Download - Call for Paper 15_09

  • 8/13/2019 Call for Paper 15_09


    Call for Papers

    International Studies of Management & Organization

    Issue about

    The evolution of the Italian Textile and Fashion Industry:

    From Tradition to Innovation

    Guest Editors: Salvatore Esposito De Falco & Francesco Schiavone

    Aims and Scope of the Special Issue

    We invite scholars who participated in the TA-CAMP Research Project to submit their papers

    proposals for an issue ofInternational Studies of Management & Organization(!M"#$ The main

    %oals of this issue are&

    '# To develop the findin%s of the TA-CAMP Research Project into a scientific and theoretical


    )# To %ive readers an in-depth understandin% of the fast-chan%in% and pol*h*dric industr* of

    te+tile and fashion

    ,# To present the main results of the TA-CAMP Research Project to the international academic


    The proposal structure should strictl* follow the structure outlined below (see also the attached

    power point presentation and the !M" authors %uidelines#&

    - Title

    - "bjective(s#

    -Relevant Theories

    - Methods

    - Main indin%s

    - Main Theoretical Conclusions

    Proposals and papers can cover various theoretical framewor.s and subjects$ /owever0 the* have to

    be related to and present the results of the TA-CAMP project$ Papers on the followin% subjects are



    nnovation- nternationali1ation !trate%ies

  • 8/13/2019 Call for Paper 15_09


    - Re%ional 2evelopment

    - 3ntrepreneurship

    - Competitive !trate%ies

    - 4o%istics

    This list is indicative of the t*pes of contributions0 which ma* be appropriate$ /owever this list is

    not intended to be e+haustive but rather illustrative$ 5et0 the papers submitted to this issue must

    provide robust theoretical foundations to e+plain empirical studies$


    !ubmissions of proposals are accepted b*&

    '$ Authors who contributed to the 6!iner%ie7 Research Report about TA-CAMP$

    )$ Authors who presented their contributions at the final conference in 8illa 2oria on 9th:ul*


    !ubmissions of both individual scholars and teams of researchers are welcome$

    Please note that proposals and

  • 8/13/2019 Call for Paper 15_09


    Sumission of Proposals and Papers

    Proposals and full papers should be submitted as attached W"R2 files to the followin% email

    address& tacamp$ismo%mail$com

    An* informal enDuiries relatin% to this issue can be directed to the Euest 3ditors&

    !alvatore 3sposito 2e alco& salvatore$espositodefalcouniroma'$it

    rancesco !chiavone& francesco$schiavoneuniparthenope$it


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]