Download - Cambridge College Catalogo

  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College


  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Welcome to Cambridge College International

    Welcome message rom

    Ms. Neda MorrisDirector o Cambridge College International

    I take great pleasure in introducing you to Cambridge College


    Cambridge College International has been welcoming students

    to Sydney since 1934. Over this time the college has developed

    into a well-established business centre.

    At Cambridge College International we understand that

    choosing your education provider is one o the most challenging

    steps in lie, so we try to assist you in every possible way and

    ensure that your experience at Cambridge College International

    is interesting, enjoyable, and helps you achieve your career andeducational goals.

  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo



    Cambridge College International has been welcomingstudents to Sydney since 1934 and was one o the rst collegesto bring international students to Australia. With such a longhistory, College oers stability, consistency and experiencedcaring teaching sta.

    Cambridge College International has always been innovativein its oerings, Cambridge: Trainedmenintoemploymentforoceskillsinthe1930s.

    Re-trainedtheservicemenafterWorldWarII,theKoreanWar and the Vietnam War.


    Coordinated high speed Shorthand Speed Competitionthrough the CESA.


    Was the rst to introduce the Assertion Training forwomen.

    Was the rst private vocational college in Australia to

    recruit international students. Introduced and placed international students into

    university courses based on their results rom Cambridge.



    WastherstsuccessfulprivateprovidertowintheNSWGovernment contract to train non-English speakingbackground people displaced rom the extile, ClothingFootwear industry.


    Tousands o students have achieved their educational goalswith us, and now enjoy the opportunities or success inAustralia and globally.

    At Cambridge College International we constantly upgradeand revise our teaching standards and equipment. All oursta at Cambridge College are highly qualied and committedto providing the best education.

    Cambridge College International provides training to bothInternational and Australian students in English, High SchooPreparation, Business, Aged Care and Community Services.

    Cambridge College International is a Registered rainingOrganisation (RO), registered by the Vocational Educationand raining Advisory Board (VEAB) under the AustralianQualications and raining Framework (AQF) to providenationally accredited training in internationally recognisedcourses.


    ExperienceandreputationCambridge College International has provided coursessince 1934. Over this time the college has built an enviablereputation or its emphasis on quality teaching both inAustralia and overseas. All teachers at Cambridge CollegeInternational are native English language speakers.

    LocationCambridge College International is located in the heart oSydney City close to the major Sydney attractions, like theOpera House, the Harbour Bridge, the Queen VictoriaBuilding, the beaches and many others.

    FlexibilityCambridge College International oers more than 12 intakedates in a year or Vocational programs and weekly intakesor English programs. We also oer a choice o morning, andevening timetables or both vocational and English programs.

    ClassesandteachingmethodsOur classrooms are spacious, well-lit and carpeted. Tey areurnished with desks and chairs, computer labs or Business

  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo




    CRICOS:00033BAt Cambridge College International we can oer you coursesor work, study or un. You can improve your English orurther study, or work purposes in Australia and at home or

    just so that you can travel around easily.

    Te National EL Accreditation Scheme (NEAS) is the bodyresponsible or accrediting English language institutionsand courses. Tis is an industry based, sel-unding,autonomous system. Its guidelines have been developed inclose consultation with government, industry providers andEnglish language proessionals.

    AllourEnglishprogramsincludeSpeaking pronunciation, stress, rhythm, intonation

    construction and adaptation;Listening aural and oral comprehension, phonology;Reading or inormation, structure and meaning;Writing cohesion and coherence.


    Course Code

    Course Name Duration Description



    Cambridge English

    Language Course

    4 - 48 weeks

    Exam Preparation:


    12 - 24 weeks

    001383E English for Academic


    24 - 40 weeks

    001352A Exam Preparation:

    Cambridge PET

    Exam Preparation:Cambridge First

    Certificate Exam

    12 - 24 weeks

    Exam Preparation:TOEFL

    4 - 24 weeks



    4 - 24 weeks


    Exam Preparation:Cambridge ProficiencyEnglish

    15 weeks

    is course is designed to develop languaghe skills for everydaysituations.

    e IELTS Preparation Course is designed for students who wish toacquire the language and test taking skills that are necessary to undertakethe IELTS test.

    Program designed to improve English language skills and academic study

    techniques of students. e language and skills will help students to achievegoals to enter university, TAFE or other colleges in future.

    e course has as its objective the continued development of studentsexisting English language ability for social, academic and professionalpurposes. Preparing for the PET exam is a popular way for students todevelop and improve their language skills by providing practice in a varietyof everyday work, study and leisure situations.

    e course has as its objective the continued development of studentsexisting English language ability for social, academic and professionalpurposes as well as passing on to students the necessary skills to do well inthe TOEFL examination.

    e course has as its objective the continued development of studentsexisting English language ability for social, academic and professionalpurposes.

    e course has as its objective the continued development of studentsexisting English language ability for social, academic and professionalpurposes.

  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Vocational programs












    AccommodationCambridge College International helps students make a suitablechoice rom the many dierent types o accommodationavailable. Younger students are required to stay in a homestayand to have a guardian appointed. Cambridge College

    International provides homestay and guardian arrangementsor students.

    MedicalInsuranceAll international students are required to have Overseas StudentHealth Cover (OSHC). Cambridge College International canarrange medical insurance for students. All fees for OSHC areto be paid at the same time as the tuition fees.

    GeneralHelpandCounselingAt Cambridge College we understand that when studentscome to Australia they are aced with dierent problems. Weprovide language assistance or students, help them open bankaccounts and help with any other enquiries they may have.

    We also provide a college counselor to work with Studenthaving diculty with course work or personal problems. Jobsearch assistance is oered to all students.


    High SchoolPreparation at CCI

    High School atAustralian High School

    General English at CCI




    at CCI





  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo



    Waterall Investments Pty Ltd t/aCambridge College International (ABN: 49 001 124 152)

    CRICOS Provider Number: 00159K; 00033B National Provider Number: 90069

    Main Campus or English CoursesLevel 2, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AUSRALIA

    Main Campus or VE CoursesLevel 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AUSRALIA

  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K, 00033B

    Level 1, 2 & 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaTel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    GGEENNEERRAALL EENNGGLLIISSHHCourse Aim: Each course aims to improve overseas students general English level. Once the course has finished,students should be ready to enter the next class. The general English classes also form a basis for students to moveon to more specialised areas such as IELTS Test Preparation.Duration: 10-15 weeks, depending on the levelAssessment: Students are assessed through weekly tests, assignments and participation in class.Teaching Methods: Face to face delivery. Students will develop their English language skills through a range oftasks designed to develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening as well as improving theirpronunciation and knowledge of grammar.Levels: Elementary English

    Pre-Intermediate EnglishIntermediate EnglishUpper Intermediate English

    Advanced EnglishFurther study: Students who complete our general English courses at an intermediate level will be able toundertake educational or vocational courses. Students wishing to take IELTS preparation should have finished anupper intermediate level course.

    IIEELLTTSS PPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONNDescription: The IELTS Preparation Course aims to:

    Familiarise students with all elements on the IELTS test Provide test taking strategies to maximize student band scores Assist students to achieve the band score they need.

    Testing: On entering the college the student will be given a placement test to determine whether he/she is ready to

    join an IELTS class and in which areas of the test he/she needs to pay particular attention. Throughout the coursestudents progress will be monitored with materials similar to those used in the real test.Modules: IELTS Preparation General module & IELTS Preparation Academic moduleDuration: 16 weeksCompletion: On completion of their IELTS preparation course our students are awarded a certificate, which gradestheir lan ua e level in the four ke lan ua e skills.

    EENNGGLLIISSHH FFOORR AACCAADDEEMMIICC PPUURRPPOOSSEESSCourse Aim: Program designed to improve English language skills and academic study techniques of students.The language and skills will help students to achieve goals to enter university, TAFE or other colleges in future.Course Outline: EAP course designed to focus on preparing students for study in an English-speaking country,including: listening and note taking; seminar presentation and discussion skills, speed reading; academic writing;library and internet use; university level vocabulary; preparation for English proficiency examination; academic cultureof Australian universities; research techniques; critical thinking; essay writing.Duration: 12 weeksCompletion:Students receive a statement of attainment upon successful completion of the course.

    OORRIIEENNTTAATTIIOONN && PPLLAACCEEMMEENNTT TTEESSTTPlease note that orientation and a placement test for all students at Cambridge College International for English coursesare held on Mondays (except public holidays) at Level 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K, 00033B

    Level 1, 2 & 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaTel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    EEXXAAMM PPRREEPPAARRAATTIIOONN:: TTOOEEFFLLCourse Outline: TOEFL is an examination preparation program offered to students who wish to acquire additionallanguage skills to a level where they can take the TOEFL examination with confidence. The course is gearedtowards the student's successful performance in the TOEFL examination. It is an ideal course for students who maywant to enhance their English language skills in order to attend an American or European education facility or toseek employment in those regions. Students who want to develop their English testing skills to achieve theirpersonal best score for employment goals are also welcome in TOEFL.Students will develop their English skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as become moreknowledgeable in American English enabling them to sit the Proficiency examination with confidence.Course Aim: The course has as its objective the continued development of students existing English languageability for social, academic and professional purposes as well as passing on to students the necessary skills to dowell in the TOEFL examination.Duration: 20 weeksAssessment: Assessments are conducted at regular intervals in the course according to the curriculum. Thepractice tests ensure students have a good grasp of the language skills and examination techniques that need to beacquired to be successful in the TOEFL final examination.Completion: Students receive a statement of attainment upon successful completion of the course.

    CCOOUURRSSEE DDEELLIIVVEERRYY LLOOCCAATTIIOONNSituated in the heart of Sydney, Cambridge College International is in the center of the business and tourism area.

    English courses are delivered at: Level 2 & 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney


    Course Outline: The Cambridge Proficiency Certificate in English is an examination preparation program offered to

    students who wish to acquire new language skills to a level where they can take the Proficiency examination. Thecourse is geared towards the student's successful performance in the Cambridge Proficiency in Englishexamination. Students who want to develop their English to achieve their personal or employment goals are alsowelcome at the Proficiency level. The course is based on the Proficiency GOLD" course book with supplementarytasks and materials and practice tests that are designed to meet students' needs.Students will develop their English skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening as well as become prepared inthe techniques to sit the Proficiency examination with confidence.Entry Requirements: It is an ideal course for students who are of an advanced level and may want to enhancetheir English language skills by obtaining the highest Cambridge certificate on offer.Course Aim: The course has as its objective the continued development of students existing English languageability for social, academic and professional purposes.Duration:12 weeksAssessment: Assessments are conducted at regular intervals in the course according to the curriculum. Thepractice tests ensure students have a good grasp of the language skills and examination techniques that need to beacquired to be successful in the Proficiency final examination.

    Com letion: Students receive a statement of attainment u on successful com letion of the course.


    General English & IELTS Preparation EVERY Monday except Public HolidaysPlease contact Cambridge College International to check intake dates and availability for other courses.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K, 00033B

    Level 1, 2 & 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaTel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238



    Course Outline: The Cambridge First Certificate in English is an examination preparation program offered tostudents who wish to acquire new language skills to a level where they can take the FCE examination. The course isgeared towards the student's successful performance in the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination.It is an ideal course for students who may want to enhance their English language skills before attempting furtherstudy in Australia, or for students who want to develop their English to achieve their personal or employment goals.The course is based on the "Cambridge First Certificate - Expert" course book with supplementary tasks andmaterials and practice tests that are designed to meet students' needs. Students will develop their English skills inreading, writing, speaking and listening as well as become prepared in the techniques to sit the FCE examinationwith confidence.Course Aim:The course has as its objective the continued development of students existing English languageability for social, academic and professional purposes.

    Duration: 12 weeks

    Assessment:Assessments are conducted at regular intervals in the course according to the curriculum. Thepractice tests ensure students have a good grasp of the language skills and examination techniques that need to beacquired to be successful in the FCE final examination.Completion: Students receive a statement of attainment upon successful completion of the course.


    Course Outline: The Cambridge PET course is an examination preparation program offered to students who wishto acquire new language skills to a level where they can take the PET examination. The course is geared towards

    the student's successful performance in the Cambridge Preliminary English Test examination.It is an ideal course for students who may want to enhance their English language skills before attempting furtherstudy in Australia, or for students who want to develop their English to achieve their personal or employment goals.The course is based on PET Gold Exam Maximiser, a PET course book with supplementary tasks and materialsand practice tests that are designed to meet students' needs. Students will develop their English skills in reading,writing, speaking and listening as well as become prepared in the techniques to sit the PET examination withconfidence.Course Aim: The course has as its objective the continued development of students existing English languageability for social, academic and professional purposes. Preparing for the PET exam is a popular way for students todevelop and improve their language skills by providing practice in a variety of everyday work, study and leisuresituations.Duration:12 weeksAssessment: Assessments are conducted at regular intervals in the course according to the curriculum. Thepractice tests ensure students have a good grasp of the language skills and examination techniques that need to be

    acquired to be successful in the PET final examination.Com letion: Students receive a statement of attainment u on successful com letion of the course.

    TTIIMMEETTAABBLLEEMorning Classes (Monday Thursday): Evening Classes (Monday Friday):

    8.45am - 10.45am Lesson 1 4.00pm 6.00pm Lesson 1

    11.00am 1.00pm Lesson 2 6.00pm 6.30pm Break

    1.30 pm - 2.30pm Lesson 3 6.30pm 8.30pm Lesson 2

    www intercambio com br[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K, 00033B

    Level 1, 2 & 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaTel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    EENNGGLLIISSHH FFOORR AACCAADDEEMMIICC PPUURRPPOOSSEESS ((SSEENNIIOORR HHIIGGHH SSCCHHOOOOLL))Course Aim: The English for High School Preparation course is designed to provide a framework for preparingstudents culturally, socially and linguistically to enter the Australian school system as independent learners. As wellas developing communicative competence the course also aims to develop the students confidence in anAustralian educational setting and an awareness of the educational environment, teaching methods and learningstyles. The students are introduced to many aspects of Australian life, culture and the educational environment.Duration:20-48 weeksAssessment: Students are assessed through weekly tests, assignments and participation in class.Teaching Methods: Face to face delivery. Students will develop their English language skills through a range oftasks designed to develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening as well as improving theirpronunciation and knowledge of grammar.Levels: Beginner English

    Pre-Intermediate EnglishIntermediate EnglishUpper Intermediate EnglishAdvanced English

    Completion: On completion of the course the student is awarded a certificate which grades his language level inthe four key language skills as well as his classroom performance. The final assessment includes a detailed Subjectarea report and a final report based on the ESL Scales.


    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    Session 1 Session 1 Session 1 Session 1 Session 1Oral InteractionDiscussion-"How'green' are you?"Role play- How tosolve traffic problemsin your city. A surveyon people's travelhabits.

    Reading NewspaperArticle "TransportTroubles"PredictingGap fill Scanning &Skimming

    Sports DayBasketballTennisBadmintonTable Tennis

    OralPresentationsTape deliveryof prepared talkChecklistPeerassessment.

    ListeningAuthentic radiotalkback programopinion sharing- "Tobuild or not to build"

    Session 2 Session 2 Session 2 Session 2 Session 2GrammarAdvice and

    recommendationResponding tostatements usingshould, ought to or 'dbetter

    Writing A writtendescription and

    analysis of tables &charts Comparingurban & ruraldwellers' watersupplies

    Pronunciation/e/ /u:/


    Grammar/VocabularyReview Past Perfect

    Opinion adjectives

    Session 3 Session 3 Session 3 Session 3 Session 3Maths: Buying onTerms Buying aHouse or LandEnglish for IT(Section-5 DesktopPublishing)..module 5.1-5.4

    History Essay1.Discussion-Causesof World War I2.Colonisation ofAfrica in the 19thCenturyBusiness: Unit-18:Market Structure and


    ScienceFoodPreservativesand Additives

    IELTSPassport to IELTS -Practice Test (Unit 5page 62) SkillsFocus Listening forSpecific Information[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    CRICOS Course Code: 067408MDuration: 26 weeks full time (includes 6 weeks holidays)

    Purpose: This qualification reflects the role of individuals whoapply a broad range of competencies in a varied work contextusing some discretion, judgement and relevant theoreticalknowledge. They may provide technical advise and support to ateam.

    Job Opportunities: Customer Service Advisor, Data EntryOperator, General Clerk, Typist, Word Processing Operator,Administration Assistant, Information Desk Clerk, Receptionist

    Entry Requirements: Year 12 or equivalent AND over 18 years old at the time of enrolment

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizens(DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Level 1 through to LeveSee DIAC website: for more details on Assessment level requirements for your country.

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised Certificate IBusiness (BSB30107). Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainmenpartial completion of a Certificate III in Business (BSB30107)

    Units: To gain Certificate III in Business (BSB30107) you must successfully complete all the following

    Unit Codes Unit Name Type

    BSBOHS201A Participate in OH&S process Core

    BSBITU302A Create electronic presentation Elective

    BSBWRT301A Write simple documents Elective

    BSBCUS301A Deliver & monitor a service to customers Elective

    BSBITU306A Design & produce business documents Elective

    BSBITU304A Produce spreadsheet Elective

    BSBADM311A Maintain business resources ElectiveBSBCMM301A Process customer complaints Elective

    BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and developments Elective

    BSBFLM303C Contribute to effective workplace relationships Elective

    BSBINN301A Promote innovation in a team environment Elective

    BSBDIV301A Work effectively with diversity Elective[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    Delivery Methods:

    This program is delivered entirely off-the-job at the college campus. It involves face-to-ftheory classes and practical sessions involving small groups and individual activities led by qualified experienced trainers.

    For each unit, candidates are provided with training manuals, which includes materials used in the trainsessions, assessment materials and reference materials.

    In addition to scheduled classroom based assessment, learners may be required to complete assessmactivities in their personal time and bring it to their next class for discussion, oral presentation etc. Thassessment activities may include:

    Knowledge quizzes Research exercises where learners learn and are assessed through project-based exercises

    Assessments Methods:Includes demonstration, questioning/tests, written assessment, projects and otherappropriate assessment methods depending on the study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, NSW Sydney

    Pathways: On completing this qualification students can choose carious pathways. They can either opt to stCertificate IV in Business BSB40207 / Diploma of Business BSB50207 further or they might try and look for a in these areas - Customer Service Advisor, Data Entry Operator, General Clerk, Payroll Officer, Typist, WProcessing Operator, Administration Assistant, Clerical Worker, Information Desk Clerk, Office JunReceptionist.

    National Recognition: Cambridge College International recognises relevant qualifications issued by oRTOs. There is no fee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years agoreserve the right to check that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challetest.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recognitioskills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learning, wexperience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Cambridge College International assessor mustconfident that the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. evidence to demonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clieand work samples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessmenskills and knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarRPL is available on request.

    Overseas experience and qualificationsAll applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Austraeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National Office of OversSkills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of Education, Employment Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, part of an international netwproviding authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualifications. Once the application has bassessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept and process the internal RPL application.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    CRICOS Course Code: 067409KDuration: 39 weeks full time (includes 9 weeks holidays)

    Purpose: This qualification reflects the role of individuals who usewell-developed skills and a broad knowledge base in a widevariety of contexts. They apply solutions to a defined range ofunpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate informationfrom a variety of sources. They may provide leadership andguidance to others with some limited responsibility for the output ofothers.

    Job Opportunities: Administrator, Project Officer

    Entry Requirements:

    Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include:

    After achieving the BSB30107 Certificate III in Business or other relevant qualification/s OR

    With vocational experience but without formal supervision or management qualification AND

    Year 12 or equivalent AND over 18 years old at the time of enrolment

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizens(DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Level 1 through to LeveSee DIAC website: for more details on Assessment level requirements for your country.

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised Certificate IVBusiness (BSB40207). Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainmenpartial completion of a Certificate IV in Business (BSB40207)

    Units: To gain Certificate IV in Business (BSB40207) you must successfully complete all the following

    Unit Codes Unit Name Type

    BSBOHS407 Monitor a safe workplace Core

    BSBHRM402A Recruit, select and induct staff Elective

    BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan Elective

    BSBRES401A Analyse and present research information Elective

    BSBCUS401ACoordinate implementation of customer servicestrategies


    BSBCUS403A Implement customer service standards ElectiveBSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness Elective

    BSBPMG510A Manage projects Elective

    BSBMGT403A Implement continuous improvement Elective

    BSBFIA402A Report on financial activity Elective[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    Delivery Methods:

    This program is delivered entirely off-the-job at the college campus. It involves face-to-ftheory classes and practical sessions involving small groups and individual activities led by qualified experienced trainers.

    For each unit, candidates are provided with training manuals, which includes materials used in the trainsessions, assessment materials and reference materials.

    The delivery of the course is classroom based. Classroom based face-to-face training includes: Establishing a training environment using a range of equipment to simulate a business environm

    Within the assessment of the modules, learners are required to participate in simulated activities closely reflect workplace processes and unexpected or contingency related activities

    Practice exercises that reinforce the required interpersonal skills for individual and group work.

    Simulated training activities in the classroom involving individuals, pairs and small group activities. Learner activity workbooks to support training independent reading and research projects.

    In addition to scheduled classroom based assessment, learners may be required to complete assessmactivities in their personal time and bring it to their next class for discussion, oral presentation etc. Thassessment activities include:

    Knowledge quizzes Research exercises where learners learn and are assessed through project-based exercises

    Assessments Methods: Includes demonstration, written assessment, project, presentation and oappropriate assessment methods depending on the study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, NSW Sydney

    Pathways: On completing this qualification students can choose various pathways. They can either opt to stthe Diploma of Business BSB50207 or they might try and look for a job in these areas Administrator, ProOfficer.

    National Recognition: Cambridge College International recognises relevant qualifications issued by oRTOs. There is no fee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years agoreserve the right to check that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challetest.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recognitio

    skills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learning, wexperience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Cambridge College International assessor mustconfident that the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. evidence to demonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clieand work samples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessmenskills and knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarRPL is available on request.

    Overseas experience and qualificationsAll applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Austraeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National Office of OversSkills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of Education, Employment

    Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, part of an international netwproviding authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualifications. Once the application has bassessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept and process the internal RPL application.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    CRICOS Course Code: 067410K

    Duration: 39 weeks full time (includes 9 weeks holiday)

    Purpose: This qualification provides skills and knowledgerequired to perform effectively as a manager, team leader orsupervisor managing a workplace. It will develop skill base andknowledge and awareness of management practice. Workers at thislevel operate at an advanced skill level and may also haveresponsibility for the supervision of other staff and volunteers.

    Graduates of the Diploma of Management will develop an

    understanding of the dynamics and principles underlying effectivefunctioning of work groups, as well as the necessary skills tocompetently function within small and/or large organisations.

    Job Opportunities: Corporate or middle manager managing aworkplace, supervisor in both business and government sectors,team leader etc.

    Entry Requirements: Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include:

    After achieving the BSB40207 Certificate IV in Business or other relevant qualification/s OR

    With vocational experience but without formal supervision or management qualification AND

    Year 12 or equivalent AND over 18 years old at the time of enrolment

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship(DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Level 1 through to Level 4See DIAC website: for more details on Assessment level requirements for your country.

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised DiplomManagement (BSB51107). Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainmin partial completion of a Diploma of Management (BSB51107).

    Units: To gain Diploma of Management (BSB51107) you must successfully complete all the following

    Unit Codes Unit Name Type

    BSBMGT502B Manage people performance Core

    BSBWOR502A Ensure team effectiveness Elective

    BSBMGT516A Facilitate continuous improvement Core

    BSBFIM501A Prepare budgets and financial plans Elective

    BSBCUS501A Manage quality customer service Core

    BSBOHS509A Ensure a safe workplace CoreBSBHRM506A Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes Elective

    BSBHRM503A Manage performance management systems Elective[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    Delivery Methods This program is delivered entirely off-the-job at the college campus. It involves face-to-ftheory classes and practical sessions involving small groups and individual activities led by qualified experienced trainers.

    For each unit, candidates are provided with training manuals, which includes materials used in the trainsessions, assessment materials and reference materials.

    The delivery of the course is classroom based. Classroom based face-to-face training includes: Establishing a training environment using a range of equipment to simulate a business environm

    Within the assessment of the modules, learners are required to participate in simulated activities closely reflect workplace processes and unexpected or contingency related activities

    Practice exercises that reinforce the required interpersonal skills for individual and group work. Simulated training activities in the classroom involving individuals, pairs and small group activities. Learner activity workbooks to support training independent reading and research projects.

    In addition to scheduled classroom based assessment, learners may be required to complete assessmactivities in their personal time and bring it to their next class for discussion, oral presentation etc. Thassessment activities include:

    Knowledge quizzes Research exercises where learners learn and are assessed through project-based exercises

    Assessments Methods:Includes questioning/tests, written reports, projects Examination and other appropriassessment methods depending on the study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, NSW Sydney

    Pathways: Graduates may undertake a range of Advanced Diploma qualifications at other Australian institutiocontinue their studied in Undergraduate Programs or they might try and look for a job in these areas - Corpoor middle manager managing a workplace, supervisor in both business and government sectors, team leaetc.

    National Recognition: Cambridge College International recognises relevant qualifications issued by oRTOs. There is no fee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years agoreserve the right to check that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challetest.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recognitio

    skills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learning, wexperience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Cambridge College International assessor mustconfident that the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. evidence to demonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clieand work samples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessmenskills and knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarRPL is available on request.Overseas experience and qualifications

    All applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Austraeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National OfficeOverseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of Educat

    Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, paran international network providing authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualificatioOnce the application has been assessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238

    Certificate II in IT ICA20105

    CRICOS Course Code: 066106MDuration: 16 weeks full time (includes 4 weeks holidays)

    Description: This course is designed to significantly enhance the student's prospects of gaining employmenproviding a solid grounding in basic computer skills required in today's business environment.

    Job Opportunities: Computer Operator or Computer Support Person, Computer Sales Person.

    Entry Requirements: Year 10 or equivalent AND qualify for mature-age entry (over 18 years old at the timeenrolment)

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizens

    (DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Level 1 through to LevSee DIAC more details on Assessment level requirements for your country

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised Certificate IT (ICA20105). Students who do not complete all units may be eligible for a Statement of Attainment in pacompletion of a Certificate II in IT (ICA20105).

    Teaching Methods: Face to Face Delivery, supervised study in a realistic work based scenario, reseaassignments

    Assessments Methods: Includes project based practical demonstration, short answer questions and verbalquestioning depending on the study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: AUD$3,000

    Course Delivery Location: Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, NSW Sydney

    Pathways: Graduates of the Certificate II in Information Technology can progress to the CertificateInformation Technology or Multimedia. Completion of this qualification may enable students to gain entryadvanced standing to relevant university courses (e.g. Central Queensland University). For furinformation contact the group marketing manager on (02) 8263 1200.

    National Recognition: Cambridge College International recognises relevant qualifications issued by oRTOs. There is no fee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years agoreserve the right to check that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challetest.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recognitioskills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learning, wexperience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Cambridge College International assessor mustconfident that the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. evidence to demonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clieand work samples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessmenskills and knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarRPL is available on request.[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238

    Certificate IV in IT (Multimedia) (ICA40805)CRICOS Course Code: 062503G

    Duration: 40 weeks full time

    Description: This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to competent in designing, developing and utilizing basic multimedia briefs wither as an independICT specialist or as part of a team.

    Job Opportunities: A person could work in a number of areas in the broad ICT and multimeindustries. Possible job titles include: 3D Animator, Designer, Game Developer, MultimeDesigner, Multimedia Author, PC Games Programmer, Software Support Engineer, W

    Designer, Xbox Programmer.

    Entry Requirements: Year 10 or equivalent AND qualify for mature-age entry (over 18 years old at time of enrolment)

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration aCitizenship (DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Levthrough to Level 4. See DIAC website: for more details on Assessment lerequirements for your country.

    Prerequisite Requirements: The following units are prerequisites for this qualification as they cont

    the basic fundamentals of ICT knowledge and skills: Follow workplace safety proced(BSBCMN106A), Design organisational documents using computing packages (ICAD2012Operate a personal computer (ICAU1128A), Operate computer hardware (ICAU2005A),Opercomputing packages (ICAU2006A), Integrate commercial computing packages (ICAU2013A), Ucomputer operating system (ICAU2231A), Work effectively in an IT environment (ICAW2001Communicate in the workplace (ICAW2002A).

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recogniCertificate IV in IT (Multimedia) (ICA40805). Students who do not complete all units may eligible for a Statement of Attainment in partial completion of a Certificate IV in IT (Multimed(ICA40805).

    Teaching Methods: Face to Face Delivery, supervised study in a realistic work based scenaresearch, assignments

    Assessments Methods: Includes workbook, Role Plays and Simulations, Case Study ProjectScenario, Portfolio Work, Questionnaire and other appropriate assessment methods dependingthe study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, NSW Sydney[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238

    Certificate IV in IT (Multimedia) (ICA40805)

    Units: To gain Certificate IV in IT (Multimedia)(ICA40805) you must successfullycomplete all the following

    National Recognition: Cambridge College International recognises relevant qualifications issued by oRTOs. There is no fee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years agoreserve the right to check that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challetest.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recognitioskills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learning, wexperience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Cambridge College International assessor must

    confident that the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. evidence to demonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clieand work samples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessmenskills and knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarRPL is available on request.

    Overseas experience and qualifications

    All applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Australiaeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National Office Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of EducatioEmployment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, part an international network providing authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualification

    Once the application has been assessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept anprocess the internal RPL application.

    Unit Code Unit of CompetencyBSBCMN304A Contribute to personal skill development and learningCUFGEN01A Develop and apply industry knowledgeCUFMEM02A Author a multimedia productCUSAMD08A Address copyright requirementsPSPPM402B Manage simple projectsICAW4214A Maintain ethical conductICAB4224A Apply mathematical techniques for software development

    ICAB4225A Automate processesICAB4219A Apply introductory object-oriented language skillsICAB5223A Apply intermediate object-oriented language skillsICAB4135A Create a simple mark-up language document to specificationICAB4137A Produce basic client side script for dynamic web pagesICAB4169A Use development software and IT tools to build a basic websiteICAD4217A Create technical documentationICAT4183A Confirm accessibility of website design for people with special

    needsCUFMEM12A Update web pagesICAI4189A Ensure website content meets technical protocols and standards

    ICAT4242A Perform unit test for a classICAD4043A Develop and present a feasibility report[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238

    Diploma in IT (Multimedia) (ICA50905)

    CRICOS Course Code: 062504GDuration: 40 weeks full time

    Description: This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to competent in designing, developing, utilizing and securing multimedia. A person competenthese competencies could work in the area of online services or multimedia development. Tqualification has a relatively small sore unit base with the potential for inclusion of a wide rangedesign, ICT and multimedia units to suit particular needs.

    Job Opportunities: Possible job titles include: Audio/Video Engineer, Contract Manager MultimeDigital Media Specialist, Games developer, Multimedia Producer, Multimedia Programm

    Software Engineer Games, Streaming media Specialist.Entry Requirements: Year 12 or equivalent AND qualify for mature-age entry (over 18 years old at

    time of enrolment)

    International students: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent

    Entry Requirements for the course will depend on the Australian Department of Immigration aCitizenship (DIAC) assessment level for the country. At present, countries are classified from Levthrough to Level 4. See DIAC website: for more details on Assessment lerequirements for your country.

    Prerequisite Requirements: The following units are prerequisites for this qualification as they contthe basic fundamentals of ICT knowledge and skills: Follow workplace safety proced(BSBCMN106A), Design organisational documents using computing packages (ICAD2012Operate a personal computer (ICAU1128A), Operate computer hardware (ICAU2005A),Opercomputing packages (ICAU2006A), Integrate commercial computing packages (ICAU2013A), Ucomputer operating system (ICAU2231A), Work effectively in an IT environment (ICAW2001Communicate in the workplace (ICAW2002A).

    Completion: Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recogniDiploma in IT (Multimedia) (ICA50905). Students who do not complete all units may be eligiblea Statement of Attainment in partial completion of a Diploma in IT (Multimedia) (ICA50905).

    Teaching Methods: Face to Face Delivery, supervised study in a realistic work based scena

    research, assignmentsAssessments Methods: Includes workbook, Role Plays and Simulations, Case Study Project

    Scenario, Portfolio Work, Questionnaire and other appropriate assessment methods dependingthe study unit.

    Tuition Fee per course: Please refer to current Price List.

    Course Delivery Location: Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, NSW Sydney[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K

    National Provider: 90069Level 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238

    Diploma in IT (Multimedia) (ICA50905)

    Units: To gain Diploma in IT (Multimedia) (ICA50905) you must successfullycomplete all the following

    National Recognition: Cambridge College International recognises relevant qualifications issued by oRTOs. There is no fee for National Recognition. Where the qualification was gained more than 3 years agoreserve the right to check that competence is current. This may involve the applicant in undergoing a challetest.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) isan assessment process that enables an applicant to gain recognitioskills and knowledge regardless of how they were achieved. This may include formal or informal learning, wexperience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL Cambridge College International assessor must

    confident that the applicant is currently competent against the units of competence in the qualification. evidence to demonstrate this may include certificate, references from past employers, testimonials from clieand work samples. Where RPL is granted you do not have to participate in further training and assessmenskills and knowledge that you already possess. There is a fee for RPL assessment. Further information regarRPL is available on request.

    Overseas experience and qualifications

    All applicants seeking to establish the relationship between their overseas qualifications and an Australiaeducation qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework will be directed to National Office Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR). AEI-NOOSR is a part of the Department of EducatioEmployment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and is the Australian National Information Centre, part an international network providing authoritative information and advice on recognition of qualification

    Once the application has been assessed by AEI-NOOSR the college will then be able to accept anprocess the internal RPL application.

    Unit Code Unit of CompetencyCUFMEM02A Author a multimedia productICPMM581A Manage multimedia productionICPMM582A Manage multimedia projectsPSPPM502B Manage complex projectsICPPP411A Undertake a complex design briefICAS5202A Ensure privacy for usersCUSADM07A Establish and maintain work/contractual relationships

    CUSGEN03A Collaborate with colleagues in planning and producing a projectICAS5102A Establish and maintain client used liaisonICAA4041A Determine and confirm client business expectations and needsICAA5035A Research and review hardware technology options for

    organisationsICAB5165A Create dynamic pagesCUFMEM10A Design and create a multimedia interfaceICPKN315A Apply knowledge and requirements of the multimedia sectorCUFWRT02A Write the scriptCUFWRT07A Write and interactive sequence for multimediaBSBPM505A Manage project quality

    ICAT4185A Create a website testing procedureCUFMEM04A Test a multimedia product[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K; 00033B. National Provider: 90069

    Level 1 & 2,245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaLevel 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238Remember that your cost of living in Sydney will vary according to your lifestyle. For example, eating out at restaurants all thetime will increase your living costs, as will driving a car (you will have to pay for petrol, registration, maintenance andinsurance, as well as the car itself). However, there are many ways to save money in Sydney, and still be able to make themost of your time living here.Suggested weekly budget (Remember figures are in Australia dollars and accurate in July 2007):

    Accommodation $100 to $150 (for a room in a shared house or apartment) Food A$50 to A$90 Public transport A$30 to A$50

    Accommodation options for students:1. Homestay Our Homestay services provide an opportunity to stay with an Australian family and experience the

    Australian culture and lifestyle. If you need a homestay, we ask our students to fill out accommodation form. We needat least 4 weeks before the arrival date to arrange it. Minimum Stay 4 weeks; for homestay fees please refer to ourpricelist, fees includes meals, laundry, your own room and student desk are provided.

    2. Student House Located only 10 minutes away from college. Facilities include free Foxtel, BBQ, DVD player, gardentennis. To book student house we ask our students to fill out accommodation form at least 2 weeks before arrival date.Minimum Stay 2 weeks; for fees please refer to our pricelist.

    3. Hostel accommodation is a popular option for international students, especially in the first months of their arrival. Asmall, furnished room is provided with access to a shared bathroom, laundry, lounge and recreational activities. Some

    hostels also provide computer access. It is recommended that students considering Hostel accommodation optionslook at two or three properties prior to making a decision. Many hostels are privately run and as such come under theRooming House Act. Please note, if the student signs a lease, they are covered by the Residential Tenancies Act.

    4. Apartment/flat rental varies greatly in cost and conditions. For long term arrangements, it is strongly advised that thestudent is familiar with the suburb or area. For purposes of bond payment and moving arrangements the student mustbe available to sign agreements. For this reason international students are advised to secure short termaccommodation upon arrival so that flat and apartment hunting may be started after they have settled in and begun toseek out areas they would like to live in.

    ESOS FrameworkCambridge College International is a Registered Training Organisation, registered by the Vocational Education &Training Advisory Board (VETAB) under the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF). Cambridge CollegeInternational is also registered on CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutes and Courses for Overseas Students).Training Organisation who appear on the CRICOS Register are governed by the ESOS (Education Services for

    Overseas students) Framework which consists of a number of pieces of legislation including the ESOS Act 2000 and theNational Code of Practice 2007 for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to OverseasStudents. These laws are in place to protect overseas student and to uphold high quality standards of education withinAustralian Education Institutes. For further information please refer DefaultIf Cambridge College International does not offer a course on the advertised start date, terminates a course after thecourse start date or before the course completion or does not provide a course as advertised due to sanctions by anyauthority Cambridge College International will pay a full refund to the student within 2 weeks after the default date.Please refer to our full Cancellation and Refund Policy.Student Complaints & Appeals ProcedureCambridge College International is committed to create a positive learning environment and provide student supportservices which are free of coercion, unfair treatment or harassment of students. Students are encouraged to achievetheir personal best through the provision of valid learning and assessment tools and strategies that are most suited to

    the students' diverse needs. Cambridge College International has a fair and open Complaints Policy to address anystudent complaints or appeals and provides that outcomes are recorded in writing. For more information please refer toStudent Appeals and Grievance Procedure.Student Deferral, Suspension & Cancellation of EnrolmentStudent enrolment can be deferred, suspended or cancelled in limited circumstances by Cambridge CollegeInternational or by the student. When deferral, suspension or cancellation of enrolment is initiated by Cambridge CollegeInternational students have the right to appeal the decision. For further information refer to Student Deferral, Suspension& Cancellation Policy in the Student Handbook.Disciplinary ProceduresAll students enrolled in and participating in programs or using the services of Cambridge College International areexpected to maintain appropriate standards of conduct at all times. Where behaviour is deemed to be improper orinappropriate, Cambridge College International will take appropriate action as outlined in the Student Deferral,Suspension & Cancellation Policy.

    Provision for Language, Literacy and Numeracy SupportLanguage, literacy and numeracy needs of all individuals are important and to support students in this area CambridgeCollege International provides a range of English Language courses. When necessary and appropriate, adjustments are
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K; 00033B. National Provider: 90069

    Level 1 & 2,245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaLevel 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238made to methods of delivery and assessment, to suit the needs of individuals so that they will have a reasonable chanceof success in their course.Personal Information and PrivacyPersonal information provided by a student may be made available to Commonwealth and State agencies, the AustraGovernment and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance F

    Manager, in accordance with legislative requirements. This information includes personal and contact details, coenrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student of a student visa conditionAccess and EquityCambridge College International follows Access and Equity principles in all student and staff selection, registration(employment) and inductionProtection of Student FeesCambridge College International protects students fees through the ESOS Assurance Fund.RefundsIn line with AQTF2007 and ESOS regulations Cambridge College International will issue refunds as per conditionoutline in Cancellation and Refund Policy.


    Note: Prior to enrolment, student should receive the following information:

    Colour College Brochure Course Outline Student Handbook

    Student starts the course. On the first daystudent attends college orientation Student a lies for a student visa

    Balance of tuition fees must be paid on time as per your invoice. If fees are not received on time, student cannotattend class until fees are paid. (Student will be reported to DIAC for non-payment of fees)

    Students fill out an application formPlease attach the following documents: copy of passport IELTS results Other required supporting evidence

    Send your application form to the admission office forprocessingEmail: [email protected]: 8263 1238 (International: +612 8263 1238)Level 8 307 Pitt Street S dne NSW 2000 Australia

    Student signs the Enrolment Agreement If student meets entry requirements a Letter of offerand invoice are issued by the college

    Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) is issued by thecollege

    Payment for the course according to theinvoice (1

    stInstallment is paid in full for VET)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K; 00033B. National Provider: 90069

    Level 1 & 2,245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaLevel 4, 127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    Tel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238


    On the first day at Cambridge College International, you will attend an orientation session and be issued withan Orientation Guide. The Guide contains detailed information covering all aspects of your course and living

    in Sydney. Remember that at Cambridge College International, we have a Student Services officer to helpyou with any part of your stay to ensure that you are completely satisfied and happy studying with us.

    We provide following help for students: Orientation Sessions (for English Courses every Monday at 9am and 2 pm; for VET courses every

    Intake Date at 10 am and 4pm) Work Permission (once you have work permission you are allowed to work maximum of 20 hours per

    week) Any documents and correspondence needed i.e. Confirmation of Enrolment Letters, Attendance

    letters, Certificates, Student tuition fees invoices, etc Student ID cards AHM(Australian Health Management) information Assist students to apply for Tax File Number Help with accommodation and general enquiries Coordinate Group Study Tours Students event program


    At Cambridge College International courses are designed to provide intensive training for career success in aprofessional learning environment that is both challenging and motivating with the goal of employment and/orfurther study. The course is available to Australian students full time and to international students full time ona student visa aged 18 years and older.

    Cambridge College International is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). It is accredited through theNSW Government Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board (VETAB) to issue qualifications.The qualifications are recognised nationally in post-compulsory education and training within Australia underthe Australian Governments Australian Qualifications Training Framework (AQTF).

    FacilitiesOur classrooms are modern, well lit and insulated against outside noise or interference from other classes,air-conditioned and have windows.General facilities for students include:

    Language Assistance Computer Labs Care and Counselling Social Programs Accommodation Options Free Internet Student Lounge and Lunch Area (microwaves ovens, fridges, vending machines provided for


  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K; 00033B. National Provider: 90069

    Level 1 & 2,

    245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia






    Family Name: ___________________________________ Given Name: _____________________________________

    Date of Birth: _____/______/_____ Country of Birth: _____________________ Gender: Male Female

    Country of citizenship: _____________________________ Passport Number: _________________________________

    Address in Australia (if known):______________________________________________________________________

    Email: __________________________________________ Mobile: _________________________________________

    Occupation: ____________________________ Type of visa: Student Tourist Other: _____________________


    Do you require airport pick-up? Yes No Do you have any disability, special needs or currentDo you require us to arrange accommodation for you? health problem? Yes No

    Yes No If yes, please complete special needs formIf yes, please complete Accommodation Profile.

    RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) OVERSEAS STUDENT HEALTH COVERDepending on your previous student and work experience, The Australian Government requires all students on

    we are able to give you credit or exemptions from certain student visa to have OSHC.course units. Do you require us to arrange OSHC for you?

    Do you wish to apply for RPL? Yes No Yes NoIf l l RPL A F If f h h ? h

    What is your level of English? (Please tick one) Beginner Intermediate Upper-Intermediate Advanced

    Have you taken TOEFL / IELTS / other English test? Yes No if Yes, Score: __________________________(Please provide certified copy of any English proficiency examinations undertaken.)NOTE: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent is an entry requirement for all Vocational courses

    What is the highest level of education that you have completed? University College Secondary School

    Proposed Future Studies (Please indicate)

    Vocation College TAFE University Undergraduate University Postgraduate

    Name of Institution: ______________________________________ Course commencement Date: _____/______/_____

    Course(Please check availability)ENGLISH COURSES VOCATIONAL COURSES

    General English ______ weeks Certificate III in Business BSB30107

    IELTS Preparation ______ weeks Certificate IV in Business BSB40207

    English for Academic Purposes ______ weeks Diploma of Management BSB51107

    OTHER Certificate II in IT

    _________________________ ______ weeks Certificate IV in IT (Multimedia)

    Diploma of IT (Multimedia)

    SESSION (please select one) SESSION (please select one)Morning Evening Morning Evening

    Start Date: _____/______/_____ Start Date: _____/______/_____

  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K; 00033B. National Provider: 90069

    Level 1 & 2,245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

    CCAANNCCEELLLLAATTIIOONN AANNDD RREEFFUUNNDD PPOOLLIICCYY1. The Enrolment Fee, Accommodation Placement Fees and Airport Pick-Up Fees are non-refundable whether youcomplete your course or not.

    2. An administrative charge of $100 is made to vary an application e.g. Change of Start Date, Change of Course3. Tuition Fees and OSHC are refunded in full if your visa application is rejected and you provide official written notificaof the refusal letter from the Australian Government.

    4. Student Default: No refund will be made if a student: has given false or misleading information fails to comply with the conditions of enrolment at the College is in breach of their visa requirements as imposed by the Australian Government withdraws after the commencement date of the course

    5. If you give written notice of your intention to withdraw from a course 40 days of more before the commencement date, tuition fees will be refunded less a cancellation fee of 15%. more than 5 days before the commencement date, tuition fees will be refunded less a cancellation fee of 30%. less than 5 days before course commencement date, tuition fees will be refunded less a cancellation fee of 45%

    All refunds will be made within 4 weeks after we receive a written claim from the student.6. Where 2 or more courses are packaged, the conditions apply to all elements. Note that for packaged courses the

    course start date is taken to be the start date of the first course.

    7. Commencement of the course is defined as the course start date in the first Application form submitted by thstudent or agent and not subsequent changes to the starting date.

    8. All refunds will attract an administration charge of $150.00.

    9. Course and other Fees are not transferable to another student or institution but may be transferred to another courwithin Cambridge College International at the discretion of the College.

    10. Any approved refunds are made payable to and sent to the student or his/her agent, in the country of origin asapplicable in Australian dollars.

    11. Bank charges are deducted for refunds made by bank draft or electronic transfer.

    12. Provider Default: In the unlikely event that Cambridge College International is unable to deliver your course in fullstarting from the agreed date, you will be offered a full refund within 2 weeks after the default date.

    13. Fees for services paid to education agents by students are not covered by this refund policy.

    14. This refund policy applies to all tuition fees paid to the college and includes any tuition fees paid to an education agto be remitted to the college.

    15. All refund considerations will be strictly limited to the monies which Cambridge College International has received fthe student as tuition fees only i.e. exclusive of all non-refundable fees and agents commission (whether this commisswas deducted before or after student payment to Cambridge College International).

    16. This policy does not remove the right to take further action under Australias Consumer ProtectionLaws


    Friends / Relatives Em ba s sy Ne wsp a pe rs / Ma g a zin e

    Website Ag e nt (Na m e /S ta m p)

    I have fully read and understood CCIs terms and conditions includingthe refund and cancellation policy and I agree to abide by them.

    Signature of Student Date: / /


    Cheque Cash Cred it Card Ba nk De po s it In ternational Money OrderBank: ANZ BANK Branch: 6 Cross Street, Hurstville NSW 2220 SWIFT Code: ANZBAU3MAccount Name: Waterfall Overseas Student Trust Account BSB - 012 402 Account Number - 2707 187 17

    Name on Card: Type of Card: Card Number: Expiry:

    If fees are being paid by another person(s) or company:

    I(Name of person(s) / company paying fees please print) declarethat I have the financial capacity to meet Course fees and agree to paythese fees as they become due and I have read, fully understood and
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K, 00033B

    Level 1, 2 & 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaTel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238



    Note: The prices are subject to change without prior notice. To obtain the most up to date information on the courseavailable and associated costs please call the college or your Cambridge College International representative.


    Course Details DurationEnrolment


    English Programs

    007347E General English 10-15 weeks $200 $290/wee

    001375E IELTS Preparation 16 weeks $200 $290/wee

    001383E English for Academic Purposes 12 weeks $200 $320/wee001352A Exam Preparation: Cambridge PET 12 weeks $200 $380/wee007338F Exam Preparation: TOEFL 20 weeks $200 $380/wee007348D Exam Preparation: Cambridge First Certificate

    Exam12 weeks

    $200 $380/wee026923J Exam Preparation: Cambridge Proficiency

    English15 weeks $200 $380/wee

    001276G English For Academic Purposes (Senior HighSchool)

    20-48 weeks$200 $380/wee

    Accommodation Fees

    Accommodation Type Room Type Price per week Placement Fee

    Homestay Single $250/week $220

    Student House Twin Share $190/week $220

    Student House Triple Share $170/week $220

    Other Services /Fees

    Service Provided Duration Price

    Enrolment Fee n/a $200

    Airport Transfer n/a $140

    OSHC single 3 months $93.51

    OSHC single 6 months $187.02

    OSHC single 9 months $280.53

    OSHC single 12 months $374.00

    OSHC family 3 months $187.02

    OSHC family 6 months $374.04

    OSHC family 9 months $561.06

    OSHC family 12 months $748.00

    Homestay Single $250/week

    INTAKE DATES English Programs

    English Programs (General English; IELTS Preparation; EAP) Every Monday, except Public Holidays

    Other English Courses Contact Admission Centre for the next intake

    Timetable English programs

    Morning Timetable (Monday Thursday): Evening Timetable (Monday Friday):

    8.45 am 10.45 am Lesson 111.00 am 1.00 pm Lesson 2

    1.30 pm 2.30 pm Lesson 3

    4.00 pm 6.00pm Lesson 16.00 pm 6.30 pm Break6.30 pm 8.30 pm Lesson 3[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Cambridge College InternationalCRICOS Provider Number: 00159K, 00033B

    Level 1, 2 & 4, 245 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaTel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238



    ** DDUURRAATTIIOONN IINNCCLLUUDDEESS TTEERRMM BBRREEAAKKSSNote: The prices are subject to change without prior notice. To obtain the most up to date information on the courseavailable and associated costs please call the college or your Cambridge College International representative.


    Course Details Duration *Enrolment

    FeeNumber ofInstalments

    Tuition Fee

    Vocational Programs

    067408M Certificate III in Business BSB30107 26 weeks $200 1 $3,000.00

    067409K Certificate IV in Business BSB40207 39 weeks $200 2 $6,000.00

    067410F Diploma of Management BSB51107 39 weeks $200 2 $9,000.00

    066106M Certificate II in IT ICA20105 16 weeks $200 1 $3,000.00

    062503G Certificate IV in IT (Multimedia) ICA40805 40 weeks $200 2 $9,000.00062504G Diploma in IT (Multimedia) ICA50905 40 weeks $200 2 $9,600.00

    Accommodation Fees

    Accommodation Type Room Type Price per week Placement Fee

    Homestay Single $250/week $220

    Student House Twin Share $190/week $220

    Student House Triple Share $170/week $220

    Other Services /Fees

    Service Provided Duration Price

    Student Manuals(12 manuals)Certificate III in Business BSB30107

    n/a $300

    Student Manuals (10 manuals)

    Certificate IV in Business BSB40207

    n/a $300

    Student Manuals (8 manuals)Diploma of Management BSB51107

    n/a $320

    Enrolment Fee n/a $200

    Airport Transfer n/a $140

    OSHC single 3 months $93.51

    OSHC single 6 months $187.02

    OSHC single 9 months $280.53

    OSHC single 12 months $374.00

    OSHC family 3 months $187.02

    OSHC family 6 months $374.04

    OSHC family 9 months $561.06

    OSHC family 12 months $748.00


    VOCATIONAL Program 2010 8th

    January, 12th

    February, 9th

    April, 21st

    May, 8th

    July, 13th

    August, 8th

    October, 12th


    Timetable Vocational programs

    MMoorrnniinngg CCllaasssseess((MMoonnddaayy TThhuurrssddaayy))::99aamm 22 ppmm

    EEvveenniinngg TTiimmeettaabbllee((MMoonnddaayy TThhuurrssddaayy))::55ppmm 1100ppmm[email protected]
  • 8/14/2019 Cambridge College Catalogo


    Waterfall Investments Pty Ltd t/a

    Cambridge College In t e rna t i ona lABN: 49 001 124 152; CRICOS: 00159K; 00033B; NTIS RTO: 90069

    Level 4,127 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 AustraliaTel: +61 2 8263 1200 Fax: +61 2 8263 1238[email protected]

    MARCH SPECIAL South AmericaOffer Expires: 31


    March 2010Plus $200 Enrolment Fee for all enrolments

    $200 AGENT BONUS**Pay in February and receive $200 enrolment fee as an agent bonus

    General English & IELTS preparation

    Morning Classes...$ 190/week*

    Evening Classes.$180/week*

    Buy 10 weeks & GET 1 WEEK FREE* Four or less weeks of English course purchase price is $290 plus$200 enrolment fee.

    IELTS Preparation course only available in the Morning

    Certificate II in IT 16 weeks $2200

    Diploma of IT (Multimedia) 40 weeks..$2500 x 2


    Certificate III in Business 6 months $2300 Certificate IV in Business 9 months. $1350 x 3

    Diploma of Management 9 months$1350 x 3

    For more information contact Daniel by [email protected] call (+612) 8263 121

    Classes are Monday Thursda

    Morning: 9.00am 2.00p

    Evening: 5.00pm 10.00p

    Intakes: 19th Marc

    9th Apr, 21st May, 8th Ju

    For more info go to our websi




    8.45am 2

    (Monday Thur


    4.00pm 8

    (Monday F

    Intakes: Every M

    Classes are Monday Thurs

    Morning: 9.00am 2.00Evening: 5.00pm 10.00

    Intakes: 19th



    Apr, 21st

    May, 8th

    For more info go to our web

    http://www.cambridgecollegeinternational./http://www.cambridgecollegeinternational./mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.cambridgecollegeinternational./