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The Service Provider’s Speed Mandate—and How CA Can Help You Address It

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Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies


Innovative services and business models continue to hit the market, which creates both unprecedented opportunities and urgent demands. Today’s realities don’t just mean businesses can get faster, it means they must get faster—and this is more true for service providers than businesses in virtually any other market sector. Today, it isn’t enough for service providers to offer innovative services that deliver customer value. They have to deliver this value at the pace that customers demand—and now that means right away.

Welcome to the Application Economy

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Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies

Today, your customers are competing in an application economy. In an environment fueled by increasing technological innovation, it is applications that increasingly define the customer experience and the competitive landscape. While trends like increased cloud services adoption, mobile application proliferation and DevOps utilization have very significant differences, they all serve a common goal: acceleration.

All these trends are enabling acceleration in everything from rolling out a new feature to rolling out a new business. For enterprises, these trends aren’t just enabling speed, they’re making acceleration a mandate.

Competitors, whether established leaders or new market entrants, can harness new technologies to accelerate their ability to innovate, deliver new services and enter new markets. This acceleration ultimately leads to shrinking windows of opportunity for every business. It used to be that when an organization delivered a valued service or innovation to market, leadership could expect to sustain their advantage for a significant length of time. That time has passed.


The Application Economy and the Need for Speed

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Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies

The Speed Mandate for Service Providers


As businesses contend with shrinking competitive windows, their demand for speed will grow increasingly urgent. If an organization’s internal staff doesn’t know how to do something, the time it takes to execute will be slowed. With relevant expertise, service providers can come in and help the customer deliver on requirements faster. Therefore, given businesses’ need for speed, their reliance on external service providers will grow—if these providers can deliver expertise and services that fuel acceleration.

For service providers, the opportunities are significant, but they are also fleeting. Just as competitive windows shrink for customers, they also shrink for service providers. If a new service provides a

customer with a competitive differentiator, but it takes three months to get the service up and running, the business benefits that the customer gains will be minimized or will never be realized at all. Put another way, the pace at which services are delivered will increasingly become just as important as the services themselves.

Those service providers that can address this need for speed will be able to deliver high levels of customer value and establish significant competitive differentiation. Those that can’t accelerate their operations and service delivery will increasingly see the value of their services erode.

The pace at which services are delivered will increasingly become just as important as the services themselves.

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As your customers strive to compete more effectively in the application economy, it will be speed that will increasingly make the difference between success and failure. With CA Technologies, you can leverage the people, tools and resources that enable you to accelerate your service delivery—and quickly provide the critical services that help your customers thrive in the application economy. The following sections offer more details on the ways CA Technologies can speed your business.


How CA Technologies Helps Service Providers Address the Need for Speed

Service Optimization Service Offerings Service Acceleration

Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Service Optimization

Service Offerings

Service Acceleration

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies

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Service Optimization: Efficiency and Agility That Speed Service Delivery

For many service providers, operational inefficiencies represent a significant barrier to speed. Too often, each service is a one-off effort, with unique sales processes, development efforts and infrastructures. Mired in complex, labor-intensive processes, service providers simply can’t react as quickly as they need to.

The CA Cloud Service Delivery Platform (CA CSDP) can dramatically accelerate your business’ ability to deliver and scale services, offering these key capabilities:

• Speed delivery of a range of service offerings. CA CSDP enables you to leverage a single platform that can support a multitude of service offerings, speeding the delivery of monitoring, service desk, identity and access management, mobile device management and other services.

• Build standardized, repeatable processes. Regardless of the specific service offerings you deliver, CA CSDP enables you to standardize everything from how customers order to how services are provisioned and how they get billed.

• Efficiently support a multitude of clients. The CA CSDP infrastructure and services running on the platform offer full multi-tenancy support.

• Leverage extensive automation. CA CSDP automates many time-consuming tasks, including activation, provisioning, service level monitoring, usage tracking and billing information generation.

• Harness complete service level management. Once deployed, CA CSDP provides the visibility and controls your team needs to track and optimize service levels.


Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Service Optimization

Service Offerings

Service Acceleration

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies

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CA Technologies: Powering Profitable Service Offerings

Moving forward, market growth will come to those service providers that can deliver differentiated, high-value service offerings that help customers adapt to the application economy and thrive.

With CA Technologies, you get the people, the resources and the products you need to deliver winning new services that can help provide value to your customers, establish strong differentiation from your competitors, and speed time to market for profitable new services. CA Technologies offers solutions that power services at every stage of the application lifecycle. Here is an overview of our solution portfolios:

• ca Intellicenter. Leverage the solutions that enable you to efficiently manage and deliver effective, 24x7 help desk services to customers. Give your clients a holistic view of IT services and assets—so their plans, investments and applications deliver maximum business value.

• ca Devcenter. Provide services that help customers develop high quality applications faster. Leverage tools that create virtual integrations, enable parallel development and deliver continuous testing. With our automated orchestration tools, you can enable customers to go from development to production in minutes, not weeks.

• ca Opscenter. Equip your customers with a 360-degree view of systems and infrastructure performance—so they can deliver an optimized customer experience and maximize operational efficiency. The ca Opscenter portfolio provides tools for managing and monitoring performance and availability, enabling fast issue detection and proactive insights for addressing potential problems before services levels are affected.

• ca Securecenter. The ca Securecenter portfolio enables you to deliver the sophisticated services that enable customers to address their compliance and security objectives—while providing a superior user experience. Help your customers ensure authorized users get convenient, secure access to the right applications, from any device and from anywhere.

A Sampling of Services Powered by CAOfferings Powered by ca Intellicenter

• Cloud Service Management• Project and Portfolio Management• IT Asset Management

Offerings Powered by ca Devcenter

• Application Testing• Release Automation• API Management

Offerings Powered by ca Opscenter

• Application Performance Management

• Infrastructure Monitoring• Data Center Monitoring

Offerings Powered by ca Securecenter

• Identity and Access Management• API Management• Enterprise Mobility Management

Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Service Optimization

Service Offerings

Service Acceleration

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies

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Resources That Fuel Business Speed and Operational Excellence

Uncertainty can lead to delays. Mistakes and suboptimal processes can set businesses back significantly. Costly under any circumstances, in the application economy these delays and setbacks can exact an increasingly painful penalty. That’s why getting assistance from outside resources at the right time can be invaluable.

Today, through its CA Service Provider Center of Excellence, CA Technologies can help you more fully leverage your technologies and investments, optimize your operations, enhance your go-to-market capabilities and scale intelligently—so you can accelerate your services and your business more effectively. The Center of Excellence team provides assistance in the following ways:

• People. Our team has rich expertise in service provider businesses, strategic consulting, technical deployments, sales and marketing. We can provide the best practices, strategies and advice that you and your team need.

• Services. Our team of experts can offer a range of consulting services—including custom workshops, training sessions and in-depth advisory services—that are tailored to the needs and objectives of your specific business.

• Resources. To provide partners with easy access to the wealth of assets it has created, the Center of Excellence team has developed the Service Provider Playbook. The playbook provides in-depth, vendor-agnostic resources on a range of topic areas, including onboarding, service catalogs, marketing and many more.

The Service Provider Playbook: Business Acceleration Resources on DemandThe Service Provider Playbook contains a rich set of business enablement resources, including white papers, webcasts, video tutorials, industry reports, strategy briefs and presentations. Through the playbook, you can get convenient, on-demand access to guiding content in these areas:

Business Strategies

Business Operations

Sales and Marketing

Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Service Optimization

Service Offerings

Service Acceleration

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies

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Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies


Harness the Benefits of Speed

In the application economy, speed will be a make-or-break factor for your customers—and your business. With its platforms for optimization, products that power high-value services and extensive enablement offerings, CA Technologies is uniquely equipped to help you accelerate virtually every aspect of your business. With CA Technologies, you can realize the following objectives:

Respond Faster We can help you gain the operational efficiency you need to respond more quickly to new opportunities, changing customer requirements and emerging competitive threats.

Deliver Value FasterLeverage the tools, resources and expertise you need to speed innovation, so you can deliver higher-value services and get them to start benefitting your customers faster.

Gain Competitive Differentiation Faster As speed grows more critical to your clients, speed to service will represent a factor that can truly distinguish your offerings and business.

Receive Revenues Faster With our platforms, offerings and services, we can help you dramatically reduce the time it takes to onboard new services and customers, so you can start profiting faster.

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Application Economy

Need for Speed

Mandate for Service Providers

How CA Can Help

Benefits of Speed

About CA Technologies

© Copyright CA 2015. All rights reserved. This document is for your informational purposes only and does not form any type of warranty. Case studies included herein represent customer’s specific use and experience so actual results may vary. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. CS200-114272_0115

CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) creates software that fuels transformation for companies and enables them to seize the opportunities of the application economy. Software is at the heart of every business, in every industry. From planning to development to management and security, CA is working with companies worldwide to change the way we live, transact and communicate – across mobile, private and public cloud, distributed and mainframe environments. Learn more at

Now’s the TimeIn the application economy, time is of the essence. Explore the CA service provider page today, so you can get the resources and information you need to start boosting the speed and profits of your business.

About CA Technologies for Service Providers In the application economy, successful service providers will have one thing in common: speed. Delivering services that help customers innovate their applications faster—and getting those services to market quickly—now represent critical competitive mandates. Today, service providers around the world are turning to CA Technologies because we help them get faster. CA equips service providers with a scalable service delivery platform that fuels operational optimization, complete solutions that power services at every stage of the application lifecycle and extensive enablement services that can accelerate all phases of your business’ execution.

To learn more, visit the CA service provider page: