Download - California Integrated Waste Management Board 1 Testimony of Marlena Wells-Murphy, CIWMB Auditor Audit of Used Oil Nonprofit Grant to Sports Car Club of.



California Integrated Waste Management Board

Testimony of Marlena Wells-Murphy,

CIWMB AuditorAudit of Used Oil Nonprofit Grant to Sports Car Club of



California Integrated Waste Management Board


• Marlena Wells-Murphy, CIWMB Administration & Finance Division.

• CIWMB Auditor for Used Oil Nonprofit Grants UNP4 and UNP5 to Sports Car Club of America (SCCA).


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Recap of DOF Audit Findings• Costs were not reflected in accounting records. Reimbursements

were thus reflected as profit.

• SCCA was unable to provide required supporting documentation for certain reimbursements.

• SCCA distributed grant funds totaling more than $30,600 to David Vodden for commissions that were not disclosed to the grant manager or authorized in the grant budgets or work plans.

• DOF determined that $234,928 should be remitted to the CIWMB as ineligible costs.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

SCCA Disputed DOF’s Audit Findings

• Following the issuance of the final DOF audit report, SCCA disputed the findings.

• CIWMB staff then made extensive efforts to accommodate SCCA and resolve the dispute.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

CIWMB Made Extensive Efforts to Resolve the Audit Dispute

• Held meetings with SCCA’s Executive Officers;• Made a site visit to Thunderhill Park;• Interviewed SCCA’s Executive Staff; and• Independently reviewed the DOF audit findings;• Granted SCCA five (5) time extensions to submit

documentation to support its costs -- extending the audit resolution process by more than eight months.

• Ultimately reduced the final reimbursement total in favor of SCCA.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

CIWMB Staff Recommendation

• Final CIWMB adjustment determined that $74,927.59 should be reimbursed as ineligible costs.

• Staff recommends the Board uphold this final, adjusted reimbursement determination.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Explanation of Reimbursement Adjustments

• Kiosk – No adjustment.

• Personnel – No adjustment.

• Sponsorship – After review, CIWMB staff determined that $160,000 in expenses questioned by DOF were eligible for reimbursement.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Responsibility for Financial Reporting and Compliance

• Both the grant application instructions and the grant agreements put SCCA on full notice regarding proper financial reporting and compliance.

• The CIWMB had no responsibility to give SCCA financial advice on how to manage its funds.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Kiosk• SCCA complied with the grant requirements for use of

the approved kiosk trailer.

• However, SCCA did not expend any funds to purchase it.

• Instead, the expense was reflected in the general ledger for Thunderhill Raceway Park, a for-profit entity.

• Therefore, since SCCA did not incur any expense, it was not eligible for reimbursement.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Kiosk (cont.) • The CIWMB’s program manager

rightfully assumed that SCCA, as the non-profit grantee, would take title of the Kiosk.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

SCCA Boasted That it “Banked” the Grant Funds for the Kiosk

• Quoted from the VODDEN REPORT dated 8-27-03 (included in the administrative record).

“For those who saw the Race to Recycle Oil ‘kiosk’ at lnfineon over the weekend I hope you were pleased with its look. Thunderhill purchased this unit from the AA ball team Chico Heat for $12,833 as a vehicle for handling merchandise. This was done because merchandise was not included in the new building as a result of committee input. As a result of our key role in the CIWMB program, when the excess funding became available from the RtoROIL at the end of the grant, I was able to get $12,500 in additional funding for the Club. It should also be understood that, even though Thunderhill purchased and paid for the trailer (Kiosk), the SCCA received and banked the $12,500 for the sponsorship opportunity. This was in addition to any previous funding under the affected grant. Not bad!”


California Integrated Waste Management Board


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Kiosk (cont.)• The CIWMB did obtain some benefit from the

kiosk through the appearance of the CIWMB’s name and the “Race to Recycle” logo.

• Thus, the CIWMB’s auditor categorized this particular information on the kiosk as “sponsorship” along with any other used oil information and public service announcements.


California Integrated Waste Management Board


• Based on the SCCA’s accounting records and the grant agreement for UNP4 and UNP5,the CIWMB cannot reimburse SCCA for costs they did not incur.

• The SCCA was unable to produce any documentation that demonstrated that SCCA actually expended money for personnel for the number of hours that were claimed for grant activities.

• Therefore, CIWMB staff agreed with the DOF auditor’s final audit determination that SCCA must reimburse the CIWMB $38,745 and $45,210 for UNP4 and UNP5 respectively, totaling $83,955.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Personnel (cont.)• Since SCCA could not demonstrate that

it actually expended funds on personnel for grant activities, the reimbursement from the CIWMB was reflected as ineligible profit.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

SPONSORSHIP • According to the DOF final audit report, SCCA

was unable to provide documentation (e.g. vendor invoices and cleared checks) to support claimed sponsorship fees totaling $54,000 and $112,000 for the respective grants.

• SCCA also misclassified $68,000 of sponsorship fees. The CIWMB appropriately reclassified these expenses under sponsorship for UNP4 and UNP5 respectively.


California Integrated Waste Management Board


The CIWMB auditor’s analysis disclosed:

• The CIWMB was satisfied with the SCCA’s naming rights program and the other publicity opportunities for used oil recycling built into the plan; and

• The CIWMB concurred with the SCCA that it incurred expenditures to provide the promised value of sponsorship rights.

• As a result, $54,000 in UNP4 sponsorship cost was determined to be eligible for grant participation.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

UNP5-02-0013 - SPONSORSHIPThe UNP 5 grant budget was increased to cover the sponsorship fee cost of holding events and gaining exposure for used oil recycling in the Southern California regions at three racetracks:

• Buttonwillow Raceway near Bakersfield• Willow Springs International Raceway

near L.A.• California Speedway near Riverside


California Integrated Waste Management Board

UNP5-02-0013 - SPONSORSHIPThe CIWMB auditor concluded there was sufficient support for 53 event days. However, there was no evidence to demonstrate that the following two events actually occurred:

• Laguna SecaVintage Races Oct 22-24, 2004 1-day $2,000.00

• ButtonwillowCal Club Reg. Oct 22-24, 2004 2-days $4,000.00 Total $6,000.00


California Integrated Waste Management Board

UNP5-02-0013 - SPONSORSHIP (cont.)

Based on the documents submitted to the CIWMB, staff determined that $106,000 in expenditures were eligible for reimbursement and $6,000 was ineligible for UNP5-02-0013 grant participation due to a lack of supporting evidence. Claimed Sponsorship – UNP4 $54,000.00Claimed Sponsorship – UNP5 $112,000.00 Subtotal $166,000.00Less: Ineligible Sponsorship – UNP5 <$6,000.00> Total Eligible Costs $160,000.00

The SCCA concurred with the CIWMB auditor's findings.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Inadequate Separation of Duties• The DOF audit report disclosed that David Vodden performed a

number of duties that lacked separation between SCCA, as a non-profit corporation, and Thunderhill, as a profit-making subsidiary.

• DOF questioned whether there is an adequate “arms-length” relationship with respect to transactions related to the grants.

• The CIWMB’s auditor agree with this finding.

• Maintaining an arms-length relationship is a federal government requirement for 501 (c) tax status as a non-profit corporation.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Commissions to David Vodden• The DOF audit report further noted that the SCCA’s

payment of a commission to David Vodden equaled 10 percent of each grant reimbursement check, less the amounts invoiced from vendors.

• These commission amounts were not claimed in the grant payment requests submitted to the CIWMB.

• However, it was noted in DOF’s final audit report that Mr. Vodden was paid this commission through his consulting firm D.B. Vodden Enterprises.


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Conclusions• $74,927.59 should be reimbursed as

ineligible costs.

• Total reflects CIWMB adjustment to DOF’s audit findings under “Sponsorship.”


California Integrated Waste Management Board

Conclusions (cont.)

DOF Recommendation$234,928.00

Less CIWMB Adjustments - 160,000.41

Total: $ 74,927.59