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Manual mode

What is Manual Mode on a DLSR camera? Manual mode is an exposure mode similar to Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority, but unlike those semi-automatic

options, you have to set both the aperture and the shutter speed by hand. What is the manual setting on a camera? The camera does this for you in the automatic and semi-automatic exposure modes, tweaking the aperture, shutter speed

or both in order to maintain a consistent exposure. However, the fact that the aperture and shutter speed settings stay locked in with Manual mode is its chief advantage.

Characteristics of Manual Mode Full control over camera such: shutter speed, Aperture, ISO, white balance and compensation Gives you flexibility to set your shots the way you want them to be Can result to creative and non-traditional exposures

Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the amount of time that the shutter is open Shutter speed is measured in seconds- or in most cases fractions of seconds It is not in isolation from other two elements of the exposure Training(Aperture and ISO) Long shutter causes blue and fast shutter freezes motion

Examples of a fast shutter speed to a low shutter speed



About Aperture? In optics, an aperture is a hole or an opening through

which light travels. More specifically, the aperture and focal length of an optical system determine the cone angle of a bundle of rays that come to a focus in the image plane.

The aperture is the opening at the rear of the lens that determines how much light travels through the lens and falls on the image sensor.

The aperture controls the amount of light that reaches a digital camera sensor. An aperture acts much like the pupil of an eye. It opens wider as light decreases to let in more available light. It gets smaller when light increases to reduce the amount of light entering the eye.

This is an example of Aperture this shows the sizes of the holes opening though the amount of light that travels through it.



In very basic terms, ISO is the level of sensitivity of your camera to available light. The lower the ISO number, the less sensitive it is to the light, while a higher ISO number increases the sensitivity of your camera.

ISO speed affects the shutter speed / aperture combinations you can use to obtain correct exposure.

When you boost the sensitivity of your image sensor by selecting a higher ISO, the image sensor is now able to record a fainter light signal. However, it is also true now that it will record fainter noise, where noise is any signal that is not attributed to the light from your subject.


Automatic Mode

What is automatic Mode on a DLSR camera?

Auto mode tells your camera to use it’s best judgement to select shutter speed, aperture, ISO, white balance, focus and flash to take the best shot that it can

This mode will give you nice results in many shooting conditions, however you need to keep in mind that you’re not telling your camera any extra information about the type of shot you’re taking so it will be ‘guessing’ as to what you want.

Generic mode dial for digital cameras showing some of the most common modes.

This picture shows the green Auto sign on the camera that you press to switch your camera to auto.

Reference: Google Images

Automatic Mode settings

•Action or sports modes increase ISO and uses a faster shutter speed to capture action.•Landscape modes use a small aperture to gain depth of field. Flash may be deactivated.•Text mode increases in-camera sharpening to allow to photograph texts.•Portrait mode widens the aperture to throw the background out of focus. The camera may recognize and focus on a human face.•Water modes, depending on what the mode is designed to do, will either widen the aperture and increase the shutter speed for an action shot or shrink the aperture and slow down the shutter speed to show the motion of the water.•Snow modes compensate for the misinformation the white snow gives the light meter and increases exposure in order to properly photograph subjects.•Natural light or night snapshot modes attempt to raise the ISO and use a very wide aperture in order to take a photograph using the limited natural light, rather than a flash. In Fujifilm cameras, a variation of this mode takes two pictures: one with flash and other without it.•High sensivity modes use the highest ISO available, albeit at lower resolutions in order to cope with noise.•Macro or close-up modes tend to direct the camera's focus to be nearer the camera. It may shrink the aperture and restrict the camera to wide-angle in

These are a few of different types of automatic modes you will find on a camera.

Reference: Google Images