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23 October 2014 No. 32 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email [email protected]

A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition Catering for Years 5 to 12

Dear Members of the St. Patrick’s College Community This week has again been another full week for the College. On Saturday and Monday, the 2015 Orientation program continued with the students participating in the testing program. My thanks to the staff involved on the Saturday and Monday. Our existing Year 7 students completed their testing on Wednesday. The AIC Track and Field Carnival was held on Wednesday and all Years 9-12 students attended and supported our athletes. It was an excellent day and both the athletes and supporters did their College very proud. St. Patrick’s College was placed sixth at the carnival and I congratulate all athletes and coaches for their work throughout the season. In particular I congratulate the 2014 Track and Field Captains: Darcy Colahan-Dickfos, Kurt D’Amico and Jordan Johnson for the way they led the team. Wednesday also saw the Parents and Friends AGM. I congratulate the new Committee on their appointments: President - Mr John Beasley Vice President - Mrs Andrea Sked Treasurer - Mrs Lesley Palmer Secretary - Mrs Maxine Nott I also wish to thank Andrea Sked and the 2014 Committee for their excellent work throughout the year. This Saturday is the final day for AIC sport this year. We are hosting our fellow Edmund Rice School St Laurence’s College, at home. I encourage students and families to come along and support the St. Patrick’s College teams, particularly our Open teams who compete for the College for the last time. It should be a great day at the various venues, so come and fill the Callan Centre with ‘Green and Gold’. Last week, Edmund Rice Schools across Australia joined to raise awareness about the plight of children in detention. ‘Detention for Detention’ was designed to raise awareness within our communities and allow the students (and staff) to understand more about this issue. Whilst it was disappointing that, in some sectors, people attempted to politicize this event, I am very proud of the way in which the St. Patrick’s College students approached the issue. My thanks to the staff and students involved. Finally this week, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Parents and Friends and the large number of people who came along on Sunday to the Jazz and Shiraz afternoon. It was a fantastic afternoon and I was very humbled by the community response towards myself. St. Patrick’s College is an outstanding school and community. I have been very fortunate to be part of the community for the last 11 years and I wish to say thank you for your support and friendship. My thanks to all those who came along on Sunday. It was both humbling and rewarding for me and I wish to say thank you very much.

Have a great week. God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

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Mr Frank Torrisi

College Dean Student Formation

Showcase Our Inter-House competition culminates next Thursday evening with Showcase. It should be a great spectacle with over 1200 students on stage during the night. Please ensure your son knows when and where he is to meet his House Dean and what time his House is performing. We have asked the students to ensure they do not move around the College grounds on the evening but are always with their parents, their House or performing on stage.

Uniform All students are made aware of wearing the College uniform correctly. We have spoken at length on this topic and will now issue consequences to those who cannot follow these instructions. One issue that I need to bring to your attention is the length of your son’s socks. If your son has grown considerably he may need to purchase new socks. Socks should be knee-high in length. Grey or black socks need to be worn with long trousers, not white socks. Your assistance in maintaining these standards is appreciated.

Hair Week I ask that you have the following conversation over the dinner table. Next week is half way through the term and is generally known as “HAIR WEEK”. I ask that you check your son’s hair and if required, make the necessary arrangements to have their hair cut to meet the College guidelines before the start of next week. I remind all students that their hair needs to be combed in a style that is appropriate for school.

The Secret to Raising Happy, Confident Kids By Michael Grose Despite what you may think, the fundamental job of the parent has not changed since the dawn of time. And it’s never too early to start.

The first habit from Stephen Covey’s wonderful book Th e 7 Habits of Highly Effective People states that we should start every project or undertaking with the end in mind.

This principle holds true for any activity whether it’s planting a vegie patch, renovating a house or raising children. When you know what you are trying to achieve then choosing the right strategies becomes easy.

The end game or goal for parents is redundancy. Yep, you read it right. Your job is to make yourself redundant as a parent from your child’s earliest possible age. It always has been and always should be.

When redundancy is your aim most of your time, effort and energy will go into promoting independence. You’ll stop doing things for kids and start giving them opportunities to do things themselves. You’ll spend most of your active parenting time teaching, explaining and prodding your child toward independence. Independence leads to the 4 Cs: confidence, competence, creativity and character.

Confidence comes from facing your fears and doing things for yourself.

Competence comes from the opportunity to develop self-mastery that independence offers.

Creativity is developed when kids solve problems themselves as opposed to someone solving them on their behalf or, worse, sheltering them from any risk of harm. It’s amazing how resourceful kids can be when they are given the chance to resolve their own problems.

Character, which is essential for success, is forged under

hardship and is needed if kids are to live a sturdy life. Kids need to be exposed to disappointment, failure and conflict if character strengths such as grit and perseverance are to be forged.

Independence takes many forms Independence has many guises and can be developed in many ways, though in the end it is adults who are the gatekeepers for their children’s independence. On a basic level developing independence is about developing children’s autonomy. Without realising it, many parents make choices on their children’s behalf. Kids build self-confidence when they do things for themselves and make their own decisions. Independence is built when children spend time in unpredictable circumstances and environments such as the bush, and also have the opportunity to navigate their neighbourhoods on their own. There may be some risk involved but that is where the learning lies. Eliminate the risk and you eliminate the learning. Allowing kids to follow their own impulses even if they are different to your own is the key to gaining independence. This may mean that your children choose healthy interests and pursuits that you are unfamiliar with, or even swim against the tide of your wishes. Allowing kids to take responsibility and own their own problems builds confidence and competence. Start by expecting kids to help at home. Look for ways to develop self-help skills and don’t take their problems on as your problems.

Manage visually When your end game is redundancy and your priority is independence building then managing your kids in a visual way becomes your most obvious strategy. Management by mouth, in contrast, is a dependency strategy. So talk less, use signs, lists and rosters backed up by consequences to develop independence and responsibility in your children.

Create junior versions of independence It can be scary and also difficult developing independence in one big step. So smart parents intuitively develop junior versions of independence by breaking up big activities into digestible bits. Want your three-year-old to make the bed? Then start by arranging the teddies and the pillows (a junior version of making the bed) and let them work their way up from there. Similarly, if you want your five-year-old to walk to school on his own but it’s currently beyond him, then accompany him most of the way and let him walk the last 200 metres on his own. That’s a junior version of walking to school. In all the noise and commotion about raising kids today it’s easy to forget that the job description for parents hasn’t changed since the dawn of time. Love them, bond with them, teach them and spend time with them. But also work like mad to develop their real independence so they become capable of handling what life will throw their way. Then you’ll know your job as a parent is done! It doesn’t mean you won’t stop worrying about them ... that’s a story for another time. But it does mean you've finished the main task of parenting, that is, to make yourself redundant at the earliest possible age.

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Mr Paul Corfield Campus Minister

On 17 October, for the second year, some 200 St. Patrick’s College young Men of Action took a detention but it was a detention they chose to take. Our Social Justice group Edmund Rice Advocacy For Change led a campaign, along with 30 other Edmund Rice Schools across Australia and New Zealand took a detention to stand in solidarity with those children being held in mandatory detention. Although the media coverage directed from 2GB in Sydney questioned our motives and put this down to a political stunt they neglected to mention how our roots as a Catholic school and faith inspired us to do this. In Matthew 25 Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger and this is the message our young men wanted to get across. Consistent with the stance of the Australian Catholic Bishops, our staff and students made it clear that the simple act of “welcoming the stranger” is central to who we are. We thank the young men and staff who were involved in this simple act during morning tea—our young men made an informed decision and chose to participate. Topics such as asylum seekers and mandatory detention are always difficult to discuss and they certainly divide many people, but these are always important topics to talk about if our young men ever have questions. From an educational point of view, it was good to hear boys discussing their stance on the issue. From the various conversations I had with students they

were all well informed about their position on the issue. This to me is something that is very important—whether we agree or disagree with an issue we should simply aim to be well-informed about all sides of the argument. For me, I looked at it from the perspective of the Pope—as Catholics we are compelled to welcome the stranger and love our brother. I remember being at World Youth Day in 2008 and a Christian Brother was posed with a challenging question about the Church's stance on an issue, the Brother simply replied by saying “the Holy Spirit will guide us to change”. At the time this confused me and I honestly thought it was a cop out. However, after witnessing the way the Brothers and the Church work tirelessly in places like Timor and India it made sense to me. As Catholics it is important we take time listen to God and reacquaint ourselves with the Gospels to know what God asks of us. As I have become older the notion of listening to the Word of God to guide us has become clearer to me and I do find comfort in confusing times trying to do what our God asks of us. Thank you to all the young men and staff involved in Detention for Detention and for all the support of our community.

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Ms Zoe Morgan AP Strategic Operations

CELEBRATION OF EXCELLENCE The 2014 Celebration of Excellence will take place on Friday 7 November at 7pm in the Callan Centre. This annual evening is a chance to showcase the hard work of our young men and staff with respect to the academic, cultural and sporting achievements that have occurred in 2014. I saw such a notice in St. John Fisher’s newsletter recently and reflected on how they’d highlighted not just student achievement, but that of the wider staff. I too believe it is fitting to publicly acknowledge not only the individual achievement of our young men, but the achievements of the College community as well. We pride ourselves on being part of a the St. Patrick’s family and it is for this reason that the College places so much emphasis on students attending the evening. Students who will be receiving awards at the Celebration of Excellence will be notified later this week and letter invitations will be sent to their respective families. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of so many of our young men and also look forward to being able to acknowledge those in the wider community who have contributed to their success. Dr Carroll will be presenting his last official report as College Principal and the evening will also afford us the opportunity to particularly acknowledge his 11 years of leadership and contribution to our community.

LAPTOP BAGS In 2015, ALL students from Years 5-12 will be required to use the College approved Targus T.A.N.C laptop bag (embroidered with the student name and College crest) to transport the College supplied laptop. This will mean that students who are currently in Years 6 and 9, in addition to all new students, will need to order a new bag. The currently used ‘soft’ laptop bags will no longer be suitable for the supplied laptops. Students who need to purchase a bag can do so through the Uniform Shop, which must be done prior to the end of Term 4 2014 to allow sufficient time to embroider student names. Pre-ordered bags will be available for collection at the time laptops are collected. NOTE: No laptop will be issued without the compulsory laptop bag. The cost of the College approved Targus T.A.N.C laptop bag and embroidery is $75.00. The laptop bags come with a manufacturer warranty for 3 years. With reasonable care we expect that the purchase of one bag should last for the duration of your son’s time at St. Patrick’s. Payment can be made by phoning or emailing the Uniform Shop: Phone: 3631 9055 Email: [email protected] Or completing the order form available on Connect under Teaching and Learning 2015 Stationery Lists are also available on Connec t under Teaching and Learning and updated Uniform Shop pricelists can be viewed on the College website.

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Mrs Andrea Sked P & F News



On Sunday the P&F hosted their final fundraiser and social event for the year. The second ‘Jazz and Shiraz’ was just as popular as the inaugural event first hosted in 2011 and we plan to make it a continuing annual occasion. A large crowd gathered in the Waterford Building; a prime location for an afternoon of great company, fine wine and enjoyable tunes. We were again provided with an afternoon of entertainment by Mr Andrew Will and his band members, with Andrew donating the band’s fee to his House charity (Rice House). This year the event was extra special, not only as an excuse for an enjoyable afternoon of socialising, but we also used this event as an opportunity to farewell Dr Michael Carroll and thank him for his service to the College and wish him well for his future. The Parents & Friends, the Sports Support Group and the other members of the College community took the time to pass along the thanks from the entire St. Patrick’s community

to Michael, Liz and their girls. We made sure to thank Liz for her support of Michael over his 11 years at St Patrick's, as we are well aware that without their support Michael would not have been able to fully dedicate his time and efforts to our community. When Michael was spending his evenings and weekends at school events and functions, Liz and the girls were missing out on family time and we thanked them for their sacrifice and support over the years. Special mention was made to the fact that Michael has been our longest serving principal with 11 years of service. We reminded him of the hugely positive impact he has made on the College and how his efforts have contributed to the wonderful institution we have here today. We reminded him that even after he leaves us at the end of this year, his legacy will be the quality education received and positive memories countless young men have of their years at St Patrick’s. Michael was presented with a gift on behalf of the entire

College community and we hope this small token of best

wishes will be a constant reminder of the College

community’s gratitude for his service from 2004 to 2014.

If you’d like to stock up your cellar for Christmas or just buy a few bottles for your enjoyment there’s some wine available to purchase at a great price.

Robert Oatley – Wild Oats Chardonnay - $14 a bottle or $78 for 6 Robert Oatley – Wild Oats Sauvignon Blanc - $14 a bottle or $78 for 6

Please contact Maxine Nott at the College if you’d like to make a purchase.

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Mr Chris Campbell AP Curriculum

Last week I opened the discussion of the work being done at St. Patrick’s College to establish a pedagogical and Curriculum framework. In doing so, I made reference to the work of Dr Robert Marzano and his research into the ‘Art and Science of Teaching’. It was a great pleasure last Thursday and Friday to meet with Dr Janelle Wills, who conducted a professional development program with the Curriculum Framework working party. Dr Wills is the Australian representative of the Marzano Institute which is based in Denver Colorado in the United States. She was able to provide the group with some valuable insights into the nature and workings of High Reliability Schools. The basis of Marzano’s framework is to organise the school in three key ways as follows: 1. Divide all lessons into 3 distinct “segments” 2. Within the segments be guided by 9 different “Design

Questions” which provide a focus for lesson delivery. 3. Utilise 41 different “Elements” to give more detailed

explanation of the lesson segments and design questions.

People who are working with Marzano would be well aware of

the acronym 3,9,41. Not every “Design Question” or “Element” is relevant to every “lesson Segment” and not every aspect of the 3, 9, 41 could be covered in a single lesson. They are however, more than a guide. Effective curriculum design within the framework, requires teachers to utilise the terminology as well as ensuing that lessons and units are structured in a particular way. I will provide more information next week, but to give greater clarity regarding the organisation of the 3, 9 41 please read the table below.

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Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

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Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport

This week our AIC Track & Field Team competed at the annual AIC Track & Field Championships on Wednesday 22 October at QSAC, Nathan. St Patrick’s College placed 6th overall aggregately. Our athletes performed with great determination, giving it their all in each and every event. We will acknowledge our top place getters in next week’s edition of the Calling. This Saturday both our AIC basketball and tennis players take to the court for Round 7 verse St Laurence’s College. This is a very important round for numerous teams in both codes who are playing for a premiership. We wish all our basketball and tennis teams every success for the last game of the 2014 AIC sporting season. We would encourage as many St Patrick’s College students and parents to come along and show their support to both our tennis and basketball players this Saturday. A reminder to all St Patrick’s College students who are intending on supporting this Saturday, they MUST be dressed in their formal school uniform. Best of Luck We wish the following St Patrick’s College students the best of luck and success for the forthcoming Queensland Secondary Track & Field Championships which commence on Thursday 23rd October at SAF, Nathan.

Elijah Huxtable (Year 9) – 800m

Isaac Corvo (Year 11) – Shot Put

David Lauchs (Year 11) – Discus

Alex Singer (Year 11) – Long Jump, Triple Jump, 100m

Jordan Johnson (Year 12) – 400m, 800m, 1500m

SPC GYM Term 3 Gym Timetables are now up on connect. Please click on the below link for further details: click here SPC Basketball For more information about SPC Basketball, please click on the below link: click here SPC Track & Field For more information about SPC Track & Field, please click on the below link: click here SPC Tennis For more information about SPC Tennis, please click on the below link: click here

SWIMMING TRAINING Preseason swimming training starts for all AIC and CIC swimmers on Monday 27 of October (week 4) Training will be held on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning for the remainder of the term. Students need to arrive at school by 7am, for a 7.10am start, training will be finished by 8am. All returning and new swimmers are encourage to attend training.

Trimester 3 Co-curricular Award assembly is on Tuesday 28 October 2014. Award recipients will be published on Connect on Friday 24 October 2014

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UNIFORM SHOP HOUSE SHIRTS New House Sport Shirts now available @ $50 each.

CREW SOCKS For volleyball/basketball are available for @ $9.00 pr.

VOLUNTEERS Will be required for 2015 Back to School trading from Wed 14 January to Sat 24 January between 9am – 2pm. Please give some thought to helping during this very busy period. If you are able to help, please leave your details with the Uniform Shop. Volunteer dates will be confirmed a week prior to opening as some circumstances may have changed. Thank you.

TRADING HOURS Tues 12-4pm, Wed 10am-2pm,

Thurs 7.30am-11.30am Last trading day for the year Thurs 27 Nov 7.30-11.30am



24/10 Deb Phillpott, Dale Gordon

28/10 Sharon Mula, Maree Bishop, Kelli Jalani

29/10 Christine Row, David Row

30/10 Mardi Conroy, Michelle Brinkoff

31/10 Deanna Ryan, Gina Macpherson, Lorette Atkinson

27/10 Kylie Galway, Di Teitzel


Tuesday Morning BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25am - 9.00am

Wednesday Evening Street Van Yallambee Lodge, Deagon

5.00pm - 7.00pm

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7. 30am - 9.00am

Saturday Night BBQ Sandgate Sandgate Lagoon 5.15pm - 7.30pm

Tuesday, 28 October Daniel Feek, Christopher Fewtrell, Eamonn Flynn

Wednesday, 29 October Trevor Baker, Tyler Brinkhoff, Alex

Elms, Jaydon Mielekamp

Thursday, 30 October Cody Erb, Des Farrell, Mitchell

Hare, Alex Whyte

Saturday, 25 October Tobias Batson, Jake Baker,

Murdoch Hogan

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.


The Term 4 College fee accounts were emailed or posted on 22 September, 2014 THE ACCOUNT WAS DUE FOR PAYMENT ON 14 October, 2014 - unless alternative payment arrangements have been put in place. Please note that if your account has extra levy charges these will need to be paid separately. If you have not set up a payment scheme please ensure your School Fee Account is paid immediately If you did not receive a Term 3 account please contact Judy Kelly on 36319019 or via email on [email protected]

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Date Claimers