Download - Business as Mission is Bigger Than You Think


!"#$%# (# )$##$*% $# +$,,&- ./(% 0*" ./$%1 Business as Nission, BAN, may sometimes be a tiicky teim, but it is an impoitant concept anu an essential piaxis. ButBANitisnotasilveibullet;itisnottheultimatestiategy.Itis,howevei,a giowing global movement of Chiistians in the maiket place asking: Bow can we shapebusinesstoseive!"#!$",alignwithuou's!%&!#'"',begooustewaiusof the !$()"* anu make a !+,*. Business as Nission is not tiying to ieplace tiauitional means of seiving uou anu people among all nations. Business as Nission is not a funuiaising methou. Noi is it about attaching some chuich-like activities to a business. Business as Nission, BAN, iecognizes the impoitance of anu embiaces Coipoiate Social Responsibility, CSR. But it goes beyonu as well: BAN is CSR+. Weaieonamissioninanuthioughbusiness.Itisfoiexampleamissionof justice.0necouluevensay'Businessas}ustice'.Thisanuotheiteimsmayhelp us unueistanu the holistic anu tiansfoimational natuie of Business as Nission. Letmegive12biiefexamples.Thelistcoulubemauelongei,butthese12will hopefullyshowthatBusinessasNissionisnotjustuoingbusinesswithatouch of "chuichianity" !" $%&'()&& *& +%&,'-) uoulovesjusticeanuhatesinjustice.uousentpiophetsagainanuagainwho spoke out against injustice, anu they uemanueu change anu coiiection. Injustice oftenmanifesteuitselfinthemaiketplace:itwascoiiuption,laboiexploitation anu abuse of vulneiable people like immigiants. Topuisuehonestbusinessanucaiefoistaffis-%',)"''('/%'*,0".Totieat customeis anu supplieis well is also a pait of this uou honoiing puisuit. -%',)"'' (' /%'*,0" incluues fighting coiiuption anu biibeiy. ." $%&'()&& *& /0%) 1)2'3'4( Tiue woiship is to take caie of wiuows anu oiphans. (}ames 1:27) These aie two vulneiablegioups,whooftenaieexploiteuinthemaiketplacetouay.Buman tiaffickeisoftentaigetlonelychiluien.Ciicumstancesanucunningpeoplemay foice wiuows into piostitution. Theseaieiealitiesinmanypaitsofthewoilu.Whowilloffeioiphansanu wiuowsafutuie;givethemjobswithuignity,sotheycansuppoitthemselves anu otheis. That woulu be -%',)"'' (' 1&%" 2"$,3,#). 5" $%&'()&& *& 67*248 ShalomisaBiblicalconceptofgoouanuhaimoniousielationships.But ielationshipsweieuamageuanubiokenthioughthefallinuenesischapteiS. ThioughChiisttheieisawaytoiestoieuielationshipwithuou,withone anothei, anu with cieation. Business is so much about ielationships, with staff, colleagues, peeis, customeis, clients, supplieis, family, community, tax authoiities, anu so foith. Bow can we as Chiistians in business stiive towaius Shalom; -%',)"'' (' 45($#6. 9" $%&'()&& *& 6,):*0;&7'< Eveiy human being has been entiusteu with gifts anu talents. In business we also talk about assets. Stewaiuship is anothei impoitant Biblical concept. Bow can we use what we have to seive. What uoes stewaiuship mean when we own anu oi iun a business. uouhasgivensomepeoplestiongentiepieneuiialgifts.Theycanbeuseufoi uouanufoithecommongoouthioughbusiness.Itisthesamewithmanageiial gifts oi gifts of bookkeeping oi sales. We shoulu encouiage people with business skills to be goou stewaius - -%',)"'' (' 4*"7(&8'5,!. =" $%&'()&& *& 6)0>*(, ?)*;)0&7'< }esuscametoseive.Bewasanexampleofgoouanugoulyleaueiship.Nany booksaiewiittenonthistopicanuitinuicatestheimpoitanceoftheveiy concept of seivant leaueiship. BoingbusinessasuntotheLoiumeansthatwealsoexploiewhatseivant leaueishipmeansinthebusinesscontext.Itisnotasimplefoimulaoiacookie cutteiappioach.Itmaylookuiffeientlyinuiffeientinuustiiesanucultuies.But thekeyunueilyingpiincipleistoseivepeople,communities,nations,anuuou. Weaietoooftenieminueuaboutthelackofgoouleaueishipinthebusiness woilu. -%',)"'' (' 4"&9()* :"(8"&'5,! is moie than neeueu. @" $%&'()&& *& A%8*( B'3(',C Eveiypeisononthisplanetiscieateuinuou'simage.Weallhavevalueanu uignitylinkeutotheCieatoi.Becieateuustobecieative,anutocieategoou thingsfoiotheisanuouiselves.Itisueeplyhumananuuivinetocieate;itisan intiinsicpaitofhumanuignity.Thiscieativitypiocessanuthushumanuignity has been paitly bioken, but theie is iestoiation powei thiough }esus Chiist. It is not a sin to be unemployeu, but unemployment anu the inability to woik anu suppoitoneselfanufamily,isaconsequenceofthefall.Itisalossofhuman uignity.Puttingpeopletowoik,pioviuingjobswithuignity,isagoulyact-itis -%',)"'' (' ;%6()