Download - Bsc Vnl Inv r3bsc 27 Sep 13

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17-Sep-12 Start Date End Date

BSC_R3. Test Report

Total Number of Test Cases Planned 1494

Total Number of Test Cases !e"utable 11#2

Pass $7

Cond%t%onal Pass 13

&a%l 3'

Blo"(ed 13

)n*al%d '

Non Testable 3Not +ffered 333

To Be !e"uted 1,,3

Test-Cases !e"uted 13' Blo"(ed Total

Current Proress 11.$ 1.1 12.9

Current /ual%t0 73.#

Cateor0 Total Planned Pass Cond%t%onal P

BS"R $alidation 1%&% 11'2 () 1

Cateor0 Total Planned Pass Cond%t%onal P

*& *& + +

% % + +

1( 1( + +

22 22 + +

2* 2* + +

2 + + +

%) %+ 12 +

(( (2 1 )

 /F0E )( )2 %% *

PS Regression & & + +

EPRS /lgo %1 %1 + +

R0" 3/" * * + +

PRS "ounter  1*' 1*' + +

PS 4P- '( '( + +

0"0S * * + +

256 %& %& + +

0oad7Sta8ility ( ( + +

BS"R $alidation 1%&% 11'2 () 1











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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed *&

Total *&

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++1 To <eri>y tat all ?rocess sould 8

2 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++2 To <eri>y tat /o-P su??orta8le D

Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++ To <eri>y tat /oTD3. su??orta8le

% Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++% To <eri>y tat success>ul allocatio

' Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++' To <eri>y tat success>ul allocatio

* Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++* To <eri>y DSP resource allocation

) Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++) To <eri>y tat Cedia ?lane sall s

( Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++( $eri>y <oice Huality it codec /3

& Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++& $eri>y <oice Huality it codec /3

1+ Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1+

11 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+11

12 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+12

1 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1 To <eri>y static Iitter >roC 2+ to *+

1% Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1% To <eri>y a<erage Iitter to 1++sec

1' Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1' To <eri>y tat call ill dro? en I

1* Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1*

1) Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1) To <eri>y tat call as unsucces>u

1( Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1( $eri>y codec ty?e >or /3R in ass

1& Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1& $eri>y codec ty?e >or FR in assig

2+ Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2+

21 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+21

22 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+22

2 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2 To <eri>y tat 3edia ?lan sall su

2% Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2% 9o D0 DT on B""5 TR.

2' Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2' D0 DT it FR call

2* Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2* D0 DT it EFR call

2) Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2) D0 DT it /3R call.

2( Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2( BS ?oer control it D0 DT en

2& Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2& BS ?oer control it D0 DT e

+ Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A++ BS ?oer control it D0 DT e

1 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+1 BS ?oer control it Culti?le ca

2 Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+2 -nter BTS 5ando<er it D0 DT

Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+ -nter BS" 5ando<er it :0 DT

% Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+% D0 DT on RF 5o??ing TR.

' Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+'

* Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+*

) Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+) To test in RTP ?ayload >or /3R

( Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+(

& Regression S@A3edia Plane 3PAF:9"A+&

Back to 3enu

$eri>y codec con<ersion >roC /3en /oTD3 at one side and /

$eri>y codec con<ersion >roC /3

en /oTD3 used.$eri>y codec con<ersion >roC /3en /o-P used.

$eri>y Huality CeasureCents >ro1Recei<ed ?ackets M sent ?acke2Recei<ed ?ackets Nsent ?ack

$eri>y tat S3 EFR is ?re>erredis FR en frTo6rS%t"8Per"t

to <eri>y tat Cedia ?lane release

en /o-P and /oTD is used as to <eri>y tat Cedia ?lane releasen /o-P and /oTD is used as

To test in RTP ?ayload >raCe >orsilence ?eriod in case o> :0 DT

To test in RTP ?ayload >raCe >or1*+Cs during te silence ?eriod

To test in RTP ?ayload >or /3RDT.

To test in RTP ?ayload >raCe >or

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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed %

Total %

S.No. Stae Test Case ) Test Case

1 Regression RABS"A6/3A++2 To <eri>y tat %con>igured cells under saCe 0/" 8elong

2 Regression RABS"A6/3A++ To <eri>y tat con>igured cells under di>>erent 0/" are crea

Regression RABS"A6/3A++' To <eri>y tat cell creats seHuencially a>ter deletion o> cell

% Regression RABS"A6/3A++* To <eri>y tat 0ac creats seHuencially a>ter deletion o> one

' Regression RABS"A6/3A++( To <eri> tat all 0ac and "ell id are associates it saCe "

* Regression RABS"A6/3A++& To <eri> tat all 0ac and "ell id are still associates it saC

) Regression RABS"A6/3A+1+ To <eri>y tat all Trx it saCe antennaid corres?onding to

( Regression RABS"A6/3A+11 $eri>y tat all it di>>rerent antennaid corres?onds to cells

& Regression RABS"A"TR0A+12 To <eri>y tat eac S"TP association a<e &2 streaCBTS

1+ Regression RABS"A"TR0A+1 To <eri>y tat eac S"TP association are identi>y 8y its stre

11 Regression RABS"A"TR0A+1% To <eri>y tat streaC nuC8erstreaCid 1 is used >or BTSA

12 Regression RABS"A"TR0A+1* To <eri>y tat reCaining strraC id is used to identi>y RS0P

1 Regression RABS"A"TR0A+1) To <eri>y sct? association 8ecoCe u? en streaCidJs co

1% Regression RABS"A"TR0A+1& To <er>iy tat to S"TP connection are 8elongs to saCe s

1' Regression RABS"A"TR0A+2+ To <eri>y tat eac S"TP are associates it di>>erent Ced

1* Regression RABS"A"TR0A+21 To <eri> tat BTS and TR 630 o<er S"TP are identi>y 8y

1) Regression RABS"A"TR0A+22 To <eri> tat BTS and TR RS0 o<er S"TP are identi>y 8y

1( Regression RABS"A"TR0A+2' To <eri>y tat S"TP association are alays initiates 8y RB

1& Regression RABS"A"TR0A+2* To <eri>y tat BS" recie<es S"TPAlinkAdon indication

2+ Regression RABS"A"TR0A+2) To <eri>y tat BS" recie<es S"TPAlinkAdon indication

21 Regression RABS"A"TR0A+2( To <eri>y tat BS" recie<es S"TPAlinkAdon indication

22 Regression RABS"A"TR0A+2&

2 Regression RABS"A630A++ To <eri>y tat BS" send B3"/P/B-0-T-ES-9Q:-R;O C

2% Regression RABS"A630A+1 To <eri>y tat a>ter S"TP association BTS sends B3"/P/

2' Regression RABS"A630A+2

Back to 3enu


 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"


RBS" /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

To <eri>y tat BS" sends S"TPAlinkAdon to BTS in re?source i?ddress and /ssociatio-D.

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A RBS"

 /8is6<eri?A  To <eri>y tat a>ter S"TP association BTS sends correct i

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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed 1(

Total 1(

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case ) Test

1 Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++1

2 Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++2 $eri>y tat on nely acti<e card /3RFR and /3

Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++ $eri>y tat /3RFR calls are success>ul in R2 BT

% Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++% $eri>y tat /3R link ada?tation is su??orted 8y B

' Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++'

* Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++*

) Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++)

( Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++(

& Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA++&

1+ Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+1+

11 Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+11

12 Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+12

1 Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+1

1% Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+1% $eri>y tat intra BS" 56 is success>ul >roC 9on

1' Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+1' $eri>y tat inter BS" 56 is success>ul >roC 9on

1* Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+1*

1) Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+1)

1( Regression "s Resource /llocation RABS"A/3RA+1(

Back to 3enu

$eri>y tat /3RFR call is allocated till te nuC8T5RES560DPER"T.

$eri>y tat in *TR 0/ cell CaxiCuC &%/3R5con>iguration and ceck 3E/S:RE3E9T RES

$eri>y tat in *TR 0/ cell CaxiCuC &+/3R5

con>iguration and ceck 3E/S:RE3E9T RES$eri>y tat DTu is ena8led >or /3R5R calls asare ongoing siCultaneously on a TR.

$eri>y tat DTd is ena8led >or /3R5R calls asare ongoing siCultaneously on a TR.

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560Dsuccess>ul i> te reHuested cannel ty?e is ote

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560Dsuccess>ul > te reHuested cannel ty?e is oter

$eri>y tat i> acti<ated /3RFR call exceeds te allocate/3R5R call.

$eri>y tat BS" allocates saCe cannel Code t-ntra BS" 56.?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNTR:E

$eri>y tat BS" allocates saCe cannel Code t

-nter BS" 56.?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNTR:E

$eri>y tat i> ?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNF/0SE an /3R5R in te target cell i> BS" recei<es canalloed .8ut /3RFR is 8eing used in ser<ing cat 8ot BS".

$eri>y tat i> ?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNTR:E te /3R5RGFR is 8eing used in ser<ing cell in casignored.

$eri>y tat i> ?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNTR:E te /3R5RGFR is 8eing used in ser<ing cell in casignored.

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0o ca

Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed 22

Total 22

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case ) Test C

1 Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++1 To $eri>y tat state o> 0ink ada?tationG-nitial codec

2 Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++2 $eri>y tat 63" ill generates ?o?u? en 0/ Co

Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++

% Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++% To $eri>y start Code and acti<e odec set lengt s

' Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++' To <eri>y /"Saci<e set codec lengt >roC 63".* Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++* To <eri>y tat all codec list o> /3RFRG5R sould

) Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++) To <eri>y tat 3axiCuC % codec list can 8e con>igu

( Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++( To $eri>y tat 63" generates te ?o?u? en Tr

& Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A++& To $eri>y tat 63" generates te ?o?u? en 5ys

1+ Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1+ To <eri>y tat en 0/ is disa8leG all corres?onding

11 Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+11

12 Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+12

1 Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1 To <eri>y tat tresold and ysterysis are only a??

1% Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1% To <eri>y tat en 0/ is ena8led >or FRG ten all c

1' Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1' To <eri>y tat en 0/ is ena8led >or 5RG ten all c

1* Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1* To <eri>y tat en 0/ is ena8led >or 8ot5RGFR

1) Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1) To <eri>y tat link ada?taion startCode 8ecoCe dis1( Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1(

1& Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+1&

2+ Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+2+

21 Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+21

22 Regression /3R 0ink /da?tation RABS"A0/A6/3A+22

Back to 3enu

To $eri>y tat state o> 0ink ada?tation are =.1. E9/B0EDAFRA690;2. E9/B0EDA5RA690;.E9/B0EDAB6T5AFRA5R2.D-S/B0ED

T <eri>y tat 63" ill generates ?o?u?Kconsiste /scending order.

T <eri>y tat 63" ill generates ?o?u?Kconsistetresoldysterysis are not in /scending orde

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560DPsuccess>ul i> te reHuested cannel ty?e is oter

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560DPsuccess>ul i> te reHuested cannel ty?e is oter

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560DPEsuccess>ulGere 0/ is ena8led >or FR only.

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560DPsuccess>ulGere 0/ is ena8led >or 5R only.

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560DPsuccess>ulGere 0/ is ena8led >or 8ot 5R and

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0o ca

Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed 2*

Total 2*

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++1

2 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++2

Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++% Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++%

' Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++'

* Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++*

) Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++)

( Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++(

& Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA++&

1+ Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+1+

11 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+11

12 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+12

1 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+1

1% Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+1%

1' Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+1'

1* Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+1*

1) Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+1(

1( Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+1&

1& Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+2+

2+ Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+21

21 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+22

22 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+2

2 Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+2%

2% Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+2'

2' Regression -9-T RABS"A-9TA+2*

2* Regression -9-T RABS"A-9-TA+2)

Back to 3enu

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Priority 1

Priority 2



Test Case es"r%pt%on

To <eri>y sucess>ully initilialiLation o> S"TP.

To <eri>y o?erational state and adCin state a>ter PSP lockunlock ?rocedure >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat Cedia ?rocess are u? a>ter Iack in out .To <eri>y te Trunk lock and unlock ?rocedure.

To <eri>y teo?eration state o> TDP a>ter lockunlock >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat "P: ?rocess a>ter sto? and start o> P0%.

To <eri>y te BTS lockunlock ?rocedure >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat R BTS is con>igured it BS".

To <eriy te TR lockunlock ?rocedure.

To <eri>y te TR GBTSG"ell status a>ter so>t re8ooting o> BS".

To <eri>y te current and istory alarC >or eac 693 action >roC o3".

To <eri>y 6?erational state o> trunk ?ort ena8le en E1 ca8le is un?lugged >roC BS" side.

To <eri>y success>ully additiondeletion o> 3TP3TP2 >roC 63".

To $eri>y tat all >our control cards sould 8e u? and running a>ter sucess>ully release installation.

To <eri>y te o?erational state o> te 3TP link en 3TP link o?eration is triggered >roC 63".

T6 <eri>y succes>ul addition o> 3ED-/ -P >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat S"TP con>iguration ?araCeters are Codi>ia8le >roC 63"

to <eri>y te success>ul addition and con>iguration o> PSPJs >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat BS" con>igurations sall not cange a>ter te 0ock:nlock o> BS" >roC 63".

To <eri>y te card state o> all te cards a>ter te sto? and start ?rocedure.

To <eri>y te success>ul PSP lock and :nlock ?rocedure >roC 63".

To <eri>y te alarCs a>ter te "P: and Cedia cards are Iacked in and Iacked out.

To <eri>y te success>ul addition and deletion o> o8Iects >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat Cedia and ?rocessor cards are u? itout any CeCory corru?tion.

To <eri>y te succes>ul S"TP con>iguration on /8is inter>ace.

To <eri>y te success>ul / inter>ace initialiLation ?rocedure on -P inter>ace.

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Total Pass "ond. Pass Fail Progress

+ 1 + 2) &+,

+ + + + #D-$+!

+ + + + #REF!


Setup Tester Test Status ate +f !e"ut%on

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be ExecutedTo Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

To Be Executed

Planned ate +f!e"ut%on

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Quality TBE

%, 2

#D-$+! +

#REF! +


P1 +

P2 +

P +

Pr%or%t0ate of Re-!e"ut%on

+5C ReleaseNumber 

BTS ReleaseNumber 

BSC ReleaseNumber 


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&%rst T%me Status

Pass +

"onditional Pass Err='+%

Fail Err='+%

Blocked Err='+%

-n<alid Err='+%

9on Testa8le Err='+%

9ot /??lica8le Err='+%

To Be Executed

Total Err='+%

Remar(s &%rst T%meTest Status

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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le 2

To Be Executed +

Total 2

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++1

2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++2

Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++

% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++%' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++'

* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++*

) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++)

( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++(

& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++&

1+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1+

11 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+11

12 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+12

1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1

1% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1%

1' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1'

1* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1*

1) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1)

1( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1(

1& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1&

2+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2+

21 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+21

22 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+22

2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2

2% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2%2' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2'

2* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2*

2) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2)

2( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2(

2& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2&

Back to 3enu

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+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA++

1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+1

2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+2

Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+

% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'

* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*

) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)

( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(

& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+&

%+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%+

%1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%1

%2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%2

% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%

%% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%%

%' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%'

%* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%*

%) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%)

%( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%(

%& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+%&

'+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'+

'1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'1

'2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'2

' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'

'% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'%

'' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+''

'* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'*

') Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+')

'( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'(

'& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+'&

*+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*+

*1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*1

*2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*2* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*

*% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*%

*' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*'

** Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+**

*) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*)

*( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*(

*& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+*&

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)+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)+

)1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)1

)2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)2

) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)

)% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)%

)' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)'

)* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)*

)) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+))

)( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)(

)& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+)&

(+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(+

(1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(1

(2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(2( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(

(% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(%

(' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+('

(* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(*

() Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+()

(( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+((

(& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+(&

&+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+&+

&1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A"P0/9AREDA+&1

&2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++1

& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++2

&% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++&' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++%

&* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++'

&) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++*

&( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++)

&& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++(

1++ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++&

1+1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1+

1+2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+11

1+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+121+% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1

1+' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1%

1+* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1'

1+) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1*

1+( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1)

1+& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1(

11+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1&

111 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2+

112 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+21

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11 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+22

11% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2

11' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2%

11* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2'

11) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2*

11( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2)

11& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2(12+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2&

121 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA++

122 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+1

12 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+2

12% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+

12' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%

12* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+'

12) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+*

12( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+)

12& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+(

1+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+&

11 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%+

12 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%1

1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%2

1% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%

1' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%%

1* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%'

1) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%*

1( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%)

1& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%(1%+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+%&

1%1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+'+

1%2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+'1

1% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+'2

1%% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+'

1%' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"ASP0/9AREDA+'%

1%* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++1

1%) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++2

1%( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++

1%& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++%

1'+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++'

1'1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++*1'2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++)

1' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++(

1'% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++&

1'' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1+

1'* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+11

1') Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+12

1'( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1

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1'& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1%

1*+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1'

1*1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1*

1*2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1)

1* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1(

1*% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1&

1*' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2+1** Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+21

1*) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+22

1*( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2

1*& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2%

1)+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2'

1)1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2*

1)2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2)

1) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2(

1)% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2&

1)' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA++

1)* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+1

1)) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+2

1)( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+

1)& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%

1(+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'

1(1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*

1(2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+)

1( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+(

1(% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+&

1(' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%+1(* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%1

1() Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%2

1(( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%

1(& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%%

1&+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%'

1&1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%*

1&2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%)

1& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%(

1&% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+%&

1&' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'+

1&* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'1

1&) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'2

1&( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'

1&& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'%

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2++ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+''

2+1 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'*

2+2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+')

2+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'(

2+% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+'&2+' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*+

2+* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*1

2+) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*2

2+( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*

2+& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*%

21+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*'

211 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+**

212 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"A3P0/9AREDA+*)

21 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++1

21% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++2

21' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++

21* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++%

21) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++'

21( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++*

21& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++)

22+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++(

221 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA++&

222 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1+

22 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+11

22% Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+12

22' Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1

22* Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1%

22) Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1'

22( Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1*

22& Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1)

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2+ Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1(

21 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+1&

22 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+2+

2 Feature $alidation Redundancy RABS"AS"3P0/9AREDA+21

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Priority 1

Priority 2



Test Case es"r%pt%on

$eri>y tat all >our control cards sould 8e u? and running a>ter sucess>ully release installation.

To <eri>y tat 5/ >ollos 91 redundnacy >or control ?lane.

To <eri>y tat eac control card a<e one stand8y ser<ice unit.

To <eri>y tat a>ter sitco<er saCe stand8y ser<ice unit 8ecoCes /cti<e o> oter card.To <eri>y tat all ?rocess o> saCe S: 8elongs to saCe seri<e grou?.

To <eri>y tat S: o> oter cards 8ecoCes acti<e en one card gets locked >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat S: o> oter cards 8ecoCes acti<e en one card are RESET >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat cards state are ?ro?erly cange to de>ault stateGen one 8ecoCe sucessu>ully u? a>ter reset.

To <eri>y tat S: o> oter cards 8ecoCes acti<e en one card gets so>t re8ooted.

To <eri>y tat S: o> oter cards 8ecoCes acti<e en one card Iack out.

To <eri>y tat cards state are ?ro?erly cange to de>ault stateGen one 8ecoCe sucessu>ully u? a>ter Iacked in.

To <eri>y tat 8ea<iorG en BS" and "P: card are locked in ?arallel.

To <eri>y tat stand8ysu "P: 8ecoCes u? a>ter killing saCe S ?rocess o> 1st acti<e "P: card.

To <eri>y tat stand8ysu"P: 8ecoCes u? a>ter killing saCe S ?rocess o> acti<e "P: card ic as in stand8y state.

To <eri>y transition state >roC /"T-$E to ST/9DB; a>ter killing eac ?rocess o> saCe S: and S o> 1st /cti<e "P: card.

To <eri>y transition state >roC /"T-$E to ST/9DB; a>ter killing eac ?rocess o> saCe S: and S o> 2nd /cti<e"P: card.

To <eri>y transition state >roC /"T-$E to ST/9DB; a>ter killing eac ?rocess o> saCe S: and S o> rd /cti<e "P: card.

To <eri>y transition >roC acti<e to stand8y card a>ter killing P3 and R369?rocess o> eac /cti<e card.

$eri>y tat /-nter>ace and a8isint. reCains intact a>ter locking and reset o> any /"T-$E "P: card.

$eri>y tat all te calls resources are released success>ully en all te "P: card are Iacked out.

$eri>y tat all te calls resources are released success>ully en all te "P: card are locked out.

$eri>y tat calls are not dro?ed e<en i> all tree "P: card are locked out.

$eri>y tat all te calls resources are released success>ully en all te "P: card are siCutaneously ard reset.$eri>y tat /-nter>ace and /8is-nter>ace reCains u? a>ter 8ackto8ack sitco<er o> S:Js or ?rocess killing o> acti<e card.

$eri>y tat a>ter reset o> all "P: 8lade G o?erational state o> "E00 8ecoCe disa8le .

Trigger so>t reset >roC 63" en BS" is in locked state.unlock

$eri>y tat 0/PD link coCes u? a>ter unocking o> all c?u 8ladeG 8y ?lugin te /8is eternet ca8le ic is ?lugged out 8e>orelocking.

$eri>y tat en all "P: 8lade coCe u? a>ter reset or so>t re8oot G te adCin 7 o?erational state o> "E00 coCes in ena8lestate.

$eri>y tat a>ter so>t re8oot o> all tree "P: card te adCin 7 o?erational state o> TR sall reCain te saCe as 8e>oresitco<er.

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$eri>y tat calls are success>ull e<en i> all S: ?rocess exce?t one acti<e S: are killed.Precondition=only one card exist.

$eri>y tat a>ter sitco<era>ter ?rocess kiiling adCin state o> BS" reCains te saCe as 8e>ore sitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter sitco<er 8y locking or reset o> "P: cardGstate o> 3ED-/ card reCains te saCe as 8e>ore sitco<er.

$eri>y tat stand8y card S: 8ecoCes /cti<e en sitco<er is triggered during BS" 0ock in ?rogress state.$eri>y tat stand8y card S: 8ecoCes /cti<e en sitco<er is triggered during BS" un0ock in ?rogress state.

$eri>y tat stand8y card S: 8ecoCes /cti<e en sitco<er is triggered during cell 0ockunlock in ?rogress state.

$eri>y tat a>ter resetting o> o> all tree "P: 8ladeG SD""52 reser<ed >or "B"5 sall not 8e released.

$eri>y tat ne calls are esta8lised success>ully a>ter so>t re8oot o> all te "P: 8lade siCultaneously.

Reset /cti<e "P: >roC 63" and ten re8oot stand8y card.

$eri>y in te stand8y S: all te con>iguration canges get u?dated i> tere is any cange in /cti<e S:.

$eri>y :0D0 ?oer control it >reHuencyo??ing and DT ena8led a>ter sitco<er.

To <eri>y tat a>ter so>t re8oot to all "P: cardsG Quality 8ased 56 sall 8e triggered.

To <eri>y tat BS" sall re?licate DB D/T/ corees?onding to BTS in>o to its stand8y card.

To <eri>y tat BS" sall re?licate all cell reltade data to its stand8y card.

To <eri>y tat all con>igured and state data o> all BTSG"E00GTR it in a 0/" are re>lected to its stand8y card.

To <eri>y re?lication 8ea<iour en "ell or TR or BTS added in ?arallel en stand8y S: is in ?rogress.

To <eri>y re?lication 8ea<iour en "ell or TR or BTS added sucess>ully en one "P: card as acked out..

To <eri>y re?lication 8ea<iour en "ell or TR or BTS added sucess>ully en one "P: card as acked out.

To <eri>y DB data are >ully ?o?ulated on it stand8y S: card a>ter "P: card as Iacked in.

To <eri>y cannel state a>ter >ailo<er in /cti<eS: card ic as earlier in stand8yS: state.

To <eri>y tat state o> BS" are re>lected to its stand8y card a>ter sitco<er.

To <eri>y tat -CCedialtly data are re?licated on stand8y a>ter it 8ecoCe in acti<e state.To <eri>y tat "S call signalling in>o are ?ro?erly ca?tured >ot nely acti<e instance a>ter >ailureG

To <eri>y tat 56 signalling in>o are ?ro?erly ca?tured >ot nely acti<e instance a>ter >ailureG

To <eri>y tat long S3S signalling in>o are ?ro?erly ca?tured >ot nely acti<e instance a>ter >ailureG

To <eri>y tat "B Cessage signalling in>o are ?ro?erly ca?tured >ot nely acti<e instance a>ter >ailureG

To <eri>y tat cell in>o Cessage signalling in>o are ?ro?erly ca?tured >ot nely acti<e instance a>ter >ailureG

To <eri>y tat all call related datalike cannel statusGdtx duing ongoing call are ?ro?erly re>lected to its ?eer stand8y instance.

To <eri>y tat all call related data?er>oCance counter duing ongoing call are ?ro?erly re>lected to its ?eer stand8y instance.

$eri>y tat a>ter so>t re8oot o> all tree "P: card te adCin 7 o?erational state o> BTS sall reCain te saCe as 8e>oresitco<er 

$eri>y tat all 6/3 o?eration like BTS 0ockunlockG "ell 0ock:nlockG BS" 0ock:nlockG DSP 0ockunlock and Trunk ?ort0ock:nlock can 8e done a>ter resetting o> all tree "P: cards.

To <eri>y te success>ul card state transition >roC ST/9DB; to /"T-$E and >roC /"T-$E to ST/9DB; and no iC?act onrunning ser<ices or ?rocessess in any S:.

To <eri>y te success>ul card state transition o?eratorinitiated >roC /cti<e to /cti<eG en Cate cardstand8y S: is inRE"6$ER; state.

To <eri>y te Baa<ior a>ter killing te saCe ?rocess siCultaneouly on /cti<e and Stand8y S: 8elongs to saCe Sser<icegrou?.

$eri>y tat ?er>orCance counters sall 8e u?loaded to 63" it correct data a>ter S: sitco<er 8y locking o> /cti<e "P:card..

To <eri>y a>ter create 2cell on di>>erent "P: 8lade tat state data o> 8ot cell are ?ro?erly re>lected to it s ?eer stand8y


To <eri>y tat BS" sall release all its SD""5 resource at BTS a>ter >ailo<er during cannel acti<ation and acti<ation ack ornack.

To <eri>y tat BS" sall release all its anged Tra>>ic resource at BTS a>ter >ailo<er during cannel acti<ation and acti<ationack or nack.

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To <eri>y te Transition o> stand8y S: to /cti<e S: and Co<ing 8ack acti<e S: to original ?osition.

To <eri>y tat a>ter >ailure as a??enedG all te S: sould 8e acti<ated on te oter ?ysical card.

To <eri>y tat BS" are sucess>ully locked ile 2"P: card locked in ?arallel

To <eri>y tat BS" are sucess>ully locked ile "P: card locked in ?arallel

To <eri>y tat BS" are unsucess>ully locked a>ter all "P: card locked.

To <eri>y tat BS" o?eration state 8ecoCes ena8le a>ter reset o> all "P: <eri>y tat BS" 8ecoCe u? a>ter reset en only one "P: card is ?resent.

To <eri>y te Bea<ior a>ter reset acti<e "P: card during 6/3 action >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat call 8ecoCe success>ul a>ter killing ?rocess o> eac S: en only one "P: crad is a<aila8le.

To <eri>y tat "P: cards 8ecoCes u? a>ter re8oot en it is in locked condition

To <eri>y tat "P: cards sucess>ully coCes u? en unlocked >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat no iC?act on BSS adCin state en all tree cards are locked.

To <eri>y tat "P: card coCes u? a>ter reset >roC 63" en it is in locked state.

To <eri>y tat a>ter killing P3 o> one card ten all cards it S: coCes u?.

To <eri>y tat en P3 killed cards gets u?G all te cards canges to tere de>ault state.

$eri>y tat stand8y sitc card 8ecoCes /cti<e en llocked >roC 63".

$eri>y tat stand8y sitc card 8ecoCes /cti<e en reset is gi<en to ?re<iously /cti<e -"" card.

$eri>y tat stand8y sitc card 8ecoCes /cti<e en so>t re8oot is gi<en to ?re<iously /cti<e -"" card.$eri>y tat stand8y sitc card 8ecoCes /cti<e a>ter Iack out o> ?re<iously /cti<e -"" card.

$eri>y tat /-nter>ace reCains intact a>ter Sitco<er.

$eri>y tat en S@+ trunk ?orts are used >or /-nter>ace/oi?G tere is no iC?act on /-nter>ace en S@1 card re8ooted.

$eri>y tat /-nter>ace/oi? and /8is-nter>acei? reCains u? a>ter 8ackto8ack sitco<er.

$eri>y tat /-nter>aceTD3 reCains u? a>ter 8ackto8ack sitco<er.

$eri>y tat en S@1used >or /8is link-PGno iC?act on 0a?d en sitco<er is triggered.

To <eri>y tat calls get dro??ed en /cti<e Sitc 8lade as 8een Iacked out.$eri>y tat 3edia and "P: 8lade doesnot get iC?acted a>ter 8ackto8ack so>t re8ooted o> Sitc 8lade..

9o sitco<er i> Cate card not ?resent in casis

9o sitco<er i> Cate card ?resent state is not stand8y.

$eri>y tat all te call sall not 8e released en /cti<e Sitc 8lade is re8ooted

$eri>y tat 0/PD link coCes u? a>ter sitco<er 8y ?lugin te /8is ca8le ic is ?lugged out 8e>ore sitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter sitco<er te adCin 7 o?erational state o> "E00 sall reCain te saCe as 8e>ore sitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter sitco<er te adCin 7 o?erational state o> BTS sall reCain te saCe as 8e>ore sitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter sitco<er adCin state o> BS" reCains te saCe as 8e>ore sitco<er 

$eri>y tat stand8y card 8ecoCes /cti<e en sitco<er is triggered during BS" 0ock in ?rogress state.

To <eri>y tat B"S sucess>ully releases all resources toards Cedia a>ter Failo<er 8y lockingGkill o> any ?rocess at saCe S:or reset "P: 8lade >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat B"S sucess>ully releases all Catured call resources toards Cedia a>ter Failo<er 8y lockingGkill o> any ?rocessat saCe S: or reset "P: 8lade >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat B"S sucess>ully releases all Catured call resources toards BTS a>ter Failo<er 8y lockingGkill o> any ?rocess atsaCe S: or reset "P: 8lade >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat B"S sucess>ully releases all unCatured call resources toards Cedia en Failo<er during tra>>ic assignCent

?rocedure.To <eri>y tat B"S sucess>ully releases all unCatured call resources toards BTS en Failo<er during tra>>ic assignCent?rocedure.

To <eri>y tat a>ter >ailure o<er and sitco<er te stand8y S: is acti<ated and te ?re<iously acti<e S: 8ecoCes te stand8yS:.

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior a>ter sa?s te acti<e and stand8y S: su8seHuently and to 8ring te systeC con>iguration 8ack to itsoriginal >orC.

$eri>y tat en S@+ trunk ?orts are used >or /-nter>ace/oi?G tere is no iC?act on /-nter>ace en S@1 card is Iackedin during sitco<er.

To <eri>y tat /inter>aceGlinkG scc? route etc are added sucess>ully >roC 63" e<en i> re8oot te acti<e S@ 8lade in8eteen.

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$eri>y tat stand8y card 8ecoCes /cti<e en sitco<er is triggered during BS" :nlock in ?rogress state.

$eri>y tat stand8y card 8ecoCes /cti<e en sitco<er is triggered during "ell 0ockunlock in ?rogress state.

$eri>y tat 0/PD link gets esta8lised i> /8is eternet ?ort is unlocked a>ter sitco<er.

$eri>y tat 8ot sitc card can 8e lockedunlocked sucess>ully >roC 63".

$eri>y tat 8ot sitc card can 8e reset sucess>ully >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat 63" sall reCain u? a>ter sitco<erreset o> acti<e..To <eri> tat sitc card sall 8e locked in any 5/ state.

To <eri>y tat sitc card coCes u? a>ter resetGen stand8y card are not ?resent.

To <eri>y tat stand8y card sall not 8e locked Gen it is not ?resent.

To <eri>y tat state o> Sitc cards a>ter insertioneIection at 63".

To <eri>y tat state o> >ruAid >or Sitc 8lade at 63".

To <eri>y tat state o> >ruAty?e >or Sitc 8lade at 63".

To <eri>y te Bea<ior en any card inserted in rong slot id.

To <eri>y te Bea<ior en cards CeCory usage exceed it 3inorGCaIorGarning tresold.

<eri>y te 6?erational5/ state o> eac "/RD.

<eri>y te ?resence state o> eac "/RD.

$eri>y te 3eCory status >or eac cardS"G"P: 3ED-/

To <eri>y tat clock status and ?riorities reCains saCe a>ter sitco<er o>sitc8alde.

$eri>y tat a>ter sitc 8alde sitco<er SD""52 reser<ed >or "B"5 sall not 8e released.

0oad te systeC to 2 kB5"/ and <eri>y te success ratio a>ter sitco<er.

$eri>y tat ne calls are esta8lised success>ully a>ter sitco<er.

$eri>y in te stand8y card all te con>iguration canges get u?dated i> tere is any cange in /cti<e card.$eri>y tat ?er>orCance counters sall 8e u?loaded to 63" it correct data a>ter sitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter sitco<er "ER >ile sall 8e u?loaded to 63" it correct data a>ter te ex?iry o> "ER tiCer.

$eri>y tat S"TP association addition >or Cate Sitc card >ails at BS" i> it is not Iacked in.

$eri>y tat S"TP association deletion >or /cti<e card is success>ul at BS".

$eri>y tat S"TP association deletion >or Cate card is success>ul at BS".

$eri>y tat S"TP association deletion is success>ul a>ter sitco<er.

To <eri> tat eac Cedia card 8ecoCe u? a>ter reset >roC 63".

To <eri> tat standy card 8ecoCe acti<e a>ter Iacked out all /cti<e one.

To <eri>y all ( Cedia cards sall 8e u? a>ter Iacked in.

To <eri>y tat 3edia ?lane consist o> ( card ic sall 8e u? and running a>ter initialisation.

To <eri>y ta state o> all ( Cedia cards a>ter locking and unlocking >ro 63".

To <eri>y tat all ( Cedia cards are ?aired in /cti<e and Stand8y cards.

To <eri>y tat all standy 8ecoCes u? en all /cti<e are so>t re8ooted.

To <eri>y tat card gets re8ooted en any o> ?rocess o> card gets killed.

To <eri>y tat >or Ceida ?lan ?ysical slotid 2 and ' siCilarly )G(12G1+1 are >ixed >or acti<e and stand8y ?air o> cards.

To <eri>y tat Cedia card sall 8e u? a>ter ?air o> cards are ?ysically intercange to one aoter slotid.

To <eri>y tat Cedia card sall a<e 11 redundancy le<el.

$eri>y tat all 6/3 o?eration like BTS 0ockunlockG "ell 0ock:nlockG BS" 0ock:nlockG TR reset can 8e done a>tersitco<er.

 To <eri>y tat entry in Diskin>o ta8le en card it ard disk ca?a8ility inserted in systeC and reCo<e te entry en card iseIected.

$eri>y tat en internal sitc 8lade trunk ?orts are used >or /8is linkG tere is no iC?act on 0a?d en sitco<er istriggered.

To <eri>y te success>ul card state transition >roC ST/9DB; U RE"6$ER; U F/-0 re8oot U ST/9DB; and no iC?act onrunning ser<ices at /"T-$E card.

To <eri>y te success>ul card state transition o?eratorinitiated >roC /"T-$E U/"T-$E en Cate card is in RE"6$ER;state.

To <eri>y tat 

To <eri>y tat BS" reCain in locked state a>ter unlocking o> Cedia cards acti<e and stand8y.Prcondition=only a ?air o> Cediacard is a<aila8le.

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To <eri>y tat state o> cards at 63" en tey are not ?resent.

To <eri>y tat state transition en only single 3edia card ?resent in cassis gets so>t reset >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on BS" adCin state en all Cedia card are Iacked out.

To <eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on "P: and Sitc card state en all ( Cedia cards are Iacked out.

To <eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on oter Cedia card state en one or to card ?airstand8y 7acti<e are Iacked out.

To <eri>y te iC?act on oter en re8oot one card ?resent in slot 2 and oter in slot).

To <eri>y te state o> /cti<e Cedia card en all stand8y gets re8ooted.To <eri>y te state o> Cedia card a>ter locking and unlocking.

To <eri>y te sucess>ul transition state >roC stand8y to standy en it 8ecoCes so>t reset or re8ooted.

$eri>y tat 3TP2 link addition and deletion >or /cti<e3ate card is success>ul at eac Cedia ?air a>ter sitco<er 

$eri>y tra>>ic load saring 8eteen Culti?le 3TP2 links con>igured >or /cti<e 7 Stand8y card.

$eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on /inter>ace/otdC and /8is link en oter Cedia card ?air are reset >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat tere can 8e at Cax. to /8is link con>igured to to ?air o> card.

To <eri>y tat /8is link 8ecoCe don en 8ot Cadia card are Iacked out on ic link as con>igured.

$eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on /inter>acei? en oter Cedia card ?air are Iacked out.

$eri>y tat /inter>ace and /8is are sucesss>ully u? it one 3edia card.

To <eri>y tat /8is link reCains u? en one o> te /cti<e Cadia card are Iacked out on ic link as con>igured.

To <eri>y tat /8is link sall re<ert 8ack to nely acti<e card ic as in stand8y >roC /cti<e o> oter ?air card.

To <eri> tat /inter>acei? are sucess>ully con>igured and u? it all crads o> Cedia.

To <eri> tat /inter>acei? are sucess>ully con>igured and u? only it ?air o> 3edia crads

To <eri> tat /inter>acei? are sucess>ully con>igured and u? only it 2?air o> 3edia crads

To <eri>y tat in /oi? sct? link initialisation occurred >roC 3edia sideBS"

To <eri>y tat /oTD3 link are sucess>ully con>igured and u? it /cti<e and stand8y Cedia cards.To <er>y tat /oTD3 link sall reCains u? a>ter reset and locked /cti<e Cedia card >oC 63".

To <eri>y tat /oTD3 link sall reCain u? a>ter so>t re8oot o> all cards exce?t one card.

To <eri>y tat call ill 8e dro?ed en all acti<e Cedia cards gets so>t re8ooted.

To <eri>y tat call sall not 8e dro?ed en one o> te Cedia out o> to Cedia ?air a8is con>igured gete re8ooted.

To <eri>y tat call sall not 8e dro?ed en any o> te Cedia cards get re8ooted exec?t tose as con>igured /8is.

$eri>y tat stand8y card 8ecoCes /cti<e en locking >roC 63" and trigger te 323 call it tones success>ully.

$eri>y tat all 6/3 o?eration like "-" tiCeslots 0ockunlockcan 8e done a>ter Canual sitco<er.

$eri>y tat /i> reCains u? i> 3TP2 link con>igured >or /cti<e card is locked en tere is link con>igured >or Stand8y cardic is in unlockedena8led state.

$eri>y te 8ea<ior on call en one o> te con>igured 3TP2 link is locked during tra>>ic load saring condition out o> tolinks.

$eri>y tat /i>/otdC goes don 7 ten coCes u? a>ter sitco<er en tere is no 3TP2 link con>igured on stand8ycard.Precondition=only one ?air o> cards is a<ail8ale.

To <eri>y tat tere is no iCa?ct on /8is and /inter>acei? or tdC on ic link as con>igured en /cti<e sitc card isso>t reset >roC 63"G

$eri>y tat a>ter reset o> all exce?t a8is con>igured te adCin 7 o?erational state o> "E00 sall reCain te saCe as 8e>oresitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter reset o> all exce?t a8is con>igured te adCin 7 o?erational state o> TR sall reCain te saCe as 8e>oresitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter reset o> all exce?t a8is con>igured te adCin 7 o?erational state o> BTS sall reCain te saCe as 8e>oresitco<er.

$eri>y tat a>ter so>t reset o> all Cedia cardG adCin state 0ock:nlock o> BS" reCains te saCe as 8e>ore reset actionGtrigger te 323 call it tones success>ully.

$eri>y tat all te call resources are released success>ully en en 3edia cards re8ooted on ic /8is is con>igured andreesta8lisCent o> te ne calls it tones en cards coCes u?.

$eri>y tat / inter>ace coCes u? en E1 ca8le is Co<ed >roC one Cedia card trunk ?ort to oter Cedia trunk?ortcon>igured >or /-> a>ter sitco<er.

$eri>y tat Plug out te E1 linkcon>igured on Stand8y card 8e>ore sitco<er and <eri>y tat a>ter sitco<er i> E1 is ?luggedinG /inter>ace sall coCe u?.

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4ill 5/ on acti<e card and <eri>y tat sitco<er is success>ul

4ill S"3 on acti<e card and <eri>y tat sitco<er is success>ul

4ill 9@ST/"4 on acti<e card and <eri>y tat sitco<er is success>ul

To <eri>y te Bea<ior en all /cti<e cards are cras 8y killing ?rocesses during 6/3 con>igurtionadding and deleting o>trxGcellGlink.

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Total Pass "ond. Pass Fail Progress Quality

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+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+!

+ + + + #REF! #REF!





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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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Pr%or%t0+5C ReleaseNumber 

BTS ReleaseNumber 

BSC ReleaseNumber 


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&%rst T%me Status

Pass Err='+%

"onditional Pass Err='+%

Fail Err='+%Blocked Err='+%

-n<alid Err='+%

9on Testa8le Err='+%

9ot /??lica8le Err='+%

To Be Executed

Total Err='+%

Remar(s &%rst T%meTest Status

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Test Plan


Pass 12

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le &)

To Be Executed 2(

Total %)

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Regression Parallel 6?erations BS"AF:9"AS@AP/R/0 A++1

2 Regression Parallel 6?erations BS"AF:9"AS@AP/R/0A+1%

Regression Parallel 6?erations BS"AF:9"AS@AP/R/0A+12

% Regression Parallel 6?erations BS"AF:9"AS@AP/R/0A+1+

' Regression Parallel 6?erations BS"AF:9"AS@AP/R/0A++)

* Regression Parallel 6?erations BS"AF:9"AS@A P/R/0A+1)

) Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTSD0A++1

( Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTSD0A++'

& Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTSD0A++(

1+ Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTSD0A+1+

11 Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTSD0A+11

12 Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTSD0A+1(

1 Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTSD0A+21

1% Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTS/"TA++1

1' Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTS/"TA++%

1* Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTS/"TA++*

1) Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTS/"TA++)

1( Regression BS"AF:9"AS@ABTS/"TA+11

Back to 3enu

BTS S@ DonloadBTS re?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ Donload

BTS re?laced 8y BTSBTS S@ DonloadBTS re?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ DonloadBTS re?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ DonloadBTS re?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ DonloadBTS re?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ DonloadBTS re?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ /cti<ation BTS

re?laced 8y BTSBTS S@ /cti<ation BTSre?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ /cti<ation BTSre?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ /cti<ation BTSre?laced 8y BTS

BTS S@ /cti<ation BTSre?laced 8y BTS

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1& Regression Pro>iles 3anageCent $90A63"APR6A33TA++2

2+ Regression Pro>iles 3anageCent $90A63"APR6A33TA+22

21 Regression Pro>iles 3anageCent $90A63"APR6A33TA+2

22 Regression Pro>iles 3anageCent $90A63"APR6A33TA+%*

2 Regression Pro>iles 3anageCent $90A63"APR6A33TA+*2

2% Regression Pro>iles 3anageCent

2' Regression BS" So>tare 6>>er BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"S:A+1

2* Regression BS" So>tare 6>>er BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"S:A+1(

2) Regression BS" So>tare 6>>er BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"S:A+1'

2( Regression BS" So>tare /cti<ation BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"/"TA++1

2& Regression BS" So>tare /cti<ation BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"/"TA++2

+ Regression BS" So>tare /cti<ation BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"/"TA++

1 Regression BS" So>tare /cti<ation BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"/"TA++'

2 Regression BS" So>tare /cti<ation BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"/"TA++(

Regression BS" So>tare /cti<ation BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"/"TA+1+

% Regression BS" So>tare /cti<ation BS"AF:9"AS@ABS"/"TA+11

' Regression BS" So>tare Donload BS"AF:9"AS@A63" A++'

* Regression

) Regression

( Regression RERA63"TARegistrationAT"A+11

& Regression "lock Extraction BS"A"04AETA++

%+ Regression "lock Extraction BS"A"04AETA++%

%1 Regression "lock Extraction BS"A"04AETA+1


Registration o> BS" it63"

63" Ser<er and "lientS@ installation

Registration o> all

TransCission nodes

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%2 Regression "lock Extraction BS"A"04AETA+1'

% Regression "lock Extraction

%% Regression BS"AE-"ATPA+1*

%' Regression BSSA6/3A+%%

%* Regression BSSA6/3A+%'

%) Regression BSSA6/3A+%*

%( Regression BSSA6/3A+%)

%& Regression BSSA6/3A+%(

'+ Regression BS"AE-"ATPA+1(

'1 Regression

'2 Regression

' Regression $90A63"AR2A5"ABS"A+')

'% Regression $90A63"AFTPAS3PA++1

'' Regression TR/: /llocation BS"AF:9"ADSPATR/:A/llocA++2

'* Regression TR/: /llocation BS"AF:9"ADSPATR/:A/llocA++

') Regression TR/: /llocation BS"AF:9"ADSPATR/:A/llocA+22

'( Regression TR/: /llocation BS"AF:9"ADSPATR/:A/llocA+2

'& Regression TR/: /llocation BS"AF:9"ADSPATR/:A/llocA+2%

 /dCinistrati<e unlockingo> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

 /dCinistrati<e unlocking

o> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

 /dCinistrati<e unlockingo> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

 /dCinistrati<e unlockingo> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

 /dCinistrati<e unlockingo> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

 /dCinistrati<e unlocking

o> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

 /dCinistrati<e unlockingo> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

 /dCinistrati<e unlockingo> Trunk ?orts and BTSG"ell.

To ceck te6?erational and

 /dCinstati<e states are?ro?erly re>lected in

63" a>terreconcillatoon

To ceck te6?erational and

 /dCinstati<e states are?ro?erly re>lected in63" a>terreconcillatoon

To ceck te6?erational and

 /dCinstati<e states are?ro?erly re>lected in

63" a>terreconcillatoon

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*+ Regression

*1 Regression BTS Reset*2 Regression

* Regression

*% Regression

*' Regression S3S trans>er STDAT"++2

** Regression S3S trans>er STDAT"++

*) Regression S3S trans>er  *( Regression S3S trans>er STDAT"++%

*& Regression -ntraBsc 5ando<er BS"AS-ABS"A56A+2+

)+ Regression -ntraBsc 5ando<er BS"AS-ABS"A56A++'

)1 Regression -ntraBsc 5ando<er S;SAT"A12

)2 Regression -ntraBsc 5ando<er S;SAT"A12)

) Regression -ntraBsc 5ando<er S;SAT"A12(

)% Regression -ntraBsc 5ando<er S;SAT"A122

)' Regression $90A63"AREP6ABSSA++1

)* Regression "ell ?er>orCance re?orts $90A63"AREP6ABSSA++2

)) Regression $90A63"AREP6ABSSA++

)( Regression $90A63"AREP6ABSSA++%

)& Regression

(+ Regression RERA63"TA F/:0T 5/9 AT"A++2

(1 Regression BS"AE-"AS@A:PA+

(2 Regression TR Block BS"AF:9"ATRAB04A+11

( Regression TR Block BS"AF:9"ATRAB04A+1

(% Regression TR Block BS"AF:9"ATRAB04A+1'

(' Regression TR Block BS"AF:9"ATRAB04A++1

(* Regression TR Block BS"AF:9"ATRAB04A+2+

 />ter Poer reset o>BS"GBTS or a TD9 andceck tat Co8ile againlatces and can Cake<oice calls.9o Canual inter<entionsould 8e necessary

Te ?lat>orC o> all 3%casis cards arereCotely u?gradea8le

% Earlang1.%4B5"/tra>>ic on one $BTS >or12 ours using 3S3

( Earlang2.(4B"/tra>iic on one RBTS >or12 ours using 3S3

BSS ?er>orCancere?ort.

5ando<er ?er>orCancere?ort

 5ando<er algoritC?er>orCance re?ort

BTS BS" "urrent and5istory /larCs

TransCission alarCs incurrent and istoryalarCs

E-" So>tare


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() Regression RER AR: F:9"AT"A++

(( Regression FreHuency 5o??ing BSSAF5A+1

(& Regression FreHuency 5o??ing BSSAF5A++(

&+ Regression :0D0 Poer "ontrol BSA3SAREDA0

&1 Regression :0D0 Poer "ontrol BSA3SAREDAQ&2 Regression :0D0 Poer "ontrol 3SA:RAB0

& Regression Encry?tion STDAT"11+2

&% Regression Encry?tion STDAT"11+'

&' Regression Encry?tion T"11+2/

&* Regression BSS3/PA++1

&) Regression BSS3/PA++2

&( Regression BSS3/PA++

&& Regression BSS3/PA++%

1++ Regression BSS3/PA++'

1+1 Regression BSS3/PA++*

1+2 Regression BSS3/PA++)

1+ Regression BSS3/PA++(

1+% Regression BSS3/PA++&

1+' Regression BSS3/PA+1+

1+* Regression BSS3/PA+11

1+) Regression BSS3/PA+12

1+( Regression BSS3/PA+1A/

3aintainence o>TransCission units lockunlock

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

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1+& Regression BSS3/PA+1AB

11+ Regression BSS3/PA+1%

111 Regression BSS3/PA+1'

112 Regression BSS3/PA+1*

11 Regression BSS3/PA+1)

11% Regression BSS3/PA+1(

11' Regression BSS3/PA+2+

11* Regression BSS3/PA+2+A/

11) Regression BSS3/PA+2+AB

11( Regression BSS3/PA+21

11& Regression BSS3/PA+22

12+ Regression BSS3/PA+2

121 Regression BSS3/PA+2%

122 Regression BSS3/PA+2'

12 Regression BSS3/PA+2*

12% Regression BSS3/PA+2)A/

12' Regression BSS3/PA+2)AB

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

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12* Regression BSS3/PA+2(

12) Regression BSS3/PA+2&

12( Regression BSS3/PA++

12& Regression BSS3/PA+1

1+ Regression BSS3/PA+2

11 Regression BSS3/PA+

12 Regression BSS3/PA+%

1 Regression BSS3/PA+*

1% Regression BSS3/PA+)

1' Regression BSS3/PA+(

1* Regression BSS3/PA+&

1) Regression BSS3/PA+%+

1( Regression BSS3/PA+%1

1& Regression BSS3/PA+%2

1%+ Regression BSS3/PA+%

1%1 Regression BSS3/PA+%%

1%2 Regression BSS3/PA+%'

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCated

test suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

BSS3/P /utoCatedtest suite using 3S"siCulator 

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1*) Regression

1*( Regression 6n Fly "anges 6F"AT"A%

1*& Regression 6n Fly "anges 6F"AT"A*

1)+ Regression 6n Fly "anges 6F"AT"A1+

1)1 Regression 6n Fly "anges 6F"AT"A12

1)2 Regression "ell Barring1) Regression 0/PD TiCers STDAT"+(+1

1)% Regression S""P TiCers

1)' Regression Radio Resource BSSAS;SAT"A+&

1)* Regression Radio Resource

1)) Regression Radio Resource STDAT"A9++1

1)( Regression Radio Resource BSSAT"A'+2

1)& Regression R0T6 BSSAS;SAT"A1+

1(+ Regression Radio Resource

1(1 Regression Radio Resource

1(2 Regression

1( Regression TRBTS reset $90A"":A"0-A++1

1(% Regression TRBTS reset $90A"":A "0- A++2

1(' Regression TRBTS reset

1(* Regression TRBTS reset

1() Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A++)

1(( Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A++(

1(& Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+1*

1&+ Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+%+

1&1 Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+*2

1&2 Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+)2

1& Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+)(

1&% Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+(1

1&' Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+(

1&* Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+((

1&) Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+&'

1&( Regression "B"5 BS"AF:9"A"B"5A+&(1&& Regression /larC Ex?ort $90A63"AF/0TA/EA++2

2++ Regression /larC Ex?ort $90A63"AF/0TA/EA++

2+1 Regression /larC Ex?ort $90A63"AF/0TA/EA++%

2+2 Regression /larC Filtering $90A63"AR2A+

2+ Regression /larC Filtering $90A63"AR2A+%

2+% Regression /larC Filtering $90A63"AR2A+'

2+' Regression TR/: /llocation T"ATR/:AR/A++%



BS" con>igura8le tiCers

>roC 63"

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2+* Regression TR/: /llocation T"ATR/:ARRA++1

2+) Regression /3R5R BS"AF:9"A/3RA5RA+&&

2+( Regression /3R5R BS"AF:9"A/3RA5RA+2+

2+& Regression /3R5R BS"AF:9"A/3RA5RA+21

21+ Regression TiCe Xone $90A63"ATXA++1211 Regression TiCe Xone $90A63"ATXA++

212 Regression TiCe Xone $90A63"ATXA++*

21 Regression TiCe Xone $90A63"ATXA++)

21% Regression TiCe Xone $90A63"ATXA++&

21' Regression TiCe Xone $90A63"ATXA+%

21* Regression 3/-6 $90A3/-6AT"A+2

21) Regression 3/-6 $90A3/-6AT"A+

21( Regression 3/-6 $90A3/-6AT"A+'

21& Regression 3/-6 $90A3/-6AT"A+*

22+ Regression 3/-6 $90A3/-6AT"A+)

221 Regression 3/-6 $90A3/-6AT"A+&

222 Regression 3/-6 $90A3/-6AT"A1+

22 SysteC Features T1/9S- Su??ort $90AS;SAT1A+1

22% SysteC Features T1/9S- Su??ort $90AS;SAT1A+2

22' SysteC Features T1/9S- Su??ort $90AS;SAT1A+

22* SysteC Features T1/9S- Su??ort $90AS;SAT1A+%

22) SysteC Features T1/9S- Su??ort $90AS;SAT1A+'

22( SysteC Features T1/9S- Su??ort $90AS;SAT1A+*

22& SysteC Features T1/9S- Su??ort $90AS;SAT1A+)

2+ SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+1

21 SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+2

22 SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+

2 SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+%

2% SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+'

2' SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+*

2* SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+)

2) SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+(

2( SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A+&

2& SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A1+

2%+ SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A11

2%1 SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A12

2%2 SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A1'

2% SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A1*

2%% SysteC Features Basic 5/2 $90AS;SA5/2A1(

2%' SysteC Features /8is o<er satellite $90AS;SAS/TA+1

2%* SysteC Features /8is o<er satellite $90AS;SAS/TA+2

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2%) SysteC Features /8is o<er satellite $90AS;SAS/TA+

2%( SysteC Features /8is o<er satellite $90AS;SAS/TA+%

2%& SysteC Features /8is o<er satellite $90AS;SAS/TA+'

2'+ SysteC Features /8is o<er satellite $90AS;SAS/TA+*

2'1 SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+1

2'2 SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+2

2' SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+

2'% SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+%

2'' SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+'

2'* SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+*

2') SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+)

2'( SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+(

2'& SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA+&

2*+ SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA1+

2*1 SysteC Features $90AS;SA:0DTA/3R5RA11

2*2 SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+1

2* SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+2

2*% SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+

2*' SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+%

2** SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+'

2*) SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+*2*( SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+)

2*& SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+(

2)+ SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A+&

2)1 SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1+

2)2 SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A11

2) SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A12

2)% SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1

2)' SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1%

2)* SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1'

2)) SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1*

2)( SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1)

2)& SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1(2(+ SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A1&

2(1 SysteC Features BTS ('+ 7 1&++ Band $90AS;SA('+A1&++A2+

2(2 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+1A&++

2( SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+2A1(++

2(% SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+A('+

2(' SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+%A1&++

2(* SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+'A&++

2() SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+*A1(++

2(( SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+)A('+

:0 DT su??ort >or /3R5R

:0 DT su??ort >or

 /3R5R:0 DT su??ort >or


:0 DT su??ort >or /3R5R

:0 DT su??ort >or /3R5R

:0 DT su??ort >or /3R5R

:0 DT su??ort >or /3R5R

:0 DT su??ort >or

 /3R5R:0 DT su??ort >or


:0 DT su??ort >or /3R5R

:0 DT su??ort >or /3R5R

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2(& SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+(A1&++

2&+ SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+&A&++

2&1 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1+A1(++

2&2 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA11A('+

2& SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA12A1&++

2&% SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1A&++

2&' SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1%A1(++

2&* SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1'A('+2&) SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1*A1&++

2&( SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1)A&++

2&& SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1(A1(++

++ SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1&A('+

+1 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2+A1&++

+2 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA21A&++

+ SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA22A1(++

+% SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2A('+

+' SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2%A1&++

+* SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2'A&++

+) SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2*A1(++

+( SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2)A('++& SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2(A1&++

1+ SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2&A&++

11 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA+A1(++

12 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA1A('+

1 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA2A1&++

1% SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSAA&++

1' SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%A1(++

1* SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA'A('+

1) SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA*A1&++

1( SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA)A&++

1& SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA(A1(++

2+ SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA&A('+21 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%+A1&++

22 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%1A&++

2 SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%2A1(++

2% SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%A('+

2' SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%%A1&++

2* SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%'A&++

2) SysteC Features PRS $90AS;SAPRSA%*A1(++

2( SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+1

2& SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+2

+ SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+

1 SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+%

2 SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+'

SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+*

% SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+)

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

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' SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A+(

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) SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A1+

( SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A11

& SysteC Features $90AS;SAT/A12

%+ SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+1

%1 SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+2

%2 SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+

% SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+%

%% SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+'

%' SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+*

%* SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+)

%) SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+(

%( SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A+&

%& SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A1+'+ SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A11

'1 SysteC Features /' "i?ering su??ort $90AS;SA/'A12

'2 SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+1

' SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+2

'% SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+

'' SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+%

'* SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+'

') SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+*

'( SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+)

'& SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+(

*+ SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA+&

*1 SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA1+

*2 SysteC Features $90AS;SAD0ADTA11

* SysteC Features $90AS;SA/0/R3A+1

*% SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++1

*' SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++2

** SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased /ccess "ontrol

 TiCing /d<ance 8ased

 /ccess "ontrol TiCing /d<ance 8ased

 /ccess "ontrol













 /3RDu?licate entry in /larCDB du?licate alarCreCo<al

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*) SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++%

*( SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++'

*& SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++*

)+ SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++)

)1 SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++(

)2 SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A++&

) SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A+1+

)% SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A+11

)' SysteC Features 4P-2 $90AS;SA4P-A+12

)* SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA++1

)) SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA++2

)( SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA++

)& SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA++%

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(2 SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA++)

( SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA++(

(% SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA++&

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() SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA+12

(( SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA+1

(& SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA+1%

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&1 SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA+1*

&2 SysteC Features $90AS;SAResAallocA+1)

& SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++1

"SPS resourceallocation

"SPS resourceallocation

"SPS resourceallocation

"SPS resourceallocation

"SPS resourceallocation

"SPS resourceallocation

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&% SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++2

&' SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++

&* SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++%

&) SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++'

&( SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++*

&& SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++)

%++ SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++(

%+1 SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A++&

%+2 SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A+1+

%+ SysteC Features 4P-PS $90AS;SAPS4P-A+11

%+% SysteC Features 3/-6

%+' SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+2

%+* SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+

%+) SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+%

%+( SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+'

%+& SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+*

%1+ SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+)

%11 SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+(

%12 SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A+&

%1 SysteC Features $90A3/-6AT"A1+


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%1% SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++1

%1' SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++2

%1* SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++

%1) SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++%

%1( SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++'

%1& SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++*

%2+ SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++)

%21 SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++(

%22 SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A++&

%2 SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1+

%2% SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+11

%2' SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+12

%2* SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1

%2) SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1%

%2( SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1'

%2& SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1*

%+ SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1)

%1 SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1(

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%2 SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+1&

% SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+2+

%% SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+21

%' SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+22

%* SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+2

%) SysteC Features Flexi8le SDD"5 $90AFSD""5AT"A+2%

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Priority 1

Priority 2



Test Case es"r%pt%on

Success>ul S@ Donload to a BTS directly connected to BS".

So>tare Donload reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> te BTS is not connected.

:nsuccess>ul So>tare Donload on BTSG 0/PD link goes don.

So>tare Donload reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> >or tis BTS deletion-nProgress >lag is TR:E in S3 Ta8le.

Success>ul S@ /cti<ation to a BTS directly connected to BS".

So>tare /cti<ation reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> reHuested so>tare <ersion is already /cti<e on BTS.

 So>tare /cti<ation reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> >or te saCe node donload is in ?rogress.

So>tare /cti<ation reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> >or te saCe node acti<ation is already in ?rogress.

Back to 8ack so>tare acti<ation reHuest on BTSs troug di>>erent 63"R clients.

Success>ul a So>tare Donload to BTS 8 So>tare :?grade 6>>er to donload ne BTS So>tare >roC FTPSer<er to BS"G in ?arallel

Success>ul a So>tare Delete reHuest issued >or BTS So>tare $ersion already a<aila8le at BS" 8 So>tare

 /cti<ation reHuest >or te BTS So>tare $ersion already a<aila8le at BTSG in ?arallelSuccess>ul a So>tare Delete reHuest issued >or already a<aila8le BTS So>tare $ersion 8 So>tare :?grade6>>er >or di>>erent BTS So>tare $ersionG in ?arallel

Success>ul a So>tare /cti<ation o> -nacti<e So>tare at BS" 8 So>tare :?grade 6>>er >or donload o> ne BS"so>tare >roC FTP Ser<er to BS"

So>tare Donload running on a BTS1 is not a>>ected 8y So>tare /cti<ation at a BTS2G in dedicated TS setu?G in?arallel

Success>ul a So>tare Delete reHuest issued >or BTS So>tare $ersion a<aila8le at BS" 8 So>tare DonloadreHuest >or a BTS So>tare $ersion >roC BS"G in ?arallel

 So>tare Donload reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> reHuested so>tare <ersion is already a<aila8le in s/cti<e >ield

o> S39ode ta8le.So>tare Donload reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> te ?re<ious reHuest o> so>tare acti<ation is still running on tesaCe BTS.

 So>tare Donload reHuest to a BTS reIectedG i> te nuC8er o> ongoing So>tare Donloads on BS" as alreadyreaced CaxSDonloadsTotal.

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3odi>y an ex?orted xls ?ro>ile >or %+ BTS and %+ TR. -C?ort and $eri>y /??ly Pro>ile is success>ul

$eri>y tat user can a8le to <ie all te >ields in Ex?orted ?ro>ile success>ully in excell seet.

$eri>y tat a??ly ?ro>ile is success>ul a>ter Culti?le sitco<erCiniCuC 2 sitco<er

$eri>y Success>ul con>iguration o> ?ro>ile sa<ed in last 63" release o> '+ TR"ells.

Execution o> only ?rede>ined nuC8er o> so>tare u?grade o>>er ?rocedure is alloed in te systeC at a tiCe

9o iC?act o> BS" lock reHuest en so>tare u?grade o>>er is running >or BS"BTS so>tare iCage

Success>ul So>tare /cti<ation to acti<ate BS" so>tare iCage a<aila8le on BS" card as -nacti<e So>tare

BS" unlock reIected en So>tare /cti<ation ?rocedure running >or BS"

BS" So>tare /cti<ation reIected is BS" is in :nlock state

BS" So>tare /cti<ation reIectedG i> te so>tare acti<ation is already going on

BS" So>tare /cti<ation reIectedG i> te reHuested so>tare <ersion is already acti<e

BS" So>tare /cti<ation reIectedG i> te so>tare u?grade o>>er is already going on >or te BS" so>tare

So>tare Donload >or BS"

Success>ul Registration o> BS" at 63"R.

Success>ul 63" ser<er 7 "lient installation as ?er installation 7 Release notes

3ulti?le 9ode Registration en all te nodes are ?oered u? at te saCe tiCe.

Success>ul creation o> >res ?ro>ile it >ull con>iguration =1 Radio "on>ig "ellG 0/"G "annel grou?G /RF"9G "SExternal"ell2 "sneig"ellsTa8le "s?rctrlTa8le% octrlta8le' TiCer"on>ig S""PG 3TPG /B-S6-PG BSS/P* stack"on>ig linkG routeG /inter>aceG etc) BSS BS" con>ig

( -n<entory "asisG Trunk ?ortsG DSPG 3edia "ard.& BTS-F BTSG TR1+ -P"on>ig 30PPP11 clockSource

3odi>y an ex?orted xls ?ro>ile to add '+ TRG in ic 1 BTS is already exisiting. $eri>y -C?ort and /??ly Pro>ile issuccess>ul

So>tare :?grade 6>>er >ailure >or BS"BTS iCageG en BS" ?lat>orC indicates unsuccess>ul so>tare u?grade

o>>er ?rocedure due to rong >t? ser<er address

Success>ul So>tare /cti<ation to acti<ate BS" so>tare iCage a<aila8le on BS" card8ot on /cti<e and Stand8yas Donloaded So>tare

$eri>y "on>iguration o> tree clock source >or te trunk?orts associated it E-" card ic are re?orted in SysteC-n>orCation >roC Plat>orC en to clock source >or trunk?orts associated it anoter E-" card is alreadycon>igured

$eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" 7 clock extraction en one 8y one E1 ca8les ?lugged out >roC ' external con>iguredclock sources o> ic 8elong to tat E-" card ic are re?orted in SysteC -n>orCation >roC Plat>orC enclock source >or trunk?orts associated it anoter E-" card is already con>igure 8e>ore BS" sitces to next?riority clock source.

$eri>y tat clock source con>iguration reHuest >or trunk ?ort o> tat E-" card o> ic DSP S@ acti<ation is in?rogress.

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$eri>y tat con>igured "lock sources can 8e deleted >or E-" trunk ?orts tat donot exist in te systeC

To <eri>y success>ul E1 TiCeslot 0ock ?rocedure en E1 is con>igured >or 0/PD inter>ace.

To <eri>y unsuccess>ul E1 tiCeslot 0ock:nlock ?rocedure.

To <eri>y success>ul E1 TiCeslot :nlock ?rocedure en E1 is con>igured >or 0/PD inter>ace.

$eri>y tat BS" allos Deacti<ation o> trunkPort en adCinistrati<e state is 06"4ED at E-" 7 -"" "ards.

$eri>y S"TP status o> BTS on lockingunlocking o> RT3 >raCer.

$eri>y tat 63" is a8le to reconcile all clocks status en user selects reconcileO.

Reconcile BS" success>ully

TR/: resource allocation on unlocking te TR

Trau resource allocation to a ?ending TR on locking te running TR

DSP alarC raised en o?erator initiated sitco<er takes ?lace

DSP alarC raised en te DSP is reset

:nCa??ing o> TR/: resources en /8isoi? link is disconnected.

 /ll 1+ Ports can 8e used >or clock extraction. (To Veriy it! B"" redundancy External clock to beretained#

$eri>y tat te trunk ?ort is in 06"4ED adCinistrati<e state and Disa8le ?ysical state 8y de>ault en BS" coCesu? >irst tiCe a>ter startu?.

To <eri>y success>ul E1 TiCeslot 0ock ?rocedure en E1 tiCeslot is used >or / -nter>ace and allocated to 3TP2 or


To <eri>y success>ul E1 TiCeslot :nlock ?rocedure en E1 tiCeslot is used >or / -nter>ace and allocated to 3TP2or "-".

$eri>y adCisitrati<e state o> BS" GBTSG"E00SGTR:94 P6RTSGclock status Gare ?ro?erly re>lected at 63"R uisngDBT660.

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$eri>y 3o8ile latces to netork a>ter BTS reset.Te ?lat>orC o> all 3% casis cards are reCotely u?gradea8le

Success>ul load on R2 -P BTS >or 12 5ours

Success>ul load on R2 -P BTS >or 12 5ours

 3T S3SG 3S -9 -D0E 36DE

36 S3SG D:R-9 /"T-$E "/00

Success>ul S3S Core ten 1*+ caracters 3T S3S D:R-9 /"T-$E "/00

:nsuccess>ul BS" controlled 5ando<er ?rocedure en ena8le-nc5o is set to >alse at target cell

BS" triggers 56 on oter neig8or cell en no radio resources are a<aila8le at Target "ell. 2 neig8ors

"eck Tra>>ic TS sitcing a>ter 5ando<er Detection >roC Target TR.

3onitor te ne G old tra>>ic cannels TR/: FraCes a>ter success>ul 56 occurred

5ando<er is not success>ul en no radio resources are a<aila8le at Target "ell6nly 1 neig8or cell a<aila8le.

enerate all BSS Per>orCance re?ort on 63"

enerate BSS"E00 "ircuitSitc"ellPer>orCanceRe?ort ?er>orCance re?ort on 63"

enerate BSS"E00 "ircuitSitc5ando<er/lgoritCRe?ort ?er>orCance re?ort on 63"

enerate BSS"E00 "ircuitSitc5ando<erRe?ort ?er>orCance re?ort on 63"

"eck "ritical /larCsG3aIor /larrCs coCing >or TD3o-P 9odes ile tra>>ic going on.1++ 38?s.

$eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on running call en oter non8cc trxJs in di>>erent cell is Block.

$eri>y 3o8ile latces to netork a>ter BS" reset. />ter Poer reset o> BS"GBTS or a TD9 and ceck tat Co8ile again latces and can Cake <oice calls.9o Canual inter<ention sould 8e necessary

:nsuccess>ul te BS" controlled 5ando<er ?rocedureG en BS" detects radio link >ailure in te ser<ing cell a>tersending 5ando<er "oCCand. TiCer T1+ ex?ires.

$eri>y success>ul u?dation o> BS" 7 BTS /larCs at 63"R in 5istory 7 "urrent /larCs. /larCs to 8e decidedneed to 8e decided.

Back to 8ack a So>tare :?grade 6>>er reHuest >or donload o> ne 3ED-/ so>tare >roC FTP Ser<er to BS" 8

So>tare /cti<ation reHuest >or acti<ation o> Donloaded So>tare at BS"

$eri>y tat non B""5 TR is iCCediately locked en call running on tat TR is disconnected 8y user 8e>oreex?iry o> t@aitTrxBlock tiCer 

$eri>y tat ne initiated call in T"5 Code sould 8e iCCediately releasd en non 8cc trx on ic call isinitiated is Block at te saCe tiCe.

$eri>y te con>iguration o> t@aitTrxBlock tiCer 8y a??ying di>>erent <alues.

$eri>y TR 8lock ile 2 ?air o> "alls running and at te saCe tiCe one ?air call is disconnected and initiated again

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Back to 8ack 0ock3odi>y ParaCeters:nlock o> Radio ile Tra>>ic is going on.

Success>ul randoC >reHuency o??ing on nonB""5 TR it six TR tree sector BTS.

D0:0 ?oer reduction 8ecause o> good le<el it DTdonu?linkG BS3SP" and F5 ena8led

:0D0 ?oer reductionG 8ecause o> good Huality it DTdonu?linkG BS3SP" and F5 ena8ledD0 ?oer control increase 8ecause o> urgent conditions

"-P5ER-9 PR6"ED:RE /FTER T"5 /"T-$/T-69

 DT/P 3ESS/E E"5/9E -9 BET@EE9 "-P5ER-9 PR6"ED:RE

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es B06"4 Cessage >or uneHui??ed cic >roC 3S"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9EQ:-PPED "-R":-T Cessage >roC 3S" >or an unknon cic

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es B06"4 /"4 >roC 3S" >or an uneHui??ed circuit

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 >roC 3S" >or an uneHui??ed circuit

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 /"4 >roC 3S" >or an uneHui??ed circuit

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es RESET "-R":-T >roC 3S" >or an uneHui??ed circuit

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es RESET "-R":-T /"4 >roC 3S" >or an uneHui??ed circuit

To <eri>y te success>ul con>iguration o> BS" >or "yclic >reHuency o??ing on a nonB""5 TR en 5S9 <alue isset to Lero

Sending E9"R;PT-69 "633/9D RR "i?ering Code "Cd on T"5Fcannel and tiCeslot and recei<ing RR"i?ering 3ode "oC?lete Success>ul

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en 3S" initiates B06"4 ?rocedure it cause K6 7 3 inter<entionK >or a circuitic is already reCotely 8locked at BS"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en 3S" initiates B06"4 ?rocedure it cause KeHui?Cent >ailureK >or a circuitic is already reCotely 8locked at BS"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en 3S" initiates B06"4 ?rocedure it cause Kno radio resource a<aila8leK >or acircuit ic is already reCotely 8locked at BS"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 >roC 3S" >or a circuit tat is already reCotely un8lockedat BS"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 /"4 >or a circuit >roC 3S" >or ic :9B06"4 as notsent 8y BS"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es B06"4 >roC 3S" it 3issing 3andatory -E "-"

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To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es B06"4 >roC 3S" it -ncorrect lengt o> Candatory ?araCeters

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es an unknon Cessage >roC 3S"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -E

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es B06"4 >roC 3S" it 3issing 3andatory -E "ause

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o> Candatory?araCeters

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" using S""P connectionless ser<icei.e. in :DT

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" it a s?eec <ersion tat is

una<aila8le at BS" 5R <ersion 1

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" it a s?eec <ersion tat isuna<aila8le at BS" /3R 5R

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" it a s?eec <ersion tat isuna<aila8le at BS" /3R FR

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es "i?er 3ode "oCCand >roC 3S" it an algoritC ic isuna<aila8le at BS"

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es "i?er 3ode "oCCand >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory

?araCeter Kencry?tion in>orCationK

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es "i?er 3ode "oCCand >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o>Candatory ?araCeters.

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es "i?er 3ode "oCCand >roC 3S" using S""P connectionlessser<ice i.e. in :DT

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging >roC 3S" >or a cell tat is not andled 8y BS" Scri?t is ritten >or cell -D +

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging >roC 3S" >or a lac tat is not andled 8y BS"

Scri?t is ritten >or lac 2')

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging >roC 3S" it 3issing Candatory -E -3S-

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging >roC 3S" it 3issing Candatory -E "ell -denti>ier 

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To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o> Candatory ?araCeters

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es RESET circuit >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -E

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es RESET "-R":-T /"4 >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -E

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es RESET >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -E

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es RESET >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o> Candatory ?araCeter 

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o> Candatory ?araCeters

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es "0E/R "633/9D >roC 3S" using S""P "onnectionless ser<ice

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recie<es RESET circuit >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o> Candatory


To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es RESET "-R":-T /"4 >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o> Candatory?araCeters

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging Cessage >roC 3S" >or a cell tat is in locked state."ell needs to 8e locked at BS" side

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging Cessage >roC 3S" >or a cell tat does not as """5

"ell needs to 8e con>igured at BS" side

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -E

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es B06"4 /"4 >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -E

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es B06"4 /"4 >roC 3S" it inconsistent lengt o> Candatoryin>orCation eleCent

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 /"4 >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -E

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9B06"4 /"4 >roC 3S" it inconsistent lengt o> Candatory

in>orCation eleCent

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es 5/9D6$ER REQ:EST >roC 3S" using S""P "onnectionlessser<iceBS" goes >or re8oot

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To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it Cessages are sent in rong direction

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es ?aging it cannel needed as T"5 FR5R

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en 3S" sends 8lock ack >or a circuit tat is locally un8locked

$eri>y >ull load %+ cells to 8e run using /D/ BTS3S siCulators.

$eri>y FreHuency o>>set to 8e in acce?ta8le dri>t on 8ot TransCission cains a>ter 12 ours o> load.

$eri>y BTS 6?erational state on / inter>ace going don at 63"R.

$eri>y BTS o?erational state en cell is locked.

$eri>y BTS 6?erational state en cell is 8arred at 63"R.

$eri>y correct /dCin state o> BTS en BTS are locked and unlocked.

$eri>y cannel status o> a TR en noting is running on te TR

$eri>y te cannel status on a TR en assignCent coC?lete is discarded

$eri>y te cannel status attri8utes en /inter>ace got don

$oice to 8e tested during interBsc 5ando<er.

$eri>y -nterBsc ando<er ile sending long S3S.

$eri>y Poer out?uts o> P-"6 BTS

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es 5/9D6$ER "633/9D >roC 3S" using S""P "onnectionlessser<ice

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9EQ:-PPED "-R":-T >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory-n>orCation EleCent

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es :9EQ:-PPED "-R":-T >roC 3S" it incorrect lengt o>


To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es "lear "oCCand >roC 3S" it Cissing Candatory -n>orCationEleCent

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" it a s?eec <ersion tat isuna<aila8le at BS" 5al> rate <ersion 2

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en it recei<es /ssignCent ReHuest >roC 3S" it s?eec <ersion as KFull rate<ersion 2K i.e. EFR

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior o> BS" en 3S" sends 8lock Cessage >or all cics and ten sends un8lock >or tese cics"ic 11' and "ic 1)1

$eri>y te cannel attri8ute status >or te deallocation o> radio resources en DSP is locked o> te TR a<ing

calls running

Success>ul 3S" controlled 5ando<er Procedure due to KR0E$K >roC source "ell 1(++ 8and to target cell &++8and

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$eri>y Poer out?uts o> P-"6 BTS

3odi>y 2 neig8or cells it saCe B""5 /RF"9 <alues.

 /dd neig8or "ell itout locking BSS >or all -nternal "ells.

Delete external neig8or "ell itout locking "ell Ta8le.

"eck tat e<en en a cell is 8arredG calls can 8e Cade it cell 8ar re<erse o?tion in test Co8iles0/PD tiCers T2++GT2+1GT2+2GT2+

S""P tiar tias

T1+ tiCer ex?iry in te BSSG 3o8ile lost during call setu?. EHui?Cent identity is una<aila8le.

 T-3ER T1+) EP-R;

:nsuccess>ul link esta8lisCent indication >or S/P- +G T1+1 ex?ire

3o8ile to Co8ile callG radio link >ailure at /side

$eri>y di>>erent causes >or assignCent >ailures.

$eri>y di>>erent causes >or ando<er >ailures.

$eri>y BS" con>igura8le tiCers troug 63"R.

$eri>y RESET >or "": 1++ using @atcdog reset EHui<alent to so>t reset.

$eri>y S6FT RESET >or "":2'+

$eri>y tat TR reset is success>ul in $BTS

$eri>y tat 9on B""5 TR Reset is success>ul in RBTS

$eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on "ell -n>o Dis?lay triggered >roC 63" a>ter deletion o> c8c Ser<er con>iguration.

$eri>y success>ul acti<ationdeacti<ation o> "B"5 it SD""5%.

To <eri>y no iC?act on ongoing cell in>o en "BS ser<er is canged >roC 63" to External.

To <eri>y tat context o> de>ault Cessage 8roadcast is resuCed incase o> 0/PDA0-94AD6@9.

$eri>y tat success>ul S3S 8roadcast resuCe in a cellG en cell is un8arred >roC o?erator.$eri>y tat current /larCs are successu>ully ex?orted.

$eri>y tat 5istory /larCs are successu>ully ex?orted.

$eri>y tat 5istory E<ents are successu>ully ex?orted.

$eri>y >roC 63" tat Ex?ort o> /larCsE<ents ill take ?lace >or a ?articular >ilter only. De>ault= "urrent

$eri>y >roC 63" tat Ex?ort o> /larCsE<ents ill take ?lace in .cs< >orCat and is arranged in a ?ro?er ay

$eri>y >roC 63" tat Ex?ort o> /larCsE<ents takes currently a??lied >ilterG 8y de>ault

56 is sus?ended >or te ongoing call to te external neig8or cellG ile Codi>ication occurred in csexternalTa8leB""5 /RF"9GBS-".

BSS sends RR"= "5/99E0 RE0E/SE Cessage to 3S to release te resources. TiCer T1+& starts at BSS >oraiting res?onse >roC 3S. BS" ill release te resources on te ex?iry o> te tiCer 

$eri>y tat tere is no iC?act on ongoing 8roadcast o> Cessages i> te connecti<ity status goes don it external"B ser<er.

To <eri>y tat cell -n>o Dis?layO trigger >roC $9063" is success>ul e<en i> external"B" ser<er is ?resent in tenetork.

$eri>y tat BS" reCo<es all "B context 7 tere is no iC?act on ongoing 8roadcast o> Cessage incase "B Ser<er isdeleted

To <eri>y BS" sends >ailure -ndication >or all tose cells ose S3S"B tiCer is still ongoing and in disa8led stateen "BS ser<er coCes u?.

To <eri>y BS" a>ter resetsitco<er sends restart -ndication it reco<ery indication set to data lost >or all tosecells ic are ena8led it "B"5 con>igured and no o> 8roadcast is set to +.

To <eri>y tat "B"5 deacti<ation takes ?lace in case te tiCe duration 8eteen to consecuti<e 8roadcast >orsaCe Cessage is greater ten te ?rede>ined tresold <alue.

$eri>y tat BS" sends loading o> te "B"5 Radio Resource o> ?articular cells in res?onse toST/T:SA06/DAQ:ER; Cessage.

-n case o> acti<e call EFRFR/3R5R call "": ould send EFRFR :0 TR/: >raCes and te TR/: ouldcange te >raCe ty?e accordingly.

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$eri>y radio cannels are released success>ully incase o> R0T6 en /3R 5R call is ongoing.

BS" is registered it 63" success>ully as ?er ?ro<ided tiCe Lone in>orCation at 63".

9TP client running at 63" success>ully sync u? it ?u8lic 9TP ser<ers.

"": is registered it 63" success>ully as ?er ?ro<ided tiCe Lone in>orCation at 63".

To <eri>y tat BS" allos to set Cin >reHuency cannel ga? to 1

To <eri>y tat a ne cannel grou? sould 8e added >or eac nonB""5 o??ing TRG >or a<ing di>>erent 3/-6.

Succees>ul con>iguration o> / inter>ace on T1 on -"" trunk ?ort

Succees>ul con>iguration o> / inter>ace on T1 on E-" trunk ?ort

BS" so>tare o>>er/cti<ation en / inter>ace con>igured on T1

DSP so>tare o>>eracti<ation en / inter>ace con>igured on T1.

E-" so>tare o>>eracti<ation en / inter>ace con>igured on T1.

"lock extraction E-" trunk?ort en / inter>ace con>igured on T1.

"lock etraction -"" trunk?ort en / inter>ace con>igured on T1.

9o /8is 0a?d >luctuation on sitco<er /cti<e call ill dro?.

 / inter>ace >luctuation on sitco<er /cti<e call ill dro?.

9o sitco<er i> Cate card not ?resent in casis

9o sitco<er i> Cate card ?resent state is not stand8y.

-"" sitco<er during BTS so>tare donload.

-"" sitco<er during BTS so>tare acti<ation.

acking out to 8e stand8y card a>ter trigering -"" sitco<er.

acking out incati<e E-" during sitco<er 

ackingin Iacked out E-"1 during sitco<er.

Trigering sitco<er during BS" so>tare o>>er.

Triggering sitco<er during BS" so>tare acti<ation.

Triggering sitco<er during E-" so>tare acti<ation

Triggering sitco<er during DSP so>tare o>>er 

Sitco<er en BS" is locked.

 /8is and / inter>ace reCains u? a>ter 8ack to 8ack sitco<ers 1+ sitco<er

9e 0a?d tiCers to 8e <eri>ied.

 /t call release te "": in TR ould start sending -dle :0 TR/: FraCes in ?lace o> EFRFR s?eec >raCesG teTR/: on recei<ing te >raCes ould send donlink -dle >raCes toards "":.

$eri>y tat BS" allocates S3FR cannel Code incase /3R5R is not su??orted 7 3S" reHuests KFR or 5R it?re>erence to 5RK.

$eri>y tat S3 EFR is ?re>erred i> 8ot OS3 EFRO as ell as S3 FRO are s?eci>ied 8y 3S" 7 te cannelCode is FR en frTo6rS%t"8Per"t N 1++.

63" dis?lays alarCs re?orted 8y BS" it correct tiCe staC? and tiCe Lone in>o o> BS" a>ter success>ulreconcilation.

BS" as correct tiCe in>o e<en a>ter re8ooting BS" and 63" dis?lays alarCs and ?er>orCance re?orts o> BS"it te correct tiCe in>o.

63" sets correct :T" tiCe to BS" as ell as it retains te tiCe Lone in>o o> te BS" e<en a>ter re8ooting 63"ser<er.

To <eri>y tat BS" sould 8e locked >or canging Cin >reHuency cannel ga?

To <eri>y tat 3/-6 sould 8e con>igured according to te no. o> /FR"9Js de>ined in cannel grou? .i.e For 9 no o>

 /FR"9G3/-6 can take <alue u?to 91

To <eri>y tat one cannel grou? can 8e used >or all te nonB""5 TR o> a BTS suc tat saCe Caio ould 8eallocated to all non8cc trx

To <eri>y tat one cannel grou? can 8e used >or 8cc trx as ell as nonB""5 TR o> a BTS it

con>igurationas =1 8ccG1sdcc8y(G1% tc 

To <eri>y tat one cannel grou? can 8e used >or 8cc trx as ell as nonB""5 TR o> a BTS itcon>igurationas =1 8ccG1sdcc8y(G1 T"5

Per>orCance test delay 8eteen u?link and donlink Cessages to 8e Ceasured. Eg. "annel ReHuired and-CCediate assignCent.

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Success>ul location u?date on a8is o<er satellite setu?

Succes>ul 3o8ile to 3o8ile call on a8is o<er satellite setu?

:0 7 D0 ?oer control on a8is o<er satellite setu?

-nter BTS ando<er on a8is o<er satellite setu?

:0ADT on /3R5R ena8led en tere is silence during acti<e call.

:0ADT on /3R5R not ena8led en tere is no silence during acti<e call.

:0ADT not ena8led it /3R5R call during acti<e call en it is disa8led at BS".

:0 7 D0 ?oer control it :0ADT /3R5R ena8led at BS".

:0ADT /3R5R on RF 5o??ing.

-nter BTS ando<er :0ADT /3R5R ena8led 8ot at target 7 ser<ing BTS

-nter BTS ando<er :0ADT /3R5R ena8led at target 7 disa8led at ser<ing BTS

-nter BTS ando<er :0ADT /3R5R disa8led at target 7 ena8led at ser<ing BTS

-nter BS" ando<er :0ADT /3R5R ena8led 8ot at target 7 ser<ing BTS

-nter BS" ando<er :0ADT /3R5R ena8led at target 7 disa8led at ser<ing BTS

-nter BS" ando<er :0ADT /3R5R disa8led at target 7 ena8led at ser<ing BTS

63"R sould su??ort 8ot ('+ 7 1&++ 8and cells under 1 BS".

63"R sould not su??ort ('+ 7 1(++ 8and cells under 1 BS".

63"R sould not su??ort ('+ 7 &++ 8and cells under 1 BS".

63"R sould not su??ort 1(++ 7 1&++ 8and cells under 1 BS".

-nterBTS ando<er across to ('+ 8and BTS.

-nterBTS ando<er across to 1&++ 8and BTS.-nterBTS ando<er across ('+ 7 1&++ 8and BTS.

-nterBS" ando<er across to ('+ 8and BTS.

-nterBS" ando<er across to 1&++ 8and BTS.

-nterBS" ando<er across ('+ 7 1&++ 8and BTS.

RF 5o?ing on ('+ 8and BTS

RF 5o?ing on 1&++ 8and BTS

9o ('+ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or &++ Band ser<ing cell

9o ('+ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or 1(++ Band ser<ing cell

9o 1&++ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or &++ Band ser<ing cell

9o 1&++ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or 1(++ Band ser<ing cell

9o &++ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or ('+ Band ser<ing cell

9o &++ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or 1&++ Band ser<ing cell9o 1(++ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or ('+ Band ser<ing cell

9o 1(++ 8and external neig8or cell >or ando<er to 8e added >or 1&++ Band ser<ing cell

$BTS cell PRS con>iguration 1 "ell 1 TR

$BTS cell PRS con>iguration 1 "ell 2 TR

RBTS cell PRS con>iguration 1 "ell 1 TR

RBTS cell PRS con>iguration 1 "ell 2 TR

8 -nter>ace con>iguration on -P

8 -nter>ace con>iguration on FraCe Relay E1

8 -nter>ace con>iguration on FraCe Relay T1

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:?link PRS Data Trans>er it "S1 coding sceCe

Donlink PRS Data Trans>er it "S1 coding sceCe

:?link PRS Data Trans>er it "S2 coding sceCe

Donlink PRS Data Trans>er it "S2 coding sceCe

:?link PRS Data Trans>er it "S coding sceCe

Donlink PRS Data Trans>er it "S coding sceCe

:?link PRS Data Trans>er it "S% coding sceCe

Donlink PRS Data Trans>er it "S% coding sceCeSiCultaneous u?link and donlink data trans>er 

PRS data trans>er a>ter B""5 recon>iguration.

PRS 0/ in :?link Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S1

PRS 0/ in Donlink Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S1

PRS 0/ in :?link Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S2

PRS 0/ in Donlink Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S2

PRS 0/ in :?link Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S

PRS 0/ in Donlink Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S

PRS 0/ in :?link Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S%

PRS 0/ in Donlink Direction it initial "oding sceCe "S%

PRS resource u?grade Donlink

PRS resource dongrade DonlinkPRS resource u?grade :?link

PRS resource dongrade :?link

0ock:nlock o> PRS TR

0ock:nlock o> PRS BTS

0ock:nlock o> PRS "ell

Reset PRS TR


"ell reselection during data trans>er :?link

"ell reselection during data trans>er donlink

TBF saring on 1 RTS0 in :?link direction 8eteen ) 3S

TBF saring on 1 RTS0 in Donlink direction 8eteen ) 3S

TBF reesta8lisCent 8 8reakTBF reesta8lisCent /8is 8reak

TBF reesta8lisCent RF 8reak

BSS lock:nlock o> PRS su??orted sites.

8 lockunloock o> PRS su??orted sites.

"ell Block o> PRS su??orted "ell.

PS data trans>er 5/Sitco<er -""

PS data trans>er on Iacking out -nacti<e E-"

9o success>ul $oice call i> T/ calculated exceeds con>igured <alue.

Success>ul $oice call i> T/ calculated is less ten con>igured <alue at 63"R.

9o success>ul PRS call i> T/ calculated exceeds con>igured <alue at 63"R.

Success>ul $oice PRS call i> T/ recei<ed is itin range o> de>ined tresold at 63"R.

9o success>ul -nterBts ando<er i> T/ calculated >roC K5ando<er /ccessK is out o> de>ined tresold at 63"R.

9o success>ul -nterBsc ando<er i> T/ calculated >roC K5ando<er /ccessK is out o> de>ined tresold at 63"R.

Success>ul -nterBts 5ando<er i> T/ calculated >roC K5ando<er /ccessK is itin range o> de>ined tresold at63"R.

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"anged T/ tresold during an acti<e cs call 8e e>>ecti<e in next "S $oice call.

"anged T/ tresold during an acti<e ?s call 8e e>>ecti<e in next PS PRS call.

T/ Dro?s 8e <isi8le at 63"R 4P- re?orts

Success>ul $oice call i> T/ calculated is less ten con>igured <alue at 63"R on RF 5o??ing TR

Success>ul 0ocation u?date it /' "i?ering algoritC su??ort

Success>ul cs call it /' "i?ering algoritC su??ort

Success>ul -nter Bts ando<er it /' "i?ering algoritC su??ort

Success>ul -nter Bsc ando<er it /' "i?ering algoritC su??ort

"S call load it /' "i?ering algoritC su??ort

-nter "ell BTS "all call FR in cell / and EFR in cell B it /' ena8led.

-nter "ell BTS "all call FR in cell / and /3R in cell B it /' ena8led.

-nter "ell BTS "all call EFR in cell / and /3R in cell B it /' ena8led.

-nter BS" "all call FR in cell / and EFR in cell B it /' ena8led.

-nter BS" "all call FR in cell / and /3R in cell B it /' ena8led.-nter BS" "all call EFR in cell / and /3R in cell B it /' ena8led.

 /' ci?ering on RF 5o?ing TR.

9o D0 DT on B""5 TR.

D0 DT it FR call

D0 DT it EFR call

D0 DT it /3R call.

BS ?oer control it D0 DT ena8led on FR call

BS ?oer control it D0 DT ena8led on EFR call

BS ?oer control it D0 DT ena8led on /3R call

BS ?oer control it Culti?le calls /3R FR /3R running in a cell.

-nter BTS 5ando<er it D0 DT ena8led.

-nter BS" 5ando<er it D0 DT ena8led.

D0 DT on RF 5o??ing TR.

9o alarC du?licacy >or ?arsed alarCs. 9o ?arsed alarC u?dated in 5istory /larCE<ent Broser.

To <eri>y tat "ell utiliLation 4P- calculated correctly it only Full "annels con>igured in cell.

Success>ul -nterBsc 5ando<er i> T/ calculated >roC K5ando<er /ccessK is itin range o> de>ined tresold at63"R.

To <eri>y tat Full Rate Tra>>ic 4P- calculated correclty en no 5al> Rate "annel is de>ined in"ellBSS at cell and BSS 0e<el.

To <eri>y tat 5al> Rate Tra>>ic 4P- calculated correclty+ en no 5al> Rate "annel is de>ined in "ellBSS at celland BSS 0e<el.

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To <eri>y tat Paging success rate is calculted success>ully at BSS le<el >or 3T S3S only.

To <eri>y tat SD""5 congest tiCe correctly calculated and ?resented at "ell le<el >or SD""5% con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat Erlang Cinuted ?er dro? 4P- is calculated and ?resented correctly >or 5al> rate calls.

To <eri>y tat call success rate 4P- is calculated correctly at cell and BSS le<el.

$eri>y tat inter BS" 56 is success>ul >roC 9on/3R to /3R con>iguration.

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560DPER"T N 1++G only FR calls and no /3R5R calls are success>ul.

$eri>y tat /3R link ada?tation is not su??orted 8y BS".

$eri>y tat /3R 5R calls are success>ul a>ter BS" restart Restart BS" Culti?le tiCes.

To <eri>y tat SD""5 assignCent >ailure 4P- calculated correctly at "ell and BSS le<el enG Esta8lisCentindication lost >or SD""5

To <eri>y tat T"5 /ssignCernt >ailure rate is calculated correctly at "ell and BSS le<elG en 56 detect is lost onT"5 on Target "ell.

To <eri>y tat T"5 congest tiCe correctly calculated and ?resented at "ell le<el >or al> rate cannel con>igurationcell.

To <eri>y tat SD""5 tra>>ic is calculated and ?resented at BSS and "ell le<el >or SD""5( and SD""5%con>iguration in single re?orting ?eriod.

To <eri>y tat 5ando<er susccess rate is calculated and ?resented correctly at BSS la<el en internal andexternal 5ando<ers are triggered in single re?orting ?eriod..

$eri>y tat >ree su8slot o> dual tra>>ic cannel it single 5R call is selected >or 5R call allocation i> allocation o>>urter tiCeslot ould trigger PD"5 reduction.

$eri>y tat i> ?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNTR:E ten BS" allocates /3R5R and /3R5R is 8eing used in ser<ingcell in case o> -ntra BS" 56 and FRT65RT5RES560DPER"T is ignored

$eri>y tat i> ?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNF/0SE and FRT65RT5RES560DPER"TN1++ ten BS" allocates saCecannel Code ty?e FR as 8eing used in ser<ing cell in case o> -nter BS" 56.

$eri>y tat i> ?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNF/0SE and FRT65RT5RES560DPER"TN+ ten BS" allocates saCecannel Code ty?e /3R5R in te target cell as 8eing used in ser<ing cell in case o> -nter BS" 56.

$eri>y tat incase o> intra BS" 56G BS" allocates FR cannel Code ?ro<ided 3S su??orts FRG i> /3R5R cannelis not a<aila8le in te target cell ic is used in ser<ing cell.?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNTR:E.

$eri>y tat BS" allocates saCe cannel Code ty?e FR as 8eing used in ser<ing cell in case o> -ntra BS" 56.?re>-nc5o"annel3odeNTR:E.

$eri>y tat in case o> 5R cannel allocation i> >ree dual tra>>ic cannel is not a<aila8le on te B""5 TR and nonB""5 TR ten 5R call is reIected.

$eri>y tat i> acti<ated FR call doesnt exceeds te FRT65RT5RES560DPER"TG ten BS" ill allocate FR calle<en i> BS" recei<es cannel Code as FR or 5R cannel 5R ?re>erred.

$eri>y tat in case o> FRT65RT5RES560DPER"T N 1++G i> BS" recei<es reHuest >or K5R 6nlyK calls ten 5Rcall is success>ul i> 5R resources a<aila8le.

$eri>y tat /3R5RFREFR call is not success>ul i> negati<e res?onse is recei<ed >or TR/: cannel con>igurationreHuest.

$eri>y tat Codi>ication o> /3R related ?araCeter FRT65RT5RES560DPER"T is success>ul en cell is in:906"4ED state.

$eri>y tat DTd is ena8led >or 5R calls as ell as >or FREFR calls en /3R5RG S3FREFR calls areongoing siCultaneously on a TR.

$eri>y tat in 2TR cell CaxiCuC + 5R calls can 8e esta8lised it SD""5% con>iguration and ceck3E/S:RE3E9T RES:0T >or eac allocated 5R cannels

To <eri>y tat te 4P- a<erage allocated PD"5 ?er cell is calculated correctly en all PD"5 acti<ation anddeacti<ation reHuests are not ser<ed success>ully.

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To <eri>y correct calculation o> Paging "S on P/""5O 4P-

To <eri>y tat BS" allos to set Cin >reHuency cannel ga? to 1

To <eri>y tat a ne cannel grou? sould 8e added >or eac nonB""5 o??ing TRG >or a<ing di>>erent 3/-6.

To <eri>y sucess>ul 363T "alls it di>>erent 3/-6 and 5S9 coC8inations.

To <eri>y correct calculation o> 8 utiliLation ?ercentage 4P- en >olloing conditions old Trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is FR Single E1 exists 8eteen BSS and SS9 To FR cannels it ' TS eac are con>igured o<er te E1

To <eri>y correct calculation o> TBF dro? ?ercentage en a8norCal :0 TBF release occurs en 91+N91+A3/

To <eri>y correct calculation o> TBF dro? ?ercentage en a8norCal release o> TBF occurs en 8attery o> teCo8ile is reCo<ed.

To <eri>y correct calculation o> TBF dro? ?ercentage en a8norCal TBF release occurs due to 8 inter>ace donin 1 cell 1 TR con>iguration Trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is FR

To <eri>y tat nuC8er o> D0 TBF >or a TR in an o8ser<ation ?eriod can 8e o8tained at 63" in 1 cell 2 TRcon>iguration. Tis includes carry >orard o> u?link TBF count in te next o8ser<ation ?eriod i> TBF is esta8liseden PD" tiCer ex?ires.

TBF Culti?lexing >actor on a PD"5 is ke?t as 1 TBF Culti?lexing >actor on a PD"5 is ke?t U 1

To <eri>y correctness o> K?acket cannel allocation atteC?tsK en u?link PS data trans>er is initiated >roC Culti?le3S siCultaneously

To <eri>y correctness o> :0 TBF allocation success rate en soCe TBF are esta8lised success>ully and soCeTBF could not 8e esta8lised success>ully due to all dual tra>>ic tiCeslots 8usy.

To <eri>y correctness o> u?link a<erage troug?ut ?er TBF in 1 cell 2 TR con>iguration >or an our it >olloingconditions "S1 is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led "S2 is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led "S is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led "S% is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led

To <eri>y correctness o> donlink a<erage troug?ut ?er TBF in 1 cell 2 TR con>iguration >or an our it

>olloing conditions "S1 is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led "S2 is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led "S is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led "S% is initial "SG "S% is Cax "S 7 D0/ is ena8led

To <eri>y tat "ell sould 8e locked >or con>iguring Maio

To <eri>y tat BS" sould 8e locked >or canging Cin >reHuency cannel ga?

To <eri>y tat BS" allos MAIO to be in ran$e %&&&' durin$ add and )odi*cation o c!annel$rou+ in a Cell

To <eri>y tat 3/-6 sould 8e con>igured according to te no. o> /FR"9Js de>ined in cannel grou? .i.e For 9 no o>

 /FR"9G3/-6 can take <alue u?to 91

To <eri>y tat one cannel grou? can 8e used >or all te nonB""5 TR o> a BTS suc tat saCe Caio ould 8eallocated to all non8cc trx

To <eri>y tat one cannel grou? can 8e used >or 8cc trx as ell as nonB""5 TR o> a BTS it

con>igurationas =1 8ccG1sdcc8y(G1% tc 

To <eri>y tat one cannel grou? can 8e used >or 8cc trx as ell as nonB""5 TR o> a BTS itcon>igurationas =1 8ccG1sdcc8y(G1 T"5

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To <eri>y tat "B"5 gets acti<ated on 2nd SD""5 su8cannel o> TiCeslot 1 in cell it SD""5( con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat siCultaneous 0: o> 1*3S is success>ul in a cell it SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat siCultaneous 0: o> 123S is success>ul in a cell it B""5 SD""5% SD""5( con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat siCultaneous 0: o> (3S is success>ul in a cell it SD""5( on TS1 con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat siCultaneous 0: o> %3S is success>ul in a cell it B""5 SD""5% on TS+ con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat >olloing coC8inations o> SD""5 can 8e con>igured in cannel grou? o> cell >roC 63" =a SD""5% coC8ined it B""5 on TS+ 8 SD""5( on TS1 on B""5 TRc SD""5 on TS1 7 TS2 on B""5 TRd B""5SD""5%SD""5( on B""5 TR.e B""5SD""5% To SD""5( cannels on B""5 TR.

To <eri>y tat >olloing 4P-s en SD""5 con>iguration in cell is B""5SD""5%To SD""5( =

D""5A"oC?letionARateGSD""5ADro?ARateGSD""5A/ssignCentAFailureARateGSD""5A/ssignCentASuccessA RateG SD""5ABlockARateG SD""5A"ongestionATiCeG SD""5ATra>>ic

To <eri>y tat >olloing 4P-s en SD""5 con>iguration in cell is B""5SD""5% 6ne SD""5( =SD""5A"oC?letionARateGSD""5ADro?ARateGSD""5A/ssignCentAFailureARateGSD""5A/ssignCentASuccess

 ARateG SD""5ABlockARateG SD""5A"ongestionATiCeG SD""5ATra>>ic

To <eri>y tat >olloing 4P-s en SD""5 con>iguration in cell is SD""5( on TS1 7 TS2 =SD""5A"oC?letionARateGSD""5ADro?ARateGSD""5A/ssignCentAFailureARateGSD""5A/ssignCentASuccess

 ARateG SD""5ABlockARateG SD""5A"ongestionATiCeG SD""5ATra>>ic

To <eri>y tat >olloing 4P-s en SD""5 con>iguration in cell is 6ne SD""5( on TS1 =SD""5A"oC?letionARateGSD""5ADro?ARateGSD""5A/ssignCentAFailureARateGSD""5A/ssignCentASuccess

 ARateG SD""5ABlockARateG SD""5A"ongestionATiCeG SD""5ATra>>ic

To <eri>y tat >olloing 4P-s en SD""5 con>iguration in cell is B""5SD""5% on TS+=SD""5A"oC?letionARateGSD""5ADro?ARateGSD""5A/ssignCentAFailureARateGSD""5A/ssignCentASuccess

 ARateG SD""5ABlockARateG SD""5A"ongestionATiCeG SD""5ATra>>ic

To <eri>y tat "B"5 gets acti<ated on 2nd SD""5 su8cannel o> TiCeslot 1 in cell it B""5 SD""5% SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat "B"5 gets acti<ated on 2nd SD""5 su8cannel o> TiCeslot 1 in cell it SD""5( SD""5(con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat "B"5 gets acti<ated on 2nd SD""5 su8cannel o> TiCeslot + in cell it B""5 SD""5%


To <eri>y tat "B"5 gets acti<ated on 2nd SD""5 su8cannel o> TiCeslot 1 in cell it B""5 SD""5% SD""5( con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat "B"5 gets acti<ated on 2nd SD""5 su8cannel o> TiCeslot 1 in cell it B""5 SD""5% SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration.

To <eri>y "B"5 acti<ation >ails en 2nd su8cannel o> >irst SD""5( is 8usy >or te >olloing coC8inations =a SD""5% SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration8 SD""5% SD""5(c SD""5( SD""5(d SD""5(

To <eri>y tat siCultaneous 0: o> 2+3S is success>ul in a cell it B""5 SD""5% SD""5( SD""5(con>iguration.

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To <eri>y tat o?erator can con>igure SD""5( in 9onB""5 TR "annel rou? in a cell.

To <eri>y tat o?erator can con>igure SD""51* in 9onB""5 TR "annel rou? in a cell.

To <eri>y tat "S callFR/3R5R is success>ul in a cell on e<ery T"5 it =aB""5 SD""5% SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration.BSD""5( SD""5( con>igurationc B""5 SD""5% SD""5( con>iguration.dSD""5( on TS1 con>iguration.eit B""5 SD""5% on TS+ con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat PS call is success>ul in a cell on e<ery T"5 it =

a B""5 SD""5% SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration.8 SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration.c B""5 SD""5% SD""5( con>iguration.d SD""5( on TS1 con>iguration.e B""5 SD""5% on TS+ con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat 3S ?oer control on SD""5 is success>ul it B""5 SD""5% SD""5( SD""5(con>iguration.

To <eri>y tat SD""5 Released due to R0T6 counter is Caintained correctly at 63" it B""5 SD""5% SD""5( SD""5( con>iguration.

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Total Pass "ond. Pass Fail Progress Quality

+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+!

+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+!

+ + + + #REF! #REF!





Setup Tester Test Status ate +f !e"ut%on

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

Planned ate +f!e"ut%on

ate of Re-!e"ut%on

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To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

Setu?1 To 8e Executed

Setu?1 9ot /??lica8le

Setu?1 9ot /??lica8le

Setu?1 9ot /??lica8le

Setu?1 9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

R To 8e Executed

R To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

Pass 2*/ug1

1 Pass 2*/ug1

1 Pass 2*/ug1

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

Setu? 2


Setu? 2 6/3

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To 8e Executed

R To 8e Executed9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e ExecutedTo 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

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To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

Pass */ug1

Pass */ug1

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

Pass 2*/ug1

Pass 2*/ug1

Pass 2*/ug1

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

R To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed9ot /??lica8le

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

1 Pass 2*/ug1

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

+ To 8e ExecutedSetu?1 To 8e Executed

Setu?1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

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+ To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

Setu?1 To 8e Executed

Setu?1 To 8e Executed

Setu?1 To 8e ExecutedTo 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

9ot /??lica8le

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9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

9ot /??lica8le

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

Pass 2*/ug1

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

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To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

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To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

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9ot /??lica8le

To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

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To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

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To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

+ To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

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To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

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To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

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1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

1 To 8e Executed

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Pr%or%t0+5C ReleaseNumber 

BTS ReleaseNumber 

BSC ReleaseNumber 


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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status P2 Status

Pass Err='+%

"onditional Pass Err='+%

Fail Err='+%

Blocked Err='+%-n<alid Err='+%

9on Testa8le Err='+%

9ot /??lica8le Err='+%

To Be Executed

Total Err='+%

Remar(s &%rst T%meTest Status

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6?erational state is Disa8led

6?erational state is ena8led

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P Status

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Test Plan


Pass 1

"onditional Pass )

Fail +

Blocked '-n<alid

9on Testa8le

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed &

Total ((

Stage Functionality Test Case ID

1 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_001

2 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_002

3 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_003

4 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_004

5 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_005

6 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_006

Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_00

! Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_00!

" Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_00"

10 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_010

11 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_011

#a$% to &enu


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12 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_012

13 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_013

14 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_014

15 Feature Validation RESET VNL_AOIP_RESET_015

16 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_001

1 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_002

1! Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_003

1" Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_004

20 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_005

21 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_006

22 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_00

23 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_00!

24 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_00"

25 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_010

26 Feature Validation RESET_IP VNL_AOIP_RESETIP_011

2 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_001

2! Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_002

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2" Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_003

30 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_004

31 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_005

32 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_006

33 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_00

34 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_00!

35 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_00"

36 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_010

3 Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_011

3! Feature Validation ASSI'(_RE) #S*_ASSI'NRE)_012

3" Feature Validation ASSI'N_*O& #S*_ASSI'N*O&P_001

40 Feature Validation ASSI'N_*O& #S*_ASSI'N*O&P_002

41 Feature Validation ASSI'N_*O& #S*_ASSI'N*O&P_003

42 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_001

43 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_002

44 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_003

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45 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_004

46 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_005

4 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_006

4! Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_00

4" Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_00!

50 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_00"

51 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_010

52 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_011

53 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_012

54 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_013

55 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_014

56 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_015

5 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_016

5! Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_01

5" Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_01!

60 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_01"

61 Feature Validation ASSI'(_FAIL #S*_ASSI'NFAIL_020

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62 Feature Validation (ando+er #SS_(AN,RE)_001

63 Feature Validation (ando+er #SS_(AN,RE)_002

64 Feature Validation (ando+er #SS_(AN,RE)_003

65 Feature Validation (ando+er #SS_(AN,RE)_004

66 Feature Validation (ando+er #SS_(AN,RE)_005

6 Feature Validation (ando+er #SS_(AN,RE)_006

6! Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,RE)A_001

6" Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,RE)A_002

0 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,RE)A_003

1 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,PERF_001

2 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_001

3 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_002

4 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_003

5 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_004

6 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_005

Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_006

! Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_00

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" Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_00!

!0 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_00"

!1 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_010

!2 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_011

!3 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_012

!4 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_013

!5 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_014

!6 Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_015

! Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_016

!! Feature Validation (ando+er #S*_(AN,FAIL_01

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Priorit- 1

Priorit- 2

Priorit- 3


Test Case Description

Veri/- te RESET ro$edure - #SS

Veri/- te RESET ro$edure - &S*

Veri/- te RESET ro$edure - &S* itout te otional IE 7A.Inter/a$e Sele$tor /or RESET7

Veri/- RESET ro$edure o+erride all te on8oin8 ro$edure

Veri/- tat #S* reeat te RESET ro$edure nt ti9e a/ter te T4 ti9er e:iration

Veri/- te RESET ro$edure initiated - &S* it RIP and RT, it it all te a+aille $o9ination

Veri/- tat #S* end te a9e 7A.inter/a$e ele$tor /or RESET7 IE in te RESET.A*; 9ea8e

Veri/- te RESET ro$edure initiated - #S* en #S* i uin8 IP+4 and &S* i uin8 IP+6

Veri/- te RESET ro$edure - &S* it te di//erent 7A.inter/a$e ele$tor /or RESET7 IE in te RESET


Veri/- te RESET ro$edure intiated - #S* en #S* re$ei+e te 7A inter/a$e Sele$tor /or RESET7 IE idi//erent tat i not ent in te RESET A*; 9ea8e

Veri/- te RESET ro$edure initiated - #S* en RESET A*; re$ei+ed /ro9 te &S* itout te 7A

inter/a$e /or RESET7 IE

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Veri/- tat #S* doe not initiate RESET ro$edure on re$ei+in8 une:e$ted RESET A*; 9ea8e /ro9 &S*

Veri/- ti9er ued in RESET oeration < T4= T13 ti9er at #S*

Veri/- te RESET IP RESO>R*E ro$edure - #SS

Veri/- te RESET IP RESO>R*E ro$edure - &S*

Veri/- #S* reeat te RESET IP ro$edure a/ter te Tr

Veri/- tat RESET IP ro$edure i reeated n ti9e at #S*

*olliion o/ RESET IP RESO>R*E and RESET ro$edure

*olliion o/ RESET IP RESO>R*E ro$edure /or te a9e $all identi/er

*olliion o/ RESET IP RESO>R*E ro$edure /or te di//erent $all identi/er

Veri/- te RESET IP RESO>R*E ro$edure en S**P $onne$tion releae anor9all-

Veri/- te ea+iour o/ #S* en it re$ei+e RESET 9ea8e /ro9 &S* in reone to RESET 9ea8e/ro9 #S*

Veri/- tat #S* doe not re.initialie reet $ounter ?n@ en it re$ei+e RESET /ro9 &S* ile retr-in8 /or

RESET ro$edure

Veri/- te RESET IP RESO>R*E ro$edure intitated - #S* en RESET IP RESO>R*E A*; re$ei+ed /ro9&S* it un%non *all Identi/ier

Veri/- te RESET IP RESO>R*E ro$edure intitated - #S* en RESET IP RESO>R*E A; re$ei+ed /ro9

&S* it unordered *all Identi/ier

Veri/- te ea+iour o/ #S* en it re$ei+e RESET IP RESO>R*E /or te a9e $all identi/ier one e$ond

ti9e it di//erent $aue +alue e/ore re$ei+in8 RESET IP RESO>R*E A*;

To +eri/- tat R3 #S* all in$lude Codec List (BSS supported) it all uorted *ode$ T-e it

$orreondin8 Inter/a$e T-e /or ot *S,ata *ode$ T-e Non.*S,ata *ode$ T-e in *o9lete La-er 3

in/or9ation i/ AoIP i ued

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill not end Codec List (BSS supported) in *o9lete La-er 3 in/or9ation i/ AoT,& i


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To +eri/- tat &O.&T $all i u$$e/ul on e+er- $ode$ uorted - R3#S* o+er AoIP

To +eri/- tat R3#S* uort an- o/ te 'S& *ode$ T-e li%e 'S&.FR='S&.EFR=A&R.(R=A&R.FR inCodec List ( BSS supported ) i/ AoIP i ued

To +eri/- tat R3#S* andle te IP addre ?IPV4 or IPV6 /or9at@ it >,P ort in/or9ation /or te

Tranort La-er In/or9ation o/ te $onne$tion end oint re$ei+ed in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST 9ea8e

To +eri/- tat Codec List (MSC Preferred) 9a- in$lude $ode$ tat are not in$luded in te Codec List (BSSSupported) in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST

To +eri/- tat I/ tere are no $o99on $ode$ eteen Codec List (BSS Supported) and te $ode$

uorted - &S= ten 'S&.FR all ala- e in$luded in te Codec List (MSC Preferred) a a de/ault

otion in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST

To +eri/- te ea+ior o/ R3.#S* en in/or9ation reent in Codec List (MSC preferred)  Channel Type 

IE are in$onitent

To +eri/- tat ea+ior o/ R3#S* en ee$ +erion in *annel T-e IE tat uorted - &S are a9eut *ode$ T-e ro+ided in Codec List (MSC preferred) i di//erent

To +eri/- tat R3#S* andle in/or9ation re$ei+ed in Inter/eren$e #and Te #e >ed , Downlink DTX la!,

Confi!uration "#olution $ndicator,Ser#ice %ando#er, Class&ark $nfor&ation ' Suscrier Profile $D or

*+Tre-uency Priority(SP$D) in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST 9ea8e

To $e$% eter IP o/ all $lae are andled - R3#S* in AoIP Tranort La-er In/or9ation in


To +eri/- tat R3#S* $ooe te *ode$ T-e a$$ordin8 to te $ode$ re/eren$e et - &S* in Codec List (

MSC preferred )  8i+en in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST

To +eri/- tat +o$P Transport Layer +ddress (BSS) ara9eter all e in$luded in ASSI'N&ENT *O&PLETE

i/ #SS a $oen an IP $onne$tion /or te uer lane inter/a$e

To +eri/- tat Speech Codec (Chosen) all e in$luded i/ te radio a$$e netor% uort an IP uer

lane inter/a$e

To +eri/- tat R3#S* end e:a$tl- one *ode$ T-e= e:a$tl- one *ode$ *on/i8uration and e:a$tl- one A.

Inter/a$e T-e ?and eter $o9reed ee$ +ia RTP>,PIP i ued or not in $ae o/ IP uer lane

tranort@ in Speech Codec (Chosen) in ASSI'N&ENT *O&PLETE

To +eri/- tat Codec List (BSS Supported) ould e in$luded in ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE= i/ te radio a$$enetor% uort an IP aed uer lane inter/a$e

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue radio interface&essa!e failure= #SS 9a- not re$ei+e a radio inter/a$e ASSI'N&ENT *O&PLETE 9ea8e /ro9 te &S in

i$ $ae te ti9er T10 ill e:ire

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9e8e to te &S* it te $aue .M inter#ention=i/ lo$%unlo$% ro$edure i done /ro9 O&*

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To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9e8e to te &S* it te $aue no radio resourcea#ailale= i/ all te reour$e are %et u-

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te cause re-uested

terrestrial resource una#ailale /or a $ir$uit i$ a een lo$%ed - a 8loal lo$% 9ea8e

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te cause re-uested

transcodin!rate adaption una#ailale, if   #TS i unale to uort te T*( t-e reBueted - #S* in*(AN_A*T 9ea8e

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue terrestrial circuit

already allocated  /or a $ir$uit alread- ai8ned to anoter $all

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue Call identifier

already allocated = i/ te #SS re$ei+e an ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST 9ea8e it a *all Identi/ier alread-

ai8ned to anoter $all

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue in#alid &essa!e

contents= i/ te #SS re$ei+e in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST 9ea8e an- in+alid $ontent in an- o/ teara9eter in te 9ea8e

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue *adio interfacefailure, re#ersion to old channel = i/ te &S /ail to ai8n a/ter re$ei+in8 a radio inter/a$e ASSI'N&ENT

*O&&AN, and return to te old $annel

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue *e-uested Codec

Type or Codec Confi!uration not supporteduna#ailale= i/ te reBueted *ode$ T-e in ASSI'N&ENT

RE)>EST i not uorted in #SS

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue re-uested +/$nterface Type not supporteduna#ailale= i/ te reBueted A.inter/a$e T-e in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>ESTi not

uorted - #SS

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue re-uested speech#ersion una#ailale= i/ te reBueted ee$ +erion in ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST i not uorted in #SS

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9e8e to te &S* it te $aue e-uip&ent failure=i/ Ai inter/a$e 8et don durin8 ai8n9ent ro$edure

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9e8e to te &S* it te $aue e-uip&ent failure=

i/ te terretrial $ir$uit reBueted - &S* i not $on/i8ured eteen &S* #S*

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue cipherin!

al!orith& not supported = i/ #SS 9a- not e ale to uort an- o/ te er9itted $ierin8 al8orit9

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue radio interface

&essa!e failure= i/ #TS doenCt reond to *(AN_A*T 9ea8e T"103 e:ire

To +eri/- tat R3#S* all end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE it $aue Din+alid 9ea8e $ontent i/

ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST $ontain A.inter/a$e T-e a IP = +alid *ir$uit Identit- *ode +alid AoIP Tranort

La-er Addre ut no *all identi/ier

To +eri/- tat R3#S* all end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE it $aue Din+alid 9ea8e $ontent i/

ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST $ontain A.inter/a$e T-e a IP = +alid *ir$uit Identit- *ode +alid *all identi/ierut no AoIP Tranort La-er Addre

To +eri/- tat R3#S* all end ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE it $aue re-uested +/interface type not supported  

i/ ASSI'N&ENT RE)>EST $ontain AoIP Tranort La-er Addre it an IPV6 addre

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To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue in#alid &essa!e

content  i/ te #SS re$ei+e an (AN,OVER RE)>EST 9ea8e an- in+alid $ontent in an- o/ teara9eter in te 9ea8e

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue terrestrial circuit

already allocated = i/ te #SS re$ei+e an (AN,OVER RE)>EST 9ea8e $allin8 u a terretrial $ir$uit /or

te uer lane inter/a$e tat i alread- ai8ned to anoter $all

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue *adio interface

failure, re#ersion to old channel = i/ te &S /ail to ai8n a/ter re$ei+in8 a radio inter/a$e (AN,OVER*O&&AN, and return to te old $annel

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue cipherin! al!orith&

not supported = i/ #SS 9a- not e ale to uort an- o/ te er9itted $ierin8 al8orit9

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue re-uested speech

#ersion una#ailale= i/ te reBueted ee$ +erion in (AN,OVER RE)>EST i not uorted in #SS

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue re-uested +/

$nterface Type not supporteduna#ailale= i/ te reBueted A.inter/a$e T-e in (AN,OVER RE)>ESTi notuorted - #SS

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue re-uested CodecType or Codec Confi!uration not supporteduna#ailale= i/ te reBueted A.inter/a$e T-e in (AN,OVER

RE)>ESTi not uorted - #SS

To +eri/- tat R3#S* ill end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE 9ea8e to te &S* it te $aue re-uested

transcodin!rate adaption una#ailale= i/ ee$data indi$ator in *annel T-e IE in (ando+er ReBuet i


To +eri/- tat R3#S* all end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE it $aue in+alid &essa!e contents i/ (AN,OVERRE)>EST $ontain A.inter/a$e T-e a IP= +alid *ir$uit Identit- *ode +alid AoIP Tranort La-er Addre

ut no *all identi/ier

To +eri/- tat R3#S* all end (AN,OVER FAIL>RE it $aue in+alid &essa!e contents i/ (AN,OVERRE)>EST $ontain A.inter/a$e T-e a IP= +alid *ir$uit Identit- *ode +alid *all identi/ier ut no AoIP

Tranort La-er Addre

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Total Pa *ond Pa Fail

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0


Setup Tester Test Status

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia $onditional a

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia $onditional a

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Non Tetale

Planned Date OfExecution

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AGitSui9alViGia $onditional a

AGitSui9alViGia $onditional a

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia $onditional a

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia $onditional a

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

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AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia In+alid

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia $onditional a

AGitSui9alViGia Non Tetale

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Non Tetale

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AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia In+alid

AGitSui9alViGia #lo$%ed

AGitSui9alViGia In+alid

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia #lo$%ed

AGitSui9alViGia #lo$%ed

AGitSui9alViGia #lo$%ed

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia #lo$%ed

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AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

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AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia Pa

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia To #e E:e$uted

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

AGitSui9alViGia Fail

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Pro8re )ualit- T#E

H,IV0 H,IV0 0

H,IV0 H,IV0 0



P1 0

P2 0

P3 0

".Se.12 .&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

".Se.12 .&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

".Se.12 .&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

30.Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

2.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.13 30.Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

!.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

Date OfExecution

Date of Re-Execution

OC ReleaseNu!"er

#TS ReleaseNu!"er

#SC ReleaseNu!"er

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2".Ar.12 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.12 401002 23"001 400011

".Se.12 !.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

".Se.12 !.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

!.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

!.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

!.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".Ar.13 2".Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

1.Se.12 6.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

1.Se.12 6.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

1.Se.12 6.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

30.Ar.13 401002 23"001 400011

1.Se.12 ".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

14.Se.12 ".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

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14.Se.12 ".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

14.Se.12 !.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

!.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

14.Se.12 !.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

30&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

30&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

0"&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

10&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

30&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

30&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

10&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

10&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

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24.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

10&a-13 401002 23"001 400011

31.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

10.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

10.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

31.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

30.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2".&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

6.Jun.13 401002 23"001 400011

30.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

30.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

2.&a-.13 401002 23"001 400011

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1".Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

20.Se.13 401002 23"001 400011

401002 23"001

26.Se.13 401002 23"001

24.Se.13 401002 23"001

26.Se.13 401002 23"001

401002 23"001

401002 23"001

401002 23"001

401002 23"001














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25.Se.13 401002 23"001

401002 23"001

401002 23"001

26.Se.13 401002 23"001

25.Se.13 401002 23"001

401002 23"001

25.Se.13 401002 23"001

401002 23"001

25.Se.13 401002 23"001

25.Se.13 401002 23"001
















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First Ti!e Status

Pa 0

*onditional Pa ErrK512

Fail ErrK512

#lo$%ed ErrK512In+alid ErrK512

Non Tetale ErrK512

Not Ali$ale ErrK512

To #e E:e$uted

Total ErrK512

Priority Re!ar$s

23315 *all a Not 'ettin8 Releaed

23315 *all a Not 'ettin8 Releaed


2313" RESET i reeated nt ti9e - #S*

23315 *all a Not 'ettin8 Releaed

NA IP+6 not uorted


First Ti!eTest Status




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&O ide $all i not 8ettin8 releaed a/ter #S* endRESET_IP_RESO>R*E

&O ide $all i not 8ettin8 releaed a/ter #S* end


#S* i endin8 REST_IP_RESO>R*E ti$e

o9eti9e and alo #S* i $learin8 te *all Onl- on

&T ide &O ide $all i not 8ettin8 $leared

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&S* e$i/i$ tet$ae



FreBuen$- Priorit- ara9eter i not reent and *alli not 8oin8 trou8 a ASSI'N&ENT_FAIL>RE i

ent - #S* on Re$ei+in8 ASSI'N&ENT_RE)>EST

/ro9 &S* at te &T ide

&odi/ied IP addre doent 8o in

ASSI'N&ENT_RE)>EST 9ea8e Prole9 it &S*


*ode$ Lit ?#SS Suorted@ i not in$luded in

ASSI'N&ENT FAIL>RE a Ti i an otionalara9eter and not i9le9ented in #S*

#TS $ouldnt e lo$%ed o /at i99ediatel- a/terendin8 ASSI'N&ENT_*O&&AN, to &S

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*I* $on$et i not tere in AOIP

#TS S$rit reBuired

*I* $on$et i not tere in AOIP


*I* $on$et i not tere in AOIP

&S* i not Sendin8 *ierin8 ;e-


it not oile to et IPV6 Addre

e a+e tried /ro9 #TS $onole to di$ard

*(AN_A$%=#ut it not 8ettin8 ,i$arded

 i9ulater it iill Sent ,e/ault *all identi/ier Mero in

Ai89ent reBuet =A/ter 8ettin8 Mero A $all

identi/ier Fro9 Ai8n9ent reBuet #$ i not

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Test Plan


Pass %%

"onditional Pass *

Fail *Blocked (


9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le

To Be Executed (

Total )(

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1) Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+1)

2) Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+2)

2( Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+2(

2& Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+2&

') Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+')

'( Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+'(

'& Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+'&

*+ Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+*+

Back to 3enu

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*1 Feature $alidation />lex /F0EA+*1

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Test Case es"r%pt%on

$eri>y tat 3T call ill 8e success>ul it oter 3S" i> te 3S" goes don 8e>ore Paging Res?onse is recei<ed.

$eri>y tat -nter BS" 5ando<er is success>ul ile BS" is connected it singe or 3ulti?le 3S".

$eri>y tat -nter 3S" ando<er is success>ul.

$eri>y tat s?eci>ic 9R-Js 3S" is going don ile 5ando<er ?rocedure is triggeredG

$eri>y tat 36 and 3T calls are done success>ully in all con>igured 3S"s at a tiCe success>ully it <oice.

$eri>y tat intra 3S" 56 is success>ul >or 8ot originating and terCinating su8scri8er ile 8ot te ?arties are in di>>erenet 3

$eri>y tat call clearing ?rocedure is success>ul >or all te ongoing calls it corres?onding 3S"s ile calls are disconnectedterCinating su8scri8er.

$eri>y tat S3S is sent success>ully >roC one originating su8scri8er and recei<ed success>ully on te terCinating side ic isdi>>erent 3S".

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$eri>y tat calls are Cade success>ul it clear <oice ile 8ot 36G3T su8scri8er are in di>>erent 3S".

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Total Pass "ond. Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

+ + + + +Dec&& #D-$+! '(

+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + + #REF! #REF! +



P1 +

P2 +

P +

Setup Tester Test Status

Blocked 21un1 %.+.%.++1

Fail 21un1 %.+.%.++1

Blocked 21un1 %.+.%.++1

Blocked 21un1 %.+.%.++1

Blocked 22un1 %.+.%.++1

Blocked 22un1 %.+.%.++1

Blocked 22un1 %.+.%.++1

Blocked 21un1 %.+.%.++1

Planned ate+f !e"ut%on

ate +f!e"ut%on

ate of Re-!e"ut%on








AGitSui9alVi Gia



AGitSui9alVi Gia



AGitSui9alVi Gia

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Blocked 2+un1 %.+.%.++1



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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status P2 Status

Pass +

"onditional Pass Err='12

Fail Err='12Blocked Err='12

-n<alid Err='12

9on Testa8le Err='12

9ot /??lica8le Err='12

To Be Executed

Total Err='12

Pr%or%t0 Remar(s

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2 2')1&2')%+

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2

2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2




&%rstT%me Test


 /ll te instances o>3S" as itJs on 50Rand tere is nocoCCunication ?ossi8le8eteen tese 50Rs.SoG -tJs a 0iCitation in3S" SiCulator 

0 5ando<er Scri?tsare not a<aila8le

0 5ando<er Scri?tsare not a<aila8le

0 5ando<er Scri?tsare not a<aila8le

 /tleast * 5andsetsReHuired

 /tleast * 5andsetsReHuired

 /ll te instances o>3S" as itJs on 50Rand tere is nocoCCunication ?ossi8le8eteen tese 50Rs.

SoG -tJs a 0iCitation in3S" SiCulator 

0 5ando<er Scri?tsare not a<aila8le

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2..&.++1 %.+.1.++2

 /ll te instances o>3S" as itJs on 50Rand tere is nocoCCunication ?ossi8le8eteen tese 50Rs.SoG -tJs a 0iCitation in

3S" SiCulator 

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P Status

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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed &

Total &

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Regression R0"3/" $90AP":AF:9"A+**

2 Regression R0"3/" $90AP":A6/3A+((

Regression R0"3/" $90AP":A5/A1

% Regression R0"3/" $90AP":A6/3A1(

' Regression R0"3/" $90AS;SAPRSA+*A1(++

* Regression R0"3/" $90AS;SAPRSA'A('+

) Regression /lgo $90AP":AD0/A++&

( Regression /lgo $90AP":AD0/A+11

& Regression /lgo $90AP":APRA++1

1+ Regression /lgo $90AP":APRA++'

11 Regression /lgo $90AP":AS/A++

12 Regression /lgo


1 Regression Troug?ut


1% Regression Troug?ut

1' Regression Troug?ut

1* Regression Functional $90AP":A F:9"A+2(

1) Regression Functional


1( Regression Functional $90AP":AF:9"A+(&

1& Regression Functional $90AP":AF:9"A1+'

2+ Regression Functional $90AP":AF:9"A1)

21 Regression 6/3


22 Regression 6/3 $90AP":A6/3A1+%

2 Regression 6/3 $90AP":A6/3A1+'

Back to 3enu



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2% Regression 6/3 $90AP":A6/3A12

2' Regression 6/3 $90AP":A6/3A1

2* Regression 6/3 $90AP":A6/3A1*

2) Regression 6/3 $90AP":A6/3A1)

2( Regression 6/3


2& Regression 6/3

$90AP":A6/3A1))+ Regression 6/3


1 Regression 6/3


2 Regression 6/3


Regression 6/3


% Regression 6/3


' Regression 6/3


* Regression 6/3


) Regression 6/3$90AP":Aeneral

( Regression 6/3 $90AP":Aeneral

& Regression 6/3 $90AP":Aeneral

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Test Case es"r%pt%on

To <eri>y attacdetacG PDP context acti<ation 7 deacti<ation ?rocedure it D0 FTP data trans>er

To <eri>y success>ul triggering o> 8 inter>ace unlock and 8 inter>ace u? ?rocedure en BSS is unlocked

To <eri>y tat a>ter ?er>orCing sitco<er single tiCeG a PS call is success>ul. :se 8 o<er Static -P.

To <eri>y tat ?araCeters con>igured troug 63" >or PS cell are 8roadcasted in S-1 Cessage

8 -nter>ace con>iguration on FraCe Relay E1

"ell reselection during data trans>er :?link

$eri>y tat coding sceCe is canged to a 8etter coding sceCe 8e>ore Bler@ is >ullG en all te initial 8locks recei<ed are err 

$eri>y D0/ en :0 and D0 data is ongoing siCultaneously >or 1 3S.

To <eri>y tat con>iguration ?araCeters are ?ro?erly taken into account during PD"5 reduction.

$eri>y tat least 8usy PD"5 ill 8e reduced >irst or rigtCost PD"5 ill 8e reduced i> saCe load in all acti<ated PD"5.

$eri>y te 8andidt is distri8uted according to sceduling algo en to D0 TBFs sare te saCe PD"5s

E<aluate te CaxiCuC PRS D0 troug?ut in di>>erent coding sceCes en data trans>er is on a single tiCeslot it 1 3SG

E<aluate te CaxiCuC PRS :0 troug?ut in di>>erent coding sceCe en data trans>er is on a single tiCeslot it 1 3SG

E<aluate te CaxiCuC PRS D0 troug?ut in di>>erent coding sceCe en data trans>er is on Culti?le tiCeslots it % 3SG

To <eri>y te R/ :?date ?rocedure as ell as data trans>er en PRS 3S in data trans>er Code

To <eri>y tat ser<ices FTPG 5TTPG S3SG 33SG telnetG eCailG :DP and 8rosing using a? are success>ul

To <eri>y tat autonoCous cell cange is orking >ine 8eteen to adIacent cells and data trans>er is going on in cell "1

To <eri>y tat "S call can 8e originated >roC an 3S tat is already in a PS call.

To $eri>y tat cell reselection >roC PRS to 9onPRS and <ice <ersa is orking >ine 8eteen to adIacent cells

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior en 8 inter>ace coCes u? en a cell it PRS ca?a8ility is in Kcell sutdonK state

Per>orC >reHuent lockunlock o> BSS. $eri>y tat 8 and / link coCe u? success>ully eac tiCe a>ter :nlock. /lso to <eri>y tat

Per>orC >reHuent ena8ledisa8le o> PRS ser<ices at cell le<el and <eri>y PS data trans>er ill 8e success>ully started eac ti

$eri>y te sceduling o> :0 and D0 R0"3/" Blocks according to te Sceduling :nits assigned >or :0 and D0 at te tiCe o> r saCe 3S

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To <eri>y tat "S and PS calls are not alloed i> cell status is set to 8arred. /lso to <eri>y tat "S and PS calls are alloed e

During PS data trans>er disa8le te B link and <eri>y an alarC ill 8e raised and u?dated at 63". /lso <eri>y tat data trans>e

Troug SS9 reset te 9S$" on ic PS call as esta8lised and analyLe its 8ea<ior 

"on>igure 2 9S$" and start data trans>er on 1 9S$". 0ock te 9S$" on ic data trans>er is 8eing carried out. Data trans>e

To <eri>y tat a>ter ?er>orCing sitco<er Culti?le tiCes 8ack to 8ack PS calls are success>ul. Re?eat tis scenario >or 8 int

To <eri>y te 8ea<ior en 8ot TR 8lock and cell sutdon are triggered 8ack to 8ack and cell sutdon tiCer ex?ires >irst.

To <eri>y success>ul so>tare u?grade >or R2 BTS release. /lso to <eri>y success>ul so>tare donload 7 acti<ation to R2 BTS

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> dro??ed TBFs a8norCal release o> TBF in te cellG 8y reCo<ing te 8attery o> 3SG during data trans>er

To <eri>y tat PS calls on 8ot te cells are dro??ed en -P link 8eteen BS" and BTS goes don in 1 R2 BTS 2 cells con>igresuCed. Re?eat te scenario Culti?le tiCes

To <eri>y tat -"" card coCes to orking state a>ter restart. /lso to <eri>y tat all te con>iguration ?ersists. /ll te o8Iects con>iinter>ace con>igured o<er FR -PAST/T-" -PAD;9/3-"

$eri>y tat PS data trans>er is success>ul in 8ot te cells en >olloing conditions old = PRS is ena8led at te BSS 2 cells it PS ca?a8ility are con>igured itin a single 0/" Eac cell is Ca??ed to 1 TR o> R2 BTS Trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is FR

$eri>y tat PS data trans>er is success>ul in 8ot te cells en >olloing conditions old = PRS is ena8led at te BSS 2 cells it PS ca?a8ility are con>igured itin a single 0/" Eac cell is Ca??ed to 1 TR o> R2 BTS Trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is -PAST/T-"

To <eri>y tat te non B""5 TR gets Ca??ed as te B""5 TR a>ter te B""5 TR gets locked as a result o> te TR 8locB""5 TR.

$eri>y te >olloing counters in BSSP Stack P3 ta8le en 9S$" Block and :n8lock is trigerred >roC SS9 ?c9SPdu9SBlockinFRG ?c9SPdu9SBlock/ck6utFR ?c9SPdu9S:nBlockinFRG ?c9SPdu9S:nBlock/ck6utFR

$eri>y te >olloing counters in BSSP Stack P3 ta8le en SS9 is restarted ?cBssg?B$"Reset-nG ?cBssg?B$"Reset/ck6ut

$eri>y te >olloing PRS counters ?cdlt8>reHG ?catteC?teddlt8>est 7 ?csuccldlt8>est.?ccanreHul1PaseG ?c/tteC?ted:l1P

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Pass "ond. Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

1* + + %, 1++, 21

+ + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + #REF! #REF! +


P1 +

P2 +

P +

Tester Test Status +5C Release Number  

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

Planned ate



ate +f!e"ut%on

ate of Re-!e"ut%on


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 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2..'

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2..'

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2..'

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

 To be Executed 1.+.%.++1 2.1..++1

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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status

Pass Err='+%

"onditional Pass Err='+%

Fail Err='+%Blocked Err='+%

-n<alid Err='+%

9on Testa8le Err='+%

9ot /??lica8le Err='+%

To Be Executed

Total Err='+%

Pr%or%t0 Remar(s

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass2.(.+.++2 2%+2& P1 Fail


2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

P1 Pass

P1 Pass2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass


2.(.+.++2 P1 PassP1

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass


2.(.+.++2 2%+2& P1 FailP1 Pass



&%rst T%meTest Status


 To beExecuted



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2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass2.(.1.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 2%+2& P1 Fail2.(.+.++2 2%+&% P1 Fail



2.(.1.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 2%1+% P1 Fail



2.(.1.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Pass

2.(.+.++2 P1 Fail





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P2 Status P Status

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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed %1

Total %1

Stae Test Case )

1 Feature $alidation EPRS


2 Feature $alidation EPRS


Feature $alidation EPRS


% Feature $alidation EPRS


' Feature $alidation EPRS


* Feature $alidation EPRS$90AEPRSAR/A++)

) Feature $alidation EPRS


( Feature $alidation EPRS


& Feature $alidation EPRS


1+ Feature $alidation EPRS


11 Feature $alidation EPRS


12 Feature $alidation EPRS


1 Feature $alidation EPRS


1% Feature $alidation EPRS


1' Feature $alidation EPRS


1* Feature $alidation EPRS


1) Feature $alidation EPRS

$90AEPRSAR/A+221( Feature $alidation EPRS


Back to 3enu



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1& Feature $alidation EPRS


2+ Feature $alidation EPRS


21 Feature $alidation EPRS


22 Feature $alidation EPRS

$90AEPRSAPRA++&2 Feature $alidation EPRS


2% Feature $alidation EPRS


2' Feature $alidation EPRS


2* Feature $alidation EPRS


2) Feature $alidation EPRS


2( Feature $alidation EPRS


2& Feature $alidation EPRS


+ Feature $alidation EPRS


1 Feature $alidation EPRS


2 Feature $alidation EPRS


Feature $alidation EPRS


% Feature $alidation EPRS$90AEPRSAD0/A++1

' Feature $alidation EPRS


* Feature $alidation EPRS


) Feature $alidation EPRS


( Feature $alidation EPRS


& Feature $alidation EPRS


%+ Feature $alidation EPRS$90AEPRSAD0/A+2*

%1 Feature $alidation EPRS


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Test Case es"r%pt%on

$eri>y tat data trans>er is success>ul >or ) 3S SiCulteneously:0 or D0Gile Cax9uCT8>Pdc N ).

$eri>y tat (t 3S data "all ill >ailGi> ) 3S data call is going 69 according to te Precon>ig <alue >or 6ne "ellG6ne TR

$eri>y tat data trans>er is success>ul on 1 PD"5 en te PD"5 is sared 8eteen PRS 3S and EPRS 3S.

$eri>y tat Culti?le PD"5s are sared 8eteen PRS 3S and EPRS 3S a>ter TBF reorganiLation.

$eri>y tat ?erc"sFree"annels is taken into account during TBF reorganiLation i> "S calls are esta8lised >irst and PR

$eri>y tat a ne PD"5 is selected >or :0 TBF esta8lisCent on non B""5 TR en all tiCeslot on B""5 TR are 8usy

$eri>y tat existing PS call si>ts to te le>t Cost tiCeslot en te le>tCost tiCeslot as no PS session.

$eri>y tat a ne PD"5 is selected aCong te Free Dual Tra>>ic "annels 8y <eri>ying te current load condition in te "ell

Selection o> B""5 TR >or a ne TBF esta8lisCent ic as already acti<e PD"5.

$eri>y tat ne PD"5 acti<ation >or reorganiLing o> D0 TBF on te 8asis o> current Bandidt .

$eri>y tat ne PD"5 acti<ation >or reorganiLing o> D0 and :0 TBF on te 8asis o> current Bandidt .

SiCultaneous PD"5 /cti<ation ill not 8e Core tan 1 at a tiCe as CaxPdc/ct N1.

ReorganiLation ill 8e done >or 2 3S at a tiCe 1 in D0 and 1 in :0./lso <eri>y 8ot :0 and D0 data >or 1 3S can 8e reorg

 /ll TBFs allocated on te selected PD"5 8ot :0 and D0 ill 8e reorganiLed siCultaneously i> PD"5 Reduction conditio

ReorganiLation ?rocedure >or 8ot :0 and D0 o> 1 3S is success>ul >or 3ultislot "lass 12..

$eri>y tat "S "alls ill 8e reIected due to CinPdc"ell ?araCeter.

9o reorganiLation across TR is su??orted e<en i> DualTra>>ic "annel >ree on te TR and PD"5 acti<ation condition is

$eri>y tat CaxiCuC nuC8er o> PD"5s assigned to D0 TBF ill not 8e greater tan CaxDl/lloc <alue e<en i> 3S su??orts

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To <eri>y tat PD"5 reduction takes ?lace as a result o> ando<er.

To <eri>y tat ongoing TBF ill 8e reorganiLed success>ully ile PD"5 is reduced due to PD"5 Reduction condition Cet.

$eri>y tat TBF reorganiLation is success>ul en PD"5 is sared 8eteen PRS and EPRS 3Ss and PD"5 reduction

$eri>y tat TBF reorganiLation is success>ul en PD"5 is sared 8eteen PRS and EPRS 3Ss and PD"5 reduction

$eri>y tat PD"5 reduction on B""5 and 9onB""5 TR ould not take ?lace en ?ercFree"s"annelsN+ and PD"5s

$eri>y tat FR5R call is reIected i> allocation o> >urter tiCeslot <iolates te Cin9uCPdc"ell.

$eri>y tat >ree su8slot o> dual tra>>ic cannel it single 5R call is selected >or 5R call allocation i> allocation o> >urter tiCe

$eri>y tat >ree su8slot o> dual tra>>ic cannel it single 5R call is selected >or 5R call allocation i> allocation o> >urter tiCe

$eri>y tat PS-1 ill 8e sceduled >or all te acti<e 3Ss on to di>>erent PD"5 ile 2 3SG TBF is already reorganiLed

$eri>y tat 8<cBucketSiLe is calculated in a cellG8<cBucketSiLe N 83axB<c Y 9uC8er o> TR in te "ell a<ing actia<ated

$eri>y tat 00" data >raCes are ne<er reIected en 3ax 3S 8ucket siLe is set to a <ery ig <alue during donlink data tr 

$eri>y re?eated 3SAF06@A"TR0AREQ F06@A"TR0A3S it current ?araCeters and increCented T/ on ex?iry o> tF

$eri>y re?eated 3SAF06@A"TR0AREQ F06@A"TR0A3S it old ?araCeters due to Cissing 3SAF06@A"TR0A/"4

"ange o> 3S Flo "ontrol ?araCeters CsBucketSiLeGCs0eakrateCsBucketFullRatio at te D0 TBF esta8lisCent o> a 3

$eri>y te iC?act o> cell s?eci>ic ?araCeters eg?rsDla3csCaxGeg?rsDla(Psk3cs-ntialGeg?rsDlaCsk3cs-ntialG g?rsD0/En

$eri>y tat ?araCeter Keg?rsBler@sK is used >or calculating B0ER o> EPRS TBF.

$eri>y tat coding sceCe is increased as ?er te tresold <alues.

$eri>y tat data trans>er is success>ul and coding sceCe sitc takes ?lace en 8lock error rate is degrading and iC?ro<

$eri>y tat coding sceCe is canged to a loer coding sceCe 8e>ore eg?rsBler@s is >ullGen eg?rsBlFastDec9acked

$eir>y tat >or a su8seHuent TBF >or a gi<en 3SG coding sceCe currently used 8y acti<e 3S sould 8e a??lied initially.

$eri>y tat te coding sceCe o> existing :0 TBF is used as te initial coding sceCe o> D0 TBF or <ice<ersa.

$eri>y tat retransCitted 8locks o> iger coding in loer coding sceCe sould 8e considered ile calculating B0ER.

$eri>y tat 9on B""5 TR PD"5 ill 8e reduced i> 9uC8er o> TBFs is saCe in all acti<e PD"5 in 8ot TR in a "ell e

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Total Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

+ 1* + + %, 1++, 21

+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + + #REF! #REF! +



P1 +

P2 +

P +

Setup Tester  

Cax9uCT8>Pdc N

PRS tiCeslots are C

and "S "all ..

Led .

  eets .



Plannedate +f


ate +f!e"ut%o


ate ofRe-






 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

  t class and >ree dual

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

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  riggered it EFR cal

  riggered it /3R5

sared 8eteen E

t <iolates te Cin9u

t ould trigger PD"5

5 and 8<cBucket0



  ?iry o> tFcSu?G ceck

r en D0 Bu>>er SiL

d on D0/.



 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

"5 Reduction "ond

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed *

Total *

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Feature $alidation EPRS


2 Feature $alidation EPRS


Feature $alidation EPRS


% Feature $alidation EPRS


' Feature $alidation EPRS


* Feature $alidation EPRS$90AEPRSAR0"3/"A+1'

) Feature $alidation EPRS


( Feature $alidation EPRS


& Feature $alidation EPRS


1+ Feature $alidation EPRS


11 Feature $alidation EPRS


12 Feature $alidation EPRS


1 Feature $alidation EPRS


1% Feature $alidation EPRS


1' Feature $alidation EPRS


1* Feature $alidation EPRS


1) Feature $alidation EPRS

$90AEPRSAR0"3/"A+%&1( Feature $alidation EPRS


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1& Feature $alidation EPRS


2+ Feature $alidation EPRS


21 Feature $alidation EPRS


22 Feature $alidation EPRS

$90AEPRSAR0"3/"A+*22 Feature $alidation EPRS


2% Feature $alidation EPRS


2' Feature $alidation EPRS


2* Feature $alidation EPRS


2) Feature $alidation EPRS


2( Feature $alidation EPRS


2& Feature $alidation EPRS


+ Feature $alidation EPRS


1 Feature $alidation EPRS


2 Feature $alidation EPRS


Feature $alidation EPRS


% Feature $alidation EPRS$90AEPRSAR0"3/"A+()

' Feature $alidation EPRS


* Feature $alidation EPRS


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Test Case es"r%pt%on

$eri>y tat -R is iC?leCented in D0 direction

$eri>y segCentation during 8lock retransCission in >aCily /.

$eri>y segCentation during 8lock retransCission in >aCily B.

$eri>y segCentation during 8lock retransCission in >aCily ".

$eri>y tat KEPRS P/"4ET "5/99E0 REQ:EST K is su??orted in cell G is 8roadcasted in systeC in>orCation 1.

$eri>y tat ?acket randoC re>erence and >rreHuency details are included in P:/.

$eri>y ?acket access reIect ?rocedure >or EPRS i> resources are not a<aila8le at BS".

$eri>y tat 91+' is reset on recei<ing <alid R0"3/" control Cessage.

$eri>y tat "$ is calculated >or 8ot data 8locks in 3"S)(&.

$eri>y tat R0"3/" eader contains "$ o> te second data 8lock in 3"S)(&.

To <eri>y start and sto? o> T1&1.

To <eri>y success>ul esta8lisCent o> an EPRS u?link TBFG reHuested 8y 3S using one ?ase access.

To <eri>y te EPRS D0 TBF esta8lisCent 8y initiation o> ?acket donlink assignCent ?rocedure.

To <eri>y te success>ul :0 TBF release ?rocedure."$N+.

To <eri>y te success>ul D0 TBF release ?rocedure.FB-N1.

To <eri>y te start and ex?iry o> T1%1

To <eri>y te start and ex?iry o> T1*&.

$eri>y tat on recei?t o> EPRS P/"4ET "5/99E0 REQ:ESTG radio resources are allocated to 3S in P/"4ET :P0-94Cessage.

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To <eri>y te :0 TBF release en SS9 or any PS 9@ is don during :0D0 data trans>er.

To <eri>y te a8norCal D0 TBF release en 91+'N 91+'A3/.

To <eri>y tat esta8lisCent o> :0 TBF en D0 TBF is releasing.

To <eri>y tat esta8lisCent o> :0 TBF en D0 TBF is reo?ening.

To <eri>y te D0 TBF esta8lisCent en D0 TBF is releasing.not reo?ening.

To <eri>y te success>ul D0 TBF reo?ening it retransCitted PD/.

To <eri>y te :0 TBF reorganiLation en te :0 TBF exists and no P"/ recei<ed >or P:/.

To <eri>y te D0 TBF reorganiLation en retransCission o> PD/ occurs.

To $eri>y success>ul :0 TBF reorganiLation >or Culti?le 3S en only te :0 TBF exist

To <eri>y te :0 TBF reorganiLation en :0 and D0 TBF exists and P"/ is recei<ed >or re?eated PTR.

To <eri>y R0" data 8lock siLe in 3"S' to 3"S& coding sceCes in :0 and D0.

To <eri>y tat :0 and D0 control 8locks are alays coded it "S1 coding sceCe.

To <eri>y te success>ul ?eriodic transCission o> PS-1.

To <eri>y tat TBF are released success>ully en BS" recei<es F0:S500.

To <eri>y te success>ul :0 TBF release en P"/ is sent and 91+N 91+A3/ 1.

To <eri>y te success>ul D0 TBF release en 91+'N 91+'A3/1 and Final PD/9 is sent to te 9@.

To <eri>y te success>ul :0 TBF esta8lisCent en 91+1N91+13/1 an 3S sends data 8locks in res?onse to P:/.

To <eri>y tat transCit indo stalled >or n1+23ax tiCes.

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Total Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

+ 1* + + %, 1++, 21

+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + + #REF! #REF! +



P1 +

P2 +

P +

Setup Tester  



Plannedate +f


ate +f!e"ut%o


ate ofRe-






 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

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 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status P2 Status P Status

Pass Err='+%

"onditional Pass Err='+%

Fail Err='+%

Blocked Err='+%

-n<alid Err='+%

9on Testa8le Err='+%

9ot /??lica8le Err='+%

To Be Executed

Total Err='+%

Pr%or%t0 Remar(s &%rstT%me Test


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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed 1*'

Total 1*'

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Per>orCance "ounter EPRS $90AEPRSAP"A++1

2 Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


Per>orCance "ounter EPRS $90AEPRSAP"A++'

% Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


' Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


* Per>orCance "ounter EPRS $90AEPRSAP"A++&

) Per>orCance "ounter EPRS$90AEPRSAP"A+1+

( Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


& Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


1+ Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


11 Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


12 Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


1 Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


1% Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


1' Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


1* Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


1) Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


1( Per>orCance "ounter EPRS

$90AEPRSAP"A+%'1& Per>orCance "ounter EPRS


2+ Per>orCance "ounter EPRS $90AEPRSAP"A+%)

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21 Per>orCance "ounter EPRS $90AEPRSAP"A+%(

22 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++1

2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++2

2% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++

2' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++%

2* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++'

2) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++*

2( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++)

2& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++(

+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++&

1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1+

2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+11

Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+12

% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1

' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1%

* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1'

) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1*

( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1)

& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1(

%+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1&

%1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2+

%2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+21

% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+22

%% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2

%' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2%

%* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2'

%) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2*

%( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2)

%& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2(

'+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2&

'1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A++

'2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+1

' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+2

'% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+

'' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%

'* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'

') Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*

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'( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)

'& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(

*+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&

*1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%+

*2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%1

* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%2

*% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%

*' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%%

** Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%'

*) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%*

*( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%)

*& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+%(

)+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'+

)1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'1

)2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'2

) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'

)% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'%

)' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+''

)* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'*

)) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+')

)( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'(

)& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+'&

(+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*+

(1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*1

(2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*2

( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*

(% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*%

(' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*(

(* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+*&

() Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)1

(( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)

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(& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)%

&+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)'

&1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)*

&2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+))

& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)(

&% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+)&

&' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(+

&* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(1

&) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(2

&( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(

&& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(%

1++ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+('

1+1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(*

1+2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+()

1+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+((

1+% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+(&

1+' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&+

1+* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&1

1+) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&2

1+( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&

1+& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&%

11+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&'

111 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&*

112 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&)

11 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&(

11% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A+&&

11' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1++

11* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+1

11) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+2

11( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+

11& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+%

12+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+'

121 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+*

122 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+)

12 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+(

12% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+&

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12' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11+

12* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A111

12) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A112

12( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11

12& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11%

1+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11'

11 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11*

12 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11)

1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11(

1% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11&

1' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12+

1* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A121

1) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A122

1( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12

1& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12%

1%+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12'

1%1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12*

1%2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12)

1% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12(

1%% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12&

1%' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1+

1%* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A11

1%) Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A12

1%( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1

1%& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%

1'+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1'

1'1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1*

1'2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1)

1' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1(

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1'% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1&

1'' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%+

1'* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%1

1') Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%2

1'( Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%1'& Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%%

1*+ Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%'

1*1 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%*

1*2 Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%)

1* Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%(

1*% Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1%&

1*' Per>orCance "ounter PRS $90AP":AP"A1'+

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Test Case es"r%pt%on

To <eri>y te nuC8er o> :0 6ne ?ase cannel reHuests >or EPRS using K?cEg?rs"anReH:l1PaseK ?er>orCance coun

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> resource reHuests due to D0 TBF esta8lisCent or resuCe >or EPRS using K?cEg?rsDlT8>ReHK ?er>o

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks recei<ed during u?link data trans>er in 3"S12% coding sceCe using ?c:lRx3cs12

To <eri>y accuCulati<e nuC8er o> donlink TBFs released >or EPRS using K?cEg?rsDlT8>Rel"ountK ?er>orCance counter 

To <eri>y nuC8er o> -CCediate /ssignCent 3essages sent on """5 >or 1?ase :0 TBF esta8lisCent >or EPRS usingK?c/tteC?tedEg?rs:l1PaseT8>EstK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> -CCediate /ssignCent 3essages sent on """5 >or D0 TBF esta8lisCent >or EPRS using K?cEg?r ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> success>ul 2?ase :0 TBF esta8lisCents en data trans>er is initiated <ia """5 in te cell >or EK?cSuccEg?rs:l1PaseT8>EstK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> success>ul D0 TBF esta8lisCents <ia """5 in te cell >or Eg?rs using K ?cSuccEg?rsDlT8>EstK ?er>o

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> dro??ed TBFs a8norCal release o> TBF in te cell during EPRS session using K?cEg?rsT8>Dro???

To <eri>y running a<erage o> troug?uts o> all EPRS D0 TBFs released during a ?articular ?eriodic counter >etc durationK?cEg?rsT8>Troug?utDlK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y running a<erage o> troug?uts o> all EPRS :0 TBFs released during a ?articular ?eriodic counter >etc durationK?cEg?rsT8>Troug?ut:lK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks transCitted in D0 direction in 3"S12%'*)(& coding sceCe using ?cDlTx3cs12?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link R0"3/" Data Blocks ex?ected 8ut not recei<ed in te cell >or EPRS call using K ?cEg?rs:lD?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link R0"3/" "ontrol Blocks ex?ected 8ut not recei<ed in te cell >or Eg?rs using K?cEg?rs:l"trllBlcounter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link R0"3/" "ontrol Blocks recei<ed in te cell during EPRS data trans>er using K?cEg?rs:lRx"counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link in<alid R0"3/" Data"ontrol Blocks recei<ed in te cell >or EPRS data trans>er using K?cEg??er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks retransCitted in donlink direction during EPRS data trans>er in 3"S12%'*)(& c?cDlReTx3cs12%'*)(&O ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> R0"3/" "ontrol Blocks transCitted in donlink direction no duCCy 8locks in te cell using K?cEg?counter.

To <eri>y accuCulati<e nuC8er o> donlink TBFs esta8lised >or EPRS in o8ser<ation ?eriod lea<ing aside carried >orar 

K?cEg?rsDlT8>Est"ountK ?er>orCance counter.To <eri>y accuCulati<e nuC8er o> u?link TBFs esta8lised >or EPRS in o8ser<ation ?eriod lea<ing aside carried >orard TK?cEg?rs:lT8>Est"ountK ?er>orCance counter.

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To <eri>y accuCulati<e nuC8er o> u?link TBFs released >or EPRS using K?cEg?rs:lT8>Rel"ountK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 3axiCuC nuC8er o> acti<e PD"5s in te cell using ?c3ax9uCBusyPdcO ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> PD: dro??ed ?er B$"- at BSSP in te cell during data trans>er using K?c9uCPduDro??ed K ?er>orC

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> :0 PD: sent >or >t? u?load ?er B$"- 8y BSSP in te cell using K?c9uCPdu:l K ?er>orCance counter 

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> D0 PD: recei<ed >or >t? donload ?er B$"- 8y BSSP in te cell using K?c9uCPduDl K ?er>orCance

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> B$" Reset PD: sent ?er B$"- 8y BSSP on user initiated B$" reset using K?c9uCPduRst K ?er>orC

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> Flo "ontrol PD:s sent ?er B$"- 8y BSSP in te cell using K?c9uCPduFc K ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> Flo control ack recei<ed ?er B$"- 8y BSSP in te cell using K?c9uCPduFc/ckK ?er>orCance count

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> B$" Block PD: sent ?er B$"- 8y BSSP using ?c9uCPduBlKO ?er>orCance counter 

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> B$" Block /ck recei<ed ?er B$"- 8y BSSP using K?c9uCPduBl/ckK ?er>orCance counter 

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> B$" :nBlock /ck recei<ed ?er B$"- 8y BSSP using K?c9uCPdu:8l/cklnK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks recei<ed during u?link data trans>er in "S1 coding sceCe using ?c:lRx"s1O ?er>orCan

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks recei<ed during u?link data trans>er in "S2 coding sceCe using K?c:lRx"s2K ?er>orCan

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks recei<ed during u?link data trans>er in "S coding sceCe using K?c:lRx"sK ?er>orCan

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks recei<ed during u?link data trans>er in "S% coding sceCe using K?c:lRx"s%K ?er>orCan

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks transCitted in D0 direction in "S1 coding sceCe using ?cDlTx"s1O ?er>orCance counte

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks transCitted during donlink data trans>er in "S coding sceCe using K?cDlTx"s K ?er> 

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link R0"3/" "ontrol Blocks recei<ed in te cell during norCal data trans>er using K?c:lRx"trlBlksK

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link in<alid R0"3/" Data"ontrol Blocks recei<ed in te cell using K?c:lRx-n<alidBlks K ?er>orCanc

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> success>ul 1?ase :0 TBF esta8lisCent en data trans>er is initiated <ia """5 in te cell using ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> success>ul 2?ase :0 TBF esta8lisCents en data trans>er is initiated <ia """5 in te cell using?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> success>ul D0 TBF esta8lisCents en data trans>er is initiated <ia """5 in te cell using K  ?cSuc


To <eri>y 9uC8er o> dro??ed TBFs a8norCal release o> TBF in te cellG 8y reCo<ing te 8attery o> 3SG duri?cT8>Dro???edK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> atteC?ted PD"5 resource reHuests reIected due to all dual tra>>ic tiCeslots 8usy in te cell using?c/tteC?tedPdcBlockedTra>>icO ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> atteC?ted PD"5 resource reHuests reIected en dual tra>>ic cannel cannot 8e allocated due to ?erctresold reaced using K?c/tteC?tedPdcBlocked"on>igK ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> -CCediate /ssignCent 3essages sent on """5 >or 1?ase :0 TBF esta8lisCent in te cell using?c/tteC?ted:l1PaseT8>EstO ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> -CCediate /ssignCent 3essages sent on """5 >or 2?ase :0 TBF esta8lisCent in te cell using?c/tteC?ted:l2PaseT8>EstO ?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> -CCediate /ssignCent 3essages sent on """5 >or D0 TBF esta8lisCent in te cell using K?c/tteC??er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> B$" :n8lock PD: sent ?er B$"- 8y BSSP using K  ?c9uCPdu:8lK ?er>orCance counter 

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> B$" Reset /ck PD: recei<ed during BSS unlock ?rocedure using K  ?c9uCPduRst/ckK ?er>orCance c

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks transCitted during donlink data trans>er in "S2 coding sceCe using K  ?cDlTx"s2K ?er> 

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks transCitted in donlink direction it "S% coding sceCe using K  ?cDlTx"s%K ?er>orCan

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link R0"3/" Data Blocks ex?ected 8ut not recei<ed in te cell using K  ?c:lDataBlks9otRc<d K ?er>

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> u?link R0"3/" "ontrol Blocks ex?ected 8ut not recei<ed in te cell using K  ?c:l"trllBlks9otRc<d K ?

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks retransCitted in donlink direction during norCal data trans>er in "S1 coding sceCe usi?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks retransCitted in donlink direction during norCal data trans>er in "S2 coding sceCe usi?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks retransCitted in donlink direction during norCal data trans>er in "S coding sceCe usi?er>orCance counter.

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To <eri>y 9uC8er o> R0"3/" "ontrol Blocks transCitted in donlink direction in te cell using K?cDl"trlTxK ?er>orCance c

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:nitData-n-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPduSns"on>ig-n-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated it correct <alue en ' S9S con>ig PD:s are re

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:nitdata-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sStatus-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en status PD:s as 8een recei<ed in

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s/li<e-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ' PD:s >or 9S /li<e as 8een recei<e

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:nitData6ut-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sStatus6ut-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or 9S status as 8een se

To <eri>y tat ?c9sPdu9s/li<e6ut-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or 9S ali<e as 8een sent i

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPduSns"on>ig6ut-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 sns con>ig PD:s as 8een sent

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPduSnsSiLe6ut-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en sns siLe PD:s as 8een sent in c

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:nitData6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly

To <eri>y R0"3/" Data Blocks retransCitted in donlink direction during norCal data trans>er in "S% coding sceCe usi?er>orCance counter.

To <eri>y tat K ?c9sPdu9sStatus-n-? K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated it correct <alue en ' status PD:s are recei<e

To <eri>y tat Pc9sPdu9s/li<e-n-?O ?er>orCance counter is u?dated it correct <alue en ' 9S /li<e PD:s are recei<e

To <eri>y tat K ?c9sPdu9s/li<e/ck-n-? K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated it correct <alue en ack >or 2 9S /li<e PD:scase o> 9S o<er -P.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPduSns/ck-n-? K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated en BSS recei<es S9S /"4 PD: >roC SS9. /lsores?onds it a <alid Cessage u?on recei?t o> te S9S /"4 PD:.

To <eri>y tat K ?c9sPduSns/dd-n-? K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated en BSS recei<es S9S /DD >roC SS9. /lso to <it a <alid Cessage u?on recei?t o> te S9S /DD PD:.S9S /DD ?rocedure is not su??orted

To <eri>y tat K ?c9sPduSns"ange@eigt-n-? K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated en BSS recei<es S9S "5/9E @E- /lso to <eri>y tat BSS res?onds it a <alid Cessage u?on recei?t o> te S9S "5/9E @E-5T PD:.S9S "5/9Esu??orted

To <eri>y tat K ?c9sPduSns"on>ig/ck-n-? K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated it correct <alue en ack >or ' sns con>ig P

in case o> 9S o<er -P.To <eri>y tat K ?c9sPduSnsDelete-n-? K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated en BSS recei<es S9S DE0ETE >roC SS9. /lres?onds it a <alid Cessage u?on recei?t o> te S9S DE0ETE PD:.S9S DE0ETE ?rocedure is not su??orted

To <eri>y tat ?c9sPduSnsSiLe/ck-n-?O ?er>orCance counter is u?dated it correct <alue en ack >or ' S9S siLe PD:scase o> 9S o<er -P.

To <eri>y tat ?c9sPdu9s/li<e/ck-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or 2 9S /li<e PD:s as 8eeno<er FR.

To <eri>y tat K ?c9sPdu9sReset-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ' reset PD:s as 8een recei<ed in c

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sReset/ck-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or reset PD:s as 8een reFR

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sBlock-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or 9S 8lock indication as 89S o<er FR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sBlock/ck-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or 9S 8lock PD:s as 8eeo<er FR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:n8lock-nFrO ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or 9S :n8lock as 8een r o<er FR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:n8lock/ck-nFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or PD:s >or 9S :n8loc

case o> 9S o<er FR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s/li<e/ck6ut-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or 2 9S /li<e PD:s as 8eo<er -P.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPduSns"on>ig/ck6ut-?K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or sns con>ig PD:s ao<er -P.

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To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sStatus6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % status PD:s as 8een sent in ca

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s/li<e6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 9S /li<e PD:s as 8een sent in c

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sReset6utFr K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en reset PD:s as 8een sent in ca

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sBlock6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 9S 8lock PD:s as 8een sent in

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduDl:niDatainK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduRa"a?a8ility-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or BSSP Ra "a?a8ili

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduPagingPs-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or PS ?aging as 8een re

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduPaging"s-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or "S ?aging as 8een re

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduSus?end/ck-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or BSSP sus?end a

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduSus?end9ack-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or BSSP sus?end n

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduB<cBlock/ck-nO ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or BSSP B$" 8lock

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduB<cReset-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or BSSP B$" reset a

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduB<cReset/ck-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or BSSP B$" reset

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduFlus0l-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or BSSP >lus as 8een re

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduStatus-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or BSSP status as 8een r 

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?Pdu:l:nitData6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduradioStatus6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or BSSP radio statu

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduSus?end6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or BSSP sus?end as

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduB<cBlock6ut K ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or BSSP B$" 8lock

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduB<cReset6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or BSSP B$" reset a

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduB<cReset6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or BSSP B$" reset a

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduB<c:n8lock6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or BSSP B$" un8lo

To <eri>y tat K?Bssg?PduFlo"ontrol3s6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or BSSP >lo cont

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduFlus0l/ck6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or BSSP >lus ack a

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?Pdu0lcDiscardedoutO ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduStatus6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or BSSP status as 8een

To <eri>y correct u?dation to te counter ?c/<gPdc/lloc

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s/li<e/ck6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or 2 9S /li<e PD:s as 8eo<er FR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sReset/ck6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or 2 reset PD:s as 8eenFR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9sBlock/ck6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or 9S 8lock PD:s as 8o<er FR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:n8lock6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 9S :n8lock PD:s as 8een sFR.

To <eri>y tat K?c9sPdu9s:n8lock/ck6utFrK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en ack >or 9S :n8lock PD:s 9S o<er FR.

To <eri>y tat ?cBssg?PduB<c:n8lock/ck-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or BSSP B$" un8recei<ed.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduFlo"ontrolB<c/ck-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en PD:s >or BSSP >lo8een recei<ed

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduFlo"ontrol3s/ck-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en % PD:s >or BSSP >lorecei<ed

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduFlo"ontrolB<c6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en 2 PD:s >or BSSP >losent.

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To <eri>y correct u?dation to te counter ?cDur?rs:sage

To <eri>y nuC8er o> u?link one ?ase cannel reHuest Cessages sent using te ?er>orCance counter ?c"anReH:l1Pas

To <eri>y nuC8er o> u?link to ?ase cannel reHuest Cessages sent using te ?er>orCance counter ?c"anReH:l2Pas

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> PS ?aging Cessages sent on P"5 using K?cPsPagingPcO counter 

To <eri>y tat K?cDlT8>"ountK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en Culti?le TBFs are esta8lised it Culti?lexin

To <eri>y tat K?c:lT8>"ountK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en Culti?leTBFs are esta8lised it Culti?lexin

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduDl:nitDataBytes-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during donlink data trans>er einter>ace is FR.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduDl:nitDataBytes-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during donlink data trans>er e

inter>ace is -P.To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduDl:nitDataBytes-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during donlink data trans>er >roCen trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is FR.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduDl:nitDataBytes-nK and ?cBssg?Pdu:l:nitDataBytes6utO ?er>orCance counters are u?dated cdata trans>er is done >roC Culti?le 3S in ?arallel and u?link data trans>er is done >roC Culti?le 3S in ?arallel. en trans?inter>ace is -P

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?Pdu:l:nitDataBytes6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during u?link data trans>er eninter>ace is FR.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?Pdu:l:nitDataBytes6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during u?link data trans>er eninter>ace is -P.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduDl:nitDataBytes-nK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during donlink data trans>er >roCen trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is -P.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?Pdu:l:nitDataBytes6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during u?link data trans>er >roCen trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is FR.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?Pdu:l:nitDataBytes6utK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly during u?link data trans>er >roCen trans?ort ty?e o> te 8 inter>ace is -P.

To <eri>y tat K?cBssg?PduDl:nitDataBytes-nK and ?cBssg?Pdu:l:nitDataBytes6utO ?er>orCance counters are u?dated cdata trans>er is done >roC Culti?le 3S in ?arallel and u?link data trans>er is done >roC Culti?le 3S in ?arallel. en trans?inter>ace is FR

To <eri>y tat K?c"sPagingPaccK ?er>orCance counter is u?dated correctly en "S ?aging is recei<ed on P/""5 ile d?rogress.

To <eri>y te counter ?c"anReH:l1Pase gets increCented en all te dual tra>>ic tiCeslots are 8usy. /lso to <eri>y tat?c/tteC?ted:l1PaseT8>Est does not get increCented.

To <eri>y te counter ?c"anReH:l2Pase gets increCented en all te dual tra>>ic tiCeslots are 8usy. /lso to <eri>y tat?c/tteC?ted:l2PaseT8>Est does not get increCented.

To <eri>y te counter ?c"anReH:l2Pase gets increCented en all te dual tra>>ic tiCeslots are 8usy. /lso to <eri>y tat?c/tteC?ted:l2PaseT8>Est does not get increCented.

To <eri>y te counter ?c"anReH:l2Pase gets increCented en cannel cannot 8e allocated due to ?erc"s>reecannel /lso to <eri>y tat ?c/tteC?ted:l2PaseT8>Est does not get increCented.

To <eri>y tat te counter ?c/tteC?ted:l1PaseT8>Est gets increCented e<en i> 1 ?ase u?link TBF esta8lisCent >ails. /l?cSucc:l1PaseT8>Est does not get increCented.

To <eri>y tat te counter ?c/tteC?ted:l2PaseT8>Est gets increCented e<en i> 2 ?ase u?link TBF esta8lisCent >ails. /l?cSucc:l2PaseT8>Est does not get increCented.

To <eri>y tat te counter ?c/tteC?tedDlT8>Est gets increCented e<en i> D0 TBF esta8lisCent >ails. /lso to <eri>y tat ?cSget increCented.

To <eri>y tat counter Pc9sPdu9s/li<e6ut-? gets increCented and Pc9sPdu9s/li<e/ck-n-? does not get increCented erecei<ed >or CaxiCuC nuC8er o> retries.

To <eri>y tat counter Pc9sPdu9s/li<e6utFr gets increCented and Pc9sPdu9s/li<e/ck-nFr does not get increCented recei<ed >or CaxiCuC nuC8er o> retries.

To <eri>y tat ?c9sPdu9sBlock6utFr and ?c9sPdu9sBlock/ck-nFr ill get increCented e<en i> te 9S B06"4 PD: is senalready reCotely 8locked 8y SS9 

To <eri>y tat te counter ?c9sPdu9s:nBlock6utFr is increCented and ?c9sPdu9s:nBlock/ck-nFr is not increCented o> te un8locking ?rocedure are coC?leted.

To <eri>y tat ?c9sPdu9s:nBlock-nFr and ?c9sPdu9s:nBlock/ck6utFr are increCented en SS9 sends :9B06"4 > un8locked

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To <eri>y tat instantaneous and ?eriodic collection o> R0" 3/" ?er>orCance counters is success>ul e<en i> TR is locked

To <eri>y tat instantaneous and ?eriodic collection o> R0" 3/" ?er>orCance counters is success>ul e<en i> /8is -P link isTo <eri>y tat instantaneous and ?eriodic collection o> R0" 3/" ?er>orCance counters is unsuccess>ul en 0/PD link is

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counters are reset a>ter te ?eriodic tiCer ex?iry

To <eri>y tat instantaneous and ?eriodic collection o> PS cell a??lication ?er>orCance counters is success>ul e<en i> cell is l

To <eri>y tat instantaneous and ?eriodic collection o> 8 ?er>orCance counters is success>ul e<en i> 8 link goes don.

To <eri>y tat instantaneous and ?eriodic collection o> PS cell a??lication ?er>orCance counters is success>ul e<en i> PS cel

To <eri>y 9uC8er o> donlink TBF reHuest recei<ed using K?cDlT8>ReH K ?er>orCance counter 

To <eri>y tat K?cDlT8>ReH K ?er>orCance counter is increCented and ?c/tteC?tedDlT8>EstO is not increCented en D0

To <eri>y tat ?c9sPdu9sBlock-nFr and ?c9sPdu9sBlock/ck6utFr are increCented en SS9 sends B06"4 >or a 9S$at te BSS.

To <eri>y tat ?c9sPdu9s:nitData-nFr and ?c9sPdu9sStatus6utFr are increCented en 9S :9-TD/T/ PD: is recei<edtat is 8locked.

To <eri>y tat instantaneous collection o> P": ?er>orCance counters is unsuccess>ul en g?rsena8led N >alse at BSS. /lss?eci>ic ?er>orCance >iles are sent to 63" at te ?eriodic tiCer ex?iry.

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Total Pass Fail Progress

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Priority 2 + + + + #D-$+!

Priority + + + + #REF!


Setup Tester Test Status

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

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 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

 To be Executed

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Quality TBE

1++, 21

#D-$+! +

#REF! +


P1 +

P2 +

P +

Pr%or%t0 Remar(sBSC





T%me TestStatus

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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status P2 Status P Status

Pass Err='+%

"onditional Pass Err='+%

Fail Err='+%

Blocked Err='+%

-n<alid Err='+%

9on Testa8le Err='+%

9ot /??lica8le Err='+%

To Be Executed

Total Err='+%

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* EPRS 8 :tiliLation








D0 TBF /llocation SuccessRate

:0 TBF /llocation SuccessRate

D0 TBF Esta8lisCentSuccess Rate

:0 TBF Esta8lisCentSuccess Rate

Packet "annel /llocation /tteC?ts

Packet "annel /llocationFailure

 /<erage allocated PD"5?er cell

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Test Case es"r%pt%on

To <eri>y te correctness o> ?ercentage o> EPRS TBF Esta8lisCent reHuests in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells.

To <eri>y te correctness o> ?ercentage o> EPRS TBF Esta8lisCent reHuests in 1 EPRS and 1 PRS cell.

To <eri>y te correctness o> ?ercentage o> EPRS TBF Esta8lisCent reHuests in 1 EPRS and 1 PRS cell in di>>erent 0

To <eri>y te correctness o> ?ercentage o> EPRS TBF Esta8lisCent reHuests in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells in di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y te correctness o> ?ercentage o> EPRS TBF Esta8lisCent reHuests in 1 EPRS and nonPS cell.

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS D0 /<erage Troug?ut in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells it D0/ ena8led in 8ot te cells.

To <eri>y te correctness o> ?ercentage o> EPRS D0 /<erage Troug?ut in 1 EPRS and 1 PRS cell in di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS :0 /<erage Troug?ut in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells it D0/ ena8led in 8ot te cells.

To <eri>y te correctness o> ?ercentage o> EPRS :0 /<erage Troug?ut in 1 EPRS and 1 PRS cell in di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS Data $oluCe :0 in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells.

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS Data $oluCe :0 in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells in di>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS Data $oluCe D0 in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells.

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS D0 /<erage Troug?ut in 1 EPRS cell it D0/ disa8led andi initial 3"SN1 ii initial 3"SN&

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS D0 /<erage Troug?ut in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells it D0/ ena8led in 8ot te cells i0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS :0 /<erage Troug?ut in 1 EPRS cell it D0/ disa8led andi initial 3"SN1 ii initial 3"SN&

To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS :0 /<erage Troug?ut in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells it D0/ ena8led in 8ot te cells i0/"s.

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To <eri>y te correctness o> EPRS Data $oluCe D0 in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells in di>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> D0 TBF allocation success rate en no TBF esta8lisCent >ails in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>i

To <eri>y te correctness o> :0 TBF allocation success rate en no TBF esta8lisCent >ails in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>i

To <eri>y te correctness o> D0 TBF esta8lisCent success rate in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>iguration.

To <eri>y te correctness o> D0 TBF esta8lisCent success rate in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>iguration in di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y te correctness o> :0 TBF esta8lisCent success rate in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>iguration.

To <eri>y te correctness o> :0 TBF esta8lisCent success rate in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>iguration in di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y correctness o> K?acket cannel allocation atteC?tsK en u?link PS data trans>er is initiated >roC 3S in 2 cells.

To <eri>y correct calculation o> 8 utiliLation ?ercentage 4P- trans?ort ty?e is -P.

To <eri>y correct calculation o> 8 utiliLation ?ercentage 4P- trans?ort ty?e is FR and 2 links are con>igured it ' tiCeslots

To <eri>y te correctness o> D0 TBF allocation success rate en no TBF esta8lisCent >ails in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>idi>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> D0 TBF allocation success rate en soCe TBF esta8lisCent >ail in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR co

due to con>iguration.

To <eri>y te correctness o> D0 TBF allocation success rate en soCe TBF esta8lisCent >ail in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR codue to con>iguration in di>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> D0 TBF allocation success rate en soCe TBF esta8lisCent >ail in 1 EPRS cell and 1 PRTR due to con>iguration in di>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> :0 TBF allocation success rate en no TBF esta8lisCent >ails in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR con>idi>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> :0 TBF allocation success rate en soCe TBF esta8lisCent >ail in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR codue to con>iguration.

To <eri>y te correctness o> :0 TBF allocation success rate en soCe TBF esta8lisCent >ail in 2 EPRS cells 1 TR codue to con>iguration in di>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y te correctness o> :0 TBF allocation success rate en soCe TBF esta8lisCent >ail in 1 EPRS cell and 1 PRTR due to con>iguration in di>>erent 0/"s.

To <eri>y correctness o> K?acket cannel allocation atteC?tsK en u?link PS data trans>er is initiated >roC 3S in 2 cells in0/"s.

To <eri>y tat ?acket cannel allocation >ailure ?ercentage is calculated correctly en PD"5 allocation atteC?ts are unsucto con>iguration reason in 1 cell.

To <eri>y tat ?acket cannel allocation >ailure ?ercentage is calculated correctly en PD"5 allocation atteC?ts are unsucto con>iguration reason in 2 cells under di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y tat te 4P- a<erage allocated PD"5 ?er cell is calculated correctly en all PD"5 acti<ation and deacti<ation reser<ed success>ully >or 2 cells under single 0/".

To <eri>y tat te 4P- a<erage allocated PD"5 ?er cell is calculated correctly en all PD"5 acti<ation and deacti<ation reser<ed success>ully >or 2 cells under di>>erent 0/".

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To <eri>y tat data a<aila8ility ?ercentage is calculated correctly en only 1 EPRS cell is con>igured.

To <eri>y tat data a<aila8ility ?ercentage is calculated correctly en 2 EPRS cell are con>igured.

To <eri>y tat TBF dro? rate is calculated correctly en EPRS sessions are triggered in 2 EPRS ca?a8le cells.

To <eri>y te nuC8er o> :0 TBFs esta8lised ?er TR en 2 EPRS cells exist under single 0/".

To <eri>y te nuC8er o> :0 TBFs esta8lised ?er TR en 2 EPRS cells exist di>>erent single 0/".

To <eri>y te nuC8er o> :0 TBFs esta8lised ?er TR en 1 EPRS cell and 1 PRS cell exists.

To <eri>y te nuC8er o> D0 TBFs esta8lised ?er TR en 2 EPRS cells exist under single 0/".

To <eri>y te nuC8er o> D0 TBFs esta8lised ?er TR en 2 EPRS cells exist di>>erent single 0/".

To <eri>y te nuC8er o> D0 TBFs esta8lised ?er TR en 1 EPRS cell and 1 PRS cell exists.

To <eri>y correct calculation o> Paging PS on P"5O 4P- en 2 EPRS cells exist.

To <eri>y correct calculation o> Paging "S on P/""5O 4P- en 2 EPRS cells exist.

To <eri>y tat 4P- Block Error Rate D0:0 is calculated correctly >or eac cell en 2 EPRS cells exist it 1 TR.

To <eri>y tat 4P- Block Error Rate D0:0 is calculated correctly >or eac cell en 1 EPRS cell and 1 PRS cell exist

To <eri>y te correctness o> PRS Data $oluCe :0 in 2 EPRS cells in i single 0/" ii di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y te correctness o> PRS Data $oluCe D0 in 2 EPRS cells in i single 0/" ii di>>erent 0/".

To <eri>y te 4P- PRS :0 Troug?ut ?er TBF en 2 EPRS cells exist.

To <eri>y te 4P- PRS D0 Troug?ut ?er TBF en 2 EPRS cells exist.

To <eri>y correct calculation o> data usage duration in a cell 4P-. /lso to <eri>y tat te data uusage duration is + in an o8se?eriod en no data trans>er is initiated in 8ot te cells.

To <eri>y tat TBF dro? rate is calculated correctly en EPRSPRS sessions are triggered in 1 EPRS ca?a8le cell anca?a8le cell.

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Total Pass "ond. Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

'( + + + +, #D-$+! '(

+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + + #REF! #REF! +



P1 +

P2 +

P +

Setup Tester Test Status Plannedate +f


ate +f!e"ut%o


ate ofRe-





 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

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### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To be




 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

### 2..2.++1 2.(.+.++2

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be


 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted


 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status P2 Status P Status

Pass +

"onditional Pass Err='12

Fail Err='12

Blocked Err='12

-n<alid Err='12

9on Testa8le Err='12

9ot /??lica8le Err='12

To Be Executed

Total Err='12

Pr%or%t0 Remar(s


P1 Fail



P1 Fail









2%1 P1

2%1 P1

2%1 P1


&%rstT%me Test


3"S& notsu??orted in :0.

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2%1 P1

2%1 P1

2%1 P1

2%1 P1

2&&( P1

2&&( P1

2&&( P1

2&&( P1

2&&( P1

2&&( P1

2&&( P1

2%'( P1 2&&(

2%'( P1 2&&(

2%'( P1 2&&(

2%'( P1

P1 2&&(

P1 2&&(

P1 2&&(

P1 2&&(

P1 2%1%'

P1 2%1%'



Di>>icult to siCulate

te scenario underla8 conditions

Di>>icult to siCulatete scenario underla8 conditions

Di>>icult to siCulatete scenario underla8 conditions

"onditional Pass

"onditional Pass

4P- Cissing at63"Guser de>iend

at 63".4P- Cissing at63"Guser de>iendat 63".

4P- Cissing at63"Guser de>iendat 63".

4P- Cissing at63"Guser de>iendat 63".

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Test Plan

Re<. Priority 1

Pass + Priority 2

"onditional Pass + Priority

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed *

Total *

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Feature 0"0S


2 Feature 0"0S


Feature 0"0S


% Feature 0"0S


' Feature 0"0S

VN-.B"".-C-".%%* Feature 0"0S


) Feature 0"0S


( Feature 0"0S


& Feature 0"0S


1+ Feature 0"0S


11 Feature 0"0S


12 Feature 0"0S


1 Feature 0"0S


1% Feature 0"0S


1' Feature 0"0S


1* Feature 0"0SVN-.B"".-C-".%'3

1) Feature 0"0SVN-.B"".-C-".%'4

1( Feature 0"0S


Back to 3enu


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1& Feature 0"0S


2+ Feature 0"0S


21 Feature 0"0S


22 Feature 0"0S

VN-.B"".-C-".%/12 Feature 0"0S


2% Feature 0"0S


2' Feature 0"0S


2* Feature 0"0S


2) Feature 0"0S


2( Feature 0"0S


2& Feature 0"0S


+ Feature 0"0S


1 Feature 0"0S


2 Feature 0"0S


Feature 0"0S


% Feature 0"0SVN-.B"".-C-".%03

' Feature 0"0S


* Feature 0"0S


) Feature 0"0S


( Feature 0"0S


& Feature 0"0S


%+ Feature 0"0SVN-.B"".-C-".%11

%1 Feature 0"0S


%2 Feature 0"0S


% Feature 0"0S


%% Feature 0"0S


%' Feature 0"0S


%* Feature 0"0S


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%) Feature 0"0S


%( Feature 0"0S


%& Feature 0"0S


'+ Feature 0"0S

VN-.B"".-C-".%51'1 Feature 0"0S


'2 Feature 0"0S


' Feature 0"0S


'% Feature 0"0S


'' Feature 0"0S


'* Feature 0"0S


') Feature 0"0S


'( Feature 0"0S


'& Feature 0"0S


*+ Feature 0"0S


*1 Feature 0"0S


*2 Feature 0"0SVN-.B"".-C-".%4

* Feature 0"0S


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Test Case es"r%pt%on

6odi*cation 7 addition o EN,B-E.-C-" at B""7Cell level& ( )ulti+le ti)es #

Con*$uration o cluster id 8 bts

Cluster id invalid or td) BT"

For)ation o correct 9C: !en B"C node id is con*$ured it! diferent values&

Veri*cation o successul -C-" ( t!is includes veri*cation o relevant )essa$es 8 +ara)eters # ( +ro+rietary

Veri*cation o successul -C-" or non BCC; T:<& (F:#

Veri*cation o successul -C-" or non BCC; T:<& (,6: ;:#

Veri*cation o successul -C-" !en 6O and 6T occu+y BCC; and non BCC; T:< res+ectively&

Be!avior o break -C-" +rocedure&

Be!avior o -C-" !en BT" is ully loaded it! locally sitc!ed& (BCC;7NON BCC;# F: call

Be!avior o -C-" !en BT" is ully loaded it! locally sitc!ed& (BCC;7NON BCC;# ,6: ;: call

Be!avior o -C-" !en BT" is ully loaded it! locally sitc!ed& (BCC;7NON BCC;# (F: = ,6: ;:# call

-C-" call s!ould be cleared u+ !en , interace link $oes don& (Pro+ereitary 6"C#

Be!avior o -C-" !en , Bis IP link is +lu$$ed out> and ater +lu$$ed in&

Be!avior o -C-" !en , Bis IP link ?uctuates&

Veriy lon$ duration -C-" call or /1 !ours (F: call#

Veriy lon$ duration -C-" call or /1 !ours (,6: ;: call#

Veriy -C-" (F: = ,6: ;:# call 8 nor)al call )ixed load or 3 !ours&

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 To veriy B"C sends correct BT" i+ 8 +ort in 6O@E 6O@IFA )essa$e

Be!avior o -C-" call !en :-TO is tri$$ered&

Be!avior o -C-" call !en ,""I9N6ENT F,I-:E is received or 6O 8 6T res+ectively&

 To veriy -C-" it! sin$le 6O6T call )ulti+le ti)es&

Be!avior !en ds+ is locked7reset it! -C-" call&

,ter successul ds+ lock7reset> unlock t!at ds+ and c!ecked -C-" call to be successul it! voice&

Be!avior !en bss7bts7cell7trx is locked it! -C-" call

-C-" call on$oin$ 8 sitc!over tri$$ered ro) O6C 8 -C-" s!ould be successul a$ain (Pro+ereitary 6"C#

-C-" call on$oin$ 8 T:< B-OCDE@ ro) O6C&

-C-" call on$oin$ 8 CE-- B-OCDE@ ro) O6C&

-C-" call on$oin$ 8 standby card rebooted&

-C-" call on$oin$ 8 )ulti+le sitc!over tri$$ered ro) O6C 8 -C-" s!ould be successul a$ain

Be!avior o CIC lock +rocedure on on$oin$ -C-" call

Be!avior o CIC :E"ET +rocedure on on$oin$ -C-" call

-C-" or intra B"C !andover it!in cluster !en sa)e codec are su++orted in bot! t!e cells&

-C-" or intra B"C !andover it!in cluster !en diferent codec are su++orted in bot! t!e cells&

-C-" or intra B"C !andover diferent cluster&

-C-" or intra B"C !andover !en !andof or one 6" is unsuccessul&

-C-" or intra B"C !andover !en !andof or bot! t!e 6" is unsuccessul&

-C-" !en +in$ +on$ !andover tri$$ered ( it!in sa)e codec #

-C-" unsuccessul durin$ +in$ +on$ it! codec not su++orted

-C-" or 6" across )ulti !o+ )anner&

Intra B"C !andover it! -C-" not su++orted

Intra B"C !andover beteen to cells !en -C-" is not su++orted in t!e tar$et cell&

-C-" or intra B"C !andover it!in diferent BT" bands&

Be!avior o -C-" !en call is +ut on !old ro) ori$inatin$ 6" and later on resu)e it! voice& ()ulti+le ti)e

Be!avior o -C-" !en call is +ut on !old ro) ter)inatin$ 6" and later on resu)e it! voice& ()ulti+le ti)

Be!avior o -C-" !en CF is activated on 6"&

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Be!avior o -C-" !en CFB is activated on 6"&

Be!avior o -C-" !en CFN:y is activated on 6"&

Be!avior o -C-" !en CFN:c is activated on 6"&

Be!avior o -C-" !en conerence (s+lit and retrieve# call is on$oin$&

Be!avior o reuency !o++in$ !en locally sitc!ed are $oin$ on BT"&

Veri*cation o "6" !ile -C-" call on$oin$

Veri*cation o -ON9 "6" ( )ore t!an '% c!aracters # !ile -C-" call on$oin$

Be!avior !en data transer on$oin$ on 6"' and C" call initiated ro) 6"' to 6"/

 To veriy aut!entication 8 ci+!erin$ durin$ on$oin$ -C-" call (Pro+ereitary 6"C#

 To veriy -C-" call it! cell bar reverse ro) TE6" is set to T:E

 To veriy t!e )axi)u) li)it o BT" in a cluster

 To veriy t!e recovery )ec!anis) o ,IF@;6 !en +rocess is killed )anually ( it! sin$le card #(Pro+ereitar

Be!avior !en )ode )odiy ack not received&

Be!avior !en )ode )odiy nack received ro) BT"&

Be!avior !en )ode )odiy ack is delayed res+ond ro) BT"&

Be!avior !en connect ack not received ro) ori$inatin$ 6"&

 To veriy be!aviour !en @T6F Is tri$erred !ile -C-" call is in +ro$ress

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Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

+ + + +, #D-$+! '(

+ + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + #REF! #REF! +


P1 +

P2 +

P +

Setup Tester  






ate +f!e"ut%on

ate +f


ate of










 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status P2 Status P Status

Pass +

"onditional Pass Err='12

Fail Err='12

Blocked Err='12

-n<alid Err='12

9on Testa8le Err='12

9ot /??lica8le Err='12

To Be Executed

Total Err='12

Pr%or%t0 Remar(s &%rst

T%me TestStatus

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Test Plan

Re<. Priority 1

Pass + Priority 2

"onditional Pass + Priority

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed %&

Total %&

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 Feature 256


2 Feature 256


Feature 256


% Feature 256


' Feature 256


* Feature 256


) Feature 256


( Feature 256


& Feature 256


1+ Feature 256


11 Feature 256


12 Feature 256


1 Feature 256


1% Feature 256


1' Feature 256


1* Feature 256


1) Feature 256$90ABS"A2A56A+1)

1( Feature 256


Back to 3enu


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1& Feature 256


2+ Feature 256


21 Feature 256


22 Feature 256


2 Feature 256


2% Feature 256


2' Feature 256


2* Feature 256


2) Feature 256


2( Feature 256


2& Feature 256


+ Feature 256


1 Feature 256


2 Feature 256

$90ABS"A2A56A+2 Feature 256


% Feature 256


' Feature 256


* Feature 256


) Feature 256


( Feature 256


& Feature 256


%+ Feature 256


%1 Feature 256


%2 Feature 256


% Feature 256


%% Feature 256


%' Feature 256


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Test Case es"r%pt%on

To <eri>y tat o?erator sall 8e a8le to ena8ledisa8le 2 ando<er >roC 63".

To <eri>y tat o?erator can ena8le disa8le incoCing ando<er >roC cell.

To <eri>y tat o?erator can con>igure te ?re>erred cell >or ando<er 8eteen 2 7 .

To <eri>y tat o?erator can only add a CaxiCuC o> sixteen :3TSFDD cells as a neig8our o> a cell.

To <eri>y tat o?erator can add a total o> eigteen cells ER/9 :3TSFDD as a neig8or o> a cell.

To <eri>y te de>ault <alues 7 ranges o> ?araCeters releated to "ell Reselection 7 5ando<er 8eteen S3 7 :3TS cells.

To <eri>y tat BS" sall not allo to cange te neig8our list in a cell during dedicated Code o> :E.

To <eri>y tat BS" is sending ?ro?er in>orCation regarding neig8our cell in S- 2G S- 28isG S- 2ter 7 S- 2 Huarter in idle Cod

To <eri>y tat BS" is sending ?ro?er in>orCation regarding neig8our cell in S- 'G S- '8isG S- 'ter in dedicated Code.

To <eri>y tat BS" sall not send 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 to :E i> 2 ando<ers are disa8led in BS".

To <eri>y tat BS" sall not send 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 to :E i> 3S does not ?ossess dual R/T ca?a8ilities.

To <eri>y tat o?erator can con>igure te ?araCeters related to neig8ors like RF Channel number G Scrambling codeG DInformation and cell ID RNC IDG Cell ID within the RNC,MCC,MNC,LC  troug 63".

To <eri>y tat o?erator can con>igure te ?araCeters related to 2 cell reselection i.e. !search"I  G fdd"!min andfdd"!min"#ffset  troug 63".

To <eri>y tat BS" sall send ?ro?er in>orCation regarding neig8our cells in 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 to :E indedicated Code.

To <eri>y tat BS" sall not send 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 to :E i> Ser<ice 5ando<er in /SS-93E9T REQ:ESindicates K5ando<er to :TR/9 sall not 8e ?er>orCed not alloedK 7 @cdCa5oPriorityNTR:E

To <eri>y tat BS" sall not send 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 to :E i> Ser<ice 5ando<er in /SS-93E9T REQ:ESindicates K5ando<er to :TR/9 sould not 8e ?er>orCed. 5ando<er to S3 is ?re>erredK 7 @cdCa5oPriorityNTR:E

To <eri>y eter BS" sall not send 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 to :E i> Ser<ice 5ando<er in /SS-93E9T REQ:indicates K5ando<er to :TR/9 sould 8e ?er>orCedK 7 @cdCa5oPriorityNF/0SE

To <eri>y tat 3S in dedicated Code sall initiate :3TS CeasureCents only en signal strengt o> ser<ing S3 cell >allste !search"I  tresold ?araCeter in case en :3TS is to 8e used >or co<erage enanceCents.  

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To <eri>y tat cell reselection is success>ul >roC $90 cells to external :3TSFDD cells using Culti R/T 3S.

To <eri>y tat "S cannel ando<er is success>ul >roC $90 cells to external :3TSFDD cells using Culti R/T 3S.

To <eri>y tat "S cannel ando<er is success>ul >roC external :3TSFDD cells to $90 cells using Culti R/T 3S.

To <eri>y success>ul -ntersysteC 5ando<er >roC S3 to :TR/9 it sixteen :3TS neig8ours cells.

To <eri>y success>ul -ntersysteC 5ando<er >roC o??ing TR o> ser<ing S3 cell to target :3TS cell.

To <eri>y success>ul -ntersysteC 5ando<er >roC ser<ing :3TS cell to 5o??ing TR o> target S3 cell.

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or e<ery sucess>ul ando<er to te neig8ouring :TR/9 cell. "ount

To <eri>y te -ntersysteC 56SR , 4P- during -nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC S3 to :TR/9. 4P- #

To <eri>y tat 3S in dedicated Code sall initiate :3TS CeasureCents only en signal strengt o> ser<ing S3 cell >allste !search"C  ?araCeter recei<ed in 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 in case en :3TS is to 8e used >or co<erageenanceCents

To <eri>y tat 3S in dedicated Code sall initiate :3TS CeasureCents only en signal strengt o> ser<ing S3 cell exce!search"I ?araCeter in case en S3 7 :3TSFDD cells are colocated.

To <eri>y tat 3S in dedicated Code sall initiate :3TS CeasureCents only en signal strengt o> ser<ing S3 cell exce!search"C  ?araCeter recei<ed in 3E/S:RE3E9T -9F6R3/T-69 in case en S3 7 :3TSFDD cells are colocated

To <eri>y tat QsearcA"Ainitial 7 QsearcA" ?araCeters are res?onsi8le >or controlling te CeasureCents >roC 3S indedicated Code.

To <eri>y tat all te resources sould 8e released in BS" a>ter ex?iry o> tiCer 121 en :E doesnt re?ond to Intersyste$%RN &andover Command  >roC :TR/9 netork

To <eri>y tat BS" sall take ando<er decision o> a ongoing call 8ased on CeasureCents >roC :E o> ser<ing S3 cell 7neig8ouring S3 7 cells

To <eri>y tat Source RNC to target RNC trans'arent information ($M%S) ?araCter contains -nter R/T 5ando<er -n>o :TRs?eci>ic in>orCation and -nter R/T :E radio access ca?a8ility "lassCark -n>orCation Ty?e 2 and "lassCark -n>orCation T5/9D6$ER REQ:-RED Cessage >or -nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC S3 to :TR/9

To $eri>y tat BS" success>ully andles 5/9D6$ER REQ:EST Cessage >roC :TR/9 in -ntersysteC 5ando<er >roC :T

S3.To <eri>y tat BS" sends 5/9D6$ER "633/9D in 0ayer in>orCation in 5/9D6$ER REQ:EST /"496@0EDE Ce-ntersysteC 5ando<er >roC :TR/9 to S3.

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or eac 5ando<er "oCCand sent to :E during -nter SysteC 5ando<eS3 to :TR/9 "ounter 1

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or eac 5ando<er "oCCand sent to :E due to urgency in S3 cell d-nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC 2 to "ounter

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or success>ul 5ando<er /tteC?ts send to :TR/9 cell due to urgencycell during -nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC S3 to :TR/9 "ounter %

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or eac 5ando<er ReHuired sent to :TR/9 cell during -nter SysteC

5ando<er >roC S3 to :TR/9 "ounter ' To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or 5ando<er /tteC?ts sent to :TR/9 cell i> Ser<ice 5ando<er <alue iK5ando<er to :TR/9 sould 8e ?er>orCedK during -nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC S3 to :TR/9 "ounter *

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or no. o> resource allocation >or inoCing ando<er atteC?ts due to loa-nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC :TR/9 to S3 "ounter 1+

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or success>ul resource allocation >or inoCing ando<er atteC?ts due tduring -nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC :TR/9 to S3 "ounter 11

To <eri>y Percentage Success>ul Resource /llocation -ncoCing 56 -nter systeC 4P- during -nter SysteC 5ando<er >roto S3 4P- #2

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or e<ery 5ando<er /tteC?t >roC S3 to :TR/9 during -nter SysteC5ando<er "ounter 12

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or e<ery success>ul 5ando<er /tteC?t >roC S3 to :TR/9 during -nSysteC 5ando<er "ounter 1

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To <eri>y tat S-2 Huat is not sent 8y BS" i> eiter o> cdCaAFdd5o/lloed or cdCaFDD5oSu??ort is disa8led >roC 63

To <eri>y tat neig8ors can 8e added success>ully itout any error ?o?u?s.

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or eac 5ando<er Re<ersion 5ando<er atteC?ts tat ere >ailed 8ulost during -nter SysteC 5ando<er >roC S3 to :TR/9 "ounter 1'

To <eri>y tat ?er>orCance counter sall 8e u?dated >or e<ery ando<er atteC?ts to te neig8ouring :TR/9 cell en 3returned to te old cannel. "ounter 2

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Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

+ + + +, #D-$+! '(

+ + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + #REF! #REF! +


P1 +

P2 +

P +

Setup Tester  





ate +f!e"ut%on

ate +f


ate of










 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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To 8eExecuted

To 8eExecuted

To 8eExecuted

To 8e


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&%rst T%me Status P1 Status P2 Status P Status

Pass +

"onditional Pass Err='12

Fail Err='12

Blocked Err='12

-n<alid Err='12

9on Testa8le Err='12

9ot /??lica8le Err='12

To Be Executed

Total Err='12

Pr%or%t0 Remar(s &%rst

T%me TestStatus

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Test Plan


Pass +

"onditional Pass +

Fail +

Blocked +

-n<alid +

9on Testa8le +

9ot /??lica8le +

To Be Executed (

Total (

S.No. Stae &un"t%onal%t0 Test Case )

1 SysteC Features -dle State $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+1

2 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+2

SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+

% SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+%

' SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+'

* SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+*

) SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+)

( SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+(

& SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+&

1+ SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1+

11 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A11

12 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A12

1 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1

1% SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1%

1' SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1'

1* SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1*

1) SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1)

1( SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1(

Back to 3enu

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1& SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1&

2+ SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2+

21 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A21

22 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A22

2 SysteC Features 0atency $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2

2% SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2%

2' SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2'

2* SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2*

2) SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2)

2( SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2(

2& SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2&

+ SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A+

1 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A1

2 SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A2

SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A

% SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A%

' SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A'

* SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A*

) SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A)

( SysteC Features 0oad 7 Sta8lity $90AST/B0-T;AT"A(

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Priority 1

Priority 2



Test Case es"r%pt%on

SysteC sta8ility under idle condition.

SysteC sta8ility under norCal load

SysteC sta8ility on running 1+k B5"/ 1+k Earlang 6nly "S Signalling load

SysteC sta8ility on running 1+k B5"/ 1+k Earlang '+ , "S and '+ , PS Signalling load.

SysteC sta8ility on running 1+k B5"/ 1+k Earlang '+, "S "all 7 '+ , PS call

SysteC sta8ility on running 1+k B5"/ 1+k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , -dle.

SysteC sta8ility on running 1+k B5"/ 1+k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , 5ando<er.

SysteC sta8ility on running 2+k B5"/ 2+k Earlang 6nly "S Signalling load

SysteC sta8ility on running 2+k B5"/ 2+k Earlang '+ , "S and '+ , PS Signalling load.

SysteC sta8ility on running 2+k B5"/ 2+k Earlang '+, "S "all 7 '+ , PS call

SysteC sta8ility on running 2+k B5"/ 2+k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , -dle.

SysteC sta8ility on running 2+k B5"/ 2+k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , 5ando<er.

SysteC sta8ility on running +k B5"/ +k Earlang 6nly "S Signalling load

SysteC sta8ility on running +k B5"/ +k Earlang '+ , "S and '+ , PS Signalling load.

SysteC sta8ility on running +k B5"/ +k Earlang '+, "S "all 7 '+ , PS call

SysteC sta8ility on running +k B5"/ +k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , -dle.

SysteC sta8ility on running +k B5"/ +k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , 5ando<er.

SysteC sta8ility on running %+k B5"/ %+k Earlang 6nly "S Signalling load

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SysteC sta8ility on running %+k B5"/ %+k Earlang '+ , "S and '+ , PS Signalling load.

SysteC sta8ility on running %+k B5"/ %+k Earlang '+, "S "all 7 '+ , PS call

SysteC sta8ility on running %+k B5"/ %+k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , -dle.

SysteC sta8ility on running %+k B5"/ %+k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , 5ando<er.

BS" ?er>orCance on latency signaling only ceck.

SysteC sta8ility on running 1'k B5"/ 1'k Earlang 6nly "S Signalling load

SysteC sta8ility on running 1'k B5"/ 1'k Earlang '+ , "S and '+ , PS Signalling load.

SysteC sta8ility on running 1'k B5"/ 1'k Earlang '+, "S "all 7 '+ , PS call

SysteC sta8ility on running 1'k B5"/ 1'k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , -dle.

SysteC sta8ility on running 1'k B5"/ 1'k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , 5ando<er.

SysteC sta8ility on running 2'k B5"/ 2'k Earlang 6nly "S Signalling load

SysteC sta8ility on running 2'k B5"/ 2'k Earlang '+ , "S and '+ , PS Signalling load.

SysteC sta8ility on running 2'k B5"/ 2'k Earlang '+, "S "all 7 '+ , PS call

SysteC sta8ility on running 2'k B5"/ 2'k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , -dle.

SysteC sta8ility on running 2'k B5"/ 2'k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , 5ando<er.

SysteC sta8ility on running 'k B5"/ 'k Earlang 6nly "S Signalling load

SysteC sta8ility on running 'k B5"/ 'k Earlang '+ , "S and '+ , PS Signalling load.

SysteC sta8ility on running 'k B5"/ 'k Earlang '+, "S "all 7 '+ , PS call

SysteC sta8ility on running 'k B5"/ 'k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , -dle.

SysteC sta8ility on running 'k B5"/ 'k Earlang 2+ , 0: G 2+ , "S "all 2+ , PS "all 2+ , 5ando<er.

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Total Pass Fail Progress Quality TBE

( + + + +, #D-$+! '(

+ + + + #D-$+! #D-$+! +

+ + + + #REF! #REF! +



P1 +

P2 +

P +

Setup Tester  



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ate ofRe-






 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

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 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To be

Executed To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

 To beExecuted

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Pass +

"onditional Pass Err='12

Fail Err='12

Blocked Err='12

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To Be Executed

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Pr%or%t0 Remar(s



















&%rstT%me Test


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BSC-R2.' Round 1

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2+3ay 213ay 223ay 23ay 2%3ay 2'3ay

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 R3 BSC Release BTS relea Received Date Validation start