timing of releasing

parasitoids, and to determine the potential of microbiocontrol agents.

In summary, the sorghum shoot fly control program shoul d be

focused on eggs before dead heart formation. Several tactics could be

transferred to the farmer level with an emphasis on cultural practices,

the use of neem seed extracts, and time-sequenti al sampl i ng. Thi s

transfer needs multidiscipl inary intervention in which researchers,

extension service personnel and politicians should play an important


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Figure 5. Approaches to sorghum shoot fly IPM investigated in this


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Page 258: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Appendix 1-

Manuscripts and Presentations Based on this Thesis.

Scientific publications

1) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent, R.K. Stewart 1991. Monitoring Sorghum Shoot

Fly Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) and Related

Species in Burkina Faso. Tropical Pest Management 37 (3),


2) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent, R.K. Stewart 1992. Time-sequential

Sampling of Sorghum Shoot Fly Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. Insect Science and its

Application (In press).

3) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent, R.K. Stewart 1992. Effects of Neem Seed

Kernel Extracts on Egg and Larval Survival of the Sorghum Shoot

Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of

Applied Entomology (In press).

4) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent, R.K. Stewart 1992. Effects of Intercropping

Sorghum-Cowpea on Natural Enemies of the Sorghum Shoot Fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) in Burkina Faso.

Biological Agriculture &Horticulture (In press).

Papers submitted

1) Zongo, J.O., R.K. Stewart, C. Vincent. Biology of Trichogrammatoidea

simmondsi Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on Sorghum

Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) eggs.

Entomophaga, July 1992.

2) Zongo, J.O., R.K. Stewart, C. Vincent. Parasitism of Sorghum Shoot

Fly Larvae, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae) by

Neotrichoporoides nyemitawus Rohwer (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae).

Insect Science and its Application, July 1992.

Page 259: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Papers to be submitted

1) Zongo, J.O., R.K. Stewart, C. Vincent. Spider Fauna in Pure Sorghum

and Intercropped Sorghum-Cowpea in Burkina Faso. Journal of

Applied Entomology.

2) Zongo, J.O., R.K. Stewart, C. Vincent. Influence of Cultural

Practices on Sorghum Yields and Incidence of Sorghum Shoot Fly,

Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso.

Sahel Phytoprotection.

3) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent, R.K. Stewart. Screening of Local Cultivars

for Resistance to Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptera: Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. Sahel Phytoprotection.

Miscellaneous papers

1) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent et R.K. Stewart 1989. Etudes sur la mouche

des pousses du sorgho grain Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) dans l'Ouest Burkina, pp. 48-62. In Rapport de synthèse

de la campagne 1988-1989. Min. Agric. El.evage., Dir. Agric.,

Service Protection des Végétaux, Laboratoire de Recherches

Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

2) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent et R.K. Stewart 1990. Etudes sur la mouche

des pousses du sorgho grain Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) dans l'Ouest Burkina: résultats sommaires de 1989.

In Rapport de synthèse de la campagne 1988-1989. Min. Agric.

Elevage., Dir. Agric., Service Protection des Végétaux,

Laboratoire de Recherches Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

3) Zongo, J.O., C. Vincent et R.K. Stewart 1991. Dépistage et

abondance relative des Muscidés (Atherigona spp. Rondani)

associées au sorgho grain cultivé au Burkina Faso. SAHEL PV

. INFO Bulletin d'Information en Protection des Végétaux de

Page 260: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


l'UCTR/PV (Bamako, Mali), 37: 11-16.

Oral presentations

1) longo, J.O., C. Vincent et R.K. Stewart 1990. Efficacité de quatre

types de pièges pour la capture d'Atherigona soccata Rondani

(Diptère: Muscidae) et effets de quelques pratiques culturales

sur ses dégâts au Burkina Faso. Deuxième Séminaire sur la lutte

intégrée contre les ennemis des cultures vivrières dans le Sahel

tenue à Bamako (Mali) du 4 au 9 Janvier 1990.

2) longo, J.O., C. Vincent, R.K. Stewart 1991. Sequential Samplin9 of

Sorghum Shoot Fly Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae), in Burkina Faso. Major Symposium on Exotic Pests In

Africa; their Prevention and Control. 9th Meeting and Scientific

Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientists 23rd­

27th September 1991, Legon, Accra, Ghana.

Poster presentations

1) longo, J.O., C. Vincent et R.K. Stewart 1990. Dépistage de la mouche

des pousses du sorgho, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera:

Muscidae) au Burkina Faso. Annual meeting, Entomological

Society of Canada, Banff, Alberta, 7-10 octobre 1990.

2) longo, J.O., C. Vincent, R.K. Stewart 1992. Effects of Neem Seed

Kernel Extracts on Egg and Larval Survival of the Sorghum Shoot

Fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). XIX

International Congress of Entomology, June 28 - July 4, 1992,

Beijing, China.

Page 261: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

• 230

Appendix z.Atherigona zongoi: trifoliate process and hypopygial prominence;

morphological characters used for identification' •


• a)


Aih09ona. ~n.3.0i sp.n.

A): trifoliate process; l ~entral Vi2W, Z profile.

B): hypopygial prominence; l apical view, Z profile.

1 Drawing by J.C. Deeming, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, U.K .

Page 262: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on


Appendix 3.

Sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata: adult, immature stages and


Page 263: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

\.~ ">.'

.. '. ~

...... '. '.'~


"\'" '::'~.~;''',: .,'

.'~':: .,','


'. ,


.: '

•Adult fly

Egg on a piece of sorghum leaf

Page 264: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

Larva: third instar

Damaged pl~nt~and tillers


Page 265: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

Appendix 4.

233 •

Copyright waiver given by Tropical Pest Management rel ated to the

publ ication of "Monitoring Adult Sorghum Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccata •

Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), and Related Species In Burkina Faso" by

Zongo et al. (1991).

Page 266: Canada · 2009. 7. 2. · Andrew Frowd, François Fournier, and Doulaye Traoré for their pleasant company. 2) Burkina Faso Dr. Dona Dakouo, INERA, Farako-Bâ, for suggestions on

Taylor & Francis LtdInlt"I"J'UZlional SciOflific and Educalional Publishm. London and W'oshmglon, De

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4 John Street, London WCIN 2ET, UK. Tel: +44 (0)71405 2237 Telex: 858540 Fax: 071 8312035

19 June 1992

Joanny 0 ZongoMacdonald College of McGil! UniversityDepartment of Entomology21 111 LakeshoreSt-Anne-de-BellevueQuebecCanada H9X 1CO


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Qa&rmu Proln~B.R. CoinSOS,., D.PIUt, .F.JruI.P••F.R.s.

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