Download - Business Meeting November 15-16, 2011

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Business Meeting November 15-16, 2011

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Agenda (Day One)

• Welcome & Introductions• Agenda & Housekeeping• NARR & Partner Updates• Radiation Injury Treatment Network• Break• Membership Subcommittee• Wide Area Recovery and Resiliency Program

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NARR 101

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• To become a more protected, resilient nation through a comprehensive and integrated approach to radiological emergencies

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• Enhancing radiological preparedness capability and capacity in public health and health care systems through a coalition of organizations committed to improving the nation’s ability to prepare, respond, and recover from radiological emergencies at the local, state, and national levels

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Purpose• To serve as the collective “voice of health” in radiological preparedness

through the:– Participation in national dialogues on radiological emergency issues– Provision of thoughtful feedback on documents, policies, and guidelines– Convening of partners to raise awareness of and resolve radiological emergency

issues• To build radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery

capacity and capabilities by supporting the:– Development of mechanisms for sharing resources and tools, including technical

methods and information– Identification and dissemination of best practices– Definition of and education on the roles and responsibilities of different levels of

government and different governmental agencies in radiological emergencies– Establishment of performance measures and guidelines– Building and sustaining of long-term competencies

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Membership• American Association of Poison

Control Centers (AAPCC)• American Hospital Association (AHA)• American Medical Association (AMA)• American Public Health Association

(APHA)• Association of Public Health

Laboratories (APHL)• Association of Schools of Public

Health (ASPH)• Association of State and Territorial

Health Officials (ASTHO)• Conference of Radiation Control

Program Directors (CRCPD)

• Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE)

• Health Physics Society (HPS)• International Association of

Emergency Managers (IAEM)• National Association of County

and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

• National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO)

• National Disaster Life Support Foundation (NDSLF)

• National Emergency Management Association (NEMA)

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Ex-Officio Partners• Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response/US

Department of Health & Human Services• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention• Environmental Protection Agency• Federal Emergency Management Agency• Food and Drug Administration• Nuclear Regulatory Commission• US Department of Agriculture• US Department of Energy• National Urban Security Technology Laboratory/US Department

of Homeland Security

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Governance• NARR Chairs

– currently serving 1st of 2 year term– Subsequent chairs will serve 1 year terms– ASTHO, CRCPD, +1 additional (rotating) member organization

• Adela Salame-Alfie, PhD, Acting Director, Division of Environmental Health Investigations, New York State Health Department

• William Stephens, MS , Manager, Southwest Center for Advanced Public Health Practice, Tarrant County Public Health

• John Erickson, MS, Special Assistant, Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response, Washington State Department of Health

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Activities Since March 2011• Participation in Fukushima response national coordination calls• UPMC Rad Resilient City Project• Requests for feedback:

– HHS: Fukushima after action– National Preparedness Goal– NRC: Standard Protocol for State Communications on Unintended Releases of

Radioactive Material• Membership Subcommittee• Product development• Clearinghouse & Editorial Board• NARR observer at Vigilant Guard (AZ exercise)• Abstracts: Public Health Preparedness Summit, Integrated Training


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Member Introductions & Updates• American Association of Poison

Control Centers (AAPCC)• American Hospital Association (AHA)• American Medical Association (AMA)• American Public Health Association

(APHA)• Association of Public Health

Laboratories (APHL)• Association of Schools of Public

Health (ASPH)• Association of State and Territorial

Health Officials (ASTHO)• Conference of Radiation Control

Program Directors (CRCPD)

• Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE)

• Health Physics Society (HPS)• International Association of

Emergency Managers (IAEM)• National Association of County

and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

• National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO)

• National Disaster Life Support Foundation (NDSLF)

• National Emergency Management Association (NEMA)

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Partner Updates

• Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response/US Department of Health & Human Services

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention• Environmental Protection Agency• Food and Drug Administration• US Department of Agriculture• US Department of Energy• US Department of Homeland Security

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Membership SubcommitteeFor Discussion

• Value– What value does NARR membership provide to organizations?

• Membership criteria– Tier 1: Any governmental or non-governmental organization that supports

activities principally under Emergency Support Function #8 (ESF#8) of the DHS National Response Framework (NRF)

– Tier 2: Any organization with an interest in some element of radiological readiness as evidenced by their organizational mission and objectives. In general, Tier 2 will exclude commercial enterprises, but such membership determinations will be made on a case by case basis by the Steering Committee. Tier 2 member organizations may include: • Academic/training institutions [e.g., Association of Schools of Public Health, Preparedness

and Emergency Response Research Centers (PERRCs), Emergency Management Institute (EMI), National Preparedness Directorate/Naval Post-Graduate School]

• Healthcare organizations that represent practitioners, including laboratorians • Institutions that have an interest in radiological treatment

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Membership SubcommitteeFor Discussion

• What level of growth can the NARR sustain?• Potential members

– National Public Health Information Coalition– American Academy of Clinical Toxicology

• Where are there gaps? Membership Matrix• How can representatives/staff effectively drawn on the

knowledge of the entire organization and its members?• What are the protocols for soliciting, accepting, and not

accepting?– Active vs. passive solicitation of new members

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Membership MatrixRadiation Public Health Emergency

Management Healthcare Federal

CRCPDRadiation protection

ASTHOState/territorial public



emergency managers





AAPCCPoison control


APHLLaboratory EPA

NACCHOLocal public health

National Disaster Life Support Foundation

Medical training



ASPHSchools, training, research

AMAPhysicians DOE

HPSRadiation safety

APHAAll public health


IAEMAll emergency





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