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737 S. Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010 [email protected] 610-527-3230

Hill Top Summer Camp2009

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Hill Top Summer Camp is a day camp for boys and girls ages 8-17 with diagnoses that may include a wide array of Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Non-verbal Learning Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Sensory Integration issues and difficulty with social skills. Campers participate in an active, highly structured program that facilitates social connections through play and skill development. During the academic year, Hill Top Preparatory School serves students with similar profiles of our campers. Hill Top Preparatory School has embraced students with learning differences for over 30 years and we are pleased to be bringing our expertise to Hill Top Summer Camp.

Located on 25 beautiful acres, Hill Top Summer Camp’s facilities include a swimming pool, air condi-tioned high-tech classrooms, athletic fields a multi-purpose court, a state-of-the-art indoor gymna-sium, rock climbing wall, a well equipped art facility, science labs and many amenities to be expected of a top notch educational facility. We provide a low staff-to-camper ratio, yet are able to incorporate the diverse interests of our campers into our camp program.


Our goal at Hill Top Summer Camp is to empower campers with the tools to develop their social cognition through providing a structured, consistent, and supportive environment and; by setting firm, clear limits and goals in an atmosphere of respect and acceptance. We embrace individuality yet believe that it is essential for campers to learn the recreational, social and independent life skills to be part of a peer group. We empower our campers to make friends, succeed in a team activity, and can make great contributions to our camp community as well as their home and school communities.


We believe that in order for campers to develop friendships and get along with others they must be taught how to think socially so they can learn to behave age appropriately in social situa-tions. This approach, often referred to as “social coaching” fosters self-confidence, maturity and a connection to each other. Each week, campers choose a goal which focuses on improving one of their social skills. These goals are discussed each morning during a brief “check-in” time. Rather than sitting in a group discussing social skills, campers are actively “coached” throughout the camp day. This experiential approach to teaching social competency is the core of our success in helping campers to develop social competency.


Hill Top Summer Camp consists of three separate divisions, each specifically designed to meet the developmental, social and recreational needs of campers in that age group. Divisions are separated by grade level. The Junior Division is for campers entering 2nd through 5th grade, the Intermediate Division is for campers entering grades 6th through 8th and our Senior Division is for campers entering 9th through 11th grade. Academic remediation or enrichment is offered to students who require need support in the areas of language arts and math during the summer. Each academic period will replace one period per day, per subject. Please note that the sched-ules shown are examples and subject to change.

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737 S. Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010 [email protected] 610-527-3230

JUNIOR DIVISION Campers entering grades 2nd -5th

9:00-9:30 Arrival & Check-In9:30-10:05 Athletic Clinic10:05-11:05 Instructional Swim & Snack11:05-11:40 Outdoor Life11:40-12:15 Team Sports12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:20 Cooperative Games1:20-2:00 Recreational Swim & Pool Games2:00-2:50 Elective2:55-3:15 Snack, Check-Out & Group Choice game3:15-3:30 Dismissal

LUNCH AND SNACK Campers bring their lunch each day, healthy snacks are provided twice a day by camp. Each Friday is cook out day where campers are not required to bring lunch to camp.

HILL TOP SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITIESAthletic Instruction: Our athletic program is designed to address the needs of all campers by dividing campers into small groups based on their skill level. Our athletic program focuses on funda-mental skill building, having fun and good sportsmanship.

Instructional Swim: Swimming is regarded as one of the best activities to develop physical coor-dination and endurance. Our American Red Cross certified swim program allows campers to be taught in classes that meet their skill level and advance accordingly. Campers are also provided with a recre-ational “free” swim period each day.

Creative Arts: We encourage creative thought in all areas and are proud to be able to offer our campers the experience of working in an array of creative mediums. Our creative arts facility includes ceramics, a photography dark room as well as space for creating just about anything. Visiting artists will also come to work with campers.

Outdoor Life: Camp just wouldn’t be camp unless we got some dirt on us! Our Outdoor Life pro-gram includes camp-craft, ecology and environmental awareness to promote a respect for our environ-ment. Campers will get to rock climb on our indoor rock wall.

Cooperative Games: Learning how to be part of a team is a skill beneficial to any child and in par-ticular children with social skill needs. During cooperative game periods campers learn to negotiate, listen to each other, problem solve and understand what it means to be part of a group which shares a common goal.

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HILL TOP SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITIESLife Skills & Community Service (Senior Division): The Life Skills program is designed to help campers develop independence, self confidence and competency in independent skills. Some of the areas covered in Life Skills include money management, self-care and household skills. Campers will also participate in a community service project 2-3 times per week and will be granted a certificate of service which they may present to their school to count towards commu-nity service credit hours. Electives: Each camper has the opportunity to select elective periods which run the duration of the week. Electives are created by our staff who bring an incredibly diverse range of skills and talents. Elective choices may include: movie making, computer animation and strength training.

Academic Remediation and Enrichment: An optional program addressed to meet the needs of campers who require support or want to get an early start in language arts and math during the summer. Taught by certified teachers, academic remediation follows the recommenda-tions made by student’s teachers or a general remediation program to help strengthen areas of need. Each academic remediation period occurs for one period during the camp day.

Check In/Check Out: Each week campers will choose a goal that is focused on improving their social competency. Morning Check-In will include a brief meeting in which campers are sup-ported in choosing a goal and discussing strategies to work towards their goal that day. Campers are encouraged to offer and receive suggestions from their bunk mates. Afternoon Check-Out is a time for campers to receive positive feedback from their counselors and peers about their day.

Early Care and Late CareWe are happy to provide a supervised early care from 8:00-9:00 each morning and a late care pro-gram from 3:30-6:00 for Junior and Intermediate division campers. You may pay for early and late care per session or on an as-needed basis. Please make off on our enrollment application if you plan to utilize either service.

INTERMEDIATE DIVISION Campers entering grades 6th-8th

9:00-9:30 Arrival & Check-In9:30-10:05 Woodshop10:05-11:40 Capoeira (Brazilian martial arts game) and Snack11:40-12:15 Instructional Swim or Team Sports12:15- 12:45 Lunch12:45-1:35 Elective 11:35-2:25 Elective 22:25-3:00 Recreational Swim & Pool Games3:00-3:15 Snack & Check-Out3:15-3:30 Dismissal

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737 S. Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010 [email protected] 610-527-3230

SENIOR DIVISION Campers entering grams 9th-11th

9:00-9:30 Arrival & Check-In9:30-10:20 Elective 1 10:20-11:10 Elective 2 10:05-11:40 Team Sports or Cooperative Games 11:40-12:15 Elective 312:15- 12:45 Lunch12:45-1:35 Life Skills or Community Service Project1:35-2:25 Life Skills or Community Service Project2:25-3:00 Recreational Swim & Pool Games3:00-3:15 Snack & Check-Out 3:15-3:30 Dismissal

IMPORTANT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSWho works at Hill Top Summer Camp?During the academic year our Senior Staff members work as special education teachers, counselors and in other professions working closely with students di-agnosed with learning differences. Our Senior Staff are always there to help out campers who may be struggling or need a little T.L.C. Our Counselors include Hill Top alumni, undergraduate and graduate students who have demonstrated the patience, positive attitude, leadership skills and enthusiasm to help our kids make social connections, try new things and have a great time at camp.

Is it ok if my child only participates in the activities he enjoys and reads the rest of the time?While many children feel a sense of mastery over one subject or activity our goal is to increase and improve the quality of social interaction as well as recreational skills by offering a diverse program of activities. Our goal at Hill Top Summer Camp is to improve the quantity and quality of social connection. We do expect campers to participate in all activities and we provide gentle encouragement and support to help campers develop new skills.

My child needs to take medicine during the day, can you accommodate him?We have a full-time nurse on campus during the camp day. In the event of an emergency, we are located less than 2 miles from Bryn Mawr Hospital.

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Isn’t it better for my child to attend a traditional camp that may offer a special needs program so he can learn social skills from kids who are more socially mature? While sending kids with complex learning differences to a traditional camp or to a special needs program at a traditional camp sounds good in theory, the reality is most children are not able to develop social cognition simply by be-ing included with the general population. To be successful, they need a pro-gram that will directly teach them how to think socially and make decisions based on social competency. This is what Hill Top Summer Camp can offer and what makes us the right choice for families seeking a successful summer camp experience for their child.

Can we try camp for a week? Campers must commit to attending a two week session. It is highly recom-mended in order to generalize skills learned in our program campers attend at least two sessions of camp. Due to the overwhelming response we have been fortunate to receive already we expect enrollment to fill up very quickly. Early registration is highly recommended. Please note that campers do not need to attend sequential sessions and we cannot offer discounts for abbreviated weeks.

Are campers allowed electronics/cell phones at camp? We ask that these items stay at home. They can deter learning of social skills as well as create additional responsibilities for our staff. Should a camper need to bring a cell phone it must be kept off and in their bag during the camp day. Someone is always available to answer calls during the camp day. Are we allowed to visit our child during the camp? Due to our busy, highly structured day allowing parents to visit would create a disruption for all of our campers and staff. However we do want you to see the great things your child will be doing so our website will be updated daily with pictures.

Hill Top Adventures Travel CampOpen to campers entering grades 7-11 only, summer 2009 will offer a middle school trip, a high school trip and a longer trip open to both middle and high school campers. Please note that all trips are single sex (boys) for 2009. Please fill out the enclosed application and submit the required documents. If a camper will be attending day camp as well as travel camp only one applica-tion is necessary. A $300 deposit it required to secure a spot for trips. Please note that because of the need to secure reservations, full payment for trips is due by April 1, 2009.

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A separate enrollment contract is required for each child attending Hill Top Summer Camp or Hill Top Adventures.

_____________________ and ______________________, (hereinafter “I” or “we”) hereby accept the offer of the Hill Top Summer Camp and

Hill Top Adventures to hold a place for ________________________as a Camper for the 2009 camp season in accordance with the following terms:

A. I agree to pay the camp tuition fee (“Tuition”) of $______as follows: I will provide full payment of tuition on or before May 1, 2009 or will circle my choice of payment below:

Plan 1 – PAYMENT IN FULL. This plan requires payment of 100% of the Tuition on or before May 1, 2008;Plan 2 – 60/40. This plan requires payment of 60% of the Tuition on or before May1, 2009; the remaining 40% is due on or before October1, 2009. Plan 3 – MONTHLY. This payment plan requires between 7 and 10 monthly payments. Please see Tuition Schedule for details.

A ______ non-refundable Enrollment Deposit is due upon execution of this signed Enrollment Contract.

I/we understand that I/we are jointly and severally liable for payment of the Tuition as described in Section A above, notwithstanding payment of any portion of the Tuition by any school district. If the school district should fail to meet its obligations pursuant to the Addendum attached hereto, I/we understand and agree that I/we are responsible to pay when due the entire Tuition and I/we agree to pay any other deficiency.

B. I/we agree to pay incidental fees, and all other regular charges of the camp, in addition to the Tuition above, within 30 days of receipt of the bill. A late fee of 5% will be assessed on all accounts still outstanding after thirty (30) days. I/we understand that such charges as described in this paragraph are in addition to the Tuition described above.

C. I/we agree that if any payment due under this Enrollment Contract is not made, the School may refuse to admit the Student to camp..

D. I/we agree that the camp reserves the right to dismiss or suspend the Camper at any time, including parents not supporting the policies of the school, if, in the judgment of the School Administration, such action is in the best interests of the Camp Any such action will not constitute a release from the financial obligations of this Enrollment Contract.

E. I/we agree that neither the withdrawal nor the absence of the Camper will constitute a release from the financial obligations of this Enrollment Contract. In view of this obligation, the school offers a Tuition Refund Plan. I understand

2009 Camp Tuition Total Fee Deposit Required

Full Summer: June 22 through July 31

$3,200.00 $750.00

2 Sessions (please indicate which sessions)

$2,200.00 $500.00

1 Session only(please indicate 1st, 2nd or 3rd session)

$1,200.00 $250.00

Please indicate on enrollment application which sessions your child(ren) will be attending.

HILL TOP ADVENTURES: Please call for trip intineraries and tuition.

*A 10% discount will be offered on tuition for Hill Top Preparatory School families.*A 10% discount will be offered for families with siblings attending.

* 10% is maximum discount per family.

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that this plan is available on an optional basis to all campers and is further explained in the enclosed fee schedule.

F. I/we consent to the use of photographs, art work, voice recordings and written extractions, in whole or in part, of the camper or the purpose of illustrations, advertising or publications, both printed and electronic.

G. Recognizing that the Camp must make commitments for expenditures based on this Enrollment Contract, I/we agree that if written notice of cancellation of this Enrollment Contract is received by the School:

❖ 100% REFUND when written notice is postmarked by May 1, 2009.❖ If cancellation notice is received after May 2, 2009 and before June 20, 2009, all deposits will be refunded except $250 per camper.❖ After June 20, 2009, no deposits will be refunded for Hill Top Adventures Refund Policy for Cancellation:❖ 100% REFUND when written notice is postmarked by March 1, 2009.❖ If cancellation notice is received between May 2, 2009 and June 1, 2009, all deposits will be refunded except $300 per camper.❖ After June 1, 2009, no deposits will be refunded.❖ Cancellation fees are not transferable to other camp programs or siblings in the family.

• A $35 charge will be made on any returned checks.• A late processing fee of $75 per family is applicable on enrollments received after March 31, 2009.• There is no allowance nor refund for any absences, missed days, late arrival, dismissal, partial weeks, or early withdrawal of camper during the camp season.• Tuition accounts that are not kept current with payment schedule ($300 initial deposit per camper, plus $300 per month per camper due on October 1, November 1, December 1, January 1, February 1, March 1, and April 1) will forfeit any Early Enrollment Savings, and may be dropped from the camp program.• All outstanding balances for tuition are due in full by May 1, 2009. Final parent mailing (including your child’s bunk schedule) will not be mailed until balance and required paperwork are received.• Although we will send a billing statement to another address, it is understood that payment of tuition is the responsibility of the individual who has signed the agreement.

H. This Enrollment Contract and the rights and duties of the parties hereto shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I/we understand and agree that any suit, action or proceeding arising under or with respect to this Enrollment Contract shall be instituted in the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, or the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the jurisdiction of each such Court for such purpose.

I. In entering into this Enrollment Contract, I/we represent that I/we have full authority to act on behalf of the Student as parent and/or legal guardian. I/we understand that in the event there is more than one signatory to this Enrollment Contract, both signatories will be jointly and severally liable for all financial obligations herein.

INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND HEREBY, I have hereunto set my/our signature(s)

Date: Signature: Name (print):





Rosemont, PA 19010

Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis.


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737 S. Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010 [email protected] 610-527-3230

Hill Top Summer Camp Director ProfileRyan Wexelblatt, MSS began his camp career at age 3 as a camper and has es-sentially worked in every camp role including Counselor, Head Counselor, Divi-sion Leader, Assistant Director of Teen Travel, Program Director and now Direc-tor of Hill Top Summer Camp. He obtained his masters degree in Clinical Social Work from Bryn Mawr College School of Social Work & Social Research and has worked with students with learning differences for over 10 years as a School Social Worker, Counselor and therapist. During the academic year, Ryan is part of the counseling team at Hill Top Preparatory School as well as Director of Hill Top Enrichment (after school programs).

HOW TO APPLYBoys and girls entering 2nd through 11th grade in the fall of 2009 are eligible for enrollment. Hill Top Summer Camp does not offer a program for children whose primary diagnosis or educational classification is Mental Retardation, Serious Emotional Disturbance, Borderline Intellectual Functioning or children who may exhibit physically aggressive behaviors or who have significantly lim-ited verbal communication skills. Hill Top Summer Camp is not appropriate for children who require a 1:1 during the school day.

Please fill out and return the enrollment form along with a deposit. Once re-ceived, we will send out a registration packet which will include all necessary forms and instructions for documents we need.

Hill Top Summer Camp reserves the right to accept or deny an applicant based on an individual basis depending on whether the camp can meet the child’s needs and be placed in an appropriate peer group. Please note that we cannot review applications until all necessary documents are received. After review-ing the enrollment application an interview may be necessary. Once your child has been accepted, we will then send a camper registration packet and medical forms. A $250 deposit is required to guarantee a spot. Please note that depos-its are fully refundable until May 1st, 2009.

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2009 Camp Tuition Total Fee Deposit Required

Full Summer: June 22 through July 31

$3,200.00 $750.00

2 Sessions (please indicate which sessions)

$2,200.00 $500.00

1 Session only(please indicate 1st, 2nd or 3rd session)

$1,200.00 $250.00

Please indicate on enrollment application which sessions your child(ren) will be attending.

HILL TOP ADVENTURES: Please call for trip intineraries and tuition.

*A 10% discount will be offered on tuition for Hill Top Preparatory School families.*A 10% discount will be offered for families with siblings attending.

* 10% is maximum discount per family.


Early Care: 8:00am-9:00am - $10.00 per day

Late Care: 3:30pm-6:00pm - $12.00 per day

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737 S. Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010 [email protected] 610-527-3230


ASSUMPTION OF RISK:• I understand that part of the camp experience involves activities, (and for the Travel Camp Program, group living) arrangements and interactions that may be new to my child, and that they come with cer-tain risks and uncertainties beyond what my child may be used to dealing with at home. I am aware ofthese risks, and I am assuming them on behalf of my child. I realize that no environment is risk-free, and so I have instructed my child on the importance of abiding by the camp’s rules, and my child and I both agree that he or she is familiar with these rules and will obey them.

ACCEPTANCE AND FORMS REQUIRED: • All of the following are required and will be sent in the registration packet: (1) Camper Profile, (2) Re-quired Educational and Psychological related documents, (3) Physician Health Certification, (4) Parent Health Certification/Permission to Administer Medications and (5) Photo.• The lack of a signed and completed medical form will delay admission into the camp program.• Parent represents to the Camp that the camper is in sound physical andmental health and fully able to participate in all Camp activities without the need of a trained individu-al or specialized attention or medical regimen and that the camper’s health will not impinge or impact negatively on other campers or the Camp Program.• Parent agrees to advise the Camp Directors promptly in writing of any change in the camper’s physical or mental health between the date of enrollment and the start of the Camp season as well as through-out the Camp season.• The Directors reserve the right to refuse or dismiss a camper, or cancel any camper enrollment if either the Camper’s Profile or Physician Health Certification is deemed unsatisfactory, or whose physical or mental condition, conduct, influence or behavior is deemed unsatisfactory to the best interests of the Camp.• Acceptance of Camper Enrollment is based on enrollment availability

SPECIAL REQUESTS AND TRANSPORTATION:• Campers will be transported to and from camp in whichever type of vehicle the Director determines is best suited to effectively serve the particular location.• An extended camp program is available for either before and/or after the regular camp day at an additional cost of $10.00 per session.

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• Hill Top Summer Camp Refund Policy for Cancellation:- 100% REFUND when written notice is postmarked by May 1, 2009.- If cancellation notice is received after May 2, 2009 and before June 20, 2009, all deposits will be refunded except $300 per camper.- After June 20, 2009, no deposits will be refunded.

• Hill Top Adventures Refund Policy for Cancellation:- 100% REFUND when written notice is postmarked by March 1, 2009.- If cancellation notice is received between March 2, 2009 and May 1, 2009, all deposits will be refunded except $300 per camper.- If cancellation notice is received between May 2, 2009 and June 1, 2009, all deposits will be refunded except $600 per camper.- After June 1, 2009, no deposits will be refunded.- Cancellation fees are not transferable to other camp programs or siblings in the family.

• A $35 charge will be made on any returned checks.• A late processing fee of $75 per family is applicable on enrollments received after March 31, 2009.• There is no allowance nor refund for any absences, missed days, late arrival, dismissal, partial weeks, or early withdrawal of camper during the camp season.• Tuition accounts that are not kept current with payment schedule ($300 initial deposit per camper, plus $300 per month per camper due on October 1, November 1, December 1, January 1, February 1, March 1, and April 1) will forfeit any Early Enrollment Savings, and may be dropped from the camp program.• All outstanding balances for tuition are due in full by May 1, 2009. Final TRIP AND PHOTO PERMISSION:

• Parent or Guardian gives permission to have campers participate in all activities of Hill Top Summer Camp/ Hill Top Adventures Travel Camp and to be taken on all out-of-camp trips authorized by the camp.• Parent or Guardian gives permission to have photographs/videos and audios of camper used in printed materials (brochures, etc.) or other media for promotional purposes.• Although we will send a billing statement to another address, it is understood that payment of tuition is the responsibility of the individual who has signed the agreement on the reverse side. Indicate information below:

Name _________________________________________________Street Address __________________________________________City, State, Zip __________________________________________Day Phone ____________________________________________Evening Phone _________________________________________

• It is agreed that any dispute or cause of action arising between the parties, whether out of this agreement or otherwise, can only be brought in the PA Court of Common Pleas, located in Delaware County PA, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania.


• For Hill Top Adventures Travel Camp, an Agreement of Conduct, signed by both Parent/Guardian and camper will be required.


• Camp is not responsible for camper’s equipment or personal belongings (jewelry, cameras, MP3 players, etc.). The use of cell phones is not permitted on camp property.

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Ryan Wexelblatt, Director at 610-527-3230 extension 678 email: [email protected] website:

737 S. Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010 [email protected] 610-527-3230

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737 S. Ithan Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010 [email protected] 610-527-3230