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Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences

Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Organizational and Operational Regulations



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Table of contents

1. Foundation, duties and operation of the Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business ... 3

1.1. Regulatory environment of the operation of DSEB .................................................................. 3

1.2. Foundation and operational history of DSEB ............................................................................ 3

1.3. Tasks of DSEB ............................................................................................................................... 3

2. Organisation of DSEB ........................................................................................................................ 4

2.1. Core data of DSEB ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.2. The DSEB within the organisation of BBS ................................................................................. 4

2.3. Members of DSEB ....................................................................................................................... 5

2.3.1. Core members ...................................................................................................................... 5

2.3.2. Supervisors ........................................................................................................................... 5

2.3.3. Lecturers ............................................................................................................................... 6

2.4. Council of DSEB .......................................................................................................................... 7

2.5. Head of the Doctoral School ..................................................................................................... 9

2.6. Programme Director of the Doctoral School ......................................................................... 10

2.7. Secretary of the Doctoral School ............................................................................................. 11

3. Admission procedure ...................................................................................................................... 11

4. The process of doctoral training .................................................................................................... 12

4.1. Forms of training: Full-time and correspondence work schedules ...................................... 12

4.2. Coursework and research stage .............................................................................................. 14

4.3. Research and dissertation stage .............................................................................................. 17

4.4. Publications ............................................................................................................................... 19

4.5. Submission of the doctoral dissertation and designation of the dissertation committee . 20

5. Financial management of the Doctoral School ............................................................................. 23

6. Alumni policy of the Doctoral School ............................................................................................ 23

7. Quality management system of the Doctoral School ................................................................... 23

8. Conflict of interests; ethical principles ........................................................................................... 25

9. Legal remedies ................................................................................................................................. 25

10. Entry into force of the Code of Organisation and Operation .................................................... 26

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Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business at Budapest

Business School

Organizational and Operational Regulations

The Senate of Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences (BBS), at its

meeting on 17 November 2017, approved the Organizational and Operational Regulations

(OOR) of the Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business (DSEB/Doctoral School)

as follows. The provisions of this regulation concerning doctoral students apply to

doctoral studies starting as of 1 September 2018. Doctoral training take place exclusively

on the basis of tuition fee payment.

1.Establishment, duties and operation of the Doctoral School of

Entrepreneurship and Business

1.1. The regulatory environment of the operation of DSEB

(1) This Organizational and Operational Regulations was elaborated on the basis of

Government Decree 387/2012 (19 December) on Doctoral Schools, the Doctoral Degree

Award Procedure and Habilitation. Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education; the

resolutions of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) on doctoral training and

degree acquisition; the resolutions, guidelines and position papers of the National

Doctoral Council (NDC); and ESG 2015 standards, too, were considered.

1.2. The establishment and antecedents of DSEB

(1) DSEB was established by 8 core members: Gyula Bakacsi, Tamás Gáspár, Balázs

Heidrich, Judit Hidasi, András Jancsik, Ferenc Kondorosi, Miklós Losoncz, and Éva Kriszt-


1.3. Tasks of DSEB

(1) DSEB offers doctoral training in the discipline of social sciences, in the management

and organizational sciences segment.

(2) DSEB doctoral training is based on master’s degrees primarily in the fields of

economics teacher (trade and marketing);

economics teacher (catering and tourism);


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international business and management

international studies;



tourism management;

enterprise development;

management and business,

however, it is also open to doctoral students, who wish to pursue doctoral studies in the

field of management and organizational sciences but have master’s degrees in other

fields. In such a case, the fulfilment of entry requirements will be assessed individually.

2. The organisation of DSEB

2.1. Core data of DSEB

(1) Name of the Doctoral School in Hungarian: Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem Vállalkozás-

és Gazdálkodástudományi Doktori Iskola.

(2) Short name of the Doctoral School in Hungarian: VGDI

(3) Name of the Doctoral School in English: Budapest Business School University of

Applied Sciences, Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business.

(4) Place of operation: 1055 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31.

(5) Website:


2.2. DSEB in the organisation of BBS

(1) DSEB is an autonomous education and research unit of BBS the administration and

management of which are governed by the unified administrative and management

provisions of BBS.

(2) The operation of the DSEB is based on the institutes, departments, centres and staff

in the four faculties of BBS (International Management and Business; Finance and

Accountancy; Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism; and the Zalaegerszeg Faculty of

Business Administration).

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(3) Activities of the Doctoral School are supervised by the University Habilitation and

Doctoral Council (UHDC) and the Council of the DSEB.

2.3. Members of DSEB

The members of the Doctoral School include core members, supervisors and lecturers.

2.3.1. Core members

(1) The operation of the DSEB depends on the availability of at least seven core members,

of whom at least 50 per cent plus one should be university professors.

(2) A lecturer or researcher may become a core member if he/she meets the criteria for

core membership as defined by Government Decree 387/2012 (XII.19.).

(3) A lecturer or researcher may become a DSEB core member by way of application or

recommendation. Only core members approved by the HAC may be considered for

accreditation. A candidate voted for by UDHC may be listed as a core member in the

database of the Hungarian Doctoral Council during the period between submission and


(4) Core members are ex-officio members of the Council of the DSEB.

(5) Core members are required to publish research results at least twice a year in reviewed

journals recognised by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) or in reviewed scientific


(6) Core members are required to record their scientific papers published in recognised

publications or books written by them in the past five years in the Hungarian Scientific

Bibliography (HSB) and in the database of the National Doctoral Council (NDC).

(7) Core members are required to regularly update their personal data sheet in the NDC

database and their lists of publications in the HSB database.

(8) The Council of the DSEB may grant a core member the title of emeritus, based on

NDC Decision No. 229/2010 (XII.17.).

2.3.2. Supervisors

(1) A lecturer or a researcher holding an academic degree may become a supervisor if

he/she continues to conduct research and publish his/her research results in prestigious

reviewed journals recognised by the HAS or in a reviewed scientific book.

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(2) The supervisor manages and promotes the academic and scientific research work of

doctoral students and prepares them for degree acquisition. The supervisor and the

doctoral student carry out their activities according to a pre-agreed research plan. The

research plan includes the schedule of research as well as the tasks and deadlines in

compliance with the progress of the research and publication requirements. Every six

months, the supervisor reports to the DSEB on the time-proportionate progress in the

research plan.

(3) A doctoral student may have no more than two supervisors simultaneously (supervisor

and co-supervisor).

(4) Supervisors are approved by the Council of the DSEB. Lecturers and researchers are

invited to act as supervisors by the Council of DSEB. The discharge of supervisors from

their duties also falls within the competence of DSEB.

(5) Research topics announced by the supervisor are approved by the Council of the

DSEB. The supervisor and the doctoral student may depart from the announced topic by

mutual consent and the modified plan is approved by the Council of the DSEB.

(6) Supervision is recorded in the NDC database by the Secretary of the DSEB.

(7) Supervisors are required to update their NDC data sheets and HSB publication lists

regularly and to provide additional information at the request of database administrators.

(8) Supervisors receive remuneration for their work.

(9) In a justified case, the doctoral student, the supervisor and the Council of the DSEB

may initiate the change of the supervisor. The applicant must attach the statements of

the old and new supervisors to his/her application. A change of supervisors is approved

by the Council of the DSEB.

2.3.3. Lecturers

(1) A lecturer or a researcher holding an academic degree may become a DSEB course

lecturer if he/she continues to conduct research and publish his/her research results in

the reviewed journals of the relevant academic fields recognised by HAS or in reviewed

scientific books.

(2) A contributing lecturer may be a lecturer or a researcher holding an academic degree

who, in the opinion of the Council of the DSEB, represents and teaches the given discipline

at the standard required by the Doctoral School.

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(3) Lecturers are invited to perform educational tasks by the Head of the Doctoral School

after approval by the Council of the DSEB. The Council of the DSEB reviews the

performance of lecturers annually. The performance review is carried out by the head and

the core members of the Doctoral School in accordance with the Quality Assurance Plan

and is approved by the Council of the DSEB.

(4) Lecturers are appointed for an indefinite period of time. In case of inadequacy for the

position, the Council of the DSEB may withdraw the appointment.

(5) Lecturers are required to update their NDC data sheets and HSB publication lists

regularly, and to provide additional information at the request of database administrators.

(6) The core members and lecturers of the DSEB may be involved in teaching activities at

other doctoral schools as well.

(7) Invited local and foreign professionals may also teach at DSEB, provided that they fulfil

requirements concerning lecturers.

2.4. The Council of DSEB

(1) The Council of the Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business is a decision-

making, consultative and advisory body supporting the work of the Head of DSEB.

(2) The Chairperson of the Council of DSEB is the Head of the Doctoral School and its

members are the core members.

(3) The Council of DSEB is appointed and dismissed by the University Habilitation and

Doctoral Council.

(4) The appointment of the members of the Council of the DSEB terminates in the

following cases:

a) termination of the Doctoral School;

b) decease of member;

c) expiry of appointment;

d) termination of appointment by the University Habilitation and Doctoral Council;

e) termination of core member status;

f) resignation of member.

(5) Depending on the nature of the agenda, the sessions of DSEB can be attended, in

consultative capacity, by lecturers, researchers and deans of BBS holding academic

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degrees. The Programme Director and the Secretary of the DSEB always attend sessions

with the right of consultation.

(6) The tasks of the Council of the DSEB

a) Approving the procedures of the DSEB;

b) Approving supervisors, lecturers and those announcing doctoral topics;

c) Evaluating the work of lecturers, supervisors and doctoral students at regular intervals

and as necessary [see 2.3.2 (2) and 2.3.3 (3)];

d) Making proposals for doctoral topics to be announced and approve the announced

doctoral topics of the individual lecturers;

e) Approving dissertation topics of doctoral students and their modification;

f) Deciding about changes of supervisors;

g) Taking position on admission to organised doctoral training;

h) Recommending members for the doctoral entrance examination board;

i) Recommending members for the comprehensive examination board and the

dissertation evaluation committee as well as official referees;

j) Deciding about the issuance of pre-degree certificates;

k) Taking position on submitting the doctoral dissertation for defence;

l) Making a proposal with regard to awarding the doctoral degree, following the

successful defence of the thesis and on the basis of the evaluation and vote of the

dissertation committee and the candidate’s academic and research performance;

m) Taking position on the naturalisation of foreign academic degrees and making

proposals to the UDHC;

n) Taking decisions on the distribution of government and other resources allocated to


o) Issuing opinion on other matters concerning DSEB and on doctoral students’ petitions

at the request of the Head of DSEB, ;

p) Approving doctoral topics of doctoral students;

q) Carrying out performance reviews.

(7) The meetings of DSEB are convened by the Chairperson, who proposes the items on

the agenda and chairs the discussion.

(8) The Council of the DSEB meets as necessary but at least twice every semester.

(9) As a main rule, DSEB discusses written submissions that had been prepared by those

introducing the given agenda item and were sent by the Secretary to the members before

the meeting.

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(10) The Secretary prepares a memorandum about each meeting of the Council of the

DSEB and sends it to the members.

(11) DSEB forms a quorum if more than half of its members with voting rights are present.

Its decision is valid if half of the members with voting rights who are present and

participate in the vote + 1 person cast a “yes” or “no” vote.

(12) A secret ballot must be ordered on personal matters, but the body may also decide

to vote openly, except for doctoral degrees, naturalised doctoral degrees and the launch

of a habilitation procedure.

(13) In exceptional cases, online voting (by email and telephone) may also be held. The

online voting is valid if more than half of the DSEB members with voting rights participate

in the procedure and more than half of the participants in the vote +1 person cast a “yes”

or “no” vote.

(14) The Secretary of DSEB is responsible for administrative tasks related to the operation

of the Council of DSEB.

2.5. Head of the Doctoral School

(1) The Head of the DSEB manages the work, the administration and finances of DSEB,

represents DSEB and is responsible for the standard of educational and scientific activity.

(2) The Head of the Doctoral School can be a core member university professor holding

the title of Doctor of the HAS who must be below 70 years of age during the operation

of the doctoral school and below 65 years of age at the establishment of the Doctoral


(3) The Head of the DSEB is appointed and dismissed by the Rector of BBS in accordance

with the proposal of the majority of the core members. His/her appointment is for 5 years

and can be extended several times.

(4) The Head of the Doctoral School is assisted in his/her work by the Council of the DSEB,

which he/she also chairs.

(5) The tasks of the Head of the Doctoral School are as follows:

a) Managing and organising the work of the Doctoral School;

b) Representing the Doctoral School in university bodies and relevant external

professional institutions;

c) Making proposals for the core members and lecturers of DSEB as well as for their

substitution, if necessary;

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d) Making proposals with regard to the announced courses;

e) Making proposals for the members of the Council of the DSEB;

f) Performing the tasks of the Chairperson of the Council of the DSEB, including the

convening and chairing of the body;

g) Designating the supervisors and the lecturers responsible for courses and overseeing

their work;

h) Approving doctoral students’ research plans based on the submissions of supervisors;

i) Taking decisions on the petitions of doctoral students submitted on individual

educational matters;

j) Taking decisions on the contribution to the costs of trips abroad related to research


k) Making proposals to DSEB concerning the comprehensive examination board;

l) Making proposals to DSEB on the official referees of doctoral theses and the

composition of the dissertation committee of the public discussion;

m) Making proposals to the Council of the DSEB on the use of financial resources available

to the Doctoral School;

n) Managing the finances of the Doctoral School;

o) Reporting annually to the Scientific Council and the Senate of BBS on the work of the

Doctoral School.

2.6. Programme Director of the Doctoral School

(1) The Programme Director assists the Head of the DSEB.

(2) The person of the Programme Director is recommended by the Head of DSEB and is

approved by the Council of the DSEB.

(3) The Programme Director is appointed for a term of five years, which can be extended

several times.

(4) The Programme Director is a full-time employee of BBS categorised as lecturer and/or

researcher, holding an academic degree .

(5) The duties of the Programme Director are as follows:

a) Participating in preparing the sessions of the Council of DSEB and implementing its

decisions in cooperation with the Head of the DSEB;

b) Participating in drafting the Doctoral School's strategic documents, information

materials and reports as well as the use of the available financial sources in cooperation

with the Head of the DSEB;

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c) Keeping contact with doctoral students and ensuring the permanent mutual flow of


d) Contributing to the organisation of training and the smooth operation of the Doctoral


e) Taking decisions on awarding academic, research, teaching and publication credits to

doctoral students;

f) Participating in the meetings of the Council of the DSEB and contributing to draft

submissions related to academic matters.

2.7. Secretary of the Doctoral School

(1) The Secretary of the Doctoral School is responsible for management and

organisational tasks related to the functioning of DSEB.

(2) The Secretary of the Doctoral School is appointed by the Head of the DSEB.

(3) The appointment of the Secretary is for indefinite duration but may be revoked at any


(4) The activities of the Secretary of the Doctoral School are supervised by the Head of

the Doctoral School.

(5) The Secretary of the Doctoral School manages the database and the

DSEB website.

(6) The Secretary is bound by obligations of confidentiality.

3. Admission procedure

(1) Each year, DSEB publishes its admission bulletin specifying the conditions and

deadlines for admission to the Doctoral School and the admission procedure. The general

conditions of admission are governed by relevant legislation. The application deadline is

31 May in each year.

(2) The entrance examination board assesses the applicant’s academic history and foreign

language skills. Admission is based on written and oral entrance examination. The written

part tests literacy in the domain of entrepreneurship and business sciences with a focus

on proficiency in research methodology. The oral examination assesses the applicant’s

motivation and suitability for teaching and research.

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(3) The entrance examination is administered by an examination board consisting of at

least three members.

(4) Members of the entrance examination board can be selected from the members of

the Doctoral School.

(5) The lecturers involved in the assembling and review of the written examination tasks

are designated by the Head of the DSEB.

(6) A proposal for the composition of the entrance examination board is made by the

Head of the Doctoral School and is approved by the UDHC.

(7) The UDHC takes the decisions on the admission of doctoral students.

(8) The applicant who obtained his/her certificate abroad is required to have the

certificate recognised in Hungary – in accordance with the relevant legislation – before


(9) Only those persons may be admitted to doctoral training who hold a master's degree

and vocational qualifications and an intermediate-level foreign language examination of

type C recognised by the state – Level B2 general complex language examination – or an

equivalent language certificate.

4. The process of doctoral training

4.1. Forms of training: full-time and correspondence courses

(1) As a general rule, doctoral training includes learning, teaching, thesis-writing and

reporting in the scope of group or one-to-one tuition adjusted – up to a certain limit

– to the specific features of the discipline and the needs of the doctoral students.

(2) Anyone who has a master's degree and meets the foreign language requirements

may participate in doctoral training. An appropriate level of English language skills is

required, which will be assessed by the entrance examination board.

(3) At least 240 credits must be earned in the course of the doctoral training. For that

purpose, the doctoral student pursues studies (attends courses), carries out research,

produces publications and is engaged in managed teaching in BSc/BA courses.

(4) The educational period consists of eight semesters.

(5) Doctoral training takes place according to full-time and correspondence courses.

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(6)With two exceptions, the requirements of correspondence courses are in all respects

identical with those of full-time courses:

Doctoral students participating in the correspondence course may not be engaged

in managed teaching and may not receive credits for this activity.

They must earn 40 credits for publications in the coursework and research stage.

For correspondence students, participation in four conferences can be included in

the publication credits.

(7) At the doctoral student's request, the Council of the DSEB may authorise transfer

between the course types.

(8) Training schedules are based on the Doctoral School's detailed curriculum. The

curriculum is approved by the Council of the DSEB. The curriculum includes the aim of

the training, a list of courses and lecturers and the number of attainable credits. The

curriculum constitutes an annex to the Academic and Examination Regulations of the


(9) A doctoral student participating in scheduled training assembles a work plan in

cooperation with his/her supervisor. This includes the tasks to be carried out by the

doctoral student. The work plan is approved by the Head of the Doctoral School.

(10) Doctoral students report on the progress achieved in their work at a workshop

annually, which is also attended, in addition to the Head of the Doctoral School, by the

supervisors and the lecturers of the Doctoral School.

(11) Doctoral students can earn up to 24 credits for teaching in bachelor courses. With

regard to earning these credits, the following rules must be considered:

A doctoral student may not be compelled to teach – he/she can replace teaching

credits with publication credits.

Managed teaching credits can only be earned in the coursework and research stage.

A doctoral student can be assigned bachelor level teaching responsibilities equivalent

to 24 credits at the most.

Two credits can be awarded for teaching one hour per week.

The workload of managed teaching may not exceed four hours per week per semester

(eight credits).

(12) Applications for a degree acquisition procedure and the launch thereof are approved

by the Council of the DSEB.

(13) A doctoral student must acquire a doctoral degree within two years calculated from

the acceptance of his/her application.

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(14) The language of tuition in DSEB is Hungarian. Training takes place in two stages. The

first stage is coursework and research, which is concluded by a comprehensive

examination, and the second stage is research and dissertation. Both stages last four


4.2. Coursework and research stage

(1) During the 4-semester coursework and research stage, the doctoral student attends

courses, carries out research, produces publications and takes a comprehensive


(2) During four semesters, the doctoral student completes 15 courses each worth five

credits (in total 75 credits). He/she can take three to five (no fewer than three and no

more than five) courses per semester. Among the 15 courses, 11 (73.33%) are compulsory

and 4 (26.67%) are optional, depending on student's fields of interest:

4 methodology foundation courses (26.67%)

7 core courses (46.67%)

4 optional courses (from a basket of 10 courses) 26.67%.

(3) The student proves the successful completion of studies at a comprehensive

examination worth 15 credits. The requirements of the comprehensive examination are

published by DSEB when it announces the doctoral training program. A precondition of

admission for the comprehensive examination is the completion of the 155-credit

coursework and research stage.

(4) The comprehensive examination consists of two main parts:

a) in the first part, the doctoral student sits for examinations in two courses, of which only

one may be optional;

b) in the second part, the doctoral student presents and defends a complex case study

previously prepared on a small and medium-sized enterprise.

(5) One of two grades - Pass or Fail - can be awarded for the comprehensive examination.

(6) The successful completion of the comprehensive examination is a precondition of

degree acquisition (it is part of the pre-degree certificate) but is not included in the

qualification of the degree.

(7) The comprehensive examination is open to the public and has to be taken before a


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(8) The examination board consists of at least three and at most six members; at least one

third of the board members may not be employed by BBS.

(9) The chairperson of the examination board can be a university professor, a habilitated

university assistant professor, a habilitated college professor, a professor emeritus or a

lecturer or researcher having the title of Doctor of the HAS. The chairperson of the

examination board may not be a foreign national.

(10) All members of the examination board must hold scientific degrees.

(11) The supervisor of the doctoral student sitting for the examination must not be a

member of the examination board.

(12) Before the examination, the supervisor is required to evaluate the work of the doctoral


(13) The comprehensive examination is successful if the simple majority of the board

members considers both examination parts successful.

(14) The successful completion of the comprehensive examination is precondition of

continuing the studies of the doctoral student.

(15) The doctoral student can retake a failed comprehensive examination on one occasion

during the given examination period.

(16) The language of the comprehensive examination is Hungarian or English. Even if a

doctoral student whose mother tongue is Hungarian prepares the study required as the

dissertation in English, the language of the examination is Hungarian. A doctoral student

whose mother tongue is not Hungarian may complete all comprehensive examination

parts in English. The doctoral student should indicate such a request when applying for

the comprehensive examination.

(17) DSEB organises comprehensive examinations twice a year, at the beginning of the

semesters. Comprehensive examinations are open to the public, but the public should

not disturb the examinee.

(18) Detailed records complete with written scientific evaluation of the doctoral students

work signed by the examination board members are prepared on the comprehensive

examination. The examination results must be announced on the day of the oral


(19) In addition to earning the academic/course, research, publication and teaching

credits, the doctoral student is required to participate annually in the public defence of at

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least one thesis. Participation is certified by the Secretary of the Doctoral School based

on an attendance sheet annexed to the records.

(20) Teaching credits are certified by the Programme Director based on the signature of

the course leader. Research credits are given by the supervisor and are certified by the

Programme Director.

(21) The doctoral student earns academic credits by attending course lectures and

through individual studies and examinations (completed with grades).

(22) Research work is evaluated in a result-focused manner; the awarding of time-

proportionate research credits requires a written report, its presentation and discussion

in all cases.

(23) In the training and research stage, the doctoral student completes research work by

actively researching his/her own theme and reporting thereon in each semester. The four

semesters follow the logic of the progress of the research activity and the presentation of

research results in scientific publications. Each semester has a focal topic. They are as


a) 1st semester: Literature – visiting libraries, note-taking, searching electronic sources,

references, science metrics;

b) 2nd semester: Methods – producing a research model, variables, measurement,

methodology, relationships, hypothesis, sampling;

c) 3rd semester: Results – Data collection, databases, data analysis, data presentation;

d) 4th semester: Discussion and conclusions – Interpreting the results and confronting

them with the literature, testing the hypotheses, conclusions, thesis-like summary of own

new and novel results.

(24) Each semester begins with the discussion of the focal topic in a concentrated and

interactive manner at a workshop headed by leading lecturers of the programme and

invited outstanding guest lecturers. Active participation in the workshop is a precondition

of earning credits for the given semester (however, no credit is awarded for attendance

of the workshop in and of itself).

(25) By the end of each semester, the student has to submit a written study of at least 20

pages prepared under the instruction of his/her supervisor in accordance with the focal

theme of the research in the given semester, i.e.:

a) 1st semester: Collecting and processing the literary sources of the researched topic and

summarising and synthesising them in a study with accurate references and bibliography

(at least half of the literature sources have to be in foreign language);

b) 2nd semester: Introducing the model of the planned research including the variables

and their methods of measurement as well as presenting hypothesised relationships and

the way of sampling (methodology);

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c) 3rd semester: Completing at least one pilot data collection exercise and analysis based

thereon and its presentation in work charts;

d) 4th semester: Confronting the results with other relevant published research results,

examining research hypotheses and drafting theses.

(26) At the end of each semester, doctoral students shall give 30-minute presentations

and answer for questions about their studies to each other in groups of five to ten

members at a workshop conference. Each student shall another student's paper and

delivers a presentation thereon.

(27) Having evaluated the paper, its presentation and the answers to questions, the

supervisor awards credits to the student for the semester.

4.3. Research and dissertation stage

(1) The completion of the comprehensive examination is precondition for starting the

four-semester research and dissertation stage. In this phase, the doctoral student

performs scientific research, publishes results and works on the final formulation of

his/her thesis. At this stage, the doctoral student carries out research according to his/her

schedule depending on the research results achieved at earlier stages.

(2) After completing the comprehensive examination, the doctoral student has to submit

his/her doctoral dissertation in three years or, if one or more passive semesters are

included, in four years. During the research and dissertation stage (in the degree

acquisition procedure) the student status may be suspended for no longer than two


(3) After passing the comprehensive examination, the doctoral student and his/her

supervisor prepare a detailed research plan. Taking into consideration the level of

completion of the research at the time of entering the degree acquisition stage, the

volume of tasks to be delivered and their time requirements, the research plan lays down

a work programme scheduled until the submission of the thesis. The research plan

contains two reporting "milestones" with deadlines and tasks to be carried out as well as

the criteria of completion.

(4) The research plan is approved by the Head of the DSEB. Deadlines fixed in the research

plan may be modified once with the approval of the Head of the DSEB.

(5) At the two reporting sessions, the doctoral student reports to an evaluation committee

consisting of three members of the DSEB. One of the members of the committee who

assumes the role of the chairperson is a core member of the DSEB, and the remaining

members can be selected from lecturers, research topic tutors and supervisors at DSEB.

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The 3-member committee is designated by the Head of the DSEB upon considering the

professional relevance of the research. The doctoral student's supervisor is a member of

the committee with the right of consultation.

(6) The working report has to be submitted in English or Hungarian.

(7) The committee prepares a report in which it takes a position on whether or not the

working report should pass or fail. A “Pass” grade awarded to the report is a precondition

for earning ten credits. Reporting sessions are open to the public and doctoral students

are recommended to attend them.

(8) If the doctoral student earns 240 credits, which is the maximum (i.e. 120 credits for the

training and research stage + 120 credits for the research and dissertation stage), the

research and dissertation stage is completed with a pre-degree certificate.

(9) Once the 240 credits were earned and the doctoral dissertation was defended, the

research and dissertation stage terminates at the end of the eighth active semester.

(10) In the full-time work schedule, the breakdown of the curriculum in the entire

academic period is as follows:

Two stages


Training and


Research and


Total Breakdown

of credits

% Credits Studies

(courses /



75 15 90 37.5

Research 40 20 60 25.0 Publications 16-40 50 66-90 27.5 – 37.5 Managed teaching 0-24 0-24 0 – 10.0

Total 155 85 240 100.0

(11) In the correspondence work schedule, the breakdown of the curriculum in the entire

academic period is as follows:

Two stages


Training -


Research -


Total Breakdown

of credits

% Credits Studies

(courses /



75 15 90 37.5

Research 40 20 60 25.0

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Publications 40 50 90 37.5

Total 155 85 240 100.0

4.4. Publications

(1) Publication requirements and related credits are incorporated in the programme's

system of requirements. They are as follows:

a) In the training and research phase, the publication requirement is that the student

should present his/her own research results first at conferences and then in publications

in the Hungarian language. The minimum requirement is participation in two conferences

whereby, in addition to a presentation, credit award is also conditional on publication in

conference proceedings in printed or digital format. At this stage, an additional minimum

requirement is to publish a paper in a Hungarian periodical that is rated at least Category

C by the Doctoral Rating Committee for Economic Science (abbreviated in Hungarian as

"GMB") on the publication list approved by Section IX of the HAS. In this trainingphase,

the minimum number of publication credits to be earned is 16.

b) In the research and dissertation phase, the doctoral students publishes their (partial)

research results in Hungarian and international journals. The minimum requirement is to

publish papers in two Hungarian periodicals and in one international periodical, all of

which are included in the GMB list of HAS Section IX. In this phase, at least 50 publication

credits are to be acquired.

(2) Credits for each publication must be determined as follows:

For the rating category of Hungarian periodicals, the GMB list of HAS Section IX is


For calculating credits for international periodicals, the current Q1-Q4 rating according

to Scimago Journal Rank – Subject area: Business, Management and Accounting


For determining the credit value of publications, the following table has to be used:

SJR -Subject area:


Management and



periodical – IN



(included in the HAS

GMB list)

Hungarian periodical – IN ANY

LANGUAGE (included in the HAS GMB

list and is rated as at least Category C)

Q1 40 Category A 20

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Q2 35 Category B 15

Q3 30 Category C 10

Q4 25


presentation +

publication in


proceedings (in the

training and research

phase only)



(3) The publication credit requirements for the two phases taken together are as follows:

Participation in two conferences (in the training and research phase only)

Four articles published in periodicals (all journals have to be included in the GMB

list of HAS Section IX), of which

o at least one is published in the training and research phase

o at least one is published in an international periodical (in a foreign


Regarding periodical articles, publications written by no more than 4 authors can

be taken into consideration the credit value of which will be determined as


o with 2 authors, 80% of the credit value can be awarded (to each author)

o with 3 authors, 60% of the credit value can be awarded (to each author)

o with 4 authors, 40% of the credit value can be awarded (to each author)

One of the papers published in periodicals has to be co-authored by the


All papers published in periodicals may not have several authors.

4.5. Submission of the doctoral dissertation and designation of the dissertation


(1) If the doctoral student fulfilled the requirements laid down in the University Doctoral

Regulation, he/she – with the supervisor's written consent – applies in writing to the Head

of the DSEB for starting the degree acquisition procedure.

(2) The precondition of submitting the doctoral dissertation is the acquisition of a pre-

degree certificate.

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(3) An additional precondition of submitting the doctoral dissertation is that the person

in question should not have a procedure for doctoral degree acquisition pending in the

same discipline or a failed doctoral dissertation defence in the preceding two years. The

student submitting the doctoral dissertation makes a written declaration on the fulfilment

of these additional conditions upon submitting his/her thesis.

(4) The doctoral student has to acquire publication credits before the defence of his/her

thesis - in the absence thereof, no date can be set for thesis defence.

(5) An additional precondition of degree acquisition is that the doctoral student should

have at least two B2 level or equivalent comprehensive foreign language examination

certificates recognised by the state. They have to be proven by relevant documents. One

of the foreign languages must be English. Acceptance of the second foreign language

will be subject to individual judgement.

(6) Part of the doctoral degree acquisition procedure is the defence of the doctoral

dissertation in a public discussion.

(7) Simultaneously with the application for a degree acquisition procedure, a thesis

fulfilling formal requirements has to be submitted in the requested number of copies; in

the case of a dissertation in Hungarian language, the theses of the dissertation (a thesis

booklet) in Hungarian and English, together with annotations on one or two pages in

printed and electronic format must also be submitted. Doctoral students whose mother

tongue is Hungarian may also submit their dissertations in English, in addition to

Hungarian. In this case, the contents of the Hungarian and English versions should be

completely identical.

(8) A doctoral dissertation may not be co-authored.

(9) The doctoral student must make a declaration that he/she authored his/her

dissertation on his/her own without undue assistance and that he/she relied only on the

sources as indicated. He/she must declare that by indicating the sources – including

his/her previous works – he/she clearly marked all parts that were taken over verbatim,

or in an identical sense but rephrased, from other sources.

(10) The dissertation is evaluated by two opponents with academic degrees and

competence in the discipline. They are also members of the dissertation committee. Both

opponents are professionals who do not have an employment relationship with BBS.

(11) The opponents have 60 days to prepare their opinions in writing from sending/receipt

of the dissertation. As the deadline approaches or when it expires, the Secretary of the

DSEB sends a reminder to the opponents. If the opponents fail to send their opinions in

90 days, the Head of the Doctoral School invites substitute opponents approved by the

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Council of the DSEB to evaluate the dissertation. The opponents prepare a written

evaluation about the dissertation and declare whether or not they recommend its

designation for defence before public.

(12) No public discussion has to be conducted if neither opponent considers the

dissertation suitable for acceptance. If the proposal of one of the opponents is negative,

the Council of the DSEB should invite a third opponent.

(13) During the defence, the dissertation is evaluated by a dissertation committee with at

least five members; each of whom holds an academic degree. The chairperson of the

committee may be a university professor, a professor emeritus, a habilitated university

associate professor or a habilitated college professor. Of the committee's members, at

least two persons must be external lecturers or researchers without employment

relationship with BBS. The secretary of the committee may be a lecturer or a researcher

of BBS. One of the opponents has to attend the defence. The Doctoral School also

designates a substitute chairperson and two substitute members. The candidate's

supervisor and consultants may not be members of the committee.

(14) The opponents and the dissertation committee are recommended by the Head of

the DSEB after consultation with the supervisor. The composition and the substitute

members of the committee are approved by the Council of the DSEB.

(15) At the public defence session, the doctoral student verbally presents the main theses

of his/her dissertation and responds to the questions and comments of the opponents,

the dissertation committee and those participating in the public discussion. Finally, the

opponents and the participants in the discussion state whether or not they accept the

author's responses.

(16) Upon closure of the discussion, the committee holds a private meeting where it takes

decision by secret ballot on the acceptance of the dissertation, which is scored by grades

between 1 and 5, the grade average determine the classification of the certificate.

Thereafter the chairperson publicly announces the result.

(17) The doctoral certificate may be qualified as follows:

a) Summa cum Laude (91%-100%)

b) Cum Laude (76%-90%)

c) Rite (60%-75%)

d) Insufficienter (unsuccessful)

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(18) The defence and the decision of the committee are part of the report prepared by

the secretary of the committee. After the defence, the secretary sends the report signed

by the committee members and completed electronically to the Programme Director of

the DSEB.

(19) Following successful defence, the award of the doctoral degree is approved by the

Council of the DSEB based on the recommendation of the dissertation committee,

provided that the doctoral student has fulfilled all the requirements stipulated in the

Doctoral Regulation of Budapest Business School. DSEB makes a proposal to the UDHC

to award the doctoral degree. The UDHC takes decision on the award of the doctoral

degree by voting Yes/No.

5. Financial management of the Doctoral School

(1) The revenues of DSEB come from tuition fees and funding obtained through tenders.

(2) The financial management of the DSEB is governed by the financial management

provisions of BBS.

(3) The Head of the Doctoral School makes proposals with regard to the use of the

revenues of the DSEB.

(4) Doctoral students are required to pay their tuition fees before registration by 15

October for the autumn semester and by 15 March for the spring semester. Authorisation

of instalment payments may be requested from the Head of the Doctoral School. The

provisions of the Requirement System for Students of BBS are applicable to the non-

fulfilment of payment obligations.

6. The alumni policy of the Doctoral School

(1) DSEB maintains an organised and institutional relationship with its former students

who obtained a degree.

(2) The Secretary of the DSEB regularly keeps records of alumni and their careers. The

records include the doctoral graduate’s name and contact details, the title of his/her

thesis, the supervisor’s name and the year of degree acquisition. The records are

accessible to the public and are published on the website of the Doctoral School.

7. The quality management system of the Doctoral School

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(1) The quality management system of the DSEB relies on regulations, principles, methods

and procedures consistent with legislation relevant to higher education and the

requirements established by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee that guarantee the

scientific performance of the doctoral candidates meets the standards laid down in the

relevant documents of the DSEB, which standards are also declared and achieved in other

doctoral schools with similar profiles.

(2) In establishing its quality management system, DSEB takes into consideration the

relevant provisions of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education; the requirements

laid down in Government Decree 387/2012 (XII.19.)) on Doctoral Schools, the Doctoral

Degree Award Procedure and Habilitation; and the resolutions of the Hungarian

Accreditation Committee on doctoral training. The quality management system of the

Doctoral School is consistent with the quality management system of BBS, which is in

accordance with the current ISO 9001 international standard and the ESG 2015 standards

and guidelines.

(3) Based on the submission of the Programme Director, the Council of the DSEB

establishes the principles and methods of doctoral training and degree acquisition and

approves the Quality Assurance Plan of the DSEB. DSEB publishes its Quality Assurance

Plan and the Organisational and Operational Regulations together with the Doctoral

Regulation on both its own website and the website.

(4) The quality assurance system of DBES is designed to enforce the following principles

in support of the implementation of the Quality Management Policy, which principles –

along with quality management requirements and other aspects – form the basis of the

Quality Assurance Plan:

a) Principle of professional control.

b) Principle of benchmarking

c) Principle of observing the requirements of scientific ethics

d) Principle of publicity

e) Principle of feedback

f) Principle of quality focus

g) Principle of the protection of intellectual property

h) Principle of enforcing individual responsibility

i) Principle of process documentation

j) Principle of effectiveness

k) Principle of practical applicability

(5) The Council of the DSEB regularly monitors academic and research activities taking

place in the Doctoral School. In doing so it relies on the opinions of doctoral students

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and persons having graduated in the preceding three years. If necessary, it also invites

external consultants. It evaluates the activities of the Doctoral School annually.

(6) The Council of the DSEB approves and regularly monitors the professional

requirements relevant to the Doctoral School and ensures their enforcement.

(7) Every three years, DSEB conducts a survey among doctoral students about their

perception of the Doctoral School. The satisfaction survey carried out among doctoral

candidates fits in with the student satisfaction survey conducted in the framework of self-

assessment based on the EFQM excellence model. The Head of the DSEB submits the

results to the Council of the DSEB and takes appropriate measures based on its opinion.

(8) Every five years, DSEB performs self-assessment and publishes the results both on its

own website and the website.

(9) The requirements of the quality management and related verification and evaluation

systems are included in the Quality Assurance Plan of the DSEB.

8. Conflict of interests; ethical principles

(1) A person with whom the doctoral student published a co-authored study may not be

a member of the dissertation committee and the comprehensive examination board. This

should be verified by the person making a proposal for the composition of the

committees in advance, on the basis of the HSB.

(2) A person from whom no objective assessment of the candidate’s performance can be

expected (he/she is relative of the candidate, or was involved in consultancy tasks or

projects with the candidate or for other reasons) may not be a member of the

comprehensive examination board and the dissertation committee. This conflict of

interest should be verified by the person making a proposal for the composition of the


(3) Neither the doctoral student nor the supervisor may consult the evaluators about the

document being the subject of the assessment. Doctoral students should not urge the

assessment process or exert pressure on the timely submission of the assessment.

9. Legal remedies

(1) Legal remedy options extend to the doctoral student, the admission procedure and all

aspects of doctoral training and degree acquisition.

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(2) The detailed rules and procedures related to legal remedies are included in Part III

"Requirements for Students" of the Organisational and Operational Regulations of

Budapest Business School.

10. Entry into force of the Organizational and Operational


The Senate of BBS approved this Organisational and Operational Regulations on 17

November 2017.

Budapest, 17 November 2017

Council of the Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Prof Dr Miklós Losoncz

Head of the UDHC

Head of the DSEB

Prof Dr Balázs Heidrich Dr Ferenc Dietz

Rector Chancellor