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Page 1: Bullying Vocabulary

Mrs. Tweedy Bullying Vocabulary List 8th Grade LA

Abuse: Cruel or violent treatment of someone

Attack: An act of violence that is intended to hurt a person or damage a place

Bully: To threaten to hurt someone or frighten them; especially someone smaller or weaker

Someone who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt someone who is weaker

Bystander: Someone who watches what is happening without taking part

Deceive: To make someone believe something that is not true

Derogatory: Something that is meant to harm someone’s reputation

Extortion: Obtain something by force

Harass: To make someone’s life unpleasant, for example by frequently saying offensive things to them or threatening

Intimidate: To frighten or threaten someone into making them do what you want

Ridicule: To make fun of someone (at their expense)

Shun: To deliberately avoid someone or something

Stereotype: A simplified conception or image held about a certain group.

Tolerate: To be able to accept something unpleasant or difficult, even if you do not like it.


I shall remember forever and will never forget…

Monday: my money was taken

Tuesday: names called

Wednesday: my uniform torn

Thursday: my body pouring with blood

Friday: it’s ended

Saturday: freedom

The final diary pages of thirteen year old Vijay Singh.

Page 2: Bullying Vocabulary

Mrs. Tweedy Bullying Vocabulary List 8th Grade LA

He was found hanging from the banister rail at his home.