Download - B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Page 1: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 1 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Design a student registration page which consists of textboxes

namely Name, Address, Gender, Course, Semester, Contact and

Email address. Display all information in alert box using HTML


Objective(s) To measure basic knowledge of HTML controls and familiarity

with visual studio web application development environment.

Pre-requisite Programming experience with any programming language

with simple editor.

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO1: To provide sound foundation in the fundamentals of

achieved computer application along with analytical, problem- solving, design and communication skill for life-long learning in

chosen field.

PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO1: Determine usage and working of ASP.NET with C#.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output and design page of

contain registration.

Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress

solving the problem Page-129.

Sample Testing data Enter Name, Address, Gender, Course, Semester, Contact, Email

and outcome address

In alert box it will display

Rahul Surat Male BCA 5 9874563214 [email protected]

Post Laboratory 1. In above program, if a user wants to make HTML

questions controls works as server control then what steps should be followed?

2. Create a JavaScript and write down code to call JavaScript function using HTMLcontrols. 3. List Lightweight controls used in above program and discuss why they are called as lightweight control.

4. Which event is raised by default when you use HTML

Controls? Why? Assessment

Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 2: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET student Signature Date

Page 3: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 2 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create an enumeration which store all days in week. Check the

days from enumeration and display appropriate message. Also

display all values.

Objective(s) Familiar with how to use math function and string class

methods and properties in ASP.NET using web server control.

Pre-requisite Familiar with math function and string class methods and


Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code with C#.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page-24,25, 29

Sample Testing data if(day=”Monday”) then selected day is Monday and value=1

and outcome

Post Laboratory 1. How we can use iteration structure in enumeration?


2. When can we say that object is Initialized and object is assigned a value?

3. Write down syntax to create enumeration by field name and it value.

4. Write code to check enumeration values using Switch

Case. Assessment

Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 4: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 3 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create a registration page for online job portal using Web

Server controls. When user click on submit button all

information should be displayed in label.

Objective(s) Student must be able to understand how to use web server

controls in web application.

Pre-requisite Familiar with different controls in GUI Programming

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page-164

Sample Testing data Enter Full name, address, gender, email, education

and outcome qualification, experience in years(use DropDownList),

specialization(use checkbox),contact number

Pratik P. Patel, Surat, Male,[email protected],BCA,2


Post Laboratory 1. By which property we can post the page back to

questions server automatically? How?

2. From above program list out some common properties of web server controls. Discuss any two

3. In above program if I set Visible or Enable property of any control then what changes can occur in visual effect of that control?

4. How to group RadioButton control in above program? Also write down code to group RadioButton control.


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 5: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 4 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create a web application to demonstrate all logical operators,

IF statement, switch statement and Loops.

Objective(s) Student must be able to understand how to use IF statement,

switch statement and Loops with C#.

Pre-requisite Familiar with syntax of if condition and loops.

Duration for 1.5 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO1: Determine usage and working of ASP.NET with C#.

Solution must

Design of page, Design of page, Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page 36

Sample Testing data If(a>10)

and outcome { …code…}


Post Laboratory 1. How we can say that do while loop executes at least

questions once? Give example. 2. Which concept is to be used if I want method with same name? How?

3. Give an example of Optional and Name parameter. 4. What is difference between = and ==? Give Example. Assessment

Solution achieves the desired



Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 6: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 5 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem 1. Create a web application to count total number of

hit/click on an image. When user click on answer

button than total number of count should display in


2. Take one textbox and check whether the number is

even or odd. If number is even change textbox

background color to green and if number is odd than

change textbox background color to yellow.

Objective(s) Student shall able to understand how to use image control as

well they will also know how know how to work with

properties dynamically.

Pre-requisite Programming experience in VB.

Duration for 2 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must Design of page, Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample Testing data Total number of counts is 6

and outcome

4 5

Post Laboratory 1. Define PostBackUrl property in ImageButton control.

questions 2. What are static variable? Why it is used?

3. Which event fired when you click on ImageButton

control? What is the use of tooltip property?

4. In which event are the controls fully loaded? Why?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 7: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 6 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem 1. Create a web application to demonstrate DropDownList

control in ASP.NET.

Adding items in DropDownList

Removing items from DropDownList

Display selected index of DropDownList

Display selected value and selected item of


2. Create two DropDownList control in one has student name

and other contains students roll no. When user selects name

than display roll no in another DropDownList.(use

AutoPostBack) Objective(s) To understand use of DropDownList control and its properties

Pre-requisite Combo box control

Duration for 1.5 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for

solving the problem Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.


Sample Testing data 1. Selected index is 6, Selected value is Nayan

and outcome 2. Student name-> Nikul student Roll No-> 11

Post Laboratory

1. What is Autopostback? For what purpose it is used?

questions 2. Write two differences between selected value and selected item?

3. How can we add an item at particular position in

DropDownList? Give example.

4. What is difference between Remove() and



Solution achieves the desired Viva

Page 8: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET objective(s)

Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 9: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 7 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create a web application for restaurant billing system using Listbox

control. When user selects item from first Lisbox than its price should be

automatically selected in second Listbox. When user clicks on total button

than display total price in textbox.

Objective(s) To understand how to use Listbox control and its properties

Pre-requisite List box control

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and technologies to solve

achieved industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as necessary for

Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate its content

in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample Testing data Pizza-> 100

and outcome Burger->50

Total ->150

Post Laboratory 1. Which types of selection mode can be done in Listbox control? Discuss any two from it.

questions 2. Suppose you want a certain ASP.NET function executed on MouseOver() for a certain button. Where do you add an event handler? How?

3. Which event is fire in Listbox control? Write its syntax

4. If I want number of visible rows to display in ListBox then which

property can be used? Write code for it.


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 10: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 8 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem 1. Create a web page for user profile that contains AdRotator at

the header of page and other necessary details like

First Name, Last Name, Date Of Birth, Gender,

Address, Email Address, Contact Number, Hobby,

City, State, Country,Submit button

2. Consider above example and perform necessary validation

using validation controls.

Objective(s) To know the use of server control and validation control.

Pre-requisite Normal Validation logic and Error message.

Duration for 2 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

achieved necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be CO4: Develop dynamic web pages with the use of various server

achieved controls.

CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem ols.asp

Sample Testing data If any field is blank than display appropriate message.

and outcome Whenever page is refreshed than AdRotator control image

should change.

Post Laboratory 1. List all types of validation controls.


2. What is validation summary? How to display message box in Validation summary?

3. What is the use of Custom validator?Give example.

4. Write two difference between ControlToValidate and ControlToCompare


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 11: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 9 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create a web application to show working of File upload

control and ImageMap Control.

Objective(s) Students must be able to learn how to upload file in application

and on server and also the use of ImageMap Control.


Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO4: Develop dynamic web pages with the use of various

server controls.

CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem http://www.c- Asp-Net-and-defining-hot-spots-for-it/

Sample Testing data Uploading the file in your application folder which will be

and outcome visible in solution explorer.

Navigate to Google when click on HotSpot area.

Post Laboratory 1. What is the use of HasFile property of File upload

questions control? Write down code for it. 2. What is the use of PostBackValue property? 3. Write code to get application current location?

4. In above program what steps are to be followed if I want to change HotSpot property to rectangular?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 12: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 10 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem 1. Create a web application to store product information using

Query String. Also calculate discount and display all

Information on another page.

2. Create an application to enter product ID, Name and Price.

On clicking Submit button display all information on another

page using Session and on clicking Store button save the

information in hidden field and by clicking on Restore button

restore the data from Hidden Field in control.

Objective(s) Use of query string and view state and hidden field and


Pre-requisite Storing information in any variables.

Duration for 3 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO6. Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of options that are

available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web application.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Tutorial-on-ASP-NET-State-Management

Sample Testing data Request.QueryString[“variable”]

and outcome Session[“name”]=Textbox1.text;

Post Laboratory 1. Enlist all Client side and Server side state

questions management? 2. How we can say that Hidden Fields are not secure?

3. What is the use Query String? Write syntax.

4. Write code to define expiry date of cookies?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 13: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 11 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create an application to take username and password. If the

user check the checkbox of REMEMBER then save username

and password in cookie. Whenever the same username is been

added to the control then display it’s password and move the

control to the SIGN IN button.

Objective(s) To become familiar with how to store and fetch cookies.

Pre-requisite Storing information in any variables.

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO6. Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of options that are

available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web application.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Tutorial-on-ASP-NET-State-Management

Sample Testing data

and outcome

Post Laboratory 1. What are cookies? Why it is use?

questions 2. How do you create a Persistent Cookie?

3. What is the Maximum and minimum size of cookie?

4. How do you create a Cookie that never expires? Write code for it.


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 14: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 12 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create a master page which contains and Header part, menu

part, content part and footer part. Header part contains any

company Logo, Menu part contains menus like Home||About US||Contact US||. Content shows the information and footer

part contains copyright information. Perform Redirection

between pages.


Integration of all functionality of ASP.NET like master page, theme, database concept.

Pre-requisite Format of any registration form

Duration for 3 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications. CO6: Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of options that is

available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web application.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output, Design of master

contain page.

Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page-345

Sample Testing data Refer any online shopping website.

and outcome

Post Laboratory 1. What is ContenPlaceHolder?

questions 2. How you can access the properties and controls of master pages from content pages?

3. How to apply master page effect in all web forms? 4. Can we create Nested master page? How?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 15: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 13 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Design a Webpage using Theme and CSS similar to Follow this URL.

Objective(s) To be familiar with how to use Themes and CSS in websites.

Pre-requisite Login functionality in any ASP.NET website.

Duration for 2 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications. CO6: Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of options that is

available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web application.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Csharp-Master-Page-Theme-Skin-with-Session

Sample Testing data

and outcome

Post Laboratory 1. Where is the CSS and Theme files located?


2. Write code to apply same kind of effect in all textbox using skin file.

3. What are Named skin?

4. Skin file is use for HTML tags? True/False? Justify. Assessment

Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 16: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 14 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem

Create a user registration page with the field username, email address, original password, new password, age, gender, date of birth.

Provide all validations on page using validation

control after successful registration store the detail in

database. Create a website “My Shop” for online shopping which provide

online shopping item like Laptops, mobiles, pen drive etc. Perform following functionality

Insert records in database.

Delete record from database

Display all records in grid view from database. Update product price information in database.

Perform searching product name wise.

Objective(s) Use of database and binding controls.

Pre-requisite Programming experience with database in GUI programming.

Syntax of all queries.

Duration for 4 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

Achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO7: Access data by using built-in data access tools of ASP.NET.

CO8: Build rich data bound pages.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page-425

Sample Testing data Insert, delete, update and search query.

and outcome

Post Laboratory 1. What is connection string? Write different ways to get connection string. 2. Enlist all data providers. 3. List SqlCommand methods use to execute queries.

Page 17: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

4. Write two differences between DataSet and DataReader.

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Assessment Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

Secured by the




Page 18: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 15 Enrolment No. SET-1

Practical Problem Create a master page of online sales with the navigation option

like home, Aboutus, contactus, Add product and Search option

like by name, price, category etc display the result using

appropriate controls. The poduct table contains a field like

productid, name, category, price, productpict.(Note: Use

appropriate validation controls.)

Also display all the information in Form view and Detail View.

Objective(s) Integration of all functionality of ASP.NET like master page,

theme, database concept.

Pre-requisite Programming experience with any ASP.NET validation with C#.

Duration for 3 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

Achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO7: Access data by using built-in data access tools of ASP.NET.

CO8: Build rich data bound pages.

CO9: Design and develop web utility with rich GUI.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample 3Testing data Insert the records in database and display them in DataList and

and outcome Form view which is available in Data tab in toolbox.

Post Laboratory

1. Write code for connected architecture and disconnected architecture in ADO.NET.

2. What are the steps involved to fill a DataSet?

3. Write namespaces for all data providers.

4. How we can load multiple tables in DataSet?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 19: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia


Page 20: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 1 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Design an employee registration page which consists of

textboxes namely Name, Address, Gender, Company, Post,

Salary, Contact, Email address. Display all information in alert

box using HTML controls.

Objective(s) To measure basic knowledge of HTML controls and familiarity

with visual studio web application development environment.

Pre-requisite Programming experience with any programming language

with simple editor.

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO1: To provide sound foundation in the fundamentals of

achieved computer application along with analytical, problem- solving, design and communication skill for life-long learning in

Chosen field.

PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO1: Determine usage and working of ASP.NET with C#.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output and design page of

contain registration.

Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress

solving the problem Page-129.

Sample Testing data Enter Name, Gender, Company, Post, Salary, Contact, Email

and outcome address

In alert box it will display

Nishant Baroda Male TCS programmer 23000 7874563214

[email protected] Question

1. In above program, if a user wants to make HTML

controls works as server control then what steps should be followed?

2. Write down code to call JavaScript function using HTMLcontrols. 3. List Lightweight controls used in above program and discuss why they are called as lightweight control. 4. Which event is raised by default when you use HTML

Controls? Why?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET Secured by the student Signature Date

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 2 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem 1. Create an enumeration which store all months in year. Check

the month from enumeration and display appropriate message.

Also display all values.

Objective(s) Familiar with how to use math function and string class

methods and properties in ASP.NET using web server control.

Pre-requisite Familiar with math function and string class methods and


Duration for 2 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code with C#.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample Testing data abc-> string is uppercase ABC

and outcome if(month=”February”) , selected month is Monday and value=2

Int a={4,2,5,3,1} Output-> {1,2,3,4,5}

Post Laboratory 1. How we can use iteration structure in enumeration?


2. When can we say that object is Initialized and object is assigned a value? 3. Write down syntax to create enumeration by field name and it value.

4. Write code to check enumeration values using Switch



Solution achieves the desired Viva


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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 3 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Create a registration page for social networking website using

Web Server controls. When user click on submit button all

information should be display in label.

Objective(s) Student must be able to understand how to use web server

controls in web application.

Pre-requisite Familiar with different controls in GUI Programming

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page-164

Sample Testing data Enter Full name, city, age, hobby, school, institute Current

and outcome status, Worked at, email.

Pratik, Surat, 22, music, Delhi public school, SRIMCA, Status,

TCS, [email protected]

Post Laboratory 1. By which property we can post the page back to

questions server automatically? How?

2. From above program list out some common properties of w web server controls. Discuss any two

3. In above program if I set Visible or Enable property of any control then what changes can occur in visual effect of that control?

4. How we can group RadioButton control in above program? Also write down code to group RadioButton control.


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia



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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 4 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Create a web application to demonstrate all logical operators,

IF conditions, switch statement and Loops.

Objective(s) Student must be able to understand how to use IF statement,

switch statement and Loops with C#.

Pre-requisite Familiar with syntax of if condition and loops.

Duration for 1.5 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO1: Determine usage and working of ASP.NET with C#.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page 36

Sample Testing data If(a>10)

and outcome { …code…}


Post Laboratory

1.How we can say that do while loop executes at least once? Give example. 2. Which concept is to be used if I want method with

same name? How? 3. Give an example of Optional and Name parameter. 4. What is difference between = and ==? Give Example. Assessment

Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 5 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem 1. Create a web application to display X and Y co-ordinates in

textbox when user clicks on image. As many times user clicks

on image, co-ordinates should be adding in textbox. Display all

of them in label.

2. Take one textbox and check whether the number is even or

odd. If number is even than change Label Foreground color to

red and Background to yellow and if number is odd than

change label to bold, strikeout and its size.

Objective(s) Student shall able to understand how to use image control as

well they will also know how know how to work with

properties dynamically.

Pre-requisite Programming experience in VB.

Duration for 2 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample Testing data X,Y=10,20 X,Y= 222,150

and outcome

Hello How are You


Post Laboratory 1. What are static variable? Why it is used?

questions 2. Write code to change Label font to Bold and Italic?

3. In which event are the controls fully loaded? Why?

4. Define PostBackUrl property in ImageButton control.


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia




B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 6 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem 1. Create an web application to demonstrate DropDownList

Control in ASP.NET.

Adding items in DropDownList

Removing items from DropDownList

Display selected index of DropDownList

Display selected value and selected item of


2. Create two DropDownList control in one has student name

and other contains students roll no. When user selects name

than display roll no in another DropDownList.(use


Objective(s) To understand use of DropDownList control and its properties

Pre-requisite Combo box control

Duration for 1.5 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate

its content in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for

solving the problem Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.


Sample Testing data 1. Selected index is 6, Selected value is Nayan

and outcome 2. Student name-> Nikul student Roll No-> 11

Post Laboratory 1. What is Autopostback? For what purpose it is used?

questions 2. Write two differences between selected value and selected item?

3. How can we insert items at particular position in

DropDownList? Give example.

4. What is difference between Remove() and

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia


B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET Assessment

Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 7 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Create a web application for bakery cake billing system using Listbox

control. When user selects item from first Listbox than its price should be

automatically selected in second Listbox. When user clicks on total button

than display total price in Label.

Objective(s) To understand how to use Listbox control and its properties

Pre-requisite List box control

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and technologies to solve

achieved industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as necessary for

Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO2: Create ASP.NET pages, react to its events and manipulate its content

in code.

CO3: Explore basic web controls and their class hierarchy.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample Testing data Black forest-> 400

and outcome Chocklet Blackout->500

Total ->900

Post Laboratory 1. What is the use of TabIndex property?

questions 2. Suppose you want a certain ASP.NET function executed on MouseOver for a certain button. Where do you add an event


3. Which event is fire in Listbox control? Write its syntax

4. Which types of selection mode can be done in Listbox? How?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 8 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem 1. Create a web page for user profile that contains AdRotator at the header

of page and other necessary details like

First Name, Last Name, Date Of Birth, Gender,

Address, Email Address, Contact Number, Hobby,

City, State, Country,Submit button.

2. Consider above example and perform necessary validation using

validation controls.

Objective(s) To know the use of server control and validation control.

Pre-requisite Normal Validation logic and Error message.

Duration for 2 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and technologies to solve

achieved industry problems.

PO(s) to be PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as necessary for

achieved Website development.

CO(s) to be CO4: Develop dynamic web pages with the use of various server controls.

achieved CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample Testing data If any field is blank than display appropriate message.

and outcome Whenever page is refreshed than AdRotator control image should change.

Post Laboratory questions 1. List all types of validation controls.

2. What is validation summary? How to display message box in validation summary

3. What is the use of Custom validator? Give example.

4.Write two difference between ControlToValidate and ControlToCompare ?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia


B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 9 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Create a web application to show working of File upload control. Save files

in particular folder as per their types. Also demonstrate ImageMap Control

with different HotSpots.

Objective(s) Students must be able to learn how to upload file in application and on

server and also the use of ImageMap Control.


Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and technologies to solve

achieved industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as necessary for

Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO4: Develop dynamic web pages with the use of various server controls.

CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Asp-Net-and-defining-hot-spots-for-it/

Sample Testing data Uploading the file in your application folder which will be visible in

and outcome solution explorer. MP3-song1.mp3, image1.jpg

Navigate to Google/Hotmail when click on HotSpot area.

Post Laboratory

1. What is the use of HasFile property of File upload control? Write code for it.

questions 2. What is the use of PostBackValue property? 3.Write code to get location of our current application directory?

4. In above program what steps are to be followed if I want to

change HotSpot property in rectangulars?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 32: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 10 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem 1. Create an application to Employee information using

Query String. Also calculate Bonus and display all

Information on another page.

2. Write an application to enter mobile ID, company and Price.

On clicking Submit button display all information on another

page using Session and on clicking Store button save the

information in hidden field and by clicking on Restore button

restore the data from Hidden Field in control.

Objective(s) Use of query string and view state and hidden field and


Pre-requisite Storing information in any variables.

Duration for 3 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO6: Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of options that are

available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web application.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Tutorial-on-ASP-NET-State-Management

Sample Testing data Request.QueryString[“variable”]

and outcome Session[“name”]=Textbox1.text;

Post Laboratory

1. Enlist all Client side and Server side state management.


2. How we can say that Hidden Fields are not secure?

3. What is the use Query String? Write syntax

4.Write code to define expiry date of cookies?


Solution achieves the desired Viva

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 11 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Create an application to take username and password. If the

user check the checkbox of REMEMBER then save username

and password in cookie. Whenever the same username is been

added to the control then display it’s password and move the

control to the SIGN IN button.

Objective(s) To become familiar with how to store and fetch cookies.

Pre-requisite Storing information in any variables.

Duration for 1 hour


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO6: Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of options that are

available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web application.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Tutorial-on-ASP-NET-State-Management

Sample Testing data Remember me functionality of

and outcome

Post Laboratory

1. What are cookies? Why it is use? 2.How do you create a Persistent Cookie?

3. What is the Maximum and minimum size of cookie?

4. How do you create a Cookie that never expires? Write code for it.


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Page 35: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 12 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Create a master page which contains and Header part, menu

part, content part and footer part. Header part contains any

company Logo, Menu part contains menus like Home||About US||Contact US||. Content shows the information and footer

part contains copyright information. Perform Redirection

between pages.

Objective(s) Integration of all functionality of ASP.NET like master page, theme, database concept.

Pre-requisite Format of any registration form

Duration for 3 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications. CO6: Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of

Options that is available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web


Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Page-345

Sample Testing data Refer any online shopping website.

and outcome

Post Laboratory 1. What is ContenPlaceHolder?


2.How you can access the properties and controls of master pages from content pages?

3. How to apply master page effect in all web forms?

4. Can we create Nested master page? How?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia


B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 13 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Design a Webpage using Theme and CSS similar to

Follow this URL.

Objective(s) To be familiar with how to use Themes and CSS in websites.

Pre-requisite Login functionality in any ASP.NET website.

Duration for 2 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO5: Design well-integrated and consistent web applications. CO6: Build web application in place of individual page using

state management and its different types of

Options that is available to manage state in an ASP.NET Web


Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem Csharp-Master-Page-Theme-Skin-with-Session

Sample Testing data

and outcome

Post Laboratory 1. Where is the CSS and Theme files located?

questions 2. Write code to apply same kind of effect in all textbox using skin file.

3. What is Named skin?

4. How we can use Skin files as HTMLtags?True/False? Justify.


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 14 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem 1. Create a user registration page with the field username, email

address, original password, new password, age, gender, date of


Provide all validations on page using validation

control after successful registration store the detail in


2. Create a website “My Shop” for online cloths which provide

online shopping item like Cloths, TV, and Refrigerator etc.

Perform following functionality

Insert records in database.

Delete record from database

Display all records in gridview from database.

Update product price information in database.

Perform searching product name wise.

Objective(s) Use of database and binding controls.

Pre-requisite Programming experience with database in GUI programming.

Syntax of all queries.

Duration for 4 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

Achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO7: Access data by using built-in data access tools of ASP.NET.

CO8: Build rich data bound pages.

Solution must Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress.

solving the problem

Sample Testing data Insert, delete, update and search query.

and outcome

Post Laboratory

1. Write two differences between Static connection string and dynamic connection string?

2. Which different database can be used in developing web

application in ASP.NET? 3.Enlist all data providers.

Page 38: B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer … · Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia B.V Patel Institute of Business Management,

Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

3. List SqlCommand methods use to execute queries.

4.Write two differences between DataSet and DataReader.

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Assessment Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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Mr. Vivek R. Fumakia

B.V Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and IT, UTU

BCA-5th Semester

030010501: Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET

Practical No. 15 Enrolment No. SET-2

Practical Problem Create a master page of online purchase with the navigation

option like home, Aboutus, contactus, Add product and Search

option like by name, price, category etc display the result using

appropriate controls. The poduct table contains a field like

productid, name, category, price, product pict.(Note: Use

appropriate validation controls.)

Also display all the information in Form view and Detail View. Objective(s) Integration of all functionality of ASP.NET like master page,

theme, database concept.

Pre-requisite Programming experience with any ASP.NET validation with C#. Duration for 3 hours


PEO(s) to be PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and

Achieved technologies to solve industry problems.

PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as

necessary for Website development.

CO(s) to be achieved CO7: Access data by using built-in data access tools of ASP.NET. CO8: Build rich data bound pages.

CO9: Design and develop web utility with rich GUI.

Solution must

Design of page, Source code, Sample test data with output


Nature of Handwritten


References for Matthew MacDonald, Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Apress. solving the problem

Sample Testing data Refer any online shopping website.

and outcome

Post Laboratory

1. Write code for connected architecture and disconnected architecture in ADO.NET.

Questions 2. Write namespaces for all data providers. 3. How we can load multiple tables in DataSet?

4. What are the steps involved to fill a DataSet?


Solution achieves the desired Viva


Out of Marks 10 5

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