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Corrections For Initial Magazine Mock up and the Final

By Prajwol Khamcha

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FRONT COVER “More than Hip Hop is my slogan, therefore I moved it inside my masthead, and made it much

smaller and added a white outline to make it clearer.

Changed the grammar and spelling. E.g. 50 Greatest Lyricist and Collector’s.

Gave ‘Kareem’ and ‘King O’ the same backing and color scheme as ‘On the Come Up’ to make it clear these are all part of the same cover line.

Made King O as the gutter line and spread it across the bottom of the front cover.

I resized the ’50 Greatest Lyricist’ to 24 ppt. I moved this to the shoulder of Glock, to clearly separate this cover line from On the Come up.

I changed all the cover lines color to White, while for Glocks (main cover line) I left it black as it can be clearly distinguished to fox thinkers over which is important.

I changed the fonts and created a less varied front cover. For all the cover lines I used Jersey M54. Although for Glock (Main cover line) I used Impact label for his, again to distinguish the main cover line.

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FRONT COVER For the image of Glock his hair outline was quite harsh compared to the

background so to make it more natural looking I used the blur tool on Photoshop to make his image blend in more to the background.

Because the Barcode was in the way for the Gutter line of King O, with the help of Mrs Bennett, we moved it near the masthead.

I increased the opacity of the warning label of On the Come up and King O to make it stand out more. In terms of the color of the text, I changed “Kareem” and “King O” to white to make it less complicated. But for it to stand out I added a black outline, so it stays visible to the audience.

I also tried to make the shot look more natural because the lighting was used using Photoshop I used the burn tool to create a gentle shadow in the inside of the shoulder to make it more realistic.

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Content Page The images need cutting out more cleanly, as the the black marks are some leftover

background. I will use the eraser tool in Photoshop and clean it up more.

Have the images larger as they look unnatural and look like they are floating in the air. So Overlap them to create a more realistic image.

Check the spelling and grammar and change the font of the content description

Change the specific date as my magazine is a monthly magazine, I moved this to the side of the content page.

Change the fonts of the content to a less varied font. Use for cover line is Jersey M54, description is in Constantia and the number of pages need to be Base 05.

Align contents to the right, making sure sizing and spacing between articles is consistent.

Fill the content to the bottom

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Content Page I removed the captions closer to the artist/Models to make sure the audience know which

caption is for which.

I added my Website on the side so the Audience can know where to get additional information.

I blurred the edges of the model using Photoshop for the image to blend into the background.

Added additional content that related to the magazine.

I added a Quote from King O to fill the space that was present at the top. I used Jersey M54 as the font and used 24 ppt.

I equally spaced out the content.

Created a section called “World” , this creates a sub section where the audience can be updated about different topics.

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Double Page Spread Align white caption to the Left of the caption of Kareem and move it to the


Change speech marks to quotation marks.

It should be in columns (preferably three)

I made the Drop cap larger to make it look more appealing

Proof read the article for grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes.

Add in ‘AS TOLD TO PRAJWOL KHAMCHA’ centered underneath the quote and in a smaller red font (same as Kareem)

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Double Page Spread The image of Kareem pushing the Title I cleaned up the image a bit more as

they’re were little grey marks you could see. I used the eraser tool on Photoshop to clean it up.

I extended my article as I changed the font size to 10 ppt. I added a final paragraph to sum up the magazine. I added Dots to separate it from the story of the artist.

For on the Come up I made it more visible my putting a Black outline on it and increasing the opacity of the image background. I extended this image background to make it more realistic.