Download - Building Code of Australia 2015 Compliance · Building Code of Australia 2015 Compliance Report Central Village

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Building Code of Australia 2015 Compliance Report Central Village Phase 2 (Stages 4 & 5) Cnr Brunswick & Water Streets, Fortitude Valley Prepared by: Ben Rundle Prepared for: Metro Property, Iain Knight Date: 22/10/2015 Revision: 1

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14. APPENDIX 3 – QFES Meeting Minutes 38

Date Rev


No. of


Issue or

Description of








23/09/15 0 38 Draft Ben Rundle Michael Leighton 24/09/15

22/10/2015 1 39 DA Review Ben Rundle Michael Leighton 22/10/2015

Document Disclaimer – McKenzie Group Consulting This document has been prepared solely for the use of our client in accordance with our current professional standards and as per our agreement for providing compliance consulting services. Although all due care has been taken in the preparation of this document, no warranty is given, nor liability accepted (except that required by law) in relation to the information contained within this document. This document represents the opinions of McKenzie Group Consulting based on the facts and matters known at the time of preparation of this document. Opinions, judgments and recommendations detailed in this document, which are based on our understanding and interpretation of current statutory and regulatory obligations and standards, should not be construed as legal opinions.

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Building Code of Australia Compliance Report Z:\Jobs\65000-70000\69900\69900-07BCAR V1.docx Central Village, Phase 2 Cnr Water & Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley


1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Development Overview

The Central Village project has been developed progressively over 5 stages. Phase 1 has either been

constructed (Stages 1 and 2), or are under construction (Stage 3).

CV Phase 2, consisting of stages 4 and 5 (this development) is detailed in this report. Phase 2 consists of

two residential towers with retail spaces on the ground floors and open area space for use by phase 1 and

phase 2 developments. Situated beneath the towers are common basement and podium car parks, which

are connected to Phase 1 through openings in the diving walls.

A breakdown of phase 2 is as follows:

Stage 4 – 28 Storey Residential tower

• Two (2) levels of common basement carpark, with connection to Phase 1

• Three (3) levels of common podium carpark, with connection top Phase 1

• Level 1 retail and lobby

• Level 2-27 comprising of residential apartments

• Roof comprising of swimming pool, sun deck and plant

Stage 5 – 22 Storey Residential tower

• Two (2) levels of common basement carpark

• Three (3) levels of podium comprising car parking, lobby, and residential apartments

• Level 1 retail

• Level 1 (REC) comprising of apartments, pool, bar and deck

• Level 2-21 comprising of residential apartments

• Roof comprising of sun deck and plant

The entire development (Phase 1 and phase 2) is proposed to be served by common services infrastructure

and it is understood from a titling arrangement the development is to be amalgamated for use as one site.

The buildings are proposed to be connected by an underground carpark and all buildings (stages 1 to 5)

are to be considered united buildings for the purposes of the BCA assessment.

Compliance Summary

As Private Certifiers, we have reviewed preliminary architectural design documents prepared by Bureau

Probert’s (Stages 4 & 5) for compliance with the current building assessment provisions, including (but not

limited to) the following:

• Building Code of Australia 2015; and

• Building Act 1975 and Building Regulation 2006, including specific provisions relating to existing buildings; and

• The Disability Access to Premises (Buildings) Standard 2010

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In this regard the following areas in particular require further review as the project develops:

No. Items for review Responsibility

1. Coordination of existing development (phase 1) services infrastructure and upgrades to cover the proposed (phase 2) development buildings. Refer to section 3 of this report.

Services Consultants

2 When available, provide a copy of the approved development approval and associated conditions and approved plans for review. Refer section 4.3 of this report.

Metro Properties

3 Title arrangements and amalgamation of site to be addressed to facilitate development use as a united building. Refer section 4.4 of this report.

Metro Properties

4 Provide details and location of existing services infrastructure. Refer to section 4.5 of this report.

Metro properties

5 Please advise if there are any proposed alternative building solutions with regard to design of the building services for the project.

Services Consultants

6 Confirmation of the proposed retail and food & beverage mix, and the subsequent provision of sanitary facilities for patrons needs to be resolved

Metro Properties,


7 Disabled access compliance of the eternal areas / entrances intro the site Architect

Alternative Solutions

The assessment of the schematic design documentation has revealed that the following areas are expected

to be assessed against the relevant performance requirements of the BCA.

No. Alternative Solution Description DTS Clause Performance


Fire Safety Items

1. Rationalisation of various building classifications fire

resistance levels to provide consistency across the

development (120 minutes throughout in lieu of 180

minutes), and omit the requirement for fire separation of

different classifications




CP1, CP2

2. Fire isolated stair discharge not in accordance with BCA

deemed to satisfy requirements, including:

• Discharge of fire isolated stairways, where path of

travel to reach a road requires passing within 6m of

non-fire rated external wall.

• Possible connection of rising and descending stair


D1.5, D1.7,


CP2, DP4, DP5,


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• Convergence of fire stairs into combined passageways

on the discharge levels (in lieu of independent

discharge to road or open space).

3. Travel distances and distances between alternative exits

throughout the building will exceed deemed to satisfy

provisions as nominated section 6.4 of this report.

D1.4, D1.5 DP4, EP2.2

4. Fire hose reels to be used in class 2 residential areas in lieu

of fire extinguishers

E1.6 EP1.1, EP1.2

5. The sprinkler designer will need to confirm whether there

are any proposed AS2118.1 departures, including for


• Omission of sprinklers from top of lift shafts

• Rationalisation of sprinklers in refuse chute

• Omission of sprinklers from awnings exceeding 2.5m

in width

E1.5 CP2, EP1.4

Accessibility Items

1. The pedestrian walkway from the property entrance on the

corner of Brunswick & Water Streets has a gradient of 1:20,

however exceeds the maximum 15m length specified in


D3.1 DP1, DP2

QFES Referral

The Queensland Fire & Emergency Service (QFES) have been consulted in regards to the proposal to

amalgamate the site and extend the existing fire services from Phase 1 for use with Phase 2.

This meeting took place on the 16th of September 2015 and indicated that QFES were supportive of the

proposed Fire Services Strategy being pursued. Refer to QFES Meeting Minutes prepared by McKenzie

Group as appendicitis at the back of this report.

The project and fire engineered solutions relating to above noted will need to be approved after ongoing

consultation with the Queensland Fire & Emergency Service (QFES) as part of the Building Approval


The QFES are designated an advice agency under Queensland legislation for building works involving a

special fire service, and they have a statutory 15 business day period to provide their advice on the

submission to the applicant.

Special fire services on this project will include:

1. Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System

2. Automatic Fire Suppression System

3. Building Occupant Warning System activated by the Sprinkler System

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4. Emergency Lifts

5. Sound and Intercom Systems for emergency purposes

6. Fire Control Centres and Rooms

7. Fire Hydrant System

8. Mechanical Air Handling System

9. Pressurising Systems

10. Smoke Hazard Management System

11. Smoke and/or Heat Alarm System inside SOU’s

Assessed by Reviewed & Approved By

Ben Rundle Michael Leighton Assistant Building Surveyor Director McKenzie Group Consulting (Qld) Pty Ltd McKenzie Group Consulting (Qld) Pty Ltd

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2. INTRODUCTION The proposed development comprises Phase 2 of the Central Village development located at the corner of Brunswick and Water Streets, Fortitude Valley (Stages 4 & 5). The following report identifies all key BCA compliance criteria that will need to be considered for the project, including relevant alternative solutions and further information required to enable compliance risks to be managed to DA submission in the first instance and further design development to assist in tender documentation. The report utilises the applicable provisions of the Building Act 1975 (as amended), the Building Regulations 2006 and the Building Code of Australia 2015. The report is intended as an overview of the relevant provisions of the Building Code of Australia for assistance only. Detailed drawings and associated review will still be required as the final design is developed.


Building Assessment Data

Part of Project (Stage 4 & 5) Basement

B1 - B3 Podium P1

P2 & P3 Level 1 &

Level 1 REC Towers (L2-28)

& Roof

Classification 7a 2,7a 2, 6, 10b 2, 10b

Number of Storeys Contained 3 3 2 27

Rise In Storeys 28 storeys

Type of Construction Type A

Effective Height (m) 103m

Summary of the floor areas and relevant populations where applicable: -

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Part of Project BCA



Area (m2)


(m3) Assumed Population

B2 - B3 7a NA NA Ancillary

B1 7a NA N/A Ancillary

P1-P2 2, 7a N/A N/A Carpark 80

(based on visitor car spaces)

Total 80

P3 2, 7a N/A N/A 7 apartments @ 2 per unit (based on unit matrix) Total 14

L1 2, 6 542m2 1626m3 271m2 Retail @3m2/person = 64 271m2 Retail @ 1m2/person = 190 (based on 50/50 ratio of retail food/outlet)

Total 254

L1 REC (Bar) 2, 6 300m2 165m3 150m2 Bar @ 1m2/person = 150 (based on 50/50 proportional use of guests and residents)

7 apartments @ 2 per unit

Total 164

L2-28 Apartments 2 N/A N/A 1014 apartments @ 3 per unit average (based on unit matrix) Total 3042

Roof (sunroof area) 2 N/A N/A Ancillary to building use

TOTAL 3554

Notes: 1) The above populations have been based on floor areas and calculations in accordance with Table

D1.13 of the BCA. 2) The floor areas are approximate calculations that have been adjusted without ancillary areas such as

sanitary facilities, corridors, shelving and or racking layouts in storage areas. 3) The Car park areas have been considered ancillary to the use for the purposes of population numbers

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Structural Provisions Due to the entire site being united, the importance level of (3) is considered. Any new structural works are to comply with the applicable requirements of BCA Part B1 and AS/NZS 1170.0-2002, AS/NZS 1170-1-2002, AS/NZS.2-2011 Glazing is to comply with AS1288-2006, and AS2047-1999. Prior to the issue of the Building Approval structural certification is required to be provided.

Council Development Approval A Development Permit will be required from the Local Authority for the development (ULDA). A copy of the Development Permit conditions and approved drawings will be required prior to the issuing of the Building Approval for that component of works. The proposed development must not be inconsistent with the endorsed drawings and all relevant conditions will need to be satisfied and accurately reflect the construction issue drawings. It is understood there was a planning approval for the previous design scheme, which will no longer proceed. A new development application is to be lodged with Council for stages 4 and 5. A detailed review of the DA conditions will be undertaken once received.

United Buildings - Copy of Certificate of Title: The entire development (Phase 1 and Phase 2) is proposed to be served by common services infrastructure

and it is understood from a titling arrangement the development is to be amalgamated for use as one site.

The buildings are proposed to be connected by an underground carpark and all buildings (stages 1 to 5)

are to be considered united buildings.

United buildings are classified under BCA part A4 where:

• Buildings are connected through openings in the walls dividing them; and

• Together comply with all the requirements of the BCA as though they are a single building. To facilitate the development for use as a united building as specified under the BCA Part A4, Title arrangements including any easements need to be amalgamated for formation as one site before the Stage 4 use commences. As evidence of site amalgamation, a copy of the final certificate of title accompanied by solicitor’s letter authenticating amalgamation of the site will be required before Stage 4 use commences

Building Over Sewer / Stormwater Services A copy of the property information for the site is required to indicate the location of Council sewer and stormwater assets within or adjacent to the subject site. Where it is proposed to construct the building over or near these services, Council approval will be required prior to the issue of the Building Approval.

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Fire Resistance Levels The BCA stipulates three levels of fire resistant construction, which is based upon the rise in storeys and classification of the building. Each of these types of construction has maximum floor area and volume limitations as per BCA Table C2.2. Based upon the rise in storeys and use of the building, it is required to be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Type A Construction. The building has been assessed on the basis of the following fire separation / compartmentation within the development: Basement Car Parking Levels

• Structural fire resistance throughout of 120 minutes.

• Fire stair, lifts and service shafts to achieve 120 minutes.

Podium Levels 1, 2 & 3

• Car park structure, lift, stair & services shafts to achieve 120 minutes.

• Retail areas are required to achieve 180 minutes for structure, and to be fire separated form parking


Levels 1

• Car parking structure, lifts, stair & service shafts to achieve 120 minutes.

• Retail areas are required to achieve 180 minutes for structure, and be separated from car parking

and residential areas by 180 minutes.

• Residential lobby’s and apartments are required to achieve a structural fire resistance of 90

minutes, and be separated from car park areas and retail by the higher fire resistance level for the

adjoining use noted above.

• Boundary construction between apartments, and to public corridors of 90 minutes (or 60 minutes if

walls are non-loadbearing) including self-closing fire doors of -/60/30.

Levels 2 to 28

• Structural fire resistance requirements of 90 minutes throughout including slabs.

• Bounding Construction to apartments and public corridors of 90 minutes (or 60 minutes if non-

loadbearing) including self-closing -/60/30 FRL the doors.

• Fire stair and lift shaft construction to achieve 90 minutes FRL.

• Services shafts or risers to archive a 90 minute FRL.

The entire development (Phase 1 and Phase 2) will be served by common services infrastructure and the

entire site is to be amalgamated for use as one site. The buildings are connected by an underground carpark

and all buildings (stages 1 to 5) are considered united buildings.

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To comply with the united building requirements and to maintain consistency of fire resistance levels

throughout the development it is proposed that an Alternative Solution be sought to rationalise FRL’s to

120 minutes throughout using BCA Performance Requirements CP1, CP2.

Other passive fire protection issues that will need to be addressed in detailed documentation phase include:

� Lift Motor Rooms; � Emergency Power Supply; � Emergency Generators; � Electricity Supply (maintain existing fire performance during upgrade); � Boilers or Batteries; � Hydrant Pump Rooms (maintain existing fire performance during upgrade); � Sprinkler Pump Rooms (maintain existing fire performance during upgrade); � Fire Control Room (maintain existing fire performance during upgrade)

The above areas are to be separated from the remainder of the building by construction achieving a minimum fire resistance level of 120 minutes.

Fire Hazard Properties

The fire hazard properties of fixed surface linings and mechanical ductwork will also need to be addressed within the detailed documentation phase pursuant to Specification C1.10 of the Building Code of Australia. The following requirements apply: Sprinkler Protected Areas a) Floor Coverings – Critical Radiant Flux not less than (1.2) kW/m2 b) Wall and Ceiling Linings – Material Group No. (1,2,3) in public corridors and within SOUs and Group

Number (1) for walls and ceiling within fire isolated exits. c) Other Materials – Spread of Flame Index not exceeding (9) and Smoke Developed Index not

exceeding (8) if spread of flame index is more than 5 d) Rigid and flexible air handling ductwork must comply with AS4254 e) Floor linings and floor coverings used in lift cars must have a critical radiant flux not less than 2.2, and

wall and ceiling linings must be a Material Group No. 1 or 2. External Wall Cladding As the building is of Type A construction the external walls including any cladding & lining must be non-combustible as determined by AS1530.1. It is recommended that once material selections are made, copies of the fire test certificates/reports be provided for review and approval.

Vertical Separation of openings in external walls

As the building requires fire sprinkler protection throughout, spandrel protection is not required.

Public Corridors: Class 2 and 3 Buildings

Public corridors do not exceed 40m in length and therefore do not require smoke separation.

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Protection of Openings in External Walls

The prescriptive provisions of the BCA stipulate that any external opening within 3m of the boundary requires protection by -/60/- fire rated construction, or externally located wall wetting sprinklers. The buildings have been assessed as a united building as they will be connected through underground basement carpark and common services infrastructure in addition to being located on one amalgamated site. Because of this there is no exposure to fire source features in separate fire compartments. External walls adjacent Water and Brunswick Streets are also not exposed to fire source features as the far side of the road is considered the fire source feature. The only exposure to fire source features is to the northern property boundary at basement and podium levels. It is envisaged these external walls will be loadbearing concrete construction and will achieve the required Fire Resistance Levels.

Protection of Service Penetrations

Service penetrations through building elements that require an FRL shall be protected as follows:

� Penetrations through fire rated floors to be protected either by a tested prototype (e.g. fire collar, fire

damper, etc) or be installed within a fire rated shaft achieving the required FRL of 120 minutes.

� Any penetration through a wall or room required to have an FRL is to be protected either by a tested prototype (e.g. fire collar, fire damper, etc) or be installed within a shaft achieving the required FRL of 120 minutes.

Note that where fire dampers, fire collars, etc are utilised, allowance needs to be made for access hatches to be provided within the walls/ceilings to ensure that maintenance access if provided. As the design develops, details will need to be included in relation to sealing of penetrations / construction of fire rated shafts.

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Provision for Escape

The egress provisions for the proposed building are provided by the following:

� Fire Isolated Stairs � External Doors discharging directly to road or open space

Detailing issues that will need to be addressed as the design develops include:

� Door Hardware � Exit Door Operation � Stair Construction � Handrail and Balustrade construction � Details of Separation of Rising and Descending Stairs � Discharge from Fire Isolated Exits � Details of the egress provisions to the Road. � Door swings � Separation of rising and descending stair flights � Re-entry from fire isolated stairs

Consideration should also be given to the evacuation strategy for the building with special consideration to occupants with a disability and/or mobility impairment who may not be capable of traversing in excess of 80 flights of stairs to reach ground level. Options that may be considered, but are not necessarily limited to, include:

� Stay in place, where residents stay with their apartment until evacuated by the QFES;

� Refuge zones adjacent to a fire stair and an emergency lift;

� Refuge zones within the fire stair/s;

� ‘Safe’ floors or areas in the building where residents evacuate to via stairs or a dedicated lift/s and

await further evacuation by QFES.

Number of Exits In buildings with an effective height greater than 25m at least two exits must be provided from each storey. In basement areas there is also a requirement to have a minimum of two exits from each level. A review of the documentation indicates compliance with these requirements with the possible exception of Lower Basement B3. The vehicle ramp could be used to provide access to alternative exit from this area, however the gradients of this ramp will need to be confirmed. A gradient of 1:8 is required where the ramp is to be used as an exit. Refer to drawing mark-up on the following page.

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Travel via Fire Isolated Exits The proposed exits are required to be fire isolated. The BCA requires each fire isolated stairway to provide independent egress from each storey served and discharge directly, or by way of its own fire isolated passageway to:

� A road or open space; or

� To a point in a storey within the confines of the building, that is used only for pedestrian movement, car parking or the like and is open for at least 2/3 of its perimeter, and an unimpeded path of travel not more than 20m to a road or open space; or

� A covered area that adjoins a road or open space, is open for at least 1/3 of its perimeter, has an

unobstructed clear height throughout of not less than 3m, and provides an unimpeded path of travel to a road or open space of not less than 6m.

Additionally, where the path of travel from the point of discharge requires occupants to pass within 6m of any part of the external wall of the same building (measured horizontally), that external wall must have a 60/60/60 FRL and have any openings protected internally for a distance of 3m above or below the path of travel. Following a review of the current drawings, the following is noted: The exit discharge from the Stage 5 fire stairs necessitates passing within 6m of external building elements. It is recommended this be addressed as an alternative solution using BCA Performance criteria CP2, DP4 and DP5, if compliant 60/60/60 FRL construction is not provided. The convergence (combined discharge) of tower/basement fire stairs in Stage 4 and Stage 5 will also need to be addressed as an alternative solution using BCA performance criteria CP2, DP4 and DP5. Refer to drawing mark-ups on the following pages:

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Stage 5 Fire Stairs (Podium 2)

Stage 4 Fire Stairs (Level 1)

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Exit Travel Distances Class 5 to 9 The BCA states that no point on the floor of an exit must be more than 20m from a single exit, or from a point in which access to alternative exits is available, in which case the maximum travel distances must not exceed 40m The maximum distance between alternative exits must not exceed 60m. Class 2 & 3 The BCA states that the entrance doorway of a sole occupancy unit must be not more than 6m from an exit, or from a point in which egress to alternative exits is available. The maximum distance between alternative exits must not exceed 45m. The locations of the proposed exits indicate that the deemed to satisfy requirements in terms of travel distances would be satisfied, with the exception of the following:

Refer to drawing mark-ups on the following pages:

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� Basement Carparks o Travel distances of up to 65m to an exit in lieu of 40m o Distances between alternative exits of up to 100m in lieu of 60m

Basement 2

Basement 1 & Podium 1

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� Podium Level Car Parks o Travel distances of up to 60m to an exit in lieu of 40m o Distances between alternative exits of up to 95m in lieu of 60m

Podium 2

Podium 3

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� Residential Apartments

o Travel distances of up to 12.5m in lieu of 6m o Distances between alternative exits of up to 4.5m in lieu of 9m

� Level 1 REC (Stage 5) o Travel distance 60m to a point of choice in lieu of 20m (to be reduced) o Distances between alternative exits of 4.5m in lieu of 9m

It is understood that the extended travel distance to a point of choice on the pool deck and sun deck will be reduced due to the inclusion of additional exits. The extended travel distances and distances between alternative exits will need to be addressed as alternative solutions by the Fire Safety Engineer using BCA Performance Requirements DP4 & EP2.2.

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Dimensions of Exits Minimum unobstructed dimensions of 1000mm in width and 2000mm height are to be provided within exits, and paths of travel to exits. The following table summarises the exit width assessment required by BCA Clause D1.6:

Storey Number of

people Exit Width Required

Exit Width Provided

Basement B3 Ancillary 2m 1m

(see notes in section 6.2 of this report)

Basement B1 & B2 30 2 2

Podium P1 & P2 100 2 2

Level 1 254 Direct egress to road/open space

Level 1 REC 150 2 2

Towers (Stage 4 & Stage 5)

Approximately 30 (per floor)

2 2

Roof Ancillary 2 2

See report section 6.2 “Number of exits required”. Note the vehicle ramp from basement B3 could be used to provide access to alternative exit. Doorways are permitted to contain a clear opening width of 750mm with a height of 1980mm as part of egress requirements. Access for persons with disabilities however requires a clear doorway opening width of 850mm (i.e. minimum 920mm doors).

Balustrades and Handrails Generally Balustrading to a minimum height of 1000mm with a maximum opening of 125mm in any direction should be provided adjacent to balconies, landings, corridors etc where located adjacent to a change in level exceeding 1000mm, or where it is possible to fall through an openable window located more than 4m above the surface beneath. Where it is possible to fall more than 4m to the surface below, the balustrade shall not contain any horizontal or near horizontal members that facilitate climbing between 150 – 760mm above the floor Fire Isolated Stairways Balustrades in the fire isolated stairways are permitted to contain a 3 rail system, with a bottom rail situated at not more than 150mm above the nosings. The distance between the rails shall not exceed 460mm.

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Handrails should generally be provided at a minimum height of 865, alongside of all ramps and stairs (note: handrails are required on both sides of all stairways except for fire isolated stairways used only for emergency egress purposes) Note: in a required exit serving an area required to be accessible, handrails must be designed and constructed to comply with Clause 12 of AS1428.1-2009 Openable Windows in Bedrooms In bedrooms of Class 2 and 3 buildings, where the distance from the floor level to the level below exceeds 2m, window openings shall be provided with protection in accordance with BCA Clause D2.24. Where the lowest part of the window opening is less than 1.7m above a floor, the window opening must be:

a) Fitted with a device to restrict the opening; or b) Fitted with a screen with secure fittings

The device or screen required must –

a) Not permit a 125mm sphere to pass through it; and b) Resist an outward horizontal action of 250N; and c) Have a child resistant release mechanism if the screen or device is able to be removed, unlocked

or overridden Additionally as the residential levels are likely to be located 4m from the surface beneath, there must be no openable portion of the windows located less than 865mm above the floor, and no horizontal or near horizontal climbable elements located between the ranges of 150-760mm above the floor. Further review will be undertaken to ensure compliance as the design develops.

Slip Resistance

The adoption of BCA 2014 introduced a requirement for slip resistance of stairway treads and ramp surfaces. The requirements are as follows: Table D2.14 SLIP-RESISTANCE CLASSIFICATION

Application Surface conditions

Dry Wet

Ramp steeper than 1:14 P4 or R11 P5 or R12

Ramp not steeper than 1:14 P3 or R10 P4 or R11

Tread or landing surface P3 or R10 P4 or R11

Nosing or landing edge strip P3 P4

Separation of Rising and Descending Stair Flights There must be no connection between rising and descending stair flights. Where there is connection between these flights they need to be non-combustible and smoke proof in accordance with Specification C2.5. Alternatively this need to be addressed as a fire engineered solution using BCA Performance Requirements CP2, DP4, DP5, and EP2.2.

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Fire Stair Re-Entry The doors of a fire isolated exit must not be locked from the inside so as to allow provision for fire stair re-entry in Class 9a and 9c buildings or parts, or within fire isolated exits serving any storey above any effective height of 25m. The requirement for doors to remain unlocked do not apply to a door fitted with a failsafe device that automatically unlocks the door upon activation of a fire alarm and – a) On at least every fourth storey the doors are not able to be locked and a sign is fixed on such doors

stating that re-entry is available; or

b) An intercommunication system, or an audible or visual alarm system operated from within the enclosure is provided, and a sign is fixed adjacent to such doors explaining its purpose and method of operation

Confirmation of the fire stair security and re-entry provisions will be required, noting than any departure

from the BCA requirements will need to be addressed as an alternative solution by the Fire Safety


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Fire Hydrants A system of Fire Hydrants is required to be provided in accordance with BCA Clause E1.3 and AS2419.1-2005. As the buildings are to be united, the existing hydrant booster provided from the Phase 1 buildings will be upgraded to cover Phase 2 buildings as a single system. Design details of the upgrade are to be provided as the design develops. Fire hydrant coverage will be provided via new hydrants within fire isolated exits. Fire hydrant coverage and system design will be further reviewed as documentation develops.

Fire Hose Reels A system of fire hose reels is required to BCA Clause E1.4 and AS2441-2005 to provide coverage to the car park, retail and commercial zones. BCA 2015 has removed the requirement for fire hose reel coverage to class 2 and 3 areas of the building however, it is proposed to provide these in lieu of the required fire extinguishers which needs to be addressed as an alternative solution using BCA Performance Requirement EP1.2 and EP1.1. Fire hose reels are to be located within 4m of exits and provide coverage within the building based on a 36m hose length and 4m of water spray. Fire hose reel cupboards must not contain any other services such as water meters, etc unless an alternative solution is developed under BCA Performance Requirement EP1.1 Fire hose reel coverage and system design will be further reviewed as documentation develops.

Fire Extinguishers The provision of portable fire extinguishers is required to BCA Clause E1.6 and AS2444 at the following locations

Occupancy Class Risk Class (as defined in AS 2444)

General provisions Class 2 to 9 buildings (except within sole-occupancy units of a Class 9c building)

(a) To cover Class AE or E fire risks associated with emergency services switchboards. (Note 1)

(b) To cover Class F fire risks involving cooking oils and fats in kitchens.

(c) To cover Class B fire risks in locations where flammable liquids in excess of 50 litres are stored or used (not excluding that held in fuel tanks of vehicles).

(d) To cover Class A fire risks associated with Class 2 or 3 building or class 4 part of building.

Notes: 1. For the purposes of this table, emergency switchboard is one which sustains emergency

equipment operating in the emergency mode.

Note: This requirement is to be negated by an alternative solution to utilise fire hose reels in lieu of extinguishers.

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Automatic Sprinkler Protection Automatic sprinkler protection is required to Specification E1.5 and AS2118.1-1999 to the following areas:

� Throughout the entire building � Throughout the entire carpark

As the buildings are to be united, the sprinkler booster provided from the Phase 1 buildings will be upgraded to cover Phase 2 buildings. Design details of the upgrade to be provided. Fire sprinkler design will need to provide continuous coverage due to existing buildings and proposed buildings being considered one united building. The sprinkler system shall be connected to and activate an occupant warning system complying with BCA Specification E2.2a Details of the proposed sprinkler system design will need to be reviewed as the design develops. The following alternative solutions are proposed to be addressed by the Fire Safety Engineer using BCA Performance Requirements CP2 & EP1.4:

� Omission of sprinklers from the lift shafts � Omission of sprinklers from the bin chute, except for top of the shaft and bin room � Omission of sprinklers from pedestrian awnings exceeding 2.5m in width

Smoke Hazard Management Smoke hazard management provisions required within the building are as follows:

� Automatic air pressurisation for fire isolated exits in accordance with AS/NZS1668.1-1998;

� Automatic smoke detection and alarm system comply with BCA Specification E2.2a and AS1670.1-2004 throughout common areas, and smoke alarms complying with AS3786 throughout sole occupancy units;

� Carpark ventilation systems must comply with Clause 5.5 of AS/NZS1668.1-1998 except that fans

with metal blades suitable for operation at normal temperature may be used and the electrical power and control cabling need not be fire rated

Lift Installation The passenger lifts to be installed are to be:-

� Fitted with warning signs complying with BCA Clause E3.3; and

� Fire service controls and operation switches in accordance with BCA Clause E3.7, E3.9 and E3.10

� Stretcher facilities are to be provided within the lifts with minimum dimensions of 600m wide, 2000mm long and 1400mm high;

� An emergency lift complying with BCA Clause E3.4 is required to serve each storey of the building

and where multiple lifts are installed and serve the same storeys, the BCA requires at least two (2) emergency lifts to be provided.

� Be provided with the following in order to satisfy accessibility requirements:

- A handrail in accordance with AS1735.12,

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- Minimum internal floor dimensions of 1400 x 1600mm for lifts which travel more than 12m, or 1100 x 1400mm for lifts which travel not more than 12m,

- Fitted with a series of door opening sensory devices which will detect a 75mm diameter or across the door opening between 50mm and 1550mm above floor level,

- Have a set of buttons for operating the lift located at heights above level complying with AS1735.12

- For lifts serving more than 2 levels, automatic audible information within the lift car identifying the level each time the car stops, and audible and visual indication at each lift landing to indicate the arrival of a car

� Emergency hands free communication, including a button that alerts a call centre of a problem and a light to signal that the call has been received

Exit Signs and Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs indicating exit location paths of travel to exits to be provided in accordance with BCA Part E4 and AS2293.1-2005. Details are required to be provided for review as the design develops.

Sound Systems and Intercom Systems for Emergency Purposes

A Sound System and Intercom System is required in accordance with AS1670.4-2004 and BCA Clause E4.9 Details are to be provided for our review as the design develops.

Fire Control Centre

The existing fire control room in Phase 1 will be retained and utilised for Phase 2. As part of the Fire Services Strategy presented to the QFES, a SFIP will also be located in the foyer of each tower.

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Sanitary Facilities

Retail Sanitary facilities are required to be provided for employees. In relation to the public, sanitary facilities are required to be provided either where more than 600 persons can be accommodated (standard shops) or for café / restaurant where there are more than 20 seats. The following table summarises the sanitary facilities required.

F2.4 - Sanitary Facility Calculations

Description of building or part

Occupant Number

Population No.


WC Urinals Basins

Level 1 Retail 254

Male 2 3 2

Female 3 - 2

Accessible 1 - 1

Level 1 (REC) Bar 150

Male 1 2 2

Female 2 - 2

Accessible 1 - 1

Detailed designs will need to be developed as to the layout, dimensions, etc of the sanitary facilities. Apartments The building contains more than 10 apartments. Accordingly, a sanitary facility comprising a WC and wash basin is to be provided for employees at ground floor level, and be accessible to employees without having to enter an apartment. Each apartment is required to be provided with the following:

� A kitchen sink and facilities for the preparation and cooking of food; and � A bath or shower; and � A closet pan and wash basin; and � Clothes washing facilities comprising at least one wash tub and space for a washing machine; and � Clothes line of at least 7.5m, or space for one heat operated drying device within the same space

as the clothes washing. Bathroom Construction Where bathrooms or rooms containing water closets have the WC within 1200mm of the doorway, the door shall be either sliding, open outwards, or be provided with removable hinges.

Floor Wastes Floor wastes to be provided within bathrooms and laundries where located above another sole occupancy unit. The floor shall be sloped towards these wastes. Floor wastes are required to be provided where wall hung urinals are provided and the floor shall be sloped towards these wastes.

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Light and Ventilation Apartments Natural light and ventilation is to be provided to all habitable rooms at a rate of 10% and 5% of the floor area of the rooms respectively. Detailed window and door schedules will be reviewed as the design develops Other areas Artificial lighting complying with AS/NZS1680.0-2009 Mechanical ventilation is required in accordance with AS1668.2-2012

Sound Transmission and Insulation Building elements within Class 2 buildings should provide the following sound insulation levels.

Location Notes Sound Insulation


Walls separating habitable rooms Rw + Ctr ≥ 50

Walls separating habitable room and kitchen or bathroom

Wall must be of Discontinuous Construction

Rw + Ctr ≥ 50

Floor separating habitable rooms Impact isolation required Rw + Ctr ≥ 50

Ln,w + Cl ≤ 62

Duct, soil, waste or water supply pipe, including pipes that is located in a floor or wall cavity, serves or passes through more than one room

Adjacent habitable room or

Adjacent non-habitable room

Rw + Ctr ≥ 40


Rw + Ctr ≥ 25

Door to habitable room Rw ≥ 30

Please note for walls requiring impact resistance an air gap between leafs of the wall construction is required to be provided. Full details will be reviewed as the design develops

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8. ENERGY EFFICIENCY The building is required to comply with the energy provisions of the Building Code of Australia and the Queensland Development Code MP4.1, as applicable. Where an inconsistency exists between this legislation, the provisions of the Queensland Development Code take precedence, as outlined in the Building Act. The requirements for the development are outlined below: Class 2 Apartments Part MP 4.1 of the Queensland Development Code requires the thermal performance of sole occupancy units in Class 2 buildings to comply with BCA Verification Method JV1 as outlined in BCA 2009, except that:

• Each sole occupancy unit must have a software rating of not less than 4 stars; and

• The average software rating of all sole occupancy units must be not less than 5 stars. In addition to the above, the following also applies: Energy Efficient Domestic Services

• Sole occupancy units must have energy efficient lighting for a minimum of 80% of total fixed artificial lighting.

Water Conservation

• All shower roses shall have a minimum 3-star Water Efficiency Labeling and Standards rating;

• All toilet cisterns shall have a dual flush function and have a minimum 4-star Water Efficiency and Labeling rating, and must be compatible with the size of the toilet bowl top allow for proper functioning of the toilet;

• All tap ware serving laundry tubs, kitchen sinks and basins shall have a minimum 3-star Water Efficiency and Labeling rating;

Electricity Sub Metering

• Each meter able premises shall have an electricity sub meter installed;

• The electricity sub meter is to be installed in a common area and free of hindrance or obstruction to a person authorized to read and / or maintain the meter;

• A meter label identifying which meter able premises is to be affixed to the sub meter. Balance of the building The remainder of the development is not subject to QDC MP4.1 provisions above, and therefore must comply with the deemed to satisfy provisions, as applicable.

• Building Fabric

• External Glazing

• Building Sealing

• Air Movement

• Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems

• Artificial Light and Power Certification from an appropriately qualified engineer should be provided for either option with a report / computations outlining how compliance is achieved.

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The development is required to comply with the accessibility provisions contained within:

� The Building Code of Australia 2015; � The Access to Premises Standard; � AS1428.1-2009 General Requirements for Access – New Building Work; � AS1428.4-2009 Tactile Ground Surface Indicators � AS2890.6-2009 Car Parking for People with Disabilities

The McKenzie Group Accessibility / DDA Mark-up drawings should also be read in conjunction with this section of the report.

General Building Access Requirements

Access for persons with disabilities is to be provided as follows:

Class of Building Access Requirements

Class 2 Common Areas From a pedestrian entrance required to be accessible to at least one floor containing sole-occupancy units and to the entrance doorway of each sole-occupancy unit located on that level.

To and within not less than one of each type of room or space for use in common by the residents, including a cooking facility, sauna, gymnasium, swimming pool, common laundry, games room, individual shop, eating area, or the like.

Where a ramp complying with AS 1428.1 or a passenger lift is installed-

(a) To the entrance doorway of each sole-occupancy unit; and

(b) To and within rooms or spaces for use in common by the residents, located on the levels served by the lift or ramp.

Class 5, 6, 7a To and within all areas normally used by the occupants

Class 10b Swimming Pool To and into swimming pools with a total perimeter greater than 40m, but not swimming pools for the exclusive use of occupants of a Class 1b building or a sole occupancy unit in a Class 2 or 3 building

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External Access to Buildings

Access must be provided to the building from the following:

� The main points of pedestrian entry at the allotment boundary; and � From another building on the allotment (required to be accessible) linked by a pedestrian link; and � From any accessible car parking spaces on the allotment

Access must be provided via the main principal entrance and:

� Not less than 50% of all pedestrian entries (including the principal entrance) and � In buildings over 500m2 in floor area, a non-accessible entrance must not be located more than

50m from an accessible entrance. And where a pedestrian entry contains multiple doors, the following is required:

� Entrance containing not more than 3 doors, at least one of the door leaves must be accessible � Where an entrance contains more than 3 doors, not less than 50% of the door leaves must be

accessible. A door is considered to be accessible if it is automatic (open and closing) or is more than 850mm in clear opening width and contains the required door circulation space. A review of the documents provided identified the following matters: The main pedestrian access ramp providing access to urban common area is nominated with gradients of 1:20. While gradients would satisfy use as a walkway, the length of the walkway exceeds AS1428.1-2009 requirements (maximum length of 15m intervals).

Note: Preliminary review of this walkway arrangement with our Access Consultants has indicated a performance based alternative solution can be developed to suit these levels, subject to some enhancements with respect to rest spaces, etc. Further review with the architect will be required to develop this important aspect of the design.

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The accessible route from Brunswick Street via the urban laneway. Walkway gradients and transitions between levels are required, but it is understood this will be an accessible route.

Further design details of the access way including access from accessible car parking spaces, access from the main entry, and access into common lobby areas and retail shop areas will be reviewed further as the design develops.

Accessibility within Building Within the building the following provisions are required:

� Door circulation space as per AS1428.1-2009; � Doorways must have a clear opening of 850mm (i.e. minimum 920mm door leaf); � Wheelchair passing spaces (minimum 1.8m wide x 2000mm length) must be provided at maximum

of 20m intervals on access ways; � Within 2.0m of the end access ways / corridors, wheelchair turning areas spaces are required to

be provided in accordance with AS1428.1-2009; � Any glazed capable of being mistaken for a doorway or opening must be clearly marked (or contain

chair rail, hand rail or transom as per AS 1288 requirements) A review of the documents provided identified the following matters: Turn around spaces at the end of corridors are currently right on 1540mm x 2070mm.

Internal access requirements will be reviewed further as the design develops.

Car Parking Accessible car parking spaces are required to comply with AS 2890.6-2009 at the rate of 1 space per 50 visitor spaces. A ‘shared zone‘ of minimum 5400mm x 2400mm is required adjacent to accessible car parking spaces, protected with a bollard.

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Based on the number of visitor car parking spaces provided there are sufficient accessible parking facilities available. Size spatial dimensions also appear to satisfy 5400mm x 2400mm, this will be reviewed further as the design develops.

Tactile Indicators Tactile indicators are required to be provided to warn occupants of all stairs (except Fire Isolated stairs) and ramps regardless of public nature or private environment and where an overhead obstruction occurs less than 2.0m above the finished floor level.

Swimming Pools

Where pools exceed 40m in total perimeter, at least 1 means of accessible entry in the form of the following is required.

i. Fixed or movable ramps (and an aquatic wheelchair) or ii. Zero depth entry at a maximum gradient of 1:14 (and an aquatic wheel chair) iii. Platform swimming pool lift (and an aquatic wheelchair) or iv. A sling style swimming pool lift

The pool located on level 1 REC, has a perimeter that exceeds 70m in total, sling style lifts are not permitted. Details of access to the pool will be reviewed further as the design develops.

Stairs Stairs shall be constructed as follows:

a) Where the intersection is at the property boundary, the stair shall be set back by a minimum of 900mm so that the handrail TGSIs do not protrude into the transverse path of travel.

b) Where the intersection is at an internal corridor, the stair shall be set back in 300mm, so the

handrails do not protrude into transverse path of travel.

c) Stairs shall have opaque risers.

d) Stair nosing shall not project beyond the face of the riser and the riser may be vertical or have a splay backwards up to a maximum 25mm.

e) Stair nosing profiles shall; - Have a sharp intersection; - Be rounded up to 5mm radius; or - Be chamfered up to 5mm x 5mm

f) All stairs, including fire isolated stairs shall, at the nosing of each tread have a strip not less than

50mm and not more than 75mm deep across the full width of the path of travel. The strip may be set back a maximum of 15mm from the front of the nosing. The strip shall have a minimum luminance contrast of 30% to the background. Where the luminous contrasting strip is affixed to the surface of the tread, any change in level shall not exceed a difference of 5mm.

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Accessible Sanitary Facilities Unisex Accessible Sanitary Facilities An accessible unisex sanitary facility must be located so that it can be entered without crossing an area reserved for one sex only and provided in accordance with 1428.1-2009 and must contain a closet pan, washbasin, shelf or bench top and adequate means of disposal of sanitary towels and as per following.

Building Type Minimum accessible unisex sanitary compartments to be provided

Residential apartments Where sanitary compartments are provided in common areas, not less than 1.

Other areas a) 1 on every storey containing sanitary compartments; and b) Where a storey has more than 1 bank of sanitary

compartments containing male and female sanitary compartments, at not less than 50% of those banks.

Ambulant Facilities At each bank of toilets where there is one or more toilets in addition to an accessible unisex sanitary compartment, a sanitary compartment suitable for a person with an ambulant disability in accordance with AS 1428.1-2009 must be provided for use by males and females. Where male sanitary facilities are provided at a separate location to female sanitary facilities, accessible unisex sanitary facilities are only required at one of those locations. An accessible unisex sanitary compartment or an accessible unisex shower need not be provided on a storey or level that is not provided with a passenger lift or ramp complying with AS1428.1-2009 Accessible unisex showers Accessible unisex showers must be provided in accordance with 1428.1 and at the following rates;

Building Minimum accessible unisex showers to be provided

Residential apartments Where showers are provided in common areas, not less than 1


As part of the detailed design package, specifications will need to be developed indicating:

� Sanitary Facility Identification Signs (note that they are to comply with BCA Specification D3.6 and include the use of Braille, Tactile, etc and be placed on the wall on the latch side of the facility);

� Directional / Way Finding signs to the Lifts, Sanitary Facilities, etc; � Hearing Augmentation System; � Identify each door required by BCA Clause E4.5 to be provided with an exit sign, stating ‘EXIT’ and

‘Level” number

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10. PREVENTION OF FALLS QLD Appendix Part G101.1 of the BCA requires a suitable work system to be designed where a person is exposed to the hazard of falling whilst cleaning or maintenance work is being carried out. Where safety belt anchorage points are proposed to be used they must be positioned on the building so that a lifeline or safety harness may be attached before proceeding to a point where it is possible to fall. Details of the method of roof access and prevention of falls are to be included on the drawings.

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11. QUEENSLAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The following parts of the Queensland Development Code apply to this development:

The following parts of the Queensland Development Code apply to this development: 2.1 QDC MP3.4 Swimming Pool Barriers As the development in Class 2, the swimming pool is defined as a ‘Regulated Pool’ under the Building Act 1975. The swimming pool barriers must therefore comply with the requirements of QDC MP3.4, which will be reviewed as the design develops and fencing details become available. 2.2 QDC MP4.1 Sustainable Buildings Refer to Section 7.0 of the report.

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12. APPENDIX 1 - REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION The following documentation was used in the assessment and preparation of this report:

• Architectural drawings prepared by Bureau Proberts for Stages 4 and 5 – Project No. 14037, Drawings labelled “DA issue” dated 12.10.2015, Drawings 20.00, 20.04, 20.05, 20.06, 20.08, 20.14, 20.21, 20.26, 20.35, 30.01, 30.02, 30.03, 30.04, 40.00, 40.01, 50.00, 50.01 (all revision 15)

• Fire Services Master Plan for Central Village Stage 4 & 5 Site Wide Strategy, prepared by Norman Disney & Young Revision 1.0 Draft issued 15 September 2015.

• QFES Meeting Minutes prepared by McKenzie Group dated 16 September 2015.

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Items to be inspected or tested as

nominated by the relevant authority

Deemed to satisfy installation

standard/code/conditions of approval

1. Access Panels, Doors and Hoppers BCA Clause C3.13

2. Automatic Fail Safe Devices BCA Clause D2.19 & D2.21

3. Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System BCA Spec. E2.2a & AS 1670 – 2004

4. Automatic Fire Suppression System BCA Spec. E1.5 & AS 2118.1 – 1999,

5. Building Occupant Warning System

activated by the Sprinkler System

BCA Spec. E1.5 & AS 1670 – 2004

6. Emergency Lifts BCA Clause E3.4 &

AS 1735.2 – 2001

7. Emergency Lighting BCA Clause E4.2, E4.4 & AS/NZS 2293.1 –


8. Sound and Intercom Systems for

emergency purposes

BCA Clause E4.9 & AS 1670.4 - 2004

9. Emergency Evacuation Plan AS 3745 – 2002

10. Exit Signs BCA Clauses E4.5, E4.6 & E4.8 and AS/NZS

2293.1 – 2005

11. Fire Control Centres and Rooms BCA Spec. E1.8

12. Fire Blankets AS 2444 – 2001

13. Fire Dampers BCA Clause C3.15, AS 1668.1 – 1998 &

AS 1682.1 & 2 – 1990

14. Fire Doors BCA Clause C3.2, C3.4, C3.5, C3.6, C3.7 &

C3.8 and AS 1905.1 – 1997

15. Fire Hose Reels BCA Clause E1.4 & AS 2441 – 2005

16. Fire Hydrant System Clause E1.3 & AS 2419.1 – 2005

17. Fire Seals BCA Clause C3.15 & AS 1530.4 – 1997

18. Lightweight Construction BCA Clause C1.8 & AS 1530.3 – 1999

19. Mechanical Air Handling System AS 1668.2 – 1991

20. Portable Fire Extinguishers BCA Clause E1.6 & AS 2444 – 2001

21. Pressurising Systems BCA Clause E2.2 & AS/NZS 1668.1 – 1998

22. Required Exit Doors (power operated) BCA Clause D2.19(d)

23. Self-Closing Fire Hoppers BCA Clause C3.13 & AS 1530.4 – 1997

24. Smoke and/or Heat Alarm System BCA Spec. E2.2a & AS 3786 – 1993

25. Smoke Dampers AS/NZS 1668.1 – 1998

26. Solid Core Doors BCA Clause C3.11

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