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Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

Chapter 1 Section 1Personal Financial Planning

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In This Section . . .

Making Personal Financial Decisions Developing Personal Financial Goals Influences on Personal Financial Planning

What is personal financial planning?It means spending, saving, and investing

your money so you can have the kind of life you want as well as financial security.

This section discusses:

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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What You’ll Learn How to create a financial plan How to develop your financial goals How to evaluate the economic factors

that will affect your financial decisions

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Learning the steps in the financial planning process will give you a solid foundation for making all your financial decisions, big and small, now and in the future.

Why It’s Important

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Why Plan?

You have more money, know how to use money to achieve your goals, and are financially secure;

You have less chance of going into debt you can’t handle;

You can help your partner and support your children.

Some of the benefits of planning are:

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Create a Financial Plan

Step 1 Determine your current financial situation

Step 2 Develop your financial goalsStep 3 Identify alternative courses of actionStep 4 Evaluate your alternativesStep 5 Create and use your financial plan

of actionStep 6 Review and revise your plan

The financial planning process has six steps:

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

Common Cents Pay Yourself First

List your income (from your allowance or a part-time job). Set an amount to put aside every month and calculate how much you will save up in a year.

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Types of Goals

Short-term goals are those that you’ll reach in one year or less (saving to buy a computer).

Intermediate goals take two to five years to reach (saving for a down payment on a house).

Long-term goals take more than five years to reach (planning for retirement).

Goals can be defined by the time it takes to achieve them:

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Guidelines for Setting Goals

be realistic be specific have a clear time frame help you decide what type of action to take

Your financial goals should:

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Write it DownStudies show that people who write down

their goals are three times more likely to achieve them.

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Influences on Personal Financial Planning

Life situations Personal values Economic factors

Many influences affect your day-to-day decisions. The three most important are:

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Financial Goals and Activities for Various Life Situations

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Economic Conditions and Financial Planning

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Check Your Understanding / Quiz1) Name the six steps used to create a financial

plan.2) What is the relationship between the timing

of your goals and the type of good or service that you seek?

3) Describe two economic factors that affect financial decisions. How might these factors influence your financial planning?

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Thinking Critically / Assignment ( 1 page Paper)

Why is it important to distinguish between your needs and your wants?

Decisions and Goals in Personal Finance

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Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

Chapter 1 Section 2Personal Financial Planning

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Whenever you make a choice, you have to give up some of your other options. When making financial decisions, consider both the personal and financial opportunity costs carefully. This section discusses: Opportunity Costs and the Time Value of

Money Achieving Your Financial Goals

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

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Why It’s ImportantBy recognizing the trade-offs of financial

decisions and learning to use your money wisely now, you’ll be able to satisfy your values and meet your financial needs and goals throughout your life.

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

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Opportunity Cost, also known as trade-off, is what you give up when you make one choice instead of another.

Time Value of Money is the increase of an amount of money as a result of interest or dividends earned.

Financial Opportunity Costs (1 of 2)

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

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Financial Opportunity Costs (2 of 2)

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

Every time you spend, save, or invest money, try to think about the time value of that money as an opportunity cost. Money spent cannot be used to save and earn interest.

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Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

Go Figure . . . Annual Interest

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Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

Go Figure . . . The Future Value of a Single Deposit

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Future Value Tables

Future value tables simplify the process of figuring out the effect of compounding.

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

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Present Value Tables

Present value tables show the amount of money you would need to deposit now in order to attain a desired amount in the future.

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

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Achieving Your Financial Goals (1 of 2)By using the following eight strategies, you

can plan a more successful financial future. Obtain financial resources. Plan how you’ll spend your money. Spend less than you earn. Save for long-term financial security.

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

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Borrow wisely and only when necessary. Invest to increase current income and for

long-term growth. Manage risk to protect your resources. Consider the age at which you hope to retire

when planning your future.

Achieving Your Financial Goals (2 of 2)

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies

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Check Your Understanding / Assignment

1) What are the opportunity costs associated with financial decisions?

2) Name the eight strategies you can apply to achieve your financial goals.

3) How can investing your money help you achieve your financial goals?

Opportunity Costs and Financial Strategies