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The bio-psycho-social dimensions of human behavior are made up of biological physiological

and social factors that explain human behavior. The biological dimensions that can be

determined by behavior are genetics, and heredity. Genetics is mostly determined by DNA.

Intelligence is determined by genes. Another aspect of bio- psycho-social dimensions is social

aspect. We must consider the influence that family and culture has on human behavior. The bio-

psychosocial model is quite useful in understanding behavior because it explains some of the

things that human beings cannot control and some of the things that they can. There is a limit to

this approach because it does not count the moral aspect of the human nature. In the model,

issues such as love, freedom etc cannot be explained.

Foundations of Human Development Worksheet

Write the key features, listed below, into the correct life stage of development and most significantly affected age range. Provide an explanation of the term and how it affects the developmental stage. An example is provided for reference.



In-Vitro Fertilization

Child Neglect


Gender Role

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Stem Cell Research



Preoperational Period






Positive Reinforcement

Sensorimotor Period








Conception and


Teratogens are substances, including

drugs, that cause malformations in the


Certain drugs affect biological

development by causing malformations of

body parts and organs. Newborn children

of drug addicts, for example, experience a

number of potential developmental

problems such as low birth weight,

muscle tremors, and physical birth

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Zygote- genetic material in the egg and

sperm form to create a single cell called a


The single sized Zygote begins a cell

division process in which the cell divides

to form two cells, 4, then 8, and so on.

Infertility- The inability to conceive

The main cause of infertility in women is

not ovulating, or blocked fallopian tubes.

These prevent eggs from being released

so they cannot become impregnated.

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Should a pregnant woman who consumes illegal drugs that damage her child be punished as a criminal? Explain your reasoning with references to support your thoughts and ideas.


I do think a pregnant woman who consumes illegal drugs while pregnant should be considered a criminal.

They should have their child/children taken away from them and they should serve jail time for this. I also

believe that they should attend drug and parent classes. Some individuals are so addicted to drugs that

their minds are not in the right place and there last though is the safety of their unborn child while it should

be the first thought on their mind. Their body craves the drugs so they know no other way. However this is

not ok, but I do not think they should be in the same category such as sex offenders and those with

continued criminal background. Most children taken away from their parents are because the parents

were or are on drugs and are in jail.

How does general systems theory influence human services delivery?


The general systems theory is very important. The professional is working with the client to retain important information to better help the client. Before general systems theory the professional would just use knowledge that they have read or learned previously. They wouldn’t look into the client to understand what was going on. It must have been harder for the professional and client.


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What is bullying? Bullying is defined as situations were one individual or even group abuses

power over another. Bullying is about power and abuse. The individual getting bullied feels

threatened and uncomfortable. Bullying is an issue that affects millions of students. 1 out of 4

kids are bullied and up to 43% of students have been bullied online. Bullying can lead to suicide

of victims. Kids that are bullied are likely to experience depression, anxiety, sadness, loneliness,

and changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest. They are more likely to miss, skip,

and drop out of school. These patterns can continue into adulthood. Why do bullies bully? This

often happens because they have been bullied growing up or are going through a hard time at

home. They may not feel loved or needed. So they take their hurt out on others that they see as

weaker than them. They are actually hurting inside.

What are the social constructs associated with early and late pubertal maturation on boys and girls? How

can they affect self-esteem?


Now day’s schools focus a lot on bullying and teach the kids that it’s not tolerated or accepted. They are

beginning to understand that it’s not cool to make fun of others and there are major consequences.

Hopefully this decreases this action in schools and in their everyday life. I think that if public figures kids

look up too stick to this, they can make a difference in these kids’ hearts.

How might adolescent concerns about self-image contribute to smoking, drug, or alcohol use?


Teenagers like to experiment and this can get them into a lot of trouble. Parents should give those lots of love and encouragement. Those who feel like they’re not loved or their parents do not care are the ones that start to experiment very early in life and get into the most trouble. Parents can act to prevent this.

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In the end they will do what they want no matter what their parents said or think. It also depends on how they grow up. If they feel that they can talk to their parents about anything then they can come to you about issues. Then they might be able to be stopped instead of getting further. Communication and trust is the key. Some teens try their limits and decide it’s not worth it.


Health problems can either be common aliments associated with age or they can be serious problems. Common health problems associated with age are heart disease, and diabetes, breast cancer, osteoporosis. The reason is because individual’s immune systems are not as supportive at the age of 45-50, as their systems were when a person age is 25-30. Middle- aged adults often show signs of aging, graying of the hair, a reduction in aerobic performance as a decrease in moderate heart rate.


My case study is on Tina who is a 45 year old female with three children. Tina’s relationships have changed from young adulthood to now. Tina’s three adult children live in her house with her. Her ex-husband left Tina for a younger more attractive female. So Tina is now very obsessed with her appearance. She spends many days at the gym and running. Tina has not been satisfied with her progress at the gym so she has increased her exercising routine to to 4 hours a day. Tina doesn’t have much of a social life. Tina spends a lot of time away from Michael, whom she has been dating for 5 years. She is so obsessed with exercising and the way she looks its affecting their relationship.

How do you think society’s view of women as losing sexual allure in middle age affect a woman’s physical and psychological experiences during menopause?


When we are a kid birthdays are so exciting. We have parties with our friends and get lot s of presents. Our 16th birthday and 21st birthday are the next big ones! Then after that birthdays are just another day of the year and another day older. At least that’s how I feel now and I’m only 22. I don’t mind getting older it’s a new chapter in my life. Birthdays are the best when you can spend it with family and friends.

What are the positive and negative implications of Parsons’ four-problem matrix?


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There are positive and negative aspects when using Pardons four problem matrix. What is pardons 4 problem matrix? This a social scheme made by Talcott Parsons in the 1950's. It is a system of societal functions that follow one another. Every society must meet these to follow and sustain an able social life. The negative implications are that if all of these systems are not followed correctly then there will be trouble in the community and survival will be at a low. The people would not be able to sustain. The positive is that when followed the minimum conditions for survival are met. There is no confusion and it goes in a systematic order. This matrix is the same for every society and will not change.

Later Adulthood Development

As adults get older into their 50’and up they go through many life changes socially, mentally,

and personally. Their roles change in society. People age 65 and older now make up more than

one tenth of the U.S Population and are the fastest growing age group in society. Most of them

can no longer be independent and they need assistance from others. The older generation faces

discrimination such as job discrimination. The older generation need more help with getting

around, shopping, driving, cooking, getting dressed and doing daily activities. This is why

nursing homes are available to help in these situations. Many older people do not drive. Some

cannot afford the cost while others have physical limitations. This can be very inconvenient for

them. It is also true that many older people are victims of crime. This is because they are

vulnerable. They aren’t as fast, strong, and don’t have as much energy. When a crime does

happen many won’t report it because they are afraid that the person will harm them, or they don’t

want to be in the system.

How would you apply the strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences principles in your desired future, or current, human services career? How will this benefit you and the client?


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What policies might a nursing home institute to minimize the chances that its residents will develop

institutionalism? Why are such policies uncommon?


Many older people do not want to be put into a nursing home because of their bad reputations. They call it a "human junkyard". Nursing homes have gotten a bad reputation because some of them are found to be unfit for residents. Many were very dirty with residents found in their own feces and urine. Some people were mistreated by the nurses and overdosed with drugs. Boredom would also occur for patients their and the food often uneatable. This could lead any resident to be institutionalized from experiences. To prevent this nursing home could set police to minimize the chances of residents being institutionalized. Policies may be healthy appetizing food to be served.


The concept of personal empowerment comes within you. Its self-reliance and making your

own decisions, following responsibilities. You understand and know where you are headed. It’s

coming to the realization that something must change. An example of personal empowerment is

a wife leaving her abusive husband because she is tired of getting hit. She has come to the

realization that something must be changed. Interpersonal empowerment is one or more persons

getting together to make decisions or follow through with a plan. Political empowerment is the

government working to help the community and promoting political participation.

What community efforts have been developed in your area to decrease substance abuse? How effective

are these efforts? How can they be improved?


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In the city there is more abuse with harmful substances and there’s more poverty. In my opinion the police

probably do little because they are overwhelmed. With so many people crammed into one area and not

enough officers on duty. In the suburbs houses are more spaced out and there is much more land

between people. So it would be easier to hide illegal substance abuse. I like how you said that a police

officer should live in the area they patrol. I know in my area they must live the next city over.

How does technology and media connect people to the community? What are the effects of these connections on human well-being?


Technology and media have many connections to the community. The first is by the news stations. The community watches the news to learn about the weather, traffic, important stories and crime in the area. All of these affect the people in the community. The news stations use technology to gather and record this information. The same works for the newspaper. The people in the community read the newspaper to know what’s going on in the community and around the world. Cellphones and computers also connect people together in the community.