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CLC1ABSPK8 Improve Consumability of Talent Management Programs 77

Business-Integrated Talent Management DeliveryLion Nathan LimitedA marketing strategy applied to HR to improve the relevance and consumability of talent management solutions

Source: Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.

Lion Nathan Limited

Industry: Beverages

Revenue: AUS2 Billion

Employees: 3,000

Headquarters: Sydney, Australia

Situation Many HR functions do not consider the applicability of HR products and processes to leaders’ work, and therefore leaders fail to consume those processes and products effectively to capture the full value.

ActionLion Nathan’s HR team adapts a marketing framework to increase the consumability and relevance of HR solutions through easy-to-consume formats, coordination with business operations, and using business leaders to promote and deliver talent management solutions.

Key Steps• Step #1: Provide Talent Management Solutions

in Easy-to-Consume Formats.

• Step #2: Coordinate Talent Management Processes with Business Operations.

• Step #3: Leverage Diverse Business Stakeholders to Deliver Talent Management Solutions.

Results• Twenty-one percent improvement on HR

feedback survey

• Seven percent improvement on employee engagement scores in one year

• Ranked ninth on Fortune’s “Top Companies for Leaders in the Asia–Pacifi c Region”

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Ensuring Customer-Driven HR Solutions

The Three Ps to Increase ConsumabilityLion Nathan adapts components of the Four Ps marketing framework to HR, developing their own Three Ps to ensure HR develops customer-focused talent management solutions. Lion Nathan’s Three Ps of HR include the following:

• Product Design: Provide talent management solutions in easy-to-consume formats.

• Product Placement: Coordinate talent management process with business operations.

• Product Promotion: Leverage diverse business stakeholders to deliver talent management solutions.

CLC1ABSPK8 Improve Consumability of Talent Management Programs 79

Practice in Context

Source: Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.

Leaders as Talent Management ConsumersLion Nathan’s HR team adapts a customer-driven framework from Lion Nathan’s

marketing team to increase the consumability and relevance of HR solutions to leaders

Lion Nathan’s Three Ps HR’s Adaptation of The Three Ps

Step #2: Coordinate Talent Management Process with Business







es C



: F

Y 0


Development Reviews (Timing based on function or business)

Remuneration Review

Achievement and Bonus Review

Set Accountabilities and Bonus Objectives

(Timing based on function or business)

Leader one-on-ones with direct reports throughout the year every four to six weeks People and Customer

Engagement Survey

People Pulse

People Pulse

Peak Sales Time

Peak Sales Time

Peak Wine Business Time

Peak Finance Time

Peak Finance Time

(Timing based on function or business)

(Timing based on function or business)

Step #3: Leverage Diverse Business Stakeholders to Deliver Talent

Management Solutions.

Step #1: Provide Talent Management Solutions in

Easy-to-Consume Formats.

Development Review

PeopleDirect team¸Leaders and Team membersWho

BTAV Model Practical DR GuidelinesMy PlanetPeopleDirect WorkshopsCalibration GuidelinesBest Imaginables

Development Review•Gather feedback on 10 Behaviours that add Value for your Teammembers•Complete assessment of your Team members on the BTAV•Hold 1:1 discussion with Team members on BTAV, career andpersonal goals and aspirations •Prepare Development Plan for Team membersBench Review & Planning•Identify and agree on bench talent for leadership positions (withDevelopment Plans as basis for recommendation)•Identify gaps and develop action plans to fill gapsDevelopment Planning•Finalise Development Plans and activities •Coach and follow up with Team members


Development PlanBTAVBest Imaginables

•Assessment by individual, leader and others on BTAV •Coaching and feedback on BTAV, career and personal goals andaspirations•Formal Development Plans and activities for team member(s)•Bench talent identified for leadership roles


•Via regular 1:1s every 4-6 weeks (informally)•March – June annually, formal Development and Bench Review &Planning process


3 Touchpoints

•A key driver of people engagement - “effective commitment topeople’s careers is an effective people investment”•To ensure a strong talent pipeline for leadership roles at all levels



•Leaders and Team membersWho

1:1 template on My PlanetLSI10 Behaviours that add Value

•Leader and Team members hold a 1:1 discussion•Discussion notes to be entered into My Planet by Leader and Teammembers


Accountabilities (Achievement Goals)10 Behaviours that add Value Development Plan90 Day plan

•Regular, uninterrupted and informal discussion•Focus on results (what) and behaviours (how) against Achievementgoals, Development Goals and Bonus Goals•Opportunity for Leaders and Team Members to understand and agree on monthly key priorities •Opportunity for Leaders and Team member(s) to provide feedback•Regular feedback to assist in Development Review andAchievement Review


•Every 4-6 weeksWhen

•To review progress against accountabilities, behaviours, bonusobjectives and development goals •Opportunity to provide regular feedback to your team member(s)•No surprises in Development and Achievement reviews



Achievement Goals

PeopleDirectBusiness Partner

• Opportunity for leaders and individuals to understand and agree on what/how outcomes for the year


SMARTAchievement PrinciplesMy Planet10 Behaviors That Add ValueOne-on-Ones

• Using SMART goal setting — clear way to communicate what is expected, by when, and what success will look like (SMART)

• Set up in My Planet


• Breaks the business plan down into individual roles to establish smart goals and focus for the year

• Builds in the Behaviors That Add Value (BTAV) andhow they will help individuals to be successful


One-on-OnesAnnual Achievement and Bonus Review

• Set at the start of each new financial year based on business plan

• Reviewed throughout the year to check currency and progress


Business Plan/StrategyOrganizational Structure

• Establishes purpose — where does an individual’ s role fit and how does it contribute to the business strategy

• Having meaningful goals contributes to an individual’swell being



“Product Placement” Objective—Place

products where propensity to

consume is highest.

“Product Promotion”

Objective—Use trusted sources to communicate

product value.

“Product Design”

Objective—Design products that enable

customers to capture value and repeat purchase.

CLC1ABSPK8 Creating Talent Champions (Volume II) 80

Improve Utilization and Impact of Talent Management Products

Consumable Products Enable Better Talent DecisionsLion Nathan provides tools, such as quick reference cards, that help business leaders make better talent decisions and are designed to be easy to consume. Lion Nathan does this by succinctly communicating the value of the activity to senior leaders and the critical information they need to know to do it: why, when, what, how, and who. By making this information available to business leaders on quick reference cards, Lion Nathan ensures business leaders are able to easily access it when they need it.

Ongoing Customer FeedbackLion Nathan solicits and incorporates feedback from their internal customers—business leaders—about the consumability and impact of their talent management products and processes. The survey ensures that talent programs remain current and relevant to business leaders’ needs. The entire survey is available online at

One Stop Shop for Talent ResourcesLion Nathan streamlines and standardizes talent management resources for leaders into a one-stop-shop portal to ensure they are easily accessible for leaders’ emerging needs. Lion Nathan spends additional time on the content on this site to ensure it is on target for business leaders’ needs and that it lacks HR jargon.

CLC1ABSPK8 Improve Consumability of Talent Management Programs 81

Solicit and incorporate feedback from leaders to assess for ongoing relevance, effectiveness, and ease of use.

Consumability Feedback Survey

Streamline processes and ensure that information is accessible to leaders in business language and in easy-to-use formats.

Lion Nathan’s Online TalentManagement One-Stop-Shop Portal

Step #1: Provide Talent Management Solutions in Easy-to-Consume Formats

Overcoming Barriers to Consumability

Development Review

PeopleDirect team¸Leaders and Team membersWho

BTAV Model Practical DR GuidelinesMy PlanetPeopleDirect WorkshopsCalibration GuidelinesBest Imaginables

Development Review•Gather feedback on 10 Behaviours that add Value for your Teammembers•Complete assessment of your Team members on the BTAV•Hold 1:1 discussion with Team members on BTAV, career andpersonal goals and aspirations •Prepare Development Plan for Team membersBench Review & Planning•Identify and agree on bench talent for leadership positions (withDevelopment Plans as basis for recommendation)•Identify gaps and develop action plans to fill gapsDevelopment Planning•Finalise Development Plans and activities •Coach and follow up with Team members


Development PlanBTAVBest Imaginables

•Assessment by individual, leader and others on BTAV •Coaching and feedback on BTAV, career and personal goals andaspirations•Formal Development Plans and activities for team member(s)•Bench talent identified for leadership roles


•Via regular 1:1s every 4-6 weeks (informally)•March – June annually, formal Development and Bench Review &Planning process


3 Touchpoints

•A key driver of people engagement - “effective commitment topeople’s careers is an effective people investment”•To ensure a strong talent pipeline for leadership roles at all levels



•Leaders and Team membersWho

1:1 template on My PlanetLSI10 Behaviours that add Value

•Leader and Team members hold a 1:1 discussion•Discussion notes to be entered into My Planet by Leader and Teammembers


Accountabilities (Achievement Goals)10 Behaviours that add Value Development Plan90 Day plan

•Regular, uninterrupted and informal discussion•Focus on results (what) and behaviours (how) against Achievementgoals, Development Goals and Bonus Goals•Opportunity for Leaders and Team Members to understand and agree on monthly key priorities •Opportunity for Leaders and Team member(s) to provide feedback•Regular feedback to assist in Development Review andAchievement Review


•Every 4-6 weeksWhen

•To review progress against accountabilities, behaviours, bonusobjectives and development goals •Opportunity to provide regular feedback to your team member(s)•No surprises in Development and Achievement reviews



Achievement Goals

PeopleDirectBusiness Partner

• Opportunity for leaders and individuals to understand and agree on what/how outcomes for the year


SMARTAchievement PrinciplesMy Planet10 Behaviors That Add ValueOne-on-Ones

• Using SMART goal setting — clear way to communicate what is expected, by when, and what success will look like (SMART)

• Set up in My Planet


• Breaks the business plan down into individual roles to establish smart goals and focus for the year

• Builds in the Behaviors That Add Value (BTAV) andhow they will help individuals to be successful


One-on-OnesAnnual Achievement and Bonus Review

• Set at the start of each new financial year based on business plan

• Reviewed throughout the year to check currency and progress


Business Plan/StrategyOrganizational Structure

• Establishes purpose — where does an individual’ s role fit and how does it contribute to the business strategy

• Having meaningful goals contributes to an individual’swell being



Information for Leaders

My Planet

Achievement Plans

• Managing Your Goals for the Year

• Capturing One-on-Ones

Managing Your Learning

Renumeration Planning for Leaders

Getting Around, 360 Review Feedback,

Bonus Goals, Web Surveys, and More!

Introduction to New System

HR Feedback Survey for Leaders

As part of our ongoing commitment to simplify and improve the value and outcomes of our practices, we would appreciate if you would take fi ve minutes to provide some feedback.

1. Our People Process System enabled me to deliver quality Achievement and Bonus review outcomes.

1 2 3 4 5 2. Our People Process System is easy to use.

3. Our Achievement and Bonus Review process encourages me to do my best work.

4. I received regular and clear communication about what was required for Achievement and Bonus Review.

5. Achievement and Bonus Review was simple and effective for me this year.

Lion Nathan provides HR tools and products to leaders that communicate key information in easily digestible formats…

Talent Management Reference Cards

…and incorporates leaders’ feedback to improve utilization and impact

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5



Product Design

Lion Nathan provides guidance and tools for leaders on the key strategic and day-to-day talent management activities to improve the quality of leaders’ talent management decisions.

Source: Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.

CLC1ABSPK8 Creating Talent Champions (Volume II) 82

Consider Business Leaders’ Schedules

Product Placement: Talent Programs Available When Customers Can Use Them To improve ease of workfl ow integration, Lion Nathan’s HR team considers business leaders’ peak business times when determining the schedule for talent management activities. In addition, Lion Nathan identifi es existing events on business leaders’ calendars where HR can embed relevant talent management messages and activities. Finally, Lion Nathan distributes talent management calendars widely to ensure that business leaders have advance notice of when talent management activities will occur and plan accordingly.

CLC1ABSPK8 Improve Consumability of Talent Management Programs 83

Step #2: Coordinate Talent Management Processes with Business Operations

Flexible and TimelyLion Nathan aligns the HR calendar with business leaders’ calendars to

ensure fl exible and timely delivery of relevant talent management services

Lion Nathan’s People Process Calendar






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: F

Y 0


Development Reviews (Timing based on function or business)

Remuneration Review

Achievement and Bonus Review

Set Accountabilities and Bonus Objectives

(Timing based on function or business)

Leader one-on-ones with direct reports throughout the year every four to six weeks People and Customer

Engagement Survey

People Pulse

People Pulse

Peak Sales Time

Peak Sales Time

Peak Wine Business Time

Peak Finance Time

Peak Finance Time

(Timing based on function or business)

(Timing based on function or business)

Building in Flexibility—Lion Nathan ensures that people processes do not confl ict with peak business times by building fl exibility into the timing of people processes based on each business or function.

Embedding in the Business Calendar“You will always get pushback, and there’s never a good time, but we’ve designed the calendar to be sensitive to the times that our internal customers are busiest. We also get

a copy of the business calendar to fi nd already scheduled events in the business where we can integrate our messages and processes.”Tracy KeeversDirector, Leadership Capability TeamLion Nathan Limited

Product Placement

Lion Nathan’s Steps to Embed Talent Management

into Leaders’ Business Processes:

Embed Talent Management into Existing Schedules and Business Events—Obtain a calendar of events for each business and function to identify events where HR can embed key talent management information and activities.

Understand Business Calendar—Meet with business leaders prior to each year to understand key business events.

Avoid Peak Business Periods—Block out peak periods for each business unit and function to ensure talent management processes are not scheduled during busiest times.

Provide Advanced Notice—Distribute a calendar of people processes to all leaders to provide advanced notice of programs and launches.

Source: Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.

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Engage Ambassadors and Resistors

Products Promoted by CustomersLion Nathan has developed a unique approach to product promotion: using both ends of the line client spectrum—supporters and skeptics—when developing and rolling out talent management programs. The supporters—talent management ambassadors—promote talent management activities, which is a much more powerful method than HR pushing talent programs. Lion Nathan also engages talent resistors, those who have expressed dissatisfaction or rejected talent management practices before. Lion Nathan solicits feedback from the resistors frequently and engages them in designing new programs. By engaging their toughest customers, Lion Nathan’s HR team ensures that their product is much better designed and delivered.

CLC1ABSPK8 Improve Consumability of Talent Management Programs 85

Step #3: Leverage Diverse Business Stakeholders to Deliver Talent Management Solutions

Defi ning Value Through Key Customers

Profi le: Senior leaders who have expressed dissatisfaction or rejected talent management practices evidenced through the following: Complaining about talent management processes

to HRBPs

Missing or late on deadlines for talent management activities

Vocal dissenters in talent-focused leader meetings

HR Practices to Combat Resistance• Understand and address points of resistance.

• Obtain frequent feedback on HR processes.

• Involve in HR program design.

Profi le: Infl uential leaders director level and above who demonstrate high talent mind-set through the following:

Deep involvement in key people decisions

Personally driving talent review processes throughout the organization

Holding direct reports accountable for best practice talent management behaviors

Modeling great talent management to instill talent mind-set in others

HR’s Use of Talent Ambassadors• Communicate talent management information

to other leaders.

• Provide feedback to HR programs.

• Participate in campaigns and other promotional activities for talent management.

• Involve in HR program design.

Lion Nathan builds early buy-in for HR programs by engaging resistors to help shape program design.

HR Program Design Session

Talent Management Ambassador

Talent Management


Talent Management Ambassador Profi le Talent Management Resistor Profi le

• Participate in campaigns and other promotionalactivities for talent management.

Lion Nathan asks talent management ambassadors to promote key talent management activities to other leaders through media campaigns and training.

Lion Nathan leverages talent ambassadors to promote key talent management activities to other leaders…

…and engages talent resistors in providing feedback on program design to obtain early buy-in

Product Promotion

Source: Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.

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Better Delivery, Better Results

Improved Line SatisfactionAs a result of this practice, Lion Nathan has seen improvements in line satisfaction with the ease and effectiveness of talent management processes and employee engagement scores, which has led to recognition as a top company for leaders in the Asia–Pacifi c region.

CLC1ABSPK8 Improve Consumability of Talent Management Programs 87


Improved Consumability and Impact

…and Lion Nathan has been recognized as one of the top companies for leaders in the Asia–Pacifi c region

Top Leadership Companies in Asia–Pacifi c Region

Fortune Magazine 2007 List, Hewitt Associates and The RBL Group

Source: Hewitt Associates and The RBL Group, “The Top Companies for Leaders 2007,” Fortune Magazine, 1 October 2007; Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.

Lion Nathan’s leaders report improvements in talent management delivery…

Rating of Simple and Effective Talent Management Processes

Lion Nathan’s HR Feedback Survey

…which has in turn engaged leaders in improving their talent management effectiveness…

Improvement in Employee Engagement Scores

Lion Nathan’s Employee Engagement Survey









2005 2007 2007200660%









2007 Top Companiesfor Leaders in Asia–Pacifi c

9. Lion Nathan Limited

10. DLA Phillips Fox

Lion Nathan is one of two Australian companies on the list of top 10 leadership companies in the Asia–Pacifi c region and ranked number two for leadership in the Australia/New Zealand region.

Percentage of Leaders

Rating Simple and Effective

Percentage of Employees in the Highest Engagement


CLC1ABSPK8 Creating Talent Champions (Volume II) 88

Source: Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.

Practice Q&A with Tracy Keevers, Director, Leadership Capability Team and Bob Barbour, Chief Human Resources Offi cer

Commentary and Implementation Tips from Lion Nathan Limited

1. What is the key to making this a successful practice? “The key is to have the right people on the HR team with the right skills. Over the past four years, we have improved capabilities of our HR team around learning and development, engagement, business acumen, and business partnering, which has enabled us to respond more fl exibly to the needs of our leaders and the business.”

2. If you could only do one thing, what would it be (that is, what’s the most important aspect of this practice)? “The most important part of this practice is understanding the business strategy and operationalizing what that means for leaders on a day-to-day

basis. In effect, HR must translate all of the business and cultural aspirations into day-to-day hands-on tools. We are continually answering the question of ‘how does this help me, my people, and my customers?’”

3. What was hardest about implementing this practice, and how did you deal with that obstacle? “One of the hardest parts about implementing this practice was to engage our own people on the HR team to think differently about our people processes and their relationship to our business engagement and cultural aspirations. Our HR business partners are a critical conduit to senior leaders in the business, and we needed them to be passionate advocates of the usefulness and importance of our processes to our business and our customers.”

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Lion Nathan: Implementation Road MapThe Council recommends the following steps to begin implementing Lion Nathan’s practice

First Steps: Business-Integrated Talent Management Delivery

Step #1: Refocus the HR Team on Creating Consumable HR Products—Focus the HR team on developing and delivering HR products that are easy to understand and written in business language and communicate benefi ts through simple, streamlined frameworks.

Step #2: Solicit Feedback on HR Products—Obtain feedback from business leaders on current and redesigned HR products about their ongoing relevance, effectiveness, and ease of use.

Step #3: Align HR Activities with Business Leaders’ Calendars—Identify peak business times and build fl exibility into the timing of people processes for each business or function.

Step #4: Leverage Talent Ambassadors to Promote Talent Activities—Identify infl uential leaders, director level and above, who are committed to people development and will support talent management campaigns and activities.

Step #5: Engage Talent Resistors—Involve business leaders who have previously expressed dissatisfaction or rejected talent management practices in designing HR programs to gain buy-in.

Implementation Support

Source: Lion Nathan Limited; Corporate Leadership Council research.