Download - By: Damany Barton Egypt & The 1952 Revolution. Table of Contents Introduction Reasons of revolution, leaders, date and attackers Enemies, information.


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By: Damany BartonEgypt & The 1952 Revolution

Table of ContentsIntroductionReasons of revolution, leaders, date and attackersEnemies, information about the king, Palenstians support Early Revolution, traveling, January 25,1952 attackConclusionGlossary

Introduction Do you know about the Egyptian revolution between the Egyptians and Western Imperial powers? The Egyptian revolution took place July 23,1952. The free officer movements started it. The leader was Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser. The revolutions goal was to overthrow King Faruq.

Reasons of Revolution, leaders, date and attackers The revolution faced many people. For instance they faced others in the Western Imperial powers. They faced the United Kingdom and France. 3 days later King Farouq abdicates in favour from his infant son who they call Ahmad Fuad. Free officers posed a challenge, even though there were more officers since the palenstians supported them. This happened 4 years after Britain, France and Isreal in the suez canal. There were many military losses, but Egypt took it as a victory. Since they took it as a win, it erased what was seen as a mark of national humiliation. It also had strengthened the appeal of the revolution in other Arab and African Countries.Enemies, Information about the King, Palestinians support Early successes of the revolution lead movements in other Arab and African countries, such as Algeria and Kenya. The revolution is now shown respect on Egypts national day, on July 23. One cause of the revolution was in 1948 the free officers lost in war to Isreal, so the free officers blamed the king. So Gamal Abdel Nasser a young officer formed the group. Mohamed Naguib was the general for the group. The reason why Egypt had the revolution was because January 25,1952, British troops attacked the police base in a place called Ismailia. That because police refused to surrender. So a group named the Fadeyeen found the police barracks, then attacked them. Fifty police officers were killed in battle, one hundred were left wounded. The next day January 26,1952 it was black Saturday, Egyptians call it the Second Revolution.

Conclusion The Egyptian revolution was really important to the Egyptian peopleFirst time Egypt was being ruled by Egyptians for millennia Even though it wasnt much of a success the Egyptians were right to fight for what they want, also what they might deserve.

GlossaryImperial-of or relating to an empire. Of or relating to an emperor.Abdicate-to renounce or relinquish a throne, right, power claim, responsibility, or the like, especially in a formal manner.