Download - Budget Conquest Farscape Expansion by Soviethybrid-d6xpyt4



Budget Conquest Farscape Expansion

Budget Conquest is a board game that focuses on two or players competing against one and

other for dominance over a space region. This region is composed of many types of planets

that produce resources to be used to increase a player’s fleet size and the ability to research

new technology keeping them ahead of other players. The first player to achieve one of five

different victory conditions is the winner.

In order to play the game you will need to print off the core rules part 1 and this expansion

book with the rules on paper, and counters on card. Follow the instructions from Core Rules

1 on setting up a game and playing one. This expansion, however, changes a few rules and

adds a few new optional ones if you are planning on playing using both the Star Trek set

from Core Rules 2 and this one. First off let’s start with the 3 new factions that this expan-

sion brings you.

NEW CONTENT – Factions: The Peacekeepers This faction revolves around the use of the Command Carrier to the full extent and capacity

it can bring to the battlefield. It can hold it’s own against a Star Wars Empire Star Destroyer

or take on a Stargate Wraith Hive Ship but it will soon find itself outnumbered. Keep the

Command Carrier the centre of the fleet and support it with smaller ships to have the upper


NEW CONTENT – Factions: The Scarran Empire This faction is all about overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers and firepower.

Though outmatched by the Command Carrier; the Scarran Dreadnought is still a mighty

force when deployed in numbers. Also quick and agile strikes against the enemy using the

extremely quick Destroyer (named the Stryker in the TV series) it can move 3 spaces per

turn if it isn’t part of any fleet making hit and run attacks on least defended areas can be a

dangerous but rewarding thing.

NEW CONTENT – Factions: The Nebari The Nebari play like no other race as they seek to gain conquest in the galaxy through using

Mind Cleansing, stopping the use of aggressive and disdainful thought from all bio-logical

races even if it means using a show of force. While their ships a borderline between the

Scarrans and Peacekeepers their technology however isn’t researched by, you, the player but

instead by other players! As they research new and better technology you also gain that

technology also meaning the other players will always be wary when a Nebari is playing as

everything they research you gain also.


NEW CONTENT – Redefined Victory Conditions Card A complete and new update to the Victory Conditions that will encompass all the Core

Rules as well as all the expansions. This card should be replaced over the Core Rules one

should you play with any of the expansions, especially this one, should you decide to mix

any of them up.

Farscape versus Star Trek The Farscape factions are balanced in terms of each other in this expansion but against the

Star Trek races it may seem a little daunting to fight against a fleet of Scarran Dread-

noughts! However the following rules have to be applied for both sides to make it equal:

1. All Factions have access to all 6 types of Technology Ladders and are classed as

FREEFORM. Freeform Technology Ladders are explained more on the next page.

2. From the Optional rules (page 14&16) Weight and Stack of 10 from Core Rules 1 book

are always in effect. See next page for clarifications on the various ship clarifications.

3. Both rule sets MUST follow the new Victory Conditions as detailed on the following


4. Star Trek factions can use the Extended Capacity expansion for their selected side.

Farscape versus Stargate Stargate seems to be in between Star Trek and Star Wars for balance in Attack, Defence,

Cost, and special rules. However to make sure everything is the right side of the Stargate use

the rules listed below:

1. All Factions have access to all 6 types of Technology Ladders except the Tau’ri doesn’t

need to research unit technology as it’s own Special Technology covers that area.

2. Both expansions MUST follow the new Victory Conditions as detailed on the following


3. There must be, at all times, 7 Strategic territory cards (from any/all expansions) in the


4. Both Expansion follow their normal faction rules from then on.

Farscape versus Star Wars Star Wars seems to hold it’s own against the Farscape races as their ships are relatively the

same scale and firepower as far as ships are concerned. Just follow the usual rule listed be-

low to get that all important epic conquest going on:

1. Both expansions MUST follow the new Victory Conditions as detailed on the following


2. There can be up to 5-9 Strategic territory cards (from any/all expansions) in the board

but no less.

3. Both expansion follow their normal faction rules from then on.


NEW RULES – The Peacekeepers 1. Defence Screen: You can only use this when defending, like it says in the special rules

section, and not when you are attacking. This applied to any ship with the Defence

Screen ability.

2. Keepers of the Peace: Any ship that has this ability will only generate the extra +1 re-

source from territory it is placed that produces resources, so if a Light Cruiser or Com-

mand Carrier was in empty space then it would not generate the extra resource.

NEW RULES – The Scarran Empire 1. All special rules are self explanatory.

NEW RULES – The Nebari 1. Crusade Through Cleansing/CTC D6: This is similar to Stargate’s Wraith where you

have to roll the required number to conquer a territory. However unlike the Wraith you

only have to roll this once and when it is conquered all normal rules apply.

2. Most Advanced Race: You will gain technology when other players research technology

for themselves. Essentially as the Nebari are highly advanced it is assumed they already

possess this technology but do not put it into effect until others have shown the capabil-

ity to do so. When the players have declared what research they done ask to see their

research sheets then mark off the newly acquired item and this costs no resources for


3. Efficiency Through Progress: Essentially you gain +1 Resource for every rank you gain,

see ranking below.

NEW RULES – Ranking System Unlike the previous game expansions; Farscape’s technology seems to have ground to a halt

for several hundred years and the races in this galaxy seem content on the technology that

they can rely upon. Although with a few custom additions from myself (all drawn and cre-

ated by me!) I fill in some gaps for fleet roles and support for use with this game. I though

long and hard about how to enable something new for this expansion that balances the sheer

firepower and destruction the player’s have at their disposal; enter the Ranking System.

Ranks bring with additional types of ship, for certain races, or improve existing special


1. On the right side next to the Rank title is a value of resource starting from single digits

going up to doubles. This is the amount of unspent resources you need in order to be

promoted to the next rank.

2. Once you have achieved a certain required value your rank will increase and you will be

eligible to increase your rank the following turn.

3. The first few ranks only go upwards as you start from the bottom, however some have

arrows going downwards.

4. You can be demoted should you not meet the designated resource amount for the rank

you were on. You can only rank up or down once per turn!


FINAL NOTES Beware the Nebari! It is advised when playing against these races that their core ships are

deadly in their own right without the need for additional ships from what they get from

ranking up. However in saying that the Star Trek races, when added with the Extended Fleet

Capacity expansion, can hold their own against such a brutal onslaught of firepower.

CREDITS Farscape Ships; Peacekeepers, Scarrans, Nebari