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Business Research Methods for Masters students: Lecture 5

Dr Robert ShawSchool of ManagementGuangdong University of Foreign Studies

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1. Course progression

2. Assessment 2 is due last day of course (week 15, December 15 December)

3. Lecture: Four research methods

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Course objectivesAt the completion of this course students will be able to:

1.Identify and use research that is available through a university library and other online academic databases.

2.Write a cogent argument about some issue that relates to public policy, management or business and support their reasoning with quality research. ASSIGNMENT ONE

3.Produce basic scientific research which is of a good standard and shows the characteristics of research that is published in the business and management academic literature. ASSIGNMENT TWO

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Task for 12 December1. Completion of Assignment 2:

- submit it both by email and in hard copy.

1. Send an email to your professor (“Business Research” in subject line)

i. Attach your final paper.

ii. Include the university cover page.

iii. Your paper will be submitted to plagiarism software so

make sure references are correct and you do not include

anything taken from the internet without proper use and


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Lecture: Four research methods

1. Social science research methods & their links to business research

2. We consider:a. Historical methodb. Descriptive / correlational methodsc. Case study methodologiesd. Experimental methods

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Historical researchUses in social science research

Uses in business research

Criteria to judge such researchObjectivity - SubjectivityInterpreation

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Correlational research1. Most common type of field study.

2. Description is a starting place.

3. Correlational coefficient, r

4. Two dangers:1. Conceptual confusions

(tautologies)2. Causation claims

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Correlational research1. Relationships between variables. There

are three possible results of a correlational study:

a. a positive correlationb. a negative correlation, and c. no correlation.

2. The correlation coefficient is a measure of correlation strength and can range from –1.00 to +1.00.

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Correlational research

1.Bivariate data2.Types of correlational studies

(how, advantages & disadvantages)a. Naturalistic observationb. Survey methodsc. Archival research

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Correlational research - Pearson’s r

An example follows:

Raw values (X, Y)Calculate means for raw Deviation scores (value less mean) (x,y)Multiply the deviation scoresSquare each of the deviation scoresAdd everything upCalculate mean for deviation products

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Height of the salesperson

Height Number Sold120 34130 2098 32111 43121 34124 87165 23278 34154 45142 37

Do tall salesperson sell more?Watch out for the little trap.

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Case studiesWhat is the naturalistic method?

Qualitative research Social scienceBusiness

Purpose is everythingTheory – real-world

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Experimental researchScientific research(misnomer)

Cause and effect

Aristotle and the sacramental chalice

Begins with a theory

Variables – Independent (manipulated)Dependent (result)

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Experimental research - biasSelection biasPlacebo EffectExperimenter bias

Control for biasRandomizeBlind study – placebo, subject blindDouble blind study – experimenter also blind

Standardization, replication

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Experimental research - biasBeliefs

Cinematic photography

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Experimental research - progressParadigms

How does science advance?

Normal science – Revolutionary Science1962 Thomas S Kuhn

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Experimental research - progressParadigms

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Experimental research - progressRole of hypothesis

Newton’s struggle

What is a hypothesis todayLaw / theory Prediction

Null hypotheses

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End of Lecture 5

Wednesday 5 December 2012