Download - Business Owners Speaker Series - How To Use Facebook For Business

  • 1. BU FREV SIN EEEN ES T! S Presented by Charter BusinessHow to Use Facebookfor Your BusinessWHEN: GUEST SPEAKER:Wednesday, March 28, 20127:30am 9:00am Wendy SoucieContinental Breakfast will be provided Founder and Principal Wendy Soucie ConsultingWHERE: Wendy Soucie is the founder and principal of Wendy Soucie ilton Garden InnHConsulting a social media consulting firm. The firm specializes in small to mid-sized companies interested in building social mediaMadison West relationships with current and future customers. Her consulting focus is to explore why they should use social media and show1801 Deming Waythem how to do it. Wendy works with businesses to integrate social media strategiesMiddleton, WIacross their organization from product development, customer service/support, human resources management, to sales and53562marketing.Register for FREE today: PRESENTED by: