Download - BY : National Informatics Center Uttar Pradesh Unit Forms 38 Downloading (with Unique Form No.)


BY : National Informatics Center Uttar Pradesh Unit

Forms 38  Downloading

(with Unique Form No.)

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Applicable for below mentioned 8 commodities :CementTyre TubeMotor VehicleLubricantCycle and cycle partsMatch boxesTimberRefine Oil

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Click here for Registration for Form Download.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

1. Registration Application For seeking Form Downloads facility

Dealer fills tin number & all other required information for registering themself for Form download facility.After submitting registration form, Dealer will get Application Number and a request for approval will be sent automatically to dealer’s sector office.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Registration Application Form

Enter your Tin here and press TAB or anywhere in page.

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Click here to Submit the Form.

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After clicking on Submit button , Dealer will get this application

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

After clicking on Submit button , Dealer will get this application

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2. Approval of Forms registration by Commercial Tax Sector Office

Sector Office need to approve Dealer Registration in order to allow form download .In case if Rejection by department ,Dealer may Re-Register for Form Download.In case of Approval , Dealer will get a confirmation message and Login credentials through SMS on his registered Mobile Number and on his registered email id.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Click here for Sector officer login to verify Dealer Registration.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Click here to Login.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Click here to Approve or Disapprove Dealer Registration request.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Select Form Type.Click here to show all request of dealer for selected form type.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Print Application of Dealer.Check if want to approved.

Check if want to disapproved.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

After checked commodities and average value will be shown Officer may be approved all commodities or some of them and may be changed the average value form 38.

After selection of commodities and average value click here to verify.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

After successful approval or disapproval an email and sms will be send on the dealer registered mobile number and email. The message format for email and sms is given below On Approval

SMS Format (to be send only to the dealers’ registered mobile number)

Your application for Form Download has been approved. Your username is your TIN Number and Password for login is: de370010a

Email Format (to be send only to the dealer‘s registered email id) Subject: Form38 approved by sector officer


TIN Number: 09000100213 Firm Name: RADHASOAMI SATSANG SABHA

Dear Dealer,Your application for Form Download has been approved. Your username is your TIN Number and password for login is: 944b019a16.

Please Login to  for Form Downloading. 

In case of any problem, please contact at following no.Help Line Numbers: 0512-2583914.Fax : 0512-2583914E-Mail : [email protected]  

-System Administrator..

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

On Disapproval SMS Format (send only dealer registered mobile number) (push msg) Your application for Form Download has been rejected due to the reason: ... You can apply for the Form38

Download Service again after removing the objection. Email Format (send only dealer registered email id) Subject: Form38 disapproved by sector officer Body: TIN Number: 09000100213 


Dear Dealer,Your application for Form Download has been rejected due to the reason:... . It is further requested that you can apply for the Form38 download service again.

Please go to the link for Form Downloading Registration. 

In case of any problem, please contact at following no.Help Line Numbers: 0512-2583914 .Fax : 0512-2583914E-Mail : [email protected] 

   -System Administrator.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Click here to Update Commodity and average amount of Form 38 which is already approved.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

After enter tin number on textbox click here to proceed to update commodity and average value of form 38.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

After select or deselect commodity and change amount of form 38 click here to update the record.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Click here to allow or disallow dealer for form download facility.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Enter tin number on textbox and click here to show record or dealer.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

Click here to update user status allow to disallow or disallow to allow

Checked allow or disallow.

Enter the reason for allow or disallow.

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Screen shot of Sector Officer Process

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Click here to login for Dealer.

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Login for dealer to download form 38

After enter the tin and passwordClick here for login and go to Home page of form 38 process

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Click here to go to the Home page of form 38

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Click here to request for form 38

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

After filling all mandatory fields click here to generate Unique Form Number or Temporary Token Number. If Dealer fill vehicle number with all mandatory fields Unique Form Number will be generated otherwise a Temporary Token number will be generated.TTN will be further used by dealer/transporter/seller to generate unique form number.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Temporary Token Number Generated when Vehicle not mentioned in the text field

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Click this link to generate unique Form Number using Temporary Token Number.

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

After submit TTN and Vehicle Number click here to Generate unique Form Number.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

After successful generation of Unique Form Number an email and sms will be send on the dealer registered mobile number and email. The message format for email and sms is given below Online Token to Form Generation.

SMS Format

Your Form No. is 2012-2013/18A79700000013 for form38 against Token No. 12AB300013 and Tin 09700000001.


Email Format

Subject: Unique Form Number generated for Form 38


TIN Number : 09000100213 Firm Name :RADHASOAMI SATSANG SABHA

Dear Dealer,Your Unique Form Number for form38 is 2012-2013/18A79700000013 against Temporary Token Number 12AB300013.We are requested you to keep this mail and Unique Form Number for further submission of utilization and reporting purpose.

Please Login to  for further process. 

In case of any problem, please contact at following no.Help Line Numbers : 0512-2583914 .Fax : 0512-2583914E-Mail : [email protected]


-System Administrator

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Click here to Cancel TTN number if Unique Form Number not generated.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

After submit TTN and Reason for cancel TTN click here to Cancel TTN Number.

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Unique Form Number Generated when Vehicle mentioned in the text field

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Click here to Utilize Form 38.

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

After submit Unique Form Number click here to Show Record and fill remaining records for utilization.

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

After submit remaining records click here for utilization.

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Click here to show reports for generated TTN.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Select From date and To Date and click here to generate Report for generated TTN

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Click here to show reports for generated Unique Form Number.

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

Select From date and To Date and click here to generate Report for generated Unique Form Number.

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Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Click here to update Vehicle and get Unique form number using TTN by Dealer/Transporter/Seller/Call Centre.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

After submit TTN and Vehicle Number click here to Generate unique Form Number.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Screen shot of Dealer for form 38

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

After successful generation of Unique Form Number an email and sms will be send on the dealer registered mobile number and email. The message format for email and sms is given below Online Token to Form Generation.

SMS Format

Your Form No. is 2012-2013/18A79700000013 for form38 against Token No. 12AB300013 and Tin 09700000001.


Email Format

Subject: Unique Form Number generated for Form 38


TIN Number : 09000100213 Firm Name :RADHASOAMI SATSANG SABHA

Dear Dealer,Your Unique Form Number for form38 is 2012-2013/18A79700000013 against Temporary Token Number 12AB300013.We are requested you to keep this mail and Unique Form Number for further submission of utilization and reporting purpose.

Please Login to  for further process. 

In case of any problem, please contact at following no.Help Line Numbers : 0512-2583914 .Fax : 0512-2583914E-Mail : [email protected]


-System Administrator

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Key words for getting Unique Form Number

Form Generation by Dealer/Transporter/Seller through SMS using TTN.

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Form Generation by Dealer/Transporter/Seller through SMS using TTN.

Note: Keywords will be space separated and mandatory


Enter TOKEN Number

Enter Vehicle Number

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Received Message on dealer mobile and requested mobile number.

Your Form No. is 2012-2013/18A79700000013 for form38 against Token No. 12AB300013 and Tin 09700000001..

Your Form No. is 2012-2013/18A79700000013 for form38 against Token No. 12AB300013 and Tin 09700000001..

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow

Send SMS with TTN and Vehicle Number

CTE F38D XXXXXXXXXX up32cz9103

Enter TTN

CTE F38D XXXXXXXXXX up32cz9103

Enter Vehicle No.

Form Generation by Dealer/Transporter/Seller through SMS using TTN.

Note: Keywords will be space separated and mandatory

National Informatics Centre Up State , Lucknow