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Summary and Findings

Research has showed that Autoglass customers are much happier than the competitors and

they have also showed that they are the best in the service industry comparing to the banking

and retailing sectors. Autoglass is winning the hearts of their customer through their services

and also won a series of awards for being the best windscreen replacement Company among

the competition.

Autoglass has brought excellent compilation of services and their products. They are going

for much larger market segment and expanding in a steady pace by starting from only a small

family business to own 500 branches in all over the Europe.

Autoglass focused mainly on the customer‟s satisfaction and how to maintain the services

efficiently. Their focus on the customer satisfaction has made the pioneer in this field of

servicing windscreen. From the case and research on Autoglass it can be deduced that Auto

glass is in a strong position to confront the competition and face the new challenges that will

arise in the future.

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Table of Contents

Summary and Findings .......................................................................................................... 1

Task 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Explain the role of strategy, mission, visions, objective, goals and core competencies

of Autoglass .......................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Review the vital issues involved in Strategic planning in Autoglass ............................. 4

1.3 Explain minimum three planning technique for Autoglass ............................................ 7

Task 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 10

2.1 Produce an organizational Audit for Autoglass ............................................................ 10

2.2 Carry out an environmental audit for Autoglass using at least two approaches ........... 11

2.3 Explain the significance of stakeholders‟ analysis in relation to Autoglass ................. 13

Task 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 15

3.1 Analyze possible alternatives strategies relating to substantive growth, limited growth

and retrenchment ................................................................................................................. 15

3.2 Select an appropriate future strategy for Autoglass ...................................................... 19

Task 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 20

4.1 Compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation of Autoglass ...... 20

4.2 Evaluate resource requirements to implement a new strategy for Autoglass ............... 21

4.3 Discuss targets and timescales for achievement for Autoglass to monitor a given

strategy ................................................................................................................................ 22

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 22

References .............................................................................................................................. 23

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Task 1

1.1 Explain the role of strategy, mission, visions, objective, goals and core

competencies of Autoglass

Mission of the Autoglass Company

A mission statement is a statement of the purpose of a company (Grant M. R., 2010). The

mission of Autoglass Company is to satisfy of the customers. The Autoglass Company

provides the best windscreen services. This mission of satisfying the customers of Autoglass

Company leads them to plan the visions of their organization (Autoglass Company).

Vision of the Autoglass Company

The Autoglass Company sets its vision in regard with the mission to provide the highest level

of customer service in the industry (Grant M. R., 2010). They have already established a

wide network to serve the customer and have a 92% satisfactory rate among the customers.

Autoglass is growing day by day and this strategy will help them to define the strategic

boundaries of the firm (Autoglass Company).

Core Competency

A core competency is a concept of theory that specifies the factors that a business sees as

central to the way the company or its employees work (Grant M. R., 2010). The core

competency of the Autoglass Company is that they can repair or replace any kind of broken

or damaged glass of any model. Autoglass is providing fleet services to the customers to

repair or replace any kind of broken or damaged glass (Autoglass Company).

Strategic Intent: The concept of strategic intent implies that there is a general view on

where the company should be going rather than a definite statement of an expected outcome

and this means that there should be plenty of flexibility within the statement to allow for staff

initiative, team contribution and adaptation in light of changed circumstances (Ivanauskiene,

N, & Auruskeviciene, V., 2009). The strategic intent of Autoglass is to see itself as the

market leader always. They are doing all the activities to remain leader.

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Role of Strategy of Autoglass

The primary task in strategic administration is normally the compilation and dissemination of

the vision and the operation declaration. This outlines, in essence, the raison d'etre of an

organization (Ivanauskiene, N, & Auruskeviciene, V., 2009). Autoglass has compiled their

roles in strategy making in a way that the strategies maintain a specific time period in the

execution (Autoglass Company).

Objective and goals of Autoglass

The main objective of Autoglass is to satisfy their customer by repairing or replacing broken

windscreen of any vehicle. The goal of Autoglass is to make their business grow and serve

the global customer (Autoglass Company). They are expanding their business by winning the

hearts of the customers.

Strategic Architecture of Autoglass

The strategic architecture of any organization is the process of answering the five

fundamental questions of making the strategy. The questions are compilation of “What”,

“What Else”, “What More”, “What Now”, “How” (Grant M. R., 2010). By answering these

questions Autoglass shapes their strategic structures of the company.

1.2 Review the vital issues involved in Strategic planning in Autoglass

There are few issues that need to be addressed in regard to planning strategies (Grant M. R.,

2010). As this industry is new comparative to the other service industry, new companies have

a possibility to start up a windscreen repairing service because the returns are attractive. So

Autoglass might face competition in near future.

Autoglass is putting their focus on the customer‟s preference and customer service. They

have reached the highest satisfaction level in the service industry just by replacing the

windscreen in a cost effective way. Autoglass should be customer oriented and try to increase

their service portfolio in order to meet with the competition. Given the situation in the case

we can analysis the competitive advantages of Autoglass.

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Competitive advantage of Autoglass

Autoglass is now a prime service provider of windscreen. They already have captured a huge

market segment with their different types of service (Autoglass Company). Autoglass is

growing and it would be helpful to analyze the competitive advantage they have. In order to

do so, we can use the Ansoff‟s Growth Matrix (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., 2006).

Ansoff‟s Growth Matrix is a marketing tool that suggests four alternatives (Ivanauskiene, N,

& Auruskeviciene, V., 2009). As we have learned from the case that Autoglass has increased

its market share and it has an ability to serve 1 million customer having problem with

windscreen. So, based on the capabilities Autoglass can provide customers with existing

product as well as introducing a new product of side view mirrors. In the matrix with four

strategies lie different risks. The strategies are:


Penetration Product



Development Diversification

Existing Product New Product





Figure: Ansoff‟s Model

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1. Market penetration – A market strategy hereby an organization seeks to gain greater

dominance in a market in which it already has an offering (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H.,

2000). This strategy often focuses on capturing a larger share of an existing market.

In this segment Autoglass can increase its market segments by selling more of their

products and attract more customers.

2. Product development – In this strategy Autoglass can bring “side view mirror” a

new product to the existing market of windscreen to capture more customers.

3. Market development – This strategy refers to the attainment of new customer

groups. Autoglass can increase their market segments to capture new customers.

4. Diversification – This strategy is used to avert the risks by introducing new product

in new market to spread the risks associated with older one.

Autoglass Company has huge opportunities in the market. They can increase the growth rate

very swiftly by satisfying the customer, acquiring and retaining them. They can set targets for

three years to attain more customers and develop new products that are suitable to the market

and building demand (Kotler, P., 2000). During the targeted period the Autoglass Company

should prioritize its geographic area; where they will create a huge market and they should

determine the criteria for selecting an efficient supplier who will supply quality products.

Definition of Top-Down and Bottom-Up

Informal Planning: Informal planning is the process where the manager or leader of a team

develops a plan without any conventional structure and rigid frameworks (Grant M.R. 2010).

For certain instant situations managers use this approach where it is not essential to form any

formal structure of planning or the timeline for planning is not enough. It is important to

ensure short term objectives of the organization.

Top-Down: A top-down approach is essentially the breaking down of a system to gain

insight into its compositional sub-systems (Grant M. R., 2010). Autoglass is successful in

using the approach in their product development.

Bottom-Up: A bottom-up approach is the piecing together of systems to give rise to more

complex systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems of the emergent system

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(Grant M. R., 2010). Autoglass is successful in using this approach to provide the services to

the customers.

Behavioral Approach for Autoglass: Autoglass should approach in the Top-Down method in

order to capitalize their resources and to handle the competition in the future. Autoglass is a

growing company in the service industry and the service they are providing will not be

sufficient for them to hold on to the position in the market. They need to come up with

several developments for their product and market so that they might a diversified market for

the customers.

1.3 Explain minimum three planning technique for Autoglass

The techniques that any organization needs to follow in the competitive industry. There are

three basic techniques that an organization can follow. Autoglass should follow one of the

strategies to flourish in the market and capture more customers.

1. BCG Growth Share Matrix

Autoglass can divide their products in such a manner where they can prioritize their

products and manage a synergy in the portfolio (Ivanauskiene, N, & Auruskeviciene,

V., 2009). This matrix shows the organization 4 types of consequences that will be

faced by an organization (Gudonaviciene, R, & Rutelione, A., 2009). It also helps the

organization to know when to invest in the existing product, when to divest all

earnings from the market segment and when to focus on a new business venture.

Placing goods in the BCG growth share matrix Autoglass will face 4 types of consequences

in the market. And they are:

1. Stars: High Growth and High Market Share

It requires a great quantity of cash for which managers need to take decisions

from which the cash will be generated and used.

If managers can make the business profitable and maintain a steady market

share then it will result in the cash cow and the Company can harvest cash

from the business.

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2. Cash Cows: Low Growth but High Market Share

The product will attain low growth in the market but it will have the highest

market share from which the organization will turn in revenues and maintain


3. Dogs: Low Growth and Low Market Share

The time when the product gradually stops to generate any kind of revenue,

the organization should gradually divest from the project to start another.

The organization should also be careful of incurring any unnecessary costs.

4. Question Marks: High Growth but Low Market Share

It indicates to the products that are newly introduced in the market and will

gradually earn mass acceptance.

It also has the risk of making a Dog product. If the market share is not

increased gradually then it would incur loss for the organization.

Figure: BCG Matrix

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2. Strategic Position & Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE)

Autoglass can also use the SPACE planning technique to understand the market

requirements and operate in order to expand the operation. This matrix has four

quadrants indicating the positions of the business organization and how to react

accordingly (Ivanauskiene, N, & Auruskeviciene, V., 2009). In consideration to

Autoglass‟s position in the market they can use aggressive strategy. It can also be

used as the base for SWOT analysis.

3. Profit Impact of Market Strategy (PIMS)

It is a type of database which provides concrete evidence to support policies and

principles for gaining and sustaining competitive advantage (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H.,

2000). Autoglass might maintain a customer service database in order to analyze their

principles and planning process so they can keep track of their success and

implementation of the strategies.

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Task 2

2.1 Produce an organizational Audit for Autoglass

SWOT Analysis


Autoglass is providing a premium service at low cost.

The safety features in the product are high.

The replaced or repaired windscreen provides the high visual clarity

The glasses replaced or repaired by Autoglass is capable of reducing further damage.


Autoglass is reluctant in promoting the brand.

Lack of advertisement is present in the Autoglass Company


Autoglass has the opportunity to increase the growth rate in the industry as fewer

firms are providing such services.


• Low cost

• Safety

• Visual Clarity

• Avoiding further damage


• Increasing growth rate

• High presence in emerging economy

• New Product


• Less promotion of the brand

• Lack of advertisement


• Suppliers Competition

• Geographic Location

• Government Policy


Figure: SWOT Analysis

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It is highly present in the emerging economy and has a huge opportunity to grab the


As Autoglass is repairing and replacing the windscreen, they can also develop new

product such as side view mirrors or rear view mirrors.


Suppliers‟ competition is very high in the industry. It is difficult to determine the

quality supplier.

Geographic location is a common threat to any business if it is not situated in the

proper market.

The government policies play a vital role in shaping the business market.

2.2 Carry out an environmental audit for Autoglass using at least two


PESTLE analysis helps any organization to understand the scenario of the environment

where the organization will operate (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). It is impossible for any

single organization to affect the factors. It influences the strategic decisions that will be taken

by an organization (Gudonaviciene, R, & Rutelione, A., 2009). PESTLE helps the

organization to maximize opportunities and minimize threats.

PESTLE analysis


Political climate in different countries is different and the policies influence the

business strategies.

Stability of governments. This may affect the future conditions in a country.

Taxation policies.


The buying capacity of people influences the purchases of the organization.

Level of economic activity that affects need for windscreen.

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Lifestyle and preferences of people influences the industry.

Social norms that impact the decision to own and use automobiles versus other means

of transport.


Technology relating the designs.

Technology of windscreen manufacture.

Technological developments that may increase or decrease repair or replace of



Legal provisions relating to safety measures.

Law regarding consumer and employment is highly emphasized.


Environmental aspects such as weather, climate, and climate change can affect in the


Porter‟s 5 forces analysis is a type of analysis which determines and helps the management to

understand the overall context of the industry (Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G., 2006).

Porter‟s 5 forces are:

1. The threat of new entrants

Economies of Scale: This means scale economies in the production. In this industry,

this is generally a very low threat

Access to Distribution Channel: It is the ability to distribute the product in the

market and create demand.

Government Policy: Governments can limit entry to an industry through licensing

requirements by restricting access to raw materials.

2. The bargaining power of customers

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Number of supplier Companies: The number of supplier companies controls the

purchasing power of the customers.

Threat of Backward Integration: A buyer has the potential to integrate backward

by producing the product itself.

3. The threat of substitute products

Prices: Prices matter in the industry because buyers shift to the product which is

offering high quality yet having low price.

Access: Access in the industry for buyers has become much easier than it was in the


4. The amount of bargaining power suppliers have

Number of Buyer Companies: The number of companies who are purchasing raw

materials for manufacturing windscreen from number of suppliers.

Threat of forward Integration: Supplier can integrate with customers to produce

the same product.

5. The intensity of the competitive rivalry

Number of Competitors: the number of competitors is comparatively low in this


Rate of Industry Growth: the industry has huge growth potentiality.

Diversity of Rivals: The rivals with new and different ideas of competing will likely

cross each other‟s path and challenge other‟s position.

2.3 Explain the significance of stakeholders’ analysis in relation to


The Stakeholders’ Grid:

1. The top right part refers to the stake holders who influences the strategies and

promote the products.

2. The top left part refers to the stakeholder who influences strategies but they posses‟

low interest in the organization.

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3. The bottom right part refers to the stakeholders who have high interest but low

influence in the organization.

4. The bottom left part refers to the stakeholders who have low influence and low

interest in the organization.

The stakeholders are kept in four classifications so that each stakeholder has their specific

rights and duties in regard of the making the strategies for the organization which will be

implemented for the betterment of the organization. Autoglass has mapped the stakeholders

in the organization so that the stakeholders can perform their duty in regard of the

organization‟s benefit.

High Influence

Low Interest


High Influence

High Interest (Promoters)

Low Influence

Low Interest (Apathetic)

Low Influence

High Interest (Defenders)

Figure: Stakeholders‟ Grid

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Task 3

3.1 Analyze possible alternatives strategies relating to substantive growth,

limited growth and retrenchment

Market Entry Strategy

Organic Growth: When a business organization achieves growth over its own business

which is as same as the beginning of the organization, it is called organic growth. It excludes

any growth that is gained by getting into any other business or merger or acquisition.

Merger: Merger is the process by which two companies gets united and turns into one entity

through legal consolidation. The beginning of Autoglass was through such merger.

Acquisition: This is the process where one particular company purchases another entire

company and establishes itself as the owner. In this process 100% or near 100% ownership

has to be bought.

Strategic Alliance: This is the process where two or more companies agree upon a number

of common objectives and share each other‟s resources to meet those objectives. This

approach is actually an idea that stays between the concept of organic growth and merger or


Licensing: It is the process through which a mother company (licensor) allows another

company (licensee) to use its trademark and sell the products or services on the basis of

agreements on several terms. The terms include the licensing fee that has to be paid to the


Franchising: It is the process, through which a company earns the right to use another

company‟s trademark, business model, operations where the franchisor gives the right to the

franchisee. For acquiring market share abroad, Autoglass might use this approach by

assigning franchises in different locations.

The pioneer in this industry was Tony Bates who started a family business in 1969 and later

on the Company Autoglass started in 1974. By 1983 the both Company merged to become

Autoglass Windshield (Autoglass Company). In 1984 the second part of the Company was

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dropped and from then it was only named Autoglass and it remains to this day. Autoglass‟s

market entry in the industry was by a merger in 1984.

Autoglass initially started the business with merger but they might in future need to get into

acquisition with other automakers to expand their company and extend services to the

customers of new business segment. Gradually the firm began expanding its market and

Autoglass now has 180 branches and 900 mobile fitting units all over UK.

Substantive Growth

Horizontal Integration: In horizontal integration a company forms or acquires production

facility of related or complementary products (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). Sometimes it

may also happen that a company purchases one of its competitors and form integration.

Autoglass might form such integration by linking with other production that are related to its

existing products.

Vertical Integration: In vertical integration a company links with the companies or partners

of the supply chain and in many cases all the partners of the chain stay under a single owner

(Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). Autoglass might engage into vertical integration by linking

with the suppliers and distributors.

Related Diversification: When a company expands its business with some diversification in

the existing product line (Arazy, O, & Gellatly, I., 2012). The new productions are similar to

the existing products.

Unrelated Diversification: It is the process when a company engages into diversification by

introducing new products and services that doesn‟t match with the existing product line

(Arazy, O, & Gellatly, I., 2012). It can be unrelated diversification if Autoglass starts selling

home window glasses or beauty mirrors.

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Limited Growth

Market Penetration: It means penetrating the competitive market by offering competitive

price against the price of the competitors. This approach is used to instantly attack the

competitors by gaining their customers. It is often used to gain sales growth.

Market Development: It means targeting new customer segments and attracting the non-

buying customers of that segment. It helps to increase the market share by adding new

portion of customers. It is possible for Autoglass to develop the market by geographically

expanding the business and reaching the customers.

Product Development: It means developing new products that do not exist currently and

thus attracting customers to buy more varieties of products or services.

Innovation: It means searching out an entirely new need of the customers in the market and

innovating a new product or service to meet that need. Autoglass might try to sort out such

need in the market and introduce an innovated product or service.


Retrenchment: A strategy used by corporations to reduce the diversity or the overall size of

the operations of the company. This strategy is often used in order to cut expenses with the

goal of becoming a more financial stable business.

Turn around: Turnaround management is a process dedicated to corporate renewal. It uses

analysis and planning to save troubled companies and returns them to solvency. Turnaround

management involves management review, activity based costing, root failure causes

analysis, and SWOT analysis to determine why the company is failing. In order to make a

comeback in the industry organizations need to find out the root of the problems and based

on those problems they need to make up new strategies and policies to overcome those


Liquidation: When a business or firm is terminated or bankrupt, its assets are sold and the

proceeds pay creditors. Any leftovers are distributed to shareholders. Liquidating a firm is

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the last stage of the firm‟s survival. If no alternative strategies comply with the organizations

then it needs to sell its assets and then pay up the shareholders and stakeholders.

Divestment: The process of selling an asset. Also known as divestiture, it is made for either

financial or social goals. Divestment is the opposite of investment. It is the process of pulling

out the assets in operation and sells those to meet the gap in the financial problems and in

order to liquidate the organization divestment is necessary for any organization.

Porter’s Generic Strategy

Michael Porter described a scheming that contains three general strategies which are used by

companies to gain the competitive advantage (Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G., 2006). The

generic strategies are:

1. Overall Cost Leadership

2. Differentiation

3. Focal Point

Overall Cost Leadership

According to the situation mentioned in the case, the Autoglass Company uses the cost

leadership approach to enter the market and it is helping to grab more customers than the

competitors (Kotler, P., 2000).


Only cost leadership cannot help an organization to flourish their business. The

organizations need to put differentiations (Kotler, P., 2000). The Autoglass Company

differentiated their service by introducing 24/7 customer advising operations and the fleet


Focal Point

Autoglass is the market leader and best service provider in the UK market in repairing and

replacing windscreen. They are now focusing on the customer satisfaction and the services

they are providing (Kotler, P., 2000).

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3.2 Select an appropriate future strategy for Autoglass

In order to expand the market segment Autoglass Company needs new strategies and new

products which can be helpful for them to thrive the market. So considering future strategy

they can analyze their market need and come up with some development of the new product

to diversify their services and capture a new market segment.

Autoglass should be following the vertical growth strategy to grow their business. They can

go with alliance with automakers to capture the new market segment. Autoglass is in a strong

position and they might be able to go with the alliance with new organizations. Because this

strategy is appropriate for the organizations growth and their core capabilities match with the

strategy. Alliance with related organizations will enable Autoglass to put more focus on the

customer‟s preference and can develop new product category to fulfill the needs of the


Only starting new product line and expanding the market will not alone help the Autoglass

Company to expand in the market. Autoglass should constantly review the feedback of the

customers so that they might know what the customers are looking for and to what level of

satisfaction customers want. Autoglass management needs to define the roles and

responsibilities to the employees so that they can provide the highest level of satisfaction to

the customers.

The Autoglass is at present have a 92% satisfaction rate among the customers. But with

expansion of the business the satisfaction rate might fluctuate and Autoglass need to build a

timescale for the new goals and extension of the new services. Considering the position in the

industry, Autoglass can provide a 5 quarters plan that will be sufficient for Autoglass to cope

up with the competition and maintain alliance with the automakers to expand the business.

Autoglass can benchmark next 5 quarters to comply with strategies they have taken and

fulfill the commitment to the customers.

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Task 4

4.1 Compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation of


Execution of the policy in the organization is very important and it carries a distinct

signification for the organization‟s profit. In the implementation of the policies it indicates to

the policies that are chosen and considered to earn profit for the organization (Melody, Y. &

Kevin, H., 2000). In the tactical phase the policies are revised and the feasibility of the

policies is tested to see if those policies are practical or not (Ivanauskiene, N. &

Auruskeviciene, V., 2009). If the policies fail to attain significant score then it is turned down

and considered as unproductive one. Autoglass is necessary to use extensive filtering

procedures of the policies to grab and retain the market share.

CEO of an organization is responsible for turning the concepts into reality and makes a mark

in the industry (Schultz, H., 2006). To apply efficient and effective policies all the groups in

the organization are united at all stages of the policy making and tactical decision which

results in a well coherent plan and the diversification or modification of the tactics are


Autoglass management has to determine the marketing and sales strategies to ensure the

maximum market share and sales. The sales team should be developed in a way that can keep

up with the competition in the market. Effective advertisements in relevant areas might help

a lot in this regard. The core competencies should be clearly focused to attract the customers.

In order to achieve the targeted market share clear and reliable statements are necessary.

Communal visualizations are required in indentifying and checking the hypotheses, bases of

the policies and propose actions.

Managers need to motivate and influence the employees to execute the policies that are

undertaken efficiently and effectively (Michael A., 1999). Satisfying the target achievement

will result in employee satisfaction and coherence in job environment.

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4.2 Evaluate resource requirements to implement a new strategy for


In order to evaluate the resources of Autoglass, the organization needs to choose the precise

materials and place them in the right departments to produce the services (Michael A., 1999).

Autoglass has prioritized its human resources because as it is a service provider of

windscreens and requires a huge man power to meet the demand of the customers. Autoglass

already has 159 customer advisors working 24/7 to meet the customers demand. Autoglass

also has fleet servicing which requires man power also and they are cautious about their work

force. So Autoglass is spending huge amount in training and developing the skills of the

employees to provide the best service in the industry. Autoglass maintain the highest

standard of NVQ (Arazy, O, & Gellatly, I., 2012).

In consideration of materials and time allocation Autoglass is the leading Company in the

industry because they are using the best materials to ensure the durability and safety of the

customers and also maintaining time in delivering the service.

In the given scenario the Autoglass Company is efficient in their resource planning and

evaluating the resources thoroughly to provide the best service.

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4.3 Discuss targets and timescales for achievement for Autoglass to monitor

a given strategy

Evaluation of the benchmark outcomes:

Quarter 1 The company should be bring up with the strategies and find out the feasibility

of the strategies whether the strategies would reflect in the expected outcome.

They can take the feedback of the customers and find out what else they are

looking for in the windscreen repairing service. There should be weekly and

monthly monitoring by the line managers of the divisions.

Quarter 2 During the period Autoglass should review the customer‟s feedback and

implement the desired plan to expand the business. The line managers should be

responsible for collecting the feedbacks and acting towards it.

Quarter 3 This is the quarter of gathering information and takes research note on the

implemented strategies. The management should find out the gap between the

expected outcome and actual outcome. The GAP might occur because of lack of

coordination or inefficiency of the employees and line managers.

Quarter 4 Management should organize a training program to fill in the gap. So that the

employees can achieve the organization goal in desired manner.

Quarter 5 In this quarter the organization might achieve the desired results based on the

strategy making and the implementation method. If the management fails to achieve

the objectives through the strategies, then they have to initiate actions based on

information like training the employees or providing support to them.


Autoglass has made the windscreen repairing or replacement easier for the customers and

providing services to the customers to their full satisfaction. The Autoglass Company has the

potential to grow and become one of the best windscreen replacement organizations in the


Table: Evaluation of the outcomes

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