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Rebranding Campaign For AMIkidsAMIKAMIKAMIK




Non-profit organizations are appearing everywhere in the United States. With the up rise in poverty, failed communities, and lack of youth organizations the need for nonprofits has become greater than ever. According to Youth Violence,“few after-school activities and part-time employment opportunities, combined with a lack of supervision, leads to increased violent behavior among youth” (Morin). To stop the trend this company has helped more than 105,000 kids transform their lives to experience something more than the walls of a jail cell and become a number on a shirt (AMIkids, 2014). It is one of the only companies that works with juvenile inner-city youth whom have gone through the judicial system and needs help to stop their behavioral problems. So the purpose of this campaign and AMIkids is on education and saving the lives of the youth today and for years to come.

01-1 Research 01-2 Target Demographics 01-3 Persona01-4 SWOT 01-5 Brand Mission

02-1 Competition 02-2 Mood-boards 02-3 Logo Development 02-4 Name & Tag Lines 02-5 Program Identity



Creative Development

Table Of Contents


Style Guide


03-1 Tone and Voice 03-2 Typography03-3 Correct and Incorrect Usage of Logos 03-4 Color 03-5 Logo Clear Space 03-6 Animated Logo

04-1 Website 04-2 Website Navigation04-3 Promotional Items 04-4 Magazine Ad04-5 Phone App 04-6 Twitter & Facebook 04-7 Conclusion





01-1 Research 01-2 Target Demographics 01-3 Persona01-4 SWOT 01-5 Brand Mission




This project, brings awareness, and explores AMIkids and the benefits that it provides for its community and more. This company is a non-profit organization that needs a push in finding what works for them and what keep them successful. It explains who AMIkids is, why they are successful, and what more they can do to make a bigger impact on its consumers and community. This research examines the opportunity that AMIkids have to get the attention of the consumers and what they could embrace to show that they can become a growing company. It hasten to show that design and a cohesive brand is what AMIkids needs to be sure that they continue to help many families and also become relatable.

With evidence and careful research this research is showing the steps that AMIkids should make to create a better brand and whom they want to cater to. Showing how these changes will affect the brand and help them become a leader in their industry. Furthermore,it focuses on how color, statistics, audiences, and fonts can create an atmosphere for any brand that is irreplaceable. Change is a big thing when you have already developed a brand but through this campaign it shows a process that will not hinder AMIkids, but help them blossom and find an identity that is only theirs. In addition, this project describes what their personal goals are and the opportunity’s that they could provide for many of the inner cities in the U.S.


Company Overview

Objectives and Goals

The non-profit organization that is known as AMIkids was once another non-profit program that was directed by one of the two founders, Bob Rosof. After being approached by his old friend, Judge Frank Orlando about the youthful men whom he frequently saw in his courtroom they, along with several others transitioned it into AMIkids. Orlando’s main concern was to try to find other opportunities, work for the teenage men, and if they managed to behave well he tries his best to reward them. This small dream of his and others blossomed into a program that now has 12 residential programs, 18 day treatments programs, five alternative schooling, five family services, and four child welfare programs (AMIkids, 2014)

Many communities struggle with keeping their crime rates. In a recent reading it is stated that factors such as, “Disinvestment, outmigration, abandoned property, and other manifestations of decline continue to plague inner-city communities”(Glickman & Scally, 2008). To avoid the children of those communities from being a part of the crime rates and becoming affected by those ongoing problems, AMIkids works hard to educate them and keep them on the right page. Their goal is to save the children of the communities and to save the future children who come after. If needed, they have no problem in letting the future consumers try out their program, and to find a mentor that can help guide them into a program that will fit their needs.



Effective solutions

Although the program is successful there are several things that keep them away from becoming a top competitor in their sector. Their problems as stated before, comes simply from not being able to successfully bring awareness to whom they are and the things that they do. There are several things that can be done to solve this problem, and the first is to bring awareness to not only the company, but to what it has to offer. Creating materials such as T-shirts, banners, flyers, and more will be sure to get AMIkids the attention that they need from the consumers who need a program like this in their communities. The second method is to change their logo, its appearance, and name to reflect who the company is and whom it is speaking to. The third is to use the testimonial from past and present clients to show potential consumers that their programs work, and what progress some of the youth have made since being a part of the program.


`In order to help the company thrive, appear different, share their achievements, and distinguishing their identity from the competition and from themselves, AMIkids has to become an identity that knows exactly what it wants and more. Through small changes such as color, logo, and presence in different communities and online, this program will be sure to excel against the competition. As each change comes together, AMIkids should have no problem in reaching its intended audience and understanding as well whom they areEvery business such as this goes through a period where they evolve into something better. Also, programs such as this one, is not meant to be hidden in the shadows, but available to help save the futures of our children. It needs to become a place that is not only a safe haven for the children who may face jail time, but a place where futures are encouraged. Making sure that the dreams continue to blossom into a life that will satisfy the young children that they save.



The audiences AMIkids is targeting through these methods are families of juvenile youth from ages 8-18 need help with a behavioral problem, early pregnancy, and children who have one or more felonies on their record and have to find alternative resources to help keep them on the right track. Although they cater to specifically younger children, this program also is reaching out to families whom need counseling and help to mentor the troubled youth.


Target Demographics



AMIkids target audience includes families but the children are one of the main priorities. Here are two young individuals who are the focus of AMIkids efforts. Children with the backgrounds such as these two identity’s represents a vast majority of the children in the world. This program is focused on building a future for souls such as these examples that appear to be lot. They continue to help them and fight to make them better than they ever have been.

Name: Quinton Hall Geographic Location: Brooklyn, NYAge:: 12Gender: Male Educational Level: 7th Grade

Story: Quinton has not always been this way. Before dropping out to provide for himself and at times his grandmother, he put himself into his schoolwork and his education. However, the temptations of quick money and the need to fit in and be wanted slowly started to take over him and the life that his grandmother once wanted for him. Running into trouble with the law seems to be the least of his problems, but if he doesn’t do something soon he will become another statistic of the hood. He wants so bad to fix his record and educate himself, but he’s come to far to back out now. So Quinton keeps to himself hoping that one-day someone will help him straighten his life out before its late.


Persona’s Name: Jessica BarnesGeographic Location: Brooklyn, NYAge:: 17Gender: FemaleEducational Level: High School Dropout

Story: She became pregnant and since then it has been a struggle to keep things situated. She was not able to continue school because she needed to find a way to provide for the baby she was about to bring into the world. Since then she has maintained a housekeeping job. She mainly works nights so it’s hard for her to try to go back to school. She knows that without help, she can’t raise her child on her own or continue to educate herself. She doesn’t believe in abortions but could never bring herself to give the baby up for adoption and she has no faith in the god everyone speaks about because she feels that if their were one she wouldn’t struggle. Also, without the help from the communities or home, she is forced to make so many hard decisions on her own. Her struggle never ends because of the lack of help and there is nothing she can do about it. All she can do is hope for the best for her and her new born child, and work hard just as her mother did to keep things together.



Goal Reveal

To show how AMIkids in many ways out do their competition and finding in their weaknesses what they can improve.

Research, strategist, and deliver new ways to serve the communities and people in the world.

Finding what works and using what int to improve and highlight the problem the eliminate anymore distractions from the company.





• Established place in industry • 44 unique programs that

cater to a variety of needs • Works across eight states

• Misleading logo • Not enough press • Unified design

• A chance to expand • Chance to partner with other

organizations to get their name known potential to get their known potential.

• Companies change their look to gain supporters

• Industry for non profits is enormous and it is easy to get lost in the crowd.



Brand Mission

The mission is to educate, mentor, and provide communities all over the world. Helping the families and children they serve find a way to control their lives to have a better future.





Distinct Qualities



02Creative Development

02-1 Competition02-2 Moodboards02-3 Logo Development02-4 Name & Tag Lines02-5 Program Identity



The three competitors that have promoted a change and affected the way AMIkids work are B.U.I.L.D, Year Up, and Children’s Defense Fund. These three places work hard and have accomplished so much during the time of their existence within the non profit community. To becomes a effective and strong as these here AMIkids will have to continue to make changes and also learn what they have done wrong to make things right within itself. There are several things that each company does and in this section I will list them below along with in red, the efforts that AMIkids take into being better than the competition.


Works not only with kids but business toobuilds recreational centers for kids, and homes for first time buyers developed the College Bound Foundation to send more city students to college.

Helps adults 18-24 find jobs and internships,teaches them skills that will help them beyond their teenage skills ,and help them earn a livelihood. Also, have a 100% placement for jobs and internships.

Established for more than four decades,has 18 CDF Freedom Schools, andhelps with getting kids in need adopted by new families that will tend to their special emotional needs


The biggest thing that differentiates AMIkids is that they deal with children who have been through the judicial system. This is a key thing that makes them unique because there are only a few other programs that deal with kids in this environment like this company.

44 programs that aid the community can elevate it because they all can spread as time goes on an they keep the program at a level that starter non-profits could never achieve.

AMIKids was established in 1969, and since then has transformed 115,000 young adults after being in the judicial system.

Them Us

During the designing process there were several mood board created to access and explain the tone and voice of AMIkids. There were several ideas that were being played with but the most important aspect that need to come across was judicial. Showing the consumers that AMIkids unlike many other works along side the judicial system to operate and care for their consumers.


Mood Boards

Subject: EducationSubject: Community


Final Choice Subject: Judicial System

Logo Development

When developing a logo you tend to look at all the details of all the identity’s you have ever come across. You start to break down the colors, symbols, and sizes of them. In this part of the book are the sketches of the beginnings of the new concept for AMIK. The ideas that surfaced before actually figuring out what would represent them; helped to determine what the company meant to communities. Establishing a connection with the company and finding the benefits proved to be helpful in the final designs.



AMIK current logo is an acronym that dose not explain anything about itself or the company that it represents. In order for the company to be successful every element of the company needs to show emotion and add to the story that it is building. The redesign of the logo is needed because not only does this company need to distinguish itself, but its name needs to mean as much for the company as the mentors do to the children they serve. In changing the name the company will build a personality that no one else can compete with or change.

Logo Development


Old Logo

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK



New Logo


Logo Development





One color primary print logos

One color secondary print logos


Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK

Two color primary web/media logos

Two color secondary web/media logos


Name & Tag Lines

The name AMIK is very effective but as mentioned in the previous page it has very little meaning so the idea was to turn the name into an acronym that can be used in several different elements. Not only does the new name AMIK still identify with who they are, it gives the stability and the maturity that it needed. It helps create a story behind the name as well as the brand and this is what every non profit needs in order to become successful.


AMIKAlternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsThis is more than a name it shows the value of the company and what it plans to do. Creating this name was not hard because AMIK does alternatively mentor the kids that they have in their programs. Instead of jail time they provide a way for them to start a new life.

Your Child. Our Guidance. Better Futures

The slogan says exactly what will happen if you choose to have your child in the programs. With AMIK guidance your child will have a better future. This slogan focuses on the positive instead of bringing up the painful memories of the past. AMIK knows that they cant change the past and only wants to focus on creating progressive futures.


Program Identity

Along with the changes to the logos there was also a need to present each program and allow them to have their own identity. AMIK has been able to distinguish each brand with a symbol but with the new changes each element uses one of the colors from the style guide to differentiate itself. The five programs presented have been established for years and has a value that cannot be duplicated by other companies so it is important to not only present this through text but also through the visual.



Family Service

WINGS Program

Day Treatments

Infinity Schools



03Style Guide

03-1 Tone and Voice 03-2 Typography03-3 Correct and Incorrect Usage of Logos 03-4 Color 03-5 Logo Clear Space 03-6 Animated Logo


The voice of AMIK is patient, soft spoken, and understanding. Within there are commercial advertisements or other for this brand it needs to be presented by a young adult that has been through the program or a woman. When using either of these characters to represent AMIK, the company will be able to reach the audience they want and create a tone that relates to whom they want to cater to in the future.

Tone and Voice



For the companies typography choices I decided to stick with something strict, sensitive, and legible enough for the children and parents who are a part of this organization to understand. There was not a need for anything too playful because it would have taken away form the seriousness of the brand and its place in is sector. Not only does the typography needs to be versatile but also it needs to read as piece of the company without having everything else.

Contra Arial Bold Optima


Correct and Incorrect Usage Of Logo

Here displays the incorrect and correct way that AMIK logo should be displayed. There are only two positions that the new logo needs to be and that is the emblem on the right with the name and tag line or the emblem with just AMIK centered under the bottom of it. These two positions and style will present a clean and organized feel to the logo. Creating a standard size for legibility, creativity, and understanding will make most logos powerful and that’s exactly what need to be done with the new AMIK identity.




Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK


Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK



The color in this campaign is used to evoke emotions such as trust, understanding, and a feeling of commitment to the target audience. This is important because you need the colors to tell a story before the words can. Sometimes with just colors you can tell the clients how you feel and what you feel before they even read the history of the company.

RGB 181,225,224 CYMK 28,0,12,0 PAN 628 C

RGB 56,138,167CYMK 77,34,25,1 PAN 7459 C

RGB 165,30,35 CYMK 24,100,99,18 PAN 7621 C

RGB 114,16,17CYMK 31,100,100,44 PAN 7421

RGB 62,142,135CYMK 76,27,49,4 PAN 5483 C

Primary color

Secondary Color


Clear Space

Alternatively Mentoring Innocent KidsAMIK









1/2 of A

With a logo like the one that I have created for AMIK it is very easy to lose the pieces that mean the most to the logo. In the new design that I have created for this logo there are two pieces that cannot be lost because of the feeling and emotions that it evokes in the logo. The hands make the logo and if this logo is presented too small you loose the details that will make it successful and if too big you present your clients with too much of a good thing.


Animated Logo

Creating a animated version of AMIK new logo is important because now it can not only function as a way to identify the company, but it can add other elements that will make them memorable. Elements such as sound, pictures, transitions, and timing helps strengthen them. it also gives them the ability to use for commercial and even radio ads if it has a unique sound of it s own. Presented here are stills of the way the logo would be presented after or before the opening of their commercials.





04-1 Website 04-2 Promotional Items 04-3 Magazine Ad04-4 Phone App 04-5 Twitter & Facebook 04-6 Conclusion



AMIK’s website consist of many good quality before the change but their was a need for something a platform that both the parents and kids could access easily.

What makes it different?• Account login- Now clients are able to log into an account to check on the progress of

themselves, their children, and their family as they continue through the programs provided. • Less Mess- The website is now organized with six different buttons as well as the additional five

for the programs, that allows the user to get where they need. There are drop down menus that include pages that relate to each other.

• Programs - The programs now have their own page instead of being jammed together all one page. Also as you hover over the programs names, you are allowed to see a small synopsis of what each program does.



Website Navigation

Displayed here is the layout or navigation of how the web page will be designed. It includes the program as well as a way to login to accounts and ways to donate to AMIK.



Locations Press Contact Lend a hand

Login to account


Day Treatment


Functional Family Therapy


Infinite Schools

DonationsNational Media Kit


Join Our Team

Support Us



Our story

Our HistoryFinancial Information



Promotional Items

Promotional items are things that we take for granted from the companies that we design and work for but it has always been a very productive way in getting attention. With the ability to create material such as shows hats, t shirts, and other promotional items AMIK will be able to help consumers become interested in their brand.

What can they do?• Travel or enter areas without having to place them there • Become a walking advertisement. • A good way to reward volunteers and giveaways at pop up events and more. • Shows of the logo changes • Provides students and volunteers with a uniform attire while they are with the program.



Promotional Items

Since AMIK is the key to creating a better life and saving the future; to create a key chain that has a code on it to access AMIK website, and on the other side will be the key to saving your child’s future. This is a good way in getting the clients to want to look up AMIK and find out more about the company.

What can they do?• Good give aways at events and schools • Be a perfect thing to keep and use to pass between friends and family. • Can relate and change with time. • Represent each user in its own unique way.



Infinity Schools are alternative schools that emphasize improving

student citizenship and increasing academic functioning level during

regular school hours. Infinity Schools work in collaborationwith

local school districts with referred youth to receive alternative education

because they are unable to perform within the public school system,

and have displayed disruptive behavior,are facing expulsion, or having

experienced learning disabilities or emotional handicaps.

What are AMIK’s Infinite Schools?

For more info on AMIk and it’s programs



Magazine Ad

This will be an extension of the promotional items and web banners because these magazine ads will be placed in magazines that cater to the target audience which are Parents, Parenting, Family Circle, Family Fun, and other big named articles. The series of ads will speak on the five programs they offer, a pop up event that I will create, and facts about what they have accomplished within the judicial system.


Why does it benefit AMIK’s?• Good form of advertisement. • Can be seen by clients all around the world. • Bring awareness to what they can do and how they do it.


Infinity Schools are alternative schools that emphasize improving student citizenship and increasing academic functioning level duringregular school hours. Infinity Schools work in collaborationwith local school districts with referred youth to receive alternative educationbecause they are unable to perform within the public school system, and have displayed disruptive behavior,are facing expulsion, or having


What are AMIK’s Infinite Schools?

For more info on AMIk and it’s programs visit



8 10 15POP

For more info visit

Halmilton Middle School Baltimore, Maryland



Phone App

For this piece it will tend to my targets market need to stay on the go. Most of the consumers that will use this part of the media mix are parents that constantly need a easy way to interact. The objective of this will be a way to get quick info news and updates on AMIK and as mentioned if they have session, meetings, or their kids made progress in the program they are in. This will include their accounts and daily badges that will give them daily updates to their phones.


Why is this unique?• Makes a way for the clients everyday interaction. • Give a daily tip or news to the clients phone and is specified to fit their needs. • Customizable so that the user only sees the news they want and when they want it.


Twitter & Facebook

Facebook and twitter will be the two main social media outlets that will be connected to the website and app and will gives just as the others updates, facts, and any additions to the company as well as pop up events. This will remain different then the competitors because it will each day or week interact and allow the supporters to ask questions about the judicial system and more and share their stories.


Why is this unique?• Not only is a platform for information, but it uses questioners and statues to interact with the

clients that follow them is a good way in creating pop up events and gaining a following that will allow them to reach cities that they are not currently in.

• Allows AMIK to change their appearance, varies their colors for their logo, and show the current or up coming changes.

• Keeps audience in tune with new judicial laws and counseling tips for the families.



Allowing AMIK and its programs, abilities, promises, and possibilities to change communities will help the youth and families of today become successful. With AMIK it does not just start starts with the brands identity but with your child’s education and future. It does not end with the guidance that the programs give. But, it gives better futures to the generations after.



AMIkids. (2014). Separating a troubled past from a bright future. Retrieved from

Brent an AMI Success . (2013, April 9). . Retrieved June 26, 2014, from Communicaitions, L. (2013, January 13). Does your logo color represent your business?. Retrieved from

Glickman, N. J., & Scally, C. P. (2008). Can Community and Education Organizing Improve Inner City Schools Journal Of Urban Affairs, 30(5), 557-577. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9906.2008.00418.x

Huffington. (2014, January 23). 11 Of The Nation's 100 Most Dangerous Cities Are In Florida. Retrieved from

Khan, H. (2010, July 12). Juvenile Justice: Too Young for Life in Prison?. Retrieved from

Morin, A. (n.d.). Factors Leading to Teen Violence. Retrieved from

Teen Mom. (n.d.). . Retrieved June 26, 2014, from Scholarships For Single Teenage Mothers. (2013, March 9). . Retrieved June 26, 2014, from

Wheeler, A. W. (2012) Designing Brand Identity . (Fourth ed.). Wiley.



Photo References

AMIkinds Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2014, from

Boost Workshops. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

Bliwas, D. B. (Photographer). (2008). Rashawn . [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Brand Awareness. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

Design Services. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

Dual System. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

Krause, T. K. (Photographer). (2002). Woman at The Great GoogaMooga Festival. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Type Design Information. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

ULBOA Community. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2014, from

Young People. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2014, from


Your Child. Our Guidance. Better Futures