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  • Business News& Information

    October 2016

    Meeting With Minister Jane Philpott

    The Board of Directors and a few invited Chamber Members met with Minister Jane Philpott on September 8 in Stouffville.

    The meeting covered a number of issues the Chamber is concerned with and wanted to get the Minister’s input towards a solution. Topics included CPP Premiums, Broad Band Service, Energy Costs, Legalization of

    Marijuana among others.

    Minister Philpott expressed her belief that the Whitchurch-Stouffville Chamber of Commerce plays a vital role in the business/economic future of our community and confirmed her commitment to work with the Chamber to ensure that issues are brought to the right people in government.

    The Board was very satisfied with the outcome of the meeting and will continue its advocacy work to convince governments about the impact that such issues have on business and industry. • 905.642.4227 1

    5th Edition of Business News

    As we begin preparing for winter, our collective pace quickens after such a fabulous warm but dry summer. The pace for the Chamber has also picked up.

    The Board of Directors had a successful meeting in September with Health Minister, Dr. Jane Philpott. (See article this page)

    Nominations have closed and the judges are working through a large file of applications to select the winners in the five categories. The Business Recognition Awards event will take place on October 19 and should not be missed as a great networking opportunity.

    The Town has hired Mary Hall a 20 year veteran in Planning Service as the new Director of Development Services and have announcement that Longo’s will be an anchor tenant at the Southwire site on Main Street which is to be redeveloped into a retail mall.

    Plans are underway for the annual Christmas luncheon at the Granite Golf Club on Friday December 9. Mark your calendars now and plan to entertain your staff or key clients.

    Harry Renaud- Executive [email protected]

    What could be more newsworthy than recognizing five organizations from a list of 55 to be recipients of best in class awards. On October 19 the Whitchurch-Stouffville Chamber of Commerce 11th annual Business

    Welcome New Members• The Lion of Stouffville• ABM Accounting Business Management Inc.• Repetitions Fitness Studio• Tree Valley Garden Centre Ltd.• Sandy MacKenzie Insurance Agency Inc

    Recognition Awards event will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. This event will also recognize a long standing member of the Chamber as the longest serving Member without any interruption. The event will include a cocktail reception, with complimentary glass of wine, food stations offering free samples of delicious appetizers and the awards presentations. This is a highlight event for the Chamber and Members are encouraged to come out and support the winners while doing some great networking. Order your tickets online TODAY! Click Here

  • Business News& Information

    October 2016

    Human Resources

    The Chamber has circulated information about two key issues regarding Human Resources. First is the notification about the increase in Minimum Wage in Ontario effective October 1st. The second notice is about changes in legislation regarding Workplace Harassment. The key in this messaging is that ignorance is no longer an excuse for both employees and employers. Consequently, you need to be well aware of the implications.

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    Membership In The Chamber

    The Chamber is the voice of Business in the Whitchurch Stouffville community, including Gormley. Membership is growing but should be larger considering the industry growth in our domain. We are offering an incentive of $25 to anyone who introduces a potential new member. If you introduce a business to the Chamber and they become members, we will reward you with a $25 payment. Our campaign to attract new Members will use a recently produced video to promote and support membership in the Chamber. The link to the video is Feel free to distribute to anyone you think may benefit from joining the Chamber.

    Small Business - Too Big To Ignore

    The Chamber hosted a round table in conjunction with a project promoted by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, province wide, regarding Small Business is too Big to Ignore. 22 Stouffville Chamber Member organizations participated in the round table. The results of the meeting were forwarded to the Ontario Chamber and will be consolidated into a master report to be distributed by the OCC during Small Business Week later this month.

    Contribute Your Ideas for Innovation in Canada

    The Federal Government is inviting Canadians to contribute ideas to make Canada a global innovation leader. The Stouffville Chamber of Commerce strongly supports this initiative as it will create jobs, drive growth and improve the lives of all Canadians.

    The request is for ideas in six areas:• Entrepreneurial and Creative Society• Global Science Excellence• World Leading Clusters and Partnerships• Grow Companies and Accelerate Clean Growth• Compete in a Digital World• Ease OF Doing Business

    Why not have a look click here and submit your ideas?

    Advocacy Updates

    The Stouffville Chamber is very interested to monitor the governments approach to legalization of marijuana and the role the private sector will play in this burgeoning industry. Please see the letter on pages 5 thru 8 of this newletter which is addressed to Premier Wynne.

    Another part of our advocacy watch is how the Province of Ontario is managing the escalation of energy costs for business. See pages 9 thru 11 of this newsletter for the letter addressed to the Energy Board Chair regarding Cap and Trade billing issues

  • Business News& Information

    October 2016 • 905.642.4227 3

    Advertising Opportunities

    The Chamber has two opportunities for Members to consider at extremely favourable rates.

    We can arrange for you to have space, weekly, in the Stouffville Sun Tribune for the next 6 months. Contact Carol in the Chamber office and the arrangements will be confirmed.

    In addition we can offer two separate spaces on our website that will provide exposure on a random basis at a very economical cost. Advertising digitally exposes your products/services to a whole new world and advantageous rates. Call us at the Chamber office for more details or to order your space.

    M2M Promotions & Discounts

    Make sure you have reviewed the very popular M2M Promotions and Discounts to take advantage of some special deals from other Members.

    The Member to Member promotions and discounts program is an excellent opportunity for you to reach out to other Members with a coupon offer. This is an electronic (pdf) listing which is distributed to all Members quarterly showing coupon offers to Members from fellow Members. The next listing will be published early December. The deadline to join is November 17th. Give the Chamber a call and arrange to be included in the next issue.

    Follow Us On Facebook

    Don’t wait for the next e-newsletter to get the latest scoop!

    Follow us on Facebook to stay on top of all the developments.

    Travel 2017

    The Chamber is promoting two travel opportunities. One to China and a second to Ireland because they offer such fantastic value at affordable prices.

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    China is the place to see now. It is exotic, historical, safe and very modern. The trip offered to China is relatively short but you will get such an exciting exposure to a world you will find hard to believe. I can vouch for the diversity, the quality, the cleanliness, the efficiency and the pleasure of this trip. It truly is an opportunity not to be missed. (Registration deadline: October 17, 2016)

    The Great Wall of China Awaits... Don’t Miss Out!

    Have you ever wanted to experience first hand the luck of the Irish?

    As for Ireland, what can be said? It is a charming, beautiful, hospitable and peaceful part of the world where hospitality and happiness are a staple.

    These offerings are highly recommended by several Chambers of Commerce throughout North America and value is guaranteed. (Registration Deadline: November 16, 2016)

  • Ontario’s labour and employment laws are changing.

    Ontario’s Ministry of Labour is currently undertaking a review of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and the Employment Standards Act (ESA) through its Changing Workplaces Review (CWR). The Special Advisors that oversee the Review have released their Interim Report and it contains a number of policy options that could negatively impact workers’ rights and the ability of employers to create jobs and grow the economy.

    We encourage you to learn more about how these proposed changes will impact Ontario’s competitiveness and send a letter to government calling for an open, inclusive, and evidence-based approach to studying these proposals.

    Recruitment & Selection Best Practices

    Tuesday, October 18, 2016 (2:00 – 4:00 p.m.)Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library, 2 Park Dr., Stouffville, OnCost: FreeSpeaker: Tamara Fontana

    Organizer: York Small Business Enterprise Centre

    • Recruitment practices – identifying what qualities are necessary for success utilizing job descriptions and the legal aspect of selection• Interviewing skills – asking not only the most effective questions, the but the legal questions• The selection process an making the offer – determining the best candidate and ensuring the proper procedures are followed, including references and background checks

    Click Here to register for this event.

    Member Only Benefits

    Part of the Chamber’s attributes are the Benefits that are offered to Member. Too often these are overlooked and should be reviewed to see if they afford you some advantage. Each benefit is outlined on the Website and provides a summary of the offering and benefits to you, and your employees. For all the details Click Here

    Business News& Information

    October 2016 • 905.642.4227 3 • 905.642.4227 54 • 905.642.4227

    Chamber eLearning offers hundreds of online courses covering strategy, accounting and finance, management skills and leadership, sales and marketing, human resources, health and safety and Desktop PC topics. Courses are available 24/7 from home or office. Self-paced internet learning is the lowest cost, yet most effective training available anywhere.

    Click Here for a complimentary demo course.

    • Growth Academy Live eLearning Webinars• Health & Safety Package• Desktop Training• Small Business Growth Academy Online• Soft Skills Package

    “Networking Events Provide A Unique

    Opportunity To Meet Other Members In A Fun And

    Interactive Manner”

    Save The Date

    The Christmas Luncheon will be held once again at the Granite Golf and Country Club, on Friday December 9. More details will be coming soon.

    Make sure to reserve your seats early. This event sells out quick!

  • !


    !!!!!!September!2,!2016!!Rosemarie!T.!Leclair! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Chair!and!Chief!Executive!Officer!Ontario!Energy!Board!(OEB)!Suite!2700,!2300!Yonge!Street!Toronto,!Ontario!M4P!1E4!!Dear!Chair!&!CEO:!!!Re:$Ontario$Energy$Board$(OEB)’s$decision$to$have$cap$and$trade$costs$included$in$the$delivery$charge$of$utilities$!Madame!Chair:!!!On!behalf!of!the!135!chambers!of!commerce!and!boards!of!trade!who!make!up!our!network!across!Ontario,!I!want!to!express!our!collective!concerns!about!the!OEB’s!recent!decision!to!include!charges!related!to!the!recovery!of!cap!and!trade!program!costs!in!the!delivery!charge!on!utility!customer’s!bills.$$$$$$The!Ontario!Chamber!of!Commerce!(OCC)!has!publicly!indicated!support!for!the!Province’s!efforts!in!dealing!with!climate!change!through!the!Climate(Change(Action(Plan!and!specifically!the!decision!to!move!forward!with!a!cap!and!trade!program!which!is!designed!to!significantly!reduce!GHG!emissions!and!deliver!a!lower!carbon!future!for!all!Ontarians.!!!Chair,!in!the!ramp!up!to!the!last!election!and!in!the!months!that!followed,!Ontario’s!business!community!was!more!than!pleased!to!hear!that!the!Premier!will!be!expecting!her!government!to!be!the!most!transparent!and!accountable!government!anywhere!in!Canada!and!that!she!will!always!work!to!ensure!the!broadest!consultation!and!the!most!transparent!process!when!it!comes!to!implementing!new!policies!in!the!province!of!Ontario.!!We!believe!that!this!exemplary!doctrine!should!be!applied!across!all!parts!of!the!government!and!the!various!stakeholder!agencies!and!crown!corporations!that!support!it.!!!Unfortunately,!this!decision!of!the!OEB!seems!on!the!surface!to!run!counter!to!that!doctrine!of!transparency.!!!Indeed,!the!entire!premise!of!a!cap!and!trade!program!is!to!place!a!price!on!carbon!in!order!to!motivate!customers!to!take!action!and!change!behavior.!This!could!be!achieved!through!various!programs!to!reduce!consumption!and!associated!emissions.!!!To!remove!this!line!of!sight!from!customers!would!make!it!far!more!difficult!to!achieve!GHG!emissions!reductions,!and!would!likely!result!in!increased!costs!for!businesses!and!consumers!as!the!price!of!

  • 21958 2016

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