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  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights



    Informed decision making Business analytics for industries and SMBs Analytics applied to processes Essentials to get started

    Brain trustEnabling the confident enterprisewith business analytics

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights



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  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights



    The impact o business analytics on perormance and proitabilityJim Goodnight

    Business analytics: helping you put an inormed oot orwardJim Davis

    How organizations make better decisionsThomas H. Davenport

    Business analytics in actionGail Bamford, David Wallace, Mike Newkirk and Becca Goren

    The art, act and science o knowingThornton May

    What business analytics means or small and medium businessesMatthew Mikell

    Embedding analytics into processesThomas Davenport, Jeanne Harris and Robert Morison

    8 essentials o business analyticsJim Davis

    The art o the possible: business analytics tomeasure corporate sustainabilityAlyssa Farrell












  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P2|Perormance and

    The impact o business analyticson perormance and proftabilityBy Jim Goodnight, CEO, SAS

    With the rising complexity o global busi-

    ness, gut decisions and hunches no

    longer suce. Successul responses to

    threats and opportunities now depend on

    rapid and smart execution. Let me state

    it plainly: Business analytics is the key to

    achieving these challenging objectives.

    Our world generated more data in 2009

    than in the previous recorded history o

    mankind. A good deal o this data can

    be converted into useul inormation and

    competitive advantage by applying theright analytics.

    The answers are out there in the data

    we capture and store.

    Right now, that capture and storage

    is costing huge amounts o money.

    Analytics converts those tremendous

    costs into invaluable assets.

    Far more than mere reporting or dash-

    boards or scorecards, business analyticsis a discipline that digs deeper into these

    vastly larger sets o data to uncover the

    most important insights. It can mean so-

    cial network analysis to study behaviors

    and relationships on multiple levels to

    uncover raud. It can involve in-database

    analytics to optimize retail assortments

    or pricing. It can mean analyzing porto-

    lios to manage risk positions.

    For example, with the right analytics, re-

    tailers can predict how many red sweat-

    ers they need in stock and how many

    smalls or larges they need based on loca

    demographics. They can also determine

    optimal prices or hundreds o thousands

    o products at multiple locations. Pricing

    used to be an art. Now, giant retailers can

    zero in on the optimal price or all their

    SKUs and stores. Banks can determine

    the optimal amount o cash to keep in

    ATMs. Automakers can predict howmany spare parts theyll need on hand

    and when.

    Harrahs, a global casino operator, uses

    analytics to optimize its marketing and

    customer loyalty programs. Thanks

    largely to its use o analytics, Harrahs

    ranks No. 1 in prots as a percentage

    o revenues and has increased its share

    o wallet rom 36 percent in 1998 to 45

    percent today.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Perormance and Proftability|

    In the Philippines, the Bureau o Internal

    Revenue used analytics to recoup $114

    million in unpaid value-added taxes, a

    400 percent ROI in the rst year. In Swe-

    den, they are using analytics to reducethe number o patients who die rom clini-

    cal errors. In addition to reducing unnec-

    essary deaths, they expect to save $10

    billion in health care costs at the national

    level through their analytic eorts.

    1-800-FLOWERS.COM changes prices

    and oerings on its Web site, sometimes

    hourly, because it uses analytics. It also

    uses analytic sotware to target print and

    online promotions with greater accuracy.

    And it uses analytics to optimize its mar-keting, shipping, distribution and manu-

    acturing operations. The result: a $50

    million reduction in costs last year.

    Heres my advice: Take the time to learn

    about analytics. Take the time to discover

    how analytics can provide an objective

    view o your world, not only as it appears

    today but also how its likely to appeartomorrow. Im not talking about gazing

    into a crystal ball. Im talking about the

    capability o competitive organizations to

    develop and implement strategies today

    that are based on a careul analysis o

    their likely outcomes in the uture.

    And heres my crystal-ball view: The abil-

    ity to predict uture business trends with

    reasonable accuracy will be one o the

    crucial competitive advantages o this

    new decade. And you wont be able todo that without analytics.

    Jim Goodnight has been at SAS helm since the

    companys incorporation in 1976, overseeing an

    unbroken chain o revenue growth a eat almost

    unheard o in the sotware industry.


    Business Analytics Knowledge Exchange

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P4|Face Forward with Business

    Most companies today have plenty odata. Creating intelligence and glean-

    ing real insight rom this data is what

    continues to elude organizations. De-

    spite years o talk about scorecards and

    metrics, gut eelings and experience are

    oten still the guides or making impor-

    tant, sometimes critical decisions, even

    though current research reveals a clear

    link between business perormance and

    the use o business analytics.

    So what exactly is business analyticsand how can it help? Business analytics

    is, simply put, the application o ana-

    lytical techniques to resolve business

    issues. It provides organizations with a

    ramework or decision making, helping

    organizations solve complex business

    problems, improve perormance, drive

    sustainable growth through innovation,

    anticipate and plan or change while

    managing and balancing risk.

    It sounds like a lot, but i you break itdown its all about enabling eective

    decision making. Organizations make

    decisions every day, and these sit on a

    continuum rom requent, up to millions

    per day to transormative, which occur

    less requently but greatly impact orga-

    nizational strategy. The need or agile

    decision making has never been greater

    but unortunately, IT inrastructure, peo-

    ple and processes are lagging behind.

    Business analytics: helping youput an inormed oot orwardBy Jim Davis

    Why BI is not enoughBusiness intelligence provides histori-

    cal, metric-driven decision making

    and answers questions like, how many

    units did we sell, what did customers

    buy and or how much? BI is charac-

    terized by the creation o simple rules

    and alerts and the distribution o known

    acts to systems and people. These

    decisions have a low transormational

    impact on the business.

    BI is still a highly valuable part o youoverall business analytics environment

    however, oering an excellent genera

    purpose backbone or ad hoc analysis

    and basic operational reporting.

    For example, BI can alert management

    on how many credit card transactions

    were completed on a given day. It can

    also develop a simple rule or automatic

    reporting, like reporting on transactions

    greater than $10,000 to the regulators.

    From a more strategic decision perspec-

    tive, business analytics can help answe

    questions such as what new products

    should we oer and in what markets?

    Or relative to the example, which credit

    card transactions are likely to be raudu-

    lent? Business analytics can predict this

    with certainty and automatically deny

    transactions while reporting activities

    in real time.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Face Forward with Business Analytics|

    Business analytics allows organizationsto ace orward, bringing insight to

    transormative decisions. It benets all

    aspects o an organizations value chain,


    Inbound logistics: receiving, storing,

    inventory control and transportation


    Operations: including factors such as

    packaging, equipment maintenance,

    testing and all activities that add value

    rom the raw material to nal product. Outbound logistics: the activities re-

    quired to get the nished products to

    market, including warehousing and

    distribution management.

    Marketing and sales: activities that

    lead a buyer to purchase the product,

    including channel selection, advertis-

    ing, promotion, selling, pricing, retail

    management and shel space optimi-


    Service: activities that maintain aproducts value, including customer

    support, repairs, installation, training,

    spare parts management and more.1

    In this way, business analytics drivesinnovation and improves an organiza-

    tions speed o response to market and

    environmental changes. In the credit card

    scenario, business analytics can not

    only discover the causal actors o raud,

    but also orecast accurately when it will

    occur again. The company can then

    change business processes accordingly.

    A step toward business analytics

    Eective decision making requires

    a business analytics ramework thatincorporates the people, processes,

    technology and culture o an organiza-

    tion. This common ramework provides

    fexibility across the entire range o

    analytical decision-making types rom

    highly managed operational analytics

    (such as a setting a simple credit limit)

    to discovery-based analytics (such as

    credit raud scenarios or setting dynamic

    credit limits).

    A business analytics ramework is not

    a monolithic and costly approach,but rather provides or incremental

    growth to achieve strategic goals at any

    given stage o an organizations value

    chain. It oers business-ready analytical

    applications with underlying technolo-

    gies or key services like data man-

    agement and quality, reporting and

    advanced analytics.

    A business analyticsramework is not amonolithic and costly

    approach but ratherprovides or incrementalgrowth to achievestrategic goals at anygiven stage o anorganizations value chain.

    1 Porter, Michael E., Competitive Advantage : Creating

    and Sustaining Superior Performance. 1985.

    In the ollowing report, youll hear romseveral experts about how business

    analytics can be applied to business

    problems across all types o organizations

    industries and value chains. Perhaps

    then it will become part o your plan to

    outthink and out-smart the competition


    Business Analytics Knowledge Exchange

    Credit card raud management

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P6|Face Forward with Business

    Six questions about your companys inormationThe modern organization is awash in inormation yet, too oten, it alls short o thetools, methods and expertise it needs to derive the greatest value rom this untapped

    asset. Inormation about the most important acets o the business customers, processes,employees, competitors and more is gathered but not analyzed, reported but notunderstood, guessed about rather than acted upon. But not with business analytics.

    Ask these questions o your company and join aggressive competitors by being a smart

    organization.1. Where should we leverage business analytics? Focus business analytics where you

    already compete. The payo is greatest where you are playing to your strength, not where

    you are playing catch-up.

    2. Why now? Because the technology is ready. Because competitors are likely exploring

    the possibilities o analytical competition, too. And because its always risky to delaycapitalizing on a new business capability.

    3. Whats the payo? Business analytics is all about anticipating the payo in order tomaximize it. The analytics initiative succeeds when the business capitalizes on an

    opportunity that analytics reveals.

    4. What inormation and technology do we need? Most companies dont lack or sufcient

    data, but instead suer rom a lack o integration and a lack o quality. Without good data,you simply cant do good analytics.

    5. What kind o people do we need? You need a variety o talented people: analyticalproessionals who design and refne analytical algorithms, and perorm data mining;

    analytical semiproessionals who do substantial amounts o modeling and analysis butare unlikely to develop sophisticated new algorithms or models; analytical amateurs whoneed to understand something o the analytical basis or operations and decisions; and

    the analytical manager who ocuses the work o analytical proessionals.

    6. What roles must senior executives play? Committed senior executives provide the passionand the resources to drive their organizations in an analytical direction. In virtually everysuccessul frm, senior management sets an analytical strategy and continually pushes

    it orward.


  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Face Forward with Business Analytics|

    Jim Davis is Senior Vice President and

    Chie Marketing Ofcer or SAS.

    HSBC: raud detection that exceeds

    aggressive goals

    With raud levels surging around the

    world, banks are acing greater regula-

    tory scrutiny, as well as risks associated

    with damaging publicity rom raud. The

    ability to correctly make split-second

    decisions on accepting credit card

    transactions beore raud occurs is

    more important than ever.Using SAS Fraud Management, part o

    the SAS Business Analytics Framework,

    HSBC prevents, detects and manages

    nancial crimes by scoring and accept-

    ing or rejecting millions o transactions a

    day in real time at the point o sale.

    As a result, the global nancial services

    leader has achieved signicantly lower

    incidence o raud across tens o mil-

    lions o debit and credit card accounts.

    The proo is in our raud numbers ourdetection rates and our alse positives

    which continue to meet our aggres-

    sive goals, said Derek Wylde, Head o

    Group Fraud Risk, Global Security and

    Fraud Risk or HSBC.


  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights



    Relatively ew businesses and organiza-

    tions have given ull and proper attention

    to one o their most important activities

    making decisions regarding key questions

    such as what strategies and business

    models to pursue, which products and

    services to oer, which customers to

    target, what prices to charge and what

    employees to hire. Organizations with

    poor decision processes and tools

    eventually encounter poor outcomes

    and perormance suers.

    However, new analytics, decision auto-

    mation tools and business intelligence

    systems make it possible to make better

    use o inormation in decisions. Wisdom

    o crowds approaches and technologies

    allow larger groups o people to partici-

    pate meaningully in decision processes

    Organizations cannot aord to ignore

    these new options i they wish to make

    the best possible decisions.

    Given both negative and positive incen-

    tives to get better, one might expect

    that organizations would attempt to

    improve their decisions that they

    would prioritize them, examine thei

    current level o eectiveness, investigate

    new options or making them better and

    implement some o those options. In

    my survey and analysis o dozens o

    corporations, I ound that while they are

    indeed, doing some o these things

    How organizations makebetter decisionsThe ollowing article is an edited excerpt o an article distributed by the

    International Institute or Analytics.

    By Thomas H. Davenport

    Author and researcher Tom Davenport is thePresidents Distinguished Proessor at Babson College.

    His newest book isAnalytics at Work: Smarter Decisions,Better Results (with Jeanne Harris and Robert Morison,

    rom Harvard Business Press).

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Better Decisions|

    very ew organizations have undertaken

    systematic eorts to improve a variety o

    decisions. In this excerpt I describe some

    o the more requent approaches used to

    intervene in decision processes.

    Analytics, testing and data

    Inrastructures predicated on analytics

    and data were among the most

    common decision-making rameworks

    among the surveyed rms. Eighty-our

    percent o respondents mentioned ananalytical component in their decision

    improvement eorts and 66 percent

    mentioned eorts to improve data.

    The range o analytical techniques

    employed was quite broad. Scoring

    approaches based on statistical analyses

    (usually some orm o regression analy-

    sis) were common. Other approaches

    included optimization, behavior-based

    customer targeting, statistical orecasting,

    prediction o various phenomena and the

    use o text analytics.

    Systematic testing was one orm o

    analysis that was being used somewhat

    requently by companies; 18 percent

    mentioned it specically in interviews.

    One key virtue is that it creates a

    decision-oriented context rom the start.

    I a test between two alternative Web

    page designs is perormed, it is gen-

    erally assumed that a decision to adopt

    the winning page will be made. Other

    analytical approaches may not have as

    clear a path to a decision.

    A prerequisite o virtually any orm o

    analytics is high-quality data, so it is not

    surprising that data-oriented responses

    were also common. Sixty-six percento respondents mentioned some issue

    involving data. The most common were:

    Having difculty in accessing data.

    Creating a common data architecture.

    Eliminating duplicate data.

    Integrating master data


    Achieving one version of the truthin unctional or process areas.

    Dealing with too much data.

    Gathering data from channel partners.

    Creating new metrics.

    In a survey and analysiso dozens o corporations,Davenport ound that veryew organizations haveundertaken systematiceorts to improve a varietyo decisions.

    Not surprisingly, manyorganizations reportedthat they needed to changebusiness processes tomake better decisions.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights



    Technology support and overrides

    or decisions

    Several rms surveyed mentioned spe-

    cic analytical sotware, testing sotware,

    data warehouses and Web analytics/

    reporting sotware. Two other tech-

    nologies were mentioned requently:

    specialized inormation display technolo-

    gies and business rule engines.

    Thirty-eight percent o companies in the

    study mentioned some use o specialized

    inormation displays such as scorecards

    and dashboards. These tools, typically

    ound in the business intelligence

    category, allow decision makers to see

    only the inormation that they need to

    make a decision. Several rms mentioned

    using specic display approaches not

    generally supported by conventional BI

    tools, including the A3 ormat or

    displaying key issues in a particularbusiness domain. Some companies are

    using neuroscience principles to guide

    how inormation is presented and

    digested. This may be a bellwether o

    uture attempts to link inormation and

    decision making.

    Another popular decision technology

    involves using business rules to enable

    automated or semiautomated decision

    processes sometimes in conjunction

    with analytics (e.g., scoring-orientedapplications). Many organizations em-

    ploy business rules but allow humans

    to override the recommended decisions

    when appropriate.

    Changes in business processes

    Not surprisingly, many organizations

    reported that they needed to change

    business processes to make better

    decisions. Forty-three percent men-

    tioned process changes o some type.

    For instance, some described process

    changes around supply chain manage-

    ment in an IT rm, lease processing in

    an auto nancing rm, nancial process-es in health insurance or new product

    development processes. Several organi-

    zations mentioned changes or decision-

    oriented processes made in the context

    o Six Sigma programs.

    However, some decision-ocused ana-

    lysts noted that their original goal wasnt

    necessarily to identiy and implement

    process changes, and that they had to

    work with other groups to accomplish

    them. As one head o an analyst groupat an IT rm commented, We didnt

    initially have the ranchise to do process

    improvement our thing was analytics.

    But it kept coming up on our projects. So

    we eventually just made it a part o our

    standard approach.

    Decision-oriented methods and tools

    Several organizations reported that

    one aspect o their decision processes

    was an overarching, strategic manage-

    ment approach to guide all aspects otheir eorts. Most o these initiatives are

    well-known approaches to business

    and management.

    An insurance company adopted

    enterprise risk management.

    The Six Sigma approach to process

    quality and decision outcomes was

    implemented at a nancial payments

    rm and a stang rm.

    A nancial services rm uses the

    net promoter score or customer

    satisaction decisions.

    An economic decision analysis

    approach, popularized and taught

    by Stanords Engineering School

    and the Strategic Decisions Group,

    is used by an oil company.

    In addition, three responding organiza-

    tions developed analytically ocused

    decision processes that have been widely

    used in IT systems development, but are

    not widely known in the decision-makingor analytics literature. Sometimes called

    agile methods or rapid prototyping,

    they involve the creation o a series o

    short-term deliverables, and requent

    review o them by the client and stake-

    holders or the decision. The organi-

    zations that use this approach ound

    that it led to results that better t the

    decision-makers requirements, and a

    a aster pace.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Better Decisions|

    Analysts previously responsible or datagathering and analysis are morphing intoconsultants who may be responsible or ramingdecisions, process redesign, communication andeducation programs, and change management all in addition to the traditional analysis unctions.


    From my research, its clear that

    organizations recognize the importance

    o improving decisions. Although the

    survey was not a random sample,

    individuals in 90 percent o organiza-

    tions surveyed identied some

    attempt to improve decisions through

    better processes. Second, organiza-

    tions employ a variety o interventiontypes to improve decisions across

    analytics, culture and leadership, and

    data. The most successul organiza-

    tions adopted multiple interventions

    at once to improve a decision.

    As a result, analysts previously

    responsible or data gathering and

    analysis are morphing into consultants

    who may be responsible or raming deci-

    sions, process redesign, communication

    and education programs, and changemanagement all in addition to the

    traditional analysis unctions.

    Organizations seeking to implement

    decision improvements should become

    amiliar with these common intervention

    types and create ongoing capabilities to

    deliver them.


    Order it now Analytics at Work: SmarterDecisions, Better Results

    Read the full International Institute forAnalytics

    Engage with analytic leadersand

    Analytics improvesdecisionsDavenports research ound the mostcommon types o decisions improved by

    analytics include:

    Pricing decisions (consumer goods,

    industrial goods, government contracts,

    maintenance contracts, etc.). Decisions to target consumer segments

    (by retailers, insurers, credit card rms).

    Merchandising decisions (brands

    to buy, quantities and allocations).

    Location decisions (for bank

    branches or where to service industrial


    Treatment protocols for health care.

    Product development for

    pharmaceutical frms.

    Student performance in educational


    Evaluating marketing approaches

    (in both consumer and

    B2B environments).

    Hiring decisions.

    Vehicle routing decisions.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P12|Business Analytics in

    Business analytics in actionHow are key industries deriving value rom their business analytics implementations?

    By Gail Bamord, David Wallace, Mike Newkirk and Becca Goren


    According to the World Health Organi-

    zation, global health spending totalled

    more than US$4.1 trillion in 2007, with

    $639 as the total health expenditure

    per person. That number will only grow

    in ways that aect businesses and


    Despite these huge investments, healthcare quality is uneven and resistant to

    changes and improvements. How can

    we enhance health care delivery while

    controlling those costs? It starts by

    careully measuring and monitoring the

    quality o that care a complex task

    perectly suited or business analyt-

    ics. Heres how some orward-thinking

    health care institutions are delivering

    better quality o care more eciently.

    Maine Medical CenterNamed to US News and World Reports

    Americas Best Hospitals list or

    orthopedics, heart care and gynecologic

    care, Maine Medical Center uses SAS

    Business Analytics to understand key

    patient care metrics and sustain a

    quality-driven culture. The data-driven

    approach has produced excellent results:

    Increased compliance on medicatio

    reconciliation by more than 50 percen

    in a nine-month period.

    Dramatically reduced the rate of hos

    pital-acquired inections by measurin

    where inections originated and wha

    admission conditions closely corre

    lated with acquired inections.

    Improved government/industry ac

    creditation/compliance by incorpo

    rating national guidelines into ke


    Developed new methods for caring fo

    stroke patients while controlling costs

    By taking better care o these patients

    the hospital expects ewer complica

    tions, which will reduce costs.

    Karolinska Institute

    The Karolinska Institute in Swede

    needed a way to examine the eect

    o drugs, other treatments and liestyl

    actors on patients with rheumatoid ar

    thritis. Using SAS Business Analytics

    the Institute has deployed a Web-based

    patient sel-help application and predic

    tive modeling to determine which treat

    ments will be most eective or certai

    segments o RA patients.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Business Analytics in Action|


    In a challenging economic and regula-

    tory climate, bankers must be especially

    vigilant. Two key indicators o a banks

    health are net charge-os (NCOs) the

    value o loans written o as uncollect-

    able and nonperorming loans (NPLs)

    that are in deault or delinquent more

    than 90 days.

    In the past two years in the US, bank

    NCOs have soared by an average omore than 350 percent across all insti-

    tutions, with institutions holding assets

    o $5 billion or less showing growth o

    almost 500 percent. NPLs as a percent-

    age o average loan balances have risen

    more than 278 percent at US banks with

    $1 billion or more in assets.1 How can -

    nancial institutions improve their collec-

    tions and protect their bottom line?

    Business analytics can provide the in-

    sights that institutions need to reduceboth loan writeos and the cost o col-

    lections activities. First, models created

    within a business analytics ramework

    can identiy likely candidates or work-

    outs and loan modications. Second,

    business analytics can optimize collec-

    tions activities to improve the probability

    o success and maximize sel-treatment

    among debtor segments. It starts with

    three basic steps.

    Cleanse and integrate. Cleanse and

    standardize third-party credit and

    customer data, enrich it (e.g., add

    geocoding tags) and integrate it into

    a single data store.

    Analyze and score. Develop scoring

    models to analyze debtor-customer

    segment data against objectives, in-

    cluding maximize prots or minimize

    writeos or against constraints, such

    as loan types, outstanding balances ordays delinquent.

    Optimize and execute treatment

    strategies. Analytical models help

    collections teams understand who is

    most likely to respond, which commu-

    nication channels work best and how

    much payment to expect.

    Collections optimization driven by

    business analytics delivers the results

    that institutions need to improve theirprotability.

    Optimizing collectionsA leading Australian fnancial institutionpreviously relied on instinct when contact-

    ing delinquent customers. Since introduc-ing SAS or collections optimization, it has

    achieved a 300 percent ROI in less than sixmonths. A debt purchasing frm based inthe UK uses SAS to predict debt portolio

    perormance. This enables the frm tomake quicker decisions on acquiring new

    debt portolios at the right prices, collectmore rom each portolio and grow rev-

    enues by 50 percent annually.

    1 Source: SNL Financial

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P14|Business Analytics in


    From diapers to jet engines and almost

    everything in between, manuacturing

    expertise is a competitive dierentiator or

    companies that ollow optimal practices

    and methodologies to attack ineiciencies

    and eliminate waste. Business analytics

    is essential in these settings to improve

    production and sales planning, enhancethe supply chain, reduce inventory,

    streamline logistics and much more.

    For example, with demand orecasting,

    business analytics can be a key

    contributor to a manuacturers success.

    Better orecasts deliver ROI by:

    Reducing inventories.

    Improving order fulfillment rates.

    Shortening cash-to-cash cycles.

    Many manuacturers struggle with

    optimally managing and orecasting

    their raw materials requirements, work-

    in-process (WIP) inventory and inished

    goods inventories. Without the right mix o

    raw materials, production plans all apart

    and customer orders are delayed (or,

    worse, canceled). Missing WIP orecasts

    similarly leads to ineicient schedules

    and a crippling misallocation o inishedstocks not having the right quantities o

    the right goods at the right time and in

    the right places. While the data is oten

    available to prevent, identiy and correct

    these imbalances and ineiciencies, it

    is usually not integrated, analyzed and

    shared across the organization.

    Data management technologies can

    bring together islands o inormation

    such as point-o-sale (POS) data and

    historical shipment data. Once that data

    is aggregated, business analytics models

    and tools can accurately orecast the

    demand or products by amily, individua

    SKU, geography, customer type, etc.

    With a clear and accurate demand

    picture, manuacturers can properly

    allocate raw materials across plants andregions all optimized by distribution

    channel to create complete roll-ups in

    master planning schedules.


    Youve likely experienced it beore your

    cell phone loses service one too many

    times, so you switch providers. Low

    barriers to churning mean providers must

    vigilantly and careully invest to maintain

    and increase their service quality and

    customer satisaction rankings. Aterall, your satisaction keeps them in


    Network managers typically receive error

    reports and alarms ater a network device

    ails. The team addresses the stream o

    trouble tickets, but never gets insight into

    underlying causes or trends or outages.

    The result: long call-resolution times.

    With business analytics and approaches

    such as predictive ault analysis, networkmanagers can analyze perormance

    to pre-empt ailures. They can analyze

    trouble tickets and optimize corrective

    services, shortening times you are

    without coverage.

    Strong data management, including

    data quality and reporting capabilities

    all key underpinnings or business

    analytics can help quickly identiy

    Meaningul ROI withBusiness AnalyticsOne SAS customer increased company

    proftability by accurately predicting prod-uct demand and customer behavior morethan doubling its orecasting accuracy. It

    ound that or every 1 percent reduction inorecast variance, it saved $200,000.

    Another manuacturer improved two

    seemingly competing objectives. It simul-taneously reduced inventory by 20 percent,eliminating millions o dollars o holding

    costs, yet improved service levels, whichdirectly and positively aected customer


  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Business Analytics in Action|

    service and network issues. Business

    analytics helps to:

    Identify and remove duplicate trouble


    Understand faults and performance on

    a macro level.

    Determine which services have the

    highest ault rates.

    In addition to analyzing network

    perormance, predictive analytics

    technologies can help evaluate

    demand, aults and systems to improve

    resource utilization and quality o service

    (QoS). A telco provider can then identiy

    when and where network resources

    are deployed and quality/perormance

    variations over time.

    Business analytics allows network and

    service managers to better understand

    causes and impacts o ailures. They can

    prioritize and pre-empt outages, optimize

    repairs and mitigate risk with answers to

    key questions:

    How significant is each factor

    inluencing network aults degradation?

    Which network faults are tied to a given

    trouble ticket?

    Which faults are related and what are

    their impacts?

    Armed with predictive ault analytics,

    a telco provider can limit the times you

    lose a signal and continually improve

    overall service, allowing it to keep your


    Gail Bamord is a SAS Global Industry MarketingManager or Public Sector.

    [email protected]

    David Wallace is a SAS Global Industry Marketing

    Manager or Financial [email protected]

    Mike Newkirkis a SAS Global Industry MarketingManager or Manuacturing.

    [email protected]

    Becca Goren is a SAS Global IndustryMarketing Manager or Communications,Media and Entertainment.

    [email protected]

    One large telco service provider usedSAS to identiy emerging issues (an

    average o two weeks prior to ailure)and double the percentage o tickets

    resolved within 48 hours.


    Get the ull stories on:Maine Medical



    Health care providers keep pace with

    The standard or clinical data analysis and reportin

    Solutions or better risk management

    Compete in

    Invest wisely, communications service

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P16|The New

    The Internet makes sel teaching and

    lielong learning the rule rather than

    the exception. Historians ultimately wilcome to consensus on what to call the

    time period between the renzy that was

    the dot-com bubble and the period be-

    ore society nally enters the data cloud

    For want o a better phrase, I call the 20-

    year interregnum we currently inhabit

    (1995 2015) the Age o Little Inorma-

    tion. I come to this label not because the

    age exhibits a lack o inormation. Quite

    the contrary, it is during this epoch that

    inormation previously locked away

    in analog orm is becoming widelydigitized. The New Know has changed

    our reality along 10 undamental dimen-


    New Know Reality #1:

    You will be expected to do

    something with inormation.

    All this newly digitized inormation has

    had, relatively speaking, little impact on

    behavior and little impact on organiza-

    tional outcomes. We are now exiting ahistorical moment o undermanaged and

    only occasionally acted-upon inorma-

    tion to an environment requiring much

    more active, much more intense, much

    more aggressive inormation manage-

    ment. You as an executive will be held

    much more accountable or your data

    management behaviors. You will be

    expected to transorm data lead into

    knowledge gold via the expeditious

    The art, act and science o knowingAn excerpt rom The New Know 1

    By Thornton May

    1Copyright 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

    Futurist Thornton May positions analysts as heroeso the age we are about to enter in his new book,

    The New Know: Innovation Powered by Analytics.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    sensemaking leading to ecacious ac-

    tion. In the Age o Little Inormation, we

    were data vegetarians. In the New Knowwe will have to become inormation and

    knowledge carnivores.

    New Know Reality #2:

    Therereallyis more to know.

    The New Know will be awash with

    data. Processing power doubles every

    18 months. Storage capacity doubles

    every 12 months. Bandwidth through-

    put doubles every nine months. There

    is more to know. Organizations arehaving trouble keeping up and, sadly,

    the act that there are more acts arriving

    at a aster rate o speed is not even the

    tip o the cognitive iceberg. Like the og

    o war, ino warriors speak o the og

    o acts (e.g., conusion about what

    inormation is to be believed, what inor-

    mation sources are credible and what

    version o reality is to be acted on). In a

    world o multiple sources o inormation

    and 24-hour decision making, the very

    character o inormation is changing.A act is no longer a act.

    The New Know|

    New Know Reality #3:

    You will have to know more

    about knowing.

    One o the major changes dening the

    new competitive environment is the

    requirement to know more about know-

    ing, what experts sometimes reer to as

    metacognition. Society is about to

    undergo a tectonic shit in how it thinks

    about thinking. Driving this cognitive

    plate shiting are the RSS eeds, pod-

    casts, blogs, old-media headlines and

    evening news programs, which are

    increasingly lled with images andinstances o current-generation leaders

    being asked by dissatised next-

    generation voters, customers and

    shareholders: What were you

    thinking? Looking beneath the surace,

    they are really asking: How were you

    thinking? Via what processes, using

    what data and assisted by what tools did

    you arrive at your course o action?

    New Know Reality #4:

    Brain science and decisionscience are converging.

    Scientists do not know how the brain

    works yet. But they are sneaking up

    on it. Readers may be surprised to learn

    that neuroscience has been around

    or over 100 years. Neuroscience has

    progressed to the point that we at least

    know what we do not know.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P18|The New

    To some extent, it is a simple truism

    that the brain is involved with all things

    that comprise our human existence.

    It ollows, loosely, thereore, that

    understanding the brain will help us

    understand the human condition more

    ully. The big news is that the brain pos-

    sesses innate qualities that infuence

    individual experience and opinions.There are things that can be known

    that need to be known by executives

    seeking to maximize value rom the

    knowledge assets available to the


    New Know Reality #5:

    The environment is changing

    our brain.

    The inormation food should be viewed

    as a permanent macroenvironmentalchange. Thinking in Darwinian terms,

    what adaptive pressures does this

    environmental change place on us?

    Daily exposure to high technology

    computers, smart phones, video games,

    search engines stimulates brain cell

    alteration and neurotransmitter release,

    gradually strengthening new neural

    pathways in our brains while weaken-

    ing old ones. Because o the current

    technological revolution, our brains are

    evolving right now at a speed likenever beore.

    New Know Reality #6:

    Inormation management Is the

    essence o leadership.

    Low-cost communications give rise to

    almost toxic levels o spin, hype and

    empty rhetoric. Leaders are able to

    cut through all the noise. Does your

    organization lter its data? Carly Fiorinaormer CEO at Hewlett-Packard

    believes that distilling truth rom over-

    whelming amounts o inormation is the

    essence o leadership. She believes that

    all o us are overwhelmed with inorma-

    tion, and what sets great leaders apart

    is their ability to cut through the clutte

    and distinguish the truly important rom

    the merely interesting.

    New Know Reality #7:

    A more connected world.

    One o the transormational elements

    moving society to the New Know is

    something analysts at Forrester Re-

    search call the groundswell. Josh

    Berno, Vice President at Forrester

    contends: Theres so much inormation

    fowing out o the groundswell, its like

    watching a thousand television chan-

    nels at once. To make sense o it, you

    need to apply some technology, boil-

    ing down the chatter to a manageablestream o insights. The new scarce re-

    source in the next economy will be the

    human attention needed to make sense

    o inormation. The question is: How wil

    we be able to keep up?

    Carly Fiorina, ormerCEO at Hewlett-Packard,

    believes that distillingtruth rom overwhelming

    amounts o inormation isthe essence o leadership.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    The New Know|

    New Know Reality #8:

    Math matters.

    Mathematics is now so widely accept-

    ed as the arbiter o truth in the modern

    world that it has become the backbone

    o disciplines ranging rom physics (o

    course) to economics and sociology.

    Backing up a statement with mathemat-ics gives it an aura o validity, even i the

    topic has to do with something as math-

    ematically messy as human behavior.

    However, many otherwise normal ex-

    ecutives have a pathological aversion

    to math. This is not just unortunate, it

    is dysunctional. Some intuition about

    numbers, counting and mathematical

    ability is basic to almost all animals.

    People use math to make decisions

    every day. In an age where you needto be numerate to do almost anything

    (rom building bridges to conquering

    disease), governments anxiously com-

    pare their perormance in mathematics

    with that o competitor nations.

    New Know Reality #9:

    There are signifcant downsides to

    not knowing.

    Success requires materially expanding

    what you know and adding precisionand eciency to the processes (analyt-

    ics) whereby you come to know. Here

    is a metaphor to keep in mind as you

    think about the New Know. I you are

    locked in a room with an elephant, it is

    useul to know where it will step. Every

    key process in your enterprise is locked

    in a room with an elephant a critical

    process, serving a critical customer.

    Business analytics tells you where that

    elephant will step.

    New Know Reality #10:

    Knowing can change the world.

    I knowledge is power, then knowl-

    edge about power should be especially

    empowering, says John Murrell, the

    very-much-in-the-know editor o Good

    Morning Silicon Valley. For instance,

    using 15,000 meters, a subset o Na-

    tional Grid Customers will be able to

    access their energy use inormation

    via the Internet, by a thermostat read-

    out, or through text messaging, and use

    the data to change their consumptionpatterns. Program participants are ex-

    pected to save 5 percent, or about $70

    a year, on their energy bills. Change ad-

    vocates rom all elds o endeavor are

    excited about the possibility o putting

    new inormation in ront o people in the

    hopes o changing behavior.

    I you are locked in a

    room with an elephant, itis useul to know where

    it will step. Every keyprocess in your enterprise

    is locked in a room withan elephant a critica

    process, serving a criticacustomer. Business

    analytics tells you where

    that elephant will step

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P20|Business Analytics or

    When it comes to business analytics,

    it sometimes seems like only major en-

    terprises garner the spotlight. Thatssomewhat understandable given the

    complexity and scope o their analytical

    challenges and the nature o their high-

    prole brands. But the act is, ar more

    small to medium businesses (SMBs) are

    poised to implement business analytics


    In the US, these companies have

    revenues o less than $500 million. In

    Europe, the SMB category comprises

    companies with a maximum o EUR 450million (about US$611 million). While in

    the Asia Pacic region, SMB oten reers

    to both employee numbers and revenue,

    and range between 200 and 250

    employees and $200 million and $500

    million in revenue. In many ways, these

    businesses are striving or the same

    goals to grow their business through

    innovation, and need the same sophisti-

    cated unctionality scaled appropriately

    to their processes. In this Q&A,

    Matthew Mikell, SAS Global ProductMarketing Manager, shares his perspec-

    tives on what business analytics means

    to SMBs.

    Q.What are some o the unique

    challenges that SMBs ace with

    respect to business analytics?

    A: SMBs primarily ace the issue o

    scale. At SAS we have heard our

    general constraints when listening to

    organizations that are SMBs:

    1) Decision-making style

    Transitioning rom gut instinct to act-

    based ramework can be dicult in part

    because the ormer approach has likely

    served the successul SMB very well

    Most SMBs have Excel experts who

    can generate some great static charts

    and graphs and I wouldnt ever want

    to denigrate the value those reports

    provide. But theres so much more val-

    ue that can be derived rom in-depth

    analyses. Once SMB executives geta real glimpse o the insights that are

    lurking beneath the surace o thei

    transaction data, their willingness

    to adopt business analytics increases

    pretty quickly.

    2) Cash fow

    In addition to a shit in decision-mak-

    ing style, cash constraints can pose

    very real obstacles or an SMB that

    wants to mature in this area. Consid-

    ering the business analytics rame-

    work helps improve margins, retain key

    customers and grow share o wallet in thei

    markets. However, the long-lasting

    return on investment ar outweighs the

    capital required to undergo the transition.

    What business analytics means orsmall and medium businesses

    An interview with Matthew Mikell, SMB Global Product Marketing Manager

    The Wine House discovers$400,000 in lost inventoryEconomic times may be tough, but Bill

    Knight, owner and President o The WineHouse, is toasting a 100 percent return on

    his investment in SAS. The frst day its SASapplication was live, the brick-and-mortar

    and Internet retailer discovered 1,000items o wine that hadnt moved in more

    than a year.

    We had a huge sale to blow it out, gener-

    ating $400,000 in capital in one weekend,Knight said, and just in time, because in

    todays economy, wed be choking on thatinventory.

    Using SAS, The Wine House has reduced

    its aged inventory by 40 percent. Now I

    can get the answers I need and base de-cisions on acts rather than gut intuition,says Knight. Ive got less money tied up

    in inventory, I know who our best custom-ers are, how to market to them and can

    monitor the eectiveness o our marketing.Our ROI with SAS has been well over 100

    percent in less than a year, so my return oninvestment has been antastic.


  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Business Analytics or SMBs|

    3) IT resources and inrastructure

    More than 80 percent o SMBs with

    about 100 employees have only ourdedicated IT staers. Theyre stretched

    thin, and that can make it very dicult

    to expand the IT mandate beyond criti-

    cal business operations into managing

    business analytics environments.

    4) Business analytics maturity

    SMBs must have an appreciation or

    the level o skills required to meet over-

    all strategic goals through business

    analytics. Research rom Aberdeen

    Group suggests that SMBs without the

    relevant skill sets are poorly positioned

    to drive value rom an analytical solu-

    tion. It reports that SMBs using some

    sort o analytical applications perorm

    at a higher level than their competitors

    that do not.1

    The main SMB challenge or moving to

    business analytics is the understanding

    o its impact on these our critical areas,

    and building a capability that is cost-

    eective and remains fexible and easy

    to use.

    Q.Why should SMBs adopt

    business analytics?

    A: It essentially boils down to competi-

    tive pressures. SMBs need to continu-

    ally innovate. I youre an SMB that isnt

    constantly seeking to optimize every

    possible aspect o the operation, youre

    at a disadvantage. Internally, employees

    need these tools to be productive. Oth-

    erwise, its gut-based decisions, or cut-ting and pasting rom multiple tools.

    The truth is what brought you to where

    you are typically wont take you to the

    next level. But its very dicult, cultur-

    ally, to walk away rom whats made

    you successul. SMB executives oten

    owners or people with lengthy tenures

    worry about letting go o the inormation

    fow and empowering people to make

    decisions that were previously reserved

    or executives.

    QWhats the best way or SMBs

    to tackle the adoption o business


    A: O course, every company diers

    particularly at the SMB size. But weve

    ound that there is a general approach to

    the adoption o business analytics. The

    rst step is to ensure you have sponsor-

    ship rom company executives. Clearly

    lay out the business analytics benets

    and return to the management team.

    This transparency is key at the SMB

    level as SMB executives are tradition-

    ally heavily involved in analyses, report-

    ing and the decision-making process.

    Make it clear how business analytics will

    resolve a compelling issue or attract and

    retain customers, or example.

    1 Aberdeen Group, 2009, Beyond Spreadsheets:

    The Value of BI and Analytics.

    SMB executives otenowners or people with

    lengthy tenures worryabout letting go o theinormation fow and

    empowering people tomake decisions that

    were previously reservedor executives

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    The second strategy is to ocus on a

    particular business process or issue.

    Dont introduce business analytics asa broad, unocused utility or general

    usage. This will occur naturally as you

    solve more ocused issues, building up

    condence in act-based decision mak-

    ing as a core competency. Some o the

    typical issues that we see being solved

    with business analytics include improv-

    ing customer data quality or improved

    marketing, invoicing or customer ser-

    vice, or improved product pricing and

    packaging analysis to drive a higher

    market share.

    Finally, dont rest on your laurels. Capi-

    talize on your initial success to broaden

    deployment to other areas o the orga-

    nization. Those adoptions move aster

    once you can point to a successul track

    record in another area.

    Q.Whats the dierence between

    business analytics or large enter-

    prises vs. SMBs?

    A: In a nutshell, its about scale. Deploy-

    ment and support strategies will have a

    dierent nature. Whats more interesting

    to me, however, is the important com-

    monality: unctionality. Business analyt-

    ics in SMBs is not about presenting a

    subset o unctionality but rather surac-

    ing the right unctionality or the problem

    at hand, and opening up to more as the

    business requires it. Despite their size,

    SMBs ace similar challenges to makebetter and more inormed decisions to

    continue innovating in their markets. It is

    thereore essential to provide a rich set

    o eatures and a very high level o tech-

    nology usability.

    Matthew Mikell leads Global Product Market-

    ing or SMB markets and sotware-as-a-service

    (SaaS) offerings at SAS, supporting strategic

    planning, messaging and product oerings

    through direct and indirect channels.

    P22|Business Analytics or

    Some o the typical issuesthat we see being solvedwith business analyticsinclude improving

    customer data qualityor improved marketing,invoicing or customerservice, or improvedproduct pricing and pack-aging analysis to drive ahigher market share.

    Q.Can you share some examples

    o how SMBs have been able to

    capitalize on business analytics?

    A: Sure. Weve worked with an energy-

    trading company that enables sta to

    predict what todays electricity and

    gas purchases will sell or months later

    when consumers buy. Business analytics

    supplies that intelligence to traders in a

    cleaner, aster and more accurate way.

    A collection agency uses SAS Business

    Analytics to analyze bad-debt portolios

    beore acquiring those assets. This is aquantum leap orward rom its previous

    model, which was simply buying any

    debt assets or as little as possible and

    hoping to collect successully.

    A player in the secondary-ticket marke

    uses SAS to develop a deeper under-

    standing o the needs o its thousands

    o customers. By segmenting them and

    catering to psychographics, the company

    can optimize how requently it contacts

    the customers and improves loyalty.


    Sotware or

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Analytics at Work|

    We see examples o analytics at workwithin core processes in a variety o

    business areas. Statistical analysis has

    been a eature o supply chain and lo-

    gistics management or decades, start-

    ing with the techniques o statistical

    process control (SPC) and total quality

    management (TQM).

    Real-time analytics are helping guide

    call center workers in their interactions

    with customers. And analytics are well

    established in the engineering and sim-ulation sides o product design.

    Among business support unctions,

    analytics are essential to many acets

    o nance, common in the management

    o technology operations, and rela-

    tively new to human resources (though

    o enormous potential there). In cor-

    porate development, key decisions

    or example, regarding mergers and

    acquisitionsmay benet greatly rom

    analytics, but ew companies take aprocess approach to such activities.

    Consider the example o UPS to whet

    your appetite or embedding analytics

    in your core business processes. As a

    logistics company, UPS lives and

    breathes the traveling salesman

    problemhow to reach a variable

    series o destinations most eciently

    with the right delivery capacity, and oten

    in designated time windows, every day.

    The solutions naturally demand verysophisticated and industrialized ana-

    lytics: or capacity planning o aircrat

    and truck feets, or routing packages

    through its distribution network, and o

    scheduling and routing delivery trucks

    For a company this steeped in analyti-

    cal applications, the rontier is moving

    closer to real-time, dynamic adjustments

    For example, UPS is experimenting with

    algorithms to adjust the order o deliv-

    eries as conditions (e.g., road closures

    extraordinary customer need) change.

    Making processes analytical

    The eects o analytics on the opera-

    tions o a process can be proound

    and over time you may want to reengi-

    neer the overall business process and

    revamp its inormation systems to

    capitalize on the potential or analyt-

    ics-based improvement. But you can

    start embedding analytics without a

    major overhaul. For processes that rely

    extensively on enterprise systems, itmay be possible to simply start taking

    advantage o the analytical capabilities

    that are already included in the sot-

    ware. However, many process analytics

    initiatives will require tools, techniques

    and working relationships that are likely

    to be new and unamiliar at rst. We

    have ound that implementing analytics-

    enabled processes requires applying

    our major perspectives.

    Embedding analytics into processesIn their latest book,Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results,Thomas Davenport, Jeanne Harris and Robert Morison show how companies

    apply analytics in their daily operations. This excerpt, Embedded Analytics in Action,

    explores what to consider when inusing analytics into business processes.

    Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Press. Excerpted

    fromAnalytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Resultsby

    Thomas Davenport, Jeanne Harris and Robert Morison.

    All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P24|Analytics at

    The rst is process implementation.

    Occasionally a business may create

    a new analytically enabled process

    or rebuild a process rom scratch, but

    most oten you are adding capability to

    and altering an existing process. Espe-

    cially given the iterative nature o many

    analytical applications, its essential to

    measure baseline process perormance

    rst and to run the enhanced process

    in parallel to the original (perhaps as a

    pilot or test) in order to rene the newprocess and measure its perormance

    and value. In some cases, process

    simulation can yield insights about how

    the process might perorm even beore


    Next, organizations should consider

    model implementation. Much o the

    distinctive work o process analytics

    centers on designing, developing and

    iteratively rening statistical algorithms

    and descriptive or predictive modelsor rule-based systems. I you are go-

    ing to industrialize important decision

    processes, it is important that the rules,

    assumptions and algorithms in your

    model are correct. Analytical projects

    generally require dierent tools and

    development methodologies rom

    those employed in more traditional sys-

    tems development. And, o course, this

    work is perormed by business analysts

    and programmers with special skills in

    statistical methods and modeling.

    Third is systems implementation. The

    analytical system must be incorporated

    into the set o systems and technolo-

    gies supporting the business process

    In building these interaces, it helps to

    employ process-oriented technologies

    including capabilities o ERP systems

    workfow and document management

    systems. And integrating and testing

    the new systems and interaces is criti-

    cal given analytics reliance on a broad

    range o quality data and the act thatanalytics-based decisions may dramat-

    ically change process fow.

    Human implementation is the ourth

    perspective. Oten the greatest imple-

    mentation challenge, especially when

    analytics is new to the process and the

    people perorming it, is on the human

    side. Only people can tell i an embed-

    ded application is resulting in good

    decisions, so be sure to involve them in

    developing, managing and monitor-ing the assumptions and results o any

    embedded model. Another important

    actor is developing the right mix o

    automated and human decision making

    and enabling process perormers to

    trust and use their new analytical inor-

    mation and sometimes tools.

    The eects o analyticson the operations o aprocess can be proound,and over time you maywant to reengineer theoverall business process... but you can startembedding analyticswithout a major overhaul.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Analytics at Work|

    All our perspectives must mesh: pro-

    cess fow and decisions are enabled or

    controlled by analytical models, other

    inormation systems interace with the

    models and provide clean data eeds,

    and people perorm the process better

    with the help o embedded analytics. I

    you lack clear business goals, speci-

    cations or momentum, be prepared to

    demo or pilot the concept, to work with

    stakeholders to dene targets and set

    ambitions, and to make the businesscase or investing in prerequisite assets,

    oten starting with data.

    ITs role in embedding analytics into

    business processes

    Technology is an integral part o most

    business processes today. So the best

    route to embedding analytics into pro-

    cesses is oten through the technolo-

    gies and applications that employees

    routinely use to do their jobs. Embed-

    ding analytics into processes starts

    with a robust analytical architecture that

    provides an accurate, timely, standard-

    ized, integrated, secure and reliable

    inormation management environment.

    Scorecards and applications that moni-

    tor and alert based on predetermined

    thresholds are the norm these days,

    but too many remain as standalone

    applications. An industrial-strength

    IT architecture makes it vastly easier

    to weave analytics into ongoing work

    processes in three ways:

    Embedding analytics into processes starts witha robust analytical architecture that provides anaccurate, timely, standardized, integrated, secureand reliable inormation management environment.

    SAS and Accenture:Making business analyticswork or youSAS and Accenture have joined theorces o their best and brightest to help

    more organizations reap the benefts oan analytic approach. The new Accenture

    SAS Analytics Group combines Accen-tures domain and industry experience

    with SAS analytic strengths to providethe services (best business practices,

    proof of concepts), technology (both

    industry and cross-industry oerings)and support (competency centers, cer-

    tifcation programs) to help companiesreach their competitive potential more

    efciently and cost-eectively.

    1. Automated decision applications

    These sense online data or conditions

    apply codied knowledge or logic, and

    make decisions all with minima

    human intervention. Technology is bes

    suited to automate decisions that mus

    be made requently and rapidly, using

    any kind o inormation (data, text

    images) that is available electronically

    The knowledge and decision criteria

    used in these systems need to be highly


    The actors that must be taken into

    account (the business problems

    dimensions, conditions and decision

    actors) must be clearly understood and

    not subject to rapid obsolescence. The

    conditions are ripe or automating the

    decision when experts can readily

    codiy the decision rules, a production

    system automates the surrounding

    process and high-quality data exists in

    electronic orm. Business activities thatbenet rom automated decision-

    making applications include raud

    detection, solution conguration, yield

    optimization, recommendation/real-

    time oers, dynamic orecasting and

    operational control (like monitoring and

    adjusting temperature).


    Accenture SAS Analytics Group

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P26|Analytics at

    2. Business applications or opera-tional and tactical decision making.

    Analytical managers rely on analytical

    applications (whether custom devel-

    oped or rom third parties) that are

    integrated directly into Web applica-

    tions or enterprise systems or tasks

    such as supply chain optimization,

    sales orecasting and advertising

    eectiveness/planning. Recom-

    mendation, planning and what-i

    applications can incorporate near

    real-time inormation and multiplemodels to dynamically optimize a

    solution while actoring in conficting

    goals like protability and customer

    satisaction. Analytical business

    applications are best suited to well-

    dened, periodic tasks in which most

    o the inormation needed is predict-

    able and available electronically.

    Since the data, knowledge and deci-

    sion criteria are typically less dened

    and/or more fuid than those o a ully

    automated application, they requireindustry and unctional expertise.

    3. Inormation workfow, project

    management, collaboration and

    personal productivity tools. Most

    inormation work is done through

    personal productivity tools like

    Microsot Oce. As vendors in-

    crease the analytical quotient o their

    collaboration and productivity tools,

    analytics become more accessible

    to analytical amateurs throughout

    the enterprise. One consumer prod-ucts company ound that its elaborate

    modeling tool was ignored by nearly

    everyone until the ndings were distilled

    into a monthly deck o ten PowerPoin

    slides and e-mailed directly to the sales

    orce. As platorm vendors align thei

    products to work together more seam-

    lessly, a manager neednt know that his

    Excel spreadsheet is using the companys

    ERP system to prepare his orecast

    These tools and applications work best

    or less structured inormation with lessdened decision criteria.

    To address the growing need to embed

    analytics into processes, both specialty

    applications vendors and the majo

    platorm vendors are building more

    analytical unctionality directly into thei

    tools and applications.

    Sotware companies are building

    more industry-specic, process-driven

    applications. Major platorm providerslike Oracle are embedding analytics

    into their products by building statistica

    unctions directly into their enterprise

    data warehouse products. ERP vendors

    which are including more sophisticated

    analytical eatures, remain a poweru

    way to integrate industry best practices

    into business processes. And Microsot

    Oracle, SAP and SAS continue to quiet-

    ly embed more sophisticated analytics

    and business intelligence capabilities

    into their applications and tools.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    8 Essentials|

    8 essentials o business analyticsFind out what business analytics can do or you

    and how to get started

    By Jim Davis

    Leading banks use business analytics

    to predict and prevent credit raud,

    saving millions. Retailers use business

    analytics to predict the best location or

    stores and how to stock them. Pharma-

    ceutical rms use it to get lie-saving

    drugs to market more quickly. Even

    sports teams are getting in on the action

    using business analytics to determine

    both game strategy and optimal ticket


    But these advanced business applica-

    tions tell only part o the story. Whats

    going on inside these market-leading

    companies that sets them apart?

    They have committed to deploying their

    people, technologies and business

    processes in new ways. They have

    committed to a culture that is based on

    act-based decisions which helps

    them anticipate and solve complex

    business problems throughout the

    organization. By embracing an analytica

    approach, these companies identiy

    their most protable customers

    accelerate product innovation, optimize

    supply chains and pricing, and identiy

    the true drivers o nancial perormance.

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights



    And you can too. Get started with

    business analytics by taking these eight

    essential actions:

    1. Improve the fow and fexibility

    o data.

    High-quality data must be integrated and

    accessible across your organization. It

    should also be structured in a fexible

    way that allows your analysts to discov-

    er new insights and provide leaders the

    inormation they need to adjust strate-

    gies quickly. Strengthening and fexing

    the data backbone o your enterprise

    will pay o when you need to change

    business processes quickly in response

    to market shits, regulatory or stake-

    holder demands.

    2. Get the right technology in place.

    Take an enterprise approach to data

    management and analytics to eect

    better decisions. Remove disconnected

    silos o data, technology or expertise.

    Your technology portolio should


    Optimized data stores to support

    core business processes and


    Data integration and data quality


    Analytical sotware with the meansto eectively deploy, explore and

    share results in a meaningul way.

    Integrated analytical applications

    designed to solve dened issues


    When selecting technologies, consider

    risk-to-value: Can the technology

    be applied to help reduce costs and

    increase revenue? And getting the right

    technology in place doesnt have to

    mean a complete overhaul.

    3. Develop the talent you need.

    Develop or recruit analytic thinkers

    who seek and explore the right data

    to make discoveries. To make analyticswork, analysts must also be able to

    communicate eectively with leaders

    and link analytics to key decisions and

    the bottom line.

    4. Demand act-based decisions.

    An analytical company makes a wide

    range o decisions. Some are ad hoc;

    some are automated; some are trans-

    ormative. The common thread? Evidence

    backs them all. Managers encourage

    asking the right questions o the data toget maximum insight. How results are

    deployed is also important through

    operation systems such as customer

    relationship management applica-

    tions or real-time raud applications

    to interactive dashboards, data movies,

    in databases wherever needed to

    ensure decision makers have the

    inormation they need when they

    need it (and in the way they can best

    consume it).

    5. Keep the process transparent.

    Transparency implies openness,

    communication and accountability; it

    is key to successul business analytics

    projects. The value delivered rom an

    By embracing ananalytical approach, these

    companies identiy theirmost protable customers

    accelerate productinnovation, optimize supply

    chains and pricing, andidentiy the true drivers o

    nancial perormance

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    8 Essentials|

    investment in business analytics mustbe visible and measureable. Who the

    analysts are and what theyre seeking

    to accomplish should be clearly com-

    municated to the business, as should

    their ndings.

    6. Develop an analytical center

    o excellence.

    Create a centralized team approach

    an analytical center o excellence (ACE)

    which promotes the use o analytics

    and associated best practices. Yourimplementation o an ACE will depend

    on your organizations maturity and

    requirements, but the most eective

    implementations address all elements

    o the organizations analytic inra-

    structure: people, process, technology

    and culture to support the business

    strategy and operations.

    7. Transorm the culture.

    A strong analytical culture has executive

    sponsorship and encourages creativity.Experimentation should be seen as part

    o learning, and employees should be

    given permission to ail as they learn

    rom trying new things.

    8. Revise your strategies oten.Your competitors will oten duplicate

    your analytical initiatives. Staying ahead

    requires continuous review o strategy

    and development o new skills and


    Get started now.

    Find important questions that need

    answering and problems that need to

    be solved. Answer these questions,

    solve these problems and create val-

    ue or the organization. By creatingsmall wins in any business, unction or

    department, over time your company

    will become an analytical competitor.

    Top fve benefts obusiness analyticsWhen Computerworld asked 215 IT andbusiness proessionals to name the key

    benefts o business analytics sotware,they received a wide range o responses.

    The fve most popular were:

    1. Improving the decision-making


    2. Speeding up the decision-making


    3. Better alignment o resources with


    4. Realizing cost efciencies.

    5. Responding to user needs oravailability o data on a timely basis.


    Defning business analytics white paper:

    Jim Davis is Senior Vice President and

    Chie Marketing Ofcer or SAS.


  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P30|Art o the

    In the abstract, business analytics

    presents a range o powerul options

    to uncover meaningul insights that

    promote action. And that promise is

    compelling to virtually any organiza-

    tion. But the case becomes even more

    persuasive when we consider how

    it can be applied to one o the ast-

    est-emerging issues in corporations

    today: sustainability and the corporateenvironmental ootprint. Today

    companies are seeking to strength-

    en the so-called triple bottom line

    that conceptually expands the

    traditional nancial ramework to

    encompass rigorous reporting on the

    organizations perormance on sus-

    tainability issues such as the carbon

    ootprint, community development

    occupational saety and dozens o

    other metrics.

    The art o the possible: business analytics

    to measure corporate sustainabilityBy Alyssa Farrell

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Art o the Possible|

    the ROI o sustainability eorts. Whatsmore, tangible and intangible costs and

    benets abound in the sustainability

    discipline but they can be especially

    challenging to orecast because the

    goals or greenhouse gas emissions

    reductions established by govern-

    ments are oten in 10- and 20-year time

    horizons, ar exceeding the typical one-

    to three-year payback period.

    Traditional reporting and analysis can

    oten all short when attempting to pre-dict uture impacts o sustainability in-

    vestments. Business analytics plays a

    critical role by enabling the organization

    to balance todays ROI objectives with

    longer planning horizons.

    These challenges are not uncom-

    mon or emerging business issues.

    Sustainability is a new discipline or most

    organizations, one where there isnt

    a generation o tested and proven

    models to call upon and modiy. As aresult, many organizations orego the

    eort to model the intangible ben-

    ets that may result rom sustainable

    practices. Or, they minimize important

    externalities such as environmen-

    tal or societal costs and benets all

    o which can become tangible with

    business analytics.

    Three planning challengesUnortunately, signicant barriers have

    impeded decisive corporate action. In

    the rst MITSloan Management Review

    Business o Sustainability Survey,

    researchers articulated three major

    roadblocks. The rst is a basic lack o

    inormation upon which to base

    sustainability eorts and decisions.

    Despite the high prole or sustainabili-

    ty, managers oten nd themselves

    orced to speculate about drivers o

    sustainable perormance and lack adeep understanding o issues that are

    relevant or their industry. Accessing,

    interacting with and analyzing the

    undamental data about energy, water

    and waste is a nonnegotiable premise

    or eective sustainability.

    Second, companies oten have

    conficting denitions o precisely what

    sustainability means to their

    organizations. This makes it extremely

    challenging to develop a meaningulbusiness case or sustainable invest-

    ments and presents an oten

    insurmountable barrier to the eective

    cross-unctional collaboration that is

    necessary or success.

    Third, without that business case based

    on accepted denitions, companies

    struggle with precisely how to measure

    In a report rom the Economist Intelligence Unit,

    researchers report that the top three motivations orsustainability initiatives are brand enhancement,revenue growth and cost savings in other words,outcomes that have a direct impact on protability.Environmental protection only placed ourth on the list,amply demonstrating that pragmatism and not altruismis the dominant motivator.

    Business analytics atwork: gaining energyefciency at PosteItaliane Group

    The art o the possible is already inpractice at leading organizations today.The Poste Italiane Group uses sotware

    rom SAS to analyze energy efciencyin more than 250 acilities, including

    those with the highest energy con-sumption such as data processing

    centers, executive centers and thelargest branches. Their analysis hasidentifed best practices that led to an

    immediate reduction in energyconsumption and a 7 percent reduction

    in CO2 emissions. Future developmentsinvolve correcting operation and

    maintenance behaviors or the systemsand indirectly or the buildings.


  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    P32|Art o the

    The ROI matters

    Despite these challenges, creating the

    strongest possible business case is

    an essential mandate or todays sus-

    tainability directors. Thats because

    although ew observers ail to see the

    importance o eorts to reduce carbon

    output and minimize environmental im-

    pact, these benets are highly unlikely

    to achieve primacy in prot-driven en-

    terprises. In a report rom the Econo-

    mist Intelligence Unit, researchers re-

    port that the top three motivations or

    sustainability initiatives are brand en-

    hancement, revenue growth and cost

    savings in other words, outcomes that

    have a direct impact on protability.

    Environmental protection only placed

    ourth on the list, amply demonstrating

    that pragmatism and not altruism is the

    dominant motivator.

    However, while the pro orma income

    statement in the analysis is paramount,

    the attention organizations are paying

    to sustainability matters is denitely

    not merely pro orma. The actions,

    when implemented, are ar-reaching

    and transormational. For example, GE

    announced that its Ecoimagination

    program to reduce environmental

    impact generated a $17 billion revenue

    stream and reduced costs by more

    than $100 million since 2005. And theUS Army reports that 80 percent o

    its construction meets Leadership in

    Energy and Environmental Design

    (LEED) standards, reducing its energy

    costs by 8 percent.

    Delivering green analytics

    Transormational organizations require

    a combination o descriptive and

    predictive insight the ability to track

    meaningul green indicators, validate

    strategies and costs beore investing

    identiy causal relationships and ore-

    cast outcomes. And in these areas

    business analytics can make the dier-

    ence. Such a business analytics rame-

    work can empower the organization to:

    Measure sustainability activities

    using accepted methodologies and


    Report on environmental perfor-

    mance to shareholders and regulators

    Improve sustainability metrics using

    analytical techniques such as optimi-

    zation, orecasting and data mining to

    deliver metrics that matter.

    Reduce resource usage by accurate-

    ly orecasting resource requirements

    needed to reach desired outcomes

    or a department or enterprise.

    SAS andcorporate sustainability

    Sustainability has remained a top

    priority with SAS precisely becauseo its potential to deliver tremendousbusiness value. Its not just the right

    thing to do; its the smart thing to do.

    In addition to employee engagementpractices, rom health care to expanded

    job opportunities, SAS has made greatprogress in reducing its environmental

    ootprint. For example, a 1-megawattsolar array is providing clean, renewable

    energy to the public energy grid or thelocal utility.

    Several construction projects atSAS ofces around the world utilize

    low-environmental-impact design

    principles. Notably, SAS is pursuingLeadership in Energy and Environ-

    mental Design (LEED) certication for

    a new conerence acility and a new

    cloud computing acility located at its

    global headquarters.


    For more information on SAS

    and sustainability, check out the

    Corporate Social Responsibility Report:

  • 7/31/2019 BusinessAnalytics Insights


    Art o the Possible|

    With business analytics, we start to see

    the art o the possible with respect

    to sustainability. You can measure

    emissions and resource consumption

    throughout a value chain or product

    lie cycle. You can ensure regulatory

    compliance. And you can build green

    strategies with predicted ROI. You

    can determine which conservation

    eorts or greenhouse-gas reduction

    strategies will have the greatest impact

    physically and nancially. And you
