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"Leveraging Social Media to Address Business and Communication Goals"

Where do you begin?

How long should it take?

What should it cost?


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bv02.inconline communities, social networking, new media communications, web marketing, integrated

marketing programs, new media, blog, portals, podcasting, twitters, online marketing, online branding


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S.M. What ?Good Question. Lets begin

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History: 1978

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History: 1978

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History: 1979

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History: 1982

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History: 1983

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History: 1984

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History: 1986/87

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History: 1996

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History: 1998

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History: 1998

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History: 1999

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History: 2000

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History: 2003

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History: 2005

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History: 2007/09

Real Estate Investment Calculator

Sacramento Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate Property Search

Real estate developers tools


Mobile Web

Google Maps


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History: 1998


1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.

2. It's best to do one thing really, really well.

3. Fast is better than slow.

4. Democracy on the web works.

5. You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.

6. You can make money without doing evil.

7. There's always more information out there.

8. The need for information crosses all borders.

9. You can be serious without a suit.

10. Great just isn't good enough.

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History: Evolution

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Social media tools

Social Media

The tool set (including blogs) whicheveryone can use to publishcontent to the web.

This can include audio, video, photos,text, files... just about anything.

And these days, everyone is a contentproducer.

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Social media is: Marketing

• Social media is information content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies.

• At its most basic sense, social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content.

• It's a fusion of sociology and technology, transforming monologue (one to many) into dialog (many to many) and is the democratization of information, transforming people from content readers into publishers.

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Who Meet ~ Jenny,John & Angi

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Meet Jenny… 1st Time buyer

• 100% Internet lead

• NOT looking for agents (up to 90% buy with first agent that they connect with.)

• Looking for Houses

• Researching Areas

• Educates herself on buying

• Reference is everything

• Connects based on service offering

• Wants email updates

• Phone is dead to them

• Shares everything with community

• - Google, MLS, Kijiji, Craigs list, Websites

21 - 30 year olds

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Meet Jenny… 1st Time buyer

• Advanced computer skills• Carries a cell phone/ video / camera • Text messaging is main contact tool

• Facebook• YouTube• Blogs

• Instant messaging

• Chatrooms - Bulletin boards

• Average 41 hours a week online

21 - 30 year olds

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What Jenny is doing online…• Email is considered the old way

• Text Messaging is a focus

• Make plans with Friends (meet up’s)

• Posts Video, Photos, Song

• Connect through content not only text

• Daily journal style, Status Updates, Posts, Comments

• Private Networks - Connecting with people they know offline

• Not to promote themselves

• 84% post on walls or pages

• 82% send private messages

• Updating “Me” pages, branding their space

• Maintain a persistent messages

• Social media help fulfill a desire for attention and expression

• Aware of privacy not sure of consequences

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Meet John… 2nd Time buyer• 90% Comes from Location (Signs / Or


• Traditional marketing matters

• 50% will email over phone

• Uses forms and tools to start relationship. Evaluation forms etc

• Educates themselves but uses agents as resource (Test agents)

• Looking at agents bio’s

• Time is biggest issue

• Wants constant communication

• Wants to buy and sell with same agent.

• Trust is built on communication.Period.

• Will tell agent when they think you are doing a bad job, will tell others as well.

• Would consider doing it themselves

(35+ year olds)

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Meet John… 2nd Time buyer

• Basic computer skills• Carries a cell phone • Has a digital camera

• Facebook• LinkedIn• Flickr• G-Mail / Hotmail• YouTube• Average 40 hours a week

online (15 hours leisure time)

(35+ year olds)

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What John is doing online…

• Over 35% of American adults have a profile on a social network site - over 45.3 million active US users

• Adults are not hanging out on Facebook. They are more likely to respond to status messages than start a conversation on someone's wall (unless it's their birthday of course)

• Adults aren't really decorating their profiles or making sure that their About Me's are up-to-date.

• Adults, far more than teens, are using Facebook for its intended purpose as a social utility.For example, it is a tool for communicating with the past, tracking old friends, etc.

• Adults are using Twitter for keeping in the know.

• Adults are using LinkedIn to create professional networks and simple brand that needs little monitoring.

• Adults are occasion based users of Social Media

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Meet Angi… 3rd Time buyer

• Downsizing

• Repeat Client/ Influenced by family

• 80% Phone vs. Email

• Looking for Phone updates (Personal Touch)

• Relies on Agent for answers

• Trust is built with traditional media.

• Looking for the standard marketing (open house, billboard, Newspaper, Postcards)

• Looking for value for $ spent, Will make you work for the business.

• Will recommend you

(50+ year olds)

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• Very Basic computer skills (Improving rapidly) • Carries a cell phone• Has a digital camera

• Facebook• Community sites• News sites• G-Mail / Hotmail• Average 20 hours a week

Meet Angi… 3rd Time buyer(50+ year olds)

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• 50+ Adults are hanging out on Facebook.

• Adults, far more than teens, are using Facebook for its intended purpose as a social utility.For example, it is a tool for communicating with the past, tracking old friends, etc.

• 50+ are NOT on Twitter

• 50+ are NOT on LinkedIn

• 50+ Adults ARE becoming heavy users of Social Media

• 50+ Adults ARE rating services online

• 50+ Adults ARE buying online

• 50+ Adults ARE shopping locally online

• 50+ Adults ARE using search

Meet Angi… 3rd Time buyer(50+ year olds)

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The Agent:Differentiators:

Location (Geo Location)

Brand (Recommendations /What community thinks of you)

Services (Communicate with them, when they want it)



Uses email

Uses text

VOIP (Voice over IP)

Online Marketing Tools: (Total Control)

Email Marketing



Uses Twitter/ Facebook

Uses Linked in

Photo/Video sharing

PPC (Pay Per Click)

SEO (Search engine optimization)

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The Manager - What is expected from you:• Partner with Agents

• Development training

• Recruiting Ethical people

• Recruiting Young people

• Share Expertise

• Show/Share Personal Brand (It really is everything)

• Build Local brand

• Build a brands on ethics

• Build a brand on services

• Be accountable

• Be the source

• Offer Training

• Offer Data (Trending)

• Talk to them with the tools they use

• Offer them enough content for localization

• Offer them tools for using new media

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What is expected from you:

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Why.would I bother doing this?


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Why bother with Social Media? • Your Audience is there.

• Traditional media channels are breaking down

• Next Gen users grew up with a voice

• Cheap to get started - Low barrier to entry

• The personal “Honest” voice is gaining ground

• The network is based “location”

• Clients/You can provide instant feedback

• Consumers/Buyers Sellers are feeling empowered

• Long~tail buying and marketing applies

• Old strategies still hold true. These are still just tools. They need plans, approach, focus, testing and to be results driven.

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How.Seems like a lot of work, No?

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Four Main Goals and Benefits

• Searchability “Be Found”

• Focused Marketing

• Relationships with benefits

• Increased brand awareness

• Improved reputation

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Connect your tools: One Goal. Sell• Start by determining what you can offer

• Make a list of questions you have

• Focus on specific benefits you want

• Share networking duties

• Cross-leverage your social media profiles

• Respond to questions

• Offer professional advice

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Tips:• Networking via social media should be performed naturally and not


• Authenticity in interpersonal interaction is important

• Social networking is not a means to acquire any direct/predictable ROI

• There are no short cuts to Social Media

• You’re more likely to get a higher returns in the future than the immediate present

• This consistent contact and the development of relationships will lead to both short and long term benefits, some of which are unexpected

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What’s next. Start Small- Protect your personal brands- Own your properties or someone else will- Know who is saying what- Do not ignore comments- Build a plan, know your objectives

Engage- Connect to your communities - Let customers be your champions - Engage your staff

Campaigns- Be honest - Be creative- Integrated Email, Viral, Offline- Know the audience for the tools

Test- Make sure the investment is paying off- Retreat from tools that are not working- Measure everything

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What’s Next?Where all of this is going…

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Dialogue, Please.

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General GrowthMore than 150 million active usersMore than half of Facebook users are outside of collegeThe fastest growing demographic is those 25 years old and older

User EngagementAverage user has 100 friends on the site2.6 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day (worldwide)More than 13 million users update their statuses at least once each dayMore than 2.5 million users become fans of Pages each day

ApplicationsMore than 700 million photos uploaded to the site each monthMore than 4 million videos uploaded each monthMore than 15 million pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) shared each monthMore than 2 million events created each monthMore than 19 million active user groups exist on the site

International GrowthMore than 35 translations available on the site, with more than 60 in developmentMore than 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States

PlatformMore than 660,000 developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries

More than 52,000 applications currently available on Facebook Platform140 new applications added per day

More than 95% of Facebook members have used at least one application built on Facebook Plat for mac ebook Platform

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Statistics 6 months later -

General GrowthMore than 250 million active users

More than 120 million users log on to Facebook at least once each dayMore than two-thirds of Facebook users are outside of college

The fastest growing demographic is those 35 years old and older

User EngagementAverage user has 120 friends on the site

More than 5 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day (worldwide)More than 30 million users update their statuses at least once each day

More than 8 million users become fans of Pages each day

ApplicationsMore than 1 billion photos uploaded to the site each month

More than 10 million videos uploaded each monthMore than 1 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) shared

each weekMore than 2.5 million events created each month

More than 45 million active user groups exist on the site

International GrowthMore than 50 translations available on the site, with more than 40 in development

About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States

PlatformMore than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countriesEvery month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with Platform applications

More than 350,000 active applications currently on Facebook PlatformMore than 200 applications have more than one million monthly active users

More than 15,000 websites, devices and applications have implemented Facebook Connect since its general availability in December 2008

Mobile There are more than 30 million active users currently accessing

Facebook through their mobile devices.People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are almost 50% more

active on Facebook than non-mobile users.There are more than 150 mobile operators in 50 countries working to

deploy and promote Facebook mobile products

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Linked In

LinkedIn has over 44 million members in over 200 countries and territories around the world.A new member joins LinkedIn approximately every second, and about half of our members are outside

the U.S.Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are LinkedIn members.

Average Age: 41Household Income: $109,703

Male: 64%Household Income $100k+ 53.5%

Own Smartphone/PDA: 34%College Grad/Post Grad: 80.1%Business Decision Maker: 49%

EVP/SVP/VP: 6.5%24% Have a Portfolio Value of $250k+

Job Titles:C-Level Executives 7.8%

EVP/SVP 6.5%Senior Management 16%Middle Management [...]

Linked In2009, reaching 10.7 percent of all active Internet users in June.

This growth has come despite a lack of widespread adoption by children, teens, and young adults.

In June 2009, only 16 percent of website users were under the age of 25.

Bear in mind persons under 25 make up nearly one quarter of the active US Internet universe, which means that effectively under-indexes on the youth market by 36 percent.

90 percent of popular Twitter client Tweetdeck’s audience is over 25. 

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Thank you.

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