Download - Burma Update - Press Conference and Meeting of DASSK & U Aung Kyi - 12 Aug 2011

  • 8/4/2019 Burma Update - Press Conference and Meeting of DASSK & U Aung Kyi - 12 Aug 2011




    Naypyitaw - The first ever press conference held by the USDP government headed by Union In-

    formation Minister U Kyaw Hsan in Nay Pyi Taw this morning touched on the issues of armed con-

    flicts between the military and Kachin Independence Army ( KIA ), the new governments endeav-

    ors enabling ethnic armed groups to undergo transformation and exist in accordance with the State

    Constitution and countrys political, economic and social issues.

    Minister Kyaw Hsan read out 21-page press statement during the press conference, which started

    at 10 am and finished at 1 pm. In view of the national reconsolidation, the government even deli-

    cately and carefully handles the issues of NLD that has no legal right to exist, offering it opportuni-

    ties to serve national interest in cohesion. If NLD wants to get involved in politics it should set up a

    legal party through formal procedures, Kyaw Hsan explained in the 3-hour long press conference.

    Anyhow, the government is doing its best to invite NLD to its national reconsolidation process.

    Minister U Aung Kyi and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi met on July 25 and issued a mutually-agreed

    press release. This afternoon too, Minister U Aung Kyi meets Daw Aung San Suu Kyi again, Kyaw

    Hsan revealed.

    During the process of negotiations to make ceasefire between the military and Kachin Independ-

    ence Army ( KIA ) from July 1 to August 8 this year, Kyaw Hsan accused KIA committed bomb at-

    tacks for 28 times blowing up altogether 27 bridges. Besides KIA launched 35 engagements with

    government security troops, fired at security forces for 49 times and launched 7 blast-mine attacks

    and 30 landmine attacks. In consequence, 14 innocent civilians were killed and other 22 wounded.

    A total of 120 persons were arrested by KIA, Kyaw Hsan blamed KIA.

    Asked about the policy to use an official foreign exchange rate during the PC, Chairman of Myan-mar Central Bank U Than Nyein said: We are now in discussion with the International Monetary

    Fund ( IMF ) to use the official foreign currency exchange rate. Soon after we use the official for-

    eign exchange currency rate, we will try to withdraw all Foreign Exchange Currency ( FEC ), which

    was issued in 2003. We will withdraw FEC notes in accord with the law and we believe the people,

    who are handling FEC will not suffer.


    B U R M A U P D A T E

    12 August 2011

    P o l i t i c a l D e f i a n c e C o m m i t t e e ( P D C ) e m a i l : p e o p l e @ g r a c e i n p e a c e . c o m

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/4/2019 Burma Update - Press Conference and Meeting of DASSK & U Aung Kyi - 12 Aug 2011


    Unofficial Translation of the Statement

    In invitation of the Union Government of Myanmar, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Union Minister U

    Aung Kyi met in Sein Lei Kan Thar state guest house from 1 pm to 1.50 pm today on August 12,

    2011. The following facts are agreed in the meeting.

    (1) In order to fulfill the practical needs and desire of the entire people, it is agreed to cooperate

    with the government for peace, tranquility and development of the country.

    (2) It is agreed to positively cooperate in order to develop further the democratic system and the

    economic and social works.

    (3) It is agreed to work in reciprocal basis by avoiding the contradicting attitudes.

    (4) It is agreed to continue talks.

    Sein Lei Kan Thar Guesthouse, 12 August 2011

    B U R M A U P D A T E

    12 August 2011

    !P o l i t i c a l D e f i a n c e C o m m i t t e e ( P D C ) e m a i l : p e o p l e @ g r a c e i n p e a c e . c o m


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]