Download - BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.

Page 1: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.


Page 2: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.


“Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then the advert will stop.

I will be playing my dad ‘rap’ at the start of the advert. It will then goout towards the end. It will fade outWhen the image of the man in theHospital bed. I have it saved in the File “B TEC ICT”.

SMOKERS TALE-life of a smoker-From school onwards (to the hospital section)

In the corner, it will have much it costs to smoke a packet a day. It will look something like this

£150 and at the end you will see how much it actually costs to smoke from the age of 14 to 40. (if you’re lucky)

Through out I was thinking of doing facts that will come up at the bottom, I will have these three facts that will come up during the animation:-Each day 3,000 children smoke their first cigarette.

-At least 3 million adolescents are smokers.-Tobacco use primarily begins in early adolescence, typically by age 16.-Almost all first use occurs before high school graduation.-20 percent of American teens smoke.

The target market will be SMOKERS and anyone who wants facts about the topic or who ever is interested.

It will go in this order:-at school-university -mid 20’s-first child (family)-Being in hospital at the age of 40.

Then at the very end image this line will fade in at the bottom: “Is it all worth it?”

The smoking rap will run out of time, and then when it is finished, Cher Lloyd "Stay" X Factor 2010 (HD). (This song will play in the sectionAt the end)

Page 3: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.


AGE 14 AGE 18 AGE 24 AGE 35



Page 4: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.








One of my other ideas I could have done would be the dangers of drink driving.

I would have done a similar thing to my animation and done a tale of a “drink driver "and would have shown the stages of a night out then the affects on what it does. By starting with the driver at home, drinking with friends; driving to the pub and the driving back home after drinking more. He would of hit someone vulnerable on the way home. Towards the end, he would of lost his family, wife, kids, job, license and sentenced to life in prison for man slaughter.

One of my other ideas I could have done would be the dangers of dealing drugs.

In this animation I would show how his life was before he started dealing drugs and then while he was dealing and then after he got caught. So it would be in three stages. Just like all the other animations it would show the affects it has on the person, the people around them and how it can ruin your life.

One of my other ideas I could have done would be the danger of deforestation.

To start the animation off I would show the number of trees on the world and show the amount of gases in the atmosphere. Then show a time lapse of hundreds of trees getting cut down in the whole world and see the number rise in amount of trees that have been cut down and starting to notice the gases that have been realised from deforestation. Give off important and real life facts to show the world what damage humans are doing by cutting down trees.

On this I'm going to show the different ideas that I came up with for my animation. I’ve shown how it would work and given a new scenario .

Page 5: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.

The audience for my animation is going to be smokers, at any age and showing the dangers of smoking. The reason I chose them as the target audience is because it’s actually about them and what could happen in their life. The purpose for this animation is to show what could happen to you if you smoked and what the outcome would be. You see the tale of a smoker and what happens when growing up and how it could affect your family and how you change as a person. It’s meant to show that if you smoke you are throwing your life away. I’m designing an animation that will persuade people to stop smoking and hopefully catch the audience’s eye.



Page 6: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.

The reason I chose ‘smoking’ for my animation is because I think it’s a number one problem in Guernsey and all around the world. If I make a good animation, I am hoping the message will get out about how dangerous it is and the affects. I also chose it because I have seen my family members get ill because of smoking. I have the seen the pain it has caused them and the whole family and it’s a really big problem. Many people die from it every year and people are obviously not a where of how bad cigarettes are and what they can do.

The reasons for my choice

Page 7: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.
Page 8: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.







Girlfriend at UNI, same girlfriend, the proposes then it’s his wife.

The main characterAt all the different Stages of his life.

Page 9: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.


First child born- RELPH

Then in the animtaion a photo shot appears, and it’s him, his wife, Relph who has Grown to the age of 3, he has a little girl (Lola) who 2 years and then a little baby boy who is 6 months called Luca.

RELPH aged3

Lola ages 2

Luca ages 6 months

Page 10: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.

MusicThe smoking rap will run out of time on the 11th square on storyboard, and then when it is finished, Cher Lloyd "Stay" X Factor 2010 (HD). (This song will play in the sectionAt the end)

Cher Lloyd - Stay (studio vesrion) LYRICS VIDEO

Sound effects sound effect will be played at the very end when he is in hospital. Played on the 30th square on the story board.Start this at 1:56

Page 11: BY KHIASTEN HENRY-MARQUAND. NO SMOKING “Is it worth it?” at the end of the animation. Then this logo Will be shown after on a plain background and then.


Hospital room

Hospital bed