Download - By Fergal Downes, Ishrat Pasha and Brad · detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate and learn how you can grab these bonus offers just



Fergal Downes, Ishrat Pasha and Brad Fishbein

Disclaimer The earnings that you could make using this method will be dependent on many factors. I do not claim that you will earn any minimum or maximum amount, actual results will vary not least on your personal efforts, the products that you choose to promote, etc.

Table Of Contents

Introduction……………………… 3

Step 1……………………………. 4

Step 2…………………………….. 6

Step 3…………………………….. 8

Step 4…………………………….. 12

Conclusion………………………. 16



Hey there

First and foremost “Thank you” for buying the Quick Affiliate Sniper course.

In this ebook I will show you how I discovered a simple method to making money online without a list. This method is an ideal method for all newbie internet marketers looking to make their first affiliate income online in the fastest and easiest way possible.

I’m going to share with you the EXACT proven steps to get money coming fast using this very simple method using free traffic… But first let me make it clear

…Here’s what you don’t need:

a. You don’t need a website of your own.

b. You don’t need a List.

c. You don’t need paid traffic.

d. You don’t need a Reputation to get started.

e. You actually don’t need any special skills!

But …here is what you do need … a desire to learn and take action!

I repeat … Action! Action!, Action!

…You can literally start today … start taking action!

…This is a quick and simple way to make easy commissions.


Here we go:

Step 1

Product Selection

Head over to:

What is

This is a calendar of products that are about to be launched in the Internet Marketing niche, see screenshot below.

The reason we go to is to pick a product that’s about to be released, and to step in FRONT of the traffic that product is about to receive.

Almost every one of these products at are about to get a Tusnami of traffic to them …from YouTube, from Facebook, from people’s email lists, from many other of places.

What we are going to do is focus on getting in front of the YouTube traffic (since this is free, and passive, and super easy to dive into).


Side note: This will work in any niche. If you know of ANY product that is about to be released in any niche and there is a lot of publicity about the launch of this product then you can use this method to siphon off that traffic for yourself and make affiliate commissions.

This will work with both physical and digital products.


You see an advertisement on TV for a circulation booster that you put on the soles of your feet. Since this has ads on TV you know that traffic is going to swarm to search reviews in google about that product using the KW “circulation booster”. BAM there you are in google to siphon off that traffic for yourself.

But what if “the circulation booster” doesn’t have an affiliate program?

You should still use this method for it! Go to and find a women’s health product to recommend instead.

This works in ANY niche you just need to use your head and think outside the box.

Personally I use it a lot in the IM niche but in the past I have used it for many different niches with massive results.


Step 2

Contact Product Owner

Look at the launches that are 2-3 days away.

Then click on the ones of interest and access their JV page.

On the JV page for each product you will see the product owner’s contact info.

Reach out to several different product owners that have up and coming launches.


Tip: Most product owners seem to be more responsive on Facebook – so try there first!

This works … trust me … I have used it and I am using it NOW!

All serious Internet Marketers will have a Facebook account!

Copy and paste this message to the product owners:

“Hey I noticed you have a launch coming up. I’d like to do a review video for your product as part of my promotion.

Could I get review access from you when you get a chance, please?

Thanks in advance”

There you have it. Simple.

Try to get review access.


Step 3

Video Creation

Once you have that review access, you’ll want to quickly make your video.

What do you need to make the video?

I hear you!

You need a pc/latop/Mac/Cell phone … anything you can use to record.

NOTE: Once I forgot my headset for my computer so I had to just shoot the video on my iPhone with me talking about the course. Below is a link to that video. It’s out of focus and the sound is terrible yet I still made over $50 from this video:

For a pc/latop/Mac you can access a number of free trial version software such as Camtasia, Snagit, Screen Cast o Matic use these to record a video of the product!

I recommend Screen Cast o Matic as I believe that it’s the cheapest option. Camtasia is free for a trial period but $299 after that. I use Camtasia but if you are just starting off with this method then you do not need to spend all that money.

Another FREE option is CamStudio but I do not use it.

Don’t forget you will need a YouTube account (if you don’t have one already … go there and get one created quickly!)

… If you are happy getting on camera, then do yourself a huge favour and do it. If you are not happy getting on camera then


you can just shoot a powerpoint presentation or a screen recording.

Here is an example of a review video that made me a lot of money:

Optional extras:

Video intro:

Branding banner:

For the banner that goes at the bottom of my videos I just paid a graphic designer $5 on Fiverr to create it. I don’t always use it and it is not needed.

Keyword Research (As discussed inside method 3 in the welcome video):

As discussed in method 3 in the welcome video if you would like to rank for keywords and get evergreen traffic then these are the KW research gigs that I suggest that you use.

Remember, do not do method 3 in the IM niche. This is for non-IM niches only.

Keyword research (non-IM niches only)







Before You Upload Your Video

Before you upload your video there are a few steps that you need to take to ensure the best rankings possible. Instead of typing the details here I have created a video for you on how to do it. Click the link below and check it out.

Title, Description and Tags

I literally had no idea just how important this was until I paid someone to give me a sample of the correct title description and tags to use.

Here is what it should look like:

VIDEO TITLE: Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016 | What Wealthy Affiliate is and Isn't

VIDEO DESCRIPTION: A true Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2016. Visit to read more about my detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate and learn how you can grab these bonus offers just for watching this video.


Subscribe to my channel:

Follow on Google+:

VIDEO TAGS: wealthy affiliate, wealthy affiliate review, wealthy affiliate reviews, wealthy affiliate scam, wealthy affiliate products, wealthy affiliates, what is wealthy affiliate, wealthy affiliate 2016, wealthy affiliates

- Giving Bonuses:

I sometimes give bonuses to people if they buy the course through my video.

The place to find these bonuses is on the website listed below. On that site you can find hundreds of PLR courses in a vast variety of niches to choose from.

Resell Rights Weekly – PLR Material

In JVzoo and Warrior Plus you can add these bonuses so that they get delivered directly to the customer once they buy the course making the delivery of your bonuses completely hands off for you.


Step 4

Before you buy any links!

If you buy mass links such a bookmarks you must diversify your keywords so that google doesn’t think that you are gaming the system. Here are some of the keywords that I would use if I was trying to rank a video for the keyword: “Wealthy Affiliate”

wealthy affiliate

wealthy affiliate review

wealthy affiliate reviews

wealthy affiliate scam

wealthy affiliate products

wealthy affiliates

what is wealthy affiliate

wealthy affiliate 2016

wealthy affiliate

If you are buying 1,000’s of links then here is a huge list of generic keywords that you can use. Just send them to your Fiverr guy:


Video Ranking

So you have the video created and now you need to rank it. In some cases you will not even need to use any further ranking techniques as you video will rank automatically using the methods discussed above.

If your video is not yet ranked then these are the services that I use from both Fiverr and Konker. Just choose one.

$5 - YouTube Video Embeds (the best way to rank your videos but can take some time. Try to create your videos and use this gig on them 2-3 weeks before the product that you are promoting goes live.)


$5 - Social Signals

Click here for social signals.

$5 - RSS Feed Creation and Submission

$5 - 600 Social Bookmarks in 12 hours:

$5 - 200 Social Bookmarks in 24 hours:

$5 - Press Releases (writing and submission)


$5 - 200,000 or 400,000 or 1,000,000 GSA backlinks

$47 - The ultimate ranking service – Guaranteed 1st page ranking (for low competition KW’s)

Ping your links.

When you get your links back from your Fiverr seller you need to make sure that google finds your links.

To do this we use either (free)

Linkindexr (not free but better quality service)

Get real views, likes and subscribers:



So don’t think that you need an email list to do this. You don’t.

All you need to do is:

– Goto (or find a product or course from another source eg. TV ads.)

– Find some vendors that have a launch coming up soon and contact them (TV ads also drive mass traffic. It doesn’t have to be a launch and it doesn’t have to be in the IM niche.)

– Get a review copy, if possible.

– Get your affiliate link from the JV page asap.

– Make a quick video (you can use slides, or get someone at to do the voiceover, if you don’t want to personally get behind a mic).

I have previously used this guy at Fiverr as my spokesperson. For just $5 he will say 300 words on any topic. This could be your video review but I personally recommend creating the videos yourself:

- Before making the video give some thought on the angle that you want to approach from, e.g. you may want to give a critically positive/negative review, etc.


- If you give a negative review then you can say “This course / product is bad because of ______ but I have a better remedy for your issue and I recommend this other product and the link is in the description”.


- If you really want to dive deep into whatever industry you choose you could do a skype or google hangout interview with the product owner. Record it and put it onto YouTube and rank that video using the techniques that I have shown above.

– Add your affiliate link into the video description of your YouTube video

– Hit publish

Simple as that!

Watch the sales and commissions come in on launch day :)

…Rinse and repeat.

Do this over and over again every day. It will take only 30 minutes and you will make some great affiliate commissions for yourself from it.

This is a super powerful strategy that I personally use myself.

Especially if you give some solid bonuses to your viewers for buying thru your link.

That’s when the money really comes in :)

Simply out-bonus other affiliates, give a clear and energetic review, and people will always buy from YOU.

Thank you for putting your trust in us and buying this course.

Now take lots of action.

It’s simple but it works!

Fergal, Ishrat and Brad.