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  • Building Service Integration Environmental Design

    ID 407

  • Good Design Costs Less.

  • chapter 2.

    Comfort, Health, & Environmental Physics

  • A region is said to be arid when it is characterized by a severe lack of available water, to the extent of hindering or even preventing the growth and development of plant and animal life. As a result, environments subject to arid climates tend to lack vegetation and are called xeric or desertic.

  • Hot and Dry Deserts temperature ranges from 20 to 25 C. The extreme maximum temperature for Hot Desert ranges from 43.5 to 49 C. Cold Deserts temperature in winter ranges from -2 to 4 C and in the summer 21 to 26 C a year

  • Seoul, Korea

    Riyadh, KSA

  • Humid & Subtropical

    Hot & Dry

  • Hot

    & D




    & S




  • DOHA Homes

  • Kor




  • Old Diriyyah Palace

  • Bukchon Hanok

  • Metabolic Rate of different activities (1 met = 58 W/m)

    37Comfortable External Temperature

    28-30, 50%humidity

  • Heat / Humidity and Human Body

  • So they need it.

  • !!1. Comfort & Control!2. Thermal Comfort & Heat Transfer! Conductive Heat Transfer & Thermal Mass!

    Conceive heat transfer!Radiant heat transfer!Evaporative heat transfer!Thermal comfort levels!

    3. The Electromagnetic Spectrum!4. Light!5. Sound!6. Air Quality!7. Moisture!

    Dilution with fresh air!Condensation!Absorption!

  • 1. Comfort & Control

  • !Less Controllable Parameters : Humidity, air temperature, surface temperatures, wind and radiation !Controllable Parameters Equation !M + W + R + C + ED + Ere + E Sw + S = 0 !M = metabolic rate ( internal energy produced by food oxidation) W = the physical work R = the net radiant balance of the body C = the convective heat flow ED = the latent heat flow to evaporate water through skin ( perspiration) ERe= heat flows for respiration ( air heating and humidifying) Esw = heat flow for sweat evaporation S = heat flow accumulated in body. !Air Flows air temperature C, ERe air humidity ED, ESw, Ere air velocity C, Esw mean radiant temperature R

  • !Thermal Comfort

    !1. Air temperature & temperature gradients 2. Radiant temperature 3. Air Movement 4. Ambient water vapour pressure 5. Amount of clothing worn by the occupants 6. occupants level of activity 7. General comfort: light levels, noise, odours, psychological factors

  • fVulnerable Unpredictable



    and m


    ls for




  • fregardlessConstant Condition

    Comfort Standards



    & ma


    s as a



    Heating / Cooling Building Mechanical



  • 2. Thermal Comfort & Heat Transfer Conductive Heat Transfer &

    Thermal Mass Conceive heat transfer

    Radiant heat transfer Evaporative heat transfer

    Thermal comfort levels

  • !4 Heat Transfer Process

    !1. Conduction_material

    2. Convection_airflow 3. Radiation_heat

    4. Evaporation / Condensation_surface

    Condensation Cube, 1963 by Hans Haacke.

  • The four forms of heat transfer

  • Conductive Heat Transfer & Thermal Mass

  • specific heat capacity (specific heat) = the heat capacity per unit mass of a material

  • 2. Thermal Comfort & Heat Transfer Conductive Heat Transfer &

    Thermal Mass Conceive heat transfer

    Radiant heat transfer Evaporative heat transfer

    Thermal comfort levels

  • photosynthesis = the process of converting solar energy to chemical energy

  • The Temperature up The Heat emitted !Emittance = a function of the material, the condition of its surface, wavelength, the temperature !Radiation absorbed, reflected, transmitted the characteristic of the surface, and the wavelength of incoming radiation

  • 2. Thermal Comfort & Heat Transfer Conductive Heat Transfer &

    Thermal Mass Conceive heat transfer

    Radiant heat transfer Evaporative heat transfer

    Thermal comfort levels

  • Heating 1kg of water for 1 X 500 = vaporizing 1kg of water"Steam at 100 > dry air at a hot oven 200 20 : 15g of water per kg of air"0 : 4g of water per kg of air"!The rate of evaporation : water vapour content & the air speed across the surface

  • Evaporative Cooling

  • 2. Thermal Comfort & Heat Transfer Conductive Heat Transfer &

    Thermal Mass Conceive heat transfer

    Radiant heat transfer Evaporative heat transfer

    Thermal comfort levels

  • Thermal environment !

    air temperature, radiant temperature, humidity, and air movement

  • 3. The Electromagnetic spectrumEnergy in the form of waves generated by oscillating magnetic and electrical fields

  • 4. LightThe Visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

  • 100000 lux

    0.2 lux

  • The color and reflectance of surfaces do have a dramatic effect on the indirect light component, and the total light level in a space.

    !a complete diffusing light = Shadowless / without texture

  • 5. Sound

  • Sound is a pressure wave, through a solid, liquid, gascous medium.

  • The perception of sound in an internal environment = DIRECT + INDIRECT

    The area + absorption of the surfaces

    Furniture, carpet, curtains

    The reverberation time RT, the time taken for a sound to decay 60dB

    High-pitched = High frequency

  • Human voice sound frequency : 125-8000Hz (cycles per second) Human ear :15Hz-20000 Hz

    Sound level scale , dBA

    RT at a volume of 300m3

    : SPEECH 0.65 s : MUSIC 1.2 s

    Human ear from 0 dBA Speech : 55-70 dBA Threshold of Pain : 150 dBA

    EEC, Environmental Equipment Corporation & the Control of Noise at Work Regulation (2005) 85 dBA limitation for a daily exposure

  • Sound Absorption 1. Dissipative absorber, Porous


    2. Membrane absorber (suspended ceilings, raised floor)

    3. Cavity absorber Depend on the thickness of absorptive

    BNL, Background Noise Level Lecture Room : 30 dBA

    Sound Absorbing Material = A material with the ability to absorb sound Sound Barrier Material = A material with the ability to reflect or block


  • 52

  • Sound Absorbing Material = A material with the ability to absorb sound Sound Barrier Material = A material with the ability to reflect or block sound

  • 6. Air Quality

  • Air composition

    Nitrogen (N2) 78% Oxygen (O2) 21%

    Argon (Ar) 1% Carbon dioxide (CO2)


    Pollutants NOx : Nitric oxide SOx : Sulpher dioxide VOC : volatile organic

    compounds Carbon monoxide Lead Ozone DustSizes of smoke particles : 0.01-0.5 m Mists & fogs : under 100 m Pollen : 10-100 m Heavy industrial dust : 100-1000 m

    A micrometre is one-millionth of a metre (1/1000 of a millimetre, or 0.001mm). Its unit symbol in the International System of Units (SI) is m.


  • Solid Material in the air Metropolitan areas : 0.1-1.0 mg / m3

    Rural areas : 0.05-0.5 mg / m3

  • photosynthesis

    CO2, 0.5% 1.3-2.6 1/s person of fresh air (assuming 0.0% of CO2 in fresh air)

    Room CO2 level = 0.25% : 2.8-5.6 1/s person

    0.03 litre of air per second per person (1/s person)

    Why Ventilation?Remove -indoor pollutants -moisture -heat

    NO2 CO CO2 Radon Formaldehyde SO2 O3 Mineral Fibres Tobacco smoke Body odours etc

  • Indoor pollutants Skin scales, debris from shoes & clothing, eating & drinking, vacuum cleaner, carpets

    Sick building syndrome

  • 7. Moisture

    Water & Water vapour by rain penetration, rising damp, leaking pipes, the condensation of water vapour in the air

  • Mould consistent surfaces above

    70% r.h.

    Structure Corrosion Minneapolis

  • Condensation Cooler surfaces than the dew point of external air

    Low income housing High occupancy

    Great usage of water No money for heating

    Well-ventilated Low occupancy Less water usage Well-heated


    Water vapour


    Structural problem

    Inadequate air circulation


  • Dilution with Fresh air

  • Desiccant mechanical system using solar energy

    Absorption Moisture Stored in materials