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Page 1: Budget may bring some cheers · India as well as 100% entry of the FDI in the real-estate and ... further action for issue of order/ correction slip in IRPWM after taking approval

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Year 54, Vol. 01. Editor: Shiva Gopal Mishra January, 2018 Editorial

Budget may bring some cheers

Dear Comrades!

The Central Government will present its fifth and final budget on 1st February, 2018, which will be the last of its before the next 2019 general elections. Taking lessons from the last Gujarat elections where rural voter has almost denied the Ruling Party because of the agrarian distresses, which has compelled the farmers and the agricultural labour to vote against the Ruling Party, will definitely bring some bonanzas for the farmers, who are raising their voice against non-resolution of their demands.

Friends! Recently CAGs report has also raised alarms against parking of huge funds in many of the Central Government sponsored schemes for Smart City Yojna, Clean Ganga/Jamuna Rivers, Housing, Sanitation and Water Supply Projects has not been delivered the results as was desired as well huge amount had been remained unspent, which shows clearly the callous attitude and casual way of working of

the bureaucrats.

The recent decision of the Cabinet for 49% introducing of the FDI into the Air India as well as 100% entry of the FDI in the real-estate and single route trade, which has been earlier opposed by same people when they were in the opposition. Nobody knows, with such reforms how much country will be benefitted, but the small traders are up in arms pursuing their business will be ruined. Friends! In the Railways, there is very serious financial crunch, but that cannot be filled by their short term methods.

The Indian Railways, unlike other Government Departments cannot afford such luxury, which may cause frustration in the countrymen. It is, therefore, utmost need of the day, if appropriate amount be allocated from the General Budget for not only proper maintenance and operation of the Indian Railways, but also for capacity augmentation.

With Best Regards, General Secretary

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Minutes of Meeting PNM/AIRF held on 06th & 07th December, 2017

01/2015: Inordinate delay in modernization of Printing Presses of the Indian Railways.

At present, Kurseong Printing Press is continuing as general printing press and no staff has been transferred out of the Kurseong Printing Press.

23/2016: Development of the S&T Workshops in Indian Railways.

Federation (AIRF) demanded that for some other activities new line of production should be proposed for these four minor workshops.

16/2005: Package of allowance to Gangmen. &

39/2012: Implementation of recommendations of the Joint Committee on Package and Allowance to Trackmen.


6/2013: Implementation of the already agreed to recommendations of the Joint Committee on Package and Career Progression for Trackmen.


40/2016: Implementation of various recommendations of the Joint Committee on Package and Allowance to Trackmen and other grievances of the Trackman Category.

The matter regarding cadre restructuring 10:20:20:30 is under consultation with Finance and orders are likely to be issued by 31.12.2017. Federation (AIRF) mentioned that the existing orders have not been implemented in correct spirit in some zones. The orders were supposed to be implemented w.e.f 17.08.2012 and 01.04.2014. The position regarding implementation date and payment of arrears will be ascertained for appropriate action. The status of implementation of remaining recommendations of the Joint Committee will also be given in a summarised form.

25/2013: Provision of pathway on the bridges.

Instructions have been issued vide letter dated 27.11.2017 that Side Pathways shall be Provided in all new girder bridges to ensure safety of maintenance staff as well as for use in emergency. It has been agreed that the updated position of Side Pathways proposed and provided as well as man refuges provided on different

zones will be provided to the Federation. (Finalised)

20/2016: Counting of motor cycle in case of calculation of TVU.

The Track Standard Committee (86th meeting) has recommended that 0.25 will be considered for the weightage of motorized two wheelers. This recommendation has been agreed by B&S Directorate and forwarded the case to Track Dte, who will take further action for issue of order/ correction slip in IRPWM after taking approval of competent authority.

2/2015: Restoration of process of recruitment of Motorman from open market through RRB in case of Metro Railway Kolkata.

The demand of the federation will be referred to Metro Railway Kolkata for furnishing detailed comments.

30/2016: Violation of the Rest Rules for Running Staff by various Zonal Railways.

16 hrs. Headquarter rest shall be ensured. The Running Staff should be available for duty after completing 16 hrs. rest at Headquarter and 8 hrs. at outstation. (Finalized)

37/2012: Genuine grievances of AC Mechanics in Technician grades.

Commercial Dte. will be approached to make provision for accommodating AC Coach Mechanic in the train. Simultaneously feasibility of providing foldable berth in LHB coaches similar to non-LHB coaches will be explored.

41/2015: Deployment of Escorting Staff on Rajdhani/ Shatabdi type trains.

Discussed in a separate meeting held on 29.11.2017 and further action to be taken accordingly.

19/2015: Recovery of cost of lost linen/blanket etc. at its depreciated value.

The issue was discussed and it was agreed to examine it further.

10/2008: Manning ofUTS and PRS Terminals by Commercial Staff - Reg.

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AIRF suggested that the posts for UTS cum PRS should be pin pointed in GP 2800 and above. This will take care of any situation where a person of lower GP is utilized for UTS cum PRS. This will be considered on file.

16/2012: Creation of additional posts of Ticket Checking Staff for manning new trains and additional coaches.


33/2012: Creation of additional posts of ticket checking staff/TTE and filling up of existing vacancies in ticket checking cadre.

Instructions will be reiterated to those zones where posts are yet to be created. A D.O. letter from MT will be issued in this regard. AIRF mentioned that on some of the zones there is a ban on creation of non-safety posts. It was clarified that there is no such ban. AIRF further mentioned that appointment of Ticket Checking Staff in CG appointment Ivt. almost stopped. AIRF demanded that the power to be delegated to DRMs. At present indent of 4666 posts are available with RRB, decision has been taken to initiate the recruitment against 50% of the indents i.e. 2333 posts. Federation demanded that the GDCE quota should be filled up.

20/2014: Feeding of distance of the station for which BPTs are issued through UTS.

The work of rectification of different route for integration of UTS with RBS is going on and major routes have already been rectified and for further rectification of routes, a D.O. letter dated 25.10.2017 has been issued to all Zonal Railways, copy given to Federation. (Finalised)

28/2014: Revision of norms of manning of coaches.

The matter is being placed before the full Board. Efforts will be made to include this issue in the agenda for Board meeting during this month.

17/2016: Running of Holiday Trains - Facilities of Passes. Instructions issued vide letter No.E(W)/2016/PS.5-1/1 0 dated 12.07.2017. (Finalised)

22/2016: Withdrawal of Railway Board's instructions reg. Ticket Checking Squad Stipulating five-year period and 2-years cooling off period. Separate meeting to be held.

30/2012: Shortage/ excess of petty cash by the Commercial Clerks working on the Booking Counters.

Federation demanded that the provision contained in para 710 of IRCM Vol.I that the staff concerned should be allowed to make good the amount from his private cash and if the amount is heavy the matter should be investigated. Federation further wanted that the word 'heavy amount' should be defined and it should not be left subjective quantification. The matter will be examined in consultation with associate finance for defining Shortage/ excess amount.

25/2008: Provision of berths for Guards/Crew working spare.

The matter has been under discussion with Coaching, Commercial and Safety Dte. A note will be moved this week to provide for accommodation in the front SLR to the Safety Dte. for their evaluation and consideration.

30/2011: Issue of PPOs and making entry of payment of Medical Allowance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.

A letter will be issued by Accounts dte to the GMs to ensure that Railway Board's instructions issued vide RBE No.80/2016 dated 27.10.2016 are strictly complied with. Specific reference will be made to problem being faced on WR, SCR and NR. AIRF agreed to give atleast seven examples on each Railway where there is a problem.

9/2015: Re-deployment of surplus Cash & Pay Staff over the Indian Railways.

Accounts Dte will call for details of implementation of instructions issued vide letter dated 17.10.2016 to establish number of surplus staff of Cash & Pay office yet to be redeployed. Reasons for non-deployment to also be advised.

10/2016: Acute shortage of staffs in Accounts Department (especially in Supervisory SSO Cadre).


57/2016: Filling-up of supervisory posts of Accounts Department.

Federation will respond to Board's letter dated 20.03.2017.

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31/2016: Extending numbers of exemption to Appendix-III, Part-I Examination 2012 passed candidates.

Clarification in the matter has already been issued to Federation (AIRF) vide letter No. A/E/A3/2015/1I1 dated 27.12.2016 that the rules are well1aid down and there is no scope for any further relaxation in the matter. (Finalised)

48/2006: Washing Allowance to all Railway Employees who are supplied uniforms. The order relating to the grant of Dress Allowance have been issued by Pay Commission Directorate of Ministry of Railways vide letter No.PC-VII/2017/1/7/ 5/7, dated 03.10.20 17. It is clarified that protective clothing and special clothing are not covered under the above circular and will continue to be provided as earlier. (Finalised)

15/2016: Payment of TAIDA with higher rates.

The case was put up to Board(MS & FC) and it was decided with the approval of Board that in terms of Rule 1602(2) ofIREC Vol.II read with footnote to the said rule, no revision of claims for travelling allowance was permissible in respect of the period intervening between the date of promotion or reversion or grant of increased rate of pay, and that on which it is notified, unless there has been an actual change of duties and therefore no revision of TA claims would be permissible in this case. A suitable reply has been issued to Federation (AIRF) with a copy endorsed to NWR vide Board's letter No.F(E)I/2016/ AL-28117, dated 13.01.2017. (Finalised)

59/2006: Maintenance of Railway Colonies. &

49/2016: Drastic reduction in allotment of fund on staff amenities under Plan Head-52.

Federation demanded that the below schedule contract should be done away. Period of zonal contract should be extended from 1 year to 2 years and Artisan Staff of IOW be treated as Safety Category and vacancies to be filled up. After detailed discussions, it was decided that the possibility of following the CPWD method of maintenance for day to day repair and maintenance of quarters will be explored. All the GMs will be requested to ensure full utilization of the funds allotted under PH-51 & 52.

12/2009: Grant of PCO Allowance/Incentive Bonus to technical staff supporting shops/ Sections (including CMT/C&M Lab.),

Drawing/Design, I.T. Power Supply and Stores etc.) - in Railway Workshops and Production Units- Treating them as part of Inspection, Planning & Planning & Progress wings of PCO.

The study on entitlement of incentive in PU (RWF) has been completed and under scrutiny before submission to the Board. Another study in workshop (Tirupati Workshop) is in progress whose report is expected in about 3 months. These reports will cover the categories of staff to be covered under incentive scheme. The CMT staff of entitled categories, working on the shop floor, will be entitled to incentive payment.

54/2012: Modification of RITES Incentive Scheme - Approval of the Railway Board.

This approval was accorded by Board on 15.07.2011. As on date, against the sanctioned strength of 2597, only 344 vacancies exist. GM/SCR vide letter No.20101M (W)/814/4 Pt.2 dated 19.09.2016 was advised to fill up the vacancies.

24/2014: Indiscriminate outsourcing in Production Units.

A separate meeting to be held with AM (PU) with regard to under utilization of available manpower.

30/2014: Payment of Incentive to Rail Wheel Factory Staff.


43/2015: Incentive to PC Bay Staff of Rail Wheel Factory, Bangalore.

Federation demanded that the letter dated 31.10.2017 issued by Board for extension of continued applicability of the revised incentive rates as applicable w.e.f. 01.04.2014, beyond 31.10.2017 upto 30.04.2018, should be withdrawn. AM (PU) stated that this will be reviewed within a month. If need be, a separate meeting will be held.

05/2015: Sanction of Work Charged posts - regularization thereof. Discussed. (Finalised)

53/2016: Creation of posts against RSP Works. Discussed. (Finalised)

56/2012: Reckoning of Running Allowance as Pay for the purpose of deduction of Income Tax -Enhancement in ceiling limit reg.

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The matter regarding enhancement of Income Tax exemption limit in the case of running staff - reckoning of Running Allowance as pay for the purpose of deduction of Income Tax was referred to the Ministry of Finance. Ministry of Finance) vide their OM No.F.149/2112013-TPL dated 21.05.2013, had not agreed to the request made by the Board.

The matter was again taken up with the Ministry of Finance. Ministry of Finance vide their O.M. No.F.149/2112013-TPL dated 23.07.2015 reiterated their advice. A reference was again made to the Ministry of Finance vide Board's letter dated 08.01.2016. This was also turned down by the Ministry of Finance vide their O.M. No.F.149/2112013-TPL dated 09.08.2016. On request of the Federations; the matter had again been taken up with the Ministry of Finance vide Board's letter No.F(X)I/ 2009/23/9 dated 21.12.2016 and Ministry of Finance was requested to reconsider this Ministry's request for granting full exemption to 70% component (Travelling Allowance Component) of Running Allowance without any upper limit. However, reply of Ministry of Finance is still awaited in spite of several reminders, last reminder sent on 07.11.2017. Matter will be pursued further with MoF.

01/2016: Implementation of the report of the E.D. Committee regarding granting Zonal Railway status to Metro Railway Kolkata.

Copy of instructions issued to Eastern Rly. will be given to Federation after examination federation will react.

04/2016: Acute shortage of Doctors in Rangiya Division of N.F. Railway - Denial of SDA to Contract Doctors.

Financial implications since obtained from N.F. Rly. and the matter is under further examination.

16/2009: Granting of Additional Allowance in favour of Loco and Traffic Running staff - extension of recommendation of VI CPC.

Federation demanded that the additional allowance be extended to the left-over categories of the Running Staff.

26/2011: Grant of parity to the Stenographers working in the Zonal Railways.

The issue of granting parity in pay scales is sub-judice in a number of cases presently, including an SLP in the Hon'ble Supreme Court. Federation requests for review.

51/2012: Serious injustice done to the category of Claims Tracers.

Federation demanded that feedback in this matter from Eastern and East Central Railway regarding action taken to be obtained and furnished.

05/2014: Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying same grade pay.

Federation did not agree with Official Side's views in the matter. Official side however requested that a reply to their letter dated 22.11.2017 be given for examining Federation's contentions again.

31/2015: Implementation of Cadre Restructuring in RCF/ RBL.

Federation pointed out that restructuring has not been implemented for resultant vacancies w.e.f. 01.11.2013. Though the same has been specified in the restructuring order issued by Board. AIRF further mentioned that orders for restructuring issued by Railway Board on 20.09.2016 has also not been implemented by MCF. Despite Board's orders for completing the exercise by 31.12.2017. Official Side agreed to seek clarification from MCF/RBL.

54/2015: Change in the designation of Trains Guard (other officer - EDTT/F).

The matter has been referred to Traffic Directorate who are examining the same.

06/2016: Cadre restructuring of leftover categories.

Federation demanded that Cadre restructuring of all left-over categories, including Staff Nurses, be considered.

09-A/2016: Cadre Restructuring of Cipher Staff over the Indian Railways. &

09-B/2016: Restructuring of Sr. ALP and Jr. ALP in CLW/CRJ. Discussed and 9(B) closed.(Finalised)

54/2016: Fixation of Pay of Running Staff on implementation of VII CPC recommendations. Discussed. (Finalized)

60/2016: Review of RRs, up gradation of pay scales and change in nomenclature of

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designations of the Medical Lab. Staff of the Indian Railways.

Under examination.

58/2016: Inclusion of the KRCL Staff for transfer to the Indian Railway jurisdiction. Discussed. (Review)



Sub: Certain important issues related to the Railwaymen – Early redressal sought for

While thankful for fixing date for discussion on 28th December, 2017, we wish to avail this privilege to draw your kind attention towards certain important issues related to Railway’s working and in respect of certain problems of the Railwaymen which needs to be redressed on priority as the same are pending for quite some time, agitating the minds of the Railway employees.

1. Safety: - It is our motto and sacred duty to carry the travelling public to their destination safely. In this regard Railways had appointed number of Accident Enquiry Committees, and the latest being headed by Dr. Anil Kakodkar. The recommendations of the committee, headed by Dr. Anil Kakodkar, are yet to be implemented. The main thrust of the recommendations are modernization of the Railways, expansion of line capacity, supply of Standard and Branded materials, spares and equipments, filling-up of vacancies in the Safety Categories within a period of three months, sanction of additional staff for additional train services and additional workload without insisting of “Matching Saving”, intensification of training facilities, etc. etc. About 1.5 lakh posts in the Safety Categories have been lying vacant, additional manpower has not been sanctioned for additional train services and additional workload. Unfortunately, instead of filling-up of vacancies, orders have been issued from the Railway Board to re-engage Retired Employees up to 65 years of age, which will be counter-productive.

2. Seventh Central Pay Commission: - The report of the Seventh Central Pay Commission has belied the hope of the Railwaymen, causing serious resentment among the Railway employees. Your predecessor, Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, took an initiative to avoid the confrontation, and different committees were appointed by the government in a bid to settle the issues in respect of Minimum Wage, Pay Fixation Formula, Allowances, Pension/Family Pension and National Pension System(NPS) etc. Unfortunately, injustice in those matters is still persisting. In respect of National Pension System(NPS), both the Ex. Railway Ministers, Shri Mallikarjun Kharge and Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu, had recommended to the Finance Minister that, the Old System of Pension and Family Pension should continue, irrespective of date of appointment of the Railwaymen. We sincerely hope

that, you will kindly take necessary initiatives to settle the pending issues.

3. Grievances of the Running Staff:- The Running Staff of the Indian Railways, who operate all kinds of passengers and freight trains, right from Goods to Superfast/Mail/Express, Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Durotonto, Hamsafar, etc. etc., are definitely frontline staff. Their Duty Hours, Hours of Rest, Working Conditions, Conditions of the Running Rooms are still not up to the mark despite sustained persuasions by the organized labour. Apart from this, the rates of the Kilometrage Allowance and other allowances related to the Loco & Traffic Running Staff are yet to be revised while revision of the Daily Allowance etc. after implementation of the VII CPC recommendations has since been done. Their pay-scales also need to be rationalized to a satisfactory level because this is also a cause of discontentment among the vulnerable categories of staff. These issues are being deliberated by AIRF regularly with the Railway Board, but fruitful outcome is yet to be evolved, as such needs your kind intervention.

4. Continuance of the LARSGESS all over, except jurisdiction of the respective High Courts :- We have already made a reference to the Member Staff, Railway Board, on this issue, explaining that, Safety Related Retirement Scheme was introduced, vide Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-2001/RT-2(KW) dated 02.01.2004, after lots of deliberations regarding safety of the Railways. Subsequently, while presenting Rail Budget, Hon’ble Minister for Railways had announced, on the floor of the Parliament, that, Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme would be extended and implemented by the Railway Board in a biggest perspective. The scheme has been renamed as “Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS)” and circulated vide Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 dated 11.09.2010. The scheme has infused new blood in exchange of old one and motivated the staff to give their best for ensuring safety of the travelling public. The scheme has withstood the best of time in many High Courts as well. In this connection, the judgment delivered by Hon’ble Patna High Court on 29.06.2015(against Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No.7926 of 2015, quashing the orders of Patna CAT) may please be referred to. It is urged that, the scheme be allowed to continue at least in the states where either Hon’ble High Court did not intervene or Hon’ble High Court has allowed its continuance.

5. Absorption of the Course Completed Act Apprentices in the Railways:- The Indian Railways, having quite large quantum of technical services, has to impart training, as “Skill

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Development”, to a defined number of candidates, as mandatory under the Apprentices Act. There has been a tradition to absorb the Course Completed Act Apprentices, who had undergone Apprenticeship Training in various Railway Installations against vacancies in the Safety Categories. These Course Completed Act Apprentices, when absorbed in the Railways, have proved their worth being a skilled workforce trained in the Railway workings in different Engineering Disciplines, particularly Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and S&T. During the last two/three years this practice has been discontinued, which is not in the interest of the Railway Industry. Fortunately, the NDA Government, while affecting amendments in the Apprentices Act, has provided for, making rules by the enterprises, imparting training under Apprentices Act, to absorb the Course Completed Act Apprentices in their respective installations. Railway Board, after sustained persuasions, have only issued instructions to engage the Course Completed Act Apprentices, imparted training in the Railways, against 20% Direct Recruitment Quota in the erstwhile Group `D’ vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/2016/RR-1/8 dated 21.06.2016(RBE No.71/2016).

It may be appreciated that, the candidates, who are imparted training under the Apprentices Act in the Railways, have to undergo the process of selection at the time of their engagement for training, and further they have to pass all the exams conducted during their training and timely had to clear the exams conducted by the NCVT on completion of training, and after being declared successful in the same exam, their training is supposed to be completed, as such there has been a practice of conducting a formal screening at the time of their regular absorption in the Railways. AIRF, therefore, is of the considered opinion that, the procedure that had been in vogue prior to issuance of Railway Board’s letter supra should be allowed to continue to absorb in the Railways in the larger interest of Railway Safety.

6. Absorption of the quasi-administrative offices staff in the Railways:- Quasi-administrative offices staff were being absorbed in the Railways since 1977, but of late those staff are not being absorbed in the Railways, causing deprivation and serious hardship to the employees appointed in the quasi-administrative offices of the Railways. It is, therefore, urged that, those staff should be absorbed in the Railways.

7. Closure of the Railway Printing Presses:- Of late, Railway Printing Presses have been catering the requirement of printed materials required in different forms in the Indian Railways. Apart from this, all kinds of passenger tickets and other money value books are also printed in these Railway Printing Presses. On a demand raised by this federation, Railway Board have agreed to modernize a number of Railway Printing Presses to equip them with the latest technology to cope-up with the present need of printing. During recently held meeting with the Railway Board, it has

been informed to the federation that, the process of modernization of the Railway Printing Presses is in progress and is likely to be completed in a couple of months. AIRF, therefore, is of the considered view that, owing to money value involve in a number of printed materials, like Ticket Rolls, Blank Paper Ticket, Excess Fare Ticket, Railway Passes and PTOs, outsourcing of these items may lead to serious monetary misappropriation, causing substantial revenue loss of the Railways. As such, the prevalent practice of getting these important money value items printed in the Railway Printing Presses should continue, and for this purpose Railway Printing Presses should also be equipped with the modern technology rather than closing them.

8. Closure of Parel Workshop of Central Railway:- Parel Workshop of Central Railway is located at a prime location, and this Workshop was established way back in the year 1879. This is spread over 47 acres of land. A Railway Colony is also situated in the vicinity of the said Workshop, covering an area of around 15 acres of land, wherein thousands of Railwaymen and their family members, including school going children and aged parents, are residing. Sudden closure of this Workshop will directly hurt around 3,000 staff working in this Workshop, and their families would also be uprooted, who are residing there for decades.

Here it is worth to point it out that, workers of Parel Workshop have always adopted all the technologies advised by the high-ups. Since this issue is of prime importance, involving the staff matters, it would not be proper to take any arbitrary decision without consulting the organized labour. This federation, therefore, urges upon not to take any arbitrary decision without considering the pros and cones and far reaching consequences of closure of Parel Workshop of Central Railway, and this issue be discussed threadbare with the federation before taking any further decision in the matter.

9. Shifting of Central Railway Headquarters Building and its conversion into World Class Rail Museum:- You may appreciate that, the present Central Railway Headquarters building was constructed for the sole purpose of the administrative centre of the then GIP Railway, which later on became the Headquarters of Central Railway. This heritage building definitely stands as the epitome of the Railway history, used by the eminent personalities who discharge as the Head of this zone and have contributed immensely towards all out development of the Railway Industry. Shifting this office from the present historical building would not only cause a lot of inconveniences to the Railway employees employed therein as also crores of rupees would be spent in construction of new building for the purpose elsewhere. If at all, a Rail Museum to be opened in the said building, Ground Floor of the same may be utilized for this purpose and the other floors should be allowed to continue as the Headquarters of Central Railway. 10. Improvement in the condition of the Railway Quarters We

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have regularly pointed out that, a large-number of Railway Colonies, being age-old and irreparable, need to be dismantled and multi-storyed buildings with one point entry be constructed to house the Railwaymen with safety of their family members, so that, they can discharge their duties with free mind and full devotion. Until this provision is made, Railway employees should be paid a petty amount on annual basis for petty repairs and white-wash etc. of their Railway quarters.

11. Improvement in the medical facilities:- The Railwaymen have been working in the remote places and far-flung areas. They have to keep themselves fit in medical classification to perform their duties at a desired level, right from appointment to retirement. The Indian Railways have set-up hospitals and dispensaries. These hospitals should be provided with modern equipments, and Medical Practioners in various disciplines need to be appointed. It is urged that, there should be continuous efforts to maintain and upkeep them, so that, the Railwaymen and their family members can get reasonable facilities in respect of their healthcare.

Apart from the above, the decision taken for the Mobile Medical Vans in each Division must be implemented religiously to cater the needs of the staff working on the roadside stations or along the track where other medical facilities are not available. There is also a popular demand of all the Serving and Retired Railway Employees that, they should get Cashless Smart Cards for their treatment anywhere in emergencies. It is also unfortunate that, in spite of announcement in the Budget Speech of Hon’ble Minister for Railways, the decision for treatment of the parents in the Railway Hospitals has not been started and is being shelved.

12. Deployment of the wards of the Railwaymen as “Gate Mitras” at the Unmanned Level Crossings:- AIRF has been totally against deployment of the “Gate Mitras” on the Unmanned Level Crossings because this would result in shouldering of unwarranted responsibility for the Railways. However, in case “Gate Mitras” are deputed on the Unmanned Level Crossings, the wards of the Track Maintainers, Gatemen and other Operating Staff, working in lower pay-scales, be considered to be utilized as “Gate Mitras”, looking their availability and loyalty. Reportedly, the Indian Railways is also proposing to depute some outsiders with the Patrolman as a companion. In the interest of safety and security, AIRF is of the opinion that, this dangerous move to Railway Safety must not be done, and in case of shortage, the wards of the Railwaymen be considered to accompany the Patrolman rather than any outsider.

13.Outsourcing:- Each and every Railway Minister expressed opinion that, the Railways cannot be privatized. But gradually perennial nature jobs in the Railways are being outsourced in violation of the provisions of the Contract Labour(Regulation & Abolition) Act. It is urged that, perennial nature jobs in the Railways should be manned by the regular

Railway employees only; in the larger interest of safe train operation.

14. Non-implementation of the recommendations of the Trackmen Committee:- It is a matter of regret that, unanimous recommendations of the Trackmen Committee are not implemented in true sprit to increase happiness factor amongst more than three lakh hardworking Track Maintainers in all weathers, as well large number sacrificing their lives while maintaining the tracks. It was agreed that, their percentage distribution will be made 10:20:20:50, but in spite of assurance given in the last DC/JCM Meeting, nothing is being done. It was also agreed that, to facilitate the education of their children, transit hostels will be provided to their wards and families at appropriate towns and cities, but has not been processed yet. Similarly, nothing has been done for improving their gate lodges and weight of tools has also not been reduced as was agreed. Nothing has been done to provide them electronic cover for their safety while they are on the job.

15. Employees’ Charter:- The employees in general are happy with the issuance of orders for fulfilling the demands of the employees within the given time. This has been the demand of AIRF from the last two decades, had been considered by the Railway Ministry, but at the same time it is also essential for filling the vacancies of the Ministerial and Accounts Staff who are responsible for implementation of the Employees’ Charter. AIRF also requests that, similar view should also be taken on the demands of the federation and orders should be issued to consider them within the reasonable time period. We sincerely hope that, the issues raised herein above would be considered with all seriousness and your goodself would take appropriate action to redress these genuine grievance of the Railwaymen, so that, they are able to discharge their duties in a healthy environment.

(D.O.No.AIRF/24(C) dt. 28.12.2017)

Sub: Compassionate ground appointed to the Daughter-in-Law of the deceased Railway Employee – item No: 42/2016 of PNM meeting held between AIRF to the Railway Board.

The issue was discussed in the PNM meeting held between AIRF and the Railway Board on 22/23.11.2016. It has been decided that the GM can send deserving case to the Railway Board for consideration. However instructions are yet to be issued by the Railway Board in this connection to be Zonal Railways.

It is requested that the due instructions in this regard may please be issued by the Railway Board to the Zonal Railways.

(No. AIRF/226(1131) dt. 28.12.2017)

Sub: Ayurvedic/Homeopathic Dispensaries under Staff Benefit Fund-Revision of Honorarium for Ayurvedic/Homeopathic Dispensers.

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Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.E(W)2016/ISM/9 dated 07.07.2017(RBE No.65/2017)

Railway Board vide their letter under reference have revised monthly honorarium for Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Consultants as also monthly subsidy on medicine for Ayurvedic/Homeopathic Dispensaries being run under the SBF. But in the case of Ayurvedic/Homeopathic Dispensers, Board stated that, “revised honorarium for Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Dispensers will be issued separately”.

The Board are, therefore, requested to communicate necessary sanction to all the Zonal Railways and Production Units for upward revision of honorarium for Ayurvedic/Homeopathic Dispensers, and while doing so, all the necessary factors should be taken care of.

(No. AIRF/150(1133) dt. 26.12.2017)

Sub: Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of services

Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)-II/2007/ RC-4/CORE/1 dated 12.12.2017(RBE No.193/2017)

It is a matter of concern that, while AIRF had put-forth a demand to resort to fresh recruitment against large-number of vacancies in Indian Railways in the larger-interest of safe train operation and also objected engagement of retired employees against these vacancies, Railway Board, however, instead of taking a positive action, have issued instructions to enhance the existing age limit of retired employees from 62 years to 65 years.

It may be appreciated that, a person is retired from the Railway Services on superannuation at the age of 60 years, keeping in view his detrimental mental and physical conditions. As such, it is not understood as to under what compulsion upper age limit of the retired employees, to be re-engaged against the existing vacancies, is being raised from 62 years to 65 years. Moreover, orders for re-engagement of retired employees against promotes Quota are very much provocative and will lead to serious agitations.

The Board are, therefore, requested to review the matter in the right perspective and corrective action be taken at an early date under an intimation to this federation.

(No. AIRF/24(C) (1126) dt. 22.12.2017)

Sub: Conclave titled “Sampark, Samanvay Evam Samvad” on vision for New Railway – New India 2022 on December, 2016, 2017, New Delhi

Ref.: Principal Executive Director (Transformation), Railway Board’s letter No.2017/ Transf.Cell/Transformation Workshop dated 13.12.2017

Reference above, we came across the above referred to letter of the Railway Board, under which detailed tentative programme was circulated to all concerned. Although it was not felt appropriate to involve the employees’ representatives in the programme, particularly on the topic – “Increasing happiness level of the employees so as to inspire them to give their best. What type of incentive can be given to motivate them”. We hope, the issue would have been deliberated in detail and fruitful conclusion would have been drawn.

It would be highly appreciated, if the outcome of the same is also communicated to this federation, so that, we are able to transmit it down the line for the information of the Railwaymen.

(No. AIRF/24(C) (1127) dt. 22.12.2017)

Sub: Minimum educational qualification for appointment in Level 1 of the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC on compassionate grounds.

Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2016/RR-1/12(3192238) dated 18.12.2017 (RBE No.195/2017)

We appreciate that, Railway board have issued instructions in regard to appointment in Level 1 of the Pay Matrix of the 7th CPC on compassionate ground, relaxing educational qualification to some extent while our demand has been that, in case of appointment on compassionate ground, the criteria of educational qualification, which was prevalent before implementation of recommendations of the VII CPC, should be allowed to continue, and there should be no change in the same.

This issue was raised by the GS/AIRF during the Opening Speech Session of the recently held PNM Meeting of AIRF with the Railway Board on 6-7 December, 2017. However, it is a matter of deep regret that, there is no mention of the demand raised by AIRF in the above referred to letter circulated by the Railway Board though we have repeatedly urged upon the Railway Board invariably to mention the reference of our demand on the instructions issued pursuant to the same.

It is, therefore, urged that, a “Corrigendum” may further be issued, relaxing educational qualification, as demanded by AIRF, and reference of AIRF’s demand should invariably be mentioned in the said Corrigendum without fail.

(No. AIRF/24(C) (1124) dt. 21.12.2017)

Sub: Recording of higher academic/educational qualification in the Service Record of employees recruited through RRBs – Non-mentioning of AIRF’s PNM Item No.34/2016

Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2016/IC-2/2 dated 07.12.2017 (RBE No.191/2017)

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Reference above, we have to submit that, the staff recruited both by the RRBs and RRCs are having same problem of recording their qualification while submitting application for appointment. So, the staff recruited both through the RRBs and RRCs be covered under the same orders.

It may also be mentioned that, we have referred the problem relates to the staff already recruited. As such, past cases should also be covered under the same provision. Moreover, it is a matter of serious concern that, while issuing aforementioned letter, no mention has been made about AIRF’s PNM Item No.34/2016, the same may please be incorporated.

So, AIRF would request the Railway Board to issue necessary orders, covering all such staff, already recruited both through the RRBs and RRCs.

(No. AIRF/PNM/34/2016(1117) dt.20.12.2017)

Sub: Reckoning of erstwhile GP Rs.4200 (Pay Matrix Level 6) as Initial Entry Pay for granting financial upgradation under MSCPs to Station Master Category in Railways

Ref.: General Manager, Central Railway’s letter No.Pers./CR/HQ/ET/215/14 dated 04.09.2017 letter dated 04.09.2017

Our Central Railway Affiliate – National Railway Mazdoor Union raised the issue of extension of MACPs benefit to the SMs, reckoning the erstwhile GP of Rs.4200 (Level 6 of the Pay Matrix) as Initial Entry Pay, considering the services of those SMs who completed 30 years of service, with Central Railway Administration. Consequently, General Manager, Central Railway vide his letter referred to above asked for clarification from the Railway Board on the subject matter.

The board are, therefore, requested to communicate necessary clarification to the all the Zonal Railway Administrations on the above-noted subject matter, which will extend the benefit of MACPs to thousands of Station Masters working over the Indian Railways. An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

(No. AIRF/12(1122) dt.16.12.2017)

Sub: Inclusion of Artisan staff engaged along with Track Maintainers in Risk & Hardship allowance

Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/4 dated 10.08.2017

Further to approval of 7th CPC recommendations Railway Board have sanctioned Risk and Hardship Allowance of Rs.2700/-pm to Track Maintainers working in the Railways. This allowance is advised to be given to Track Maintainers Gr.I, II, III and IV as per cell No.R3H3 @ Rs.2700/-pm for level 8 and below and Rs.3400/- for level 9 and above.

This is to apprise you that, Artisan Staff, engaged at every SSE (P.Way) Depots and working as fitter, Blacksmith, Hammerman, Carpenter, Painter, Welder, Mason and USFD Khalasi etc., are entrusted to perform their duties at far flung areas, terrain, Ghat Areas and in section where multiple running lines exist, including in Suburban Section. They are inseparable with track maintainers, engaged for maintenance and upkeep of tracks on daily basis and on emergency too.

AIRF is of considered view that, these Artisan Staff, working along with Track Maintainers, should also be extended the benefit of Risk & Hardship Allowance on par with Track Maintainers, OHE and TRD Staff as they too are vulnerable to risk factors as well as their nature of job is also quite hazardous.

The Board are, requested to communicate necessary instructions to all the Zonal Railway Administrations to extend the benefit of Risk & Hardship Allowance to fitter, Blacksmith, Hammerman, Carpenter, Painter, Welder, Mason and USFD Khalasi etc. on par with Track Maintainers, OHE and TRD Staff as they too are vulnerable to risk factors as well as their nature of job is also quite hazardous. An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

(No. AIRF/405(VII CPC) (1116) dt. 14.12.2017)

Sub: Admissibility of House Rent Allowance in the event of non-acceptance or surrender of railway residential accommodation.

Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2010/HRA-2 dated 08.12.2012 (RBE No.176/2010).

Your kind attention is invited towards our earlier letter of even number dated August 10, 2017, on the subject matter, wherein your goodself were requested to further extend the currency of period, as was done earlier vide Board’s letter supra dated 08.12.2010. Regrettably, nothing has been heard from the Railway Board in this regard.

The board are again requested to communicate necessary instructions to all the Zonal Railways and Production Units for further extending the currency of period, as was done earlier vide Board’s letter ibid dated 08.12.2010. An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated. (No.AIRF/405(VII CPC)

dt. 14.12.2017)

Sub: Norms for punishment in case of SPAD – Committee to review the same

The norms for punishment prescribed in case of SPAD have been a cause of concern for AIRF and the issue has been repeatedly raised and deliberated in detail at various levels, up to CRB, MoSR, Hon’ble MR, etc. This has been a regular agenda item of AIRF vide Item No.29/2012 in Railway Board’s PNM Meeting. The High Powered Committee, constituted by the Railway Board under the Chairmanship of Shri D.P.Tripathi, also discussed this issue in this report and made valuable suggestions to revise the prevalent norms of punishment in SPAD. Ultimately, a committee was again

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constituted by the Railway Board to go into the details of this vulnerable issue and to make recommendations in this regard. AIRF would like to communicate the undernoted parameters which need to be taken into consideration while finalizing the recommendations of the said committee:-

a. At present, passing all types of Red Stop Signals by the Loco Crew are defined as “SPAD” may be Stop Signal, Subsidiary Signal or Yard Stop Signal. In this connection attention is also drawn to the definition of Block Section that consists from last stop signal of previous station up to minimum 180 meters beyond 1st stop signal of the next station, meaning thereby that , any train when given line clear to enter into the block section is authorized to move up to 180 meters beyond the first stop signal of the next station, being within the Block Section(no violation of Block Working Rule), but as per practice in vogue, passing even one meter beyond the 1st stop signal of the next station is being considered as “SPAD”, which is not in order as per the said definition of the Block Section.

b. While taking a decision in case of SPAD, total duty, rest hours, point of SPAD, over speeding, other parameters related to brake power, gradient, condition of the track etc. also need to be examine in depth before declaring a case as SPAD.

c. Globally in depth study revealed a large number of contributory factors, which are annexed as “Annexure -- A”, need to be taken into account while investigating the SPAD cases.

d. A number of General and Subsidiary Rules, governing train operation have become obsolete and being age-old need to be reframed in the present context of high speed longer train hauls and heavier load. It is also often observed that, in most of the case, the trains are being run overloaded beyond the prescribed load. It would be quite appropriate that a meeting with the federation be fixed before finalization of recommendations of the committee to discuss all the aspects for better appreciation.

(No.AIRF/529(1120) dt. 14.12.2017)

Sub: Revision of overtime Allowance consequent upon revision of the pay scales on the recommendations of the VII CPC

Ref.: Railway Board’s letters No. PC-V/2008/A/O/3(OTA) dated 17.02.2010, No. PC-V/2008/A/O/3(OTA) dated 05.05.2011 and No. PC-V/2017/A/OTA dated 28.11.2017.

The Government of India accepted the recommendations of the VII CPC in regard to revision of pay-scales and other perks as also subsequently revised the rates of various allowances, being paid to railway employees, including overtime Allowance. Unlike other Central Government Departments, Indian Railways operates round-the clock 24X7 and a large–number of railway employees are bound to work

beyond the roster/statutory duty hours in the exigencies of work. They cannot leave their duty until and unless relieves are provided to work vice them. Their duty hours are governed by Hours of Employment (regulations) and Statutory Acts, as such, they are entitled for payment of Overtime Allowance for the period they work beyond their roster/statutory duty hours. It is worth-mentioning here that, on the previous occasion, after implementation of recommendations of the VI CPC, Railway Board had issued orders, vide their letter No.PC-V/2008/A/O/3(OTA) dated 20.05.2011, for payment of overtime allowance to the railway employees at revised rated w.e.f. 01.01.2006 consequent upon an agreement arrived at with this federation on DC/JCM Item No.24/2010. It is, however, observed that, Railway Board have issued instructions, vide their letter No.PC-V/2017/A/OTA/1 dated 28.11.2017 (RBE No.175/2017) for payment of overtime allowance at revised rates w.e.f.01.07.2017 instead of 1st January, 2016, which is quite unfair and unjustified. In this connection, attention of the Board is again invited towards our agreement under DC/JCM item no.24/2010, which needs to be applied in the instant case also because overtime allowance being a part of the wages in terms of statutory provisions should also be paid w.e.f. date of revision of the pay-scales.

It is, therefore, requested that the above issue may be reviewed in the light of the foregoing and the rates of the overtime allowance be revised w.e.f.01.01.2016 instead of 01.07.2017 with payment of consequential arrears.

(No. AIRF/405(VII CPC)(1119) dt. 14.12.2017)

Sub: Continuance of LARSGESS

Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-2015/RT-43 dated 27.10.2017

Safety Related Retirement Scheme was introduced vide Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-2001/RT-2(KW) dated 02.01.2004 after lots of deliberations regarding safety of the Railways. Subsequently, while presenting Rail Budget, Hon’ble Minister for Railways had announced on the floor of the Parliament that, Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme would be extended and implemented by the Railway Board in a biggest perspective. The scheme has been renamed as “Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS)” and circulated vide Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2 dated 11.09.2010.

The scheme has infused new blood in exchange of old one and motivated the staff to give their best for ensuring safety of the travelling public.

The scheme has withstood the best of time in many High Courts as well. In this connection, the judgement delivered by Hon’ble Patna High Court on 29.06.2015(against Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case No.7926 of 2015, quashing the orders of

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Patna CAT) may please be referred to (copy of the judgement of Patna High Court delivered is enclosed).

It is urged that, the Scheme be allowed to continue at least in the states, where either Hon’ble High Court did not intervene

or Hon’ble High Court did not intervene or Hon’ble High Court has allowed its continuance.

So, the blanket ban issued vide Railway Board’s letter under reference may please be relaxed to that extent.

(No.AIRF/415 Dated: December 5, 2017)




The Biennial General Council Meeting (BGCM) of NRMU was held at Pune on 19th & 20th of December, 2107. This mega convention was a grand success in consideration of its splendidness of organization and mass participation of the cadre of NRMU.

Thousands of Union members, activists, visitors and delegates reached to Pune city from every nook & corner of Central Railway including from far-flung areas.

Women Session:

As per the chartered programme, Women session was held in Railway Institute on 19th Dec. 2017. This session was started at about 10:30 hrs wherein about 1000 women members were participated. The session was a grand success with serious deliberations and discussion held on various issues related with the women workforce. The dias was occupied by chief guests, Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, GS/AIRF, Com. Rakhaldas Gupta, President /AIRF, Com. J.R. Bhosle, Treasurer, AIRF & General Secretary WREU and Com. Nishi Kapahi, Chief Women Coordinator/ITF. Com. Kamakshi Bagalwadikar and Com. Jayalakshmi along with other distinguished women office bearers from different divisions were also present on dias.

While addressing the women session Com. S.G. Mishra have called upon the women fraternity of Railway workforce to come forward and render their maximum support in all endeavours of Trade Union movements which would strengthen the resistance movement spearheaded by Union against injustice towards the Railwaymen in general and women staff in particular. Other speakers including Com. Rakhaldas Gupta and Com. Nishi Kapahi have urged the women staff to ensure their constructive involvement in all spheres of trade union activities which will enable the Organized Labour for the early redressal of several heart burning issues of the women staff. A charter of demands were placed in the house on which the comments of audience

were called for resolved to and place for necessary redressal at Zonal and Board levels. The impressive women session was well appreciated by the chief guests and applauded the efforts of Com. Venu P. Nair, General Secretary of the Union who is striving his best to organize the youth and women folks in a massive scale which is the need of the hour to take forward Trade Union movement of the country.

The women session was concluded in high spirit and in a positive note amidst high pitched sloganeering in favour of the Union, Federation, leadership and for the strengthened unity of women power.

Massive Rally:

Thousands of comrades have gathered enthusiastically at the originating point of the rally adjacent to the Pune station area by noon itself. Com. Venu P. Nair, General Secretary Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, GS/AIRF Com. Nishi Kapahi, Com. Mukesh Mathur,GS/NWREU Com. R.N. Yadav, DS/JHS/NCRMU were present in this grand rally.

Open Session:

The open session was started at about 19-00 hrs. the dias was decorated in grandeur, submerged in red and displayed gigantic cutouts of Com. Venu P. Nair, Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra and Com. Rakhaldas Gupta. All the distinguished guests and office bearers of HQ and division were invited to the dias and welcomed with garlands and a memento/souvenir of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule. After a brief introductory speech by Com. Nitin Pradhan President, Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, GS/AIRF was invited to address and inaugurate the open session.

While addressing the audience Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra has given his hearty compliments to the mammoth gathering he witnessed earlier in the women session and thereafter in the open session. He also praised the unparallel and historical rally taken out by the Union which has exhibited its strength and the undisputed sovereignty of Com. Venu P. Nair, General Secretary. He showered blessings to Com. Venu P. Nair

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for his dynamic leadership and the successful conduct of this 63rd BGCM of NRMU being held at Pune city. He also complimented and shared his happiness in organizing this event at Pune under the leadership of Com. Kamthan and his team.

Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra have spoken and narrated various matters related with the struggle and the achievements of AIRF and NRMU through which the identity and the dignity of Railwaymen had a transformation. He reminded the workers to think about the contribution of our predecessors who have sacrificed their lives for the betterment of this generation who are in a far better position in terms of their status derived out of better pay, privilege and comforts and social security. He further elaborated on various achievements which includes the constitution of different pay commissions, struggle for implementation of its recommendations, disbursement of pay and other allowances and redressal of numerous other staff related issues including the issues of employees charter of demands, enhanced revision of GDCE percentage, execution of various provisions to fill up the vacancies against Direct quota, departmental and LDCE quota. He also spoken about the relaxation made in the qualification for compassionate ground appointment exempting the deserving candidates from the additional requirements of ITI or NCTVT courses along with minimum academic criteria. He have spoken on the restrictions being made on appointment through LARGESS Scheme and explained its strong protest of the AIRF against the stand of the Railway board. He has also expressed his resentment against the decision of Railway Ministry to shift Central Railway administrative HQ from CSMT to make the administrative building to a museum. He has also warned the Govt. with direct consequences if the policies of complete sale out of Railways are implemented. He also called upon the Ministry and the Board to fill up all vacancies existing in Railways and urged them to look into the issues placed through a charter of demands which includes revision of minimum wage, fitment formula, scrapping of NPS, issues related with the running staff and their allowances and revised cadre restructuring of Track Maintainers of Indian Railways. He also urges the Govt. to look into the issues related with HOER provisions, working conditions of the staff, upkeep and maintenance of Railway colonies, Railway hospitals and various issues pertaining to the women employees.

While concluding his speech he exhorted the audience to prepare themselves for an aggressive agitation which will start from the first of January earmarked to protest against the injustice towards the running staff of Railways. He also spoke about the expected secret ballot to be held for the recognition of the Unions in the Railways which may be

pre-poned and may be held in the last month of 2018. He called upon the staff to be more alert and join every resistance movement formulated by the AIRF and expressed his confidence on the valuable and committed participation of the members of NRMU who are being led by Com. Venu P. Nair, GS of NRMU.

An inspirational song dedicated to the Union, penned and composed by Com. Kiran Patil a disabled member of the Union from Matunga workshop was launched and played on the occasion which was appreciated by standing ovation by each and everyone. A valiant display of sword fight was done by a young female admirer of the Union Ms. V. Kulkarni.

Com. Nishi Kapahi while addressing the audience conveyed hearty compliments to Com. Venu P. Nair, GS/NRMU which was sent by Br. Stephen Cotton, Com. Abdul Gani, and Com. Sangam Tripathy, the international leaders of ITF. She stressed upon to organize the contract workers engaged in the Railways to meet the requirement of almost 40% of the activities of the industry. She has urged the women activists to be more pro-active in the trade union programmes and requested them to participate in the education classes held by ITF at various places of the country and abroad.

DRM/PA Shri Deolekar, Com. Mukesh Mathur, Com. R.N. Yadav, Com. Rakhaldas Gupta, Com. J.R. Bhosle have also addressed the audience and inspired them with their valuable and appreciative comments on the successful conduct of the convention and the strength being shown by the Comrades of NRMU in all Trade Union movements in the past, present and expressed their confidence of continuing the spirit in future too. The open session was concluded in a very high note and with a self pledge of the members to associate with the Union in all its endeavours in the days to come. Com. Nitin Pradhan, President have extended vote of thanks to all members, distinguished guests and Pune division for this splendid convention being successfully held in the heart of the city.

Delegate Session:

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The Delegate session which was proposed to be held on 20th Dec. 2017 have conducted in Jawaharlal Nehru memorial hall from 10-30 hours. All the customary proceedings were fulfilled promptly and precisely and the session moved ahead to the presentation of General Secretary’s Report in the house. Com. Venu P. Nair have given an elaborate speech which took more than 3 hours touching every minute aspect of the report and exchanging his views, vision and aspirations to carry forward the activities of NRMU. He has given apt focus on the important aspects of the necessity of commitment, dedication and urged every worker to associate with the Union. He also stressed upon the need of organizing the youth and women in all spheres and to organize the contract staff engaged in Railways as it is paramount in the present scenario to ensure their active presence in every resistance movement envisioned by the Federation. The delegate session which was started at about 10-30 hrs. continued till 10-30 in the night which itself is a mile stone in the organizational history of NRMU and established the seriousness of Trade Union functioning of Union. About 36 delegates have spoken upon the report and everybody has appreciated the contents of the report unanimously.

Thereafter a one line statement placed for approval of the 3 resolutions brought out by AIRF was passed with thunderous applause and sloganeering by the attendees. The full auditorium which was packed with about 1000 participants have also approved the 2 draft resolutions prepared by NRMU and which has presented before the house with high pitched sloganeering and applause. The statements of accounts were also passed unanimously. The new governing body elected to HQ and divisions were also approved by the House. A revised panel of Working Committee Members was also approved by the house. In the lag end of the delegate session Com. Nitin Pradhan addressed the audience and extended vote of thanks for their participation and successful conduct of the whole BGCM.


13th BGM & 95th AGM of EASTERN RAILWAYMEN'S UNION held at Madhupur, (Jharkhand) ,Asansol Division, E. Rly. from 16th to 18th December, 2017.

The 13th BGM & 95th AGM of ERMU held at Madhupur (Jharkhand), Asansol Division, E. Rly. from 16th to 18th

December, 2017 at Lal Bahadur Sashtri Railway Institute, Madhupur. The open session was held on 16th

December, 2017, wherein Com. SHIVA GOPAL

MISHRA, GS/AIRF & Com. RAKHAL DASGUPTA/ PRESIDENT/AIRF along with other dignitaries took part. Thousands of Railwaymen attended. The women's convention was also held on 16th December, 2017 in the morning. The delegate session commenced from 6 pm of the same date after the open session was over. Delegate session continued up to 7.30 pm. After that subject committee meeting continued upto 9.00 pm. The next day, the 17th December, 2017 the Delegate session started at 9.00 AM. Total 31 delegates took part in the discussion on the report placed by the GS/ ERMU. Total nine resolutions were placed before the house. Apart from 5 statutory resolutions four important resolutions were placed and passed.

(1) Resolution on future programme: Keeping in mind the attack on working class of this country in general through different policies & legislation and Railwaymen In particular through 100% FDI a three months long campaign & protest programme had been proposed,

(2) The recent atrocities on the state government Employees to stop there just movement enforcing black laws,

3) To form a CONTRACT LABOUR UNION under the aegis of ERMU,

4) Against rising communalism in our country which is trying to divide the society and endangering the constitutional provision of secularism.

The Delegate session was complete by 5 pm of 17th Dec, 2017. After that election was held. Totally there are 20 posts of central office bearers & 1 post of zonal secretary /AIRF. Election was held only in the post of Organizing Secretary where against 7 posts 8 nominations were there. All the 7 candidates of official panel have won by huge margin. Whereas a highest & lowest vote polled in favour of the official panel was 402 & 400 respectively, the opposition could only get 4 votes. All other posts were elected uncontested.

The newly elected principal leadership are, GENERAL SECRETARY:-- Com.S.K.Bandyopadhyay, President: Com. Chapala Banerjee, Wkg.President: Com. Amit Kr. Ghosh, Jt Genl Secy: Com.M.S.Mondal,Zonal Secy /Airf: Com.M.K.P.Singh. In this regard it is worthy to mention that this meeting was earlier scheduled to be held from 26th to 28th Aug, 2017 but subsequently

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postponed due to life threatening on the GS/ERMU COM.S.K.BANDYOPADHYAY by antisocial elements demanding inclusion of their nominees undemocratically and a subsequent litigation.

Observance of “ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY” on 1st January, 2018

All India Railwaymen’s Federation in the General Council Meeting held at Gorakhpur on 15.11.2017 expressed its serious concern about the burning problems of Running Staff, especially the delaying attitude and the discouraging response of the Government to finalize the rates of Running Allowance on par with the revised TA and other Allowances pertaining to running staff. Following the General Council Meeting of AIRF, General Secretary AIRF Com Shiva Gopal Mishra while attending the Open session at the BGCM of National Railway Mazdoor Union Central Railway held at Pune on 19.12.2017 addressed that there is no option left out to the Running Staff except jumping into agitation programs to secure their legitimate rights of Running Allowance and other allowances pertaining to them and further declared to observe the New Year day 01.01.2018 as the “ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY” over the entire Nation in all branches, Crew lobbies, Divisional Head quarters, Zonal Head quarters of Indian Railways.

On the call of All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) “ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY” was observed by the affiliates of AIRF all over the Indian Railways on 01.01.2018 by organizing rallies, dharnas, gate meetings, demonstrations in front of all the Branch offices, Zonal Headquarters, Divisional Headquarters and various workshops and depots by the all over Indian Railways. The zonal reports are received gradually. Some are… SWRMU As per the clarion call given by AIRF, the south western railway Mazdoor union has held massive demonstrations in front of DRM Offices at Hubballi, Bengaluru, and Mysuru divisions & GM’s Office at Hubballi. About 1000 employees from UBL division along with Running Staff participated from all the branches to show their solidarity towards the call given by AIRF/SWRMU. Addressing the rally at Hubballi, General Secretary Com. Dr.A.M.D’Cruz, urged the Ministry of Railways to resolve to revise the rates of the Running Allowances and other allowances relate to Running Staff which are overdue and delayed inordinately by the Ministry of Railways and other major demands of Railwaymen like revision in fitment formula, fixation of pay under 7th CPC from 01.01.2016, scrap

New Pension Scheme (NPS), Restoration of Larsgess scheme etc etc. Com.R.R.Naik, Zonal Presiden, Com. V.E.Charkhani, Zonal Treasurer, Com.S.F.Mallad, Com. K.Venkatesh, Asst.General Secretaries, Com.S.A.Albert.D’Cruz, DS/UBL were also present. At Bengaluru division demonstration was led by Com. Fahim Yates, Division President/SBC, Com.K.V. Raghavendra, DS/Bengaluru & other divisional office bearers were about 1000 members participated and Mysuru division was led by Com. S.Somashekar, DP/Mys, Com. P.Shivaprakash, DS/Mysuru and team of divisional office bearers were about 1000 members participated in the massive rally.

NRMU (CR) On receiving the clarion call of the AIRF, all the branches of Running Staff, all the five Divisions of NRMU/CR, were geared up to hold “ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY” on 01.01.2018. MUMBAI DIVISION: In Mumbai Division, the Protest Day program was observed on 01.01.2018 jointly by Loco Running branch, Traffic Running Branch and Panvel Branch before CST Suburban Lobby. More than 500 Running Staff of Mumbai division attended the program wearing black badges in token of their protest. Black cards displaying the slogans against the NPS, demand of revised Running Allowance on par with revised TA and other burning problems were seriously brought before the attention of the Running Staff as well as the Mumbaikers. Com. P.T.S.Raja well addressed as to why the Running Staff were compelled to go ahead for the Dharna. The Suburban Train working was also slightly disturbed because of the Dharna. In the Climax of the Protest Day movement, General Secretary Com. Venu.P.Nair, President Com.Nitin Pradhan and ECC President Com. V.S Sawant addressed before the participants about the efforts taken by NRMU CR with regard to the various issues of Running staff. He emphasized the importance of Running staff Unity and appealed all the Running staff to be united and advised that without Unity we could not achieve our goals. He also told about the efforts taken by the NRMU/AIRF for the revision of Punishment Norms of SPAD. BHUSAWAL DIVISION: The Protest day Meetings were observed at Bhusawal, Nadgaon, Khandwa, Igatpuri. At Bhusawal there was a Morcha along with 350 participants.The program was conducted by Com Khambhaya, Secretary Bhusawal Running Branch. Com. Ghande thanked all the Running staff who were participated the movement. NAGPUR DIVISION: The Protest Day was observed at Nagpur division at three places. The beginning was at Ajni Shed in the morning in between 08.00 hrs to 09.30 hrs, then in front of DRM Office Nagpur in between 13.30 hrs to 15.00 hrs and at Amla in between 13.30 hrs to 15.00 hrs. More than 200 running staff from the Division attended the meeting. Divisional Secretary Com. Habib Khan, Treasurer Com. Narendra Dhanphulle,

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ADS Com. Pramod Bhogde Com. Saji Secretary LTRS NGP and many other Comrades addressed before the gatherings at Ajni Shed. The meeting before DRM Office was conducted under the leadership of NRMU WCM Com. Navin Kalve and the meeting at Amla was done under the leadership of Secretary Amla branch Com Yograj Dhote. All the three programs were done successfully. SOLAPUR DIVISION: At Solapur division, the Protest Day was observed at all the four Crew Lobbies. At Puntamba lobby, the Protest Day was held at 10.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs under the leadership of Assistant Secretary Com Ravi Ranjan with the gatherings of 30, at Daund lobby under the leadership of Divisional Secretary Com. Saji Jacob with the gatherings of 70, at Solapur lobby under the leadership of Com Sanjay Pawar, Chairman LTRS SUR, and Treasurer Com V.H. Kulkurni with the gatherings of about 50 and at Wadi lobby under the leadership of Com Assistant Secretary S.R.Patil. At all places the anguish and resentment of Running Staff were seen in their speeches. PUNE DIVISION: The Protest Day was held before PUNE Crew Lobby on and from 10.00 hrs. More than 100 Running Staff gathered before the lobby. The program was inaugurated by Com Kalburgi, Divisional President. Com Sunil Kamthan Divisional Secretary in his speech boosted up all the Running staff that this is the time to show the Strength of Running Staff Unity and all the running Staff to get united under AIRF/NRMU to sort out all the issues of Running Staff. Many Comrades from running staff branch also spoke before the gatherings.

SRMU All over South Railway’s Loco/Traffic Running Staff organized a massive rally on 01.01.2018 under the banner of SRMU/AIRF in support of their demand of revision running allowance and show their unity on “All India Protest Day”. The All India Protest held by All Running Staff DEPOTs at MMC, TBM, TVT, SA, ED, PGT, SRR,CLT, TVC, MDU, TPJ, MV&VM.

WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY EMPLOYEES UNION Observance of “BLACK DAY” from 21.12.2017 TO 26.12.2017 against NPS & Anti-Labour Policies of the Railway Board The Government of India has become anti-labour government. One by one, the present government is defying the worker’s right. Because of this, WCREU observed “Black Week” from 21 December to 26 December, against the government. Thus, all the branches of the three divisions of West Central Railway - Kota, Bhopal and Jabalpur, were also opposed to the Government by Gate meetings and demonstrations in their premises. During this Black Week, the demands were raised like, Scrap New Pension Scheme and cover all Railwaymen with guaranteed pension, filling up all vacant posts, Continuance of the LARSGESS, Maintenance of Railway Colonies, and no privatization of patrolmen and deleting GPS etc. Com. Navin Litoria

Divisional Secretary of union urged workers to raise voice against anti-worker policies of Indian Government.

NRMU (CR)- Workers Education Programme held from 4th and 6th December, 2017 at Bhusaval As per the directives of Com. Venu P. Nair, GS/NRMU, workers education programme was organized at Bhusaval from 4th to 6th December, 2017. More than 25 youths including women employees of Bhusaval based branches were participated in the programme. Com. Shyam Nayak and Com. B.L. Yadav were the instructors for the programme. Com. Shyam Nayak delivered lecture on purpose and objective and importance of Trade Union, need of leader and leadership, skill history of NRMU its struggles and achievements, progressive change in organizational under the leadership of Com. Venu P.Nair.

SWRMU-MASSIVE DHARNA On 30/11/2017, SWRMU/UBL Division held “MASSIVE DHARNA” in front of DRM/UBL office premises, condemning the attitude of DME/Power/UBL who was bent upon to introduce New Crew Link without consultation of SWRMU/UBL Division. The ‘MASSIVE DHARNA’ was led by Com. Dr. A. M. D’Cruz, GS/SWRMU, Com. S.A. Albert. D’Cruz, DS/SWRMU/UBL, Com. V.E.Charkhani, Zonal Treasurer/ SWRMU, Central/Divisional office bearers of UBL, Com. A.K.Sundaram, Secretary/LTRS Br/UBL, Office bearers & BEC/Youth Members of Loco, Traffic & Running Staff branch (LTRS). About 100-150 Loco Pilots participated in the dharna & expressed their support to SWRMU. Similarly protest dharnas were held in front of UBL, CLR, BJP, BAY & VSG Crew depot lobbies to exert pressure on administration. Addressing the gathering Com. Dr.A.M.D’Cruz, GS/SWRMU condemned the attitude of DME/P/UBL in introducing New Crew Link & urged the DRM/UBL to keep the proposed New crew link under abeyance till meeting with Union is arranged and views of Union are submitted. Com. S.A.Albert.D’Cruz, DS/UBL also addressed the LTRS comrades. Later, Memorandum was submitted to DRM/UBL with demands of Running Staff and DRM/UBL agreed to keep the proposed crew link under abeyance, till suggestions from Union are obtained & assured to take action of the pending demands.

RAIL COACH FACTORY MEN’S UNION Tribute to our beloved Com.T.N.Bajpai on his 21st death anniversary On 17th January, 2018 twenty years of martyrdom has been completed to Bajpai ji. But even today we have the feeling that he is still in our midst and encouraged us to fight for the demands of technical workers. In the year 1951, at the time of the first pay commission, our minimum wage was fixed but the government did not accept it, then on 11.07.1960 he made a strike, then he was arrested and evicted from the job, but later on the order of the court, Bajpajee got his job again. He has done many welfare works for Railwaymen like... technician/artisan got group ‘c’ category, casual leave for

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workshop employees, promotion, DA and other allowances, bonus, and benefits of cadre restructuring etc. moreover, due to his constant struggle retired employees are getting 50% pension, and DA and other allowances for pensioners and family pensioners. In 1996, the deduction in bonus ceiling and on the possibility of not getting bonus to Group ‘D’, Bajpai had indefinitely hunger strike and day by day his health declined and on 17th January, 1997 our masiha left us forever. But we always follow his principles and values. Today, we have to

face many challenges, all India railwaymen’s federation has placed 36 charter demands before the government but they are not accepting them and want to apply the privatization/FDI in the Indian Railways. We emphasized the importance of railway employees Unity and appealed all the railway employees to be United and advised that without Unity we could not achieve our goals. It would be our hearty and true tribute to the 21st martyrdom of Late com. T.N. Bajpai.


Sub: Grant of DR admissible to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Central autonomous Bodies who are in receipt of pension in pre-revised pay structure/scales of 6th CPC. Ref.: JS(Pers.)/DOE’s D.O.letter No.1/2/2017-E.II(B) dated26.10.2017. Please find enclosed (see original doc.)herewith a D.O.letter No.1/2/2017-E.II(B) dated 26.10.2017 received from Joint secretary(Pers.) Ministray of Finance, Department of Expenditure regarding admissibility of Dearness Relief (DR) to the pensioners of Central Autonomous Bodies who are in pre-revised pension as per 6th CPC.

(No.PC-VI/2008/I/7/2/2 RBE No.198.dated 19.12.2017)

Sub: Measures to improve safety on Indian Railways. Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 30.01.2017, 22.03.2017 and 23.06.2017 I am (Dy.Director, Estt. (LR)) directed to state that Board’s letter of even number dated 30.01.2017 should be treated as cancelled. This issue with the approval of Board (MS & CRB).


Sub: Minimum education qualification for recruitment of staff from open market in Level-1 of the pay matrix of 7th CPC – Catering staff- reg. Attention is invited to instructions issued vide this Ministry’s letter under RBE No. 73/2017 dated 27.07.2017, laying down minimum educational qualification for recruitment of staff from open market to posts in Level-I of the pay matrix of 7th CPC (earlier Grade Pay Rs.1800/-), through all modes, against direct recruitment quota. The qualifications with respect to posts of Catering staff have further been reviewed and it has been decided by Board that in partial modification of instructions contained in RBE No.73/2017, the minimum educational qualification for recruitment of staff in Level-l of the pay matrix of 7th CPC (earlier Grade Pay Rs.1800/-) through all modes for Catering staff, will henceforth be as under:- 10th pass plus ITI in Bakery & Confectionery/Food Beverages/Baker & Confectioner/Food & Beverages Guest Service/Food Production (General) under Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS); OR 10th pass plus course in (i) Cook (General), (ii) Cook (Continental), (iii) Cook (Indian cuisine), (iv) Food & Beverages Service and (v) Hospitality Assistant

Modular Employable Skills (MES) under SDI as approved by NCVT; OR 10th pass plus Trade Diploma in Food Production / Trade Diploma in Food & Beverages Operation/Trade Diploma in Bakery & Confectionery, obtained from any of the institutes of Hotel Management under National Council of Hotel Management and catering Technology or any other institutions run by Central Government/State Government/Bodies enacted by Act of Parliament or State Legislatures or recognised by Central Government/State Government/Bodies enacted by Act of Parliament or State Legislatures. (No. E(NG)II/2000/RR-1/17 (3012944) RBE No.192/2017.dt.11/12/2017)

Sub: Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Implementation of decision relating to Special Allowance for Child care for women with disabilities. A copy of the Office Memorandum No. A-27012/03/ 2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017 of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) conveying Government’s decision on the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities is enclosed. These instructions shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees and shall be effective from 1st July, 2017. (No.E(W)2017/ED-2/4.RBE No.190/2017.dt.07/12/2017)

Sub: Grant of Advances 7th CPC recommendations- Amendment to rules on House Building Advance (HBA) to Railway servants. Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of 7th CPC, the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (Housing-III Section) vide their OM No.I.17011/11(4)/2016-H-III dated 09.11.2017 have amended the existing provisions relating to the grant of House Building Advance (HBA). 2. The above mentioned OM of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoH&UA) relating to grant of House Building Advance (HBA) will apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees also. 3. Necessary Advance Correction slip to the chapter XI of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol.I Revised ed.1989 will follow.

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4. The revised orders are effective from 09.11.2017 i.e. the date of the issue of the aforesaid OM of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs on House Building Advance (HBA).

(No.F(E)Spl./2008/ADV.3/6(7th CPC).RBE No.183/2017.dt.05/12/2017)

Sub: Implementation of the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission –Revision of the rates of Railway Board Tenure allowance applicable to the officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services on their appointment as Deputy Directors/Joint Directors/Directors in Railway Board’s office. The officers of Organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services posted as Deputy Directors,joint Directors and Directors in the Railway Board are entitled for the payment of Railway Board Tenure allowance in terms of Board’s letter No.PC-VI/2008/I/7/5/3 dated 14.10.2008 (S.No.PC-VI/36,RBE No.154/2008). 2. Consequent upon the acceptance of the Report of 7th CPC by the Government, it has been decided that on their posting as Deputy Directors, Joint Directors, and Directors in the office of the Railway Board, the officers of the organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services will be entitled to draw their basic pay plus Railway Board Tenure Allowance on the terms and conditions as stipulated in para 4 below subject to review/modifications, if any, based on DoPT’s guidelines on Deputation (Duty) Allowances. 3. it is further decided that the officers of the non-Railway organized Group ‘A’ services on their appointment to the posts of Deputy Directors/Joint Directors/Directors in the Railway Board Secretariat will be entitled either to get their pay fixed in the applicable cell in Pay matrix in appropriate level or to draw basic pay plus Tenure Allowances as applicable to Railway organized Group ‘A’ Services officers as stipulated in para 4 below. 4. The terms and conditions for drawing Railway Board Tenure Allowance on posting in Railway Board’s office will be as under:- i. The officers of organized Group ‘A’ Raiway Services as

well as the Officers of non-Railway Organized Group ‘A’ Services posted in the Railway Board’s office as Deputy Directors, Joint Directors and Directors will be subjected to a prescribed tenure, on the expiry of which they will be reverted to field postes in Zonal Railways/Production Units/Construction organizations etc.

ii. Officers belonging to organized Group ‘A’ Railway services posted in Railway Board’s office as Deputy Directors,joint Directors and Directors will be paid Railway Board Tenure Allowance at the rate of 10% of their basic pay subject to a ceiling of Rs.9000/-p.m.

iii. The allowance will not be paid beyond the normal tenure of 3 years for Deputy Directors,4 years for joint Directors and 5 years for Directors

iv. No allowance will be admissible to the officers of the Railway Services posted as Executive Directors and above in the Raiway Board’s office.

v. This allowance shall not be admissible to those Deputy Directors/joint Directors/Directors who are given extension or re-employment after superannuation.

vi. In cases where the tenure posting is to a post with a lower Level of pay, the pay of the Officer going to such a post will be filled in the tenure post as per extant rules.

Basic Pay’ in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Level in the pay matrix but does not include any other type of pay like Special Pay, etc. 5. These orders shall take effect from 1st July, 2017. 6. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(No.PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/6.RBE No.182/2017.dt.04/12/2017)

Sub: Implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC – Revision of the rates of Tenure Allowance to officers of organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services

posted as Deputy Directors, Joint Directors,

Directors and Group ‘B’ officers when posted against senior scale post in RDSO. Kindly refer to Board’s letter No.PC-VI/2008/I/7/5/3 dated 27.03.2009 (S.No.PC-VI/94, RBE No.58/2009) on the above mentioned subject. 2. Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of 7th CPC, it is decided that on their posting as Deputy Directors, Joint Directors, and Directors in the office of RDSO, the officers of the organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services will be entitled to draw their basic pay plus Tenure allowance on the terms and conditions as stipulated below subject to review/modifications, if any, based on DoPT’s guidelines on Deputation (Duty) Allowances. i. The officers of organized Group ‘A’ Railway Service posted in the RDSO as Deputy Directors, Joint Directors and Directors will be subjected to a prescribed tenure, on the expiry of which they will be reverted to field posts in Zonal Railways/Production Units and Construction Organisations. ii. Officers belonging to Organized Group ‘A’ Railway Services posted in RDSO as Deputy Directors/Joint Directors/Directors will be paid Tenure Allowance at the rate of 10% of their basic pay subject to a ceiling of Rs.9000/-pm. iii. The allowance will not be paid beyond the normal tenure of three years for Deputy Directors, four years for Joint Directors and five years of Directors. iv. No Tenure Allowance will be admissible to the officers of the Services posted as Executive Directors and above in RDSO. v. This allowance shall not be admissible to those Deputy Directors/joint Directors/Directors who are given extension or re-employment after superannuation. vi. In cases where the tenure posting is a post with a lower Level of pay, the pay of the officer going to such a post will be filled in the tenure post as per extant rules. ‘Basic Pay’ in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Level in the pay matrix but does not include any other type of pay like Special Pay, etc.

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3. the existing conditions contained in para 4 of Board’s letter No.PC-V/98/I/7/3 dated 12.02.2004 would continue to be operative. TADK will not be admissible. 4. These orders shall take effect from 1st July, 2017. 5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(No.PC-VII/2017/I/7/5/6.RBE No.181/2017.dt.04/12/2017)

Sub: Special benefits in cases of death and disability in service – Revision of Disability pension/Family Pension under CCS (EOP) Rules of pre-2016 disability pensioners/family pensioners in implementation of recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission. A Copy of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW)’s OM No. 1/4/2016-P&PW (F) dated 12th October, 2017 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. The Rule 8 of the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 corresponds to Rule 9 of the Railway Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1993.

2. The Railway Board’s instructions corresponding to the DOP&PW’s instructions referred to in their aforesaid O.M. dated 12th October, 2017 are given under:

S.No. DOP&PW’s instructions Railway Board’s corresponding instructions

1. O.M.No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A) (ii)dated04.08.2016.

Letter No.2016/F(E) III/ 1(1)/7dated 10.08.2016

2. O.M.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 12.05.2017.

Letter No.2016/F(E) III/ 1(1)/7dated 22.05.2017.

3. O.M.No.38/41/06-P&PW(A) dated 05.05.2009.

Letter No.2008/AC-II/21/19 dated 29.05.2009

(No.F(E)III/2008/PN1/20.RBE No.179/2017.dt.30/11/2017)

Sub: Minimum rates of wages and variable dearness allowance w.e.f. 01.10.2017 A copy each of Orders No.(i) 1/13(7)/2017-LS.II, (ii) 1/13/(6)/2017-LS.II, (iii) 1/13/(5)2017-LS.II, (iv) 1/13/(4)/2017-LS.II (v) 1/13/(3)2017-LS.II and (vi) 1/13(1)/2017-LS-II dated

06.10.2017 revising the rates of variable dearness allowance for contract workers engaged in (i) Loading and unloading in goods sheds, parcel offices of Railways, and other goods – sheds, godowns, warehouses and other similar employments (ii) Watch and Ward (Without arms) (iii) Employment of sweeping and cleaning excluding activities prohibited under the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993 (iv) Stone mines (v) Construction or Maintenance of Roads or runways or in Building Operations including Laying Down Underground electric, wireless, Radio, Television, Telephone, Telegraph and Overseas Communication Cables and Similar other Underground cabling work, Electric lines, Water supply lines and Sewerage Pipe Lines and (vi) Agriculture respectively is sent herewith for information and strict compliance. The rates are applicable w.e.f. 01.10.2017. 2. Railways, being Principal Employer are required to ensure that the contractors are complying with the provisions of the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 and Minimum wages Act, 1948 strictly and arranging prescribed minimum wages to the contract labourers. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

(No.2016/E (LL)/AT/MW/1.RBE No.178/2017.dt. 07/12/2017)

Sub: Retention of leased accommodation at previous place of posting by Railway officers posted as Divisional Railway Manager (DRM). Ref: Railway Board’s policy letter No.E(G)2010QR1-1(DRMs) dated 04.09.2017. Reference is invited to railway board’s policy letter under reference dated 04.09.2017 whereby Railway officers posted as DRM have been permitted to retain the Railway quarter at the place of their previous posting for the whole tenure of their posting as DRM plus another 2 months thereafter on payment of normal rent.

2. It has further been decided by Railway Board that Railway officers posted as DRM may be allowed retention of ‘leased accommodation’ also at their previous place of posting.

3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(No.2017/LMB-II/4/3.RBE No.174/2017.dt.29/11/2017)

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Month/Year Base Year 2001 = 100 Average

Total of 12 months

Twelve monthly Average

% increase over 261.41 for DA

Nov., 2016 277 3285 273.75 4.72

Dec., 2016 275 3291 274.25 4.91

Jan., 2017 274 3296 274.66 5.06

Feb., 2017 274 3303 275.25 5.29

Mar.,2017 275 3310 275.83 5.51

April,2017 277 3316 276.33 5.70

May,2017 278 3319 276.83 5.89

June,2017 280 3322 276.83 5.89

July,2017 285 3327 277.25 6.05

August,2017 295 3334 277.83 6.28

Sep, 2017 285 3342 278.50 6.53

Oct,2017 287 3351 279.25 6.82

*Average Price Index for January, 2001