Download - Calling issue 22 (31 july 2014)p

Page 1: Calling issue 22 (31 july 2014)p

31 July 2014 No. 22 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email [email protected]

A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition Catering for Years 5 to 12

Dear Members of the St. Patrick’s College Community This week the St. Patrick’s College Community was informed that, after 38 years of dedicated service, Mr Stephen Graham will retire due to health reasons. Mr Graham has taught in the Year 5 and 6 area of the College and has been instrumental in providing a quality education to the young men of St. Patrick’s College as they begin their journey here. We thank Mr Graham for his contribution and pray that he will soon return to good health. The College will certainly look to officially farewell Mr Graham once he is well enough to attend. Last week the Year 11 students attended their Dinner Dance at Kedron Wavell Services Club. It was an outstanding evening and the young men were excellent ambassadors for our College. Compliments were received from the staff and management of the Kedron Wavell Services Club on their manners and behaviour. This Friday is the Year 10 SET Planning Day. It is important that parents and students are involved in this process. As teachers, we are often asked the question, ‘W hat subjec ts should my son study?’. The only person who can answer this question is the young man himself. It is important that they choose subjects that they enjoy and are prepared to work hard in to achieve the best possible results. A number of pathways are provided at the College and it is important that students choose the most appropriate option for them. Congratulations go to the Senior Theatresports Team on making it to the Queensland Grand Final. Ms Watson informed us that it was a great evening in the Callan Centre with many parents, students and old boys there to support the team. The Junior Team also played very well but unfortunately missed out, although they are certainly following in the footsteps of the Senior Team. The Grand Final is at 7pm on Monday, 18 August, at The Powerhouse. Well done to all the staff involved! On Saturday the Cross Country Team will compete in the annual AIC Cross Country Championships at Limestone Park in Ipswich. The young men have been training since March this year and are ready to do us proud. We wish all runners the best of luck and thank Ms Devine, Mr Locke, Mr Greenfield, Ms Watson, Ms Purcell, Mr Maynard, Mr Drabble and Mr Crowley for the time and effort they have put into the team. It would be great to see as many families and students as possible come out to support our runners on Saturday. We ask our College community to please pray for Patricia Cantwell who continues to battle cancer with extraordinary courage. We pray also for her daughter Sophia and husband David who is the Business Manager at St. James College. Finally, Assessment Calendars were uploaded to Connect on Monday and are available for all year levels. It is a good opportunity to sit down with your son and identify the key assessment dates in his subjects. God Bless

Mr Frank Torrisi Acting Principal

Tuesday 19 August

3pm ‐ 6pm

All Welcome


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Mr Matthew Hawkins AP Identity

Last Friday, we hosted our annual Grandparents’ Mass, and as always, it was a wonderful morning and symbol of our community. During the Mass, I presented a small reflection on the importance of my own grandparents in my life, and thought I’d share that reflection here… Good morning to our grandparents, family members, young men and staff. This is my fifth year at St. Patrick’s, and each year that I’ve been here, I have asked a different member of our community to provide a reflection at this Mass. Many of you here would have listened to various people reflect upon the relationships they have or had with their grandparents or their grandchildren, or perhaps even both. This year, I realized that perhaps instead of asking others to take on this task, I should have a go myself. I would like to just share very briefly about my four grandparents this morning. All have unfortunately passed away now, but I have wonderful memories of each, and in their own way, each shaped the person who I am today. Our Communion Hymn this morning contained the words, “I have called you each by name”. Can I start by saying one of the things I love about grandparents is the names they are called by their grandkids. I am sure that in this room, there are some weird and wonderful names used by grandkids, even though by now, they probably seem very normal to you. In my case, my four grandparents were known as Grandma, George, Moo, and Poppy-Jim. Grandma, my dad’s mum, was the last of my grandparents to pass

away, in 2005. I have some great memories of Grandma –

dancing with her at my 21 birthday party and almost breaking her

hip; surprising her at an ANZAC Day ceremony in Maleny in

2004 and seeing her start crying when she saw me; and telling her

when she was in hospital that my now wife and I were engaged.

She didn’t quite make it to our wedding in December 2005, but

she was so excited to know there was going to be another family

celebration coming up.

Grandma’s husband, George, is the grandparent I knew least and I really only have vague memories based on photos. He passed away when I was very young, but I do remember being on the beach at Kingscliff with him. He drove trucks in Papua New Guinea during WW2, and was quite a hard man. All the stories of him tell me he absolutely loved his grandkids, and when he was with us, he was his gentlest.

My mum’s mum was always known as Moo, after my eldest cousin struggled to say the ‘ma’ in Grandma, and came out with “Granmoo”, later shortened to just Moo. Moo loved Wally Lewis, Greg Matthews and Days of our Lives. I was a timid Year 1 student who struggled to go to school at first, so I spent many days curled up with Moo watching Days of Our Lives early in my schooling journey. When she was very sick towards the end of her life, she moved in with my family and I in Toowoomba. I loved coming home to her every day after school, going in to her bedroom and telling her about my day. She passed away in 1987, but I remember it like it was yesterday. As is so often the case, her husband, Poppy-Jim, passed away just three weeks after his wife. Poppy-Jim was a solicitor in Charleville most of his life, which is where my mum grew up. His hair was always perfect, he didn’t suffer fools, he spoilt us rotten but if we stepped out of line we knew about it. Poppy-Jim called me Spider, and everyone says I remind them of him, which I love hearing, because I thought he was just the best. I am loving watching my own parents undertake their own journey into grandparent-hood now – they spoil my kids rotten, but seemingly quite enjoy giving them back when we leave! The last line of our Communion Hymn was, “I love you and you are mine”. It is this unconditional love that I think defines the relationship between grandparent and grandchild. Grandparents are very special people, even more special than what I realized when mine were still alive. I hope the boys here today understand just how lucky they are – I am sure they do. I would like to finish with a line that Poppy-Jim often used with us grandkids, as it seems somewhat appropriate now. He used to say: Stand up to be seen, speak up to be heard, shut up to be appreciated. On that note, have a lovely morning. Thank you to all of the grandparents of our students for your

presence last Friday. Your presence made the day very

special. We hope to see you again next year.

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Mr Paul Corfield Campus Minister

Sandgate Brighton Youth Group

The aim of the Youth Group is to give the young people from the

community an opportunity to come together for a fun and engaging night

of friendship and faith. The Sandgate Brighton Youth Group is a relatively

new addition to the Parish. It is for young people aged thirteen years and

over. The Youth Group are meeting on the following dates this term:

August 3, August 17, August 31 (visit from NET team), September 7

(ice-skating) and September 14.

The sessions follow the 5pm Mass from 6pm—7:30pm in the undercover

area behind Sacred Heart Church, Sandgate. The Youth Group is led by

Coordinator Travis Rosevear, together with an enthusiastic group of young

people. If you are interested in joining the Group or would like some more

information then please contact the Parish Office or simply come along to a

session. Everyone welcome.

We would love to see you there.

40 HOUR FAMINE - HAVE YOU REGISTERED? The 40 Hour Famine takes place from the 15-17 of August and we encourage all students and their families to take part. You do not have to give up food, you can choose to give up things like technology, TV, furniture or even mobile phones. The idea is to sacrifice something we have, or even take for granted, and live without it for 40 hours. Gain yourself sponsorship and have some fun. Please register at the website: When you register make sure you join the team St. Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe. To do this register with a group (School/Church/Other) AFTER you have entered your other details. If you are having trouble finding our school make sure you have put the apostrophe in St Patrick’s. Please be aware you’ll need to provide a mobile number in order to register.

Family 40 Hour Famine Stories: If you enter as a family please email us a photo and a brief description of what your family is giving up and difficulties you may have faced. Send all famine stories with photos to: [email protected]

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Mr Chris Campbell AP Curriculum


With the term rolling on and many classes currently completing assignments, it can be easy for students to get overwhelmed with managing all of the learning that needs to occur to be able to complete assignments and still make progress towards their term exams. Therefore parental support at home in terms of keeping a tab on assignment progress and class work and encouraging students to seek assistance can be very helpful. Students should be "homeworking" for 20-40 minutes each night of a Math lesson.

2. There are many opportunities for students to seek assistance at the College. Students can always be in communication with their class teacher when they need assistance. Sometimes students may require or seek out further assistance. Math Tutoring is an excellent opportunity to hone skills or develop a better understanding. The times available are provided below:

Year 7: Tuesday Lunch in D001 and Tuesday after school in the library

Year 8: Tuesday and Friday lunch in D001

Year 9-12: Tuesday – Friday in Rooms O205-6

3. Next week our highly regarded SPC Math Team will compete in the Math Team Challenge at Stretton College. These competitions are an excellent opportunity for our talented Mathematicians who work under the expert guidance of Mr Ben Greenfield to participate in fast paced and challenging teams event. Also coming up are the Australian Math Competition and the ICAS UNSW Math competition. We wish all students participating in these events the best of luck.

4. Students will notice this term, as they might have last term that staff within the Mathematics department are visiting their colleagues during lessons to look closely at how students are learning as well as to support their peers by providing feedback on lessons and stimulating discussion about teaching Mathematics. The Mathematics teachers at our College are always working towards ensuring that every student has the best possible chance at achieving their goals and these class visits will help to ensure good results from students that take advantage of the opportunities their teachers provide them.


On Wednesday 30 July our Year 8 Geography students went on an excursion to explore our College’s local area. Students visited the Sandgate Historical Museum and the Shorncliffe foreshore. They learnt about the history of the local area as well as the geographical processes that have shaped the Shorncliffe foreshore. Staff at the Sandgate Historical Museum commented positively on how polite and attentive students were during the presentation. Students also had an opportunity to explore the museum and photograph key documents and artefacts. They are now putting together all the information they collected on the excursion for their assignments. A big thank you to all staff and volunteers who assisted on the excursion as well as to the volunteer staff at the Sandgate Historical Museum for sharing their time and expertise with our students.

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Mr Charles Brauer AP Student Formation

“Sir…..what’s the point of camp?”

Normally the most common question I face as a teacher is something along the lines of - ”Sir…..why are we doing this? Where am I ever going to use this Algebra stuff again?” This week it has all changed - “Sir…..what’s the point o f camp?” By recently working with parents, students and staff to organise next week’s Year 9 camp I’ve been provided with the opportunity to reflect upon the purpose of school camps. I’ve also had the opportunity to promote the ideals of outdoor education experiences to our community. For me, the answers to questions regarding the role of camps are best answered not by me, but by the experience itself. The smiling faces, the laughter, the tiredness, the smelly clothes, the new friendships, the muddy shoes, the campfire stories, the star gazing – these are the answers to the purpose of camp. Too often we are driven to know what the outcomes need to be and what we need to do to achieve such outcomes. There is no doubt that our outdoor education experiences for our young men serve a deliberate purpose. However, instead of answering the questions of our students and rationalising the outcomes to them, perhaps we should encourage our young men them to trust the experience and let the answers speak for themselves. Reminders Below are some key matters that need immediate attention by families. Student Drivers and Passengers of Student Drivers All students who intend on driving to and from school need to ensure that they have registered themselves and any passengers with the College. Students are required to contact Acting College Principal, Mr Torrisi to indicate their intention to drive to school. Families will then receive an application pack that contain documents that need to be signed and returned to Mr Torrisi. If you would like to/likely to be a passenger of a student driver, you must be listed on the student driver’s application. Parental signatures will be required. College Blazers Students in Year 10 to 12 need to be wearing their College blazer to and from school, at College Assembly and at school events. College Backpacks To promote our College uniform, all students need to ensure they are using a College backpack to carry their belongings to and from school. College tour bags and other types of bags are not acceptable.

Hair and Grooming Please ensure that your son’s hair meets our expectations in relation to our Hair and Grooming Policy. We are striving to ensure that we are consistent with applying our policies when following up with students. Your ongoing attention to and continued support of the above reminders and of all College policies and procedures is a greatly appreciated. Please contact me or your son’s House Dean if you have any queries or concerns. Upcoming Student Formation Events Monday 4 August – Friday 8 August Inter-House Long Jump—Lunchtimes on the Oval.

Monday: Year 5 and Year 10 Wednesday: Year 6 and Year 11 Thursday: Year 7 and Year 12 Friday: Year 8

Monday 11 August Year 9 Inter-House Long Jump—Lunchtime on the Oval. Friday 15 August: Inter-House Athletics Carnival - From 8:30—Curlew Park. This is a Special Event Day. Students need to attend this day. Absences need to be explained with a medical certificate. Year 9 Camp & Retreat Week Program: Monday 4 August – Friday 8 August

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Camp Coffey, Kennedy, Mooney, O’Rourke

ALL Treacy, Quane, Ryan, Rice, Xavier

Retreat Treacy, Quane, Ryan

Rice, Xavier

No retreats. Coffey, Kennedy

Mooney, O’Rourke

Enrich-ment Days (English, Maths, Science)

Rice, Xavier

Treacy, Quane, Ryan

No classes. Mooney, O’Rourke

Coffey, Kennedy

Please note: Old footwear will be required for some Enrichment Day Science activities

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Mr Charles Brauer AP Student Formation

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St. Patrick’s College Calling | 7

Mr Jonathan Hall Ryan House Dean

With the departure of Mr. Michael Phillips from Ryan House at the end of 2013, I was welcomed into the Ryan House community as House Dean for 2014. My first 6 months at St. Patrick’s has been very enjoyable and I have taken the time to get to know the staff, students and families of Ryan House as best as I can. Indeed, they have taken the time to get to know me as well! Often, a change in leadership brings with it some changes to the way things have been done in the past. Whilst I have endeavoured to not be too “trigger happy” and make wholesale changes around the place, one area that I felt needed a facelift was our beloved Ryan House crest. As an Old Boy, I remember when the original House crests were designed back in the late 1990’s. Many of them have stood the test of time and have come to symbolise everything that is good about the pastoral care system at St. Patrick’s and the individual character of the Houses they represent. However, as many of you have indeed observed, the Ryan House crest, whilst representative of these same ideals, seem to lack the same professional finish as the other House crests it stood alongside. Some quick research has revealed that the Ryan House crest in its current form, is actually the ‘draft’ version of the crest, adopted into the College history through a series of small oversights. As we move into an increasingly more digital age,

this oversight has begun to have ramifications for how our crest is displayed when we print things, such as the College Yearbook. To that end, I decided it was important to update the way our crest looked. I feel our new crest reflects a more modern outlook and more

importantly, will look significantly more professional when

reproduced. They symbols are the same; the Christian

Brother’s cross reminds us of their legacy and our spiritual

growth and faith formation, the football represents our

co-curricular program which is deeply entwined with the

history of our College through Br. Ryan’s tenure as Principal,

the book draws our attention to our academic focus on a daily

basis here at school and the clasped hands symbolise the

inclusive Ricean community that we uphold as men of Ryan

House. At the centre of this is our mascot, the lion. A majestic

animal characterised by nobility, humility and pride tied

together with the Ryan House motto, “With Unity Comes

Success”. Collectively, these icons they symbolise the Ricean

vision of a holistic education that the young men of St.

Patrick’s College receive. I hope you will all agree that this

crest can be imagined in the years to come on the chests of

future generations of proud Ryan House boys.


It has been yet another busy start to Term Three, and as assignments and exam dates are being issued, I encourage all students to con nue working hard and to balance their me wisely so as to be able to get the grades they desire. This Saturday August 2 marks the annual AIC Cross Country Championships at Limestone Park. Since the beginning of March, the mighty X‐Men have been working relessly hard in prepara on for this all important race, as well as aiming to break further hearts in achieving five in a row. These soldiers can’t walk alone. They need the support of their fellow brothers behind them. The Paddes Ba alion will be out in full force and I challenge all men of St. Patrick’s to sign up for the supporter’s bus at the Student Office or see Ba alion Leaders Harrison Rehm or Hugh Tanzer to sign up. The supporter’s bus will be leaving Saturday from the College at 7:30am and a free breakfast will be supplied on the day.

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Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

MUSIC Coordinator - Stephen Fischer

[email protected] It was great to see our Guitar Ensemble performing at the EINBUNPIN FESTIVAL at Sandgate on Sunday. The boys played brilliantly and were a credit to the college. BATTLE OF THE BANDS! 19 August (W eek 6) in the Callan Centre at the conclusion of Open Day. Every year, ‘Battle of the Bands’ serves as an opportunity for our Technical Production students to rig a large stage setup. During Open Day, you will find Mr Samuels mentoring these students as well as the bands participating, in the inner workings of putting on a concert on a large scale. As for our instrumental music students and singers, I would like to invite and encourage any students interested in playing whether on their own, with a friend or a few students in a band to make sure they sign up for this year’s ’Battle of the Bands’. It’s a great experience and a lot of fun for everyone involved. For all musicians/singers/bands, you need to fill out an entry form and return to the Student Office, Mr Samuels or myself by Monday 4 August. Check them out here or see myself for a copy: Please also enjoy some photos from our recent events and a reflection from Fiachra Sides (Year 11):

Last Monday the Senior Concert/Stage band played at Queen Street Mall in front of a live audience. The band has been rehearsing for many weeks prior to the event before presenting our four music pieces to the public. The excursion was great fun and all of the students involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was also a great opportunity for the band to develop experience performing in front of the public. All students represented the College well. Thank you to Mr Hockey, our conductor, and Mr Will for driving the bus to get us there.

Finally, a reminder that tuition timetables and Ensemble rehearsal times are on CONNECT. For further information refer to the INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PAGE click here

THEATRESPORTS Coordinator - Marthy

Watson [email protected]

Congratulations to the Senior Theatresports team that made it through to the Grand Finals of the State Youth Theatresport Competition. It was a great evening Tuesday night in the Callan Centre with terrific support from parents, students and old boys. The Junior Team played very well and can be proud of their achievements this year. I am sure that they will follow in the footsteps of the Senior Team in years to come. The Grand Final is on Monday 18 August at 7 pm at The Powerhouse. Check the CONNECT page for ticketing details For further information refer to the THEATRESPORTS PAGE click here

Public Speaking Coordinator – Jonathan Brough [email protected]

All grades can compete in the School Oratory Comp later in the year For further information refer to the PUBLIC SPEAKING PAGE click here

INTER-HOUSE DEBATING 2014 This year’s competition concluded this morning with some very spirited debates which entertained the large audiences in attendance. Thanks to all boys who participated and staff who assisted with coaching and adjudicating this year’s debates.

Final placings:

Junior Division: 1st – Treacy 2nd – O’Rourke 3rd – Quane

Senior Division: 1st – Quane 2nd – Xavier 3rd – Treacy Overall champions

will be announced on

Assembly next week.

Below is a brief overview with links to the Cultural web pages containing more detailed information on each of the activities.

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St. Patrick’s College Calling | 9

Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport

Best of Luck This Saturday is the annual AIC Cross Country Championships being held at Limestone Park, Ipswich. The St. Patrick’s College’s AIC Cross Country Squad has once again trained extremely hard in 2014 for this event and are positive of a very good result. Earlier this week we celebrated their efforts and acknowledged the team at our annual Cross Country Spirit Assembly. Team captain, Jordan Johnson spoke of the hard work and dedication of both the runners and the coaching staff leading into Saturday’s championship. We now wish all involved, the runner, their families and the coaches every success this coming weekend and we also encourage the wider College community to ‘get on board’ and support our Cross Country Team at Limestone Park as they attempt to go for ‘5 in a row’ AIC Cross Country Premierships. Good luck - Fight the Good Fight and ‘Kill the Final Hill.’ We need as many supporters as we can to come along and cheer on the XMen who have been working hard at their training since March. You must have signed on in the library order to get onto the Paddies Battalion supporter’s bus in, which departs from Pier Avenue at 7.30am on Saturday morning. Competitors:

Arrive at school 6.15am for a 6.30am departure

You MUST be wearing St. Pat’s gear (no hoodies/ trackies or jumpers that are not SPC on this day are allowed). School tracksuit/ tour jumpers are suitable.

Wear your green SPC shirt or cross country tour shirt over your running singlet

You must compete in the gold singlet and school sports/ running shorts

Bring a water bottle Venue: Limestone Park—Lion St, Ipswich Events: 9.00am 13 Yrs & Under 3000 meters

9.30am 14 Yrs & Under 4000 meters 10.00am 15 Yrs & Under 4000 meters 10.30am 16 Yrs & Under 6000 meters 11.00am Open 6000 meters

Presentation: 11.45am A canteen will be available but all team members and student supporters will be fed. Metropolitan North Regional Sport Information All students and parents requesting information regarding upcoming Met North Regional trials are asked to go to the Met North Website to find out such information -

Metropolitan North Regional Track & Field (Nominations are now being taken) – any students wishing to be nominated for SPC Track & Field for the Metropolitan North Regional Championships needs to be attending training and are to see Mr Ryan Schultz to nominate. For further information regarding these and other trials please contact Ryan Schultz (College Coaching Administrator). SPC GYM Term 3 Gym Timetables are now up on connect. Please click on the below link for further details: click here SPC Cross Country For further details about AIC Cross Country Meet, please click here SPC Basketball For more information about SPC Basketball, please click here SPC Track & Field For more information about SPC Track & Field, please click here SPC Tennis AIC Tennis: There is no tennis fixture this week in light of AIC Cross Country Championships at Limestone Park, Ipswich. College Tennis Championships: Our Closed (only players within CIC and AIC teams) College Tennis Championships have begun for all ages from Year 5 to Year 12, at training sessions with the draw leading to the Semi-Finals to be played at Club Coops on Saturday morning, 16 August, 8.30 am to 11.30 am. Uniform - The College tennis cap is available for purchase from the uniform shop located in the car park below the Waterford Building. For more information about SPC Tennis, please click here

Good luck - Fight the Good Fight & ‘Kill the Final Hill’

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The Uniform Shop has been relocated to the Waterford car park in preparation for

the building of the new Cultural and Sporting Precinct.

TRADING HOURS Tues 12-4pm, Wed 10am -2pm,

Thurs 7.30am -11.30am



01/08 Natalie Dare, Tania Caruana, Michelle Warnecke

05/08 Cheryl Jahnke, Donelle McVeigh

06/08 Mary Brodie, Andrea Meade, Jane Doyle, Margaret Armitage

07/08 Karen Jacobsen, Julie O’Neill, Madeline Avci

08/08 Joanne Casey, Jodie Mc Ateer, Tanya Smith

04/08 Lorraine Durigon, Alison Broughan, Mary McHugh


Tuesday Morn BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am - 9.00 am

Tuesday Evening Street Van Brisbane City

5.00 pm - 7.30 pm

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7. 30 am - 9.00 am

Saturday Night BBQ Sandgate Sandgate Lagoon 5.15 pm - 7.30 pm

Tuesday 5th August

Ethan Aylward,

Jack Graham, Jesse Keasley

Tuesday 5th August

Zac Harmer, Ayden Winsen,

Tyler Brinkhoff, Trevor Baker

Not applicable

Saturday 2 August

Murdoch Hogan, Callum McFarlane, Tobias Batson,

Fraser Wardley

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.


The Term 3 school fee accounts were emailed or posted on 7 July and are


unless alternative payment arrangements

have been put in place.

Please note that if your account has extra levy charges these will need to be paid separately.

If you did not receive a Term 3 account please contact Judy Kelly on 3631-9019 or via email on [email protected]


On some

Mondays Please

call Demetria

on 3631 9050

if you can


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St. Patrick’s College Calling | 11

Date Claimers

Sport Support Group Our August monthly meeting of volunteer devoted parents will take place on Monday 4

August at 6.00 pm in the Morven Board Room. All parents and friends are welcome, especially those with sons heavily involved in the College and Representative team programs. This especially includes Basketball, Tennis and Track & Field parents in preparation for the coming season. The meeting normally lasts for about an hour. We look forward to welcoming you into our Group.