Download - By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Page 1: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

By Hartley Breau

Page 2: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Character Descriptions

Page 3: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

– Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling to survive in a Nazi-invaded Poland. As a Jew living in Poland during World War 2, Alicia is forced to grow up very quickly. When all of the Jewish families are forced to move into a ghetto in their home city of Buczacz, Alicia must provide food and safety for her family, as they are all silently murdered by the treacherous Nazis, one by one. Alicia demonstrates an immense amount of bravery and fearlessness as she acts as the backbone to her family: selling clothing on the black-market for food, hiding in bunkers when the Nazis come for them, and caring for them when they develop Typhus in their filthy living conditions. Alicia is very determined to survive the war. Throughout her entire journey, Alicia never gives up hope, and finally, when the war is ending, Alicia displays great acts of courage when she saves members of the Jewish resistance from angry Germans, and leads groups of Jewish survivors (illegally) to Eratz Israel. Alicia Jurman is a brave young girl who never doubts her faith, and who never subdues to the fact that all odds are against her. She survives the war, and the Holocaust, and goes on to lead her people to the land, and peace, that is rightfully theirs.

Alicia Jurman

Page 4: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.


• Although Alicia’s mother, who is referred to as “Mama”, is never actually named, she is a key character in Alicia’s Story. Mama is a strong woman who tries to be brave and provide for her five children after her husband is killed in a mass murder of Jews in Buczacz. Mama is determined to keep her children, including Alicia, safe, but is unable to protect them all from the Nazi's evil hands. When forced to live in the ghetto, Mama finds a home and a hiding place for her and her family. After all four of her sons are murdered, Mama and Alicia run into the forest in an attempt to flee the Nazis. Although she fearlessly sells on the black-market to obtain food at the beginning of her ghetto imprisonment, Mama is forced to stop, since she is clearly recognizable as a Jewish woman. Her sad eyes, and gaunt face would give her away as a Jewess. When Mama discovers several Jewish orphans in the ghetto, she lovingly brings them into her already crowded home. She selflessly stretches what little food she and her family have to share with the young orphans. Mama encourages Alicia to live, and to soldier on throughout the war. Near the end of the war, Mama is shot and killed by a Nazi soldier. Mama stayed brave and strong, even when everything is taken away from her: her husband, her children, her home, and her dignity. She remains kind and loving right up until the moment of her death.

Page 5: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.


– Wujciu is an old aristocrat who is posing as a peasant because of his discontent with Europe’s political society during World War 2. Alicia meets Wujciu when she is searching for work in the field, and is overcome by his kindness. Wujciu has epilepsy, and often has fits, which has caused his villagers to alienate him, because they think he is a demon. This makes him very eager to have Alicia’s company. Wujciu risks his life to hide a family of Jews in his small shack, which lies on the outskirts of the village. When Alicia discovers the family there, she reveals herself to be a Jew, and asks Wujciu if he will allow she and her mother to stay with him as well. Wujciu risks his life to hide Alicia and the other Jews, and does so willingly. He is happy to have the company of the women, who delouse his clothing and cook him meals. Wujciu is unafraid of the fate that could be his should someone stumble upon his shack, and find the five Jews he is hiding. He does Alicia a favour by travelling to Buczacz to find one of her schoolgirl friends to collect shoes and a winter coat when she has grown out of hers. This is a frightening adventure for Wujciu, as he rarely travels outside of his home, because he has been alienated so terribly by his fellow countrymen. Wujciu is a brave old man, with a big heart. He does Alicia and her mother a great service in Alicia’s Story, as well as being their friend.

Page 6: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Character Map

Page 7: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

EventEventAlicia stumbles upon Wujciu in his backyard, and befriends him. She becomes confident enough to admit that she is a Jew when she discovers that Wujciu is hiding another family of Jews. Alicia asks him if she and her mother can stay there as well.

Page 8: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

When she discovers the family of Jews hiding at Wujciu’s, Alicia decides to admit that she herself is a Jew, and ask Wujciu if he will allow her and her mother to stay with him as well.

When Alicia tells Mama of the news that Wujciu is allowing them to stay with him, and is already hiding other Jews, Mama is overcome by the old man’s kindness.

When Alicia finds the Jews hidden in his home, Wujciu is cautious, for he does not yet know that she too is Jewish. When Alicia admits her faith, and asks to stay there as well, Wujciu allows her and her mother to stay there.

Alicia has Wujciu’s house as a security blanket; a warm place to sleep, eat, and be partially normal. She no longer has to sleep outside, and experiences the kindness of an old man.

Mama no longer has to sleep outside in the cold, waiting for Alicia to bring her food. She can act motherly again: taking care of Wujciu, Alicia and the other Jewish family. Mama feels some normalcy.

Wujciu risks his life for the Jewish women in his home. He now has company at all times, and several people to wash his laundry, clean his house, and cook his meals. Wujciu benefits from having the Jews in his home, because they help him as much as he helps them.



Alicia Mama Wujciu

Page 9: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Film Version

Page 10: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson would be perfect for the role of Alicia Jurman because she matches her description very well. She has curly brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Emma Watson is a very convincing actress, and I believe that she would be capable of capturing the dramatic emotions that Alicia Jurman experiences throughout the novel.

Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman would be a good actress for the role of Mama because she is such a versatile actress. She can look young and beautiful, or, as in the case of Mama, older, saddened, and tired. I believe that Uma Thurman would be able to capture the sadness and strength that Mama possesses perfectly.

Page 11: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Rachelle Lefevre

Sara Paxton

Rachelle Lefevre would be a very accurate Bella because she has fiery red hair, just like Bella does. In the novel, Bella is a wildcard: she is tough and independent and I think that Rachelle Lefevre would be able to capture her wonderfully.

Sara Paxton would make a good Manka, because she is young, beautiful, and blonde. Although Manka is only briefly in the novel, she left a huge impression on Alicia, by fedding her, hiding her, and being her friend. Manka makes Alicia feel pretty again.

Page 12: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

James Garner

I believe that James Garner would make an excellent Wujciu. He is a sweet old man, who could act regal as well as kind. When I picture Wujciu, I see James Garner.

Page 13: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Writing Style

Page 14: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Descriptive Language

1. “Our exchange was bittersweet-my misery at not being allowed in school, her sympathy mingled with helplessness to correct the situation.”

2. “His shirt was of a military style, very aristocratic, yet the pants were typical peasant garb.”

3. “She wore wide blue ribbons twisted through her braided hair, with the loose ends bound with lovely bows.”

4. “I saw their mouths twisting grotesquely and their teeth bared, but I could not understand them.”

5. “Surrounded by green fields and orchards, peaceful and inviting, it struck a note in my heart that made me want to run on the dirt country road leading to the building.”

Page 15: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.


Page 16: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.


Page 17: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Although there were many different climaxes in the story, one major climax in Alicia’s story could have upturned her whole existence if it had turned out differently. One early morning in the Kopechince ghetto where Alicia was living with her family, there was an “action”: German soldiers raided the homes of the Jews, and marched them to a large trench in front of the forest. Alicia knew immediately that the trench was meant to be a grave. The Germans forced many of the Jews to remove their clothing. The Germans began to shoot the people with machine guns so that they would fall into the open grave. Suddenly, Alicia hears someone yelling her name; it is her friend Milek. Milek stole a machine gun and was firing at the Germans. Alicia takes off running into the forest, and evades death. If Milek had not been so brave as to fire at the Germans, Alicia would have perished, along with hundreds of other Jewish victims.

Page 18: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

News Report

Page 19: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.


Page 20: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.


The main conflict in this entire novel is World War 2, and the distress placed on Europe’s Jewish population during this time. Since Alicia is a Jew, she experiences these hardships tenfold. Alicia suffered at the hands of the Nazis when they murdered her father, mother, and four brothers. She was beaten on several occasions, and was almost shot in a mass murder of Jews. Alicia was sent to prison under false pretences, and suffered malnutrition. She was made to drink water that was infected with Typhoid, and was placed in a mass grave, while she was still alive. Luckily, a Jewish man found that she was still warm, when he was forced to bury all of the victims. Alicia was forced to watch as her fellow people were brutally tortured and killed by the Nazis. Although Alicia suffered greatly at the hands of the brutal Nazis, she persevered, and survived the War, and the Holocaust. She got her revenge by helping fellow survivors rebuild their lives in Israel.

This conflict could not have been avoided, since discrimination was present with all Jews at the time. However, the situation could have turned out differently had Alicia lost hope. If Alicia had given up on her life, many people may have not made it to Israel. If Alicia had not been brave, she may not have survived the war.

Page 21: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.


Page 22: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

Alicia: My StoryAlicia

Appleman-JurmanAlicia Appleman-Jurman

titled her book “Alicia: My Story”. It is an incredibly true and haunting story about the events that happened to her in real life during the second World War. The title “Alicia: My Story” is very fitting for this book, since it is a true story, and is very simple. Since the content of this novel is so extraordinary, the title did not need to be too complex.

Page 23: By Hartley Breau. Character Descriptions –Alicia Jurman is a beautiful young Jewish girl, with big brown eyes, and curly brown hair. She is struggling.

The End…