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BusinessImprovement Tools Introduction

• Nav Kukadia– Auditing & Consulting– 300+ Companies– Dyson, Panasonic, Sony

•– Since2007– Process Improvements– Management Systems– ISO Standards

BusinessImprovement Tools Introduction

• Every business today is subjected to environmental pressures; legislation, competition, consumer demands etc.

• Innovation and change are dynamic in today’s environment for customer and technology edge.

• Most companies will apply improvement tools for cost reduction, especially large corporations to SMEs, especially in manufacturing sectors.

BusinessImprovement Tools


Today our objectives are for business improvement tools is drive for new business


How these improvement tools can be adopted for customer loyalty, innovate new products or services to drive in revenue based objectives.

BusinessImprovement Tools Overview

1.A number of tools are available.2. Select one that fits company culture and needs. 3. Applied to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

BusinessImprovement Tools Basic Types

• 5S • 7 Waste• Voice of Customer• 80:20• Lean Sigma


BusinessImprovement Tools 5S

Japanese Term English Term Meaning

Seiri SORT Throw away all rubbish and unrelated materials in the workplace

Seiton SIMPLIFY Set everything in proper place for quick retrieval and storage

Seiso SWEEP Clean the workplace; everyone should clean/tidy up at end of day

Seiketsu STANDARDISE Standardize the way of maintaining cleanliness

Shitsuke SUSTAIN Practice 'Five S' daily - make it a way of life; this also means 'commitment'

BusinessImprovement Tools 7 Wastes

1. DELAY – Waiting for service, delivery, response.2. DUPLICATION – Re-enter data, repeat details on forms,

copying information etc.3. INVENTORY – Incorrect, out of stock etc.4. OVER PROCESSING – Out of date standard, not focusing on

customer needs.5. UNCLEAR COMMUNICATION – need for clarification, confusion

caused due to incorrect information.6. ERRORS – In service transaction, faults etc.7. UNNESSERY MOTION - Poorly designed work space, lack of


BusinessImprovement Tools Voice of Customer

Reference : -Kenneth A. Crow

1. Resolving complaints 2. Re-orders3. Referrals4. Feedback (Voluntary)

BusinessImprovement Tools 80:20 Rule

The distribution shows up in several different aspects relevant to entrepreneurs and business managers. For example:

• 80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers• 80% of your complaints come from 20% of your

customers• 80% of your profits come from 20% of the time you

spend• 80% of your sales come from 20% of your products• 80% of your sales are made by 20% of your sales staff

BusinessImprovement Tools

BusinessImprovement Tools


• DEFINE Project Focus• MEASURE Current State • ANALYSE Data• IMPROVE Future State & Benefits • CONTROL Actions to Fix

Define Measure Analyse Improve Control

BusinessImprovement Tools


INPUTSVariation Source

OUTPUTSPerformance Measurements


•University•Council•Students•Tutors•NRDA•SMEs• Trainers




• SMEs•Tenants• Training•Conference

Example for Salford Innovation Centre,


BusinessImprovement Tools Summary


- Reduce Complaints- Improve Customer perception- Improve product or service- Make processes better


- Efficiency- Customer loyalty- Cost improvements- Saving

BusinessImprovement Tools

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