Download - Buckwheat Bread From Flour



TIBETAN BARLEY BREAD For 8 to 10 Tibetan flatbreads:

2 cup Tsampa, tibetan roast barley Flour

4 cups whole wheat Flour

1/2 cup Millet or roasted Sunflower Seeds or roasted Sesame Seeds

1/2 teaspoons Salt

2 tablespoons sesame Oil

2 tablespoons vegetable Oil

3 1/2 cups boiling Water

Mix flour with salt. Add oil, rubbing flour between hands until oily. Add boiling water, using spoon to mix till dough begins to form then mixing with hands keeping hands cool by dipping in bowl of cold water. Mix till ear lobe consistency. Knead until smooth.

Place in oiled pans. Cut tops lengthwise. Leave at least 2 hours.

Bake at 500 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes on middle shelf or at 450 deg. - 40 minutes on top shelf. They should have a tough crust but stay tender inside.

It may not work 1st time, so try to bake at 350 deg. for 1 1/2 hours


How To Turn Sprouted Buckwheat Into Bread:

Use a blender or food processor to blend up the soaked buckwheat to a dough like consistency with some Himalayan/sea salt, whatever spices you want and any other ingredients you want. You can make this bread savory or sweet. Water isnt necessary to add because the buckwheat is already soaked. You can also add kefir or some other form of pro-biotic to the recipe at this point if you wish to culture the dough, this was recommended by Ashley in the comment section below.

Place in a bread tin or whatever you want to cook in.

This step is optional. By leaving the sprouted buckwheat dough in the tin for 6 hours or more you can create a sourdough type bread. Leave it in a warm spot and it should rise slightly.

When you want to cook preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius and then insert the bread.

Depending on how much dough you made the cooking time will vary. I only made a small amount to try out sprouted buckwheat bread, I enjoyed it so I have started more buckwheat sprouting.

Enjoy your bread as a salad sandwich, as toast or however you want to use it. You can use the dough in any way you want! You dont need to limit yourself to bread. Use it to make pizza bases, muffins, cakes, biscuits, whatever you want! You simply need to alter the other ingredients to suit the dish. For pizza add some Italian herbs, for muffins or cakes add cinnamon, dates and bananas! The possibilities are endless.
