Download - Budapest – European past and future Budapest - A city of many cultures.

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  • Budapest European past and future
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  • Budapest - A city of many cultures
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  • Hungarian FIDE Association The Hungarian FIDE Association was founded on 9 November 2003 in Budapest, as the very first national FIDE Association in Central and Eastern Europe. There were 11 founding members in 2013, while today there are more than 50 members, all are leading experts, specialists in EU law in Hungary (judges, professors, attorneys at law, banking lawyers etc.) The Hungarian FIDE Association was admitted into the FIDE in 2004 at the Dublin Congress among the first four new full members of FIDE from the former socialist block. Since 2004 the Hungarian FIDE Association has delivered national reports at all FIDE Congresses, and its founding President chaired several sections, for example, at the Linz and the Madrid FIDE Congresses.
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  • Hungarian FIDE Association The Hungarian FIDE Association has organised more than 60 conferences and symposia on EU law matters since its foundation. This year the Association will celebrate its 10th anniversary. The FIDE Comit des Directeurs meeting in Madrid in November 2010 decided to give the right to the Hungarian Association to organize the FIDE Congress in 2016 in Budapest, which is a great honour and acknowledgement.
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  • Hungarian FIDE Association In preparation for the 2016 FIDE Congress, a new Presidency of the HU FIDE Association was elected for 4 years on 5 April 2013, composed of the following members: President: Dr. Pter DARK Chief Justice, President of the Hungarian Supreme Court (Kria) Vice-President Dr. Andrs VARGA Zs. Dean of the Pzmny Pter Catholic University, Faculty of Law Members: Dr. Elisabeth SNDOR-SZALAY Deputy-Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Responsible for the Nationalities Dr. Jen Czuczai Visiting Professor of the College of Europe, Brugge Dr. Jnos MARTONYI Foreign Affairs Minister of Hungary Prof. Tams SRKZY President of the Hungarian Law Society Dr. Lajos VKS Professor of the Ets Lrnd University of Sciences, Faculty of Law Dr. Zoltn KERES Chief Legal Counsel, Szchenyi Bank PLC
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  • Chief Organizer: Pzmny Pter Catholic University Faculty of Law, in cooperation with the Hungarian FIDE
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  • Founder of the University Founder Cardinal Pter Pzmny (1570-1637)
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  • Pzmny Pter Catholic University, Faculty of Law Tradition and quality Year of foundation 1667 Number of law students 2271 Number of instructors 184 Partner universities 60 Incoming Erasmus students 70 p.a. Outgoing Erasmus students 60 p.a Training in foreign languages Legal expert in European Union Law Post-graduate studies organized by the Dek Ferenc Institute of the Faculty 4 semesters, lectures held by academics and practitioners Erasmus Program Courses in English and German Entire EU law curriculum taught in English (3 semesters)
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  • Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Since 2010: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Department of Environmental and Competition Law Cooperation with universities and research centres of the region Network - joint research, joint education Recent international conference in 2012 on Environmental Democracy Information: tanszek/en/jean-monnet/jean-monnet-centre-of-excellence
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  • Research University - 2 ESF co-funded Faculty research programs - 1 Jean Monnet teaching module
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  • Proposed topics The relationship between private international law and Union law The EU bank oversight system and the issues of the Banking Union Structural Funds The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
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  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs "An integration based on law is the solid guarantee for creating the right balance between unity and diversity in Europe." Dr. Jnos Martonyi
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  • Pzmny Pter Catholic University, Faculty of Law [W]e need to provide an education which teaches critical thinking and encourages the development of mature moral values. The Holy Father Francis: Evangelii Gaudium Dr. Andrs Varga Zs.
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  • Pzmny Pter Catholic University, Faculty of Law
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  • Curia of Hungary Dr. Pter Dark "Culture will always be victorious when dressed in the Muses magnificent robe, but will always meet difficulties when appearing in the schoolmasters coat or the officials uniform." Count Gyrgy Majlth, the first president of the re- established Curia, 1881 29 April 2013, Dr Pter Dark Universitt Heidelberg/HCA Curt und Heidemarie Ergelhorn Palais
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  • Curia of Hungary
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  • Website of the FIDE Congress will be available at from the Faculty website: E-mail: [email protected]
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  • Thank you for your kind attention!