Download - Bull Run Region AACA October 2008 Vol 27, Issue 9 THE ... · • [email protected] • The Clutch Chatter c/o Mike Jones, Editor PO Box 1731 Mechanicsville VA 23116 INSIDE THE

Page 1: Bull Run Region AACA October 2008 Vol 27, Issue 9 THE ... · • • The Clutch Chatter c/o Mike Jones, Editor PO Box 1731 Mechanicsville VA 23116 INSIDE THE

Bull Run Region AACA

I've told our Clutch Chatter Editor, Mike Jones, that although we call this the 'Gage Page,' it would be just as ap-propriate to call it the 'Franklin Forgot' column because every month I forget about as much as I remember to in-clude here. So I'll start with last month's most glaring omission: Thanks to Leonard & Pat Paquette for host-ing our August picnic/meeting - their so nicely finished, high-ceilinged, bright garage is fine for parking cars, but also seems made to order for host-ing us! For this month's business, I want to re-mind you that our next regular meet-ing will be TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2008 at 7 PM at the Prince Wil-liam Fairgrounds in Manassas. It will be our famous "Auction Meeting," so please be sure to bring a quality item or two you can live without and someone else would like to have; donated items do not necessarily have to be car re-lated. If you have questions, please contact auctioneer Nancy Wind-ingland at 703/864-7145. I of course like to see our "regulars" at all our meetings, but I urge those who may never have been to a meeting or who've not been to one lately not to miss this one - the money we hope to raise is almost secondary to the laugh-ter and fun that inevitably prevails!

ALSO, it is hard to believe how fast time goes by, but the Bull Run Region bylaws require that I appoint a Nomi-

nations Committee this month so a ballot for next year's Officers and Board Members is ready by November. George & Joann Richardson have again agreed to serve as the Committee, so I hope you'll make their phone ring incessantly with nominations! Members are needed for one year terms as 2009 President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Board Members (3 required). We also need to select a member to be an Old Dominion Meet Association Repre-sentative for 2 years. If you are will-ing to serve, please speak up now, and if you have an idea of another member who might, please let George or Joann know. Their number is 703/768-1569. Serving as an Officer or as ODMA Representative is not an overwhelming task, will enhance your Bull Run ex-perience and will always be appreci-ated. I don't have much in common with the late President Kennedy (though our birthdays are the same day), but I'll paraphrase his famous plea: "Ask not what your Club can do for you, but ask what you can do for your Club..." Editor Mike tells me this issue of The Clutch Chatter will have a section de-voted to a Report on our Annual Rohr Show on September 20, 2008 at the Manassas Museum. So I won't take a lot of space here, except to say

October 2008 Vol 27 , Issue 9

THE GAGE PAGE by Franklin Gage, President

Please send articles & pictures for future editions to:

[email protected]

• The Clutch Chatter c/o Mike Jones, Editor PO Box 1731 Mechanicsville VA 23116


Gage Page Cover

Bull Run Show 3, 4

Sponsors 5

Minutes 6

Bull Run Show 7

Sunshine 8

Bull Run Show 9, 12

For Sale 13

Chevy Tour 14

2008 Calendar 15

Officer Directory Back

Flyers Addendum


Page 2: Bull Run Region AACA October 2008 Vol 27, Issue 9 THE ... · • • The Clutch Chatter c/o Mike Jones, Editor PO Box 1731 Mechanicsville VA 23116 INSIDE THE

Page 2 October 2008

THE GAGE PAGE (CONT’D) by Franklin Gage, President

it was a great day; we had 'Show Perfect' weather, registration and parking was smoother than I can ever recall at a non-rainy Bull Run Show, our first attempt at peer-judging (initially suggested by Ken Farley) went well with a good percentage of ballots cast, and large numbers of participants and spectators seemed to have had a good time.

The show was a success thanks to the participants (no cars = no show!), 'outside help,' and the work of several of our members. By 'outside help' I specifi-cally refer to the outstanding staff of the Manassas Museum led by Director John Verrill - at every turn they expertly did everything they could to en-hance the show. I also have in mind the approximately one dozen Boy Scouts of Troop 131 (led by our newer members Lee & Lita Yarberry), who camped out the nights before and after the show on the Museum grounds.

The plan was to make sure they had fun learning about antique cars and a little non-automotive history from the Museum. In between, they were a BIG help

in setting up the field, parking cars and cleaning up. As always, our member-helpers made the day. Show Chair Bill Sessler had the bright idea of making the show a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the in-troduction of the Model T, so we had an unusually large showing of Model T's thanks to the Nations Capital Model T Ford Club… the group that disas-sembles one and puts it back together again in short order to be driven away... and that was again a big hit once again!

We also pass along our thanks to Echo Company of the Virginia National Guard’s Virginia Defense Force, and their First Sergeant Frank Ruggles, for representing the VDF in such outstanding fashion and developing the relationship with Bull Run AACA, the Manassas Museum and with the entire Manassas com-munity: I've asked Mike to list our members who helped with the show in his Show Report, and hope all will accept our thanks for their contributions.

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Page 3 October 2008


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Page 5 October 2008


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Page 6 October 2008

BULL RUN AACA MEETING MINUTES Bull Run Region AACA Meeting Summary September 16, 2008 at the Prince William County Fairgrounds By Pat Paquette for Mary Loren, Secretary Meeting came to order at 7:20 pm Officers present: Franklin Gage, President; Leonard Paquette, Vice President; Nicki Hudson, Treasurer. Board members present: Jim Batchelder, Joe Drago, Mike Curry. ODMA representatives present: Richard Porter, Pat Paquette. Guests: Maryann McAl-pine and Leonard Sesniak. Total membership present was 26. Meeting opened with a prayer and the pledge. Treasurer’s Report: Read and accepted. Remaining total for youth funds was also read. Membership: No change. Club rosters are still available. Contact Jim or Sally Batchelder. Club Store: Shirts and hats are available at $10 each. Please be “in uniform” for the show on Saturday. Sunshine: Please see Ruth Blankenship’s report in this Clutch Chatter. Clutch Chatter: Mike Jones would like to add a history section to the club web site. If anyone has any interesting photos or history on the club please mail/email it to Mike. Activities/Upcoming Events: Please see list in this Clutch Chatter. Our next meeting will be on October 14th at the Prince William County Fairgrounds. This is our Auction Meeting and will begin at 7:00 pm. Our Auctioneer, Nancy Windingland, is requesting the donation of “good saleable items” for this fun club fund raiser. Bids will start at $1.00.

Car Show Committee: Bill Sessler (Car Show Chairman) updated us on final plans for Saturday’s show. Arrangements for the take-apart Model T display have been made; road closures have been procured; the new parking garage will be open and available for spectators; our insurance certificate is in place; the museum PA system will be used; the museum conference room will be used for a slide show and tally area and the Boy Scouts will spend the night at the museum so they can assist with parking show cars bright and early on Saturday. We have 68 cars pre-registered. Added in-town attractions for Saturday include the Farmer’s Mar-ket, sidewalk sales and the Old World Fair. Club members assist-ing with the show are asked to bring their two-way radios. We will be using Channel 7.3. Our show next year is scheduled for September 19, 2009. Other items: • Leonard Paquette requested volunteers for refreshments for

the October and November meetings. Nicki Hudson and Nancy Windingland volunteered for October and Jim and Sally Batchelder volunteered for November. Our December meeting will be a Potluck and Cookie Exchange.

• Pat Paquette requested discussion and a vote on obtaining

advance funding authorizations for the upcoming ODMA meet and the January Bull Run Installation Banquet. Request was for $500 for each function to cover decorations, room charges and other small misc for these functions. Motion was made to fund. Motion passed.

A big thank you to Richard Porter for providing tonight’s refresh-ments! Congratulations to Lita Franklin on winning the 50/50. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm and everyone converged to stuff registration envelopes and goody bags for Saturday’s show.


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Page 7 October 2008


The Bull Run AACA 2008 Officers and Directors would like to thanks all who helped make the 2008 car show a rousing success!

Show planners & workers: Pete Pandolfi, Jon Battle, Joe & Molly Drago, Mary Loren, The Currys (Mike, Dawn, Jessica & friends), Nicki Hudson, The Batchelders (Jim, Sally & Kelly), The Joneses (Mike, Ruth & Dani), Bill Kellenberger, Richard Porter, Richard Ray, George & Joann Richardson, Mark McAlpine, Bill Haegele, Leonard Sesniak, Edna Cross, Leonard & Pat Paquette, Boy Scouts Troop 131, Lee & Lita Yarberry, Mike & Cindy Perlberg, Mike Murphy, Larry & Linda Pleasants, Nancy Windingland, Stan Fetter, The Gibsons (Harry, Christine & Scott), John Verrill, Nicole Wilfong, Dave Ortiz, the Museum staff and everyone that helped assemble goodie bags or brought good stuff for the silent auction! Award sponsors: The Manassas Museum, UPS Store #1717, Manassas (Ernie & Nancy Newland), Tom & Sally Aman (Long & Foster Realtors, Reston), Ashby Jewelers, Manassas Battlefield Ford, E. O. Blankenship & Son, LLC (Alexandria), J. C. Taylor Classic Auto Insurance, J. E. Rice Hardware, The Potomac Region of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club of America, Chip & Nancy Rohr (in memory of Edgar & Walser Rohr), Sessler Automotive (Bill Sessler), Sheehy Nissan, Vintage Mo-torcar Co., LLC, Inwood, WV (Paul Rose), Mike, Dawn & Jessica Curry, Joe & Molly Drago, Mary & Howard Kennedy, Bud & Irma Lewis, Pete & Pam Pandolfi, Leonard & Pat Paquette, Richard & Pat Porter, George & JoAnn Richardson, and Nancy Windingland

Promotional materials: Alyssa Burn Ladies Accessories, BB&T Bank, Carmello's Little Portugal Restaurant, Free State Region VCCA (MD), Fulton Bank, Hagerty Classic Auto Insurance, Java-Roo Coffeehouse, Northside Auto Sales, Olde Town Car Repair, Okra's Louisiana Bistro, Opera House Gourmet, Philadelphia Tavern, Social Butterfly Fashion Boutique, Two Days Gifts, and Whimsical Gallery,

Other assistance: AACA National Office - Hershey, PA, Bob Chase - Prospero's Books, Boy Scout Troup 131 (1st Baptist Church, Alexandria, Sponsor), Steve Urry, Historic Manassas Inc., The Manassas Museum Staff, Members of the Bull Run Region AACA

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Page 8 October 2008

Get Well Wishes Brian Danzig came out of the hospital again on September 10th due to another Infection. He is now doing good recovering in Ohio at his parents. Chris and Tyler do not know when He will be coming back to VA yet. They plan to go see him Columbus Day weekend and Hope the doctors will say he can travel and they can bring him home. Christine Gibson is doing well after her third surgery, she and Harry were signing up new mem-bers for Bull Run Region at the car show! Shirley Farley will have major surgery on October 30th. Ken Browning will have surgery on his other hip. Mary Loren—we hope she is able to talk and has more energy. Congratulations Joe and Margaret White a new granddaughter arrived in September details later.

Keep all in your prayer's

BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Oct Anniversaries 2: James & Edna Cross Cross 7: Byron & Alida Alsop sop 9: Stan & Patrice Fetter 11: Donald & Betty Shafer Shafer 14: Gerry & Roxann Oak-

man 15: Robert & Sandy Mantz 18: Mark & Marion McAl-

pine 26: Lori & Lyn Beer

Nov Anniversaries

1: John & Cecelia Zampino

4: Kenny & Peggy Lohr 5: Arnold & Mary Beth

Borsetti 12: Richard & Tanis Hil-

legass 17: Howard & Mary Ken-

nedy 23: William & Karen

Holmes 29: Ralph & Colette


Oct Birthdays: 5: Michael Curry 7: Rebecca Knicely

Gerry Oakman 8: Harry Gibson

Susan Parker 10: Teta Johnson 11: Erma Lewis 13: Edna Cross 15: Jeanne Porter 16: Lois Broadwater 18: Howard Kennedy 19: Michael Perlberg 20: Lee Yarberry 22: Dawn Curry

Russ Russell 23: Virginia Burke 25: Vince Rodgers

26: John Zampino 29: Richard Ray 30: Brian Danzig Nov Birthdays: 2: James Cross Linda Pleasants 3: Lyn Beer 9: Jack Smith 13: Jon Battle 14: Margaret White Kristine Titzer 17: Molly Drago Scott Gibson 18: Mary Loren 19: Mariann Kremer


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Page 9 October 2008


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Page 10 October 2008


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Page 12 October 2008


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Page 13 October 2008


1941 Chevy Coupe Special • ‘69 Camaro front and rear end • hood (poor condition) • no fenders • power steering capabilities • no seats • lots of parts inc. new floor pans,

chrome, windows, window trim, cash, original speedometer and the original 1941 radio.

Accepting offers greater than $500.00

Jackie Sellers Warrenton, Va. 540-272-6356 [email protected]

350 ci Chevy engine • 4 bolt main • bored 30,000 oversize • flat top pistons • new came bearings and all new parts • heads have been re-worked • never been started since it was re-built Asking $3000 OBO

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Page 14 October 2008


Registration Form I wish to join the Fall Tour to Auburn Heights and Winterthur. I agree to hold harmless the Vintage Chevro-let Club of America and members thereof from any claim by me for any damages I may suffer related to this tour. Registration Fee (waived for Area Ten VCCA Region Members & Bull Run Region AACA Members): $10/car........................................$10.00 Admission to Auburn Heights and Winterthur—$28.00 per person....…………...$____ TOTAL ENCLOSED........................................................................……………..$____ Please send your check payable to "Old Dominion Region - VCCA" to: Shirley Farley, Treasurer 71 Donovans Lane Staunton, VA 24401 NAME ______________________________ STREET___________________________ CITY ____________________ STATE _______ ZIP ________ TEL __________________ E-MAIL _________________________________ CELL _________________________ VEHICLE ON TOUR ____________________________________________________

… to join us on our Fall Tour the weekend of October 25 & 26th, 2008 to Auburn Heights Preserve and Winterthur near Wilmington, Delaware. ---Auburn Heights features the world's largest collec-tion of operating steam cars, including 14 Stanley Steamers and 1 Mobile, plus a couple of Packards and a Rauch & Long electric car, and automobilia. A small steam powered bus will take us on a short ride and in addition a miniature steam train will carry us around the estate. A special antique auto show is also planned. ---Winterthur is a world-famous estate constructed by the DuPonts to house a collection of tens of thou-sands of antiques, and also features extensive gar-dens. Our plan is to meet Saturday morning (October 25) and caravan to Auburn Heights, where lunch will be available. After our tour there, we will leave for dinner and our host hotel, the Wilmington Quality Inn. Sun-day morning breakfast comes with your room, af-ter which we will go to Winterthur where lunch will be available. We will return to the Baltimore/DC area to-ward the end of the day.

The number of rooms available at the group rate of $89 for the night of October 25th at the Quality Inn is limited; we therefore urge you to make your reser-vations early at 888/880-0855. Please mention "Old Dominion Region Vintage Chevrolet Club" to get the group rate. This tour is sponsored by the Regions of Area Ten of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA), but is open to all who wish to join us; you may "drive modern" but we hope you will drive a vintage car (although it should be able to safely navigate on an interstate). All registrants will receive further informa-tion prior to the tour. There is no Registration Fee for all members of a VCCA Area Ten Region (Bay Country, Blue Ridge, Free State and Old Dominion) and the AACA Bull Run Region; admission fees are payable in advance (see below) and meal costs are the responsibility of each participant. Tour miles will be eligible for the VCCA Passport & Touring Awards Program. More information: Franklin Gage - 703/869-8434 or [email protected].

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Page 15 October 2008


1-5: Carlisle, PA - Fall Carlisle 8-11: Hershey, PA - AACA Eastern Fall Meet, hosted by Hershey Region 14th: Bull Run Membership Meeting & Fundraiser Auction (7:00PM) PWC Fairgrounds 18th: Rockville, MD— Antique and Classic Car Show 18th: Bowie, MD - UPS 2008 Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show (over 1000 cars last year). All proceeds

benefit United Way. 301-741-3721 19th: Richmond, VA - 5th Annual Vettes-For-Vets Car Show @ McGuire Veterans Hospital, 12-4 20-24: Chattanooga, TN - AACA Reliability Tour, hosted by Buzzards Breath Touring Region 24-26: Newport News Virginia, Virginia Fall Classic 25th: Bel Air, MD—Harford Region AACA annual car show 25th: Fredericksburg, VA: 2nd Annual Zoan Baptist Church Car Show & Fall Festival, 540-834-4605


1st : Danville, VA—5th Annual Tank Museum Car Show

2-6: Easley, SC - AACA Founders Tour, hosted by South Carolina Region

11th: Bull Run Membership Meeting & Election of Officers (7:00PM) PWC Fairgrounds. Ballots will be distributed in the November Clutch Chatter.


9th: Bull Run Membership Meeting (7:00PM) PWC Fairgrounds



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Appointed Chairpersons Activities: TBD—Mary Loren (703-393-8811) Rohr Show: Bill Sessler (703-361-5494) Judging: Leonard Paquette (703-670-5051) Newsletter: Mike Jones (804-338-1404) Membership/Roster/Labels/Birthdays: Sally Batchelder (703-339-2064) Estate Assistance: Bill Sessler (703-361-5494) Club Store: Nancy Windingland (703-869-8434) Legislative: Leonard Paquette (703-670-5051) Sunshine: Ruth Blankenship (703-780-6262) 50/50 Raffle: Jim & Kelly Batchelder (703-339-2064) ODMA Representatives: Richard Porter (703-590-4512) Patricia Paquette (703-670-5051) NVCCC Representative: Leonard Paquette (703-670-5051) WebGuy: Mike Jones ([email protected])

Elected Officers President: Franklin Gage 2A Crescent Rd., Greenbelt MD 20771 (703-869-8434, [email protected])

Vice-President: Leonard Paquette 6131 Lost Colony Dr., Woodbridge VA 22193 (703-670-5051, [email protected])

Secretary: Mary Loren 6690 Yates Ford Rd, Manassas VA 20111 (703-393-8811, [email protected])

Treasurer: Nicki Hudson 11535 Southampton Ct, Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540-522-6533, [email protected])

Directors: Mike Curry (703-361-7808), Jim Batchelder (703-339-2064), Joe Drago (703-361-2492)

The Bull Run Region of the Antique Automobile Club of American includes the area generally known as "Northern Virginia." The purpose of the Bull Run Region is the collection and preservation of antique automobiles and related items. All members of the AACA are welcome. Meetings are typically 7:30PM on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise noted) during Winter months, at the Prince William County Fairgrounds, Manassas, VA. Bull Run members host monthly picnic meetings from Spring through Fall. Meetings are announced in the Clutch Chatter, and any time or date changes will be noted. Articles, advertisements and photos of interest are encouraged. Please submit such items to the Editor by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next available issue of the Chatter. Submissions may be sent to [email protected] or to Mike Jones, Bull Run AACA, PO Box 1731, Mechanicsville, VA 23116.

Bull Run Region Alert Network: For bad weather cancellations or in case of emergency, please check the website for notices ( or contact one of the following members:

Franklin Gage (703-869-8434) Harry Gibson (703-971-4112) Mike Jones (804-338-1404)

Bull Run Region AACA 2-A Crescent Rd. Greenbelt, MD 20770 Phone: 804-338-1404 Email: [email protected] Website:

The online color Chatter has more pages & pictures. Please view it and then let us know if we may stop mailing this hard copy to you:

Please note address change