Download - By: Mayra Santana. Cosmetology have a flexible schedule for seeing clients choose the location where you want to serve clients You can take appointments.


By: Mayra Santana Cosmetology have a flexible schedule for seeing clients choose the location where you want to serve clients You can take appointments at various times of the day average yearly salary of $61,370. Registered Nurse large demand for nurses nationwide. great job opportunities. various nursing career choices. Registered Nurse earns between $43,370 and $63,360 a year. The salary depends on the state. Cosmetology Cosmetology Arts & Sciences and acquiring a degree in beauty Professional Stylist,Make- Up Technician,Platform Artist Registered Nurse Algebra 1, geometry, and Algebra 2 Biology,Earth science, Chemistry, physics, and others Cosmetology Registered Nurse College would cost $55,000 Vocation and school and training would be $33,008? Cosmetology Paul Michelle school TVCC BSU Registered Nurse EOU TVCC BSU Cosmetology average yearly salary of $61,370. Registered Nurse Registered Nurse earns between $43,370 and $63,360 a year. The salary depends on the state. Cosmetology months to complete Or 24 months Registered Nurse 12 6 years Cosmetology chemical fumes all day long like permanent waving solution can have an allergic reaction to any of these chemicals Registered Nurse RNs must endure is long shifts l nurses must face at one time or another is the demanding patient. Cosmetology I think this job would be fun and I like to put nails and dye hair. Registered Nurse I think the best choice for me is nursing because its not just because I am really good with people I love to help out people in everything I can. I know that I will give my best in everything I can to become a nurse Cosmetology College websites. Registered Nurse College websites.