Download - Camera shot types


Camera shot types in Music MagazinesLong ShotA long shot tends to show the whole body, they are used in situations where it is portraying the size of someone, for example in the bottom right photo they have edited it so that it looks like Florence is larger than some of the monuments of the world. They are also used in magazines where the main artist in the image may be holding a prop, they would use long shot then as you can get the whole prop in the photo, this is shown in the image on the left where the artist is holding a guitar. They are also used where the artist is in a weird pose where it needs to be a long shot photo to get the whole pose in, this is like the image in the top right with Jessie J.

Medium Shot

Medium shot is the most used camera shot for front covers of magazines, this is because you can see the persons body language, facial expression and what their clothing/accessories are. In most medium shots they will look straight at the camera, this makes it look like they’re staring straight at the reader. Medium shots can also involve props like on the NME Magazine cover, the clothes they wear represents the genre of the Magazine strongly.

Close-UpClose-up shots focus on the subject’s face. Many of them gain the viewers attention because you don’t normally see a person’s face that close up in real life unless you are standing right in front of them, it makes you feel like you are close to the artist, the artist is also looking right at the reader. They display the most detail but they do not show the subject in the broad context of its surroundings.

Extreme Close-UpMusic magazines would not really use Extreme close-up photos, this is because they are normally used to show detail within the eye or parts of the body, but they would not be used for music magazines.